This Update RUINED My Minecraft Hardcore World!

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before this video starts remember this motto what happens in today's episode stays in today's episode enjoy this could potentially be an incredibly bad idea welcome back into my minecraft hardcore world which is over 60 episodes long we are spend six hundred and sixty five minecraft days in this world and today I could potentially ruin it forever so yeah we're doing a pretty big experiment today with one of the brand new Minecraft snapshots the infinity updates I know it sounds weird it definitely is but we're gonna try it I've managed to install it on my hardcore world which normally you can't do you can't load up your normal worlds in Minecraft but I've done some hacking some smartness has happened and we are now inside a pretty broken weird and a little bit phenomenal of a snapshot so let's do this shall we this right here is the item that we have been gifted for today so this is a brand new item called the box of infinite books and I know you're thinking this isn't a mod this is not a mod in my hands I am holding something that has been added by the Mojang team it's an official minecraft item called the box of infinite books now if I plop this down it changes color depending on how many times you put it down so if I do this then pop it down again was it red before I'm confused red eyes changed it's green now so this definitely does work so let me just chop it down again put it down it's now red again oh okay I didn't mean to do that but surprise if you right-click it there are enchanted books inside with random like letters and numbers and this update has added in over two billion dimensions two billion and we're gonna try and explore them today they're completely random we're not gonna do every single one but another thing that's very interesting for you guys that regular viewers of the hardcore let's play is that we've done every single advancement in Minecraft every single one but they've added one today in this update right here that is impossible we need to visit over 1 billion of those dimensions minecraft have officially added an impossible achievement I mean it's not impossible but how if you take one second to visit one dimension you're gonna take a billion seconds I don't know how long that is that's a long time and I'm not prepared to do that it took me long enough to steal a shocker from the end so that's interesting so we're not gonna be able to complete all of the advancements in this particular Minecraft world but what we're gonna be able to do is explore some of these dimensions all we need some of these books we'll need the box of infinite books we can keep using it over and over again and we need probably gonna need golden boots but we're also gonna need like our main armor as well just in case things get a little bit crazy because these dimensions are ridiculous should we go ahead and do this I think we should that's actually use this for once and just to prove to you we are in the normal hardcore world everything is up to date these are the guys that we caught last time how you doing fellas are you I can hear I don't think they like you here but they're stuck they have no choice so the way this works is you get the box of infinite books you place it down and this is actually gonna give us a different serving from the books but these ones right here I kinda want to get rid of this ones there's pop that one in there but this one we accidentally got at the beginning you throw it into another portal and this happens it goes a different color so it's currently going dark purple if I change it again so if I do this this is another different book if I do it again it's gonna change that pink color it's a little bit glitched at the moment but it will change pink so let's go ahead to the pink dimension let's do it I've got my sword ready I've got my totem ready just in case as well oh oh are these weight of these target blocks holding a second oh it's laggy oh it's real laggy what did they do what did they do I don't know about this one this one's like a target dimension oh it's so laggy it's weird but I think these are wolves stairs guys they've invented new blocks is this a wolf stair oh yeah I think that's wolves stair that's so weird oh it's got like loads of glass blocks no wonder it's laggy okay I want to get out of this one this one isn't as impressive as I thought it was gonna be so oh oh they turn green on these turn orange I'm out I need to get out of this one this one isn't fun this one's breaking my game okay we good yeah see look it changed the color it's so cool so let's grab the book from this one actually and this is the original one we had so let's grab that and put it oh look it's by could anyone's late that I think is by Hera brian has to be by Hera Brian but this is the original one we had this throw that in there this can be the dark purple one it goes by the particles let's eat a carrot let's go into the next one that's hope but it's not as like years before here we go and we have arrived whoa look at the particles what on earth what is this I need to have a look oh oh I'm green no real life but look at this ancient what this is all agent debris are you kidding me wait wait wait this is all ancient debris this is what we've been looking for ah no way I don't know if we're gonna keep this this could be cheating this is definitely and I'm gonna take a few bits though definitely gonna take a few bits this is crazy got my all oh we got a lot of mushrooms I'm hearing slimes too you guys okay hello I can't find you look at all of these mushrooms dude this is so strange is this a ship as well pretty sure this is like a normal pirate ship here it's got chests and everything Oh everything's like greed what poisonous potatoes in here suspicious to which I'm definitely not going to eat so I feel like dying I don't want to go too far from the portal because I'm definitely gonna get lost this is so weird I feel like I should leave everything I find in here right I actually want to test the debris I'm gonna take the debris with me we've got snow we've got a random starter chest as well which is kind of nice a little farm going on maybe someone's already lived here this is so weird a copy we found the ancient debri portal and another thing you can do as well is you can put in or there is hello you I'm gonna go back through and do another one but what another thing you can do is you can name certain books throw them in the portal and they'll give you a specific dimension like a predetermined one let's go and do that now there's over 40 of them and I've got a list of their names just to my left this could potentially break everything how'd you break everything I'm kind of scared they ancient debri stay with us wait wait oh you have to smell it on you oh I'm seeing I'll definitely Chi and I feel bad just for a second so book better ink sack book and quill I don't think yeah you can't stack these let's do 5 just for now this is so weird yeah we got nether write scraps guys very very bad not please forgive me oh there's a spider on my ceiling I don't like that at all yeah this is bad should not be doing this should not be doing this how do I make nether right though you need gold as well yeah we definitely shouldn't have this I feel like we're doing a disservice to the hardcore world by keeping this so let me just place it just place one in there and then the rest can go in there we'll decide what to do with it at the end because I think this is this is definitely cheating I might have to revert changes okay so now we need to choose one that we want to go to there's one called ant which is interesting so that sounds good we just need to open up our book and quill type in the word and sign it and such as do sign and closed apparent if we throw this one in this one will give us the ant dimension which is meant to be really weird and then we're gonna test out a few of these so uh BAM did it work I don't know if that worked bro at all oh wait oh hold up it did work oh oh this is weird Oh what is this it is blank there's meant to be some kind of like ant block in here but I'm not seeing it oh this is so odd but also very cool I love that they've added this I'm so happy that we can explore in hardcore as well risking our life for Minecraft science so I'm gonna just run in one direction we're gonna go this way all the way and see what happens apparently that's supposed to be like a block that starts drawing stuff but I don't see it I don't see no block and that nether pool was getting very very far away it's just on the horizon I'm gonna get lost here oh yeah definitely all down there oh no no I just remembered that I am in you know I mean hardcore mode should we do a little fly around I think we should that's better and block where are you I don't see it right let's go name another one I will see you later weirds dimension well this next one's going to be very fitting this next one is called isolation apparently will contain a friend for us so isolation sign and clothes throw it in oh that one's going green oh I like how we can use our actual portal as well so let's um head in here and see who awaits us on the other sides maybe another time traveler what on earth oh this one's actually like full of dirt there's supposed to be a guy here why is there no guy here but Bob it's supposed to be a guy could Bob here hello why are all of these ones blank that's so strange I reckon this is a little bit bugged maybe because I put it into my hardcore world so we should just go and do the random ones but you can get a list of all of them if you want to try out this snapshot it's still available yeah these ones are bugged for me ok I'm out I'm out I wanna break anything else or do I let's get rid of these book and quill is real fast we don't need those we just need to keep rinse and repeating this so this will give the same book every time you right-click it until you pick it up and replace it so this will give us a different one look at that portal though can we have a petition please to make it so that we can die on nether portal colors I think that'd be sweet right this one's gonna be kind of a pinky color again I'm pretty sure this would be different though 2 point 1 billion dimensions oh no wait it's the same one what are the odds hold up wait hold on a second these are actually the same ones I might need to grab myself another one of these oh wait it's run out of books it's not you run out of books help how can it run out of books I didn't know it could oh wait there we go maybe it depends on where we place it in the world ah we're learning so this one's light blue let's go in this is definitely gonna be a new one see we're learning things you have to place it in different places oh oh yeah yep let's not fall out of the world here dude what there's a lot of things that could kill me here that's made out of terracotta and cuz we've got a leecher we could actually fly around this oh the mist is all green it's like oh there's a lot of skeletons here let's not get shot out of the sky that would be a bad idea and let's not lose our portal either it's definitely not a zero-zero there's a cave down there can you see it like a see-through cave system wow it's a full-on mineshaft just chilling dude that's cool that's so cool right let's go wait I haven't thought about how I'm gonna and this oh no oh no oh no oh obviously I almost died how am I gonna land this dudes this is really tricky okay I'm gonna have to play this real safe spin no guys help I'm gonna have to go in hot and hold shift yeah okay I was worried for a second no girl I've been stuck here forever Yeah right Almighty book show give me another one please okay you've already had Reds it says it's the box of infinite books it ain't to infinite right now we've got another one sweep this might be the same one what oh this one's pink we haven't had pink yet so we just keep moving it around and then right-clicking it breaking it and I'm right-clicking it what's this one oh it's blue oh it's blue oh it's scary whoa this one's sweet oh there are eight oh no there's a rage no no leave me alone leave me alone oh no quick get me out of here oh okay so this is hopping nonsense is not good we're definitely gonna river changes of this Oh No give me two seconds I've just got some technical difficulties I was this close to getting back through the portal what are the chances of a raid being there okay okay panic over we're back chill come on infinite books you can't keep running out on me like this I don't know why is sometimes it doesn't give me the random books there we go I don't know if this will give me the same one as before let's have a look let's see okay I've got my sword out ready this time holy cow not this one's definitely different I'm looking for mobs that could potentially kill me oh great there's two with us why are there two with us where are they oh my goodness dude wait I need to fly around to this one look what the withers oh yeah that's laggy oh that's super laggy Oh No I shoulda done this I should've done this I should have done this my portal stay with the portal oh man that could have been tragic oh great you're here for withers the moon is purple where is this guy oh they're over there I kind of want to go and see but I also don't feel like dying dude it's so laggy we've actually found a wither dimension how is this good it's you no no no I can't even fire an arrow wait can anyone fire arrows I should probably get out of here like pretty quickly and then just go to another one cuz this is gonna kill me oh yeah there he is don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot oh could I leave please I need to get outta here um I think we're in trouble here guys there's too many Withers blasting too much he tried to shoot me did shoot me hey I'm officially died and broken my heart go out okay here we go oh my goodness in credit Armour you haven't seen the sights you have not seen the sights that I've seen oh man ha this is stressing me out massively stressing me out right yellowbook is up next Kapaa okay what you got for me I'm not stopping this video until we reach 1 billion dimensions okay that's what we're doing here oh look out flowerpots there are and it's raining purple well there's purple bone as well oh and I've gone I've gone very red uh it's tandem in you okay wow this place is like the nether revamps I like the idea of it raining in the nether that's kind of nice is that slime blocks down there too oh it's like green water nice right let's go to another one this is cool I need to remember that there's mobs as well I need to be less casual and lots of these dimensions what is this I always had the guy who shot me you tried to shoot me anyway but yeah I need to remember that most of these dimensions are very dark so they've got like monsters everywhere right dark green I'm up for it let's go let's see what's next okay looking fairly normal and she looking fairly normal where's the weird I guess we are underneath the dirt right now this is what a mole in Minecraft sees okay that's not normal yeah this one is free okay actually we've got cobblestone where it should be oh no wait wait those are stone bricks nevermind and everything's gone a little bit of a pink colour very weird I'm moving on this one's low-key a little bit boring compared to the ones we've been to so far not a fan let's get out of here Oh mystery box of books what's will you bless us with this time sometimes it doesn't work come on there we go solid blue but oh this is what the end would look like with the lights on this is looking kind of cool actually to do a quick fly around this one seems like a safe ones get back in the portal for right let's have a quick look or oh wait what is happening here oh my goodness what blocks are these oh it's fences brah look it's so tall as well what is that oh great there's another wither oh they're plant pots okay I'm definitely I need to get out of here there's too many Withers this is crazy where is my portal I strayed too far from there it is never mind the alternative ends everyone just in case you didn't think the end was hard enough this one spawns withers and what I don't know what that blue block is but it's chilling wow we have got some real creative ideas coming out of these I need one ticket home please courtesy of the nether portal let's get out of here remember what happens in this episode stays in this episode this is a bonus one okay secret special episode of Credle arma you need to keep this top secret information nothing happened you never know what happened in this episode I might even delete the video who knows to keep it as secret as possible right then I would like another book please or dark green let's go yeah I think we've got about 10 dimensions and they've all been wacky crazy and full of withers and danger oh we're back in the end in the alternative what is that noise whoa look all them fences I cut I kind of want to go down there like I really want to go down there okay this is a normal ship which should have an elite roar in it what what is that noise look all those fences that's ridiculous dude I like the colorful glass though that's really nice I have no idea what that noise is I don't think we're gonna be able to find out either the okay fishes are you good I might not touch them I feel like I'm in radioactive water right now I feel like I shouldn't be here you could farm the dragon scholars here though oh no oh no did not think about the glass okay let's be very very careful oh no no no we're not doing this we're not doing this we're not doing this today any day but today if I smack into these glass too hard I'm dead again okay oh this is so cool I love that they've done this minecraft are known and Mojang unknown for releasing updates a little like fake updates but this was one of my favorites I like this one a lot probably got another book 64 at the ends it's gonna be a light blue color right let's go I'm glad we've already died in one of them on a way are we back here oh no he's back no no no I need I just need to get out I just need to get out it was a joke I didn't say anything about you please don't you again please don't you again please leave me alone get me out of here jeez what are the odds of us getting a repeated one maybe I accidentally put it on the same block dude right I'm out next one dark red ominous I like it let's go in and of course there's no manual to how to use this block I'm just guessing and I think I'm starting to figure it out whoa smoke particles everywhere look this even changes color when I put it up and down oh look at me I'm blue whoa this is crazy apparently they've added giants back in by the way as well I'm not sure how that goes or how they spawn but this smoke is actually really hard to see through we've got more end ships made all different colors alright everything is on fire look at this that's kind of pretty kind of like that and I think these are bonus chests as well do I go over risk my life of course they do for science right I'm out I could do this all day which means I would get to a billion way quicker I've had an idea I think we should go and get skinnies booked so if we put this on skinny jr. the seconds thrown this is the this is the dimension the skinny and weight with which skinnies are we on this is skinny jr. the second normal skinny skinny jr. this is the dimension they would have wanted us to go to okay dark blue I like it there on brands let's see where they wanted us to go it could be bad it could be good let's see how they wants us to suffer while we're alive and they're sadly dead well this isn't looking too good I think my game is crashed you finally broke me skinny this this was your ultimate revenge of breaking everything I don't appreciate it at all yep the skinny ones the whole series to be over up because he's not in it anymore let's let's try that again fun facts this is the loading screen listen listen it's got like the sega screen it's a little bit of a meme but i love it should we try this again skinny jr ii let's put it one block higher let's see what you've gifted me with shall we dark blue again very on Brad don't crash it this time though I don't care if you're not in the series okay I do care if you know in the series anymore it was my fault and this alway whoa wait wait something's trying to attack me what is that noise oh oh there's these guys oh no no stay back stay back beasts I'm putting on my dad TDI merch and I'm gonna destroy you whoa look at the sky I think that might just be there might be like a soundtrack for each world his rails everywhere as well skip me this is much nicer I prefer this one can you get up get away you just wants me to have nightmares oh great yeah Gwen's here as well fantastic I'm so pleased come at me bro come at me I will avenge skinny skinny this is your revenge okay you crash the game once the series is not over if you didn't read the disclaimer at the beginning this is a special episode I mean what happens in this episode stays in this episode okay so even if you did bump me off even if you did kill me it's not gonna all wait there's a lot of these guys here I'm kind of scared this is cool I like how the sky is changed oh now they made these this is really cool okay I'm out I'm out I'm done I'm done skinny you had your way you've had your way you scared me and I'm gone they can't even get to the portal ah take a laugh at them now that I'm gone great okay so let's take that away oh great I've got mining fatigue that's so nice I need milk give me some milk here we go nom nom thank you very much as if Gwen visit us in a different dimension that's so nice well actually put it this time let's see what mister buddy would give us as a dimension it's channeling his energy let's toss it in let's eat some carrots for good a lot and just in case we have to see in the dark and I said inside dark green is the color the color of creepers and also the color of grass hey this ain't too bad oh wait there are creepers here well there's a lot of creepers here the sky is a very dark color oh great hello guys how are you come to invite me to your world cuz I definitely don't want to be here this is living inside the dirt block is it I'm out guys it's been a pleasure but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave oh my goodness they're gonna come through ha ha they're coming through be God get out of here how dare you jeez sir buddy why would you use this very boring I'm not gonna lie bones yeah bones needs to choose one bones give me your energy some house 63 at the end one short of a stack BAM oh that's another creeper color okay let's see oh oh this is another end ship isn't it what is that oh it's an end rod there's no Alicia though wait orders obliterate something billed for 200 that actually scared me reinforce this gibberish oh no Alicia for me you feeling that mean I can't see a thing right now I can't even mind this I hope because I've got the mining fatigue why I can't get out I'm trapped well this was an interesting one bones is it because I didn't call you what everyone wanted me to call you is that why great right I think we should do one more for good luck I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna give it to the one and only cat those always wanted me to die and it has almost successfully done it once twice with a little explosion that happened down here I'm gonna let you guys decide the final dimension okay choose wisely 81 okay that sounds like it might be a little bit intense let's see what the evil cat wants to happen to me in the dimension is he gonna be evil oh it's like a brown muddy color okay right let's see where we end up oh we've been oh no we haven't been here there's beacons everywhere those are the end things wait okay not too much death here this is like the one that we had before less flowerpots definitely more smoke a little bit more pink and they've got these end portals here loads of them there in the end cities I think we're in another one of those fake end cities it's got bright blue water which I kind of like actually surrounded by end blocks wow that effect is really cool I'm liking this this update is really cool if as if you could do this normally but not with like such randomness so there could be like maybe a hundred dimensions and you'd randomly get one if you did something to another portal I love the lighting effects and stuff I go blue when I go in certain places okay you know what you look at that too bad we've definitely been to worse ones I respect you evil cat just for today just for today I think there's only one thing that must be done here because what happens in this episode stays in this episode I need to take this and I need to dispose of it he tried to steal it and you just see by the powers invested in me I must destroy the one thing that destroyed me goodbye infinite box of books don't you don't you bring it back either we've a dark magic I don't want to see it guys there you go that is the the infinite updates in my Minecraft hardcore world it just shows you that even if we think we're indestructible we aren't we are definitely not a Ravager - smacks and we're dead and that was with a totem but remember the mantra for today's video what happens in today's episode a it together what happens in today's episode stays in today's episode so I hope you enjoyed this random hardcore episode thank you so much smashing for releasing this April Fool's update I hope you enjoyed regular hardcore mode episodes we'll return back to normal all of this will be replaced rewound as if it never happens this is the only time is happening ok I make exceptions for April Fool's Day but guys thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like the be greatly appreciated subscribe if you are brand spanking new to the channel by hitting that big red subscribe button just below the video and I'll see you guys all u in the next one go ahead bye [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle canvas of a full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,322,823
Rating: 4.9218836 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15, child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, minecraft april fools
Id: 8_k2mPMbzA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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