Can You Beat Baldur's Gate 3 Without Using the Same Action Twice?

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the developers of balers Gate 3 spent countless hours adding hundreds of unique attacks to the game only for us players to get stuck using the same ones over and over but what if every action in the game was restricted to just a single use can you beat balers Gate 3 without using the same action twice during this challenge I have tracked each of my actions both in and out of combat so I can know which of my actions I've used already and for fun I'll be showing the total actions used in the top left corner at all times for my rule set an action is considered to be unique as long as it has a different name in the combat log for example the spell command has a few variants so command flee drop gravel Etc will all count as a different spell and if two actions look the exact same that's okay I'm going off of their names only Scrolls do not grant me a second use of any spell they instead take the place of said spell all other consumable items are also onetime use and have been tracked separately from my spellwork actions now with all that out of the way let's begin I started the game as a dragon born sorcerer but don't get too attached as I need to frequently chain classes to make any progress the biggest threat for this challenge is running out of usable actions and potentially Bec soft locked knowing that risk I role played as a lizard punching bag to get through the prologue without using a single action once on the shore I recruited shadowart and took a moment to weigh my options since I only get one jump the cliff is not viable I also didn't want to waste my only lockpick this early leaving combat as the only real choice and to be honest the first battle made me question if there's going to be any viability to this challenge whatsoever as it would take several spells and cantrips just to clear them a total of six actions a victory but it didn't feel like one using dialogue I stomped out a mind flare making me a little happier as any experience with no action cost is a win then I met with a Starion freed Gail from his portal decided LEL isn't worth wasting an action point on and as per usual in these challenge runs I did absolutely nothing but leech experience at the druid's gates while will died in the fight only this time I'm refusing to use my only Resurrection scroll on him aerion died too but since he's in the party already at least Withers can get him later pulling the YouTuber special I cast dis guy's self to turn into a Dr skipping all the dialogue checks with the goblins to reach level three from here I decided limiting the goblin leaders is a worthwhile investment as it opens up many additional quests down the road with that goal in mind I role played as a prisoner of priest's gut she slapped the [ __ ] out of me but Raphael's girl slid her throat in response bailing me out and Downing one leader for free gut's bedroom grants access to the underdark so I quickly grabbed the Waypoint and stole a kill on a minitar using witch bolt to reach level four I picked up the ability Improvement feat because I really can't afford to have my spells Miss then returned to the goblin Camp to trick Menara into thinking I'll join her causing her to walk right into the Looney Tunes classic and using minor illusion a fake cat lured the final leader into an area that really should have had safety railings allowing Gail to Thunder Wave him into next week the Goblins reciprocated by chasing me back but the job was already done with the goblin leaders down I was already in position to enter the mountain pass skipping any further possible confrontations with these aggravated goblins this did also mean that we're going to miss our tlink sex party but sometimes logical decision-making and Excel spreadsheeting takes priority over a single night of debauchery we found lelle waiting for us in the mountain pass so I invited her to join the camp then return to act one through the other Mountain Pass Pathway to deceive the man with the Vegeta looking haircut to get into Watkins rest it was too late to save councelor Floric but that's mainly the fault of whatever these three stes were doing I wrapped up the area by mind controlling a null for a bit more dialogue experience and then returned to the underd dark we ran directly through the laser beams managed to slip past the detection of a minitar without having to stealth and rather than shooting the exploding mushrooms from a safe distance like anyone with a brain would do I implemented a unique face tanking approach it went better than expected once at the colony I selflessly gave my only antidote to a sick gnome and used Mage hand to save a forgetful man setting sail for Grim Forge we use Jedi Mind Tricks to confuse the dwarves and soon after I made the first blunder of the run the plan here was to use speak with animals to speak with these Rams because I knew that they destroy the rocks and I get free XP but I totally forgot that the dwarves betray you afterwards this mistake would cost me six additional actions but thankfully the RO did do most of the work still level four I figured the GTH yanki Crush would be well worth its entrance fee but to get inside without jumping you need to do battle with a couple gith the door by using the attack button during the cut scene we can force them to fight us while the door is still open but by no means is this a simple engagement cloud of daggers is an extremely valuable spell and in this situation it managed to pull off 67 damage when combined with Shadow heart's crowd control spells taking 10 actions to get these two down ended up being the most costly Encounter of Act One entering the crush and passing the dialogue check got us to level five along with a new tier of spells for my choosing I also took their egg bought some gear and forced lelle to use the zisk because there's no way in hell I'm going to pass all those roles she took the permanent stat hit for us and with that I sent her back to Camp where she'll never contribute to my story ever again if there's a way to efficiently deal with the undead in the mountain pass I sure as hell didn't know it so I fast traveled to Grim Forge to take the elevator path instead though quite underleveled we braved on and into the shadow cursed lands act two begins immediately with a forced encounter with several Shadow creatures of the Zone I sent Shadow heart in alone with the spirit Guardian spell active combining it with Dash to guarantee she could land some extra hits and save the Harpers before the spell ran out I made sure to bolt it into combat with the Ravens nearby this way Spirit Guardians could solo two entire encounters for just one cast deceiving the dder into giving us the moon Lantern was clearly the optimal play granting us the pixie blessing and safe travel to moonrise moonrise Towers is the first area of the game that combat is basically mandatory I say basically because while there are ways to skip these encounters they would cost me extremely valuable spells which I'm not yet willing to part with so with that I got prepared to take out the trash in Moonrise Towers my 33rd action of the Run was also the first crit of the Run and for the very first time in the history of balers Gate 3 I was excited to use the way of the four elements monk they get exact copies of all the wizard spells but they have unique names you think that's ice knife no that's a blade of rhyme so with my rule set this makes the four elements monk subass one of the most powerful ones in the entire game you'll never hear anybody say that again moonrise Towers was quickly becoming a pain in the ass in just four battles I had used more actions than I did in the entirety of act one I tried to rethink what I was doing a bit by implementing area of effect attacks more often quickly increasing my efficiency and it's here that I discovered a totally new technique it's possible to lure enemies by moving stolen objects as they'll always go to pick it up after it's been touched like a sketchy white van offering candy to Children this prison Warden could not resist the obvious bait I used the charger shove feet to push her off the ledge can honestly say I've never used that feat before I also used the normal shove action on the final guard nearby to Stage a rather ridiculous prison break I handed walborn a torch he smashed the walls down with said torch then no one helped this poor tling who tried so damn hard to get this boat free not even me cuz you know the action economy is kind of rough these days going back upstairs and slang zerel got us to level six and I figured this should be enough of moonrise cleared out that the Harpers can carry me to Victory later act two isn't all bad though I was able to scoop up a lot of free dialogue XP from speaking with the bartender tollkeeper and Doctor before descending into lady shar's Gauntlet normally Bazar Undead will start combat immediately upon speaking with them but by using the spell gaseous form there's a side effect where you don't have a vocal component making both dialogues entirely skippable but I didn't really want to skip the second one in the second room I left the form while standing in his bedroom door triggering Char's Ambush on us this was where I would use the only lockpick that I'm allowed to deal with Bazar once he finally got out of the room I used Arcane lock on the door to block his minion flesh from helping out this way I could guarantee his death after a short Six turn nap Bazar was slain by Char's Undead while waiting for the door to unlock they formed up to finish off flesh in a pretty cool way you don't really see the AI group up like this and it was so hard to resist fireballing it with none of them being mandatory enemies I played it safe and left them alive handling The Gauntlet of sh I was presented with four options of which to start and when you briefly look at each there's only one that can be completed without wasting any actions whatsoever amazingly I completed it in one try then using the orb to activate the elevator immediately glitched and carlac fell through the floor since I had no way to reach her I had to reload Lian when are you going to fix this elevator Bug Man round two carlac didn't glitch out we beat the elevator boss and using knock I opened the final door this does mean that I could never open a locked door ever again in this run but that's a problem for future proxy before entering the shadowfell I made a last minute decision to use repulser pushing Gail down one level so that he could talk Yer to death since value like that is tough to beat then I dismissed all my companions in preparation for the first of several mandatory jumping puzzles in the game you might be confused when I say that balers Gate 3 has jumping puzzles but when Mobility actions are limited and there's several areas like this in the game it should hopefully be pretty clear as to why I've been so hesitant to use jump I began the puzzle by casting good Berry bet you didn't expect that this spell activates the storm sorcerer's Tempest just Magic Flight spell then using the patented proxy boxy trick I dropped to the next platform a long-distance jump could reach the fifth bace Rock byp passing the fourth improvised melee swinging an alchemist fire onto an explosive Barrel blasted me to the sixth and Misty step completed the first parkour mission of the game I spoke with Night song set her free and since magical Spears weren't in the budget permanently said goodbye to shadowart with Krick vulnerable it was time to help the Harper storm moonrise this would be the beginning of five back-to-back mandatory encounters but I have allies at my side to fight with me they're admittedly pretty [ __ ] allies iies but allies nonetheless the first room is set up in such a way that fighting indoors would not be favorable whatsoever as a protos player I'm quite familiar with constructing walls using chests I built one to block my allies from entering the room not realizing it was pointless as they would teleport in anyways well I tried they got absolutely slaughtered without Downing a single foe but afterwards the enemies made their way to me through a [ __ ] growth hunger of Hadar combo which brutalized everyone who tried to get through except for this guy but the quartermaster being a tactical genius stayed outside with me finished him off and then ran into my own Spike growth and died afterwards okay I spoke too soon not a genius all in all the first battle was complete six enemies down for five actions plus all the Allies that I expected would carry the next three fights the Second Battle in Moonrise didn't go much better I rushed in so that Spike grth would remain active used crown of Madness to Force One enemy to slay his friend but when Spike growth disappeared and the enemies got close combat got pretty [Music] tricky this second battle took a total of 15 actions but hey sometimes you got to get behind to get ahead onto the third set of guards it's just a few weak Skelly boys and a lone Necromancer no problem right I used Darkness to get into a better position because the last thing I want is for her to summon additional enemies started with a glyph of fire and moon beam move moon beam helped a bit because yes that is a different name for the action in the combat log arabella's Shadow entangle did absolutely nothing and despite my best efforts The Necromancer still summoned an additional enemy but then she walked back into moon beam after so work worked out better than expected to finish this fight off I had to use lightning Ward on a lone skeleton which felt terrible but 15 actions won this fight too with all the guards down it's time for the first encounter with Krick Gail began with the haste spell on aen followed by getting the hell out of Dodge preserved life buffed us all with bless and restored alen's Health while a summoned bear companions honey pause landed a disarm on Krick more importantly though it used his shield bash reaction so that he couldn't interrupt alen's turn this allowed aen to smash the geriatric Necromancer down in just four swings at least one NPC in Moon actually did something useful Krick fled the battle and Gail booked it out the door leaving the remaining team members to die this was no problem though as the remaining enemies on this rooftop are all optional Withers made Bank Reviving us and changing all my classes in preparation for the moonrise Colony using Kula Shadows a monk spell which is basically invisibility but not named invisibility We snuck in to pursue Krick somehow this bugged my game out causing asaran to be in a state of endless combat but that's not a problem I don't actually need him anyways I went straight to the flesh rot door only to get the message that a party member is not ready h once again this damn door is a problem it took 19 rounds of painful agonizing movement to get aarion near enemies who then refused to hit him costing me a fire arrow and three more rounds of combat just so I could get him to die but with him dead the doors finally open fast forward past the Power Rangers cosplay and right into the second hardest Encounter of act two at level seven this fight is normally pure hell but I'm a tactician so I came prepared with some tactical cheddar casting fog carlac was able to avoid detection and move into position then Shadow Arts Darkness a totally different spell than Darkness was placed next to Krick Gail snuck up to Krick using hide and reverse pickpocketed him 112,000 gold using friends I convinced Krick to give up spawning Merkel immediately turn one carlax already close to Night song climbed up the ladder and used the help action and Gail dropped the darkness spell to use Blood Money Blood Money deals three damage per 300 gold in the target's inventory using ethically sourced and naturally exploited gold I donated it all to Krick to set up a 565 damage attack to complete the fight one shot Merkel so yeah I exploited I'm level seven I don't care with him down it was time to hit the road to balder's gate much like the dozens of awful mobile games that keep emailing me sponsorship deals I left the act three warning message on ignore to begin the gith Yankee Camp Ambush Gail got caught sleeping in his undies so he didn't survive the encounter but that was actually part of my master plan we made it into the portal using the Monk's step of the wind Dash action our reward jumping puzzle 2.0 first thing I did was use the true love rings from Act 2 to cast warding Bond on a Aran I picked up Gail's corpse and dimensioned dord estaran with me to the second stage from here I can use fly which is a totally different ability than Tempest just fly and a lot easier to pronounce I also used a transposition arrow to skip directly to the end of the puzzle it's here that I dropped Gail's lifeless body on the floor to make him a life full body again a couple short rests later and it's time to take on one of the hardest mandatory Encounters in the game Gail initiated the fight with the fist of Thunders to knock their leader out of the map while the emperor did literally nothing for two turns in a row my attempts at crowd control repeatedly failed as did trying to push this dude off with the fist of unbroken error but at least the emperor decided to finally do something and land a stun on one turn and a massive chain lightning on the next a clutch Cloud kill got us an unexpected second kill and the emperor secured a third things were looking up but this Last Enemy quickly got me into a 1v1 scenario she landed attack after attack while my retaliation was pitiful at best we were quickly left with just 12 hp and remember carlac was taking half of all my damage during this my final attack missed but the emperor saved the day Against All Odds we had survived the GTH yanki intermission the emperor immediately forced us into a dialogue then explained that he can only speak with the party leader who's dead I panicked thinking I'm screwed but apparently he Auto revives your party leader after this fight thank you larion for that at a cost of 25 actions this was a new record for one encounter just a quick reminder all of act one was 28 actions could there even be enough left to get through act three I guess we'll find out beginning act three as a cat I felt right at home cats are able to speak with the strange ox and they can walk right past pass the initial guards because they ignore small wild shaped creatures sweet talking a second guard got us into worm's Crossing where we agreed to an alliance with Gort because being bad is often times efficient continuing this evil streak we acid breath down an elderly woman to start the Assassin quest line then hushed the pirate because I needed her hand but before we could face the murder tribunal a dwarf assassin stood in our way up until this point I had crit a total of seven times in this entire playthrough but carlac stepped up big time here Landing three crits in a row turning that encounter into just a blip on the r radar after presenting our victim's hands to balls chosen we task was slaying investigator Dumbo over here wall of fire works wonders when your enemy is chained up and can't move God that sounded really evil a few skip turns later and were level eight Unholy assassins with balls amulet in hand I had the key to reach Orin but I needed to hit Level 9 to be ready for her luring enemies into gort's steel watch worked well as did the massive chunks of dialogue XP available in act three especially the one from the sewer folk dialogue alone got me through all of level eight without using a single action level 9 would be necessary because it's the first level that the elixir of cloud giant strength shows up on the vendors and it's also the first time the sixth level spell slot show up with our new tools all their preparations were complete to face Orin as a level 9 Thief we gained access to Supreme sneak to skip through the fight before the temple we opened the door using the amulet and estaran got his drink on this Elixir boost his strength ability score to 27 combined with the greater invisibility spell on him he now had enough strength to execute a throw command on Orin she dies instantly dropping her nether Stone and the key to save lelle oh yeah she got kidnapped but since the rest of the enemies in this area would be too costly to clear out we uh kind of left her for Dead with Orin down I informed gorach of the good news prompting him to give us the final boss's location I spent the next half hour calculating my remaining options to get through the game then set sail for the morphic pool I didn't have any reasonable way to skip the intellect devour Ambush but as you'll see soon saving my spells is pointless anyways one ice storm a cone of cold and a displacer beast tentacle whip were all it took to cut down these devourers and begin the next jumping puzzle displacer Beast form has access to a Teleport which is why I felt comfortable using it to end the previous fight and wild shaped Badger allowed me to use burrow to skip to the next Gap in the road badgering on with Gort at our side we confronted the brain we tried to dominate it failed Gort died and the emperor saved us pulling us into another jumping puzzle this time I had my hidden Tech the bone Spike Boots These Boots grant me the brutal leap action to clear the Gap and reached the emperor it's here that we relinquished the stones and he followed our lead back to the city and if you like janky iotic nonsense then this is the section for you you're in for a wild ride first things first we need to ditch our clingy mind flare Ally because if he follows me it's not going to go well for him using a sofa and a couple of chairs I trapped him against his will wild shaped Panther has all the tools necessary for the final stretch of the game prowl is a permanent invisibility action allowing me to walk all the way to the end and the panther has a unique version of jump called enhanced jump using enhanced jump I could reach the ledge and skip the entire okay apparently enhanced jump breaks invisibility how was that enhanced when normal jump doesn't do that what part of this exactly was enhanced so I can't fully skip the gauntlet no problem I have sanctuary as a backup plan Sanctuary is a spell that makes you untargetable what okay these enemies can apparently cast fantasmal killer on me through sanctuary and the Brain mobs can start up attack me through Sanctuary that has to be a bug right I honestly spent an hour trying to Brute Force this section by reloading and trying again and reloading and trying again but it was impossible since both my plans had failed and in my opinion this was clearly just a bug I went back to the drawing boards turns out I had protection from evil and good on Aion all along which makes you immune to terrify this time I could make it through as I wasn't getting chain rooted but these little brains were still attacking me through Sanctuary luckily all it takes is to reach the door though and all the enemies despawn one pain in the ass down one to go as a side note in patch six larion made it so you can't invisibly click up the brain anymore to chese the final fight they tried to fix it anyways it's time to get janky step one free the emperor from the couch step two group up in a circle around a psychic resist Elixir magic Missile it and then place an invisibility potion in its place step three Gail and I impersonate every Hunter you've ever raided with in World of Warcraft step four frog and metal dwarf man gets summoned step five Ascend the brain with one Health on me and a dead Gale yes he has to be dead now that the cut scenes active in the bottom left we can select to change our character to Gail as he is dead and not part of the cutscene this allows you to select your summoned creatures who are also not part of the cut scene the Frog then uses the buot toxin action on the invisibility potion while the dwarf man breaks my back this instantly ends the cut scene and we're back to the way the fight was meant to be done the survivors of the party walked up to the crown channnel the nether stones and nothing happened the enemies didn't even start combat somehow I'd totally broken the game I took a wild guess and thought maybe I need to be in combat to use the stones so I summoned the best boy scratch literally saved the Run he started combat with only some of the enemies and our portal to the brain opened I finally use my mainhand attack action to destroy some Hast spores then put down a globe of invulnerability this prevent vents the brains platforms from being destroyed giving us several turns to just focus purely on damage being level 9 I needed all the help I could get I had been saving every unique arrow for this fight as I figur that's probably the easiest way to burst down the brain since I don't really have any jump actions left with the emperor's telekinesis spell I was able to get into position to plant a run powder bomb the bomb finished the staran did a huge chunk of damage to the brain's Health but it would be an arrow of Darkness to execute the brain in a total of 20 unique actions fyon was saved and I had beaten balers Gate 3 without ever using the same action twice all it took was 230 unique actions and 23 unique items I've included a spreadsheet of all my actions used and some cool extra info below so if you want to check that out feel free if you enjoyed the video leave a like it really does help out the channel as always thanks for watching have yourself a wonderful day proxy out
Channel: Proxy Gate Tactician
Views: 83,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Baldur's Gate 3 Challenge Run, Challenge Run, Proxy Gate Tactician, Proxy Gate Technician, Proxy gate, How to, BG3 playthrough, gameplay, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 tactician difficulty, tactician, Baldur's gate 3 but every action is single use, no duplicate actions, cant do anything twice, bg3, challenges, baldurs, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3 gameplayaldur's gate 3
Id: ulQ2of49nJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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