EXPERIMENT: Sport-Fishing for FOOD! | Eating Only Wild for 365 DAYS

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now who rate for rate the tire just fell off we lost all her nuts too even if we could pick the car up how you picked the car up I don't got much left on this fish here like hardly any alright guys I'm just editing the video now and it had occurred to me that I didn't quite explain the premise of this video very well so what's gonna go down is we're basically spending three days we're going out from prime location to prime location trying to catch as many fish as we humanly possibly can using only sport fishing license rod reel line and by the end you're gonna see exactly how many pounds we were able to produce that would go towards Jeremy's big wild year so he's gonna be living off these fish hit that Bell notification so that you continue to get notified to the videos if you don't you won't get notified YouTube is not going to help this channel at all they've made that clear you also have to enable notifications to be sent to you I upload every Tuesday and Friday and funnily enough I I'm not getting that many views anymore and it's because YouTube's just not pushing my content out anymore so hey if you guys want to help out watch the video from start to end it helps the algorithm figure out that it's a good video and then it will put it on the recommended stream and send it to out to everybody else so you guys are the first ones to watch and you guys are the ones that matter as far as recommendations go so watch time matters average view duration it's all calculated help me out guys thanks know back in the video well I'm not sure if you guys are following what's going along with it Jeremy one wild crafter he used to hang out with me a lot on this channel but then he got really busy with a separate project he called us the big wild deer and in the big wild year he wasn't allowed to eat anything except for a wild food but he's starving he's lost over 45 pounds of weight and he's getting up against the rails originally he started he wasn't gonna accept any gifts from anybody he was gonna Forge hunt fish all his own food he started off with a freezer full of food three months later it was all gone so now he's accepting gifts from friends so being the good friend that I am I'm gonna set up a live trap and try to catch him a delicious raccoon to help him survive for the rest of the year and later on him and I as part of this video we're gonna be going out and try to catch a mess of fish so that you're gonna have to stay tuned to alright now let's get this live trap set so that Jeremy can enjoy some delicious wild food I just got an old Apple that's a little bit punky and nobody wants to eat anymore so we're gonna try to do is pour it out and that cuz we can just push that around set all the tracks animal is just to smell the Apple and we're going to take our bag and shove the bag through and develop this method because losing lots of debate so this is a really cheap way to keep your bait working for a long time you catch multiple animals with it a bunch of peanut butter and smear it all over okay now we have to get it to the back and we're going to use the bag to tie into the trap this is gonna make it almost impossible for an animal to come into the front steal the out pull without setting it off so what we want to do is attract the animal for a long way away so use some vanilla extract sprinkle that around and sprinkle around cinnamon as well inside the trap I take a few branches lay it over top just to make it so that it's more concealed and it makes it look like we have something to hide like a food a raccoon thinks there's something hidden it searches even more to try to find what it is so check back tomorrow see if we got a prize alright guys it's the next morning let's go see if we've got something for Jeremy he's about to arrive and come pick me up and we're gonna do a bunch of lakes and catch a bunch of fish to round out his wild diet so that's Little River my nephew say hi you my little helper oh look there we go we've got ourselves a little friend I hope we got ourselves a little friend it's pretty calm we'll have a look we think cool closer yeah I just went in there and then the door shuts on them they can't get out any more so my mom's got this Christmas tree out here and there's actually a nest in there so there's four baby birds in there and a mother comes in every once in a while Christmas lights and everything my mom was convinced that they wanted to make it nastier because of the Christmas lights to keep them warm but now it's like baking hot anyway if the treat don't make a nest anywhere well I guess they'll make a nest on the side of a house too so why not and an artificial tree I'm going in there for birds yeah it's pretty cool yeah that I'll make a home an artificial tree whew Jeremy here I'm gonna say hi or no he's hungry he wants the raccoon already he's got the air rifle here pretty quiet pretty silent gonna be a one-shot deal right to the back of the head alright what kind of gun is that this is the ed gun leshi this one's 25 caliber we can get it in other calibers so it's a pre-charge pneumatic this piece back here is pressurized air you pump it up with a pump just with a special valve goes up to 200 bar or 300 bar pressure so you get a few different few shots out of it before it runs out of air and I got mine from air gun source CA I got it with the bipod which is really nice for steady shots and the spectrum Center Point scope and it works really well and you've been using it a few videos and will probably use it again this weekend you know shoot what polyps yeah yeah just like heavy 25 caliber pellets alright guys or most of the way there the road is all filled in from last year which is good news because that means the fishings gonna be really good it's bad news because obviously we have to get out there still with the vehicle so the idea behind this it's gonna be a fishing tour as I mentioned Jeremy is eating nothing but wild food so what we're gonna try to do is get our bag possession limits for the main species so we got Pike bass catfish walleye brook trout those are the the main ones there could be some others and we get some we need some rock bass or some perch we catch them - whatever we catch throw them all in the pot okay full size fish yeah so we're headed right now to the Bass Lake if everything goes smoothly we can get her five each the five or six the road is so rough like pork yeah I've got I've got no belly pan now either because I ripped it off trip down so if it got stuck in the mud I was kind of rocking it to get out did I just pull the bottom right off of the car well I think it's pretty safe to say that if anybody's been back here they both as nuts as we are all right here we go we made it just barely it's the first time I've ever been to this lake where it hasn't been completely windy which may work in our favor it may not it'll be obviously easier fishing but the mosquitoes the black fly is the horse flies and the deer flies are all out right now but we made it rates the lining is too beautiful a little lake way way up north used to be a brook trout lake now it's a Bass Lake so we're gonna try to do is catch our five fish get out of here oh we have to clean the raccoon first it's got a little bit more fat than the last one I skinned out it's a male so this is kind of interesting they've actually gone a a bone where their penis is a baculum it's got like an SKS shape to it and apparently distillers whiskey distillers used to use that where the where the alcohol runs out so it follows the curve and drips into your whatever you're collecting your whiskey and it's got a traditional use carrion flies are really quick to find meat in this weather Jeremy found the caul fat that's a all around the organs stomach and all that stuff so that's pure fat we got to take care of that raccoon first so Jamie's gonna clean the raccoon up I'm gonna get fire going and then we'll let it slow cook on shore here while we go fish yeah that's about it if we leave it out here it's gonna spoil in a matter of minutes hours so we don't want that so we'll get on a slow boil and just let it sit and be ready buddy time you get back there we go raccoon on the boil and we let that sit now we go to go fishing fun stuff fun stuff is the fishing or the cleaning good eating I don't know it's hot out here Lakes only got smallmouth bass and used to have rookies so it's got a lot of bass in here now I look like a moose at the end there it always look like a fish on Titan that drag up sounds like a big one oh nice jump do you guys see that one there's gonna go again should we fool around all this is Jeremy's food we shouldn't fool around no messing around you want to net him how hungry yeah oh it's a good one Oh was it yeah it's only hooked on the lip there now there we go all right one on the board we almost need an anchor just to stay at this spot here that's a good Smalley actually yeah that's a real good one I'm gonna get my pliers a fought a head this time oh I forgot my sweatshirt long-sleeve shirt she jumped the back there I brought pliers and I forgot my long-sleeve shirt so I'm gonna get mauled by mosquitos and everything else probably won't believe me I didn't have it on film but bass actually came up and took my spinner and I was right below the boat getting that other fish off I decide my line in the water came up and grabbed it but I didn't get to my line in time to set the hook fish on number two Jerry's already got one this is gonna be number three if I can manage to land it oh she's a sinker ball not a jumper should we make a jump it's always exciting yeah there we go let's make a jump that's all for TV all right not fooling around Jamie's hungry one-man operation for net there we go fish number three both the same size is the other one this is what happens when you really go far back off the beaten path and you do the it's kind of like the fishing fishing situation here in Canada as you get off the beaten path and you get fish after fish after fish because so few people will take the effort to get all the way out here but there are Lakes like this in fact we can make this Lake better all we have to do is drop a bunch of trees over the trail and force people to walk back as they absolutely will not walk back for the any fishing opportunities at all well very few people there we go make fish fish string or two just a piece of line paracord keep those nice and fresh you hear just caught a brook trout that's a lot that's the only virtue of caught out of here in ten years course it'll come in the winter when it's probably the most likely to catch them because the waters a little bit cooler then a lot cooler then not so active with the bass in this Lake here stay down deep stay on those Springs to keep cool that's pretty neat I thought they were all gone for sure try to change up I got a bigger maps on there with the better blade Jamie was out out snagging them but thought out landing them it's only got one one in the brook trout on the board you got to bet Oh - bass - bass on the board for Jer got a full fish I got a fall fish - I'll show you that in a second oh there you go Jerry's got another fall fish I think we're fall fish Bay right now actually I'll show you this one it's a big minnow giant minnow we can use this for bait though because we're going catfishing tonight or at some point anyway this makes a perfect size bait for giant cats gonna put a well hulking a worm on in here and catch some more fall fish cuz we're not there is one yeah there's another little guy I think maybe a nice little fish yeah it's well fish bay here Jerry so that's yeah we can't no you can't actually there's really you have to can them our pressure pressure can them you can can them yeah full fish bay probably a bass in there somewhere though there's good another fall fish on this is either productive or counter productive depending on how you look at it it's future production we know where the whole fish are anyway here's our old camp spot me a spot over there for ten my son and my wife we spent a few days here because the other spot was taken when we left this behind because we didn't want to portage it all the way back because we had to walk in instead of driving because we only had a car it's a big Moose antler so I think I'm gonna bring it home this time around we had our tent pad set up here we had to do a lot of work to clear the site out tongs at work so we had our fire pit over here and we'd hang out over here on the log see how much it's grown in since then and then we had to clear this tent pad out and make it nice and flat my son Holden really fell in love with this spot and he wanted to come back despite the other spot being open it is a better spot for humans but he felt a real emotional attachment to the spot so we convinced him last time to use the other spot yeah take it back this time keep the moss yeah looks cool yeah well the two marks from different animals making a meal out of it porcupine and squirrels you guys remember back way way back quite two years ago my wife and I my son we camped out here she did a hair flick in the boat to be all cool she's a cure walk filament ice film this watch me do this hair flick I'm like alright so she flings her hair back and the whole boat shakes and I grab onto the side of the boat had the camera in my hand and the tripod over the board but it only went overboard just over here we tried to fish it out for like an hour two hours and how he's in detention to come back with a mass so I don't know if I got to go see anything it's like there's no visibility at all and I practice the other day at my mom's in the pool there to go into our because hadn't gone in the water I I'm scared of going in this water for to be honest i watch too many jaws movies to know any lake especially poor visibility lakes anyway I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it because this thing's been on the back of my mind for like years so if I try it and I don't get it then I can just put it to rest but if I get it hey that's the success right so I'll pass you over to Jeremy you can film this goofiness ready and you are you want to go in no I don't bring my bathing suit Yeah right I'm gonna scare the [ __ ] on myself all right up the boat now don't hook the boat I got my paddle in the water for stability refreshing that's cool like to see [ __ ] no there's no way down there no there's no I can't see anything what I can't do it I can't do it ok I'm gonna put your camera down so we can stabilize the boat yeah I'll get back yet no problem ok ok cool Lars days yeah yeah I can't do it I can't see anything no I can't see anything at all no it's just too dark complete-game there's no there's nothing all right I tried if I could see like more than my white legs in the water I guess I would go get see anything it's like pitch black i speaker to hook it and drag it in I don't know how much time I want to spend on that maybe one one try with the rod and see anyway it's down there another fish this one's not super duper big think just a little little fall fish hey it's a big fall fish or in other words a big future catfish we land this one it'll be my third hit and tit oh don't do that you bad fish there we go swimmer in the net and just came off too we've lost way more fish than we've caught by a long shot cheers on oh he's just gonna manhandle it in there you go there's the tenacity of a full pouch dang it that hurt I was lots of hooks you bugger I ended up with three bars I ended up with a bunch of fault fish and Jamie end up with one two three four five five bass and Brooke rookie and we easily lost more than we caught easily I don't know what it was just I guess out of the fishing game got to get back in the fishing game because that's what this is and those fish gotta keep that rod tip down so the fish don't jump up shoot the lure off because if they do they want to go ray to stop frosh rounds but that lure out there pretty uh pretty aggressive today but not biting just fighting jeromy's scaling them right now and we'll try to get some ice for them it's the only way to keep things on the move probably end up getting a big cooler to put them in as we go but we're gonna head it for catfish so we're gonna pack up we've got a boat our-our-our so drive to get back out of here to get in time for a nighttime catfish the nighttime thing raccoons actually nicely cooked it's like that most of it evaporated open it's uh looks like it got roasted and it's still warm - like this pot would barely hold on to it it's good though Gary's gonna dive into some of the raccoon you can't wait he's not had lunch this was playing for lunch but of course the Go Go Go business of fishing hard to do wild eating because it's none of the food's really super portable Oh guys ever eaten raccoon before would eat raccoon we've done it before raccoon burgers slow cooker raccoon yeah the raccoon burgers were the best fried raccoon it looks just like a turkey leg it tastes like raccoon mm-hmm it does but you know not in case good it's got a smell mm-hmm I don't have to eat any of this stuff Jeremy does for a whole year Oh year you didn't have to but only for six months and six months more yep yeah I'm like six months and three days in no big wild year cool good yeah I bet you wish you could have some of my snacks though yeah they look good the convenient to eat them on the fly it's funny what you crave was digging in my camping box for a pot mr. brain and I had a whole bag of like dehydrated onions you know where they're like cooked though yeah and you can just eat them right over the bag I wouldn't need the onion out of the bag but they're so good guarantee you like sweet this is good no dude didn't look how bad you normally I would just jump right in there and eat it but this is kind of Jeremy's food oh you're welcome to eat some I also have to don't want to mmm-hmm I'll have a bite later maybe well you brought lots of good stuff do you write well I got lots of food it's like I'm not short on food here I'll give me a piece there that I can eat easily yeah that's good there so it looks it looks just like you look if you looked at that you think that was tricky meat it tastes like Turkey with a little bit of rock [ __ ] flavor and nearly em it's not half bad like if you just if you could probably disguise a little bit with some barbecue sauce and that's really good but your palate changes too right yes yeah I'm used to eating modern foods and I'm not super hungry because I had a snack so mm-hmm but it's highly audible it tastes like Turkey now how to fight with a raccoon this is why I mean Bram got tips I also got plenty roasted peanuts that's what I eat when I'm not on raccoon I got some raccoon flavor in my mouth what our second spot here nice little system there's actually we're kind of on an island there's water flowing on this side and there's water flowing again on the left-hand side here and we're gonna go set up just down here at the end of the run there's a bigger waterfall coming down this way smaller on the right-hand side we could try fishing down here at the base but as far as catfish go they're gonna get more action and more feed coming down with the bigger water so we just set up at the point again it's kind of an island water on this side water on the other side and we're gonna toss out our minnow baits there's Pike out here there's walleye it's probably some bass but I think bang for the buck we're looking for our catfish delicious no no can you keep being to know so good too nope so Jamie's not gonna cheat he's gonna stick to his wife who died eating raccoon on the shores fishing for catfish that's the life of a hundred percent forager could you do it would you do it Jerry says don't do it that's the advice from the guy who's doing it Jeremy's gonna write a book and go check him out one wild crafter got his own YouTube channel he's gonna write a book after this he's gonna let you know what he thinks you guys should do with your time she'd be a wild forager and if you do decide to be one how to do it the best way that'd be a good read for you guys I know you guys are interested in this stuff especially guys don't interested my channel you could have interested in his channel and be interested in this real-life experiment eating wild for a whole year and then rig this snail line up basically what it is is a leader it's gonna loop up one end and then we're gonna thread it onto this very sharp needle and that's gonna draw it through so we can pull it all the way through the length of the fish and you can either lay this down flat I like to have it sticking out a little bit here and then the other end will attach up to the business end if the line pad fish usually will come up and grab it from the front here and they'll hook in and if it has long enough it's going to swallow back down here and that'll give us some insurance there's a good way to keep our bait from getting stolen and getting a positive hook set and there we go there's our full rig it's now trouble for insurance up to a wire leader and some swivels that's it it's a big bait but big catfish that's what we're looking for I trade up trade from a little minnow to a big catfish Jeremy's already out the same rig it hasn't got anything yet but it's just about getting the right time now look at that evening bite and get this way out there I don't know if that's a good spot or not I don't know this area too well I think ideally you'd probably feed into the current like just thought that seemed like Jeremy's already there so the seem the fish will come up there and lemon they're feeding they're going to be looking for anything that's moving down in the current and then they're gonna grab it a catfish are just opportunistic feeders so you'll wait at that seam edge they'll come in there and look for anything dead floating down the river well so far we're totally skunked all right just about to pack up like just we were packing up Gerry's line went down then mine went down here got his cat you've got a second one here just thought worms there's a couple of smaller ones and I missed the big one hook came off just at the edge of the rock and I had one scoop and I missed them when mosquitoes are so bad here now as soon as you get anywhere near the woods they start coming out at you I'm gonna stick it out for a little bit longer and see no they started biting but nothing happening until now so it won't feed during the day I guess a couple couple on the board now whew suck it cat over here smaller one you got one nice first I'd went on and lost it you see all those the seals Oh I'm so bad I don't think we're gonna last much longer on try to catch one fish try to land one fish where you lost two now we had a clam get to keep it legally caught all right a track for one fishing we're gonna head out it's my goal you know mosquito netting and bug spray both of them Kristin hooked on wait there's a good one cheese the mosquitos on the cameraman - clipping the spines yeah you do the dorsal one - yeah it's done there a spa currently you can just scramble the brain up a little bit and it pretty much kills them there we go you know it's safe it almost makes it worth while to get no it doesn't it's not even close the mosquitoes are terrible here IRA packing up we're gonna get out of here I have to come back here better prepare with nuts and everything crazy he just got out of the vehicle or after a Pike Lake like this cars that sounded too good clunky clunk clunk we like the kind of done that struts up that bad but we got a flat can't believe you have a pump in here yeah slow leak on one tire so I had I was carrying the pump around and then my slope we stopped leaking but now I've got a see if it holds any air we might be able to hear it there's a wide flat great flat no it wasn't flat when we left this morning mosquitos are bad I'm gonna get my sweatshirt on so I could help Paul yeah it's uh ten pumps per one psi what yeah yeah hey I've done it before 400 pump why is it 44 psi on this one 32 32 so 320 pumps yeah maybe a little extra because it's definitely on zero Oh the mosquitos are bad again prepared last night we got pummeled by mosquitoes there they're about as bad as they are now actually they were worse they were worse there were clouds of them last night so I got a bug this morning so I can go we definitely get into catfish no matter what well we get some air in this tire we can actually make it and back you know or we get further get stock then we spend the night we can last night we're resourceful we got a week's worth of body fat each yes sure yeah sure I gotta get a shirt on now all right so I got a flat tire but this space man showed up and he's helping me to pump nice space you you guys hear that I mean besides the mosquitoes right here right there it's there's actual tear in the pyre so it's not even a nail it's like a super-fast leak that tire shot no we gotta change the tire which means we have to take everything out cuz it tires at the bottom poof I'm gonna push you back up to the main road maybe there's less bugs I feel like it's more open than in here we're the main road the mosquitos are so bad here that just adds a little bit of extra grief to the process it's like changing a tire is bad enough but you gotta change a tire with mosquitos I'm glad I bought this bug jacket that's for sure yeah it's definitely better out here way more open yep oh my god we're gonna die or delivery tire delivery hopefully going there's a rope on there going no not yet a little bit more so we can pull it over [Music] [Applause] lugnut we had to do this once we had a rental vehicle and I think somebody had stolen the jock out of it so we had a spare tire we had to block the axle dig a hole under the tire with a shovel and then change the tire fill the hole in then drive off [Applause] [Music] well we do not rate okay now we get to go fishing no we don't we start to get to the lake hey put the canoe back on Junior put the canoe back on and then we're gonna we ice off the other Lake we're not the lake you guys see me in here the mosquitos just everywhere any chance they get nobody came back here with a truck anyway why probably a ATV looks like somebody kind of mangled that one a little bit as they went by knowing people that maintain these roads back here are fishermen these are old logging roads so they would come back in cut everything and you can tell everything's growing back and it's the only purpose that for these roads the loggers open them up and the fishermen maintain them after that pretty much how it goes out here and it's all Crown land so we can access like we can camp anywhere we could just pull off the side Pole in camp yeah it's worth something we always get to go fishing hey we almost get to go fishing are we almost there I don't know I'll be not hopes are every minute right [Music] well we're now who rate for raid the tire just fell off we lost all her nuts too even if we could pick the car up how you picked the car up Jack it up jack will fit under there you got no nuts though well we'll find him oh I did they weren't they just weren't tight enough we should have checked it again yeah once we started driving yeah which we didn't we're gonna hunt for brown nuts silver nuts all right well they could literally be anywhere I got one [Music] one one nut it's gonna be so hard to find these nuts with the mosquitoes and they could have literally fallen off at like any point throughout the whole way basically the whole way miles and miles Jeremy says he's maybe got a spare nut I've got no nuts left you got a spare not left but most of it most of them would have fallen off like roughly around the same time so I'll spend some time checking around I'm gonna put the camera down now I get it I don't know these mosquitoes are so freakin bad dude like on top of everything else that's going wrong tire tire fall off like this is insane if we get like four nuts we can probably make a go of this for the most part I wouldn't drive around with one why I can't drive over one not two nuts is bad no 1 2 3 and Jeremy found one so that's 4 enough to get us out of here oh man Jeremy is confident that we can lift it up anyway so there's that yeah take a nut off each tire well I didn't want to over tighten the nuts because if you over tighten the nuts then you when you loosen it you break off your lug and then you got to bring it into the shop and all that so I didn't want over tighten them but I definitely wanted to retighten them once we got it the tire back on you know after 100 kilometer or whatever it is like 20 or 50 kilometers or something forget what it is but you're supposed to go back in your mechanic and they tighten it again but they use I use a gauge you don't over tighten them yeah torque wrench right one that's no good one thread we got three nuts on there now I'm gonna have to bore another we're not from the back so that we have four nuts on either side it's gonna be one nut shy which is better than losing all your nuts yeah we're definitely crank this sucker down so lesson learned bring a bug net first the foremost bring extra nuts make sure you have a jack and make sure you have a car Paul bring your patience to look at all the mosquitoes okay we made it I don't know if you guys can see me I can't even see you cuz of this meshing it's terrible mosquitoes can see me they're all over the place we had two poor dogs well Jeremy had two poor Tosh congestion of excuse there's like a hundred mosquitoes on the microphone right now you guys can probably that's all you can hear probably mosquitoes I'm hoping once we get out on the water you know it's not big water we'll probably get rid of a few of them it's crazy crazy crazy crazy this is it it's just a little pawn tons of work to get to and of course nobody wants to do it so it should be full of pike we never know we might get totally skunked cuz that's how phishing coats do all that work wait well we made it we didn't give up and Jeremy and I have this conversation all the time about when we're gonna decide to get a motorboat and go to the easiest lake possible and we never quite get there but we always contemplate well I always contemplate it before Jeremy contemplates it obviously he's doing this eating all wild food so he just wolf down a bunch of raccoon meat from yesterday and I think he added a some bear fat last night and cooked it all down all the mosquitoes like seriously if you just put your hand there for like three seconds you get bit they're so aggressive I had got freaking red spots all over this from you know what hoping Jeremy gets down here quit we get on the water I'm gonna have to leave them behind I need gloves that's so bad they're so bad so bad now we're fishing well not fishing yet that's Mike I'm just gonna use a big spinner and since nobody fishes here ever because of how hard it is to get to and how crap you have a pond it looks you should get one with one drift anybody want to make some mate some wagers on that one drift of the pond halfway through the drift no bite yet I don't know if that counts not getting skunked but it's not a pike little perch almost almost there - over over set on that one yeah we'll keep them just in case we get skunked well let's paddle up and then I'll decide there we'll probably get a fish before that hopefully that's the idea anyway it would be funny if we didn't catch any fish at all wouldn't it all that effort it's like it's not even poetic justice it's just a tragedy although it's pretty common knowledge now that you go fishing without catching any fish because it's not grocery shopping however I would say if you do to all this effort it should be a hundred percent guaranteed that you catch a fish because you well you've done everything right I mean if you want to catch a fish this is how you do it you have to go in the lake that nobody else will bother to make the effort to get to it'll still be some days you don't catch a fish but it's pike and hardly anybody fish at this pawn all right we got a double-header chairs on I'm on I was just about to reel up for Jer Oh Oh ice women award me we are going wherever the lake is going to take us oh there we go I'm gonna spin around I get better then go on this fish there we go it's a good-sized one we're gonna no good for now like you do what you need to do I'm gonna tie this guy out a bit more than usual it's cuz they know he's a big guy oh yeah he's oh oh oh yeah he's a big dude oh yeah that's a big guy watch your rod there Jer yeah heared you wanting that it's you're free I don't got much left on this fish gear like hardly any oh [ __ ] Oh barely got him oh that's a big Pike look at that guy that's the biggest Pike we've taken out of here Jay 100% Yeah right we're going with tragedy are we are the tragedies there that's justice behind the tragedy all right now we're gonna manhandle this thing out of the frickin net he spit my hook that's a good thing okay we're gonna put him down in the boat I don't know if you guys ever that's a huge huge pike that is a massive Pike 18 1920 I don't even know I can't even judge two feet you got one well what are we gonna do with them putting them in the boat you got a fish there's another big perch okay so that guy he's not dead right yeah little little big perch I think aggressive little perch try to take that pig spinner to pluck it the kid even for the hooks in his mouth there we go we're doing alright got a couple couple fish in the boat but at a confession to make there's a banana on the boat there's another banana on the boat we are catching fish but not enough fish so it could be the banana you guys know that joke the banana on the boat joke what's a legend I don't know what it is I think it's from a movie it's hilarious though but it's bad luck to have a banana on the boat when you're fishing so we're gonna get rid of the banana on the boat we won't have a banana on the boat anymore it's a delicious banana on the boat now how many city people think this is littering not littering back in the mosquitos Oh sun's out now so I knock the mosquitos got a touch I don't think enough to make big difference so walk all the way back up to the car can you up whoo what's the effort for a couple pike truth is you probably could have got pike like almost anywhere but hoping to get the big home run by coming out here there's lots of lakes with pike in them not too many lakes that are this remote difficult to get to you but the effort in it don't forget the effort Oh get a little bit gassed well the leg didn't treat us as good as it did last time we got a decent load of pike I think one man's limit six so I think we got about six got that one big one right off the bat and that's it a couple other small ones but that's a pretty good-sized pike and I'm gonna complain about that guy about 30 inches or so he'll uh he'll feed a few people nice little lake but who knows just could be the day we'll probably head back and we might might try another lake along the way there's a couple ponds you never know what's in them depending on how much time we have we are gonna fish for catfish again entirely luck now I got those bugs you don't we can go a little bit longer than last time so hopefully get a nice good limit and get 12 catfish because there's obviously nobody around here that catches catfish or wants to catch them anyway so put lower lower species limits on the other things the catfish is not a really popular thing for people to fish for here nice load of fish in here not a bad load I go into all the other things we've got so far to feed Jeremy on this big wild year you know they're terrible so Jeremy's gonna do a quick gut job he'll scale them later and he's been looking at pressure canning pressure cooking and canning I guess as well to make those bones disappear so once he learns how to do that maybe I'll figure out how to do it too we can make use of more fish more fishes even the minnows be good and you don't have to worry but what kind of fish a guy just cannon up and take it out nice move she soft bones I could get for salmon bones you guys gonna get Sam a can and all the bones inside are all mushy that's the basic premise of the basic result it's uh maybe Jeremy will cover it on his channel at some point one wild crafter this is the kind of dedication do big wild gearing only wild food so I got my snack bag in here and Jeremy geed Oh Jeremy um he didn't want to eat his snack which is basically that raccoon in that pot he's hung by my feet here you want to put it in his lap cause it's all full of foot so you go outside in the flies the flies about the Flies about over here in here too worse in here now when he stopped so he's out there fighting the flies eating the snack man I couldn't do it not for a whole year I drew for seven days I probably do for two weeks that's probably my limit it's bad I'm gonna have to get out just because the Flies in here now aren't driving anymore all the Flies are bad in there so the Flies are bad in there now oh yeah yeah well it doesn't look half bad what'd you do to it I bought rice while raising some near with all the bottoms out maple syrup Rocky race mmm that's good just a little bit burnt what you mean charred or yeah brown there charb blackened blackened on the bottom from when we cooked it on the fire I have no girl left no it's alright let's take it to be eaten and dessert strawberries and bear poop these on the road probably probably yep that's how they spread this river used to hold a huge trout like 80 years ago got fished out completely I have some pictures of my grandpa fishing this river and they used to catch as many as you want BIG's trigger loads full five-pound brook trout out of this river no there's no more now all fished out some big cats will get set up over here and get our big minnows up for a big cats I think pound for pound catfish is the way to go if your and their survival you want to return on your calories your inputs 100% catfish is the way to go we've been working hard trying to get lots of food and it's been a struggle fishing sport licenses for basically the output we needed commercial-grade we got to feed ourselves right we gotta feed jeremy anyway don't need a lot of food you got to work hard for it the laws don't want you to survive Wow they don't care if you survive or not they want the fish species to survive and keep spending money on fishing they don't really want you to be very productive doing it or they don't care if you're productive doing and put it that way fish on it's a good one too I don't know if I'm in your line or not it might be yeah so raid at fish our this is actually earlier than yesterday we're gonna get some 12 degree weather here coming in oh look at that sing listen to it sing this is a good-sized one you mean that man it's coming in it's a pike that's a big pike bigger than the one you caught earlier today ya know for sure that's a big pike yeah it was too early for catfish wow that is a nice big Pike something big something bigger bidam yeah yeah another good fish this one's probably a catfish you never know got some weight to it I was only probably just enough time to scale a Pike rebate and toss out and probably within five minutes I got this guy on here I'm just making them work against that reel make the fish do the work that she was eventually going to tire out oh he's got him that's a good that's a good cat yeah you got it oh yeah that's a good cat all right that things are football okay I don't know if you guys can see it or not but that's a big football there we go we've got another one I don't know if you guys can tell man but the mosquitoes are terrible hoping at some point they felt like freaking bag man feel like a bag man we're hoping the mosquitos will die off at some point but maybe not till like 5:00 in the morning got Jeremy we got Adam Craig from Adam Craig outdoors this is just goofing around we're not trying to get a bunch of calories from this I'm gonna do some Bush walking today for some rookies I finish off the day back on my roots oh try to get 15 brook trout if we can cuz we have a guest here today Adams with us and Jeremy too - Oh Adams just on the other side I don't know if you guys can see him right over here and Jerry's on this side with me where we're gonna work our way down from pool to pool so I sent Adam over on the other side because there's a better lie he can fish this run on the opposite side a little bit easier than we could from here cuz of all the tangles so this spot the success is always dependent on whether we are the first persons here since the last rain which moved all the brookey's up from the bottom up or vice versa so we're gonna be gentlemen about this fishing and we're not gonna leapfrog or we're gonna leapfrog each other so what happens is you fish a pool till the guy behind you catches up and then he passes you to the next pool otherwise the lead guy is always the guy fishing the best pool leaving nothing for anybody else at the back which is super annoying so don't be that guy whenever you creek fish with somebody can you see it at the bottom there it's not that deep try one a little closer to where that log is is it deeper there well the trick today is gonna be finding the water there's no water here I get this old this whole banks all dry see deer tracks in here anywhere you can't see the bottom means the fish feels safe it's a pretty short supply in this river right now there you go this Shawn job is it oh yeah little trout did you hear the one jump over here so Adams on the board we knew there was one in there go little four-inch er that's 12 I don't even know if I can get there how's that I think I got you beat the natural is they're all natural in here let him go now if you could find the pool we could find the fish but we can't find a pool well we saw one rice here we'll try one more it's gonna be a tough just like no chance of a drift because there's a stupid tree in the way yeah I know I'm in the tree oh I got a fish though anyway yeah nice one I was stuck in the tree oh [ __ ] you're wet a yeah if you want here Adams already wet so he's gonna go we're gonna try to salvage the first keeper here if you can get it off a branch I think he's still on right go right hand high right here this is hilarious how much work do you want to do for a trout this is how much work you want to do for a trout where's it gone no shoot man that sucks here's my good pool that I normally come to but it's super low here too you see all under here all cover all these logs super hard to fish item is uh just up over here he's got a nice deep pool there it's whether we can entice women to come out of the mass here let's get down to the bottom and try it give it a go all right it's got to be a fish in there somewhere whether we can get it out is of course another question the only way to do this safely is to actually get out on the water here I stuck a log and we got to watch our shadow I don't spook anything unless there's gotta be a fish sitting under this tree here 100% got to be a fish under there you gotta get him to come out well there he is he took it we got a fish on and a lot of swabbies going up a stream a little bit I want to see that he's got a swallow'd and then we got to have got a hook set it we're on the log here so he can't get back to the bakery easily okay that's set to good fish he swallowed it oh he got to do that very risky maneuver of getting him back to the bank I go and just like we wanted he swallowed it because these are fish we're keeping there we go and well hard-earned trout there we go fish number two this guy was uh I saw him rise and I plunked one down on him god these deer flies are so bad they came right back out and grabbed it oh so hard to get these hooks out there we go fish number two nice little knot to brookie this is the kind of pool you want this is a good pool you get something to come out of the brush but you know they want to stay right in the brush oh there's a good one oh I lost him always got it still I won't take it take it I gotta let him go back to his Hall it's a good one came out from under the log oh I keep sweating go of it take it dude he's got his mouth now though it's a big it's a big 12 Oh take it I could see him Frank you let it go again dude that's a big rookie let's gotta let him ride it out yeah he's back I don't want to get snagged oh oh you tell me let go again no no shoot that one no I took this yeah it's a fishing to half for this Creek is in such a rush to get him to shore here I got tangled up in the tree there it is with you beautiful train big one a this is clean side here it's not thirteen twelve bring clothes yeah there we go yeah I'm not too aggressive though maybe right in front of them nice little fish I think I caught a fish the tricky parts gonna be getting out of this pool yeah you got off he took a run for it and the current was already for him a little guy another decent-sized one keeping get them out of the water here go gonna get him up to the bank here I'm not quite in the bank but not right over the water either he's a good fish not about size one for this Creek this big ones a male and it's so much mashes in there like completely full of flies there's so many flies in there you get one like that look at the flies in there guys chocked full like obviously mashed full it looks like it could be deer flies like they're all digested but there it's there's a beetle in there if you guys can see that beetle there's just a ton of flies in there these guys are eating really well tell people what they are now if they're poisonous or not yeah if you can eat lots of them or not well you know lots in that snow yeah it's coal an experiment yeah might as well the more you hear them the worse they taste so I think they're you probably know what's supposed to eat too many of them only one way to find out don't like strawberries where they just tasting good we think they're called honeysuckle there's that plant here maybe I should try one just see if I'm allergic to them or not try one and then let it sit and see what happens case all right not super sweet so I would say pretty good not very abundant not super sweet kind of same sweetness as a bunch very cool so that's it for the fishing I'm tapped out and we're gonna head back now and see if week way over fish and see how many we ended up with for three days of hard hard hard slog effort dudes so this is the product of our three days moment everybody's been waiting for I know I'm gonna figure out how much fish we have we have a lot of fish how much fish 35 pounds maybe probably probably that makes 35 yeah I'd say that's a 35 er we got to reasonably sized pipe we should've done better the pike I think yeah to big pike to snap like seven pike mostly small pike bass I don't wanna lost track we had one lemon bit yeah well I had five and you at three we have eight yeah birch there's another boss here from another day so it's probably about 40 pounds of fish altogether yeah you think 40 pounds in three days you know it's pretty good yeah it's enough to last Delfin E&I two weeks probably eating two weeks of calories yeah it's probably right like I mean yeah it's probably bout two weeks calories if you want any fat calories to it or anything else yeah it's been an interesting experiment and Jeremy's been eating only wild food doing it I did not I ate whatever I wanted which is mostly snacks yeah just to keep going but towards fun time and this but this is what we're reduced to when we use like moderate or sport fishing licenses we can't use gill nets and whatever but if you could use gill nets would be this would be like in two seconds right yeah yeah I think it's still a lot of work to set them up and everything but your return on your investment is bigger a lot higher I can go out fishing less often and catch more fish yeah so I don't know if you guys thought this was cool or not there's an experiment to see I thought it was cool it was fun yeah I got lots of fish for Germans for you yeah I'm only gonna take I'm going to take my brook trout and maybe one catfish okay and I'll be good for me and the rest is up to you I've got a pond full of trout home so nice to have some competition some yeah rookies different wild food actual wild fun wealth actual wild stuff so yeah you want to lose these up for the Flies you know yeah yeah Jimmy's gonna get out of here fast yes sir all right you gonna put them right in here make it all right yeah you want a bass on the top of the bottom doesn't matter will you cooler that you clean it still lots of work to be done yes sir I'm gonna scale these pike or boneless filet them we shall see we got some ice for it yeah that's a wrap for me Jeremy has to go finish cleaning them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Stevie it's awesome alright bro she's going last one oh my god I am so sorry stop so I thought I'd whip my hair around to try and dry it off and I can do one off balance and the tripod Ali and Chris was holding the camera so he couldn't get the tripod another could I and it sunk so we're gonna go back have lunch and then come back and see if we can try and find it with a fishing rod and a hook in any ways no matter what she's gonna have to pay him back $200 riding bronco
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 106,754
Rating: 4.9108429 out of 5
Keywords: pike fishing, bass fishing, brook trout fishing, catch and cook, wilderness, camping, bushcraft, catch n cook, survival, wild foods, wilderness adventure, canoe camping, canoe trip, canoeing, lure, best lures, catfishing, tiny creek fishing, best fishing, survival challenge, survival tips, wild edibles, foraging, cooking, wilderness survival, bushcraft cooking, eating wild, survival skills, living off the land, primitive technology
Id: XBbs8KoxPRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 31sec (4771 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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