What Twitch Streamers SHOULD do in 2021 - Resolutions

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hey guys get level here and uh it's been a while since we had this sitting down and talking type of videos so this is one of them this is going to be one of those talking talking videos if you want to minimize the video and just have the audio you can go ahead and do that because uh it's just going to be blah blah blah it's gonna be kind of like a podcast type of episode but this time it's based on streamer resolutions live streamer goals and and content creator resolutions at the beginning of the year i tweeted out asking for what were you guys's uh new year's resolution basically as a content creator as a live streamer and the overall the overwhelming responses that i got first of all thank you so much for answering those twitter questions i i could notice a couple of trends basically going on and most of those trends were stuff like i need to post more outside of twitch i need to post more on youtube i need to post more on tech talk not a lot of people talking about instagram and that's normal because you know instagram is not that great when it comes to live streamers and i just wanted to talk about that a little bit what is going to go um in 2020 that will help you actually grow your channel and actually achieve something and not have it be another year where you just plateau on the platform and i also have some resolutions uh for example i used to have very very bad internet and i would use that well i wouldn't really use that as an excuse not to stream but it would be definitely discouraging to stream at 480p with very very low like 500 bit rate and i knew that i couldn't play most of the games that i play offline like apex or or vr games or stuff like that but now what i did is i changed my plan my my isp plan to get unlimited 4g and then i plug my phone to my pc to get unlimited 4g and the connection is better it's still not the best also it's 4g so it's a little unreliable it goes up and down but it's way better than what i used to have and i can now stream at 720p i'm pretty sure i can stream at 1080p too but with some drop frames anyway so that's part of my resolution is to stream a whole lot more i believe in the past 30 days what is it 26 days i've streamed more than i streamed probably the whole year for last year right i wanted to talk about what things will sound like a good idea when they're actually not good ideas the first thing for that is wanting to make content on youtube is one thing okay so i'm gonna try to give you advice on that a lot of people are like okay like apparently being just a streamer and only being on twitch is not enough for for growth and you're absolutely right to be honest which is not great when it comes to discoverability but that's just how it is uh being a streamer alone and just being a streamer is usually not enough in order to grow a huge audience right you can grow a small audience on twitch no problem uh from time to time someone will find you and then they will um like your content and then they will stick around but it doesn't always happen right it's pretty rare if you counted how many people found you randomly and then followed and then you did the math to see in how many years you would reach something like 10 000 followers or a hundred thousand followers you would soon realize that yeah um you would need multiple lifetimes in order to achieve 100 followers or even 10 000 followers for certain people right so because of that that means that you need to drive the traffic to your channel yourself of course not everyone is going to like your content uh obviously you need to be working on the content constantly all the time you should never just settle and be like my content is good there's nothing to improve there's always something to improve you should always be thriving to to try to make better content it's like the tagline of my channel but yeah but if you're gonna drive traffic you need to make sure that you have at least decent watchable content because unfortunately a lot of people will tell you i don't get viewers i have no one's in my chat and blah blah and then you go and watch their streams and you know as much as it pains me to say that their stream is unwatchable it's just unwatchable some people haven't been through the steps that it takes for you to have a decent slightly entertaining channel on twitch for example a big thing that i see in my comments most of the time is how should i be talking if no one is talking to me in my chat and i have to explain to them that this is not a a dialogue basically this is not a two-way situation you are the entertainer and they are the viewer they are the consumer so people who show up to your stream no matter what is happening they should be entertained uh if they show up and you're not talking because you think no one is watching then they are currently watching the most boring thing they've ever seen it's just some dude looking mad looking at his screen uh not looking at chat not even talking and just playing a game this is not interesting it is not it is boring so most people will see that and then their first instinct which is mine too is to leave and never come back it is not this guy seems boring let me the viewer who's trying to relax after a hard day of work initiate conversation and maybe after three minutes you will realize that someone finally said hi in his chat and you know where i'm going with this right so if you are in that category and you're listening to me bash on you right now um direct that energy of you getting getting offended by that direct that energy into go watching your vod and realize oh my god i am boring what should i do about it and then start practicing it is not natural for anyone to just sit down uh play video games and be talking non-stop for hours it is not natural i will admit that but you have this amazing thing called a brain and uh it allows you to learn things it allows you to practice thing until you have a pretty good level at them and talking to yourself is one of those things i used to talk to myself and not know what to say just like you i used to talk to myself and say stuff that were just boring that would not initiate conversation and by talking and talking and talking and talking i would pick up what actually gets people to say hi in chat you know what will get people involved in those conversations for example are you talking to yourself is one of the of the things that get people talking in my chat people will show up to my stream and i'm in a heated debate with myself i'm just telling how i feel about certain things i'm expressing my taste in movies and and you know you can be complaining about the the star wars uh um fanbase you can be complaining about the rick and morty fan base or if you know you didn't like the ending of game of thrones complain about that live on stream and guess what more people relate to that stuff than people relate to you just narrating what's going on in the game and more people will want to jump in and agree with you or disagree with you either way congratulations you got that person talking in your chat and if that conversation keeps going the next person that's going to stop by randomly is going to see you having that debate with that one other person that did it previously and if you keep that momentum going uh you will never have a doll chat ever anyways so to go back to the whole new year's resolution make sure that you all you at least have that going on for you that you have enough practice to have at least watchable content it doesn't have to be great it doesn't even have to be entertaining but it has to be watchable i need to feel like i'm watching someone who's at least trying to entertain me when i go to your channel okay and then if you want to move to other things like uh youtube or tick tock don't do the easiest thing or the first thing that comes to mind but because most of the time uh it's going to be the first thing that comes to mind to everyone so it's not going to work so it's not going to help you stand out or anything like that actually plan it and learn exactly how those platforms work you're not going to be successful on youtube if you have no clue how the youtube algorithm works you don't know the history of the youtube algorithm you don't know the history of how different youtubers made it and stuff like that learn a little bit at least a little bit and there's amazing resources where right here on youtube vid iq is a great plugin for youtube uh that helps you basically get more views but it helps you with keywords and it's more intuitive to do youtube when you have the iq i'm not sponsored not affiliate by the way um and they have like a free version of it that you can use i did that i still use vidiq to this day except i have a p a paid plan right now and i'm only using the paid plan to research keywords for example but they also have a youtube channel where they give you all the advice basically for you to be a successful youtuber so definitely watch their binge watch their videos and and really understand what's going on on youtube and how youtube works because just because you think you're decent at one platform doesn't mean you're great at the other platform it's totally different audiences and they um they are basically expecting totally different types of content so make sure you know how that works same thing for a tick tock but tick tock is a little easier because it's more random and there's there's a more wide variety of things youtube tend to kind of um how do i say this youtube can tends to kind of dictate what content is big and what content doesn't get to use basically uh but tick tock anything can give you you just need to find that niche and make sure that the tic tac algorithm understands that you are part of that niche so it starts pushing your stuff and then the rest is just basic psychology tricks um you don't want to start a video like me like that oh hey guys i'm live on to it first of all like chill with the going live post everyone and their mamas are posting those do something interesting make a little meme just use a sound from a meme or anything like that just be a little creative that's like you know that those two words content creator people i don't know how you can forget the second part of it creator be creative okay anyways so youtube tick tock those are great choices again learn how they work in order to make it happen in order to succeed do not just launch i mean of course start start doing it stop thinking about it right now and start doing it but also make sure you understand what you're getting yourself into in order to save yourself some time uh you can also not take my advice at all and just start doing it but after one or two years of no success at all you will most likely have learned a couple of things in order to start doing something successful fun fact that's what i did i had no one telling me hey you should do this or that that is never gonna work that sounds like a good idea but it's a bad idea for example i'm gonna create a youtube channel where i'm gonna take all of my clips i'm gonna make compilations and i'm gonna post them compilation clips compilation of the week you know what for you and your audience that sounds like amazing content that sounds like great content but for youtube and the algorithm that sounds like trash that sounds like absolute trash because for the algorithm absolutely no one is going on that search bar and typing hey random small content creator random small twitch streamer clips of the week no one has ever typed that in their search bar on youtube you have never typed that in here so basically think about your content in that sense has anyone are people even looking for that are people even watching that how many people are watching that because nishnish nishnish you found a niche where there's only three people in it your maximum amount of success is going to be three three fans basically so think about that too i'm not trying to discourage you you just realize i'm giving you information and it sounds all negative um i should probably switch it up and and to the positive i saw a lot of people talking about uh schedules i i have to talk about the negative too i saw a lot of people talk about schedules and as much as schedules are important i need you to understand that if you cannot physically if you tried keeping up a schedule and you just can't you know try again of course but it's not that necessary what what is necessary for example on twitch is that you at least stream at around the same time frame you can't stream at 9 00 p.m and then two days later stream at 8pm and expect to have the same audience it's not the same thing the goal with twitch the cool thing with twitch is that it's like hours upon hours of entertainment and if you want someone to sit through this you need to be streaming at a time where they can allow themselves to sit down and sit through your four hours of of streaming meaning that you might want to align with their schedule in most of the the places if you're streaming in you know your local time zone and your your native language for your local language mostly uh you want to stream at a time where people are coming off of work usually 8 pm 9 pm uh that's the perfect time you stream 9 p.m up to 1 or 2 a.m you get all those people from that specific zone that are you know not doing anything in the meantime they're trying to get entertained or they're playing games or they're trying to play games with you that's great so if you already have an audience try to you know try to figure out where they're from and stuff like that you might be in a different time zone but your your audience is like from australia and you want to keep that time zone now you you might not tell them i'm streaming this day and that day and that day you want to stream whenever you feel like it but if you're going to go live try to go live at around those convenient times for that specific geographic location now if you don't like your your audience and you want to switch it up switch it up but at least stick to whatever you switch to okay i don't know if that makes sense but there you go with scheduling and uh if you find yourself during the day you know um i know i don't talk a lot about mental health because you know i'm not qualified and i don't necessarily want to but i understand that uh scheduling can break you i know because it did that for me okay scheduling can totally break you uh when you're waking up and you don't feel like uh abiding to your schedule you don't feel like streaming that day you don't feel like doing anything and you know that your community is waiting for you it feels even more awful right and you have to cancel and then you end up cancelling more and more and more and more and if you're having a rough patch then that's super annoying but in that case i would actually advise you to get rid of this schedule say hey you know what for for a little period right now i'm gonna get rid of the schedule i'm gonna stream whenever whenever i feel like it you might get less viewers or you might get more viewers actually you got you might get more new people because it's it's totally uh random but at least you're protecting not only like yourself your mental health and stuff like that so you don't feel too bad about canceling and canceling and canceling uh but also you are protecting your love and your passion for the art of streaming you know the action the activity of of streaming i know that if i've had to put like a very very strict uh schedule for my streaming i would absolutely hate streaming if i did that so i don't do that uh that's that's specifically the reason why i don't do that um schedules can be bad actually for you it's it's it sounds counterintuitive but some people just cannot have um it's not even about self-discipline at this point is about the obligation is the responsibility it just becomes like a heavy weight on you and mentally some people don't want to go through that especially if they're trying to do something that they are supposed to love and i love streaming i'm super fortunate enough to do it as a hobby and to love it as much as i want and not feel any guilt if i cancel a stream or if i don't stream for a while um i'm fortunate to do that but i also know i i can do that because i don't have a schedule you know but anyways um just saying if you can put a schedule and you have the self-discipline and you have the mental health uh and it actually helps you there's different types of people okay but if you tried and you can't and you you're depressed because of it uh straight up throw that that schedule in the trash all right what else did i see there's a couple of other answers but this is basically the bulk of it people oh yeah another thing people were talking about is focus on the quality of their content and you know everyone was vague about it and i was thinking what do you mean you know focusing on the quality of your content is basically to me is more practicing in the mirror looking at the camera when it's not on when you're not live and and and talking to yourself pretty much recording a short session you know you launch a video game you talk over it you record that and then you watch it back and then you pick apart your tone the subjects how you improvise it's kind of like freestyle rapping basically how much can you go and go and go and go about a conversation you know like i've i've been talking now for 18 minutes it will probably not reflect that because i might edit this but i've been talking for 18 minutes non-stop and i can go for probably the the next three hours i need to cut the video short though but um to me focusing on making quality content it starts there it starts by you because the most important thing on your stream is you people watch small streams for the small streamers people don't watch most streamers for gameplay people don't necessarily watch small streamers for you know their fancy camera their fancy audio their fancy disc they're fancy that oh wow cool alerts yeah cool but you are still the most important thing so improving on the quality of your content to me is improving on your speech is improving on your manners your mannerism or if you will on stream if all you do is look like that or you look like that and then you can manage to practice enough that every time you go live now you look like that improve on the quality of your content i'm telling you that is that is improvement on the quality of your content you make yourself more pleasing to watch and that's what people want in general you know and i know that i'm gonna get comments like oh you're not supposed to act or people should watch me for me but if you're boring you're boring some people are boring people you know we're not all born perfect entertainers but here's the good news is that you can practice that stuff and once you practice that stuff you're not teaching yourself to be an actor you are actually genuinely improving yourself as a person twitch it up twitch is about conversation conversating and interacting with people from all around the world and you're getting that is pretty much training that is experience that you're getting at being at networking and not being social and you practicing on top of that to be better and more pleasing for those viewers is just you improving yourself those are social skills that you keep forever it's not about it's not just about the entertainment but it's about you if you practice those things enough like on twitch to be that person that when you show up in a room you illuminate the room everyone is looking at you you have that charisma you you don't let you know you don't let people step on you uh if someone just tells you something uh even slightly wrong you you cut it off immediately you're like hey you stop being obnoxious right now those are all skills that you learn through twitch and and you keep for life your next job interview you're gonna have the charisma that you didn't have before you started streaming but only only if you decide that you want to work on that for some reason when it comes to the very very very very smaller streamers you know every time i tell them oh work on yourself oh have you tried working on yourself as you try improving yourself it's kind of like i'm insulting them because i don't know they might think that oh i shouldn't be i shouldn't have to speak um clearly on the microphone in order to get viewers if they like me for me they should be they should love my mumble i should have more viewers who enjoy the mumbling and the barely understanding what i'm saying on stream oh what smiling you want me to play people should love me for myself myself is mumbling on the couch and looking super mad while playing my favorite video game and pretending to have fun no just know i'm gonna tell you right now just know just know you don't have to play a part you don't have to be an actor i'm i'm strongly against playing a part even in my youtube videos i don't have a script right now i don't have a script right now because i want to show you my passion raw i don't want to to just recite something that i memorize but i'm reading off a teleprompter i don't have time for that i don't want that because that's not genuine and you would feel it if it wasn't genuine if i'm getting excited about something i want you to see it in my eyes and in my expressions in my voice and everything and this is what's happening right now and and that's the advice that i'm giving you is improving your skills as an entertainer as a live streamer actually improves your skills in general as a human being you know don't really don't take it as you playing a part or blah blah just stop being against the actual progress of of yourself you know i i it's weird for me to say that it's absolutely insane and i might be intolerant uh in that regards but to me it's completely like it's completely i almost said that in french completely ding completely crazy that when i tell someone oh have you tried you know practicing this in the mirror have you tried um being a better entertainer have you tried looking straight into the camera from time to time have you tried showering showering before stream have you tried you know cleaning your room before stream and people get mad at that i don't get that i straight up don't i wish i i would get that because i would probably be able to find a solution better for it but i just don't get it i just don't get it so when i hear i will improve on my on the quality of my content i'm scared i'm scared because i know from experience that some people say it as okay i'm gonna be better a better entertainer but other people mean i'm gonna spend a ton of money on my equipment i'm gonna buy more elgato products i'm gonna buy this i'm gonna buy that oh i'm gonna buy a more expensive mic there there are no mics that have a d mumble feature it just doesn't exist yet maybe through ai see that would be a thing yo elgato can you guys like develop something or nvidia i don't know so when people mumble it comes out as someone speaking very loudly and clearly because that might help you there but you might have a and i'm not saying you don't upgrade your camera but i'm saying that if you are having if you just started or if you're struggling to be affiliate or if you're struggling to get viewers all together you know going from a webcam to a dslr is not good it's not what's keeping you from getting followers i swear i swear that is not the issue with your stream as the motorcycle passes by anyways 24 minutes now going on i'm gonna uh cut it short thank you guys so much for for um responding to my tweets you can follow me on social media and all of that if you're looking for some dope overlays you want to you know get your stream looking super good uh go to gumroad.com guy level and this is where i keep them a lot of them are free so you can you know throw out the excuse of i don't have money my stream can't look good throw it out the window all right and then you can actually focus on your actual content and you as a as an entertainer last little thing that i need to say is about consoles streamers that haven't started yet uh it's time it's time okay you bought a ps5 you bought an xbox series x or you have the ps4 forever and you've always thought about do it do it it's not it's time to start to start and it's time to stop thinking about it just just do it because you'll never figure out if you actually love it or not until you've actually experienced it wow okay i think that was good talk what do you think um oh also i'm wearing this because i just filmed a review for it so you're gonna have to go to my tech channel gal gals tech review it's called uh in order to see the review for the still series uh artist seven and yeah i have a bunch of other reviews there it's gonna be my tech channel i'm finishing a couple of texts on this channel and then all the rest is gonna go on the other uh on the other channel i'm trying to separate twitch tips and and product review because youtube doesn't like that the algorithm doesn't like that yeah i think this is i think this is it this is the part where i tell you hey uh youtube is gonna tell you which video to watch next and at the bottom of that uh they will tell you what is my most recent video thank you guys so so so much for watching uh get yourself some streamer brain mugs available right now link in the description and uh yeah i will see you guys next time thank you guys so much for watching go out there make me proud happy 2021 yeah level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 12,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, streaming, twitch tips, how to, tips, twitch advice, live stream, live streaming, live streaming tips, twitch tv, twitch 2021, twitch tips and tricks, twitch tips to get viewers, twitch tips and tricks for beginners, best twitch advice, small twitch streamers, tips for twitch streaming, tips for twitch streamers, how to grow a twitch channel, how to grow a twitch channel 2021, growing a twitch channel, get twitch followers, get twitch affiliate
Id: UOXstA__jaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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