5 MAJOR Tips to GROW a TWITCH Channel!

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no matter how much research you do before starting a twitch channel there will always be a specific time where you just stop growing and you can't really tell why hey guys get level here and today i'm gonna be giving you five twitch tips to help you grow your audience and step up your entertainment game okay quick disclaimer as of every tip that i give on this channel this is general tips that means that you need to figure out which ones make sense for you and you can apply to your content every advice is good advice but not every advice will apply to your particular situation i don't know you my advice is purely based on trends and things that most of the time have been proven to be true we're talking about entertainment here it is not a precise science real quick before we start huge shout out to johnnydragon that tweeted my latest video thank you so much also if you're looking for some dope overlays to make your twitch channel look good go to gumroad.com get level most of them are free the rest is super affordable now let's begin tip number one is going to be television the biggest difference between television and a live stream is the interaction if you're watching a tv show you're just gonna sit down and just watch but on the internet if you're live streaming it gives you the option to actually interact bringing the person even more involved into the show that you are presenting so you have an advantage over television shows but the tip here is that television has been perfecting the art of entertainment for decades now they really mastered the art of making your grandma sit down and watch those game shows for hours right so big mistake that i see streamers do when they're researching and they're trying to improve their entertainment is type in four streamers at the end of their research they'll look up lighting for streamers audio for streamers and i get it there's people like me that will be making that content but streaming is pretty new compared to anything that has to do with multimedia so what i want you to do basically is take inspiration from tv shows and we're not talking about just any tv show we're not talking about like the walking dead we're talking about game shows talk shows and shows basically that have a host that is here to entertain you because when you think about it having a twitch channel is pretty much the same thing no matter what's going on you are the host and this is your job technically so you can look up different reality shows and game shows and talk shows and basically write down patterns that you will notice how do they introduce themselves how does the intro play out and all those little details that basically they have mastered in order to entertain people something that i personally wrote down and found out and i started implementing in my stream is you know when you start this stream you have the starting screen and then you go to your you know full screen webcam introduce yourself get people hyped play some music make it loud make it really really um build up the anticipation of how good the show is going to be during the stream that really keeps the viewers in if you just switch the scene and you look lost and now you're figuring out if your mic is on and stuff it definitely drowns down the the hype and people will leave and that is just one single example of things that tv shows can teach you audience retention for example is a huge issue for live streamers youtubers but also television but they perfected it how do they build up anticipation throughout the whole thing how do they grab the people's attention during the whole show even when they have to do ad breaks how do you do ad breaks and not have twitch chat be mad at you and leave if you've seen my streams you will know that instead of being all sad when i'm ending my stream and making everything low and chill i do the opposite this is also something that i learned from television they usually make it end on a high note i hype my chat up and then i go ahead and raid someone else so when my show ends basically everyone has this adrenaline rush and they can't wait for the next show again you write down the things that apply to your own stream and you implement things that just apply to your own stream those are examples of my stream let's move on to tip number two tip number two is going to be your presentation your image basically every friday on my twitch channel i do a show where people come in they join a queue and then i go check out their channels i don't look at the vods i don't look at the clips i just tell them about my honest reaction to their presentation there are some channels when you click on them and you go to that front page and you look at the banner the accent color the profile picture you can already tell that this person knows what they're doing and then you check out the rest of the page you can see the description the about me section the panels and the offline image and this is where branding comes into place branding is quite important that is if you want to build a career if you're doing all that like you know as a hobby that you should probably shouldn't be watching a video at all but branding is really really important in establishing a certain image a certain presence online in general not just your twitch channel but in general and the good news for you is that it's easier to succeed to have a successful branding image than it is to mess it up you actually you physically have to put in more work to mess up your branding than you have to have a successful branding let me explain if you're building up your image you usually have to pick between one and three colors max you have to pick the colors and then you have to pick a graphic style once you have those two things you just run with it everything else if you're making a banner you can start with the banner for example you're making your banner and you're like i'm gonna pick this color in that color what will be the style am i gonna go with soft shadows it's gonna be futuristic it's gonna have a pattern or or which one once you pick one and you made that banner when you think about what should i put in my panels it's simple you already did the work the same thing what should you put for your offline image the same thing i usually start with the offline image because it's big so i can just you know uh put it everywhere else this is definitely not a rule but it will be easier for people to really really notice and understand what your color scheme and your graphic style is if it is you know if it appears everywhere pretty much if you have your logo written in neon in your banner you can't give me like a rock texture on your text on on the panels that is too different even if you have the same colors the goal is to express a message to your graphic design that is very simple hey this is my branding those are my colors this is my graphic style that way it's going to be memorable people will think of a pattern and they will think about you just like if i say red and white you will think coca-cola if i say red and blue you'll think pepsi if i say red with swirly black lines you'll think pewdiepie you can definitely be inspired by you know very popular streamers but again streaming is pretty new but branding in general is not a new thing so you can get inspired by energy drinks if you have to that being said the goal here is to keep it as simple as possible don't overthink it i see people overthinking it and making it super complex with a lot of the it doesn't have to to be honest the the the simplest it is the easier it is for you to convey a message through your graphic style and your colors and another extra tip with your presentation your face displaying your face has more power than anything else that you could possibly show your profile picture someone that has their face in their profile picture will get more clicks than any anything else that you can put in the profile picture i get asked oh what about in a drawn profile picture like a drawn face you know it's a drawing that also works but it's still not as good as a real face at the end of the day people come here to watch you so you being the center of your branding is a good thing okay tip number three is going to be separating yourself from the small streamer mentality completely and you may think okay i got 500 followers now i don't have the five you might still have the small streamer mentality unfortunately it's something that is widespread toxic and and really what is keeping a lot of small streamers small leading to basically self-sabotage so my tip is basically to call to call yourself out every time you're doing something that is uh self-deprecating that is self-sabotage learn to call yourself out if you're describing yourself in your description in your about me section and you're saying anything that is negative about your stream when you have this space where you could sell the stream to anyone looking that is you bringing your own self down that is no no one else's fault something that i see a lot is oh i'm not a pro game no one is expecting you no one watches small streamers for the for their gameplay straight up i'm exaggerating no one some people might do it but the vast majority do not watch small streamers for the gameplay if i want to watch pro gameplay imma watch pro competitions pro matches i'm not scrolling down on twitch looking for random people who have amazing gameplay no i'm doing that so i can interact with people i'm looking for people that i can hang out with that i can relate with so you saying in your bio i'm not pro i'm not very good at games it's basically you showing me i don't have a lot of confidence and unfortunately like that affects people reading this that makes people think okay maybe okay self-confidence minus five points maybe the content is not great what you need to do instead is look at your vod and figure out things like patterns things that are actually present in your stream that are positive that people might want to see or do you make a lot of jokes do you make a lot of puns put that in your description do you play horror games and you scream a lot put that in the description and make it as if it was a positive another symptom of the small swimmer mentality is people who straight up do not want to improve their entertainment skill at the end of the day you are a broadcaster you're broadcasting yourself live to possibly the entire world you want viewers you want subs you want money you want everything but you need to want to be better too right you need to be a better entertainer and that should be completely fine you should be excited about knowing that you can improve yourself as an entertainer i will hear every single excuse in the book but never oh maybe i mumble too much maybe i'm too negative and i complain too much when i'm streaming maybe i'm too focused on this video game while my gameplay is mediocre and no one is actually watching me for that gameplay you know call yourself out i shouldn't be the one calling you or maybe i should look at the camera from time to time when i'm addressing my chat maybe being like this all the time is not optimal for me as an entertainer maybe i'll learn to from time to time look at the camera let's create a certain bond psychologically with people and if you're not sure what to improve on go back to tip number one television another thing i see a lot is oh how can i be entertaining if my chat is dead oh so chat is supposed to entertain you first is this how it works so chat comes in so and then you start being entertaining guess what if you're not entertaining when your chat is dead you're not that entertaining to begin with which is fine that is why you need to work on yourself people are more likely to talk in your chat if they come in and the stream is already moving there's already a subject being discussed even if you're talking to yourself obviously if the title is welcoming and appealing things like viewer games and your title will bring people and they'll ask you about playing with you there's giveaways but that's like a cheap bait again i always give this tip i always say go watch your views on your channel versus your followers and stop complaining that you don't get people to watch you you actually do get people to watch you you just don't get people to stay and then ask yourself why why wouldn't they stay so the goal is to provide entertainment before your chat starts talking to you it's not easy it's not natural if you started your twitch channel because you thought i love video games i must be a good entertainer you're not it doesn't work like that maybe you are some people have it naturally you know but if you don't work on yourself look in the mirror put googly eyes on your camera so you can look at it from time to time stop making excuses stop blaming everyone else for you not getting views and not getting support and not getting followers when you refuse to work on yourself you could get hosted with 10 000 people tomorrow and if you're boring guess what they're not staying saying that the website discoverability is the reason why you're not growing twitch is there isn't much discoverability on twitch i agree with you but everyone is getting partnered every single day well not everyone but a lot of people are getting partnered every single day what is your excuse or do you think they're sitting down and they're like well i'm not gonna grow because no discoverability and then of course there's the ultimate hey women are ruining twitch shut up just shut up you know women are not taking your views you being boring makes people go watch other streamers okay i'm getting a little i'm getting a little heated there but boobs don't get views okay and if you really really strongly firmly think that the reason why you don't have viewers is because boobs get viewers that means that you are not more interesting than two sacks of fat oh boy i feel the angry comments coming another thing gear gear is not keeping you from getting viewers you not having an elgato stream deck not having the loop deck not having uh the the go xlr this is not what's keeping you from growing on twitch straight up mouse keyboard no one cares about that your viewers don't care about that some streamers take their old android phones they get partnered and they make a living out of streaming once again you can spend a million dollars on your stream if you're boring people are not gonna want to watch you anyways every time you fill this this way during your career and you're comparing yourself to others and you're like oh it must be the gear or oh it must be the boobs oh am i call yourself out call yourself out and ask yourself wow this time that i'm spending thinking about other people what if i just look at my vods and see what i can improve and write a couple of things down what if i stop slouching on my chair when i'm streaming what if i look a little more alive what if i learn to smile on camera because apparently i'm supposed to be playing my favorite game ever what if i take a shower before streams what if i did my hair before stream what if i clean my room before streaming or just put everything in a pile somewhere so they can see it all that to say there's no conspiracy to keep you down the people at the top they worked hard and they most likely focused on themselves instead of focusing on others if you start doing this you can also get a piece of the cake tip number four networking is not hard that's a tip that you probably heard a lot of times network this network that networking you just gotta network and post on social media that's all you have to do to grow a twitch channel uh no no no not really especially if you don't know what networking is or you don't know how to do it also like it's important for you to know that networking isn't gonna grow your your channel it's it's a good uh add-on to all the things that you're supposed to be doing notably improving your content but but i've seen people focus solely on networking and then complain that it didn't work um networking is good because it means you have contacts sometimes you get handouts based on um things that you have provided in the past or just you know people see you they like you so they stick around but most likely you're gonna be networking with other streamers what is your target audience it's most likely not streamers it's viewers if you want someone to have time to sit down and watch you for eight hours of your stream you're not gonna target streamers i target streamers because i make content here on youtube for streamers but i don't stream that much okay so how to network properly there are multiple methods multiple strategies in order to network correctly the first one is pretty simple provide something and and don't really hope for anything in return but most likely you increase your chance of getting things in return if you provide something an easy actionable tip that i can give you right now is facebook groups i really don't like facebook but facebook groups right now if you go on any of those streamer facebook groups you will realize one thing one thing very very widespread that is on every group is that if you scroll down there's pretty much no interaction with any post most people that will post their link they're going live on those groups will not even get a single like which means that you with your infinite likes you could make yourself noticed if you just go on those facebook groups and like every post people are going to notice you that being said this is like the cheap easy cheat method method if you really want to do it correctly what you will do is go to those groups and basically find when people are asking for advice or asking for people to answer a question basically the goal is to make yourself notice and to make yourself useful if you help out a couple of people in the community you will be that guy known in this whole community for being helpful for being nice and again although you're not waiting for anything in exchange it increases your chances of you know those people wanting to check out your stream those people wanting to give you back something host you radio just give you advice and return support you maybe if you don't want to go and interact with other people's post you can make your own post but instead of only doing going live post even though you can clearly see that this does not really work you can make advice post if your niche is a specific game or a couple of games join all the facebook groups that have to do with the fan base of this game and you can give advice on this game if you if you know about them if you don't know about them you can watch a couple of youtube videos that give tips and those same tips you put them in the facebook group everyone's gonna be like oh wow i didn't know that thank you so much this guy is super useful another ways to straight up support people go anywhere find just go on twitch you know find streams that you feel like you would enjoy and if you enjoyed this stream you know support this stream be active in their chat be active with them on the social media platforms why do i speak like that that being said don't self promo i'm not saying go to their channel and say i stream no just be a viewer and if you show up you become a regular people will have a conversation with you and maybe it will come naturally in the conversation where they're like oh wait do you stream and you're like yes i do from time to time networking is basically the art of making friends that's it making connections with people don't mention the word networking for example because you know when i don't know amazon is advertising a product uh they're trying to take your money do they say hey are you interested in giving us your money because we're trying to take your money no they'll be like hey look at this product you probably need it same thing with networking also manners is the big thing here if you don't have any manners you can you can learn about them on the internet but manners still apply online you don't show up on someone's stream and be like hey i'm about to go live or or say say hi how you doing okay okay well i gotta go i'm going live right now no that's self-promo we like we can see through this don't dm people telling them hey i'm trying to network with you every time i see this it's a huge red flag you're not trying to network with me if i've never seen you in my twitch chat you're not trying to network with me if i've if you've never interacted with my tweets you're not networking with me you might as well tell me hey you have you seem to have a lot of viewers i want some of them it will be the same thing third about social interacting just on social media is enough most of the time i recognize sometimes people who come in my chat it's such a good thing when people recognize you from twitter it actually puts you on a different level as the regulars when you show up on chat and the person is like oh my god i recognize your username you're from twitter right it's beautiful so it's basically interact with someone's tweets that you follow that you actually enjoy their content and then show up in their chat once so yeah if you're trying to be smart about networking the goal would be to network with people that are in within your niche i understand that streamers like to network with other streamers and there's nothing wrong with that for example if i were someone who was making content around a specific game if i was streaming i don't know apex legends i would make sure that everyone in every apex legend groups knows who i am i would be active in multiple apex legends discords i would be giving tips left and right i would be sharing memes related to it i would be doing pretty pretty much anything but just posting going live you can still post it going live but things that are useful things that will make people laugh things that will that is relatable things that is not just self-promo basically don't use those groups as a link dumpster remember that what you want is followers and viewers and those are people so interact with them as if they were people another thing i want to say before we move on is that i said that giving advice is good um in those facebook groups and those discords and stuff like that uh beware of unsolicited advice if someone is like going live and i'm doing a speed run and like you respond oh you should do this you should don't backseat game you know don't don't don't backs it game definitely don't go on their twitch channel um and give advice until city advice like that and just tell them what to do while they're trying to enjoy the game don't do that anyways and then tip number five which could have been a better transition but remember to be human again your viewers your potential viewers your supporters your followers they are also human if you're gonna try to make content that will please humans that will please them you have to make content that would please you if you cannot sit down and watch your own vod for four hours because you're too bored you need to work on that you can make it better until you have a stream that you are proud of that you would watch if you weren't making it basically make content that you want to watch you want to see that you would be entertained by i used to write down every time i felt a little bored of course excluding you know be right back screens and stuff like that but if i took a lot of time to answer to a certain type of question i would write that down i would be like oh i need to be better at answering this or if my reaction to like a pun a joke are technical difficulties for example if i if someone something happens and and let's say my audio is broken and my reaction is for three minutes me watching the voda would be like i need to i need to keep this show going so if i don't have any audio this time i'll be like and i would play some music to keep people playing your thing or i would type something on screen i would put a text source that says my odd audio is broken i'm trying to fix it and while i'm playing the music i would dance a little bit i would vibe to the music and that would keep people more entertained than if they have to watch you know struggle once again your viewers are human so in the subject of technical difficulties it is expected if we're talking about twitch or youtube or facebook gaming viewers know that technical difficulties is just part of live streaming it's impossible for you to make sure that you never have time to it's gonna happen at some point and you're gonna have to deal with it do not stress do not panic and definitely don't get angry like if if i'm watching a streamer they get angry because oh my god i don't understand this is not working i'm leaving i'm leaving this stream is your baby at this point making making advice videos without insulting everyone but seriously it's it's awkward and it makes me feel you know very awkward if you're getting mad at the simplest thing just focus fix the problem move on with a smile the advice here is to be you know remember to be human is like also be genuine you know there's nothing more pleasing more aesthetically pleasing than just watching another relatable human being if i'm embarrassed by something i'm gonna be like oh my god that's so embarrassing but i'll laugh laugh at yourself allow yourself to to to be funny you know to know that oh me messing up this thing oh i put a wrong source i messed it up that's funny that's not sad that's not a reason to get mad and be like oh this was working and no no it's most likely you messed up something that's why it's not working but chill your viewers are here they're just chilling you getting mad will make them feel uncomfortable and they will leave you owning up to a mistake and laughing at yourself will make them feel comfortable but even if we're not talking about technical difficulties and we're actually talking about gameplay for example same thing don't take it too seriously if you decided to broadcast your gameplay you should really not take it seriously because you decided to have a camera on your face or at least just broadcast your gameplay and have anyone come in and talk to you at the same time stop trying to play like a pro once you click that go live button you should try to make sure that the priority is the viewers entertainment because that's why they're here that's that should be the reason why you stream even though you know if it's a hobby you do whatever you want but if you're trying to grow you need to understand that you are now a broadcaster an entertainer as soon as you click that button you're not just in your living room playing your video games your rank is low in this competitive video game so what it can still be fun to watch and also to play for you if you genuinely enjoy those games it should it will shine through don't pretend that you like a game and stuff like that i mean you you can if you're amazing actor but i don't advise it you know if you're genuinely having fun people will notice people will really really see it but if you're pretending hey this is my favorite game and all you do is rage and and hit the table and stuff like that it's fine to rage from time to time but you need to be able to laugh at yourself afterwards to be like whoa i messed up i died this guy was better than me hahaha that was but in order to continue this don't take yourself too seriously um tip it actually helps you out a lot with anxiety and stress when it comes to live streaming think about it this way if you're gonna ask me the question like hey gail how do you find the motivation to go live hey gail i'm trying to go live but i'm i always get stressed before first of all this is it's natural okay it's normal any normal person will be interested just broadcast themselves live that's fine but at a certain point you need to understand that it really isn't a big deal it's it's not a big deal it's really not technical difficulties not a big deal what's the worst that's gonna happen when you're live like you literally cannot mess up a stream you just can't you go live okay let's say that something is not working you have to cancel the stream so what you cancel the stream you fix it and the next day you go live that's not that's not enough to like to be stressing about especially if you're you know you're not one of those huge streamers and have 30 000 people waiting for you like what are you stressing about there's a lot of things that are stressful to streamers and i understand again that is natural but i'm here to tell you that it it's irrational if you need someone like me to tell you it's irrational maybe that that'll help and that's my goal here i'm trying to help you out i don't get that stress at all anymore i used to have it like it used to be hardcore i used to sit down for 25 minutes before i click go live i don't have it at all anymore i just click it i had someone ask me oh do you have a checklist before you start your stream if i had to have a checklist to stream i would not stream that's not fun i can pretend that this activity is fun if i have a checklist oh i need to check this i need to check that no my checklist is um click on starting student scene and then click go live and figure out the rest technical difficulties oh i accidentally muted myself hahaha i'm an idiot let's continue show must go on again if i want you to walk out this video remembering something you cannot mess up a stream what's the worst that's gonna happen you're gonna have to cancel the stream so what next day you fix your problem you stream let that be your motivation to click the go live button so those were my five tips in order to grow a channel i try to put a mix in between practice practical practical advice actionable advice things that you can literally go try out after watching this video watch the whole thing and advice that has to do with the mentality you know the mindset of being a streamer and you know being attached to a certain mindset might help you self-sabotage yourself so you need to detach from this small streamer mentality it's time for you to realize hey i have a show and i need to put on a show and my show needs to be great it needs to be the best show for me and my taste and if anyone out there relates to me watches my show they will also love it once again streaming is not hard making a twitch channel is not hard going live is not hard but it's hard to actually grow and and get viewers and maintain those viewers that's the hard part and why is it hard because you actually have to put in a little bit of work so if you want that to happen that's what you have to do in exchange if you're the bare minimum you're gonna have the bare minimum if you tell me it's a hobby you should be fine you should be happy with the bare minimum you should be happy with three viewers i was happy when i had three viewers i remember peaking at seven viewers when i used to stream battlefield and that that made my day i had a full-time job and it was cool that seven people were hanging out with me while i played xbox with the crabbiest quality on twitch that was amazing if you have any other tips to grow a twitch channel or things that you do and you know that worked for you let let me know about them in the comment section below hopefully someone else will read them and can take your advice too as i mentioned i have this show called stream review it happens on fridays 8 pm cet that is paris time every friday all you have to do is show up get in the queue and i will actually look at your stream and give you advice on how to improve if that's necessary we talked about your presentation in tip number two if you want some help with that go to gumroad.com get level as i said there's a bunch of free overlay packs there with a couple of clicks you can get your whole twitch channel looking clean made by a professional graphic designer other than that follow me on social media because this is where i announce when i'm doing giveaways when i do special polls and stuff like that instagram twitter are where i'm the most active but i also have a discord server where you can join and basically be part of the community we have specific channels for questions and specific channels for feedback link will be in the description but that being said if you check top right you will see what youtube thinks is the best video for you to watch next and right underneath that you will see my most recent video so go take a look tweet this video to maybe get a shout out in the next one and i will see you guys next time thank you so so much for watching my video hopefully you like it go out there make me proud yeah level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 21,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, streaming, twitch tips, how to, tips, twitch advice, live stream, live streaming, live streaming tips, twitch tv, twitch tips for beginners, twitch tips for new streamers, twitch tips and tricks, twitch tips 2020, Twitch tips 2021, twitch tips for console, mistakes streamers make, live stream mistake, grow twitch channel, grow twitch followers, how to grow a twitch channel, how to grow a twitch community, get more viewers on twitch, get twitch affiliate, gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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