4 WILD MAGIC SORCERER'S in Baldur's Gate 3 is CURSED

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welcome to the world of balers Gate 3 where is everything possible and you can blow up hardest bosses in the game with a single spark even as level one character or beat this game with potato but today you will see Harry lter and his Squad of form wild magic saucers let me explain what's going on here Harry and his Squad already have met all bear Mommy and all bear cup because of the bu in the nearest patch little old bear won't be able to join the party and Mommy will Was Defeated for today we got two big objectives find hen and get some legendary gear for our adventure so where is hen lastly he was seen nearby of goblin Camp so we need to go to the goblin camp and find Mr hon who can cure our curse and this curse is just building up and let's start our adventure Kingdom after getting out of Alber cave Harry found a secret door nearby of Druid Grove it looks really really dangerous with some ancient statues but here easily can deactivate it with a PCH of the button still there's a lot of goblins in this cave who keeping some Druid as a hostage we need to do something with it will tries to sneak up for better position while W partty standing and witing on The High Ground so I guess let's start it oh my enemies are surprised that's very good so now a question where I can go undetect it oh not too far Shadow heart maybe you can do better yeah she can she definitely can now let's do let's do the stuff fire orb oh my and what's going on what's going on everyone became cat oh being and cat is not actually and awesome stuff to to be in is it Carlock I guess carlac is a do maybe cold chromatic orp and he's wet yet definitely let's use cold and it's m it probably won't be like the best fight easy and Carla still getting the Spheres she gets the Spheres all previous part Dr looks still life party shares some potions with him and he safely run away but still we see big scary statue in this cave Shadow harst was forced to use enhanced slip and feather fall to jump because this is a big jump for low strength characters but with this Buffs with just two jumps we can easily deactivate the statue and get a key key for a treasure chest light in this cave and here we found awesome stuff now we definitely will be more powerful and that's one of the four items we need to find on our journey today so nature snare checked and also we found some red D so I got important question for you my friend green or red write your opinion in the comments and don't forget to drop a like button because there will be a lot of crazy stuff right now party is on the way to Goblin camp but there's one more big obstacle on the way abandoned village with a lot of gbls who try to Ambush us but har starts to feel something wrong the curse he feels that he can use his inner sacred powers and manipulate minds of his enemies with Advantage it will be easiest manipulation we need to roll anything higher than [Music] one in moments like this Harry always reminds himself of this awesome roles to save Gail but right now luckily we can roll let's try again okay luckily we got second dice car rolling like a got today but goblins will stay away for now and we can continue our way into Village to see aesome helmet in this chest there's no helmet for some reason this run is definitely curest next pack of goblin is really difficult and strong to fight with and they got some M GN as hostage luckily will is csed to and trolling a little bit better than Harry goblins Run Away by picking correct lever will saves this gnome and he gave information about aome stash with secret items we can't use it right now but probably they will come in use later and party decided to take a rest but then aarion [ __ ] aarion definitely got Madness and tried to bite Harry I just needed blood no one cares and we can continue our journey on next day with some lucky rolls we got new friends trolls they probably will help us too and now between us and Goblin Camp is only one last bridge and also some Defenders who are standing behind it going forward and taking fight will be risky so we picked road to the left and guys remember this time when body can cast this feather fall and enhance sleep and safely go and jump together when they exploring surroundings it will be last time where we can use it you will understand just in a minute why but now we're trying to go through the cave and there is mines everywhere so because mines on the VB first idea was to blow up web and it will blow up mines it didn't work we tried to blow up mines it didn't work too so we need to to go carefully but probably there's more Minds fail perception check one more and carlac failing to Harry what else can Harry roll safest way to continue our journey is to cast and hand sleep again and try to jump over all Minds randomly at least that what Harry and Friends thought Carlock jumps just fine but after perception checks Tis of chaos activated and when Shadow heart casts next ritual this happened wild magic search that put will and Shadow heart on fire that's not what you want in a cave full of mines and just like that we lost Shadow heart and will in a cave Harry quickly tried to pick Shadow heart up sadly we need to use thetion scroll for whe but that's okay we're alive now we can use some resource and finally get out of the cave let's see what's outside oh there's the same Bridge dang so we still need to face this Goblin Outpost in a fight or in a cave har destroyed wooden table with a lightning magic and we successfully crossed this Gap now W poty tries to sneak behind enemy GS but being stey is not biggest strength of wild magic saucers luckily harer left behind and he found this awesome little a rope that's keeping big boulder on a hill no more says Harry carlac instantly takes High ground and use an magic Missile to destroy War drums so goblins will be out of reinforcements all right Harry you can't do anything let's jump into the battle bro okay will do it do it please sadly will don't have any good spells to go upwards but cloud of daggers let's turn on tights of chaos let's do it it and whoa sorry Shadow heart no car you're too heavy lady actually I will like just do like magic Missile on this dude to finish him so we get less enemies I need your help and just one Shing grasp should end this bro if it was like super Critical Strike oh caraz actually I got in like awesome idea how to help carlac right now so look at my tricks I will drop this healing potion on ground and because it's using basically no action I can drop it closer to Carlock just like this for example and then let's do my favorite magic Missile let's break this healing potion and let's actually like oh she's too far really okay let's remove this bro then and Carlock should get up yeah it worked it worked like a Magic 8 hp on lady Carlock will what you can do you're not screwing today that's a good sign I guess we can just and this small claw and [Music] hit done and that's it we arrived at Goblin camp now we need to find hen but from nowhere the curse what is this curse I'm talking about you will understand in a second and this will spice up this run so we're in a goblin camp where they having some party on the main square there's a lot of goblins and also Crasher and he got this ring that har needs to get today but even Dom minating power of hair occurs is not enough Crusher we wait for now we found this kids outside of goblin camp and this kid definitely got this Hast Helm that is missing from blighted Village and again just before we're going inside the goblin camp we want to go over here by dominating Crusher we can take a ledge behind him and it's better to be more careful than Harry but still we're fine and we got this awesome shield from this chest so one more item in today's quest list and now we can go inside Goblin Fortress first of all I checked Traders for really nice and valuable items we can buy and then investigation led to some goblins that's trying to torture poor Herman with the help of the curse we saved him and he told us the hen right now in bare form in animal room party entered animal room and we see we can level up but that's curse every brush you take every move you make you will be cursed so let me explain now our wild magic is not limited to only one time use per battle from now on every time we make any magic even ritual like FEA fall or enh hand sleep it will trigger wild magic effect and something will happen so no more safe exploration no more safe fights it will be crazy guys our party fully cursed and ready to test out these powers in a first fight fight let's go and save hon and here we go boys okay it will be wild all right let's start with this little ones sadly but we need to destroy them both otherwise they can go for help and it will be like complete mess so now every magic will be wild surge let's see okay we get to our position for next spell that's nice and why I got another world searge do I get like two World sures in one cast okay probably we'll see in the next turn Carson you're completely fine right now let's get back to business Beast Master Zerg what can you tell me about this chromatic orb Thunder insane amount of damage actually with this orb let's do it let's do it oh my 25 so is this wies yeah I'm stuck Harry what you did and yeah I'm kind of like doing multiple Magics for some reason I guess who cares and now now it's lady carac time these goblins are so easy and he's hold it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what happened okay I guess we're fine everyone just on fire so we'll do it we need some Critical Strike with your a c I need to be closer I guess yeah 100% And it's will our crate myin oh jeez nine damage insane Critical Strike will I guess you can do better oh there's war now it's house turn wies [Music] and so I guess it will be another world magic search right now oh yeah we swap position it'll be like a mess look I can use Mr step right now I will be over here and one more magic search will happen yeah now I get Shield oh that's so much magic going on Harry can you just jump away from here yeah let's finish this lady Warrior pick flick yeah now her can swap positions it's just insane and by the way lightning checking grasp is ATT to so we can do Critical Strike why you can't cre like for harder damage guys I mean like you definitely can do better please oh 12 nice will she's just prone on ice what a poor Goblin oh my goodness hon hson why you leaving me okay well she's kind of sleep let's do a shocking grasp and this Goblin with Advantage oh yeah what's going on oh now Shadow heart is on ice and this Goblin is still surviving oh my this will be such a mess guys this this W BL him yeah Fine hurry okay okay okay he's like teleporting let's create some ice surface over here so they will fall prone when they will try to get out so look I can be a smart hurry a wizard hurry we doing some magic and becoming a hurry dog in a cell and this dog became cat and this dog is out of the cell what's going on on it will be such a mess let's go thunder strike just for damage oh yeah by the way since when they added this like kind of R dolls into the game it's looking hilarious okay let's just do normal Ray of frost here fine hon it's your turn yo where are you running [Music] cat always loses to dog if he not missing we need to stay focused yeah Shad heart show how you focused oh yeah so I guess it will be like cat dog walks through this will be a mess guys this will be a mess and you will like it oh no no no we got this fire and so hson is saved but he still can't go home he got a nice quest for us we need to defeat three Targets in this goblin castle first Target is PR's gut and she's protected by a lot of goblin warlocks and after elimination we can try and beat D raslin who's standing in super protected room doing some dark rituals with his bodyguards but even if we defeat him that's not enough we need to face minara yourselfself dark draw Paladin with crazy Powers so can our power party with this curse defeat all three Goblin leaders let's find out it will be definitely hard so let's take a rest and it's definitely hard to sleep when these C lovers come at night I came just in time you are transforming I guess I will never sleep again until this point we faced only goblins which is really easy targets so we need to test our powers against against Real enemies and we're going to face carlock's enemies paladins of tur they sitting in this house and going through the main door is really stupid idea so har we go on The High Ground and Carlock supposed to go to the back door but greetings [ __ ] Okay fight is started for some reason that's insanely weird let's lower the health so we can possibly maybe like drop them to sleep with Will let's find out share heart please all right I guess could be like hard to take them all bro you can do it you can do it I'm trust you let's do it magic Missile right behind the W I guess three is more than enough let's do one to Anders he's really strong dude and it's definitely more than enough we got sesis not bad I can go back to top floor that's also nice little move now we can do his sleep magic but let's do it like somewhere over here coming through because I know I know will targets can be out of sight right I guess it's easy fixable let's just close the door and we get the sight over here damn bro do it nice one okay additional action oh my goodness what to do with this power let's attack Andre I want to slow him down ice bolt is nice spell jeez okay when you hit a target with a spell heal All Creatures I don't want to heal All Creatures let's not heal targets with a spell right now so he's on the ice let's make more ice for this bro more ice is never a problem and well magic search same search for carac that's okay let's just block this lady so she can't go in all right Andress oh nice he is missing one wo wao what a damage Mr Anders this was nice she's running hold person okay we saved TS of C will why are you dead come on so I'm not sure I'm not sure but let's find out how it works right now when I'm hitting someone with a spell I'm healing creatures in a radius does this count for every missile or not so yeah we just healed Tron to maximum she was at half Health but will got 19 Health too and also we got wild magic teleport so we can go like inside of this location but let's uh let's just like lock everyone inside I guess it's like cool idea can I push him go away bro I'm going to inside okay okay okay now it could [Music] be one of two things it will be either like insane mess and I can't push her away so I can just close the door by Lady and maybe I can make like barricades over here let's barricade ourself sounds like a great idea great plan so there's barade will make it a lot harder for her to go inside and we can deal with these guys now I guess should heart need to create water she can do it she can create water oh whoa what's going on jeez holy smokes that's intense I don't know what's going on I don't even want to read all this stuff why everyone is healed like what's going on they was we basically like restarted this battle we just restarted this battle okay so can I like use my s points to maybe maybe use chromatic orb lightning of second level but I taken with disadvantage oh jeez how long this blur effect will be for like for three turns oh my goodness okay I got kind of like no better options and just to focus down everyone with magic Missile here we got 100% hit chance making them B was a bad idea like what's going on everything on fire like my barricades they all destroyed oh I can't cast a spell my spells just restore Health to everyone oh my goodness okay so explosive healing is just awful stuff oh what a mess what a mess over here let's try to focus down at least someone I don't know Anders should be like powerful but I had this drone let's destroy her okay that's nice now I can use bonus action to teleport but I don't want to I want to Quicken spell and one more magic Missile yeah my first like idea on this run was to never use magic Missile because I know it's too easy but it's impossible not to use it oh jeez damage damage is insane okay so will just stay still chander Smite no you will miss bro everyone is blurred oh okay good news we can basically pick up whe with just one magic Missile cast instead I need to destroy Andress first because he's just crazy and really powerful dude okay almost almost oh I'm getting additional action bro not lucky today my friend yeah I'm slowed but I can use my bonus action to travel so I don't care too much okay yeah carac let's do it now carac will just try to connect her power with seral and everyone healed reduced but we not healed for some reason I don't know what's happened let's just report over here and block her inside what's the plan agree agree oh by the way everyone everyone is small right now look everyone is small but will will is big and this lady is Big by the way too oh she's so giant oh my goodness okay okay let's just help will pick up himself and see what happens next will you're so big what can you do I guess nothing let's just wait try something else try something else everything is fine wa she got magic meel will is dead jeez now the small guys need to fight this big lady [Music] somehow oh no giant lady get away from us I'm healing here what's going on she get buff oh my jeez this will be hard okay I can't hit here with the Spells with Shadow heart and carlac this means I better use can trips I guess with disadvantage because she's blurred right now we will somehow go over it sh heart we can just chill a little bit that's fine it's time for Harry ler bro you can do it yes almost no he will heal everyone right now what a Magic battle where are you running and Carlock do it yeah where did it we did it boys fights will be crazy and fun so it's time to go to Goblin camp and face our first Target prestress gut but it will be impossible to unlock ring of protection if we kill hin rers now so it's a minute of Lone Wolf Harry Harry went to treaser and bought some a of Darkness quickly teleported to Druid Grove and remembered that we forgot to free SAA when it's time to free up goblins carry always rolls normally and most of the time we go into this part of the cave if you want to save SAA but Harry is cooed and can't control SAA so the story will be short Harry went to mall and got quest for stealing Idol idol is used by Druids to make sacred ritual and right now 10 pairs of eyes looking at this Idol it's impossible to steal it in front of them and also if they will catch Harry these guys will definitely transform Harry into Barry gem so boy Harry it's your time please don't mess [Music] up [Music] let's do this all right I will have only one attempt and one chance to do it let's try it Arrow of Darkness we're doing it nice and one more Arrow of Darkness like over here if possible turn base mode hide action and now I need to take this Idol exit turn base mode and teleport instantly I'm exit and going to camp camp camp Camp yeah wait did it boys wait it boys hurry not messed up that's and we can finally deal with Priestess gut instead of fighting here in the open we decided to take a small with here and she invited us to her room and that's insanely good because now we are one onone and there is a clip where we can push her off although Chances with our low strength is really miserable so party discussed a bit and we'll decided to do it all way Harry turn off the lights okay let's do it prest's God I guess we need to start with minor illusion like guess far away from other guys that's a good place I guess we can start so now cross your fingers boys and girls because if our wild magic fails it will be complete mess I was thinking about health person but she got high wisdom and it's almost impossible we're going for chromatic orb Thunder but Thunder will work for damage instead I can go for a exit orb first and exit orb will reduce your armor class so that's a smart decision okay Harry do it do it Harry Shield [Music] who she instantly got shield no now it's time for shadow heart can she do it let's do it okay okay everything can [ __ ] I don't know probably it's not like very bad probably okay car got nice hit chance Cara get nice chance can she do it oh 16 not bad but she slowed that happens and now it's will turn will what can you do I yes kind of the same but look I got 45% chance to hit her and damage is not so incredible [Music] instead I can go and pick sleep spell I need to reduce here to 32 HP so I need a hit I need to hit here somehow I need to reduce here by four hit points at least at least by four hit points let's try it 45% chance will please do it well why are you lagging [Music] oh okay so now I can't put her into sleep and look what will happen she will cry for help no she's using burning hands and call for help no we get trouble no no no no no okay mass is starting to develop let's finish this but okay who cares look right now I'm just destroying her his magic Missile oh she got one more Shield come on now I can communicate with beasts what a useful stuff Shield so broken all right what a miss by the way whole person is like same chance but I don't want to lose it right now so let's just waste few attacks I guess that's completely fine critical heat now we doing stuff will oh no Harry is asleep okay I'm not sure but does she have one more sleep let's find out with magic Missile level one I guess yeah she got one shield and everyone is reduced or enlarged okay okay we can work with it I guess enlarge crer can push reduced cure with high chance now go away precious God okay Carlock it's your turn Lady it's your turn reduced Carlock versus reduced Priestess got let's do it yay har is still asleep Let's help him get up okay what we can do now and now enlarge Harry versus reduced Priestess God goodbye lady goodbye lady that's what we're doing here she's done and we got this ret note and Princess key so I guess we can use height action right now we can definitely use height action and go into for for example okay can they enter by way they will try to go from this side that's completely fine we can use this key to go into this door no no no Gathering drum beat don't go now W Goblin Camp will come to destroy me what a scream bro what a scream because this is exactly not looking great right now and we will just try to run away okay boys we saved our SS now what we can do now let's take down PMA I guess nice oh we got this awesome Amulet of mist step now we can use completely free Mist step okay I wonder what will happen if we get back is everyone hostile or we like fine it looks like pretty safe right now but let's be in hide and mod first hostile and because everyone is hosle we need to be extra sneaky and do it silently a waiting all and enemy line of sights first of all it's looking like we definitely going to the right way but then one Goblin turned and go straight to us still I got a plan B for this situation we gathered up and made us invisible with the use of one potion now we can go instantly to draw raslin and I guess it's time to start this fight you did it boy you hit by 10 damage and what you did what's happening okay will will gave one4 first damage one4 Force damage and guaranteed critical heit for melee attack for all characters so these guys can use melee attack to make critical heat and also for balls it works for all attacks okay will I would say you're trade tra in this fight you're like a big traitor right now I don't know what will can do right now to actually like do something good because he did absolute like worst stuff but he can destroy this war drum so there will be like no reinforcements it's nice idea I guess I will need to swap will anyway he's like lagging when costing spells okay now he got tekis and he not destroyed more drum will come on oh jeez you deserve it you deserve it okay armor forget us it's not so scary oh jeez that's scary that's scary okay again I didn't know it's not looking good we just need to destroy War drums and at the same time we need to focus down draw Roslin while it's smart idea to destroy little targets first maybe that's actually what I need to do let's play smart Okay destroying more drums and I sumon hostile method what a great day right on the boss right on the boss fight with someone in hostile methods that's great okay let's destroy more drums and this like everyone who's attacking after us so this lady should attack after carlac for some reason I should destroy everyone and what's going on okay okay okay so we become dogs and cats and Har right now is a cat oh jeez we don't need hairy cat we need normal hairy like what's going on all right I don't know this method can basically end everyone his magma method I guess he for some reason like yeah his magma method he's burning and I can meow as our boy let's actually keep Jas in wolf form for now method please attack box not Shadow heart oh B on carac we can survive it carac now is normal car and this guy is on top okay okay will is done we need to heal him somehow somehow we need to heal him without cleric but I'm so Trea right now and I need to use m magic twin spell I guess and just use my krip in mid range let's try to defeat this method it's just insanely annoying insanely will be consumed but that's okay I can use magic Missile to finally defeat this magic method that's not supposed to be here actually and let's focus down this no guy he's just 10 HP we can take him down soon and what's going on everyone is dog and cat again oh my okay carlac is dark again Pro probably that's good for carlac she will survive your attacks no no no it's not good we don't want to be a dog actually jeez okay some damage at least these guys can't attack from the distance everyone is cat and dog look at this mess go guys go go go Dash downwards yeah they they will need to go downwards but they range characters actually okay will is a human now and he's dead again will please tell me you're not dead again again okay will is not dead again and we get shared initiative with Carlock and Harry laoder so what we will do right now look my plan my plan is insanely simple I will go here with carck that sounds like a smart idea actually and with her launer we need to do like this manuver not to get opportunity attack from this Dock and now I will just drop a few potions and let's toss this potion right to Shadow heart now we're doing completely same with carac so carac dropping potion over here nearby will and one more potion just like that okay and now kind like doing magic Missile level two targeting one potion to potion and this warlock for example and everyone is healed but we're standing on the spikes right now and it's really dangerous all right it will be messy now we're doing same over here and focusing down the sharp IU okay we're fine dog is healed but dog get only 5 HP [Music] and I got a question for you guys I got a little question should I use this potion strategies or not is it like too broken it's actually too broken but we are playing honor mod with four wild magic saucers so probably I can have a little bit of this like chick strats so now it's whe turn and he just survived so he need to get away actually he need to get away somewhere where can he can actually see something so he need to go to some safe place where probably other people can help him but he won't be like main target let's go for example like over here it looks like best spot for will right now oh no what what what happened okay he summoned one more method jeez will he he will kill you bro what have you done okay nice Chad heart was just revived so we just drink a potion and lotion and let's just stand still to not provoke but to attack I guess H H Yeah Carl let's do it okay K need to jump and somehow destroy these two like Angry dudes over here how we can like Target both of them I guess it will be twin spell and it will be thunder yeah Thunder for more damage or twin spell like lightning and I guess I will make carlac lightning Mage so yeah that's how you're doing it carlac the lightning ship BR something like this she should tell everyone jez jeez this wild magic is not working PL okay I can go for one more like twin spell over here not right now I'm just going for magic Missile one and then probably let's do Quicken spell instead and we're going to use bonus action but we don't need it to too much right now let's actually finish this lady first and this lady because that's not good that she standing nearby ship and yeah we did it oh now we can restore sorcery points that's very good okay Miss now we need to somehow take down this beer d raslin oh jeez he just destroyed Harry oh okay he's at least fighting versus method and will is still surviving okay I wonder what will happen if I teleport right nearby Z wheel and he will be enlarged and maybe like I'm just do one slight move this lad and heal myself okay this worked but but look at this look at this guys okay we got big Shadow heart versus small drawer raslin oh my goodness okay we fighting boys we're fighting what can you do now okay he can do something even when he's little jeez he's trying to walk away but that's bad oh that's where this warlock I missed I miss this warlock completely okay so everyone is dead or not let's find out first all we got Carlock what can you do Carlock let's just destroy this warlock first while we can slow that's fine let's do Quicken spell right now and destroy this world one more time please 10 damage nice more than enough and now it's question like pick up Shadow heart or resurrect will I guess we can start with Will for example let's put him back here he'll be like more protected and okay we got some s points restoration but I get Quicken spell but no no bonus actions okay oh yeah yeah yeah he's trying he's trying to walk oh jeez he's taking such low damage in his b cker form that's sad that's sadly can I like slow him down I should be able to let's try it okay at least we'll get some some magic oh no additional goblins coming all right let's do it let's do it gain potion cheating a little bit maybe let's do it closer to drawer for some some like debuff stuff and he's still too heavy for some reason all right potion one potion two and just unload on drawer let's do it big wheel versus small drawer okay he slowed that's fine everyone's revived [Music] okay now it's Shadow her turn she can do almost anything but if she will do jump instantly she will survive but she need to do this jump right instantly no no don't W okay okay okay she's fine she's fine sometimes the only way now Harry He restored his some stuff okay no more spikes he's going on will will is destroyed jumping he can do two attacks and turn yeah okay I need to do it I need to do it I need to run away a little bit we definitely like losing this fight it's so insane then I got only one safe left so we need to use hide action first and get in the ladder that's the only only way how I can survive this fight right now and now he's going for Carlock he will one shot her probably she's done whoa what he he's doing some crazy stuff okay it's now an never it's now an never if they will find me now oh they trying to find Harry but Harry disappeared yeah I need to take a long rest but before let's talk with Wizards what up skeleton guy I want to reect all of my Fallen companions nice Prize or maybe I changed my mind okay here's the gold bro yeah thank you for gold while he's resurrecting teammates I'm taking all his gold so stealy mode Let's get back to business definitely not aware where we are right now he's smiling he think he won this fight but look Harry is just behind and let's go with 5050 first okay we did it boys fly iing can fly flying is fine so hit number one oh jeez and now it's carac time oh hard looking like completely hard looking you should take a look okay he's done let's take his key parasite and should I open my mind to it maybe not now because Harry don't worry about TPS but what do you think should Harry you st palls in this run right in the comments and now it's finally time to face minara she got a lot of guards on the way to her room but I found a way how to go from behind so Harry please don't mess [Music] up oh my goodness Harry why you someone in method now oh jeez guys that's not what was planned and we're actually not in the best position right now in like very awful position okay I don't know I don't know like should I disable him should we go now with all companions over here probably let's try to teleport hiden let's do it and will is not in the fight no he's in the fight and now car let's go ly I mean like who cares finally let's just teleport over here okay car in a fight what's going on she will heal everyone okay she's kind of my cleric for this fight probably okay I can't move because I'm in Tangled oh yeah I'm in Tangled myself self that's like I would say insanely cool and Powerful stuff that I can do I guess I can use like Mr step over here to change position a little bit and what's going on oh protective sphere okay I can do any damage but that's completely fine I guess I can use like minor illusion no I can do like anything okay we will just stay here magma method trying to run away bro where are you running oh he's hitting he's hitting meal on minara come on minara lost her weapon minara lost her weapon jeez jeez she's running hold person on Carlock Successful by the way and soul branding what who cares matara let's just Misty step in heat of battle with Will let's do it what's going on Swap positions with Target okay okay okay okay look I got a plan okay that's so genius look look at this we're going right over here taking one hit but that's fine right over here and now we just making sure we're hitting the spell we making sure 100% so we'll do your magic while standing still as always again should I switch wheel from the party because he's like stupid and will you should switch pos position with a Target what's happened oh my goodness okay plan was like insanely cool I should switch positions with minara but it failed a little bit I guess twin spell thunder strike this guy is really don't like thunder strikes so if you don't know how to destroy this scry ice youth thunder strike any type of Thunder damage basically because this dude is vulnerable to thunder and will take double damage from it so twin spell Thunder damage just level one will be enough I don't want to destroy magma method he's fighting on my side right now so let's keep him in a battle critical M okay okay Reckless will cry what will happen everyone will come to save you bro no they won't they won't they they fighting with our method what a saver what a saver no no no no no calling reinforcements jeez it's a stupid eye I guess there's no like reinforcements right now this fear will be for two more turns insane so Harry can't do anything right now yeah he's like useless he's like completely useless can I Pro opportunity attack this way no it's won't do like anything meit it's your turn bro you already destroyed M's weapon now we trying to destroy I that's fine I like to destroy I too let's do this thunder stuff okay he'll destroyed I can use bonus action to teleport minara sorry we're using our bonus action to teleport on your weapon and I want to take it I want to take it this will take an action no no no it's not taking any action so I got Minas maze oh jeez oh jeez okay will you C you still can't do anything so just stay over here plan is still alive okay she can heal herself with 24 hit points will be possibly not so easy fight as I thought carac is still in hold person mode my method is done where are you running where are you running nowhere okay he's fine he's just throwing some Stones oh no he's healing okay yes Shadow heart Shadow heart is done oh no [Music] no okay it's hairy time we need to somehow destroy this little goblins and we will use magic Missile for this task of course to make sure we doing it okay almost did it almost did it but right now it's will turn so will okay guys will got well magic swap swap casting a spell of C trip makes you switch positions with a Target creature and my target creature is last boss minara we get 60% chance to hit with this spell and basically with other spells too so it's 60% chance to destroy minara cross your fingers and let's do it okay you did it will you did it please swap positions why he's not swapping positions I guess there's like too much well magic going on okay the plan was just to put her on the [Music] bridge and destroys the bridge but it's not working for some reason I don't know maybe it's definitely like too much we magic in here now he's teleporting okay I mean it's like will is just crazy so he is at 1 HP one HP and one more at full health let's try to hit marara one time to break concentration possibly no she's still with concentration now I get additional action okay and I can use telekinesis she cannot be moved by force okay it's makes sense makes sense right now why okay because he got she got focused straight I guess this boots awesome boots that's why will wasn't able to swap places with here okay let's show youis on you so 55% let's do it okay he saved that's fine but we got action search communicate with beasts again again what marara can do I didn't know she can do a lot she get no weapon I guess we're fine oh go away Goblin oh you want let's try one more time and it's unlucky again okay but we got Spike grows all over the place Goblin go away why are you still surviving will do it please bam nice oh yeah he changed positions now he's on High Ground that's cool Mr sap minara that's a mistake possibly fighting on this Cliff okay now it's hairy turn no more telekinesis that's fine let's just do normal attack okay [ __ ] is everywhere I don't see any Fu I'm seeing this like everything is just insanely cluttered with some spikes and other stuff but carac haven't used any spell right now this is the end we did it boys but there's still one more item left it will be hard to get Crusher ring when all Camp is hostile but I got a plan how to one-hot him before this attack I went to the Traer and bought Scroll of Fireball so can crusher stand a chance against level three fire spell let's find out [Music]
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 6,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qPqLXS_wTJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 34sec (3874 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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