40 Infinite Dimension EASTER EGG Secrets (Minecraft 1.16 April Fools Update)

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so a couple days ago Mojang released their April Fool's snapshot for 2020 and with it came infinite dimensions added in to minecraft via their nether portals but little did we know at the time that they would also be adding in 40 secret Easter Egg worlds for us to explore and discover and in today's video we're going to be covering all 40 of those videos spending only 20 to 30 seconds roughly on each of those dimensions so that you can get a quick and first look at each of these special worlds let's jump in we start our journey today with the latest snapshots /warp command that's are gonna reach all of these Easter Egg dimensions now we're gonna start with our very first one here ant now if you didn't know we covered this in our snapshot video on Wednesday covering the April Fool's update and this first dimension is actually forming a special design known as lenghtens and which has something to do with Turing tests and artificial intelligence and you'll find out more information by checking out the wiki page linked in the description of today's video as well as the one on our April Fool's video from Wednesday this is going to continue to take shape of whatever the heck this ant is allegedly but it's gonna take a long time so if you want to find out what the final design looks like check out our Wednesday video for now we move on all right so this next dimension is basic and the idea for basic is that it is simply a diagonal maze pattern that looks very similar to mazes that are generated using the basic programming language this will continue to go in all directions for assumingly an infinite amount of time and hey if you're feeling keen you can make some new slime friends while you're here oh boy they are loud next Easter Egg dimension is warp black light and as you can see here essentially everything in this world is completely black in the daytime including mobs so if I were to try and summon in a pig here you'd see or at least hear that it's pitch black now if we were to go to night however you'd notice that things start to get lighter in the middle of the night if we were to go to pitch black middle of the evening everything starts to get bright and you can see once again this next Easter Egg dimension is brand and also showed up in our previous snapshot video this is just a world filled with creepers and apparently occasionally just a whole bunch of stained glass that leads into the void but as far as the eye can see there's nothing but creeper faces all over the place it's it's really interesting to be honest I'm kind of a fan of this one mostly because I love creepers especially ones that don't explode this next dimension is known as bridges and it's literally just a dimension with randomly generated stone bridges everywhere specifically and stone bridges and there's n rods and boy if this doesn't seem like some kind of dystopian nightmare I don't know what is it kind of reminds me of labyrinth just every single direction you go just bridges as far as the eye can see with nothing but void underneath right a little weird this next Easter Egg dimension is known as busy and at a glance it seems like a normal enough biome however upon closer inspection you'll find that all ORS in the world have been replaced with either their diamond coal gold block variants or red stone components like Pistons hoppers servers and etc this dimension is known as checkerboard and it features all the different color blocks in a checkered pattern from terracotta to wool Clay's stained-glass stained glass panes etc etc would not recommend you stay in this world too long it starts to lag out terribly now this next dimension is chess it dimension nearly identical to the overworld with the exception that the world is covered in a checkered pattern wherever you go including some of the blocks yes that's right these aren't actually black blocks they are just black colored sand black coloured reeds black colored water all over the place for the entirety of the world are those dolphins oh I love them whoa even the Dolphins are flashing black and white awesome warp colors is the next dimension we show off very Microsoft reminiscent to be honest each of the different quadrants of the world have been divided up into green yellow blue and of course red now it looks as though the oh wow even the cactus turned red over here this is a very cool quadrant and it looks like it would go in every single different direction for an infinite amount of time you guys are gonna love this next dimension right as it loads in oh here it this is content and what do you look at I'm not I just said but what do you know look at this warp content takes you to a skyblock survival dimension if we go inside this chest you'd see exactly everything you need lava bucket beacon bucket a pufferfish melon sliced sugarcane pumpkin and a new block box of infinite books very curious ooh hello what do we have here whoa ah right more on this block in a future video it's a brand new one but like I said I'll talk about that later this one is warp credits and we saw it in our previous snapshot video but this is legit the credits of Minecraft as you can see we've got notch at the top Jeb and everyone else that's involved in this awesome game and as far as I'm aware you can continue to scroll all the way down to see all of the people that are involved in this awesome game now there's a couple of other dimensions that have these various text files that will happen across but this is a really cool I mean this is just awesome I love all the dimensions but hey shouts out to the Minecraft team for this amazing game this is warp custom dimension with a caution floor pattern and two signs that say under construction I owe you one ex custom whirls yes and for those who that don't understand the reference they removed the custom worlds type and I believe 1.14 or 1.13 when they added in the buffet world so my guess would be that these are coming in the near future in fact this may be kind of what we're seeing a preview of right now this dimension is called darkness and the idea here is that this is a world with no lighting except for around where you spawn in in-game look at this everything goes completely pitch black the moment you leave your spawn zone talk about us I'm tell you some of these dimensions are just begging to be minecraft let's play survival skies let me know in the comments section once you've seen all the different dimensions which one of these you'd like me to take on as a survival let's play I might just do it this dimension is decay now this dimension of Piersol are the overworld except that it gets more and more broken the further and further away from spawn you get and you'll start to see it taking shape right now with random blocks both being placed and being removed as you get further and further away from spawn if we were to go into a spectator mode and really start flying through you can really see this in action as this world just starts to get nastier and nastier and nastier until you're left with I don't know something that maybe Thanos snapped at look at this this next warp is the fleet warp a large fleet of end warships in a grid pattern generated by the between biome added in this latest snapshot as you can see here on the biome type we're ending between biome and if you didn't see our other snapshot video you would also notice something quite interesting about the chests in these warships they only contain two books and each of these books are different orders one of which says discover something and the other which says destroy something and there's more books with different instructions found in each of these ships what are they about well you can find that out in another video we're planning on making in the near future for now I don't want to go where these guys are going up next is the gallery this is a special dimension indeed it's a quartz path museum featuring DNA shaped sculptures of random blocks all over the place yes very very odd indeed looks like the water does not want to play nice with a couple of these DNA strands but hey this could also make for a very interesting survival let's play I'd love to see this one play out and yes most of these dimensions they just keep going and going so you'll be able to find whatever blocks you need in very due time this dimension is the holes biome which is just a Minecraft dimension that has a whole bunch of holes placed all over in various different forms circular form square form presumably some triangular forms taking shape here in there kind of looks like the crater of the moon with just random just dance in the landscape oh man like imagine would have this poor village even the house the doors only have one dude how do you manage to live here man this next one is warp isolation a house in a dirt flatland that contains a villager what's that villagers name well that villagers name where is he oh well we'll be aggressive dogs built his name is Bob home sweet home Wow nice portrait dude bob has nothing to trade but he does have three dogs we've got their cousin Jim Bob's other dog and Bob's dog oh it's Bob dog Bob's other daughter in there cousin Jim who's even a basement down here that bob has numerous other bookshelves you know the box of infinite books that we saw earlier as well as some chests with nothing of value inside but he does have some signs outside that say go away as well as ingen rectum right this next warp is the library warp which again we've got a returning guest here the box of infinite books upon which right clicking will gain you a whole bunch of infinite books and hey heck of a library gotta say the more you look around the more you see that it just keeps going down and down and down and down and down Wow a whole mess of libraries and if we were to go ahead and leave that area you'd see that the libraries also continue to stretch in essentially every direction it's going slower than we can move around it just keeps going imagine reading all these we've seen warp llama before it's a flat bedrock world but if you were to go underneath and let things load in just a little bit you'd find something a little bit more devious but we did miss something when we looked at this place last time and we're not going to this time you've got your room you've got another portal or a lack sign and enjoy sign a llama what do you mean what hey easy does it but more importantly hidden in one of the corners of each of these individual eyes lava lava rooms you can find yourself a chest now what does this chest contain a book and what does the book say nothing to solve well we can move on this is warp message and down here we can see some fire flames and these fire flames actually spell something out we apologize for the in convenience and and that's it this is the warp missing dimension you're met with glowstone quartz some iron golems and one of the coolest shrines I've ever seen and are these nether right blocks tears oh these are the SWAC you stairs ever heading up the stairs you're met with a chest with the two footprints inside another strange item and underneath the beacons you'll see right over here this is not a sign here's the notice dimension oh gosh oh oh gosh it's a flat dimension made out of note blocks that play random instruments and pitches despite having no redstone signal no power no player input nothing Oh away from me too much heading to warp nothing present you with something very interesting apparently nothing but is that really the case spoiler alert it's not if you had these teleportation coordinates you'll be met with a single grass block and a sign that said ha I lied this is it nothing Oh warp origin gets you to a unique dimension indeed this may look familiar if you go to your f3 screen you can actually see the little cursor that makes up this origin point now other than that this dimension is pretty empty this is the origin point of all things in Minecraft it's something I don't know up next is the pattern warp and as you can see here that's what we're getting a whole bunch of but just dimension with a grid that has black and white patterns in each cell and each layer of each cell is a number in binary forming patterns across the cell neighboring cells started incrementing numbers except for a slit across the x-axis each grid square differs from each of its neighbors by one single block yes I am reading from the wiki page I'm not that smart but hey explore on your own this is warp perfection this is a dimension with infinitely repeating cobblestone rooms very simple in nature capable of spawning and mobs in this dimension if we were to go into one of these rooms you'd see that it just continues to scale outwards in every thing direction also for those familiar shouts out to direwolf 20 this is the pillars warp this is dimension with tall cylindrical obsidian pillars the bottom there's some like desert yeah big old clouds big ol pillars all over the place and it looks like they even reach all the way through with some space between the pillars and the landscape itself weirdest ender dragon boss fight ever here's the retro warp check this out big ol boy alert love the color scheme retros a black world a lime grid outlining chunk sections on the ground kind of reminds me of some vapor vaporwave vapor where what is it what are the kids like these days yeah this stuff just keeps going forever it is pretty cool though here's the rooms war this is a dimension divided by large brick walls and ceilings constructed on the top and on the ground and going into this mode you can see that we dug into a giant room with some sand at the bottom and if we're to move over you'd see that the dimension continues to carry on being built out there's just giant brick walls every single direction it's kind of funny another interesting let's play concept you need to see near the bottom there's actually a door that takes you in between each of these walls so hey have fun with this one this is the shapes dimension this is a measurement of the shape that's it different blocks taking form into different shapes wherever you walk around carpets block types rainbow pyramid stacks diamonds balls diamonds anyways fans of sethbling will recognize warp sky grid this is every single block placed at an appropriate length distance between one another another fantastic let's play opportunity to be found in this world and it just keeps going forever forming a very unique pattern when you look at it at certain angles I see stars over here I see stars up there - good luck surviving on this one warp slime is basically the overworld except every single block is made of slime is all I wanted everything above ground is buried in a ten-block thick layer of slime so you'll actually see the other blocks underneath all this slime but you're gonna have to dig through a whole mess of slime to get there this is the spiral dimension it's a world a large spiral made out of mossy cobblestone yo it is literally a spiral if you were to try and follow this all the way around oh dude you'd probably have the worst time and look at it just keeps going Yeah right good luck getting out of this maze actually probably be pretty easy it would just take forever this is a dimension known as sponge it's a structure resembling a meander sponge and it's made out of sponge blocks mm-hmm pretty cool it's supposed to be the idea that each of these cubes forms a smaller version of the cube that it's all within and boy it just keeps going and going and going in every direction man water doesn't stand a chance in this world here's another snapshot one we saw this is the terminal warp it basically is replicating a terminal window on various different operating systems here to try and type something here well you've probably run into a couple problems and here's another example block this is the cursor block which will actually change color alternating between black and green again all of these blocks in an upcoming video where we cover even more secrets that this snapshot has offered to us this is the tunnels dimension it's just giant tunnels that go in all sorts of different directions made out of C lanterns seriously you navigate around here well you might have some trouble because there's some dead ends here and there but boy another example of a good maze map for you guys to try and explore although probably not good for survival there's just C lanterns this is warp wall this is the giant bedrock wall that runs along the x axis x equals zero with an iron door at the zero zero mark and at the bottom various interesting colored lands on one side is red and on one side is blue and at the x equals zero and Z equals zero access you'll find an iron door Wow serious divide the zones dimension is a normal overworld except every once in a while you're running to a zone block which is kind of like an Arab with green particles however stepping into it will give you blindness and poison so I would highly recommend you stay away from these zones and try and do a let's play in this world now before we get to the final special dimension shouts out to three bonus dimensions we can go to warp red which will take where you are in game and essentially turn it completely red number two is warp green for our bonuses which will be the same exact world again except now in green form and as you saw just a second ago our third bonus dimension is warp blue which will do the exact same thing the entire landscape is going to turn either red blue or green depending on which of these colors you choose and with that direct your attention to what I've typed in this is warp this is a very long phrase that hopefully is not in any dictionary heading here will take you to the final Easter Egg dimension with one final message for us uh uh you didn't say the magic word that's right this dimension actually changes twice I mean the correct passcode will change the nature of this warp which we have seen right here the realtek says hello only purpose of this message was to troll completionists and put my name somewhere in minecraft again I hope it wasn't cracked by accident it was obviously supposed to take more time than other phrases written during time of plague by Bach yes lower case because civitate all these worlds are yours except Europa use them together use them in peace through up with a moon sold separately ladies and gentlemen that is every single secret dimension how to get this text to pop up on this last one well I'll let you figure that one out on your own but again let me know which of these dimensions was your favorite and which of them you might want to see a survival let's play off and subscribe for future Easter egg snapshot content as well as a whole bunch of other cool stuff well see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,314,536
Rating: 4.8691163 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 40 easter egg worlds, easter eggs, snapshot, 1.16, strider, new mob, 20w13a, minecraft 1.16, minecraft snapshot, 1.16 snapshot, nether update, logdotzip, minecraft news, changed update, new snapshot, new blocks, new minecraft block, 20w14infinite, portals, dimensions, infinite dimensions, secret dimension, minecraft april fools, new minecraft dimensions, dimensions in minecraft, rare, secret, infinite, dimension, warp, strange dimensions, 20w14, Minecraft but, new block
Id: iuCWprLaoJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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