World's BIGGEST Jacketed Hollow-point bullet? The Fury

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[Music] [Applause] welcome back to off later crew we're back out here at the private rifle range and we got some well we're thinking it's the world's largest jacketed hollow-point seventy-three caliber that 12-gauge jacketed hollow-point it's called the fury small company that I'd never heard of before yeah yup loaded this up a special one here and we're gonna save that for last er yeah I'm not - they look cool but there there are a lot of trouble - blowed a brass shell like that looks awesome it is cool it'd look good on a shelf but so much easier load into a modern plastic hole a revolver that'll hold these yeah yeah oh my god my 44 - shame yes sir all right well anyway we got some jail blocks down there we're gonna take first shot we have not shot these yet so well we did a test shot with a rifle joke and they seem to work pretty well but we're gonna use full rifling on this one right I'm gonna run through that Mossberg full rifle barrel okay okay remember it might shoot a little low three-quarters up okay that might be safe we'll try to capture see what it kind of expansion we get I shoot it through jail is about I don't know 12 14 inches of jail there multiple blocks little blocks and we're at 12 yards 12 yards that's a good point yeah no problem hitting it [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys well like Greg said or Jeff said it's they're gonna hit low my point of aim was here and point of impact was here and the reason I predicted that is because typically heavier slugs have the harmonics cause them to shoot a little low that I mean that the you know think of the recoil and the barrel actually warp down a little bit it's you have to adjust your your powder load till you reach the the node right like all the harmonics are what you know the kitchen so that barrel is Street when the bullet leaves the barrel yeah I don't know how you that takes a lot of test shots yeah oh yeah we don't have near enough for that yeah but this is all we found a little bit of a little bit of copper very thin yeah but it's enough to catch the rifling and avoid fouling and then one little piece lid well on high speed wheels you should be able to see fragments of light I mean look these things looked like a fragment really well it came apart it never made it all the way through the Joe blocks I don't think yeah the hole gets a little bit scattered and then it's hard to pull well let's let's try out some water jugs and see how that does I'll probably destroy our table what's left of our table there maybe the washerman a mustard yeah we stick a little mustard on it yeah nothing in the best okay I didn't get that four okay okay we had twelve hundred and sixty-eight feet per second on the first shot let's see how he does on a free holding it nope no snooze rest okay I'm ready all right Wow yeah destroyed the table destroyed the chronograph teeth [Music] [Music] that thing came apart yeah our table died yeah do some quick repairs yeah I had to screw it back together looks like you hit just above the label on that first one he just opened up look at that look at all the little fragment holes in the jug though I mean well and this was on the table or on the ground after the table fill yeah oh okay okay there we go there's our slug or part of it it's not much there haha just the base it is love ACO this is part of the skirt or the hollow point area yeah man this thing's really come apart Hydra Shok a couple thousand rounds of those and collect the copper and you can afford to buy a box and not bad recalling that's pretty stout but it's he's got the Lim Sabre butt pad on her you know I call it a pee pad okay you need something like that we were gonna shoot these from a fixed rest and clamp them down but Danny insisted on shooting them you know kind of freehand or from the shoulder yeah okay let's see what L told you I've got more of them that was fun about a fresh new 30 pound LED plate this will uh I think I think you can hit that thing are you still a mning a little bit high yes okay oh my gosh okay I'm ready when you are [Music] Danny recreated the crime scene there yeah that one that one shot higher than the others any does what point aim was right about here because we were dropping about four to five inches yeah you know I just had to kind of guesstimate the powder load for these I don't think there's any powder loads for these things out there yet so when hit hard yeah a little bit of the wadding oh yeah I had a little I put a little fiber wadding underneath him just to bring up the height of the call it's just lid I'm not sure where our copper went yeah I think it spit the copper out not bad I'm curious what the minie ball will do that it'll go through mm-hmm well you see we find out here in a little bit we will we're gonna do that later you get to bust your shoulder even more not bad by the way Piper me this is for you he's headless so you can die happy now hahaha don't die you did with this don't know you look around we got more videos to ok let's see what these things will do to a tactical bowling pin the ballistic tactical bowling pin yeah I'm ready lay that thing dancin you you getting it in there those things are all over the place my point aim again was up here when you pick it you know it so you can't really blame the shooter or the slugs it could be this the powder load we don't have the ideal one we're still working on it well we'll see how they do it further ranges oh good look at the Bulge yeah I just bolt it out and it's spun hundreds of times how about some South Carolinian ballistic gel ballistic bricks we haven't made fun of South Carolina yet I don't think we're kidding we love the South Carolinians ooh I got a bring down my f-stop a little bit it's getting nice and bright so what someone's got to operate the cameras they always asked why doesn't Jeff shoot well it's like who's gonna operate all these cameras okay yeah it's hard to find someone to operate a high-speed camera okay I'm ready Holy Smoke [Music] let's do some long-range shooting now you know we're looking at 50 55 yards we're gonna try the first one with a federal rifled slug just a foster slug yeah maybe we'll see a difference in the impacts lot lighter yeah what out slug I'm gonna hold the same point of impact for this point of aim point of aim there we go oh you got to get these things important it thinks it straight you know technically correct yeah anyway I'm gonna hold the same point aim for both of these so we can see the difference between a one-ounce foster and this monster yeah it's going a little slower I'll probably see a pretty good-sized drop with that we're gonna go for that was a bag of concrete it's I'm gonna hold right about the top okay of that chunk oh that's a good idea okay these drop so we'll see the difference between these and this okay okay I'm ready first this is the foster slug yeah that one just went really high but yeah let's give it a try that foster didn't drop very much okay it's going slower so hopefully hopefully that'll do it okay I'm ready oh yeah [Music] okay whenever you're ready there we go Oh broke it up I didn't think it would break that up [Music] okay but last but not least oh the grand finale this is the same thing we've been shooting but this is in a breast yeah it's just a little different configuration we this we don't know if this will hit anything you know at 50 yards a little little jug so we're putting a lot of a lot on Danny here but little what it could it could fly a high you could fly low left right like about a 1 liter something like that yeah you know your gallon jug sorry we'll see if that thing loads in your shotgun purse oh you gotta kind of finesse it and there you go I didn't go in there if that's it shoots now this one I don't know man I it could go anywhere if he misses it at least hits the cement backboard we don't know the ballistics on this may be completely different than the plastic hole shells I mean I've seen you do some amazing stuff but you never know what rabbit Danny will pull out of his hat next okay I'm ready good misfire here remember that's a goofy ass hill we may not may not work okay oh never that was a weird delay [Music] ours are Borah unobstructed that's another reason why I don't like the brass shells yeah it was like a delayed pop you know that was weird and that's again if you don't have a good gas seal you get goofy stuff like that you know it was odd yeah first week first little pop kicked it up and then it went off so it's probably a few hundred yards down there in the dirt yeah save the brass yeah all right we got these other two here that we shot at the concrete dust bag of concrete that went bad I've heard yeah as in the rain or something this is our first one on the bottom before we fired it yeah so he was there's number two that we recovered out of that concrete kind of kicked that back about 20 yards or so yeah yeah yeah finish it off yeah unfortunately the only brass shell we loaded was a kind of a semi dead again they look cool but trying to load them get the gas seal right yeah I think it was a gas seal issue you know no that's not good yeah went to poo so yeah no not a fan of the brass shells other than they look cool too much of pain the load with modern components lasted yeah got a pretty stout recoil not unbearable I didn't load them super hot you know I mean my powder load probably not the ideal one since there's you know I just had to kind of guess to me I didn't want to I didn't want it so hot that would you know be miserable to shoot when you shoot any meat when you know you've got like eight or nine of these things to shoot that wears on the shooter quite a bit don't want to bruise people don't want to injure you know knock their teeth loose haha I can't put a link to fury custom bullets but you're smart enough to find it hey there's a good chance you didn't see this video either it probably wasn't in your feet even though you're subscribed to us huh this is 12 gauge tracer slugs we had a lot of fun making it into beautiful just beautiful results I hope you'll check it out thanks for watching
Views: 942,703
Rating: 4.9013658 out of 5
Keywords: hunting, nra, guiness book of world records, slow motion camera, 12ga, hickok45, fury tank, world of tanks
Id: 40eB270aOg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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