Baldur's Gate 3 - Honour Mode Glitchless in 1:34:40

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so just the fact that I got to act to moon like into cathic fight I really don't want to be losing runs there because like everything in the early game has to go correctly yes karmic no karmic dice is on the reason why karmic dice is on is because it reduces fa failure streaks so it's actually better to have karmic dice on than off if you have it off you're more likely to roll ones is why you want to be very careful with just a lot of stuff basically ones reduce your chance of failing but it reduces like everything else in the game like you're not going to roll super high or anything on any value [Music] use basically it evens everything out so you shouldn't fail twice in a row like I did there by the way if I lose this run I'm going to need to restart my game I should have restarted my game now but whatever I'm just going to have very slow cut scenes for this entire run will taste my Fury time to strike [Music] my feet time to strike enough waiting I crave blood you prove surprisingly adequate in battle mind of Machinery better watch what I should be fine from [Music] here we need to get out of here now something good here I hope one day I'll catch a break damn I need to reach the transponder plus I had speed potion that run speed potion just helps so much for the gift fight is why you also don't want to be losing runs like that too there's so many things that can go wrong in the run that it's like you don't want to be making stupid mistakes you okay more those Rich things D me sh what's going on with that approach the sigil you don't have first how can I help I I'll be it's most likely I won't be getting more okay I got one there monster death is too good for it okay now I need to jump here I think I might hit the cut scene here which is bad no I didn't okay dead Travelers oh where are you going where the hell did my T strange symbol glows marked on their flesh something within you it didn't mean to hit that check there it's because I climbed on the roof somehow with my jump pathing it shouldn't happen at all the voice is your vision my faith protects me like the boo the better of they're practic come on now getting your [ __ ] what is my hello just a bit game I can't click okay very cool well there goes all my jumps very fun in the game bugs out like that cuz now I don't have enough to make it to the explosive barrels very cool game [Music] H I need a better PC if I had a better PC that sort of thing won't happen Okay what is my tab doing so okay I don't need any attention right now tab is having the weirdest paing right now or I should say durge because technically we're not t here the Priestess is slain and The Horde is weaker for it that's curious at least that was fast because uh gut actually went to the edge there which doesn't happen that often at least for me never wanted the easy path where is my tab going [Music] please all right time to skel out I'm getting so trolled here what kind of contraption is this pretty sure this is the same puzzle every time isn't it this goes very hard we'll have to go in to see the bottom lockpicking be faster lockpicking what is the question I don't think you can lock picket at least that's puzzle there I think you might be able to use knock but you need all your spell slots so it's not an option but yeah we really don't want to have RNG decide the run is why looks abandoned doing things that's curious I'm not sure if you can I haven't tested it but the point is having RNG be such a major part is like something you don't want to have in your R also I missed my Wilderness split to the under dark here well I'll be PL you [ __ ] spit up drug you're sh who's the ho you're But I'm warning you okay you got a brain of your own oh I ran out of enhanced sleep out of sight out of mind softer than a [Music] whisper I smell a trap there's a lot that goes on because there's a lot of execution heavy stuff too there's a lot of RNG with the smoke powder barrels as well it's the whole damn reason we're here so you don't want to just mess up anything else here I must keep going my name is Al you can clearly handle yourself let me moving ahead it's I it's just so much more RNG and glitchless which is not [Music] fun I came just yeah not how long is this run under 2 hours is the goal at least for now for the first run also these cut scenes are forever because of my PC sucks you see I what it comes down to is this I by that I mean it's imp there'll be danger involved please please no level up but yeah there's like so much Orange G and shenanigans that can go wrong that like you don't want to go wrong in your run so you want to just be very careful with [Music] everything [ __ ] think you can mess up this part really easily too okay well it's 13 it's decent okay yeah there's like so much to memorize and do in this run that losing runs to Merles just sucks onward in her name oh yeah this is also an RNG check so it's even worse with one in not just this one but the command drop stuff here is super annoying sometimes well this is fun there goes another 10 seconds yes RNG can kill the run which is why this run is pretty irritating sometimes or at least glitchless is there's so much RNG even though this is the quote unquote No RNG route this has so much RNG to deal with there's so much memorization in this route too that makes it pretty irritating to do like honestly glitchless is more difficult than the doing the tricks just for that reason cuz things can go wrong that are very dumb there was a battle here once a large one I mean that's the point of this route is to cut down as much RNG as we can so we can get runs if you really want to go for an orang know there are some things that we know work but are just so RNG that it's like you want to spend 40 minutes doing like an attempt of your run and then just have it be a 50/50 rooll this place is protected even less than that even sometimes or at least supplies yes all of that you need to memorize all the dialogue that you're doing because for instance the game dialogue I have to go slow there because if you choose the wrong dialogue Dale leaves you and then yeah you're runs dead same thing with uh dialogue with gores dialogue with uh literally any NPC you're going to have to memorize all that jump paths as well are all very precise too [Music] [Music] take yes which is why you have to be very careful if you're all right by you're all right by [Music] me if you're all right by you're all right by me I wish we had a bloody Army see that's the thing as well I'm the person that tends to be the one that works out the runs with the strats I'm not the kind of person that grinds the world record sort of thing like I used to do that in the past but it honestly fills your sanity especially after doing it so long that it's like no longer as satisfying to get like a world record I just like to get uh cool runs with new strats and stuff if you're all that's what I do if you're all right by jir you're all right by me take care blood okay it's [Music] fine where is my tab hello why didn't you jump I casted the jump butt this is annoying it's all the small thing that are annoying as well and your jumps Don't Feel clean like that because your paing is bad that sort of thing I really don't like optimizing that's the sort of thing May optimizes a lot and may learns from the routes that are created and I contain empty okay not in the slightest nothing oh my Jump Right Out cool look like it can move but where does it Le well that was slow some sort of Temple looks abandoned breathe deep and move is that sh herself oh he bonked his head on the door jump please oh my god when jumps don't work the leg uh it's because my T went down [Music] here where initiates undertook their final preparations I cannot keep we've already found enough magic to soothe I feel the weave growing more I question it's just something I have to if you're sure I gladly I click the dialog prompt twice please also why did it why am I what whoa whoa wait a second I'm not supposed to be taking damage here like you shouldn't be taking damage from this fall stuff here because this is like night song's prison and everything you should be floating around as you do your jumps but instead I think the game just doesn't like me please it's fine it's why we have feather fall in case keep back hold your tongue it's done oh okay I didn't know that suffer your company there go Shadow heart close I can feel it the absolute so I did an unintentional bug that was negative I hate when that happens okay it's fine you'll find these boots have seen everything because this is literally the hardest part of the run right here is all this stuff is going to be Happ happening because there's so much micromanagement that you need to do cuz you need to memorize every item that you need to get as well here and equipped in I I can only if you're not like go on you can I come on just ran out yeah I know I have to your first I shall be here in my Campa should thou or any of I can I have the magic the wrong character I shall be here in my sorcerer this feather for think I have an extra level here which might make things a bit easier since I'm no longer in a rush at this section we leveling [Music] up is that blood no never mind what to take surely no one will notice all my with squeeze I can take what I [Music] please time to press ahead in never a d moment okay for you do it now what EV yes the cow's route to New Horizons okay we're fine here we made it don't know why it just didn't let me twin spell a fleet of nautiloids I dread to think how many true Souls Ade equates do needs in this part with ease we found it okay now let me please get past this fight now and perhaps you hope I will kill you oh shoot should be f is free for okay okay yep Swift as my feet can carry me and okay we are good I'm to AFK so be right [Music] back [Music] okay I'm back so what's going on here is this is the burkel fight and merkel's going to take damage I'm going to move away from the sound here but merkel's taking a few damage each turn because of uh effects so that includes uh if I can scroll over a little bit here I don't want to cck on the door but yeah you can see he has necrosis and burning so burning does one to 1 D4 damage per turn necrosis from Gail's dead body is also doing one to four damage per turn but because of resistance it only does one to two damage so merkel's taking about four damage per turn on average and because there's no none of our allies are in fight uh but Dame alen is still fighting here and all these enemies are still spawning in so it's the fight's still going on but basically merkel's just taking turn-based damage however because of these uh guys spawning in Merkel also heals up during the fight so we're going to have to wait for all of these enemies to spawn in until there's like a limit to how many can spawn in which is like quite a lot so we have to wait forever for this there are faster strats nuclear except there's quite a few tidbits one there like we were going to do a uh because it's glitchless yeah there's a couple other strats that you could potentially do one of them involves using someone like Menara transforming into an owl bear and then jumping on top of Merkle I think but the thing is that's kind of glitchy in a way because what you're going to have to do for that is stack like 30 boxes on top of another and then jump on merkel's head with a weird jump and that will do enough but you need to grab all the boxes you need to grab Menara you need to get a bunch of other stuff as well and yeah so that's like a big thing the other option which was the route beforehand was the using lightning and using enough lightning you can one shot Merkel but the thing is you're relying on a 50% chance to hit twice so it's like a 25% chance chance to get it to actually work and sure it's a one shot but the thing is you have to get that 25% chance and it's like really risky because there's so many things that can go wrong with that Strat too so yeah relying on all that RNG is rough yeah lightning is the strongest build in the game uh you can on-shot enemies by doing like a double crit with a storm sorcery stuff so what we would do is have stuff like the these boots you get lightning charges basically enjoying more lightning charges and stuff and then there's like a specific uh things like here you can have twin spells and stuff here there's a you need level six though I think which you get from Menara and you get uh cleric Respec as well to get water so you deal additional damage yes you need the spell sparkler and the jolty vest which you would also need to route for you would also need to go to the crush I think to get what is it like another Amulet of branding or something and that also deals additional damage but you need in order to get that you need to kill like one of the big gifts and and that's like a big fight on its own so that's pretty out there as well and all that routing stuff already takes another 15 20 minutes so you either do all of that extra stuff to one shot or you could just AFK here and wait for Merkel to die which is also technically like 25 30 minutes so you know yeah I'm going to just eat my Apple while we wait here so I'm not sure what you mean by the alternative uh what build should you play for tactician uh honestly just do whatever I'm doing the lightning build for another one of my tactician runs because I enjoyed it or I wanted to see it in action and I can say that one-shotting enemies is pretty satisfying uh with my friends I'm playing the Paladin build we haven't done or run in a while or or play in a while so we didn't get that far far but I think Paladin's pretty cool but yeah almost anything goes as long as you're cool with it but yeah merkel's going to start healing up by the way so this fight is not even close to over even though it looks like it because all these uh necrom mites are going to start getting eaten the whole Menara thing I mean I don't know what you mean for after Merkle because literally once we defeat Merkel all we do is just enter and like that's basically it because the fight's over from there so couple things Menara is useful in act three because menora can basically be the same thing as jira but the only thing we really need is for the Orin fight and with our current strats I do have a I want to say 5% chance of my run Dy to Orin by the way so that's a big issue I think it's even more than that like 20% chance of my run dying to Orin so even getting past cathar is not it yes no Shadow Boxing in this run also look merkel's back to full health and Dame alen is taking damage she's just down here but because Dame aen is Invincible uh she's like permanently in the fight downed so the turns are still happening because of that [Music] for giving Merle The Spar knite would be I don't know but if we could put more status effects on Merkel that would also help speed this up a little bit like every time or every one damage per turn like speeds to fight up by like another minute so that's a big thing oh this is going by so fast by the way because now you can see the damage actions start ticking so you can see the one tick from Gail and then the one tick from burning so the fire damage is going to do an average of 2.5 damage while Gail's body does an average of 1.25 damage per turn so if I calculate this correctly he's at 36 health so let me get my calculator on my phone here somewhere here yeah there we go so 1.25 plus oh that was seven 1.25 plus 2.5 is 3.75 damage yeah and then he has 360 Health divided by 3.75 is 96 times the amount of seconds per turn which is let me start it from when I look at life split here so 24 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 * 8 / by 60 so it's going to take 12 minutes and we're already halfway so this fight is going to be about 22 minutes 23 minutes which is quite a lot faster than before so that's nice so let me finish my Apple before the fight is over yeah yeah is get you should be out of act two in in hour yeah under an hour here it's pretty solid it's already halfway done how do you figure things like this out total speedrun new so like uh a lot of times it's just understanding game mechanics so for instance knowing that Gail's dead body emanates damage explosives are like a big part of the game which deal a lot of damage Etc you're able to find out like a lot of cool tricks by just understanding how those work and interact with each other so yeah it's a lot of trial and error uh Delp and I we figured this out at gdq by the way we spent 5 hours just grinding out this fight figuring out what's the best way to kill Merkel it was my idea to use the necrosis from Gail and the burning from the barrels to deal this damage and looks like it's working yeah uh Delph was the one that knew all the uh locations of explosives and everything so that really helped for phase one cck uh we were also doing a lot of other stuff too beforehand which includes like Krick rooftop fight where we originally were going to use like all our smoke powder bombs there which kind of is rough for Phase 1 cck so yeah there's a lot of stuff like that like trial and error testing that we went through before we went to this Strat here and yeah things are working out is the balers Gate 3 Wiki actually good I mean it's okay I think we're making a separate Wiki for just speeduns and stuff for our own community so that'll be interesting act three vid about fireworks on the brain yeah that was like a lot of stuff as well are figured from ogum so big shout outs to Mr ogum do you have tools for running tests for science in honor mode so you can use your save files by copying and pasting them so I have like three save files for Honor Mode glitch lists for testing and stuff and basically you just copy them to like a different folder and then you put them back into your game files when you want to use them there's also other stuff like ogm made like a node calculator for node flings and stuff to figure out things like that a lot of games have like checkpoint train and stuff it would be really cool to have one for Boulders Skate 3 particularly for Honor mode but yeah a lot of things also work in tactician that do work in honor so that's also an option as well but yeah there's like quite a few things that you can go through for that also this Merkel is dying really quickly by the way I I don't know if I'm ready to get back into the run here because now that I'm getting past Merkel everything from here is very scary as well because there's a couple more dice roll shenanigans that you do have to do a couple more very important dialogue choices that you need to make because if you choose the wrong one for instance like with gorach your run is dead so yeah you you want to be very careful with what you do yeah mod for adding items and stuff in teleports would be really nice to have lots of games have that for speedrun testing and stuff so it would be cool if balers Gate 3 has one too yeah it's a lot of things though lots of games also have their own speedrun specific mods and stuff which are really cool ni sh well I'm well I am well just super busy okay he's almost dead I'm almost back into the run and the thing is the run's not over after miracle there's still another few major parts like GI fight is going to be a nightmare as well because if I mess up that runs dead if I mess up Orin runs dead if I mess up the end sequence runs dead and it's very easy to mess those stuff up so yeah yep okay looks like the last two turns or something maybe one oh one more turn and Merkel is dead wo let's go you no long we found it okay the game bugged out because it thought that I wasn't in there okay I need to pick up cck's body that's right and now I dare so all of these necro mites as well have stuff that could potentially be useful but not going to bother with them for now because looting them is pretty slow uh talk to Jahira reminds me of Old Times aren't you when we reach we'll make our visit no I chose the wrong dialogue dude okay there are many more battles ahead well now I'm going to get an extra uh extra dialogue here this place blighted by the curse is a bigger battle somewhere else looks like an army marched through here oh shoot and I messed up this part too the scale just did I soft lock shoot I might have soft locked dude oh my god did I really one second to the road to Boulders gate is west of the T hurry the absolute forces yeah very well cannot fast travel right now I cannot fast travel I have to go to Withers that's why where's with is [Music] here can I long rest even from here no there you are yes okay I think I know what to do this is annoying though okay well this is what I get for not understanding this route the do El I shall ask nothing then th must provide this is the price by it's my fault d i strike I need to resurrect Gil here and then I need to pick poock that pickpocket that 200 gold back as well no want to draw any attention Fage spins along yeah so Gail's going to leave here you wonder what she looked like as you JT away when I followed you and I forgot to get jira to Respec here fine I think I can still from here where is Withers shoot I don't know where what this is see time for the nities well this is going to be super slow I already lost like 5 minutes here I shall be here in my camp for whenever thou Hast need and I forgot to do another thing too so I'm going to L more time because I need to make sure I have the gold first just out of you nice not up for trading today I'm afraid this ought to be good not this one for a m p okay finally lighter defense still alive so that's progress cck is defeated the path ahead well that was a waste of five extra minutes that shouldn't have been five extra minutes there God I needed to have a revive P to just resurrect perhaps get back to your control this my fault beyond all this together Liberate the true souls okay here we go your way to the portal I need your help or what's this no why did I use action surge okay well that's even more time loss by the way because I used action search when I don't want to use it because now jira is not going to have an extra action here and that's entirely my fault because I need uh that extra action from J because now this is going to be pretty irritating to do hurry I can't hold them back alone legs there is still enough to be done this day why what it says restore on short rest wait oh it's only available on combat okay it's my fault it's fine we're fine we're fine uh okay don't mind me complaining because I am just flustered right now because [Music] Shenanigans help me destroy the god to no what am I doing I clicked the x button why did you attack please oh no dude it's fine what now [Music] light on my feet oh this is very very very very very bad very very very bad dude my run might be dead honestly my Run's dead it's so dead destroy the honor God okay thank you Emperor but okay okay I still have two revive the P Scrolls in case this guy is going to have to be defeated the oldfashioned way I think I'll let the emperor defeat him oh my God the emperor is so op please do it do it do it one more hit no it's one more hit please quickly [Laughter] that was a stupid idea by the way okay now is not your time well the run's not dead but that was quite scary not going to lie that was very dead so we should but I was an adventurer that longing brought me to to for years I sustained myself miscellaneous categories are would be very fun in this game I shall look forward to sharing alone orus will be this dialogue is also very precise we may look different as anth I if you let me you need to not become an here don't waste a step cursed to put my hands on everything okay well we're out of the gift fite barely we nearly lost the Run there but you know that's that was a very big yikes we must find where gach and Orin have established themselves we fix suppes what do you remember only's El I'm just recasting this early I need you to step back there must be something see the go okay I okay my I'm fine with that that shouldn't have happened that was scary I should have used invis there by the way [Music] as you but be hey tell what I should cancel this for now another Quake reason why is because I want to make sure I don't mess up anything there with not being seen H not this again brain appears to be resist okay Orin time is scary because Orin is probably the choke point of the run along with the brain fight so hopefully I get everything to go well very scary run though this is also the longest load in the run so it's like a minute for me oh boy or it's like 30 40 seconds of loads which is insane for this part [Music] [Music] the leg St I have a special please enjoy respons of course or perhaps the delicate s of course brow resp l no sell these more fireworks and I need to make sure I have enough left over breathe quiet move with care so time to press ahead that should work where am I jumping to okay this is surely enough yeah I really hope this is enough fireworks how many is it 46 no 40 56 56 56 is surely enough yeah louder also the lag here is kind of unbearable right now oh my God go ahe okay keep going ran out of hand sleep oh you real should I sucess let's have a look spells oh I oh I completely forgot I needed to have to end this potion here not for Gail gaale can just cast in this what am I thinking hope this doesn't this run up here seems like a good moment to talk lady well Moment of Truth here shake off the dust okay so items guidance pleas pleas there don't matter don't [Music] better no time to rest okay so let's do it in this order well certainly waiting someday I will sit down I mean it tell me did the squirm beneath your screws okay oh J got stunned okay well we did the thing but uh jira needs to live here I don't think she'll live take our I sit down for a rest and is it fine if J he's dead here without picking up this Stone take our blood I don't know I really don't know okay let me just do this to be safe then yeah I know I need the stone to leave M need to find a way forward inis looting I don't want to risk it plus I still need to do this anyways th love is no demand okay I don't care my my love life require a new th m what Dost thou require a new ally which of them does this is the price of do thou require anything by doom and dusk I strike yeah so I'm just going to send jira back in there to grab it because you do need jera to be back alive in order for this part to work out too what do we have here using a five finger discount I don't need any more gold what am I doing sure it would be nice Gods let there be something green actually let's use this must be just a little further this will do that's a good thing that I did that that way then well I still need your hero to die again wonder if the guns are watching me nobody can control the brain and it knows it we must SE the thir breaks free okay uh actually I do need the gold I'm just fairly short here so I need to pick pocket withs again oh thank you with very kind do thou require then this is the price okay we have to GR you twice here I strike thy name from The Archives oh we're fine this should be completed I'm happy that I actually got the Orin throw but that didn't go that cleanly because jira got instantly stunned worm Rock but yeah now I have to make sure I select the correct dialogue from Gort I lost one of my runs offline in practice by not realizing that you need to press option two twice for his dialogue otherwise he'll be like nope you're a weakling and then yeah that's not good uh yeah [Music] okay aggressive action oh yeah y you I commend I always preferred your methods to hers I see I don't mind we will raise hand me the nether stones and we will rule as one I'm not here for games okay almost there guys it's not sub 130 unfortunately but you know close enough if I didn't mess up in a couple places here and there it would be some 1 hour 30 minutes octave my tap doesn't have aete by the way so this is kind of scuffed here yeah I have to jump that way instead que RS they swarm when an elder brain is near we must be close to its Hiding Place silence turn on turn base just in case that's where that switch should be I get an extra split because of entering uh this area twice and can you smell it the brine magic the brain is here waiting preparing calculating evolving I have to be careful here to C just out of you because I need to make sure I don't get into combat here controll I believe I could jump as right as possible and that skips that nice th this way quick we need to talk break control for that I don't it's being dreamed must be close y you it's Ming with your mind ready for these dice roll don't listen to it us on the crown imagine Landing any of these by the way that would be hilarious to just cut the health in like 100 n 15's all the way it's good rolls but not good enough it has become I we [Music] want now need need to be careful not to stomp on the emperor's head too by the way sometime you will give the stones to me I it is a a mind Slayer I trust you have a all you have to do the P for this come come it's time to leave and then Tech we don't want the emperor with us okay last split of the game watching Gods the battle has already [Music] begun okay game didn't let me jump there so I think Jiro would be faster to go through this cing but I I'm worried about just not having enhanced sleep for it so I'm going this way also let me just D this Blood really don't you go get up I need customers one explosive bomb just in case whoops uh I am way too scared right now I'm playing like a pansy because I I don't want to get seen by the guards here and lose my run dragons overhead stay low like these guys I might get seen here you just have to wait all the way okay I played that so scar like I'm so scared I just want to make sure I have a run that's completed [Music] dude not Al get to the brain now up here turn B mod fly up he youir we are to try the stones once I okay at your command rest you Wicked or wise is it back until is done you feel it this is it it's will I won't give in for hey here we go this is it first step is the hardest let's go we did it in mind glitch list is complete let's go thank you for the bits by the way I really appreciate it oh boy it's the first glitchless Speed Run in an hour 34 minutes yeah the FPS really took a tolder because of all the explosives and the uh the fact that I haven't restarted my game and stuff uh sub 1 hour is the eventual goal of this category I think but it'll need to be a lot faster and be a lot more RNG I played very safe towards the end because I wanted to make sure I completed this run because this run is extremely scary by the way just the fact that you need so many RNG rolls to go by correctly and yeah I'm just happy that I finally completed this run
Channel: Chronos
Views: 48,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s5HOfJN7gVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 35sec (6095 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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