Can i beat Baldurs Gate 3 with only Eldritch Blast

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out of all the 600 player spells in Boulder Skate 3 only one gives me the same satisfaction as sticking random people in my neighborhood with my insulin pen eldrich blast a spell that makes even a better sound than Boba Fett seismic charges all those available spells why should I use them if the game gives me the best spell level one and even better it's a can trip meaning I can spam it without having to long rest and most importantly of all I don't have to use more than 20% of my brain to beat the game I can focus on the more important parts of the game Our Story begins with Phil who prior to getting abducted by mind flers was on his way back from the fictional country of Turkey there he got himself the most based Iraqi fade you could ever dream of of now Phil gets infected with a parasite which if he fails to cure himself in time will turn him into a mind flare we fight our way through the squid ship and after some Goofs and gaffs and a intimate moment crash lands somewhere in [Music] FA [Music] Phil wakes up and continues his journey he attempts daylight corpse robbery and wakes up Shadow heart madeup Name by the way and I cover her head with a hat as I don't want to see that bold haircut the rest of the game we meet a staran down the road who asks us to help him against a wild Deviant Art user and recruit him to now we must find a way to the nearest place of civilization on the way we do an epic prank on a bald person do our best to save the Mage perhaps I should have [Music] clarified helping and anyone no can't make it out by myself s I'll perish in here I'll perish he was a lost cause obviously fight some thieves honorably find the green toad dangerous zoru was right yellow as a toad twice is ugly and rescue her she will come in handy in the future but till then we keep her locked up in our cair into the camp we see a refugee camp being attacked and can finally test out how good the early game eldrich blast spam really is off to a good start it is clear that we won't do much damage unless we get some levels in all of our characters as agonizing blast and repelling blast is the key for our finger blasting ways after the fight we head into the refugee camp where there are children here you fool Phil stops the fight between these two goobers and head deeper in we recruit will give me a Best Shot not bad greet the local cow steal from an orphan Take This Ring it's lucky hey hold on you got to pay for that and go deeper we soon find out that the tlinks and The Druids don't really like each other The Druids want the tlinks out and the tlinks can't go out because of the Goblins the dru's temporary leader kaga is enacting the right of thorns which will lock out all NRS of the camp and the teelings can't stop them because obviously we meet my favorite character in the game and the one character that prevents me from Ever playing Dark urge talented musician and the NPC I'm going to Gaslight my future wife to cosplay to alira just [Music] [Music] listen [Music] I'm sorry on our way to a Healer we consider stealing an idol but don't the Healer yaps on about something but finally directs us to hen who is told to be held captive in the goblin Camp before starting Saving Private hen we get ERS and Respec everyone into a fully functioning firing squad and of course we pick M the step because I don't want to look into the eyes of my opponent when I eldrich blast them when we finally reach the outskirts of the goblin camp we make sure to harass the homeless these things stay interesting and bch in on the making of a healthy British child what the hell are you [Music] doing who for some reason always party wipe me anyways we use our author to enter the main Goblin camp and look around for hson the unwashed horde of goblins are everywhere and when we finally find H he's locked inside the cage as a bear which is weird since he is a druid can't he just turn into a mouse and Escape maybe he's a bear only Dro I don't know so anyways I start blasting and absolutely mug a goblin child first hit the other Goblin child decides to make a run for it and stops right next to the famous blade of the Frontiers hen seeing Will's heroic display decides to break free and help out and after several eldrich blast bams we finally defeat everyone hen says he wants to help us to cure the parasite but cannot come with us unless we eliminate the tree Goblin leaders thees elim Dr the H Goblin draw Ragin and that pervers of a priestess gut they are thees holding these parasites together the stage is set you have your targets 47 use any means necessary to eliminate them first myara which was the easiest one since we just make it look like a workplace Hazard we simply point on the map where the refugee camp with the tlinks is located and myaro thanks me and I thank her for walking over a bridge dead seems these true Souls have their limits a goblin notices but a small price of 120 gold makes him forgive us for killing one of the three main generals boss drags L next which we also tried to make it seem as a workplace Hazard however the falling bowl of burlin coold doesn't do much but I realize wait a second I have repelling blast I can simply knock off anyone who comes up to the ceiling with us so Phil and his Entourage like many times before start blasting and anyone who even dares to come up simply get thrown off truly the ultimate strategem that only Phil could come up with hey hey you can't do that unfortunately Raglin does push off both Shadow heart and Phil oh I'm so dumb nice W good Aion does crit aragen eventually but he doesn't push him off but will has one un chance left oh finally eventually with enough knockdowns Ragin does get defeated and his remaining minions are no issue at all since their chances to hit us while we have The High Ground is quite low so we easily dispatch them and rags in and his goons gone we can finally loot his Treasury and look at all that gold chest briming and overflowing surely this is in the thousands now the final Target remains true Soul guts by abusing this salite architectural design we can continue to fire a barrage of Elder Blast From The High Ground and with natural choke points the Goblins can't do much and the ones who have the audacity to play at our own playing field simply get knocked down multiple times all three targets are down the air fills with smell of fresh Goblin corpses and we return to hen to give the good news you did it hin thanks us and asks us to meet him at the refugee camp because celebrations are in order he turns into a rat and leaves hey wait a second when we return to the Grove we see hen ripping kaga apart for acting the right of thorns you took it upon just laying it on to her of thorns I ought to Exile you from this place forever her misjudgment one that should weigh heavily upon her but the Grove still needs her passion zor and the other teelings want to join our camp to celebrate since Phil depopulated the entire Goblin Camp the roads are finally safe and the thieflings can make their way to Boulders gate on your after the party Phil Ro plays as me and goes to sleep alone en in the morning hen tells us the only way to cure our parasite is to travel to a place called moonrise Towers in the shadowlands but first we need to get to the under dark specifically it's extreme I suppose it was too much to hope we were going to be cured here and now we decide to tie up loose ends and get some free XP in the meanwhile when we suddenly meet Raphael a conniving devil who wants us to make a deal with him and a deal with the devil always comes at the cost what's better than a devil you don't know the devil you do am I a friend potentially an adversary conceivably but a savior that's for certain Phil refuses knowing that the devil takes what's most precious to you sometimes and Phil can't go back to Turkey twice we make our way across a bridge and see a bunch of bloated hyenas here is where we use the repelling blast to full effect as the target gets knocked down we still have time to cast more spells before the game turns into turnbas which gives us time to make a couple of free eldrich blasts the hyena calls for backup and a gang of furries arrive here the most sensible thing to do is execution by firing squad we investigate the area to see what happened and find out there was a battle near the local Inn in the entrance there is fire everywhere and a soldier asks Phil for help inside hurry we don't have trapped in the building was councilor Floric level six by the way but for some reason he stuck behind a couple of wooden planks anyways she rewards us with a cool staff that makes our Elder blast deal some electrical damage which is always nice keep your we meet a couple of injured paladins in another destroyed building they seem scared and easy pickings Refugee Must Be Stopped after a totally easy fight where everyone was not down to one HP we recruit carlac carlac I don't know why since the [ __ ] Cherry is already occupied by LEL but we have her around just in case Phil needs to get carried back to bed we find a couple of Traders getting attacked by fies and help them all the way behind there fortunately they don't survive but their chest is still intact and seems quite valuable unfortunately lock picking it was quite difficult come on one more try one more try Okay one more try one more try that's a curious looking chest I wonder what's inside oh yeah shadowart I wonder too only we pocket the chest and Phil promises to stop his gambling addiction I can come on one more try Phil in his gang move on and see an old woman harassing two men Phil joins in to save these two men and the old lady disappears and the two men suddenly collapse after smelling fils Dragon Ball Z perfume the gang chases after the old woman and find out that this beautiful Forest they are in Is Not What It Seems it is in fact a typical Garden in Wales the gang gets surrounded by the welshmen now after a tough fight rest before their future battle that is against an old grandma in the morning Phil Tres another try at the chest that open come on one more try outside the old Grandma's house we meet a monster hunter who is Seeking a pale racist vampire something you're a monster hunter I'm surprised I thought all gar were vagrant Cutthroats your friend has just heard the rumors of my people that we steal chickens curse your crops sedu your daughters I wish I had half the power settled folk think we indulge in the Hunter's conversation and make fun of Aion a little while but I fear he's gone to ground I hope the hag of these lands can help me flush him out if I can afford her blood price I don't know I'm sure a vampire spawn could still rip out your throat if you felt like it wait that's it we're just walking away the staring he's right in front of us man fine but if this comes back to B us it's on your head after finessing the hunter we head inside the house where we saw the old lady earlier who is not actually a lady but a hag [Music] what the [ __ ] she runs off and the Gang continues their home invasion byebye lovies she gives us a final warning this is my personal Playhouse and you don't have an invite get OU Phil replies the hag continues to toy with us and disappears yet again while Phil and the Gang continue we find the door where the hag went through which seems to be a living person the door shows us a vision of what happened the last time someone confronted the haging through the door shrouded in the glow of the Divine the previous tree who confronted the h didn't have our ways of the eldrich blast so I think we have a good chance we fight against a group of brainwashed Minions that have created and take a quick rest outside the cave to regain our strength during the night Phil gets woken up to the sound of two women fighting over him we cannot lose lazel yet as we need her for the future ahead so Phil tells sh heart to back down and firmly put lasel back in the cck chair we continue our hunt for the hag and find Marina a captive in the cage we slowly make our way for the remote control when we get suddenly ambushed by the hag you want the she sets the cage on fire and spawns duplicates of her these duplicates are quite dangerous as they have the same abilities as the hag however they die in one hit so we just need to damage her once with an eldrid blast and those distractions are gone right oh nice good one there were a lot of Misses unfortunately we sent will to even stick a ghost with his needle the hag fortunately teleports Marina out of the cage but turns herself into her too we have to make the right choice but Phil clever as ever nors Marina is the one who is pregnant as he knew the first time he saw her in the Hut so just shoot the one who isn't pregnant right but for some reason I decide to shoot the real pregnant Marina I don't really know why I did it it was 4:00 a.m. when I was recording this fight and after 4:00 a.m. I am a different person Marina does survive with one HP fortunately we get some even more misses we only have 50% chance to hit her every time and if you know me dice rolls are never kind to me come on one more try one more try luckily we are able to frighten her with one of our critical strikes which procs our great old one passive Phil makes a tactical Retreat as he is quite low sft as my feet can carry me and the Gang continues to miss a couple more times when she suddenly spawns more duplicates and it is not looking good Phil goes down we don't have time to hit the hag's duplicates at this point so you fully commit for the real hag the hag hits aarion but he stands there as he forgot to read the script and suddenly remembers and goost down two down will is low and Shadow heart is in a poison poison Mist it is now or never Shadow heart has to hit or she will kill us the next turn okay wait wait just ack killing me is a w but suddenly the hag wants to Parlay a strike of good luck as she thinks she doesn't have a chance left but in reality she could wipe the party the next turn she pleads with the second command of Phil's gang and tries to strike a deal she wants to give us power in turn for letting her have Marina and The Unborn Child it is all of the will now to make the right choice and Phil is hoping W does not screw this up me sweee let me leave with the girl and I'll give you power will decides to threaten her and have both the power and letting Marina go Phil is in the background screaming as this may be a wipe but will passes the infamous 20y roll dice that Phil has failed so many times the ha gets pissed off and gives us some of her hair which boost one of our ability score which we put on Charisma as it makes our eldrich blast stronger let's try this way the day is saved the gang helps Phil back on his feet and talk to Marina who curses us out ruined it as the hacks deal with Marina was to give her husband back in turn for her unborn baby deserve after the annoying conversation with Marina we loot The Hags cave for some good potions that might come in handy in the future however we also find a staff that the hag was probably going to use to resurrect Marina's husband with so Phil goes back to Marina to tell her the good news go but then we remember her previous conversation with usne again what you can't you feel a surge of power from the wand bring it back bring Conor back please what have you done you bastard I thought you were going to h ah yes the day is saved the gang survives yet another encounter and we make our way to the goblin Camp to the entrance of the under dark on the way I realized there is a slight problem the entrance to the underd dark is inside the goblin camp and we forgot about the Goblins guarding the entrance however we do see an opportunity though as the bridge is a perfect setup for little firing squad that can prevent any goblins from ever reaching us with this little choke point we line up and take the first shot and this fight was easiest as the Goblins could never even come near [Music] after the battle we head inside and make our way to the room where the under dark's entrance lies on the way we backshot a couple more times a large troll before finding a puzzle room but why do the puzzle if you can just pull a lever and skip it we finally reached under dark the next chapter of our adventure to finding a cure if you enjoy these types of videos then please subscribe and leave a comment if this is something that really fances you stay tuned for act two as I will probably be making more of these videos and if you have any suggestions in the future then comment down below and tell me what you would like to [Music] see [Music] he
Channel: Critts
Views: 34,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Iu24StFQw3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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