338 Lapua & 50 BMG vs Bowling Balls

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who is my deer stand hey what do you think you're doing [Music] what's up guys my name is scott and you're watching kentucky ballistics and today we're going to blast some bowling balls with a 338 lapua and a 50 bmg we have two bowling balls they each weigh about 15 or 16 pounds we're going to take a shot at one with a 338 to get shot at the other with the 50 bmg see what the results are now it's enough talking let's head outside and get started so we're using a 50 caliber rifle in the channel now and i truly believe that all these woods would eventually stop the bullet plus we're shooting at a slope so we're shooting into the dirt but even though i know that the bullet will stop out there somewhere i still rather be safe than sorry so i made us a backstop out of railroad ties got it about three deep so whatever we're shooting if we pass through it i highly doubt it's also going to make it through all three of those and if it does well then it'll slow it down enough to where even a small tree would stop the bullet so i just thought i'd show you that so we have bowling balls they're really heavy i would say they're about 15 pounds each we're gonna shoot one with the 338 lapua and then shoot the other one with the 50 cal which one do we use first 238 lapua 50 bmg i can't decide i can't decide so we're gonna flip a coin heads is 50 bmg tails is 338 lapua tails okay 338 lapua is up first this is our savage 111 long range hunter chambered in 338 lapua here's the ammo we're using this is underwood 300 grain boat tail hollow points uh i do not have any full metal jackets yet guys so this is what we're using today and just to give you a comparison this is the 338 lapua and we're going to be using this pmc 660 grain full metal jacket 50 bmg okay well we have it set up like this and there's our entrance hole and it didn't it didn't blow it up i can't believe that wow well it is a hollow point so i bet you that it uh expanded in there and did not make it all the way through man i figure it's still would have busted that bowling ball up i cannot believe that did not go through it wow well let's blast it with a 50 bmg i'm sure it's going to blow it to smithereens and this bowling ball over here was meant for the 50 bmg because i assumed this bowling ball would have been messed up at least a little bit so we'll shoot that one with a 338 lapua first also and see if we get a different result okay time for the serbu rn 50. so here's where we hit on the yellow bowling ball and i couldn't figure out where the bullet came out because i don't see a hole but we have a hole here on a railroad tie and a piece of jacket there's nothing nothing come out on the other side so i know that the bullet came out of this bowling ball but i'm kind of confused on where but now i figured it out it came out through this finger hole let's see if i can get this piece of plastic out now that the plastic piece is out of the bowling ball i can feel inside it and i can tell that the bullet came out through that finger hole but this plastic coating held the bowling ball together now let's shoot the black bowling ball with a 338 lapua and see if we get a different result okay there's our entrance hole and i am not seeing an exit hole anywhere not in the finger holes either so 338 lapua did not make it through that bowling ball either so now before it gets too dark i say we line up both of these bowling balls in a row and shoot them with the 50 bmg i have managed my time poorly it's getting darker here a lot faster and i had did not account for that today so it is my fault that it's getting dark on us i should have got out here a little bit earlier okay so we hit here and we came out right there and i'm not finding another hole on this bowling ball so when i take this bowling ball and i put it back up here now you can see the bullet hit here and then came out the back at an angle and it looks like we hit the wood right there all right guys that's it hey real quick i wanted to mention to you if you like the serbia rn50 rifle that we used in today's video and maybe that's something you're looking into purchasing when you place your order and you call serbu don't forget to mention kentucky ballistics when you order your rifle and they'll give you 50 off your rifle i also want to give underwood ammo a special thanks and there are links to serbia and underwood ammo both in the description down below so for today's question i have an idea i thought i'd throw it at you get some feedback from you every once in a while somebody will comment and they'll say they have this or that they'd like to see me shoot well it got me thinking well maybe you guys would like to see that maybe once a month i could just shoot your stuff uh that would be an extra video by the way i'd still give you a video a week but we just have a bonus video of me blasting your things uh i'd give you a shout out before i shot your stuff and yeah i think it'd be a lot of fun and if you guys would like to see that let me know if you're willing to send stuff let me know if you don't want to see this let me know and we'll go from there if we get enough people i'll set up an address and you guys can start sending me stuff other than that that's it for today i hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you're a new subscriber don't forget that little bell at the top it's going to give you notifications when we upload new videos and we upload new videos every week if you're interested in kentucky ballistics clothing there's a link in the description down below that would take you to our shop also links in the description down below that will take you to our facebook instagram and twitter don't forget to check us out over there too once again my name is scott you've been watching kentucky ballistics and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 345,849
Rating: 4.8254504 out of 5
Keywords: rn-50, serbu firearms, bfg-50a, 50 cal, 50cal, serbu rn-50, serbu 50 bmg, serbu bfg-50, serbu bfg-50a, serbu 50 cal, rn 50, serbu rn-50 review, serbu rn-50 recoil, serbu rn-50 rifle, serbu rn-50 bmg, serbu rn-50 50 bmg, 338 lapua, 338 lapua magnum, 338 lapua vs 300 win mag, 338 lapua vs 50 bmg, 50 bmg vs ballistic gel, 50 bmg vs 338 lapua, 50 bmg vs pumpkin, savage 338 lapua, 50 bmg, 50bmg, 338 lapua magnum vs 50 bmg, 338 lapua magnum ballistics gel, 50 bmg ballistic gel
Id: iYCbX5IntDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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