11K Camping Remote Wilderness Lakes For Trout Fishing & Firebox Stove Cooking

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test out my new Toyo open country empties tall skinny meaty tires so I'm really excited to give them a try just a quick stop to air down our tires all right we're here totally like a treehouse comfort we even got our big old watermelon and then then right across the way we've got Luke doing his thing but we've got the lake beautiful thank you that's the good stuff here Luke your time buddy put some issues on this kid making a run around the lake like three times you can you can have a do-over [Applause] dog have got cold so I put them to bed the sun's gone down a little bit windy tonight good morning about 7:00 a.m. and they use that overkill these sticks are oriented vertically so it just makes for a very fast fire you're trying to compensate for 30% less oxygen so driving more air into the combustion chamber is really the name of the game [Music] hiking through our favorite lake I don't think that's the one we're looking for I really like that big rock I think it's right over that hill okay follow me we have to take this special trail up these rocks Nash knows the way no look Emma's already fishing it's just where you can cast into the deepest water all right we caught our first fish mom and Mookie team looks like it's a cutthroat to me don't lose it okay I finally caught a fish I didn't think I was gonna catch one oh nice another cut it's another cutthroat it's pretty though bright colors there's our fish you know the pan size perfect for what we're doing we just packed in everything we would need to make this meal I probably should have brought the big frying pan kit but I didn't I brought the little ones and I'm gonna leave the fire grate up I'm gonna do a full-length Swedish fire torch I'll light it here on top then it'll burn down it's gonna be quite smoky because it's gonna take a long time to warm up all that fuel but I'm hoping I won't have to tend the fire much I'm just gonna skin these fish I think my kids will like them a little better if they're skinned what I have found is if I set them out here like I have here on the log they dry a little bit and having the fish dry just a little bit like this man it makes it so much easier you trying to get your face in it you get your face right here by these fish oh there it is okay you're a star alright now that we got it started pretty good I might be able to just have a you look back like a banana once you get to the dorsal fin you can just kind of pinch that with your fingernails and pull that out and sometimes when you pull the skin once you get it started sometimes it'll just continue like that it'll pull those bones out and I do the same thing right down here at the ASU spinner pull that fin out these things up a little bit okay I'm just gonna go ahead and get started dehydrated hashbrowns yeah just a little bit of water maybe about halfway up the potatoes so 3/4 of the way up the potatoes yeah that's probably about right almost covering the potatoes but not quite these are some of the oiliest fish I've ever caught go ahead and cover them up and let them cook okay let's take a look at this I kind of let Ditton I've been taking pictures of Jess and the kids swimming it looks like they're ready to get the bones out yeah they're ready I'm gonna get this fish out of the way so I'm going to turn these spuds over how's that for a big pile of fish I think we have enough fish here to feed everyone potatoes all right I'm just gonna switch these so this plate can warm up a little bit potatoes probably need a little bit more salt Emma loves this meal shovels it down mmm-hmm probably need a little salt salt and pepper I guess for you okay here you go and salt and peppers right there when you made me this meal first went to you in US I'd never eaten child before it was really good the potatoes got nice and brown huh you know what happened I got distracted from it was over there taking pictures of you guys they came back and luckily the fire had died down all cuz it almost frantic but when I looked at it the potatoes were like perfectly browned this fish it doesn't have a muddy flavor to it oh no it was so pink so healthy yeah the fish is tender huh so the fish didn't get overcooked at all cuz it was up on top perfect where are you going I see here you go we actually had that completely full and the wind blew it over I wouldn't mind if he got off got another fish this looks like a little brookie though oh we got off we're gonna go ahead and hike back to camp check out these mushrooms shadows are getting mighty long I'm glad we weren't out there any later than we were that worked out about perfect I'm gonna make you some mac and cheese dude you're starving from that all that hiking sweaty and Wow difference in color huh yeah combo Oh Luke this is gonna make your hiking I Tony half-wit look at that that's just a Sun coming up in the smoke no I just got oh I'm gonna get this one in I've lost two from here well I guess we'll let him go he's pretty small alright I'm gonna try cooking a roast [Applause] but has a wrap-around it's gonna need to have that off in order to fit in there [Music] big beautiful piece of meat in there boy I hope that'll smash down right now it's not looking like it's gonna fit that thing's huge I'll see if we can get this lid to go hey look you're the benefits and then I'm just gonna cook this for hours and hours I'm just gonna keep hot coals going all day and then we'll have roast beef sandwiches for dinner I can hear the meat already sizzling and on top okay everybody's asking for cinnamon rolls instead of bacon and eggs so I guess I'm making cinnamon rolls I've got this old gen1 firebox I'm gonna go ahead and fire it up [Music] that's for the actual cinnamon rolls we're gonna do them in the large frying pan kit okay let me see the butter we did them in the small pan before no that's why there's so much space and I'm just gonna stick fire on top of this okay if we take a look at our roast you can see steam it's just bellowing it out of there okay I'm gonna rotate these hot coals cuz the hot coals on top have a tendency to cool down while the hot coals inside because they're contained get really nice and hot the cinnamon rolls started to smell a little bit dark so I pulled them off oh they burned on top I didn't expect that well at the bottoms are a little dark too we should have put the frosting by the fire and warmed it up we did you have our salmon halls good stuff it certainly smells like roast beef in there look at that it's beautiful huh it hasn't shrunk much so that means he's got a lot of cooking to go just let it keep going [Music] we're gonna put some worms on these hooks and hopefully Luke can catch a fish Luke just caught his first fish stand up buddy stand up come help him get it Emma don't reel it in too far you're almost to the tip hey stand up stand up buddy okay come back onto the land so it doesn't get away okay we're gonna have to we're gonna eat him he's gonna be a dinner all right Luke just caught his first fish and now he just did his first successful cast all by himself he wanted to do it himself I thought what the heck let him try and he did a really good cast all right images caught a fish let's see it am as a big oh yeah that's a nice one history all right am I just caught a third fish that's four fish for lunch we'll have some skinny there for fish and get the ants off of them take them back to camp and cook up lunch [Music] but you over here since you're curled that direction nice and sharp [Music] and that look good and yeah riding butter I'm gonna give them a little more time before I try to pull the bones out beautiful squeeze a little lemon on there fresh trout caught by my kids to wonder who's I'm eatin Holly Pisa moon well that's good there's a Emma eaten efficient cause dad Luke he's eaten a fish he caught it's very first he's pretty proud of himself catching that fish nice work he loves it okay I just refueled the stove for my roast now I can hear it sizzling and bubble in a little bit so I'm just gonna take it off the heat and just let that continue to burn down to hot coals [Applause] the fire went out now it's just hot coals so that's gonna be the perfect temperature to just keep this moving along till dinnertime I just checked the rouse and it's looking really good not me I'm not getting in you're going the wrong way are you warm buddy who was that a yes or a No this roast has been going for seven hours now [Music] lotta good flavor look at that Wow look at that that's beautiful inside uh-huh mm-hmm now that is slow roasted roast beef right there see plain in the hammock yeah I'm glad he can keep himself entertained oh look at that that looks moist and delicious yeah the parts around that bat home nice texture Oh smells really good too we're gonna let this do get a little bit hotter employ a little bit tastes no taste needs a little salt but a delicious recipe for a flavor yeah that you taste really good use the eyes you a little salty so we don't need too much don't put a ton of salsa yeah you could use a little bit usually look at that not being done hmm [Music] I'm as a French Dip connoisseur so good do you think is it good wasn't worth the wait good good dip without losing your meat no no ice holding it tight no it's some roast beef [Applause] like heck yeah juni already had some [Music] [Music] all right there you go there's your popcorn every time hey where you going with that kody coffee I forgot the cap to my coffee grinder so I'm just gonna have to go capitalist put this wood in now even though the flames big now it's about to die down you want to put your wood in there while there's still a lot of heat to help get it going [Laughter] I can get the bacon on here before I even light my stove all right I've got a lot of stuff to cook so I'm just loading it right up and if it gets a little too hot I'll just lift the pan put it a little easy like firestarter I was gonna use the paper towel that I used to do my dishes but I don't want it to block the air holes so I'm just gonna take a piece of this I'm gonna get this stink ready so that when my fire gets too hot I can put this cold stake on it and clean the handle [Applause] [Applause] okay the fire's reached the temperature that I was expecting it to reach a little too hot for bacon this will get the bacon off while it's still good and put our big old steak on [Music] [Music] [Music] just put it right on top of the bacon and get our eggs go [Applause] it's better medium-rare steak steak is amazing good it's really good toasty English muffin should we bring these some of the steak up a little bit for the kids what do you mean up just cook a little more that's amazing don't cook it any more okay I'm toasting these two English there we go steak and egg sandwich bacon egg on an English muffin hojoon well that was a satisfying breakfast so satisfying in fact that I need another cup of coffee [Music] looks like fun oh yeah no babies you doing they look like they're running right tires
Channel: Firebox Stove
Views: 2,104,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firebox, Folding firebox, Folding firebox Nano, Nano stove, Folding firebox stove, fuel disk, stove, camping, camp stove, twig stove, stick stove, hobo cooker, Camp cooking, outdoor cooking, campstove
Id: cCC41CWRvvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 7sec (2287 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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