BOW FISHING 1000's of Giant Invasive Carp (30+ Fish Landed) | Catch, Clean, Cook!

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it's like fishing with guys that have been doing it for a while the first time I posed you guys are you guys are killing you gotten both with one shot what absolutely amazing dock and bodies stock and bond look at oh the rain's gone beautiful day now I never been so busy on a net with the group before you actually have a guide today from Donnie's hot box hots he's gonna do a guided carbo fish spear fish dude you ready I'm ready let's do this how much sleep did you lose waiting for this adventure to too much but I lost some sleep I was pretty excited to do this this is Donnie from hotbox huts guys he is uh he knows this Lake this is Lake Simcoe so we're in Ontario if you guys want a guided boat fish for eating or for fertilizer we talked about what we're gonna use these carp for but the idea is to fill this boat up as much as we can so we got a big giant tote here obviously Donny trusts are shooting a heck of a lot more than I trust my shooting you guys seen a carp video before and we're not the greatest but how many fish are gonna get today let's shoot a hundred in the boat do we have to put a little tally down below if we can get over the mechanics of actually shooting the boat so they're about what 20 25 pound draw mostly out yeah and they're all set to go we were gonna shoot it instinctively no sites or anything like that I have a little bit of experience shooting the bow as you know and of course subscriber Scott who's just behind me has some experience as well so what's the trick we just aim low and instinctively admits a lot we shoot shoot a lot miss a lot you learn by missing but basically if you try to shoot underneath boom you're probably gonna hit let's get in the boat and let's getting some some action here and if we get enough fish we get a small one we're gonna keep it and cook it absolutely so you got a barbecue we can throw it on or something better yeah so using the hummingbird not to find fish today we're gonna do it just more to keep an eye on how how far along they on spawning is actually carp spawning temperature right now is what we want to see time prime time today we're at the exact temperature we're looking for we'll get some up on the surface and be able to pick a few up there's tons of bubbles like they're all spawning all throughout here can't see I haven't seen the carp yet but we've seen a couple roll out in the middle here I haven't actually seen one seen one but they grew or just we got the temperature right just need that Sun to come out just a little bit just a little bit and then we're gonna be on them these are actually black turns which are a little bit of a rare bird to have down here and they're they're protected species they have some actually I'm not sure the protected species but I know their nesting area is protected on some wetlands just around the corner here they're really really cool bird they're just like a white turn stuff they're black they do get aggressive when we go near their nest sometimes they might peck you on the heads might get a sore head today so we actually can't see it clear there is a lot of silk that that is from carpet spawning and rolling down here when you see you don't hitting the reeds - I can I can't say with exact sorry but I can almost say a hundred cent of time into carp so you can even shoot at the bottom of that Reed a bass they don't seem to do that you know it's probably even seize we're coming in here I'm sure we'll probably see some bouncing we call them bombs yeah yes when they go to call I needed a word they look like nuclear bombs right yeah there was a mine up spot though so we're in a good spot here now you can see I don't know you guys probably can't tell but the mud all is getting stirred up in here so we're scaring tons and tons of car probably hundreds in here there's spots there's mud spots all over the place unfortunately the Sun is not out so that's gonna be against us here but we're gonna pull up and then we're gonna let the wind kind of push us back so we can kind of slowly drift through here and hopefully pick a couple off let's get the gear set up we're gonna kill some fish today we got big females roll on this game on today we're not going to be reeling in our fish we're gonna actually be bringing them in by hand but after your shot you're going to need to retrieve your line so the best way of doing that or actually the only way of doing that is this is not engaged at all you squeeze it with your finger and it'll it'll lock that line up and allow you to retrieve that line so we're going to try to get some practice in this morning as well is the faster you can retrieve is set up for your next shot the more shots you're going to take the more fish we're gonna get into the boat today we're not going to bring any fish into the boat by the arrow we have a helper we're going to use a net so we don't lose anything and nothing goes to waste today alright so we'll give you a quick idea here on how you're gonna shoot the best way is first you need to get your line wet these reels don't work very well with the dryline and I held I can hear carp rolling all over it's gonna be a good morning so the way to go about this guys I always grab it by the back of the arrow is the nock always sort of the slide always needs to be in front of the bow hold it down smack it in lock it on and we're good to go now when I'm standing there I will I'll hold my clutch in and make sure the line doesn't roll it was a wind on a breezy day like we got now right there we go we're ready to fire just draw shoot and then retrieve the faster we can do that more fish if I get in the boat all right guys gonna get rigged up I'm gonna switch over to the GoPro cuz there's no way I'm running this camera with two hands busy there we go one down thanks I'm probably gonna wait for you to shoot but when you shoot I'm also gonna shoot as we go one on the boat now yes it's pressures off I'm gonna wait will you tell me you see one man and then I'll get ready yep am I ready to shoot I'm ready for you to shoot I know you want me to shoot I saw that guy after you so you did see it I did so I I freaking gotta use this okay I can put the book should I put the bow down it'll get him get him yeah nice job are we got to do that right bunk all right so we got all the win as you can probably tell from the camera besides the noise from the motor it's a lot more peaceful in here I'm a hundred percent if you're keeping track I'm on a percent one four one zero four one zero four one four Scott we've only we haven't had a whole lot of opportunities yet because the conditions are not they're not perfect they're doable the Sun the Sun could be out a little bit more and then if the wind was down over that man there's tons of carp there probably thousands we're gonna force this one a little bit just a little bit not much like it's doable but we are we're not going to be we're not gonna have an easy time with this put it that way so I got it I got to put this back down and I got to get set because we were in the spot now it's a it's a channel it's like a canal it's coming into the main part of the lake and are you seeing any spooked up yet no clouds mr. would you see that right there both in to the fluorescent green aspect a male for sure I was a bowl fan of male bow fan I don't you guys probably didn't see it we tried to scoop it up to show you guys but can't shoot this with the bowl but apparently there's no seasons so you can actually catch them alright so what we're gonna do now is get rid of the chop on the water the chops causing a lot of issues we're having a hard time seeing the fish so we're we got a south wind right now it's really affecting where we're at we're gonna do another spot where it's more protected from the South way and hopefully we get a little more visibility the waters gonna be a lot more deeper where we're going to be so we have to really really focus our point of or focus our attention a lot deeper in the water and not be looking at the surface so much so we're we're going to be going the wind will be blocked blocked a bit and we'll be able to push our eyes through the water be able to see what's down below us a little better how we doing so far you guys are doing alright it's we haven't got a lot of fish in the boat we're seeing a lot it's a really really tough day because we actually have the problem having too many fish right now which is not always a good problem to have he's the cloudiness of the water from them spawning and stirring everything else making them very very difficult to see and when we do see them it's at the last second we're not getting a shot but it's good to have the fish here so we're we're not done yet we're not giving up quite yet yeah and you're doing a really good job man that first fish you shot there it is it's like you've been doing this for a while there's guys that go fishing with their experience of bow fishing that wouldn't hit that shot we go through so much mud that the impeller just worn out on these real fast oh right there Oh [Music] come on where are you he's like way in front where are you whereas the words there whereas the reserve as it were as it gotta be here it's gotta be it's gotta be it's gotta be there isn't one yes the arrow kind of went funny on them oh yeah yeah no if you see if you notice anything that we could do better I'm all for it I wasn't expecting that I wasn't expecting you go raid into the bushes there I'm like whoa well I'm great at missing got off three or four now yeah no no no shade cast on the guiding service guiding services super putting up with all our nonsense I mean I have to figure out where to look I'm always like lightly behind the fish and you see the wake of the fish but you got to get ahead of the fish things are moving fast now probably probably he's pushing us a little hard on the on the speed here now because he thinks we can do this so confidence is in us which is exactly what we want to inspire in our guide he's not too worried about our capabilities he thinks we're better than what we are not good things were really good I think it's a comparison thing like between amateur to amateur we're on the higher end of the amateur Ashkelon but we're definitely not ringers yet but that would probably take years of doing this years of experience like a guide he's like Calder's well there's a bunch in front of us I'm like what I see the wakes I just don't see the fish in time enough to shoot but that will come I'm sure if I keep doing this which I will because it's super fun so if you guys want somebody to have fun with put that link down there you guys can simple simple region is that fair enough to say we're on Lake Simcoe yeah we're not gonna be specific but that's a big lake but if you want to know specifically where to go and it's best to hire a guide you're not gonna be able to come out here with a canoe and shoot car put it that way you see one right now enough talking let's get fishing okay so the plan is go get him you got him you got him you got him you got him mm-hmm ah there you go I got you you're not going anywhere she's up here up here get them in the boat man get him in the boat here we go Oh jeepers hey nice job there we go now we all got fishing finally on the port there we go hey shot we're in the money spot now here guys got a backer we just need one quick glimpse of a fish drove all the way down to the end of the end of the run here I don't know if you guys can see over here there spawning fish on the other side of this finger here and there's fish all throughout here all spawning but we're down our little trolling motor here the electric motor we ran out of power fighting the wind this morning yeah you're good just watch when you go I won't stand there Oh shooty stand there yeah it works I feel like we're gonna tip over maybe I'm maybe I'm wrong really yeah so you jump off we're going I'm going in don't do that no okay we don't need any first on that front we're do [Music] yep order to tear one [Music] you shoot another one hitting them with the pole oh they're all in here you can see bubbles everywhere everywhere everywhere everywhere everywhere it's need that one just give me a freaking shot right there right there every day oh where is he know where we got him got him got him oh boy oh nice jumper - he's still on there nice all right that one just felt right all around oh come on get in the boat get in the boat yes nice it's nice to shoot them all top when you can see them proper nice thick marriages dropping but that's okay that's what we're supposed to do as many times as you can the smartest thing to do no just to throw the arrow and reel it up sure all right guys we got the rain coming in but we're not beating ourselves to get out of the rain we don't really care at this point it's so much fun we're gonna we're gonna lighten up because we're actually hitting bottom in this little Bay here wall on celibate switch fingers but there's tons and tons of carp here which is perfect for what we want to do so we're lighting up the guys can Scott's on the board like in the bait major way when you got four now three or four I think he's got four I think I'm stuck on two now cuz I've been having camera issues getting getting the GoPro set up going over against one right behind this is ooh yeah can you see it - sure I just saw it sir Tom man I've come on so tempted to just walk up the shoreline and try to pick them off just like but I know this is way more efficient but it's something that be possible like if you wanted to do surviving you could walk up the shore banks I am hundred percent sure you could get a carp today just the perfect conditions just peek your head over on a spawning one because they get so preoccupied just boiling up that you could easily trick one some of these carp that we're getting are actually only a few feet off the front of the boat like some of them you're shooting straight down off the bow of the boat yeah they're not there guys are cooperating it's just the weather's just not being nice for us at all making some more room we'll just keep shooting it's just rain right your skin's waterproof this was the last day we were gonna get before it kind of turned cold and got rid of all the activity so we're dumping off the electric motor because it doesn't work anymore it's got no juice left they're ready to batteries Scott's gonna stay up on shorting off I'm just kidding he just wants to catch up that's true I do I'm not competitive or anything competitive this is good but this is a team sport obviously there is no way anybody's getting any fish without any help from everybody else so if their fish are getting in the boat that's exactly what matters good we can't see nothing there's no visibility with the Sun we're gonna use the boat to chase the basically the herds of spawning carp and push them to a wall when they get to the wall they start to scatter they run into each other then they'll jump right out of the water so hopefully we'll be able to shoot one in the air today or at least get some video of them coming out of the water but that's that's pretty much the only chance we got now to keep shooting because we can't see nothing where is it where is it come on Oh like you could just probably throw an arrow in there and get one oh I missed that missed him oh dude that's all we need with his son so we got a freaking rain it's overcast and rainy maybe after the rains we'll get a beautiful sunshine to come in here light this place up because we know all we can see is just a little momentary flash or something it's not much to go on the Donnie said basically you got a second to make your decision you basically load and go like if you haven't decided to shoot in the second you're not going to get that fish put it that way yeah one second to react one second to shoot oh you got him off god I'm fish on won't cut underneath the light oh yeah there you go I knew you had him like he was right there like point-blank and you had a better angle so I let you take them just shoot no I don't care I want to see everybody get fish I don't care who kills something it's all about getting ya know for sure it is two teams team sport there are fish in the swamp back there Oh homie there's not in there so we call it nice there we go no there's a couple more still here they were coming in till you move nice shot there's just keeping the meat for good shoot him in the tail every time there's a ton in here she's rainy now we got an hour of this so we're just gonna get used to getting wet there's no way around it ooh we've set a log there oh there's a week here we go guys we're going in the corner we're gonna get one we're gonna get one [Music] Oh where are they shoot oh look at them there's one in there that's what we want boy she's muddy Oh just under them juuust under I got some salad what do you read we're trying to get into the next little Channel there is actually tons of fish in there right now if we get just through here might get through losing the rocking technique rocker back and forth huh how much you want a carp open spot yeah it was all the way long behind those fragments dude down along those trees and then it is an opening up here we're so close Oh inches every time inches there is like so many fish so many fish we are this far from the new spot oh now we're going if you can go as I as I'm the guy that's the least helpful right now you just got to go that way a bit okay there we go oh it's got a pull the video pull the reeds over I know we got like 10 feet left to go how solid it you can see where we came from that channel over there oh he's going in the drink dude you're gonna go up to your chin you're gonna get so no more near it you're gonna get swallowed up I know there's Lakers waving at ya you so many fish over there guys I don't know if you guys can see that or not but beast mode [Music] hold up I got that thing moved over nope you know you're setting the bar really high for guiding right everybody's gonna expect the same treatment yeah that's true oh dude dude don't get ready we see tails there's tails everywhere everywhere bottom whistlin owner didn't I can see the line right now no you go you got him yeah he's gone it's a big one that's how we need to get out of here just need to leave a carp on a tow or so that pulls amazing yeah there's one following it oh it's a girl yeah oh that's a big that's a big fish 20 pounder barely in there that's a big dude hold that one up you got to hold that guy up let me see oh that's a nice one monster that's got dinner in there that's got to be what through you're seeing the females on the top of the water like that that's actually the male's pushing them up during the spawn they're not choosing to be up there they're getting bullied by the males all day so they they're actually trying to get away from them to take a break I mean they've been at it all day they'll either bury themselves down in the mud and get a rest and the males usually stir them up again or they'll try to get up to the surface and get out of there but these these girls really take a beating out here nice shot nice shot I can't wait anymore Oh what is it like make sure I'm having too much fun Klingon arrows I never do this like long bomb long shots oh that's a pretty good hole guys probably I don't know that's gotta be a hundred pounds or so at least no no you did maybe just hit it with the line in the second one Oh was it yeah thank you just when you're pulling the line in I felt the weight of it starting to push it oh hey this is freaking blast I feel like I feel like we have enough to like wrap things up but I'm not and any nobody in this boat is ready to finish so we're gonna keep the horn like we're gonna we're gonna rock it in till we have to pack it in pretty much so everybody here wants to keep going and I'm more than happy to do that I don't know why I had that long-sleeve shirt on the whole time why do they do that because we're supposed to be sunny today instead we're in the pissin rain we're well as dogs yeah we stink like fish but we're having a blast so I think we're gonna move the boat around and get we're gonna keep doing this we're gonna try to get a hundred fish we only have to get 90 left I'll show you a quick picture of all the fish you plus we already took a few to shore there's over 100 pounds with a fish in this bucket already that those are carp eggs yes they're soft when they're in the female once they get fertilized they turn hard and stick to the first thing that they touch that's cool just so you guys know we're not destroying the car population by doing this they lay like billions and millions of eggs we're not even going to touch the population here we're not not at all did you see how teaching I was on that one that's more my style Scotch to speed shooting on me so I'm just like oh wait oh wait oh wait I just like to put him right in the back of the head like that is that the biggest one we got so far there's a little little far back I tried to correct on the way there it's like I felt like I needed to get ahead of that guy yeah sorry no rush no rush I'm in he's out you can take it that was easy I think you got him I think you got him but really I was like no I got him yeah I got him I said the arrows were too close together to have do we both get him no you got him nice no we both got one we got a double no we had a dog when we both got one I thought I thought oh I thought my arrow is just hitting yours and bouncing that hey you want to go up with it and use the way to the hole I see beauty that's smart sweet Thanks [Music] turn him around wait of the book that way you got him both with one shot one arrow two fish absolutely amazing stacking bodies stacking bodies yeah we get a better boyfriend it literally went through that one and it got the one in the back too oh now we're just trying to make a undo a mess here so he's a pain in the butt we got a huge stack of fish going on here look at that I think small plus we stash them on the forest guys remember when that boat cuts you have you dumped those off so I don't know how many fish we got now but at least I don't maybe 2030 something like that would that be a fair number that's fun though this is fun I haven't had this much fun fishing in a long time so I don't really think this counts is fishing it's more like hunting fish it's a good it's uh I don't know hybrid they're unwilling participants in the whole fishing process there's no catch and release no that's not happening the catcher releases all the ones that are getting away by accident which does happen but not very often it's always gonna be one or two to get away but then there's you know turtles are gonna enjoy that they're gonna be super thankful for all those carp that get away actually well how many we lose like - exactly these fish I'll tell you what these fish are gonna do at the end but there's a plan for this obviously not gonna eat all these fish but they are gonna go to good use so put it that way well thanks for untangling me while I did nothing you guys do nothing yeah I gotta run the camera something that's a mess of fish right there man you wanted to find fish for survival this is how you would do it man just rack them up man we've got 200 pounds worth of food here crazy be hard to do out of a canoe but it wouldn't be impossible it's like fishing with guys that to have been doing it for a while but for first time I flow is you guys are you guys are killing it it's rare it's nice to treat I've never been so busy on a net with a with a group before the level of focus that's happening right now everybody's just really quiet go ahead I'm not shooting you got him bow shoot yeah this guy's got him no you hit him oh yeah you hit him you hit him it was just all the way through my doing up here will clean a fish here and then we're gonna probably fish your way back you got to pick up our gear here cuz we're done at this little section so we had to come back here anyway and it's a good as time as any to get one cleaned up and then we'll go ahead back see what we can't manage to get on the way home I don't know how many we have kind of lost tracks by now I've got a pail of them here a huge pail of them and Donnie's gonna show me how he does a cleaning and then I know he's got a plane he's got some place where he can cook it probably at his house or whatever on barbecue I don't know we'll figure something out but that was a good day I was a busy day I wasn't expecting to have that many shot opportunities but I'm glad we stuck it out because with the rain and everything in the lack of Sun it was a little bit dicey at some points and we stuck it out the rains gone to people day now he's already wet anyway but now he's early wet you called it one guy's gonna go in the drink we didn't think would happen here would have lets all slippery loss just go for a swim no you're not coming back in my car like that that's why I brought change of clothes we're just gonna take the flay right off the side it still leaves a few bones in there but when you're cooking it you'll you'll be able to pick them out carp bones are pretty large anyways they're not really very small you can know you deal with them just on either side cut the gills there so we could weed them out a little bit for us to make the meat taste better so I was talking earlier but there was two different two different colors of meat on a cart get your red meat here you get your white meat down below and the reason for that is the red meat on a fish is what they use with oxygen that's for aerobic exercise exercise aerobic aerobic swimming I guess that's what they're using to swim around Linda leisurely doing their day-to-day business the white meats when they use when they have an explosion of power and they're swimming away and that's an aerobic so that's why this is actually red is because the blood vessels are in there or I guess there's more capillaries than the white the white doesn't actually use oxygen in a system to actually twitch the most fish just have a skim a red meat on the outside and that's what they use to just leisurely swim around the carp has a lot more red meat which is why it is as powerful as it is in the warm water it's sure our tanks these things can really really put up a good fight I find it does myself I prefer the white meat over the red in in a carp but like Gail you know she's she prefers the red to the white so it's it's a personal preference kind of thing if you were to cook the white meat just like any other fish any recipe that you normally use you probably wouldn't even know that you were eating carp there's some some tricks people do with milk and soaking them in different brine solutions we just treat it just like any other fish you know we fried them up like perch with with batter we bake them in the oven there's as long as you don't do a weird recipe you're not gonna have a weird tasting fish so is the big put off with carp mostly the bones I think it's there's a stigma surrounding carp here in North America because there an invasive species but you know the rest of the world you know these are the desired fish for it to eat and even in the stores you know their stores because they sell these things for $20 a pound at time so on a day like today when we harvested I'm gonna guess at least a couple hundred pounds of fish guys think you know at twenty dollars a pound you're talking four thousand dollars worth of meat yeah you have some clients who just hire you based on that fact right yeah guys we take out and they come they don't even carry to shoot the fish they just watch the show and watch me in action and then they take home a thousand dollars and fish at the end of it hey what is your any limits on the number of fish you can take not on carp no you can there's definitely no limit on carp we've put them all to good use we are well I'll just usually got them and I take a sawzall and cut them into pieces and we have a couple freezers for the dogs and that carries them through a good part of the year it's a big part of their diet I keep the heads and then the guts when I take them out we use them for bear bait up north and then this year is the first year we're actually going to use some for fertilizer as well in the gardens and I've heard good things about that I can't really speak to hope to how well that's gonna work but everybody's telling me it's gonna be really worthwhile no we don't want to wash them off in this water it's really really warm and there's a lot of beavers here so you could pick something up from the water so I mean the fish is slime will protect the fish but when out we've opened the meat up we'll just rinse it off when we get home and finish skin in the fillet there and cook them up we're gonna still go back we're gonna cook it there's some word about honey and definitely some adobo spice so I'm gonna try it something different I know maple syrup really works really good with the adobo so I'm sure honey would be a nice addition any sweetness sweetness with meat is always good sweet meat sugar good yeah man you can do all kinds of things you got a big bucket there something yeah this has a few pounds in it it's probably close to 75 75 200 what do you think yeah as a good haul all right so Donny made quick work of that now we're we're gonna get packed up we're gonna go home going to eat because I am starving I don't know what you guys you guys probably go grab snack to because you're gonna be hungry after watching as a carp maybe not I don't know maybe you're thinking like everybody else is thinking and you don't want to eat carp but I'm gonna let you know how I think our tape cart tastes apparently it's fine so we'll see he's still proud of us hey you guys do good definitely I would I wouldn't believe that you guys were new shooters if you didn't tell me yeah that was a hell of a day out there well thanks for having us out it was an absolute blast it was I had a great time and so did we and I never get told it's a good time on the water all right guys there's the full loot I think we end up with 30 there's 30 laid out here I think there's two we cleaned one so that's 32 total that's a pretty good haul I mean we didn't get our hundred that we were aiming for that was it that would be a stretch for two random dudes who never done this before which means you guys can go out here and do the same thing you guys can hire Donnie as well and he's gonna start peppering in the the bowfishing things so you're gonna have to send him a note and then you get on a list and how the list works is if you're first in the list and you get first dibs on the first opportunity that's good so you're not gonna get out there when there's no opportunities and gonna pay for a bunch of nonsense we haven't eaten today we've had some snacks the Sun setting and we need to get back and get something cooked up real quick we had to load all these back up after we took our fancy picture and yeah thankfully we got our fish cooked or cleaned now we need to cook it I don't know why I can't talk maybe it's because I've been on the water and I haven't add any calories right let's go eat honey let's go eat waiting all day for that one I think so I hope I do it's it's gonna be good that's for sure after a long day of shooting all right so we just got a little saltwater bath here with it with our filets we're gonna dry them off drain the water off we'll throw just a little bit of honey on there and then we got some wood avos wood wood again with Abu novo widow Bou spice we're gonna add on top okay it's doable but it's doable it's wood wouldn't like wooded wooded so we did adobo so it's wooded adobo and you guys can pick that up on the website the wooded Birds been calm yeah we've had cart before you know we're gonna try to do it a little differently we're gonna try it differently with a little bit of honey on there yeah we have had it before you didn't watch that video yet cuz it's right down on the pipe I'm curious to see if it's gonna be any different because you cleaned it a little different you took some of the red out yeah I don't like the red myself the red meat oh good that's right doesn't it yeah no one eat cold fish cold fish is not good I almost gave it to scoff first huh I'm like whatever Scot probably shot more fish than we did but so what someone had to show how many fish Scott got my mouth is watering so badly right now did you have a buddy yet yeah so I got to be worried about bones and though there is gonna be some little bones in there for sure I'm just gonna take some small bites that's awesome hey what's wrong with carp oh great a little bit of lime would go good with that spice or laminate does yeah yeah yeah well it's a good complement to any fish right lemon lime that is meal worthy dude if anybody shine away from eating carp they're doing it for the wrong reasons man I amazing I'm gonna fight you guys for what's left seriously like right I mean there's nothing wrong with that kind of eating him I didn't actually get any bone at all yep there you go there's a wide bone that's why people don't need carp cuz you're lazy about picking the Y bones up so what they do is the carp the Flay will actually sit like this and you can normally just feel this little tip on it and it'll actually sit down in the play and you can't really pick the male I think fish food in all wild foods our finger foods anyway so if there's bones in there but you eat with your hands you're gonna be able to pick the bones out so people that think they can gobble their wild foods up carps not a food that you can gobble your wild foods up you got to kind of pretend then you gotta flick to the part I do that with brook trout with a little small ones when you cook it up and then you cook it maybe not perfectly and so a lot of the bones want to stick into the meat and then you're like bones in my you know a little tiny brook trout well so I picked them oh that's no reason to throw you know or ignore a whole classification of fish just because there's bones in it so this fish it has like zero mud taste to it like no mud taste like anyone says it it's just the bones that are annoying and you can just pick them out like no problem so go out and try it it's actually a really good fish to eat and it shocked me completely it's one of the best fish I've actually eaten ever and I've eaten salmon and like halibut and it's still one of the top fish I've eaten all right so we got the boss here I'm told this is the boss it's a lie this is Gale gales hotbox she's like the face of the company so she's gonna try some carb cuz you know we could all be lying we could just be making up stories that it's like you know really good but obviously somebody who had nothing to do with collecting these fish would have pretty honest opinion so we're not gonna lie there's bones in there do you think that's great no like don't don't lie people are gonna know you're lying if you're lying she's not trying to sell any business or anything no I think it tastes like tuna steak there you go that's just like tuna steak right yeah it's really good so that's just a little bit of honey in the widow boats place if you don't want to bite you would over spice you don't have to you can tell these fantastic but any spice on there I've actually never had this place before and it's really good yeah there you go all right so bye-bye the spice and book a trip well thanks for having us out really appreciate it I had a blast Scott had a blast is absolute one of the best fishing times I've ever had there you go and that that's hard to match that's like that's from a guy who fished all time so there's something to be said for that and I had a blast - I got the adrenaline pumping learn the new skill I loved it so and you can't get that from just doing the same things you do over and over again so if you're from Ontario and you've never both fished before and you want to learn how this is 100% the best way to go buck doing go with an expert otherwise you're just a flounder fish like we are trying to learn how to catch carp it's a good analogy right all right see you guys later
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 226,226
Rating: 4.8116913 out of 5
Keywords: bowfishing, bowfish, carp, carp fishing, fishing carp, how to fish carp, how to bowfish carp, catch and cook, catch clean cook, catch n cook, how to cook carp, carp recipe, cleaning carp, cook carp, carp fishing tips, how to eat carp, filleting carp, bowfishing tutorial, how to bowfish, bowfishing tips, bowfishing lesson, bowfishing technique, bowfish skills, bowfishing arrow, bowfishing tip, bowfishing gear, bowfishing ontario, bowfishing canada, bowfishing boat
Id: zmf_977_A-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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