Did You Know THESE Minecraft Easter Eggs?!

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throughout Minecrafts lifespan plenty of jokes hidden features and more have been added into the game a lot of these jokes have been references to popular phrases or even pop-culture references jokes like when pigs fly have made their way into the game and other subtle references like that in our last video talking about Easter eggs which was actually Michael McGill's first-ever video editing for the antvenom channel way back in the spring of 2017 we went in depth on five very classic Easter eggs and in this video we plan on doing that again for a few more items we'll be sure to point out some really cool stuff for you so without any further ado let's get right into it [Music] on April 1st 2015 otherwise known as April Fool's Day a snapshot for a completely fake and not real update was added into minecraft in this quote-unquote snapshot the future of 1.10 was supposedly being tested even though 1.9 hadn't even come out yet the snapshot was called the love and hugs update and featured everything from a love meter to obsidian boats a potion of caring and other completely random things but one interesting easter egg of this quote-unquote snapshot was that if you loaded up a flat world you would quickly find a large amount of snow in some completely strange patterns flying up into the air or creating a map of the area would reveal that the random pattern was actually in the shape of a QR code scanning the code would result in the name of the actual 1.9 update name being displayed it just thinks that the update it had to be four was so controversial though around the world plenty of holidays are celebrated from celebrating everything from Valentine's Day to even hot dogs people love to get excited about things I mean even Mojang has jumped in on the festivities while celebrating things like winter holidays by giving players free worlds and skins during their season of giving Mojang has also added some random things like splash text and other features to let you know that they're thinking about you on Christmas merry xmas will appear on your screen and on New Year's happy new years other holidays are celebrated and at one point even notches birthday even though it's since been removed since he left Mojang on top of celebrating with splash text though they'll occasionally roll out jokey holiday updates like the trendy update on April Fool's Day of 2016 hostile mobs wearing pumpkins on their head on Halloween October 31st to bat spawning more frequently from October 20th through November 3rd and even chest being decorated for Christmas to look like presents and gifts it's a really nice touch that can add a lot to a world for those days in our first video talking about Easter eggs we mentioned that the disc 11 music track when played through a spectrogram would draw out various images these tricks have been done in the past with video games like portal 2 who featured a companion cube on the moon and more however if you thought that disc 11 was the only audio file in Minecraft to have something like that you might be a little creeped out to find out that it's not when putting ambient sound 14 and a spectrogram you'll see a creeper face that's been stretched up and down it's a super interesting thing for Minecraft to have and we can only hope that new songs will be added for us to find out things like this and I kind of hope that there are things that maybe we haven't discovered yet if you are around minecraft in the very early days of 2011 you are probably very well aware that a few celebrities had taken interest in the block game one celebrity in a note was musician and producer Joel Zimmerman otherwise known as deadmau5 deadmau5 had taken such an interest in the game that he had uploaded multiple videos on the subject on his YouTube channel had named some of his official song titles things inspired by Minecraft and even performed at Minecon in Las Vegas as it be deadmau5 was a fan of Minecraft and not was a fan of deadmau5 and because of that deadmau5 had one of the most truly unique skins ever in Minecraft pairing his massively famous smile with his uniquely massive ears deadmau5 looked pretty neat deadmau5 his ears were a vanity item and his skin needed to be specifically revamped and modeled to fit his new character design fun fact about the skins functionality deadmau5 actually can't disable his ears and his above head name tag is set to render approximately 10 pixels higher than the ears also rather than being attached to his UUID which didn't really exist or wasn't used at the time deadmau5 his ears were attached to his username so if deadmau5 were to change his username he would lose his ears on that account and what's deadmau5 without his ears well still some pretty fantastic music there's a rule in the art world and that is if you want to know who made a given piece look for a signature but in Minecraft that's a lot easier said than done when it comes to the models and skins of the various mobs and blocks around the world although it's not impossible for some mobs in the game texture files have drawn in signatures that don't appear anywhere on the character on the skin for the armor stand sayers can clearly be seen on the elder Guardian and the regular Guardian Jeb can be seen and finally on the zombie pigmen the words th X Z phobia can be seen even those a phobia never worked at Mojang instead of being thx what it's actually saying is thanks this message was written by naught so that he could give the player who designed the skin for the zombie pigmen is a phobia proper credit although his skin was modified to change the red to green because people thought that blood was a little bit too gory mobs that hold axes are quite rare to Minecraft but one who does is The Vindicator being part of the illage Emilee The Vindicator seems quite menacing with his weapon of choice in movie history another crazed person wields an axe and when named properly The Vindicator will react accordingly naming The Vindicator with the name tag Johnny will result in the mob attacking any nearby creature aside from other illah Jers Johnny is a reference to the movie The Shining like in the movie Vindicator z-- Ken as of snapshot 18 W 47 a break through doors although he can't yell here's Johnny yeah have you ever looked at an enchantment table and just absolutely wished that you could read everything that was on screen or even wish that you knew if it was proper English or not well as it turns out you can but it won't get you very far if you know a thing or two about old computer games you might have seen these markings before in a video game known as Commander Keen this language is known as the standard galactic alphabet and every single symbol has a letter in the English language that it corresponds to well you may be thinking yeah now I can know which enchantment will have looting or bane of arthropods don't get too ahead of yourself in the enchanting table these words are completely randomized and mean ultimately nothing and have no bearing as to which enchantment you're gonna get well it would be cool to figure it out there's just nothing that we can do with this and finally video game references in the previously mentioned portal the game's main promise throughout its storyline is cake at the end of the game though it turns out that you were lied to and sadly thus the cake is a lie if you make a cake in versions where you have achievements rather than advancements you'll get the lie when you craft a cake also another fun fact about cake is that it was only to be added into Minecraft if notch 1 mod DB 2010's indie of the Year award which it did so next up if you intent a trident with Riptide and soar into the air you'll get the achievement do a barrel roll based off of the animation that you're doing if you do this in f5 mode this is a reference to Nintendo's Star Fox 64 where the phrase gained popularity from the games character peppy hair ironically in Star Fox they're not even doing barrel rolls they're doing aileron rolls and for another Nintendo reference minecraft developer Tomaso kaki pointed out on October 5th 2015 that a secret feature was being added into Minecraft that secret feature was noted as being like mario 64 when the update was released it was realized that the feature in question was the alight rrah and the point of reference was Mario's wing cap in the way that it works in game super interesting but what do you think which Easter Egg is your favorite do you have a favorite that I didn't list on this list or on the past list maybe there's more Easter eggs than what I pointed out if you know any of them or you just want to leave a comment let me know in the comment section down below but other than that that just about does it for me for now if you guys enjoyed this video please consider leaving a like on it because it would really help out myself and Michael Mikkel who co-wrote and edited this video the channel and the video quite a lot but anyways guys I hope you all enjoyed my name is antvenom and i bid you all farewell thanks so much for watching [Music]
Channel: AntVenom
Views: 3,347,363
Rating: 4.8571067 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, easter egg, minecraft easter eggs, minecraft facts, minecraft did you know, did you know minecraft, minecraft knowledge, minecraft trivia, minecraft update, minecraft info, best minecraft, minecraft best, top 5 minecraft, minecraft top 5
Id: GSMu9r1M4Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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