300 Win Mag vs 338 Lapua - HOW MANY MILK JUGS???

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing this is about to be a really fun video this is another one of my favorite videos when we do that how many milk jug tests shoot different cartridges and catch the bullets and see how many milk jokes it takes to catch the bullet but chances are up on the channel we've probably done your favorite caliber if it's not in this video it's probably another one go check it out on the channel after this video but in this video we're shooting two of my favorite powerhouse calibers that is the 300 Win Mag and the 338 Lapua Magnum but here's the give us side by side here the difference is in the size definitely a lot of powder behind that 338 but the 300 Win Mag is no slouch there either both of these big big rounds drop your deer elk real quick and even a long long ways away we've got a bunch of videos on both these calibers on the channel but we've never done this comparison between these two let me show you two ammo quick because I know you guys are gonna ask me the 338 Lapua we've got a 250 grain and the 300 Win Mag we're shootin a what 180 grain so needless to say big big rounds both lots of power if we shoot straight enough I know both of these will catch and our expanding hunting bullets so let's see what happens I don't even know what to guess I'm gonna say 300 Win Mag if we can catch it four jugs 338 Lapua five jugs but keep your fingers crossed so we can shoot dead center catch these bullets let's go see what happens I'm gonna do with a 300 Win Mag first alright first shot with a 300 Win Mag this is my Remington 770 we've got a Boyd's spike camp stock on it and what is this Nikon p3 I'll see if we can shoot straight and catch this 300 Win Mag and those judges back there hopefully we can yeah that looked like a straight shot to me let's go check it out and see if we caught a bullet we got a pretty straight shot on it so there's the first jitter off to the left second one right there third one we get a hole in the front a little bit off to the right there and there's a hole at the back looking down in there I see three gonna win mag bullet in there that's Chuck number four so let's pull this one out here I think I even guessed it correctly in the intro if I'm not mistaken not much left to that look at that so there's definitely not a hundred and eighty greens lid but that's where the majority of that bullet was caught jug number four for the 300 win bank let's go grab that 338 Lapua and see what kind of action we get out of that I'll save that bullet so we can compare them oh alright now we got the big boy here this is my savage 110 be a stealth and 338 Lapua Magnum I've got a mule deer' with this rifle in Montana with my buddy adventurer cowboy last year you haven't seen that video and you're into hunting go check it out a smoking a mule deer with this rifle in 338 Lapua but let's take one of these enormous for a ride we got nine jugs over there I think that's plenty to catch this but I think if we shoot it square it should be expanding but on this one the only thing that it's not stuck is obviously the scope I slept on here this is a Nikon F X 1024 Powers in them so we've also got video shooting this rifle at a thousand yards if you want to check those out but hope you happen let's uh send this thing for a ride here hopefully we can catch this like I said we've never tried this before that really exploded those hard I don't know if we caught that or not but I that caused a much bigger explosion than the 300 Win Mag that water just turned to dust or whatever that's uh I don't know if we caught the bullet but let's go check it out it really felt like a straight shot but I don't know that we caught it so Chuck number five is the first one there so there's good beats way over there no joke beats way over there where's the first one so there's jump number one see where we hit it actually a little bit up and right so we might have to redo this one jacket there what I'm guessing is Jeff number four but I think it beard off to the side hmm I really want to try to catch the 338 Lapua so let's give this one another go and just see what happens we're running out of milk jugs out here today but let's see if we can catch it if I can am a little bit more dead center I know that rifles dead on but we'll see what happens all right we're gonna give it another go we might have to do this at like two or three hundred yards these might just be singing too much way too fast at this distance but let's see what happens I hope we can catch you same thing lots of real fine mist flying up everywhere but I'm not sure that we caught it let's go check it out good how are we here man look at that grabbing that board up and breaking it how many jugs did you say we had three through nine well there's the front one so you don't get any more center shot the net right there in the middle so that should have been plowing right through the middle but you can also see there's one two three four that still have water in them so let me grab these there's number six it's got no holes in it I'll have to check out the slow-mo for what actually happened here because everything is such a mess so that's the one off the back that just that's number nine that just got switched off the bat so blue those milk jugs everywhere and off to the side and we didn't catch one so hmm I did bring some used up jail that we haven't had used and shot in another video let's try to shoot some of this ballistics gel in slow motion and see if we can catch one of those bullets get a probably thing right through just like it did these but I just want to do it see what happens so far fail trying to catch those 338 Lapua in the water jugs alright let's give it a whirl again and Paul had the good idea to put the water jugs behind it that we got left so maybe even if it sings through we got 36 inches of gel we might still catch it in a water jug so I'll see what happens hopefully we get some good footage on the slow-mo hopefully I can hit those Wow I don't know what happened but I don't think it witting the jugs at all you know it didn't go in the ducts you know I think this is the first one and that's the second one guess I'll have to go back and look at the slow-motion to see what in the world happened but we had already shot these before so it's kind of hard to tell what is what but I don't see a big old 338 Lapua Magnum round in there and I don't see one in there either we might not have had the best angle on that one but either which way we should have got some good footage at least on that first one blowing up from that we go 338 alright just kidding Paul found that 338 Lapua Magnum bullet sitting there underneath where that Jill was so let's go put it next to that 300 mag so that right there is the 338 Lapua 250 grain what's left of a 250 grain bullet and there is the 300 Win Mag but you can see they're just so much power on that 338 at that distance it's more or less blowing it to pieces when we hit that gel hopefully we got some good slow motion but that's what was left of the 338 at that short distance compared to the three mile in bang but thanks for watching the video today guys that was a lot of work trying to catch that 338 we caught the 300 Win Mag easily it took four jugs to catch it that 338 Lapua Magnum it's got so much power we're gonna have to come up with another way catch those enormous 250 graders but thanks for watching the video today guys on hanging out with us at the range a big shout out and a big thanks to the heavy metal channel you guys go check them out and subscribe don't forget to subscribe to the hootie-hoo channel if you haven't already comment down below ideas for future videos we'll catch you on the next one who do [Music]
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 42,959
Rating: 4.9179735 out of 5
Keywords: 300wm, 300win mag, 300 win mag, 300 winchester magnum, 338, 338lapua, 338 lapua, 338 lapua mag, 338 lapua magnum, 300wm vs, 300wm vs 338 lapua, 300 win mag vs, 300 win mag vs 338 lapua, 338 lapua vs, 338 lapua vs 300 win mag, 338 lapua vs 300wm, 300wm vs 338lapua, whoteewho, who teewho, who tee who, long range caliber, best long range caliber, .338 lapua magnum, .300wm, .300wm vs .338 lapua, big rifle, boyd spike camp, 300wm or 338 lapua, 338 lapua or 300 win mag
Id: 7U3ONJjbzEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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