TOP 10 MISTAKES Small Twitch Streamers make! (Tips)

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hey guys get level here and today we're gonna list ten mistakes that new streamers small streamers upcoming streamers make okay small disclaimer before we start it's not my first time making a video about mistakes I know it's something that has a negative connotation to it but don't take it negatively okay I had like weird comments on my other video it that seemingly came from people who didn't want to take criticism or didn't accept the fact that I was listing things that they were doing is wrong there's no real right or wrong streaming is an activity and you do whatever you want it's your channel that being said if you're actively looking for advice videos you're gonna get advice videos so if you can't accept advice what are you doing always keep in mind that I give advice on tendencies on general stuff I don't know you I don't know your viewers I can't give you personal advice you would need a coach for that so always take everything I say with a grain of salt take what you feel matches your own personal situation and adapt it I really shouldn't have to say that but hey we see some weird stuff in the YouTube comments you have no idea all right let's start having the wrong mindset the idea of loving video games translating to being a good streamer is false okay we all love video games not all of us are great streamers because being a streamer a broadcaster ultimately at least when you're starting has to do with being an entertainer okay just because you love video games doesn't mean you're a good entertainer that is something that you will have to work on your gonna start small and people look at small streamers not only to be entertained but also to interact so those are two key things that you need to have in order to have what we can call a good stream as a small streamer not just your love for games are you slightly above average skills in the game the perfection problem this is one that I see so many times it's people who haven't started streaming yet but they're perfectionist they're trying to make the perfect stream come to life before it this this before it their first stream it's not gonna happen your first stream is gonna suck compared to your second stream and that one will suck too compared to the third stream you have to get started in order to learn in order to grow you will you can have a 25 million dollar budget for your first stream and still have no one watching or still have a bunch of technical difficulties stop wasting so much time on your art work on your alerts on stuff like your first stream is gonna suck no matter what so might as well get it over with you know just do it start streaming and then you'll get better and better and better and better you'll never stop getting better by the way what was the quote a long journey begins with a small step getting philosophical up in here the affiliate trap ok the affiliate trap is when someone created their twitch channel they stream like twice and now they're like hey my goal right now is getting affiliate by all means necessary you don't have to like you're gonna get affiliate first of all you're gonna get affiliate why because affiliate is actually quite easy hear me out ok affiliate requires you to have three concurrent viewers okay to stream like seven or eight days or something like that just one hour per stream in the grand scheme of things that is nothing that is the easiest achievement you'll ever have on Twitch okay now when small streamers really get to that mindset of I need to get affiliates to start getting subscribers to start getting bits to start making money trust me with three concurrent viewers you're not making money you're not gonna make money okay you're probably missing out on a couple of cents but I don't know if you notice you need to make a hundred bucks a month in order for twitch to even pay you now it is something that you need to achieve all you will achieve no matter what but you should really focus on making content that will get three people to watch you not just thinking as numbers as hey I need three i need this number to be three you know think about people okay make content that three people and your head it must be I have three people in the room I need to make content that three people will sit down and watch for hours and hours instead of I need to get three people in this room so stop focusing on trying to make money with subs and bits cuz most likely it's gonna take you months from being affiliated to actually getting your first twitch payout and second of all the period between creating your channel and becoming affiliate is the part where you should really really try to stream as much as possible and try to watch your vod's in and the progress and define what your content is because it's that simple if you provide content that people want to watch people will watch and that brings us to front cuts now people are so so focused on the numbers that they're like there must be a loophole somewhere there must be a shortcut okay and this is where things usually go bad and pretty much assure that you're not gonna make it this is the part where people go and try to do follow for follow you know they just get like I don't know 2,000 followers but they only have 200 views on their channel they only have two concurrent viewers I'm gonna have to burst your bubble because there are no shortcuts you can make that little number on your twitch channel grow bigger but you're not a better content creator you will not get more viewers I mean if you get in in large teams that's another thing by the way teams associations communities all those magical buses that will tell you hey jump in we're gonna bring you to fame to success easily all you have to do is come in it's super easy if it sounds too good to be true it is too good to be true okay the only difference between you and the leader of those communities is that you're a follower they are a leader so all the followers are trying to impress that leader because they think it will bring them somewhere and all they're doing is just boosting the leaders numbers the only person that profits is the people at the top of those communities especially if they're based on shortcuts such as lurk for lurk what happens when you leave that community what happens if they eject you from that community you lose all your lurkers and where are you at this point square one you're a streamer that has a channel that streams and that that now has zero viewers Congrats you just played yourself you also have fixed sponsors okay if you were averaging two or three viewers literally what are your value to a company why would a company want you to promote their product or or are to work with them it's usually a scam you're getting scammed you're basically being used as free publicity and trust me you don't want that another little thing about teams associations and communities is that they usually ask you or they don't they make you think you're part of a family and then they're like hey here's a little banner put it on the description and then you end up just keep pushing your teeth you keep advertising them for free you keep pushing and pushing them but guess what viewers do not care about your stream teams literally no one cares about those stream communities except for other streamers but wait you're a streamer what are you trying to get you're trying to get viewers you're not trying to get streamers streamers are busy streaming what are you doing anyways all this to say there are no shortcuts okay your content and who you are and how active you are is going to define everything okay I'm not saying all teams are bad all communities are bad that's not what I'm saying I'm saying most of the time you just created a channel if you think that joining a community will boost you that's not the correct mindset to go over it you know what will boost you actually spending time and focusing on your content which leads us to the other points your presentation your branding your content how do you display your content the most basic of all is your twitch channel okay if I come in your twitch channel how does it look most people will click on your link while you're offline okay you may post going live post whenever you want but nothing ensures that people will only click while your life most people will click and then you went offline okay so the look of your channel while you're offline is kind of important okay it's not true too important but having this first impression this good first impression is one step towards getting someone to follow you or to watch your content and becoming a regular and then becoming a supporter so the first thing they'll see is your offline image how does it look what color scheme does it establish for your branding for example your avatar which is very small so if you're gonna try to put words in there no one's gonna understand what's in there might as well put a face and then they scroll down and they see your panels now if the only panel you have is a donation button sorry to break it to you no one will respect you I'm not saying not to have a donation panel but and about me panel is the most important if some is there and there scrolling down most likely they want to learn more about you so if I see your donation panel before you about me panel it it rubs me the wrong way so try to tell me more about you and give me like something wholesome at the end of your paragraph basically give me some sort of hook I talked about this in a video anyways make sure that everything matches from the banner the avatar the offline image in the panel's so that in the viewers mind they can assimilate you to specific colors just like you do to your favorite streamers right if I start naming off the top streamers you will give me colors that goes with their colour scheme this is done for a reason branding is not a new thing okay one other point is investing investment and streaming okay there's this false idea in every domain I used to work in the film in the film industry and there was kind of the same thing is the idea of I need to pour money into my problems or if I pour a maximum amount of money then my content will be good and people will come around because there's money in there there's production value that's a very bad mindset to have okay literally no viewer cares about you having the one hundred and fifty dollar a keyboard or mouse or even having a stream deck because this is not something that has to do with your content I mean I sent this stream deck you can have like fun stuff to activate and stuff like that but anyways my mouse and keyboard or at the end of the day they're here to see you so you need your personality is more important than any fancy gadget that you can buy your gaming chair most of the time I hear people say I put so much effort into my stream and then it's just some dude with like thousands upon thousands of dollars of equipment that just sitting on the chair until two hours and then there's a nano leaves behind him he's like sporting a dxracer his el gato chi-lites and everything and he has a blue Yeti with a road arm like no it doesn't work like that it doesn't work like that the content is not measured by how much money you put into it the content is measured by how attractive it is to people how engaging it is how fun it is how welcoming you are for example I that's one quality that you can have that assimilated to your stream so small new upcoming streamers that are stressing oh I really need a brand new webcam the best gear to use for whatever you're doing is the gear you already have okay maybe you can save up if you feel like your mic is really really really bad okay you can invest on a better mic do you need the best mic do you need the blue Yeti with the road arm and the scarlett no no stop spending money and do this thing on top of that like the blue Yeti is really not not a great microphone most people who buy it actually regret it in the future anyways find yourself like a twenty dollar USB mic I made a video with a four dollar microphone when I used to stream with that four dollar microphone I had seven viewers average and trust me none of them were complaining about the microphone what you actually need to do is learn about proper audio you know if your mic is sitting on the table don't drop your drinks if you don't have any lights inside your room and your windows are open and there's the Sun your back lid you're gonna be a silhouette you know learn about lighting for example your camera's not necessarily bad is this your lighting is bad your audio is not necessarily bad maybe it's too close to your mouth too far away from your mouth those are the things that you should just knowledged it's just things that you need to work on instead of trying to pour money gear is not magic okay there's no magical mic that can just pick you perfectly while you're standing there there's no magical camera that's gonna give you perfect lighting no matter where the light sources anyways let's move on the vod's that is mostly something that people don't think about while live-streaming is the vod's you are creating a lot first of all you need to create a vaad okay so you need to activate archive past broadcast whatever it's called you need to have vods on your channel if you go to an offline channel that zero vods it's like a okay this this person is not serious about streaming okay also there's no way for me to know what this stream is usually like apart from clips but click clips don't give you a real sense of how the stream is like because it's like usually a small little part out of context so what do I mean thinking about vods while you're streaming for example when you have your starting sunscreen first of all you should have a starting sunscreen you know try to kind of hype up people play an intro just play some music have an animated screen that says starting soon with a timer or something when you switch from that starting student scene so you are a full screen with your webcam you should have a proper introduction okay doesn't matter how many people are watching you should have a proper introduction you should hide people up if you're watching any TV show it's gonna be like hey what now and now with your host this guy hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to blah blah blah blah like they know you know that but they'll still do the intro because well if someone's gonna click on your vaada and watch what this frame is like they can see the energy they can feel like hey this is someone trying to entertain me if your mentality is that well it's the beginning of my stream viewer count is at zero I'm not gonna speak I'm just gonna look bored AF you are creating the most boring vaad possible okay always stream as if everyone is watching because you never know who's watching when they're watching so I do this show called stream review I review streams and the amount of people and their vod's that make you wait 10 minutes for a starting sunscreen and then when they switch they just look completely lost that's when they they're checking if their mic is working that's when they're checking their camera angle that's where they are on their phone posting on social media this is the purpose of a starting student screen it's hey I'm getting prepared don't click going go live don't click go live if you're not ready to go live check your mic levels before you start the stream check your camera make sure everything is correct and then start broadcasting yourself to the world ok another mistake that I see a lot and this one is kind of a classic is people who don't focus on the view enough you know the most important thing in your stream is your viewers it's literally your viewers they should be the most important thing because that's the whole point of broadcasting yourself is to entertain them or educate them whatever the point of your stream is now I know that everyone thinks they're the best at whatever game okay everyone is great their gameplay is better than average and all that okay put your ego aside for a second you are now an entertainer you're a broadcaster okay there are people that are here to be entertained or at least to interact with you so if you're focusing on your comm games and you're getting all mad creating this weird negative awkward atmosphere why would people watch you why would people want to watch you if they're saying hello and chat and they have to wait a whole 10 minutes because you're so focused on that game that even when you die in game even when you're in the lobby you're to focus on being mad and you're not paying attention to chat the viewers are more important than your gameplay not a lot of people watch small streamers for gameplay why would they watch small streamers for gameplay if they can have if they can just watch literally professionals most people watch small streamers for the interaction I'm not saying get rid of your gameplay but I'm saying that you should focus more it should be 60% interaction and 40% gameplay because otherwise it feels like you're spying on a dude that's just busy okay when I say dude dude is genderless and no one wants to spy on someone it feels awkward it's like oh well I guess that person is just playing video games I'm out of here another point is what I call last minute bands it's this feeling that you have when you're a small streamer you're an upcoming streamer you just started this feeling you have that you can't ban people because you're trying to get people in your stream and and I relate completely because I was like that too you feel like you shouldn't be banning people left and right because your goal is to get more and more viewers so you try to you know vary them off in the right direction and try to conversate with the trolls but the only thing you end up doing is having the most Awkward conversations which guess what pushes the rest of your viewers away if a troll is an obvious troll even though they're not saying very offensive stuff or whatever if they're acting obnoxious and your chat and you're trying to conversate with them in order to make them stop me as a viewer I'm just waiting for you to ban that person but if me trying to enjoy your stream is just me watching having a dumb conversation we're in a noxious viewer like I'm leaving I'm leaving it's not entertaining anymore it's just awkward and cringy that being said the trolls are not stupid there's a whole category of trolls that just prey on this basic instinct of I don't want to ban people this I'm a small streamer so instead of saying racist stuff or sing outrageous stuff they'll come in and say stuff like hey my girlfriend left me or or they'll really prey on your sentimental weakness basically there's this amazing tool that twitch added if you click on someone's name and you see that they created their account like two days ago or they created their account five minutes ago they don't have a profile picture they're only following one person to two people you should preemptively banned them you should not wait for them to say the outrageous stuff you shouldn't wait for the conversation to get to the racist to the sexist to the outlandish stuff before you banned them because you're the broadcaster you are responsible for whatever is discussed in your stream and if you let it go there it's I don't say it but it's kind of your fault alright unless the person just pops in and says that and then you have to band them directly but basically this whole I converted the troll in to a follower well guess what you have a troll in your community now good luck in the future because in the future when they do something in your name you're gonna be like well I don't control my community yes you do because you're allowing trolls to slide so basically what I'm trying to say is that you control your show this is your show okay you control your stream you control your community you allow certain types of people to come in and have certain types of conversations if it's something that you don't want or you don't feel okay with banned that person okay they'll find someone else to troll unfortunately anyways the last mistake that I feel that a lot of small new upcoming streamers do is streaming as if it was an obligation streaming as if it was a chore going on twitch and scrolling down to people who have zero one two viewers is something that I do regularly just to keep up perspective on what's the experience like for someone who would watch small streamers because that's the whole point not a lot of people watch small streamers that's why they're called small streamers you know and so many streamers you can just tell you go to the stream and they're like the waiter sitting the way they're talking it feels like they hate it there it feels like they hate being a streamer it feels like they're their parents forced them to be a streamer it doesn't seem like they're having fun at all they're mad they're bored they're about to fall asleep they're mumbling and it's like why why this activity is not providing you anything apparently apparently that you feel bad for streaming apparently so why why it's weird it's like someone is forcing you to play video games what the hell it's so weird so if you feel like streaming is it true at some point or another you know I get asked all the time how do you find motivation this stream how do you find motivation to have fun playing video games what is this like you need to tip for that hey how do you find motivation to have fun that doesn't sound like this you're describing an activity that is fun to you okay if you're in the midst of it okay you set up a schedule for example you kind of force yourself to stream as much as possible and you're really lacking motivation before clicking that goal lifebuoy and you're like ah I had a stream again honestly get rid of your schedule first of all that's the first thing you need to do get rid of your schedule because obviously this fun activity is not fun anymore especially if you do it regularly so get rid this schedule just stream when you feel like it okay try it out for a couple months and maybe later on you'll want to do it everyday and then you can put up a schedule again but if you're acting as if streaming was a shitty job where you wake up in the morning you're like ah do I really need this you need to do something you need to do something about it first of all it's weird but also you need to do something about it you need to try new games you need to try new activities streaming just shouting for once just chatting for 2-3 hours just chatting just talk to your viewers for example you know stream IRL grab your phone go outside stream from there it's live-streaming especially if you're streaming video games all you have to do is be there exist and be active interactive if mentally you feel exhausted of doing that you need to set your priorities straight why are you feeling like that are you are you telling yourself that I don't want a stream because maybe I'm not gonna get a lot of viewers or or maybe it's not gonna be fun if you you can't force yourself to do something that's not fun especially when it comes to live-streaming okay and if you're worrying about viewers about the success of your stream stop worrying about the numbers turn off your viewer account when you're streaming don't look at your stats literally try to do it for fun try to actually have fun do an activity that will bring you fun if you are feeling like streaming is a chore at some point somehow if you're afraid of switching game is because you might lose viewers through it okay have fun play a game that you know you will have fun try to meet new people play games with them do viewer games actually that will boost your numbers and will be fun the only reason people get up to go to a shitty job is for money most of the time so are you streaming for money and if that's the case honestly like when it comes to making money online twitch is the worst platform to do that so you really really really need to set your priorities straight and try to have fun try to have fun okay stop thinking about those numbers as what they are stop trying to make that little red number go up start trying to connect with people because that's what this number is its people it's actual people all right instead of trying to find shortcuts to make that number grow maybe you should do some research into how can you boost your your your mannerism when you're live you know how can you be more entertaining how can you stop mumbling how can you stop acting as if you were about to die on stream as if you were bored how can you be more entertaining how can you provide content that more people will want to watch because that's where the growth comes from it doesn't come from taking a number and then boosting it no it comes from it comes from getting more human beings just like you to come in and sit and find something they can get attached to so that they can come regularly and stop telling yourself that maybe you don't have anything so everyone has something to offer all right I know that streaming is not for everyone I don't like that saying because what I feel like is streaming for certain reasons is not for everyone all right if you start streaming to make money well most likely you will fail okay most people fail that's that's that's why there's a small percentage of partners and then the rest is just affiliates and non affiliates titles like partner affiliate whatever that really doesn't matter that's all they are titles what really matters is the people that will spend time with you time is the most valuable thing in the world and some people are willing to give it to you and that is amazing whether it's a thousand people or three of them that is so so amazing and you need to never let that that you need to never lose sight of that of how awesome it is that people give you their time anyways this video is way longer than I expected um if you guys are looking for a doable release I got a bunch of them Gummer comes a scalable I recently put out a new one that's completely free and on top of that it comes with a dot overlay file so if you're using stream labs OBS just one click it installs the whole overlay what else social media will be up there if you guys have any thoughts or any any mistakes that you see small streamers also make I would love to see your comments in the comment section below and if you would like to know what gear I'm using there are some Amazon affiliate links in the description but yeah I want to end on that note way way longer than expected thank you so so much for watching I will see you guys next time go out there make me proud have fun get level out [Music] you
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 38,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mistakes streamers make, twitch, mistakes new streamers make, new streamer mistakes, how to grow on twitch, how to start streaming on twitch, tips for new streamers, how to get viewers on twitch, how to stream on twitch, small streamer mistakes, small twitch channel mistakes, common mistakes streamers make, twitch affiliate, how to be a better streamer, top 5, top 10, how to grow as a small streamer on twitch, small streamers, how to get twitch viewers, tips, streamer, growth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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