Elephant Rifle 🐘

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yeah are you out there yes i've arrived and i've already started tracking the beast well be careful okay because this is not your average t-rex he's really smart i'm talking really crafty i've been hunting dangerous games since you were a wee little boy so why don't you just be quiet and let me do my job well there's the beast now he wasn't too hard to find he seems to have some sort of prehistoric weapon well you are no match for me you prehistoric lizard [Music] what's up everybody my name is scott and you're watching kentucky ballistics we're back out of the range and before we get started i want to clear something up real quick i am not an elephant hunter i've never been on an elephant hunt i don't have intentions on going on an elephant hunt and i'm not promoting the hunting of elephants just wanted to say that before somebody gets really upset about the title of this video today we are just having some fun with a very ridiculous rifle and that's what i'm all about i love ridiculous firearms and it doesn't get much more ridiculous than a firearm that was designed to take down something the size of a school bus i have always wanted to try out a safari rifle and that's what we're going to do today i finally have one this is the cz 550 magnum it doesn't look like anything special right it looks like your average bolt action rifle i will say it does seem to be built a lot more rugged uh the barrel is pretty heavy and pretty thick and it does have some weight to it but what makes this firearm special is what it's chambered in look at how long that action is that is a long action this is chambered in 458 lot and i'm sure you've never heard of that before so let me see if i can get it out of my pocket and i will show it to you come on oh there it is all right you ready look at that that is ridiculous 458 lot that's a 500 grain brass solid round and this is putting out almost 6 000 foot pounds of muzzle energy i'm going to show you this compared to some other common hunting cartridges that i know you've heard of and you're going to see just how big this round is this is a fairly light rifle and it's made like that so that if you're packing this around all day it's not going to weigh you down the downside is when you have a light rifle like this and you're packing such a big round in it you're going to have a lot of recoil and i'm really excited to see just how hard this thing kicks i have not shot it yet you're going to be here with me for the first shots and real quick i'm going to show you this thing compared to some other rounds and then we're going to get started so here's some rifle rounds i know you've heard of this is a 556 then you have 308 30 odd 6 300 winchester magnum 338 lapua 45.70 and now here is the 458 lot you can see that it is a massive round the case is longer than the 338 lapua case and the bullet weighs more than double the 338 lapua so as usual we're gonna start out with some steel targets we're 25 yards back i have on my eye protection and now i'm going to be putting in my hearing protection and while i do that i want to say thank you to big daddy unlimited for sponsoring today's video as you can imagine a rifle like this is not very common and pretty hard to find so a big thank you to them for making today's video possible be sure and show them some love now i showed you the 500 grain brass solid but that's not really what you want to shoot at a steel target so i have these these are also 500 grains these are made by hornady and i believe these are called dgx is what the bullet is called oh lee [Music] that kicks really hard and it knocked over our still target wow green target knocked it down my shoulder it's feeling this i'm not lying i'm not exaggerating at all this is kicking really hard round three let's go for the uh purple target i love that it is knocking down the targets that just shows you how much power this thing possesses red target oh that one didn't fall over hit a little low should we go for the blue target for our last shot or should we hit the red target and knock it over let's just do both i'm going to knock over that red target then i'll just put one more in there and we'll shoot the blue target you're going down red target all right let me grab one more round whoa and actually for this last shot i didn't tell you this rifle has a set trigger so it's ready to go right if you pull forward on this trigger hear that click this thing now is a hair trigger i barely have to touch it and it's going to go off okay blue target and that trigger was so light i normally don't pick up my brass but this is a time when i think i am going to pick up the brass because this stuff is not cheap whoa oh my gosh geez that messed up these targets that is one heck of a dent this is rated for 50 bmg i didn't put a pretty big crater in that and these are lead rounds it's not even the brass round that one got jacked up pretty good too and then our red target here there was that first shot it almost knocked it over still and there's the second shot that's the one that knocked it over tell you what today is not the day to be a table at kentucky ballistics good luck little guy i'm going to go ahead and give our still targets the rest of the day off i think they've earned it and we're going to go ahead and shoot some stuff we're going to start out with a 5 gallon water jug i really hope that this water does not come all the way back here and hit me i'm not really concerned about me i just don't want to get my gun wet oh lee [Music] that was impressive it would have been cool if we could have caught that round but i know there's no way in heck this one five gallon water jugs when we catch it but just absolutely annihilated it okay next let's do some cinder blocks so i've got a regular cinder block and then i've got this cinder block which is four inches thick okay i'm gonna load two in this time i have the cinder blocks turned at a slight angle i don't think it's gonna matter because this is just gonna blow right through it but still that's what i'd say all right we'll go with the one on the left first whoa i don't think i've ever seen a cinder block break up like that before this may be my new favorite gun i don't know four inch block wow uh yeah maybe my new i favorite would you happen to know the times oh lee i am not exaggerating when i say i have never seen watermelons evaporate like that that is just crazy i just wanted to take some time to sit here and think and wonder why you're not following me on instagram it's hot okay so i want to finish up shooting some steel this is a really big piece of steel that is going to be used for another video at another time but we're going to go ahead and use it today this is a quarter of an inch thick mild steel i'm back at 30 yards and i had that piece of steel set up at a slight angle so if we were to have a ricochet it's going to go that way but i highly doubt that it's going to ricochet and this time i'm going to be using the nosler 500 grain brass solid yeah that punch right through that steel you know what's the worst thing ever when you forget to hit record on your camera anyways we definitely made it through the steel look at that oh my goodness that went right through that so now let's step it up a notch that was a quarter this is 3 8. let's hit record this time again that piece of steel is at a slight angle to the right and pointing down so if we were to have a ricochet it's going to go that way and into the dirt not back at me i'm using the 500 grain brass round again and we're back at 30 yards wow i am pretty sure that that made it through that piece of steel and if it did gonna be really impressed okay oh wow i can already see the round there's a piece of it right there on the cinder block and we made it through 3 8 inch mild steel that is really impressive and there's a piece of the round here on the cinder block wow yeah that's really hot that's really hot jeez look at that well that's it for today's video i had a ton of fun this rifle was everything i thought it would be and then some and i think i'm gonna have a few more videos coming your way with the elephant rifle is there anything else you would like to see me shoot with it let me know in the comment section down below if you enjoyed today's video as much as i did do me a favor and hit that like button and if you're not subscribed to kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button also make sure you check me out on patreon facebook instagram and twitter when he said all those can be found in the description down below and while you're at it check out kentucky ballista's clothing again my name is scott thank you so much for watching kentucky ballistics and i'll see you next time so [Music] you
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 871,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elephant rifle, .700 nitro express, kentucky ballistics, 458 lott, safari rifle, kentucky ballistics scott, elephant gun, most powerful rifle in the world, scott kentucky ballistics, most powerful hunting rifle, nitro express, 600 nitro express, 700 nitro express, .458 lott, elephant gun fail, safari gun, dangerous game, dangerous game rifles, dangerous game rifle calibers, most powerful gun in the world, biggest rifle in the world, 458, lott, kentucky, ballistics, scott
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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