Twitch Streamers BIGGEST Problems! (Real Talk)

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i really want to make a video about different twitch myths basically stuff that a lot of people believe in but that are absolutely not true and even though they are spread like the plague so many small streamers fall into different traps because of those myths but today is not that day today i want to talk about in general a couple of problems that you know not just small streamers every streamer will face uh especially on the platform twitch but i think uh this will apply for every live streamer ever pretty much now as usual this video is not scripted but i want to really really try to give you some examples of what is you know linked to the mentality of the streamer and themselves basically what is your fault or not and when i say small streamer and i stay and i say streamer i put i absolutely put myself in this category i don't want anyone thinking that oh i'm speaking from no i'm in there with you basically i know i don't always practice what i preach and if i did i would probably be a better streamer for for that matter the goal is not to only give tips about the mentality of a streamer but also talk about those different myths and different traps that you can fall into that will absolutely make sure that you stay stuck or just plateauing forever this is what i want to talk about today but we got to pay the bills first so we'll be right back after a message from our sponsor this portion of the video is sponsored by owned owned as your one-stop shop for everything customizable for live streamers and content creators they have everything that you can possibly think of customizing from your profile picture your banner offline image your overlays your alerts your emotes your subscriber badges and everything else one of my favorite features is a channel trailer maker you can create a youtube or twitch intro or channel trailer by just a couple of clicks just click on create your own individual trailer and then choose from all the templates that they already have let's click on that one here you can customize the information that will be shown and select the different scenes there are tons of other features but i'll let you guys figure it out by going to owned dot gg slash gal level that's own dot gg slash get level o w n 3d dot gg slash guy level okay so streamer's biggest problems obviously i need to start this video by talking about streaming streaming is believe it or not people who actually want to be streamers who never started uh this is the biggest problem already it's not actually starting not getting a real feel of what streaming is like i have so many people in my streams in my comment section and my discord you know discussing all those subjects because it's interesting and i get it it's very interesting but you will never ever be prepared enough to feel what you're gonna feel once you actually started there's no way of theorizing um that will prepare you for the experience that you're about to get once you just started so if if you're in that category you haven't started streaming yet you watch a ton of my videos or other videos about you know live streaming it's time to start it's just time to start once you start actually streaming this is where you're gonna get the experience you're gonna discover things about yourself and then this is where some tips you will realize which tips actually apply to you because all the tips that i give or the other you know stream gurus give they don't always apply to you because you don't know if you actually enjoy streaming from like from the start from the jump so definitely start okay and then after you started you know the rest of the things that i'm gonna discuss is mostly you started but you can easily feel super lost this is normal i would say i was lost when i started i was completely lost i didn't know what was going on i was actually applying a strategy but without knowing that it was a strategy so it was working well but then i hit a plateau and i tried to work through this plateau and i did something else and i realized i was wrong but technically you know once you learn the basics i think those types of videos are what are going to help you it's all about the mentality once you have the basics do you know how to press the go live button the rest is just relying on you and your mentality as a content creator as a live streamer and this is one of the biggest problems once you actually start once you know you go live a couple of uh days a couple of weeks and now you're lost and you don't know what's holding you back you feel like the numbers are not going up but you're streaming regularly right you should get followers at least one follower per stream but it's not really happening or it's just one follower meaning that you will get 10 000 followers and 10 000 days of streaming uh and you don't want that right this is the part where usually the thing holding back the biggest problem there would be understanding the relationship that you have with your viewers i don't want to say that you you can't understand the relationship between you know you and other human beings that's not the issue here the issue here is that you are in a certain position and the viewer is in a certain position and you need to really really understand what is the optimal things to do or way of um viewing it basically in order for the viewer to want to come back and not to want to stay for you to be really part of their lives your stream that is right obviously one of the biggest you know fallacies is oh no one is talking in my chat so how do i speak how do i be entertaining if no one is talking to me and i i believe this comes from the misunderstanding of the relationship you think that people need to come in and start initiating the the interaction and the entertainment for you to be entertained that's that is not the type of relationship that you have on twitch you are the entertainer they are the spectators okay i know that the the big difference between tv and twitch or anything else or youtube and twitch is that they can interact with you live but they don't have to and if you're waiting for them to do that in order for you to start being entertaining guess what you're boring so if they show up and there's nothing happening they will leave they will not want to engage some people will but you know this is the part where you have to carry the conversation if you only have one viewer talking you need to learn um really how to drag that conversation in order to bring other people's in and then and make it a whole thing about the stream anyways so i don't want to repeat everything i said in the other video this is this comes through practice you have to if you have to practice in front of the mirror you have to practice in front of the mirror if you have to pick up little things little subtle things that you can do to make your stream more enjoyable by just the watcher just the lurker right someone who's not talking in your chat what can you do to make your stream enjoyable to them this is what i think you should focus on when you're starting because this is the path to getting a decent stream a watchable stream if you don't have those things guess what when you start you know your stream is going to be it's not going to be as good as any other stream but if you work on those things you will quickly get to that point where you you really have a watchable stream that you can then advertise and when people show up they will want to stay because your stream is decent enough another problem people face at this point basically you started streaming you get a couple of uh viewers you get a let's say you get up to seven 10 viewers average and then you're plateauing you don't know what's going on and all of that and often i would see people get stuck in this numbers game what i call the numbers game basically looking at your stats first of all looking at your viewer account while you're live don't do that it really doesn't help you um looking at your stats immediately after you stop streaming uh but not looking at your vods you know what i mean so basically the numbers game is being so so so focused on those numbers and trying to bring them up because this is what it's all about almost in your head and and i think this is bad practice for a beginner of course but even if you've been streaming for a while and you find yourself so so so stuck i've sometimes watched streamers that during the live stream while they're live they will say oh and we lost a follower don't do that don't why are you looking at your follower account while you're live streaming don't you feel like this takes away from now people are supposed to feel guilty or feel bad for you or no do your stream put on a show make it interesting from the beginning to the end don't look at your viewer account because it might affect your mood um just put on the best show that you can every time the numbers game also unfortunately includes people who start streaming and then the biggest goal is affiliate i want to get affiliate i want to get by every mean possible affiliate is not magical affiliate won't get you anything affiliate doesn't guarantee people will sub to you or give you bits absolutely not so people who are doing follow for follow just to get affiliate people who are trying to cheat people who are trying to you know join lyrical groups which i will i will definitely talk about um this will not help you at all someone who cheated their way into affiliate versus someone who actually i don't want to say deserve but earned the affiliate status uh there will be a drastic difference between those two streams because one of them actually worked on their content and made sure that they had content that was good enough for at least three people to sit down and watch for hours and then gain at least 50 followers the other person cheated those numbers and got affiliate and guess which stream is gonna be more pleasant to watch and of course um guess which stream will be more worth uh subbing to so i understand like the need to you know make money oh i need to be affiliate or or it's like an easy milestone i get that but i don't think affiliate status should be that important if you're just starting out starting out with like the most important thing for you should be i want to make content that people want to sit down and watching and watch and if you do that you will see that affiliate is probably the most easiest milestone you can get and the whole goal of twitch having an affiliate status is that so they can make money off of uh small streamers too i would say when it comes to the numbers instead of focusing on on you know status and and sub and all i feel like viewer number is kind of like the most important thing knowing that once you're affiliate and you know you're gonna get one two five subs you're not gonna get 500 subs on the first week of you being affiliate and you pretty much need 500 sub to make like minimum wage pretty much on twitch i think correct me if i'm wrong there but you also need to make at least 100 bucks a month for twitch to pay you but that's like 50 subs but yeah that's the numbers game and the problem with numbers game 2 and i think what the biggest biggest problem is with the numbers game is that believe it or not you're so focused on numbers and being that streamer that gets bigger numbers that you kind of lose your perception of of reality you lose your perception of being a human being basically the thing that viewers relate the most with you forget how to be that and you become this numbers machine basically and you can feel it immediately you can absolutely feel it immediately um once you visit someone's stream for the first time and you know their focus on numbers too much because they will have like a gold stab in there in their panels goals i want to get 100 followers hit affiliate and blog no your goal should be to make uh decent content that people can enjoy after a long day of work that's that's your goal if you put your goal as numbers like it diminishes the whole the whole like the whole community that you're trying to build you turn people into numbers those are real people giving you the most precious thing they have in this world the most priceless priceless thing that they have in this world and it's time they're giving that to you and you're like oh my goal is to make that that little red butt that little red number i want to make it uh larger no no no don't do that you know i'm not saying not have uh i'm not saying you shouldn't have milestones you should definitely have milestones and as i see a lot on my stream is that you should have a little notepad with your milestones you can have your personal goal but displaying it sometimes is not in your advantage you know if if again my biggest example is that if one every time you went on amazon they they showed you jeff bezos uh net worth you wouldn't you would feel dirty buying stuff from us you would straight up feel dirty right oh instead they'll show you stuff that you might need stuff that they will tell you oh this will improve your life and this is the same thing for live streaming you need to tell people to show people how exciting your live stream is watch your vods and figure out little quirky things about yourself and mention them in your in your panels you know really try to find what makes you you and what separates you from the others and trust me you can you definitely are special because there's no one like you're the only one who's you so really really find those things that are a little more well not just special but interesting you know i will see some about me panels that are just like hi i play video games i love streaming i've always wanted to stream so now i stream stream stream stream stream stream stream that's it i just learned absolutely nothing about you i'm on your twitch page so i know that you stream and also you just told me what anyone on twitch could have told me and that doesn't separate you now hi i love streaming but on the side i play basketball i played for this college and we won a championship this is already more interesting than than anything else that really actually sets you apart from the rest of the streamers basically don't have a generic um about me section for example i think i'm sliding off the subject a little bit another thing about people who are focused on this numbers game is their going live post and i think this is this might be the worst when someone is so focused on this numbers numbers numbers they will post live um live posts basically on social media for example that will say stuff like going live help me reach 100 followers and that is possibly the worst way ever you can advertise any type of media imagine if netflix was like hey we got a brand new show watch it so we can make more money no it wouldn't work like that you again you would feel dirty if you clicked on that link you'd be like what i'm not what up tell me what's it tell me about the show show me some images hype me up why are you just telling me to help you get more subscribers to your netflix no it doesn't work like that get people excited about your streams it's a piece it's media it's entertainment get people hyped about it well how do i do that how do i exactly like every other piece of multimedia has been doing since the beginning of time basically show a trailer or tell something that sounds fun um show a picture because to me again this is this is my my um i think this is kind of like my my weird lack of tolerance showing and i'm working on it again i acknowledge it and i'm working on it but to me that sounds like that sounds like logical to me that sounds like yeah duh why would i advertise uh streams by telling people to help me reach a number that that is not enticing at all to me it's like duh it's like it's it's crazy to me that i have to say that when you can show me a concept or how creative you are or just a stream setup and sometimes just showing your face is enough for people to want to click on it and don't give me that oh yeah but what if i'm ugly the internet content creation is not a beauty contest despite everything you might think it is not a beauty contest it's a presence contest if i see your face everywhere it doesn't matter what you look like at some point i would be like you know what i need to check this guy out or i need to check this girl out or i need to check uh them out you know it's really a presence contest it's it is not a beauty contest because if it was a beauty contest no shade to you ninja but you know it's just one of those excuses that people find to basically self-sabotage themselves oh i won't post because i'm ugly no no you won't post because you don't want to post you're scared that that it might work and then you won't have any excuses um to be successful you know and i get that i also get that because i used to be like that too i really used to be like i had this shield of of um self-consciousness and and being like so scared so afraid that it might and then i realized actually it can't go that bad the way that i thought it could go bad i really thought i really thought it could be disastrous but then i realized this is not logical this is not real so fight your fears you know they're natural they happen but i'm here you know or watching me right now and i'm telling you those fears they're illogical they don't make they're irrational they don't make no sense and worst case scenario try it fight your brain that tells you don't do it oh it's gonna be horrible people are gonna hate you blah blah do it still do it and then see what happens okay fight your brain because this is what i had to do because i have excuses i can say oh well um i'm not handsome enough to do this oh uh um the racists are gonna drive me off the internet i i definitely this was a very good excuse that i that i was giving myself i really thought oh yeah but when i look at the top of twitch uh there's no one that looks like me or on youtube there's no youtube gurus giving advice and being successful at it that look like me therefore the community must not want someone who looks like me and they will probably hate me and they will drive me off of the platform i will probably get harassed and bullied i mean i do get a rest but but that's like 0.0001 and then the rest is just love you know it's just positive and and i even get messages from people who look like me who tell me that me doing what i do actually encourages them because they also were giving themselves that excuse you know so this is my biggest goal with this video is um try not to fall into those traps uh i don't want to give away all the all the little things that happen with small streamers that just make sure that they they because i want to make that video about twitch myth but let's let's let's keep on talking just a little bit okay so let's talk about shortcuts because shortcuts is also through streamers biggest problem for sure shortcuts everyone think that there's a magic bus that you can hop on to and that will bring you straight into success straight into ten thousand viewers uh average right there's a magic bus somewhere there must be what are the tips and the tricks that you can do oh do i need to change my graphics card to get more followers no no your graphics card does not hope like your overlays are not keeping you from getting followers i mean unless they're really terrible then you might as well go with no release but you know what i mean so many things that i feel like um streamers and every type of streamer that's the crazy part i'm not talking just small streamer or whatever i'm i have partnered streamers that are also like that that will focus on the things everything that doesn't matter just not to admit that the only thing keeping them from growing is themselves basically you know people will be like how do you stream with one monitor dude i don't you have two monitors is keeping you from getting followers or i only have one monitor i'm poor oh i can't do just stream with one monitor play your game at 720p you're streaming at 720p anyways play your game at 720p and then windowed and then on the side you can see chat yeah but no one cares about your gameplay anyway so that one monitor of course it's better if you have two because it's convenient for you but for the viewer straight up doesn't change anything your investment of 300 bucks on that 144 hertz uh monitor did not change the quality of your stream whatsoever it changed your workflow which is good for you but it did not change your quality uh your stream quality all right and it's you know as as maybe the exception is for like audio it's good to invest in good audio but that i'm not saying it's good to spend a lot of money in audio i'm saying it's good to learn about audio make sure that your audio sounds decent for example my current audio setup has a big problem is that sometimes my plosives hit the mic and it's a little it's a little too much and it's slightly bothering me but i would have to put a pop filter up there and that's gonna mess up the view anyways why am i talking about my audience don't rely on those excuses self-sabotage is the biggest problem of small streamers self-sabotage and this idea of i'm gonna hop on a bus and it's gonna be so easy all i have to do is hop on this magical bus which that magical boy some dude just going to lure you in and be like hey dude have you tried doing follow for follow i mean we got us the excuse that i hear a lot for follow for follow is we all got to start somewhere no no it doesn't work like that oh we all got to start by cheating you know and then from the follow for follow i'm gonna continue i'm still gonna have zero viewers but i'm gonna have a thousand followers so definitely that will help my case no it's not going to you're just gonna stop doing it because you're gonna realize you're wasting your time and you're still not gonna have the support like being a twitch streamer is basically you relying 100 on support if people don't sub people don't donate people don't give bits guess what you're not making any money so making those numbers grow is very very different than actually getting support and actually getting fans and actually getting viewers and actually getting people who tolerate you and or or even get attached to the content that you make so the content is definitely the most important thing another type of magical bus is is stream teams oh yo i'm in the stream team and stream team this yeah the only condition the stream team has is that they want they want me to have a panel top left on my stream channel that advertises the team you want to know who really really really really really really really really really doesn't care about stream teams think about it who really doesn't care about stream teams and you'll realize that oh it's actually the people that you want the most the thing that you want the most viewers is the also the thing that really doesn't care about you the only people who care about stream teams is is streamers and even then even then it's usually small streamers you know um so who is your channel for and that goes back to the you're so focused on numbers you're so focused on streamers that you forget how to be a human being you forget how to be a viewer and this is like you know i want to make this clear as an advice try to try being a viewer okay cool you're new to twitch you don't know most things you don't know the history of twitch whatever but spend some time watching other other streamers find streamers that you actually enjoy so that you can relate and you can also you know actually have some experience as a viewer so you can find out what they do that makes you happy and i'm not saying copy them but you know this is the best way of learning how to um become a decent entertainer is figuring out what do you love as a viewer and what you also dislike as a viewer you don't like that your favorite streamer um takes breaks that are 30 minutes long while not having a be right back screen with no timers uh no clips playing in the meantime is just the chair for 30 minutes do you dislike that do you find yourself like leaving the stream when that happens take notes don't do that on your stream you know what i mean so the thing that you're trying to get the most is viewers and what are viewers viewers are people so i definitely want you to think about how you advertise your stream to people help me get to 100 followers is not a good way to advertise to people because people who don't know you because that's what you want because if they knew you they would follow you already they want something exciting they just want good content that's all they want you know it's it's when you boil it down like that it's quite simple they just want to watch something entertaining they just want to feel entertained and not bored that's it so it's funny to me when people are asking me oh what are your pc specs what it's cool you can find you can be curious and you can ask me that i'll i'll respond to you but sometimes either i feel like people think oh oh this guy is famous on youtube so you must have like million dollar setup uh i i really don't i have a pretty expensive pc but i only built it like a couple months ago it did not it definitely did not contribute to to to me or this youtube channel or my stream really i still am a guy in front of a in front of in front of obs in front of a camera do you really need like a ton of money to do that come on anyways i don't want that video to be too too long but i need to i need to wrap up the whole magic bus subject because i just pointed it out and i didn't give alternative advice instead of thinking that there's going to be a magic bus or anything like that what you should definitely it's it's dumb because every video i can make is just boils down to work on your content work on your content you will you will being part of those stream teams and all of that even if they do come to your stream they come alert you know those weird lurk for alert that they never admit their luck for lurk teams or they never admit that they're follow for follow teams uh i'll tell you that twitch streamers tend to be very very um selfish it's it's crazy but they tend to be very very very very very very selfish so those group those groups are filled with the thing that you don't necessarily want which isn't your target audience those groups are filled with streamers other streamers and if they want to have you know a successful a successful career as a streamer they need to spend time working on their stream streaming and learning about ways to improve their stream they don't have time to they don't have time to spend watching your stream because they could be spending that time improving their stream and improving their stream uh getting them more successful so they might lurk but they're not watching i'm not saying it's impossible for you to make friends or actually network in such group i'm that's not what i'm saying i'm saying relying or thinking that you joining a group is going to help you in any way if a group if it's stream team or a stream group or a stream whatever association of a community that this word loves to be thrown around left and right if a stream team is not literally teaching you how to make better content improve your audience retention that's like keeping eyeballs on your stream and interacting in your chat for a longer period of time if they are not actively doing that and i'm talking teaching i'm not saying if they all come to your stream and they say hi oh super raid okay we're going to rate another member that's not support that is not support that is you know boosting your ego making you happy for a couple minutes but in the long run once you leave that that team they're not they're no longer going to do that and where are you at this point you're back at square one and if you did it for you know two years where you were relying on those lurk for alert teams um once you leave you just wasted two years and your stream is the same old stream that couldn't hold uh three viewers average again i know you know you're gonna have some stream team members in the comments probably that are gonna be yeah but my team there are no magic buses there are no magic buses the it's hard work at the end of the day it's um it's improvement is its progress non-stop you never stop learning it's art it's really it's really art it's the art of entertainment it's the it's the art of of um communication it's the art of you you can't stop learning you can't stop improving you might have like a very good product but at some point you really really need to push it push it to the point where it you know it's impossible for people uh not to put their eyeballs on your stream pretty much again once again i really feel like when i do those videos i end up sounding very very negative i end up sounding like oh you you you bad you bad you bad again when i say streamers and i and even when i say small streamers i put myself in that category too that being said all of this very serious talk about grinding and improving and and entertaining and not you know remembering to be a human being a viewer someone who has taste who consumes entertainment and all that always the the very important point will always be make sure you you're passionate about it make sure you actually enjoy the the action the activity of live streaming because i know people who definitely do not enjoy they never speak of it in a way where you feel like they're passionate it always like not always but it sometimes feels like they they're the way they talk about it feels like a chore like it feels like this horrible thing that they hate doing and they they can't wait to stop doing it or they can't wait to be paid well enough to not mind doing it which sounds like a crappy job streaming is not supposed to be a crappy job that defeats the whole purpose of it why would you want it want to do it especially when technically you know most of those successful successful streamers they have put way more work and hours into their stream that they would if they were doing a nine of five at this point just go get a nine to five you know i'm not saying you know streaming might not be for you it's not what i'm saying uh streaming is for everyone but i don't want you to come in thinking it's easy money in fact you know different subject this is this is no longer gail the twitch guru if you're trying to make if your sole purpose is to make money online first of all i'm not against you starting a twitch channel okay i'm really not against you just do it right you know if you're going in like with a business mindset just do it right but starting a live stream on twitch is probably the dumbest idea you can you can you can come up with to make money online it's probably the hardest way of making money online straight up it's probably the hardest way to make because the amount of work you got to put versus the reward and the time it's going to take to even start seeing that reward is just it's the worst it's straight up the worst so not a good idea if you started youtube channel just taking money money money no make sure you have a little bit and i again i'm absolutely not again against people who are really really trying to do it for the money but i just expect them to do it the right way basically anyways try to make sure that you have a little bit of passion try to try to really think about when you stop a stream really really think about do i love this was this good do i feel good or during a stream you can have bad streams you know you you you can have streams where you stop streaming and you go cry on your bed but in general you know in general you should make sure that you're actually passionate about it you actually enjoy the thought of eyeballs watching you while you're playing a game or just talking hanging out with people meeting different people from from all walks of life from all around the world i think that is very very interesting very like a great experience in general and i think that's the core of of twitch this is why people still watch and this is why people love stream genuinely love streaming so the last advice uh the last problem if i would if i were to put it in as a problem biggest problem on twitch would be you know um not realizing that you're not passionate about it and it's fine not to be bad you know some people are just not passionate about being an entertainer they thought that it was all about being a gamer but then discovered that the people around the viewers basically want entertainment they don't just want gameplay it's not that simple all right it's time for me to wrap up this video you can see that by the windows you can see that it got completely dark and i have stream review that's happening today in about one hour and a half so i'm gonna go prepare for that stream review is a show that i do every friday on my twitch channel uh 8 p.m cet that is paris time if you want to participate just show up at the beginning of the stream and i'll put you in the list and then i'll go actually look at your channel and give you some advice to improve all for free but yes i've been talking non-stop for 35 minutes and i think it's time to cut it short thank you guys so so much for watching if you're looking for some dope overlays to make your twitch channel look good again dope overlays twitch channel look good oh you don't have the budget that's fine the prices are like the i think my most expensive overlay is 10 bucks and then it goes to 5 and then it goes to 99 cents and then it goes to oh guess what free most of them are actually completely free so you can download them without the excuse of well i don't have money oh why did i say it like that anyways this is the part where i screwed over and i tell you hey youtube is telling you you should watch that video next and then uh youtube is telling you this is the latest video you haven't seen it yet you're not you're not a real fan go get your streamer brain mug available link in the description you know streamer brain is something very special i have a video on it check it out and i will see you guys next time thank you again for watching my video i really really appreciate it leave a like if that was informative at all and um go out there make me proud get level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 9,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, streaming, twitch tips, how to, tips, twitch advice, live stream, live streaming, live streaming tips, twitch tv, twitch streamer mistakes, twitch small streamers, twitch streamers, biggest twitch streamers, Twitch streamer advice, Twitch streamer guide, twitch streamer guidelines, how to grow on twitch, how to grow a twitch channel, how to get more twitch viewers, how to get more twitch followers, 2021, Twitch tips 2021, grow on twitch 2021, get affiliate on twitch
Id: KahESL2p9YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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