Finding the RAREST Random Minecraft Drop (Randomizer Finale)

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welcome to the randomizer a special data pack that changes the loot of every single block and mob drop in Minecraft to a random loot team now today's episode is the final randomizer but don't worry we're doing a brand new minecraft random themed series very soon so don't forget to subscribe either way if you miss last episode we made it to the end cities and got ourselves some wings but it took a lot of trading with villagers to get the rocket fuel to use them but once we figure that out we made our way to the woodland mansion for some interesting surprises not only that but we take on the wither as our finale and gonna be surprised to find out what ended up dropping the N city loot alright everybody we just left the N cities we just got our wings and we are headed right on back to the overworld cuz there's a few different things that we still need to test in order to find the best drops in game and don't worry we're gonna come for the ender dragon egg later a couple sitting all day okay couple things we tested all the N blocks in there and I found out that happened here oh yeah that was from when I dumped yeah right okay well I was like someone put in my house where's the traitor should check it out I know all we have an Bill's now look this is what you get from mining and stone uh-huh and we get shulker boxes ironically because of that as well on top of that for the banners gave us slime blocks there's little banners hanging from the buildings what's the sense it become member a hug so we got slime blocks now I want to break one slime block to see what happens what do I get for you I get nothing unless what I get slime ball slime ball worst raid ever we just lost eight slime balls for that okay now the next thing we're going to need to do is going to be to find the woodland mansion so we can explore the loot that's there cuz we're still missing a lot of big lutes I haven't found the biggest lutes and what drops it yet but to do that we're gonna need to get ourselves a woodland mansion map from villagers and in order to do that we're gonna need to find some new villagers which means getting our lovely Ellie equipped with unbreaking equipped with mending but more importantly we need a lot of fireworks now we have a lot of gunpowder from very different drops that we've found but I don't exactly remember if we found a paper recipe yet someone told me that collared dogs have different drops from regular ones so Jones I'm I'm gonna spare you Jones but I did just see another wolf outside so we're gonna tame him we're gonna give him a different collar and we're gonna see if he dropped something I guess I wouldn't be able to really tell unless we had two wolves hmm so let's just see right okay come here I okay now you're a red collared wonder but now I'm gonna give you a nice magenta collar so that you're gay what are these things drop I don't remember you die you duh easy does it Skelly he drops fine okay I'm getting a little overwhelmed totally missed that many times in a row where's the other one too imma take him out first he's given me a lot of trouble gotta go you drop pickles I forgot either way I see what I need we're gonna tame another wolf give it a different colored collar we're gonna get to the bottom of this to actually see if it matters what kind of call it where'd you go baby yeah yeah he loves it now I'm getting tailed by a bunch of Spidey he stopped work with me I should have done this is a hardcore series I haven't died yet I wonder if I dropped something maybe okay so you tamed and I got a white collar so if he drops a fence gate then then that's it he dropped bets gate so someone was trying to get me to kill Jones rude to you I say okay well look I need paper and I don't know what drops it so I'm gonna break every single block up here one at a time we're just gonna go piece at a time until we find what we need or we don't in which case we're in trouble I really got to earn this one don't I this got dropped by the pickle so maybe we get something good from the kaabah better be for how long it took the mine I've got a haste effect on to nothing whoa whoa I'm just gonna play your head dude in the most random drop - where is it hold on a second look I need a potted plant you're not gonna believe this I was just over a kit player head-high Jones new friend he loves him look best friends right Jones alright let's get it Cole block gives us nothing iron gives us stained glass I don't remember all of these a stone huh okay that's good that one gives okay Oh a creeper head for the diamond block yo what's with all the players I even got a wither skull before I'm so what do you drop I gotta check that emerald block and gave it was like a it was like a multiple dropping and we have so many of them let me see okay with my big gigs the Lord air sticks that time compass oh this is one of the villager drops and it got a compass I think could this be it hold on let me see mine oh it is look with your paper oh happy day how many got eleven paper for that well emeralds are essentially infinite oh I got to take this helmet off oh man we're gonna be just shy too shy the height limit look at that okay we got up to about 250 we're just a little bit away from the block limit this took a long time but I think it's gonna be worth it and look at this height by the way can we just stop it appreciate this ultimate tower hug it's a nice cinematic easy for the b-roll at the start you probably already saw this but I didn't get to deal with it alright guys in the comment section place your bets how many emeralds is about I think a hundred something maybe 150 gonna get us look at the hot bar down there guess how many papers gonna get ready go oh it's gonna be a nice healthy start to it I'll tell you that much already Wow we're gonna get a I think a couple stacks at the minimum now I'm gonna spare you the trouble of watching all this we'll be back in a sec it is pretty satisfying them well I'll say this much we've literally already passed the amount of page that you can see in my hotbar so we're not gonna need to worry about any fireworks I'd say ever alright fam guess the amount of stacks of paper I guess here we go finished up grand total of holy moly one to about seven stacks of paper they're whole bunch of empty maps and more bread than I can count so now we can get our unbreaking 3 and we can get mending that is a beautiful sight this is even better three stacks of fireworks oh did I say three how much 606 cetera ladies and gentlemen we have flight ha ha so now I'm gonna look for some more villager actually first thing we need to do is go replenish our emerald supply so we're back off to that spruce forest and I brought my shoes hello money yo it truly does grow on trees okay we got a whole bunch of emeralds now I guess my best bet in order to find a cartographer would actually just be to make once cuz you can change professions oh my gosh Wow how did he not see me and I also did not see him that was insane that was like boy ok good he died right so check it out we can do this now we have the technology cartography table now if I put this next to well you got break this first sorry buddy get no I didn't want me to too bad you suck ok said look he's now professionalist yeah it was good ok so pages oi well let's max out this one I guess yeah that got him mostly there to be honest ok so I believe he'll get a little upgrade to his trades now is that how it works yeah I'm yeah ooh ocean Explorer map ok that's useless it's kind of funny me that you get paper from the money emerald gem you know what I mean is kind of funny no lie about it ok so I'm gonna just load you up man he just takes all my money but what do I get for this ooh yeah oh wow he just this man just ate up almost all my money and I don't even know if he's gonna give me what I need afterwards let's see you go we seriously have so many fireworks I'm gonna just burn through most of these yeah that'll be good you can just you cut yes good that's not like doing anything you just used up all my paper all right stay put I need more leaves oh this is not good very bad it's the worst at least have fireworks to handle it you know can we say aerial battle by the way can we just can we just can we just say aerial battle right now with our boys I met at all all right goofball now what do you got for me oh you want to take all my emeralds huh no problem now there it is the woodland Explorer map and just like that I don't need you anymore but I'll spare you just it gets any delay that's how life works all right and we're off let's see where we need a head for this looks like we need to go north and west so we're well on our way oh we have movement look we have movement now we'll go this way okay be there soon I think hey check this out see we've got some new blocks on the way - I am curious to see what all this terracotta might get us okay nothing nothing nothing how about these colored ones huh ooh furnaces I had no one really cares hey bamboo I think I already knew that drop what are these it looked like fleur-de-lys or whatever oh wow this is a really cool-looking biome oh dude I am mad about this at all love it when there's a mine shaft right here hello I guess we could get lost for a second aren't mine shaft boots inmates is different from regular mine shaft boots I am I yeah what's all the furnaces dude this mine shaft is like all sorts of messed up it's like above-ground the the place I was before was a total dead end like there's no poop hey what do you got here baby fish whoa no way right next to it mushroom biome Island yes alright well let's see what you're gonna drop me hey wait what did it give me cod I thought uh I already mined a block the drop of cod okay the most random drop half slabs oh whoa what just happened there something's a little odd how about mycelium what does mycelium frog you drop stairs ooh what do moosh whoa Oh scary I don't know what mushrooms drop actually good to know get me out ah BAM potted plant so just to confirm what do you drop with a pickaxe potted plant okay and so what does this drop upon appropriate mining you drop another fence and this drops a purple stained glass well okay fun little distraction I guess we should probably just get back to the mansion or get to the mansion whoa-ho nice yo right behind me mushroom biome and then we got this baby right here I'm discovering all the coolest stuff on the way to this mansion oh I just got bigger on the map just got bigger I got a feeling we're close yeah baby it's starting to show up this is what I like to say should be somewhere around yeah [Music] and what worth it huh oh there it is head okay well I don't particularly care to go through the whole normal process let's just break in through the top and see what trouble we can get ourselves in then we go yeah Oh almost a killer from up here and we should probably switch out from cross because that guy's almost done okay so you suck you suck hey hey a furnace okay you guys drop anything good die come on how about you you drop oh yeah that's right where to kill those guys vexes they're like Bowie hey joy okay I'm again him again cuz I like that sweet sweet satisfying drop to appear right oh yeah boy come on boy y'all going nuts like this hey Doc yeah I love seeing gold just fall from the sky it's a regular pastime of mine okay we're just good inside yeah now we're not technically here for any of the mob loot anyways there is a specific chest loot that you can find while you are in woodland mansions you can only find it here so when you look for chests in here I'm gonna make some quick space first let's get an emerald block city going on yeah look how much space we just make what up ugly there's so many different potted plants we may as well break all of these to see what they get in carpets all over the place because I know I haven't done a lot of these potted plants and they're literally all over the place there's so many different ones that we could explore me dude check out this jackpot you already boom look at all the fun oh my gosh I'm like about to die dude I gotta get my chest plate I ain't flying in here okay I'm actually being like seriously overwhelmed right now like there is an invisible of volker or something and I almost got blown up like where's that coming from I don't even see oh he's right there was he always there dude nah not how it happens I got so many apples they're not gonna take me out dude what is with all this has got to be a glitch there should be this many of these vexes all over the place run away run away run away okay I've gotta go back and kill him okay good he died thank goodness why do you drop wood okay I think I got a break finally here's the back side of that fools Hey look at him it's the worst now I know that there are hidden areas around mansions like certain rooms I don't have any doors or anything hi-yah like look right here look at this oh that's awesome okay hold on say we were literally right there that's funny okay so please let me aim what do you got magenta glazed terracotta mmm yeah terracotta be kidding me well there I think there are a few different types of loot chests within so it's not Oh I don't my wings on me embarrassing I could have died huh all right let's try and find some of the other ones though huh and I have a much better way of finding all the rooms inside this mansion thank you very much ah it's a beautiful sight you know we went to town on this roof this should make the chest show up very quickly hmm okay actually this made everything way harder but we only need to find one chest I think and if it has the same thing as the other chest then we don't need to look for the rest because it'll just mean that they all have the same thing here we go nice okay so what are you drawing oh okay well that makes sense that might be the first loot that's made sense this entire let's play okay well that's most of the lava gone I was trying to see if anything else would appear chest wise I don't think there was that many chests in this mansion we got the two that's it unless that's one is that a third maybe maybe that one has nothing in it I guess we can just head home well just like that guys we made it back home I actually got to the stronghold and went through the end to get back home cuz it's gonna end up being faster than flying all the way back anyways couple more unfinished things to attend to first and foremost it's time to make that redstone contraption just kidding I forgot what makes cobblestone so what the heck how did I just die I was not going that fast and yes I do have keep inventory on why do you ask it's still my first death which means maybe we get something from it okay let's try that again but without all the dead it wouldn't that be grand Dan we going and we go and so maybe there's something whoa whoa not again now how we're gonna play this okay so where did I die oh there I did wait hey hey I'm busy right now what do you want from me she's just a bunch of stuff on the ground oh my gosh stop oh thank you what that no way I drop and city loot what there's no way that's right there's no way that's right look I do I do I drop the best loot in the game I do I don't even know you could do that for sure well now didn't care about this egg but we're still gonna get it so just give me a second and I forget exactly what drops cobblestones so we're going the torch approach for this egg instead okay now hopefully this works cuz I can't take these torches down once I try and mind what it would look in order to go now wait a second I thought this was supposed to fix it so then what happens if it no wait actually I think I think if I make it land on a torch it should be fine so I just place a whole mess of torches just right underneath this okay so the eggs right there so then I want to say five break yeah I'll just drops the egg what am I supposed to do with this the next generation oh you're killing me and now I lost it again worse day gimme okay well honestly there's only one more thing to do now we know what drops and city loot we're gonna divide our selves a little system that's gonna let us collect every possible thing we need beautiful except now I gotta yeah there we go okay beautiful now we're gonna line the rest of the sides here put all this junk away and okay y'all's ready we're gonna reset our spawn point to be right up here we got our nice pink bit sleep over oh no I forgot ahem as I was saying nice pink bed ready to go now we can go ahead and sleep I don't want to set it to daytime I just needed to reset my spawn and so now check this out guys we're about to get so much loot it hurts oh look it's a little watery okay so that's it yep look at that and it's just gonna all slowly start collecting and I'm just gonna keep look at the loot the loot is coming through right now dude oh I love this okay so guys give me I'm just gonna give me a sec cool been doing it for about 15 minutes now I think the loot is still slowly yo geez it is still making its way in but look at the hall this is all and city loot like that's just Oh just found those I don't know where I thought I heard a creeper put a bit of quite upset look at this everything it is just so much good stuff I see silk touching there see mending out the woods ooh we got things slowly filling up on this side prot look at I mean it's lovely just lovely and if we were to look under these hoppers okay well yes he's slowly making their way through look at that oh that's too much now it's starting to fill up there it is okay guys now there's really one last thing to do it involves our hey friends hey what it was gone that's all right we're covered we got everything we need right here a third hey block because I didn't forget and I didn't forget I mean I'm recording it now we need to take on the wither so we're gonna do that boom boom boom grab me some sunflower for some soul sand that'll do it now I'm gonna fly some sort of distance away from here so we don't ruin our lovely randomizer house yeah it's good and it's time to fly back because I forgot to enchant my new sword with smite 5 yeah I'm gonna call them yo hey yo what 6 levels now Oh cuz I gave it a name alright baby last protection out the wazoo on the armor we got golden apples aplenty it's time to make this thing happen withering hi whoa I'm cool oh I forgot my shield okay now I'll be fine I'm just gonna go in on him and it's oh man okay he's a little strong oh I forgot my bow and arrow not really yeah I'm a done this I'm a I'm a I'm a done this the runt you okay yeah you know okay we're gonna go back to the house I need to get some stuff hey wait he's not supposed to be following me still no no okay we're fine in here oh wait wait okay good I think we're fine you see who's opening the door oh it's the item oh no he's firing things okay okay panic panic where's my things I think you put him in here but it'll do a little cross with a little bow I think that's fine oh man where's he shooting off it okay the shape the shape oh my you fool I needed them oh you big meanie mega da God look how strong a doing damage me the worst guy I don't know if I have enough ammo on me currently yeah we should be fine we're doing good on his health right now where am i oh breaking everything I'm in a hole exact opposite of fun okay we looked at mostly kept him away from the house yeah this thing's about to break I gotta get him like I got to get him all up in here yo what's good y'all what's good play uh-oh I didn't mean to shoot that where is he ah oh ah broke okay okay you get down here mister get on down good oh yeah got him stuck oh man get down here who have almost got him to have help come on come on I get it got him good you yes okay we know he's coming through babe Oh to die not good eat the apples Wow so close okay and that's what the right sort either okay you fool now you about it yeah yeah eat that smart game what do you drop pumpkin seeds on okay dropped another star what a cool ending to the randomizer series but wait we'll be doing another randomizer series not one that changes loot tables but I ran in might a series that changes something else about Minecraft and makes it random so make sure you subscribe to see that right as it comes out and thanks for joining us on today's mini series
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 5,141,493
Rating: 4.8660951 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, randomizer, randomiser, minecraft random, random loot table, survival, secret minecraft, minecraft 1.14, update, minecraft update, new, new minecraft, new minecraft update, secret, minecraft secret, logdotzip, no swearing, minecraft logdotzip, no cursing, blocks, features, random minecraft, random loot, loot, loot drops, challenge, datapack, sethbling, random, minecraft survival, random nether, minecraft diamonds, ender dragon, dragon, wither, minecraft wither, woodland mansion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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