NEW Infinite Dimensions! APRIL FOOLS Update Minecraft 1.16 Snapshot 20w14infinite

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I'm gonna go /warp ant and so the idea here is wherever patience patience what minecraft has just added in an infinite amount of new portals and you know what that means an infinite amount of new dimensions to your Minecraft game check out all of these different portals baby different colors different worlds well I mean this one's empty today I'm gonna show you how to access all of these there's also a new command added in the latest snapshot known as warp what's due find out soon in today's minecraft 20w 14 infinite snapshot came out on April 1st nothing that bad happens on April 1st right anyways you guys are used to seeing this this is the 8th nether portal frame and if you were to light it with a flint and steel well what do you expect get your hands on another portal now this hasn't particularly changed if you were to use a regular foot and steel on a regular nether portal frame well you would find yourselves in the midst of the nether the plain old nether or at least the nether that's been coming out in the latest snapshots but we should probably get out of here cuz there's gas literally all over but no no no please please mister gasps oh gosh oh don't pull but portal I need to get back out here oh thank goodness that was close anyways you now have the ability to change the dimension that this portal is attached to by throwing a written book into it we've got a book and quill right here and there's nothing currently inside but now if you look closely there is something in this book so let's go ahead and sign it mm-hmm normally I autograph for this but hey that's all good it's super difficult it'll go back throw this book inside and check out what happens the color of it changes not what is the color of a change but the destination does as well y'all ready for this one here we are oh gosh where we are or rather where are we oh my goodness what did I just do we're in a brand new dimension made up of honey particles weird lighting effects and seemingly stained glass blocks alongside slabs everywhere and if we were to go up a little bit higher holy moley endless end warships and whither spawning in what is happening oh oh oh where are they appearing what is going on what is this world made of no legit I'm so confused right now they literally spawn in inside Hey chests orders orders orders from who restore what no guys literally like I've never seen this before or just by cut uh-huh I'm a little concerned right now I don't exactly know what's going on let's check a different ship what does it say in these chests orders okay okay well what observe okay how about in this one deploy well right I don't know how I feel about this world but hey it's not a problem we can go ourselves and we're right back to this normal world now here's something that's very unique if we were to change the book that we throw in and if that book were to say oh I don't know it's something else well that would actually change the location that this portal redirects us to as well so now when we jump on in check out this new dimension you know if it loads any time soon okay well that took a billion years but oh boy literally falling down what is this it looks like someone spilled their bag of Cheetos all over the place what is with all the crumbs and all of the different portals my word I gotta adjust my frame rates okay that made things run a little bit better but man it is like literally raining particles and there's just redstone blocks all over the ground and gateway portals everywhere is that a rainbow do we just have a red what the heck it just ends Oh bro well as you can see oh well you should write as I say as you can see it disappears as you can see this really is something else but if we were to go back to that main portal and then put another book in it that says something inside even though it's titled a different name by throwing this book in we will actually go back to that first portal that we originally found as you can see here so each of these portals that we were looking at just a little bit earlier is going to take us to a cool dimension that my team and I have found and discovered to show off to you guys but first let's show off the warp command and more specifically a certain world because word out on the street is in one of these warps there's a new block that just came out in today's snapshot that has not yet been announced anywhere in game so I'm gonna go slash warp and and so the idea here is wherever patients patience what hold on I want to try and middle-click this I want to get this block how do I get powder I get the block how do I I'm trying to middle click so I can get the block as it's moving around it doesn't it doesn't seem to let me can I can I break it it's not even oh okay I just loaded up another world with the /warp and I want to see what this is drawing right now cuz the block disappeared after a second so odd look at it it is just moving all over the place I'm like insanely confused about whatever it is we're watching right now but hey it's a little entertaining to be perfectly honest I think it's maybe it's drawing some kind of I don't know barcode or QR code or something right we're gonna come back to this at the end of the video and see if it's spelled anything out but yes as you can see the /warp command basically does the same thing as adding in a book to an existing nether portal so we could go war red and that would take us to the red dimension and everything is Oh apparently red even me hot zip this is madness okay so then what would happen if I went to warp blue Oh exciting yo check it out how about warp I don't know llama warp llama well this doesn't look too exciting this just looks like bedrock what about okay well spectator mode doesn't have anything special look something's loading whoa what is loading you've got to be in spectator mode to see this what is what whoa relax enjoy huh dude what's going on what do you mean no this seriously um what the heck that is the weirdest uh yeah guys make sure you leave us in the comment section some special weird warps that you've come across I just got word that warp terminal takes us to a very Wow what the heck is going on this is the weirdest this is actually its own unique blog it's called a cursor block and it changes color with me as well what what is going on right we're gonna get to all the different portals trust me but I got one more interesting one that just popped up apparently /warp basic takes us to a giant maze okay couple more warp zones takes us to what looks like a normal world but it's got this weird particle effect all over the place and apparently if you go into the particle area you'll be hit with blindness and poison yeah you have any idea what's going on oh okay but there's another one so if we go to warp brand it takes us oh gosh all right where am i what day is it it takes us to a world with a whole bunch of creeper faces all over the place this looks like Andy Warhol and going to slash warp credits takes us apparently to the credits page minecraft team and then look it literally has the entire game credits [Laughter] Wow you guys let me know if you want to see a dedicated portals video but for now let's go ahead and start showing off these ones so this is a test the test book what happens when we go to the test dimension ooh fancy as you can see it is completely randomized essentially every single time and some of these dimensions actually look like they could be you know legit dimensions not every single one of them has well I mean I'm fully pink but not every single one of these is unrealistic in nature I mean mob color changes block color changes the skeletons look a little odd here but hey to me if this means that they're gonna be able to customize custom portals and dimensions very soon which is great news all right let's check out this next book which is going to be the knotch dimension in we go what do we have in here oh gosh another one of these oh boy oh boy where are we right now okay so there's a whole mess of phantoms right you'll what happens if I enter an end gateway in here that's what I want to know let me in oh boy broke that and it is starting to be so laggy that's okay remote gateway now where am I it just takes me somewhere else at risk of lagging out we're gonna leave the knotch dimension right where it's at and go back to them a little bit let's check out the log zip dimension mine better Rock I'm telling you oh it's a desert drumstick hey buddy but I'll admit it dude now as you can see even the light there's even changes to the lighting system we've got actual colored lights that are being emitted from this area so this looks like a mix of desert we've got some desert temples over there an actual village that was placed underneath we've got well it seems just like a bunch of floating islands random fossils appearing all over the place we've got some mine shafts mixtures of wood strip dark oak logs sandstone what color mine I'm normal color yeah I don't I don't like mine might suck this is your fault just go back for now there's plenty more to look at all right so next up on this list we've got our hands on snapshot so let's see what's a snapshot dimension tix is to boom and we go okay so we're very clearly on the moon to me this looks like the moon uh-huh there's like nothing here there's like no options for anything else how about if we go underneath because last time I went underneath the super far there was legit like llamas hanging out hmm this time it does not appear as though there will be Lamas we can't keep going oh I'm taking damage no no no back up we go oh here we go random wood and and and polished guys there's like literally an infinite amount of dimensions available in this snapshot you can even see on the biome here under server chunk right here generated one six three six five seven nine three four three it even shows fun little biome types from time to time this one's just the end but it's very clearly more than just the end because there's just random block placement all over the place speaking up next dimension is going to be the Minecraft dimension and we go what is waiting for us in the Minecraft dimension Oh a mess of diamonds yes all over the place and more warships see this kind of freaks me out seeing the warships appear like this and what was that about with the weird deploy like is it in this to look deploy build cocktails what does that no time to drink right now obliterate this is so odd to me I don't like it naturally it's in the warships to like and every single books been different hey we got Hoglund spawning in in here finally a familiar face huh okay what did these ones say we've got two more books let's see orders discover find I got an idea hmm I'm gonna throw one of these weird warship blocks into a portal and see where that takes us whoa whoa party haha yo yo this is nuts these are all so weird what if I threw the orders into this one what happens then who read were you taking me now ooh oh that's a lot of weathers we are out of here okay next dimension this is a nether book thrown into a nether portal what is this the overworld opposite day so check this out I appear to be a little bit greener than normal I don't know if it's the new rendering engine but this is fun it's like a spruce forest dimension it's weird like a mix of the buffet worlds new lighting systems we got bats all over the place Enderman holding mushrooms man stay out of the forest you were gonna be holding mushrooms I I'm trying to teach responsibility here all right and we go what's next on this list we've got ourselves a portal for our portal he always exhibit right now oh hey finally we're in the middle of something that looks like half normal it's a mine shaft made of clay this might be in a Mesa we might be in a Mesa biome right now that's kind of what I'm feeling random blocks terracotta ooh get some loot looking it's all slightly blue for whatever reason so odd if we were to oh dude whoa what the heck we're we're underwater uh-huh and it just keeps going up what why how yo I'm gonna just scroll all the way at the top come again how high up does it go dude and weird little particles oh so weird okay what's below the mineshaft is it just more mine this is the oddest guys this is this is nuts we're going back you might be able to try the dungeons portal you know minecraft dungeons let's see what do we have in here whoa whoa is that the moon do you all see that I think I just saw them look at the size of the moon look at the size of that moon and the Sun its enormous and the lighting is all goofed what is going on I gotta get out of here uh-huh let's try the bedrock portal in we go oh this one looks lovely it's just a grey snow it looks like grey snow so you know well hey if you make it a full block it becomes white snow interesting yeah more floating islands more mixes of Buffay worlds we see some mine chefs down there it's a very odd world indeed I don't know to make of it necessarily but hey it's all good because we're gonna go with random named portal random name it's literally called a random name ooh and this one's exciting it looks like some kind of blue end and there's plenty of Enderman around at the bottom of the world there's a bunch of water just hanging out interesting and you can even change what appears to be the color of the water as well now this portal it looks like it's black like it's see-through almost so strange okay only four more portals to go through before I start losing my mind it's time for us to head to the roadblock portal hey whoa whoa whoa did y'all just see that what is happening dude it is constantly shifting day and night well but look at this this is the weirdest portal yet there's just an ships all over the place fossils and then the Sun and the moon or just they're going nuts they're literally going nuts this is in real time right now I'd like to add guys what is with this dimension a new roblox was a bad idea we're getting the heck out of here geez scary okay let's try fortnight ah yo what's the fortnight one all about ooh well lots of resources everywhere it looks like we've got random cubes of flowers and a bunch of nonsense blocks doesn't look too good ooh that's like a biome or something we've moved really far out and it started generating what looks like fairly normal land well I mean it looked like fairly normal and now we're seeing lava and icing and and Oh what ooh I wonder if there's anything in these chests can we apples and fish yeah I'm going back to the portals there's only two left so let's get our hands on infinity portal mm-hmm maybe we get something real good around here whoa will flames everywhere more fish in apples yeah what I am so confused right now this is you know what why what did like no the warships no not the warships Oh and there's gonna be where this morning where's the portal Oh perfect the final portal it's right here let's check out this subscribe portal ah it's probably cool I've red sandstone other subscribe portal sucks but hey there's B yeah so let's check in on our /warp ant world okay so here we are patients and it appears whoa interesting whoa whoa it just keeps going Oh far oh and it's still over here dude believe it or not guys this actually is something it's known as lenghtens ant it's a two dimensional universal Turing machine with a very simple set of rules but complex emergent behavior and you can find a wiki page that explains this further in the description of today's video for now though there is literally an endless amount of different dimensions that you can warp to at any given time oh gosh there's a lot of Withers like a whole lot of Withers so in the meantime I recommend you guys check out some of these worlds for yourself we're gonna end with one final very unique one that we found it's known as warp I am Iron Man and if you were to manage to pull this one off you are left with legit just a giant Sun and a giant moon so enjoy the snapshot and if it wasn't clear enough happy april fools
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,281,422
Rating: 4.8230619 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, snapshot, 1.16, strider, new mob, 20w13a, minecraft 1.16, minecraft snapshot, 1.16 snapshot, nether update, new nether, logdotzip, gaming, minecraft news, changed update, new snapshot, new blocks, new minecraft block, netherite, 20w14infinite, april fools, portals, dimensions, infinite dimensions, secret dimension, minecraft april fools, new minecraft dimensions, dimensions in minecraft, rare, secret, infinite, dimension, warp, strange dimensions, 20w14, Minecraft but, new block
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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