338 Lapua vs Montana Mule Deer

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hey everybody how you doing this is about to be a really fun video but this is day three of my Montana hunt we had an absolute blast at least I know I am today we are going out after some deer and what's today Thursday yep Tuesday we had a awesome stalk awesome meal Darien I mean we rode horses the whole day I think Titan said 11 miles end of the day from at the last hour we had a awesome awesome stalk on some mule deer and we saw two meal deer bucks that I would say we're shooters and corn in particular I would call I would call monster but you don't pull the trigger today I'm gonna kill him well there you go bacon has a deer tag too so this is gonna be a fun day but we're gonna take the horses in today see what happens you never know there could be a deer standing by the truck we could go back to the same spot where we saw those bucks on Tuesday but right after Cemile deer today or romaine if white pops up but hey it's gonna be a fun day check it out it's gonna be a little one action coming today stay tuned all right we got the horses loaded up we're about to head out and try to go find something to smoke but it's still 18 degrees this is a little bit chilly well we're bout to head out see if we can find something sometimes horses don't like ice so just stay up close to me and let your horse follow mine a little Follow the Leader I see him well we got on a really nice book with a group of those and we've been after him for past couple hours but did not smoke them so we're gonna get up back up on the horses and do a little more adding SUSE [Music] all right so at this point Clayton just took a shot at that mule deer buck we've been chasing for a while with his 4570 and in everything's going so fast when you're hunting and you're that black I thought for sure that he had shot that buck we were not standing right next to each other but I could see that buck through my scope and with everything happening so fast and hearing that impact I thought for sure he smoked it I was celebrating I was happy for him I was excited for us to go walk down there behind that rock and see that buck but let me play it again here and you guys watch super close and you'll see that bullet hit the rock right in front of that buck but super bummed that that rock blocked the shot if that rock wasn't there then Clayton was smoked that deer with his 1886 and it would have been right there wouldn't go far but after we saw the footage on things camera that he hit the rock and not that buck and then obviously we didn't see the buck right there we decided to kind of go different directions on foot so I'm going down kind of making a circle around the left side and next thing I hear him like whisper yelling I don't I don't get up here and I had gone down a cliff making my wide circle trying to see if we can find this bucking him and he's like I see them up and at this point it was over 400 yards and he was calling me up running to take a shot with this rifle my savage 110 be a stealth completely comfortable pulling off a 400 yard shot but you'll hear me in the next talking about my breathing he was yelling at me to come up there to take a shot at this deer well I had sprinted up this rock face I don't know maybe 75 80 yards and then over to where Clayton was all trying to crouch low with this you know we got our packs on him still so I was huffing it in and huffing it to get up to this deer to take a shot well meanwhile I'm I'm doing like this I can't get my breathing down and I'm not gonna take a shot until I feel I have a good rest but this next clip is when clackum hands us back on this buck at 400 yards check it out sit on your budget you need you to get more stable okay let me know when you're good I thought in turn just a little bit are you set for 414 yards 1.8 mils okay just breathe he'll move in just a second if you need to readjust to get more stable like sit down or anything just yeah just take some deep breaths and relax he's not going anywhere ready I'm recording ready so do you realize what you just witnessed you just saw the first mule deer ever filmed that was on the movie The Matrix you know what I'm talking about well those guys are dodging bullets like I'm gonna play this back for you look at this bucks neck you can literally see where his neck does this and the bullet literally gives him a haircut and his neck does this like not today buddy and then I cry on the inside because he trots away check the footage are you ready I'm recording I'm ready [Applause] that was ridiculous I could not believe that I missed that dear 400 yards with this rifle is a cakewalk I could teach a grandma to shoot this thing 400 yards all right you know I can't tell where he's going well folks it's day 3 of the hunt here with hoo-dee-hoo up here in Montana hunting and deer and elk with me and we've had a lot of fun so far we've seen some stuff had some opportunities in fact we both just missed opportunities at the same buck I had him at 220 yards with the Cimarron 1886 45 70 and I saw him stand up and he turned left broadside and I knew there was a rock in front of him but I thought he cleared it and then 220 yards with open sights I didn't notice that there was still rock in front of him and when I pulled the trigger I heard a smack I thought I killed him because he dropped right out of sight but looking at the footage I got a perfect heart shot on that rock then Adam or hootie-hoo he had a shot at the same buck a little bit later at 415 yards yep and it just barely missed him to the right gave them a haircut so now we're gonna regroup go back and get the horses go find somewhere else or some more deer to chase you ah he's you're sure he's down yeah good did you hear the boy yeah yeah I don't know if I got it on camera or not [Laughter] hundred seventy yards look the pressure is off alright I'll just lead the horses you walk on out there be on the opposite side over there oh okay oh I see them that's awesome well you're not going back to Tennessee empty-handed now play-by-play I told you we got on a good book Clayton got us chasing a book and we were on it for probably two hours back and forth yeah didn't drop the book yeah we both shot at it and missed I hate to say that but I'll admit it and then he said well let's make a circle and see if they're still around and sure enough he spotted them glassing going over this Ridge we came to the top of the ridge I jumped off the horse and went ahead of Clayton and the horses and then over here behind me I spotted out corner of my eye those dogs and that buck was still with them and he Clayton that giving me his rangefinder i guarded him at 175 dialed the mills on the scope by him and I popped him he might have went five yards it was impact then he did a little circle and then I saw him go down so right now hey this is right after the shot won't gonna go check out this deer but I can't tell you how excited I am I just dropped a Montana mule buck there is there is my Montana mule deer we finally got it done being Clayton down out here most of the day and we have literally been on this deer probably over three hours but from the time we saw him when I dropped him we had both took a couple shots at missed and then we saw where they're going went back and got the horses and say well clicking said well let's just kind of skirt them and see if they're still around here kind of in the same vicinity and then we came over this last Ridge and he said there they are who rode the horses a little bit more Clayton had me jump off my horse and then I walked up the next Ridge and I spotted this buck the one we've been chasing all day he was with six or seven dos still out of the corner of my eye I ranged him at 175 and Clayton was making fun of me because I dialed my scope this is a awesome setup this is my favorite rifle it's my savage be a savage 110 be a stealth in 338 Lapua Magnum we've got videos shooting this off of interest at a thousand yards over and over very accurately super super sweet setup Nikon FX 1000 but we smoked this buck and a hundred seventy-five yards so I could not be happier came up here to Montana to hang out with my buddy Clayton the adventure cowboy and we've been having literally an adventure every single day this week this is the third day we've been out here and we smoked this mule deer buck and I could not be happier absolutely the biggest book I've ever taken in my life I could not be happier but big thanks to my buddy Clayton for having me out here and guiding me out on this hunt incredible mule deer big thanks to my wife for letting me to come up to Montana and hung all these critters with Clayton it's been an absolute dream come true and I could not be happier well folks we got it done mr. Hootie hoo from the Hootie hoo YouTube channel came out west for his first time and wanted to do some elk and deer hunting with me and we've done both yep we've seen elk sign just no elk yet and we've had a lot of mule deer activity oh probably over 100 mill there yeah yeah we had three or four different bucks we looked at first night we had some in the glass but the scope was fogged up and just couldn't take an ethical shot so he didn't and we backed out decided to come again another day and it worked out this deer we've been on him all day long and yeah he was down in some a bunch of rocks with some dough's and he's been chasing one doe all day but we've spotted the doze and we sat there for a long time wondering where he went and all of a sudden I saw him at about 220 yards and Adam was back behind me and I didn't know if he had a shot and so I got out my Cimarron 1886 forty five seventy and I cracked off a shot at him at 220 what I didn't know was that there was a rock about the same color as him and I got this on video at 220 yards with open sights I could not tell that it was a rock in front of him and what I thought I hit him because I heard a whap but we looked at the footage and I just heart shot at a rock and then Adam took a shot at him at 415 yards yep and it just went right in front of his neck just been narrow miss and then they took off and we kind of regrouped and tried to decide what to do and I said well let's get on the horses and let's make a big loop around the direction that they went and maybe we'll spot him again because he's so worried about breeding doze he's not running away too far it doesn't seem like anyway so we came headed this way and I spotted him at about 360 yards and he ran over the other side of the hill away from us so he rode a little closer I had hootie-hoo get off the horse and go ahead of us with his rifle because I was pretty sure once he got to the top of the ridge looking down over here that he'd see that buck and sure enough 175 yep 175 175 yard shot with a rifle that shoots 1,500 yards yeah easy shooting a savage 110 be a stealth in 338 Lapua and he practiced out to a thousand yards before he ever came out here and then we shot it again the first morning he was here just to make sure everything was on he turns out he didn't even need to use the dials on a scope but he did anyway I don't miss this guy I'm sure glad hootie-hoo came out here this is the first youtube collaboration that the adventure cowboy has ever done so to have somebody with as many subscribers as hootie-hoo come out here is an honor for me and he's a good guy and he's become a really good friend over the years so thanks for coming thanks for having me out this is a beautiful deer and a dream come true never shot a mule deer and this is the biggest deer I've ever taken in my life [Music] look at that sunset behind us Suns going down over the hills and we got that mule deer oh boy I'm trying to drive a horse on the phone at the same time pull boy oh boy look we got that military packed out on pistol there and we're headed back out to the truck an awesome adventure of a day appreciate y'all big time big thanks to my buddy Clayton the adventure cowboy for having us out here in Montana man you can't believe these views until you see it for yourself one that's ridiculous but we'll see y'all on the next one appreciate y'all [Music] [Music] a huge huge thank you to my buddy Clayton the adventure cowboy for inviting me out there and taking me hunting with them cool thing about this huh this is real life guys so we're not some big fancy pants famous stars or something that they take out and just say hey go take this rifle that we're going to sponsor you with and you go shoot that monster in Red Deer and put it on TV this is real life stuff he had tags in state tags I had to apply to the lottery to get John four mil deer tags and health tags and got drawn we went out there shot this buck on public land you know spent time looking for them and everything this is real life stuff which I think makes it even a hundred times cooler regular everyday dudes out there having a blast have an adventure making some memories so really meant a lot to me appreciate Clayton y'all go tell him that she appreciate him as well do me a favor and go subscribe his YouTube channel he's got all kinds of stuff on there I can't even start to tell you all the stuff that I've learned from Clayton so y'all go tell him that you appreciate him go subscribe to his YouTube channel hopefully in the future we'll make some more memories out there in Montana and I know I didn't have an envelope tag this time maybe next time we can do some antelope hunt too but appreciate y'all big-time appreciate Clayton y'all go tell him that you appreciate him too we'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 16,372
Rating: 4.891253 out of 5
Keywords: mule deer, montana hunting, montana mule deer, mule deer in montana, mule deer hunting, montana hunting mule deer, mule deer public land hunting, whoteewho, who tee who, 2019 mule deer, horseback hunting, hunting with horses, my montana hunt, the adventure cowboy, 338 lapua, 338 lapua magnum, public land deer hunting, deer hunting, deer season, 338 lapua vs deer, hunting with 338 lapua, 338 lm vs deer, 338lm hunting, savage 110 ba stealth, 338, 338lm, 338 for hunting
Id: -CJlP6mqehs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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