5 Deeply Disturbing Unsolved Mysteries in Music

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there's plenty of creepy unsolved mysteries in the world and the music industry has more than its fair share rock stars living a life of excess all too often end up dying young the 27 club for instance legends of music who all died at the age of 27 and yes it's true that drugs and alcohol often play a large role in the Stars downfall but sometimes there's more mysterious factors at play when it comes to an artist's death or even their complete disappearance plenty of these cases aren't really talked about too often overshadowed by more infamous unsolved mysteries like you shot Tupac or biggie but here's a handful of lesser-known mysteries and music that remain unsolved Elliott Smith was a singer-songwriter responsible for recording some truly remarkable and melancholic music he was even nominated for an Oscar for his song miss misery used in the movie Good Will Hunting his songs have also been featured in the popular show Rick and Morty tragedy struck in late 2003 when Smith's girlfriend came back to his apartment after an argument only to find him dying despite being rushed to the hospital he was pronounced dead soon after arriving his death was a much of a surprise to anyone he lived a life of extreme excess after all and had threatened to kill himself plenty of times in the past it seemed as if he had actually followed through with it this time but something about his death was off when his girlfriend entered the apartment to find him Smith was standing with his back to her when he slowly turned to face her she saw that there was a large knife sticking out of his chest he had stabbed himself in the heart suspicion soon arose it's not completely unheard of for a person to commit suicide this way but it's extremely rare most would opt for a far less brutal and painless method after all still Smith was an extreme personality and with that came a tendency to act extremely it seemed completely plausible to some that this would be the way he'd choose to go making a statement in a way but four things make this case suspicious firstly there were no hesitation wounds cuts to the body as the individual has an internal battle about whether they really want to go through with the act or not before finally forcing the blade through it seems almost impossible for a person to kill themselves in this manner without having any also to do with cuts is the fact that Smith's hands appear to be covered in defensive wounds which occur when the person is trying to prevent somebody else from attacking them what's more the blade had been pushed through Smith's shirt people who do kill themselves in this manner almost always remove their clothing so that they can gauge the right spot between the ribs to plant the knife and finally the knife had been shoved into his chest not once but twice it seems unlikely that he would have been able to force the blade through a second time detectives concluded that his death was suspicious and that foul play appears to be a strong possibility though nothing has ever been proved conclusively Eliot Smith's family is adamant that his girlfriend was the one who stabbed him following the argument she denies these allegations wholeheartedly there's a lot of mystery surrounding Jesse Presley the twin brother of Elvis most people aren't even aware that the King had a twin but don't be too surprised if you didn't either Jesse died during childbirth though over the years he's become the subject of a number of convincing theories there are those who believe that Jesse didn't die at all but was instead sold to a richer family that couldn't have children themselves Elvis's family was extremely poor after all and coping with two children may have been impossible for them there are even books that have been written about the topic though for the most part this is all just speculation more strange is the impact that Elvis's separation from his brother had on him his entire life Elvis was consumed by guilt many who knew him could tell that he never really came to terms with his brother's death and that he always felt like a part of him was missing the in conversation Elvis would openly talk about how Jesse would communicate with him as a voice in his head and even appear in his dreams this is known as the twin 'less twin phenomenon to this day nobody truly knows why it is so universally felt by almost every twin that has lost their sibling even before they learn they had a twin in the first place one thing many twin 'lest twins have in common is that they blame themselves for the death of their sibling Elvis was no different he would confide in his friends his belief that he killed his brother in the womb and that it was now his duty to live for the both of them as such jesse is viewed by many as the driving force behind Elvis's music and the reason he was able to connect with so many people at the same time the guilt bird Elvis felt over his brother's death is seen as one of the major reasons he spiraled out of control in later life had Jesse not been stillborn would Elvis have self-destructed the way he did with the two brothers have gone on to become the twin kings of rock and roll would Elvis have even felt such a strong urge to chase the fame that he saw as his destiny the reason that he survived and Jesse didn't these questions can't be answered what is both creepy and heartwarming in equal measure though is that not long before his death in 1977 Elvis spoke of a dream he had where he and his brother were reunited playing a concert together in his own words Elvis said we were dressed alike wearing identical white jumpsuits and we were both playing matching guitar slung around our shoulders there were two blue spotlights one shining on him one on me and I kept looking at him and man he was the spitting image of me I'll tell you something else Jesse had a way better voice than me Bobby fuller was a musician in the 60s best known for his version of the song I fought the law which was also later famously covered by the clash his music still lives on but Bobby's life was mysteriously cut short in 1966 just as he was starting to make his mark on the music industry the 23 year olds body was found in the driver seat of his car just outside his apartment in Hollywood his face shoulders and chest were covered in bruises and he was doused in gasoline even stranger than the state of his corpse was the fact that the LAPD quickly ruled his death as a suicide without even brushing for prints or conducting any interviews as you can imagine it's more than just Bobby's friends and relatives who believed he was murdered his car had been parked outside his apartment for less than 30 minutes before his mother came outside to bind him dead and yet his body was already in an advanced state of rigor mortis suggesting that he must have died long beforehand there were also no keys in the ignition so who drove his car to the apartment and placed his body in the seat it's been suggested that the infamous cult leader Charles Manson may have ordered the killing and others have speculated that the Mafia may have put a hit out on Bobby due to his involvement with a woman who had connections to the mob his brother and fellow band member Randy even published a book about Bobby's death saying he believes that the mob did have Bobby killed after he tried to back out of a deal they had a stake in were the cops paid off too scared to interfere with the real culprits what did they possibly have a hand in Bobby's death themselves we'll probably never know Richey Edwards one of the members of the Welsh band Manic Street Preachers he's regarded as one of rock's greatest lyricists having penned some of the most poetic and politically charged words ever put to music at a young age his band had found success and rich he had achieved both fame and fortune the band's future and his was full of promise and yet in 1995 at that fateful age of 27 Ricci mysteriously disappeared and has never been heard from since so what happened to him on the 1st of February 1995 Richey was scheduled to catch a flight to the US for a promotional tour but he intentionally never made the flight instead he checked out of his hotel in London at 7:00 a.m. and reports say that he got into his car and drove all the way to Cardiff Wales not much is conclusively known about what happened next Ritchie suffered from depression NAMM was known to self-harm for instance in 1991 after arguing with a journalist from Enemy about the values and seriousness of the band Ritchie carved the words for real in was armed with a razor blade after not being heard from it started to appear as if Ritchie had committed suicide his car was found abandoned near by the seven bridge just over two weeks after he disappeared it showed signs of having been lived in but that doesn't explain the mysterious events that occurred before and after he vanished what's strange is that Ritchie had withdrawn 2800 pounds from his bank account just before disappearing why would a man who planned on killing himself take out so much money beforehand the theory that he's still alive is backed up by a number of reported sightings of him as well only a couple of weeks after Richie disappeared he was spotted at a passport office her taxi driver also claims to have picked him up and dropped him off in South Gloucestershire in the years after he vanished there have been multiple reported sightings of him in the Canary Islands what's more the investigation into Ritchie's disappearance has been described as far from satisfactory Ritchie was tiring of stardom the lifestyle was too much for him prompting him to turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism which in turn led to him being admitted to a psychiatric hospital in 1994 only the day before he vanished he called up his mother telling her that he didn't want to catch the plane to the US did Ritchie really kill himself or simply faked his own death to escape the rock star lifestyle that was starting to take its toll on him well no one really knows for certain either way in 2008 after having been missing for so many years Ritchie was declared legally dead despite nobody ever being found Peter Ivers was an alternative musician known for writing some truly eerie music such as in heaven an extremely creepy song featured in one of the most unsettling movies ever made Eraserhead even more horrific however nears the way that he died the 36 year old was found in his Hollywood apartment bludgeoned to death in his bed with a hammer there were no signs of a struggle somebody invaded his home in the middle of the night and ended his life as he slept Ivers was well-liked and had many celebrity friends and connections in the Hollywood area when news of his death spread his apartment was flooded with mourners who came to pay their respects unfortunately his popularity would become the reason his murder was never solved the police failed to secure the crime scene due to the huge number of friends and fans who arrived at the apartment as a result it suspected that crucial evidence that could have helped solve the crime may have been destroyed or compromised Ivers was lightly killed during a robbery though why the criminal felt the need to kill him remains unknown since Ivers appears to have slept through the entire ordeal his murder remains unsolved to this day and due to lack of evidence that's unlikely to change hi guys lazy here and thank you very much for listening if you want to hear any of the songs I talked about in this video I've left some links in the description view because obviously for copyright reasons I can't actually use them in the video not without getting the proper licensing etc yeah yeah yeah you get it but yeah definitely check out some Elliott Smith because some of his stuff is just really great and is really worth your time as always don't forget to smash that like button or I'll smash you and I'll have another story video for you guys very soon so until then stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,658,873
Rating: 4.8604136 out of 5
Keywords: scary, creepy, true, creepypasta, real, scary true stories, lazy masquerade, mr nightmare, rob dyke, corpse husband, unsolved mysteries, solved, mysterious, disturbing, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, love, romance, crazy, most, new, best, long, long video, 4chan, 2chan, reddit, elliott smith, elvis, relaxing, study music, music, song, lyrics, baby, scariest video ever, strange, 911 calls, search and rescue, deep web, unexplainable, Halloween, why, how to, in the world, video, richey edwards
Id: mB8iuajZAR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2016
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