The Roommate Animated

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this video is sponsored by Nordby pn more details at the end looking for a new roommate is always a daunting task even though you interview and take the time to get to know that person you don't truly find out who they are until you start living with them I'd begun searching for a roommate after I decided to leave my current residency I was contacted a couple of hours after placing an ad on the Facebook Marketplace the message read hey Chris I'm looking with someone new as my roommate to move into California this year I'm 27 and I'm currently going to school when I'm not at school I enjoy hiking and watching movies I also apprentice at a taxidermy shop on the days I don't have class hope that's not weird it's always been a fun hobby of mine anyway I'm looking forward to hearing back from you have a great day linear my first and most obvious reaction after reading the message was to check her profile she was a medium height had long messy blonde hair and green eyes in her profile picture I saw her standing with a man and a woman shoulder to shoulder they each adorned goofy grins and held up peace signs under the photo the caption read love my roommates I smiled to myself and decided to send her a message back the Sun beat down on us as we hoisted various objects to the second floor for a new apartment it took us a couple days to get everything under the moving trucks and into our new place but as soon as we did a wave of relief washed over our sweat drenched in sore bodies after a couple more hours of rearranging we each grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat on the porch we reminisced about old 90's cartoons and what video games we obsessed over his kids and as the Sun started to set I truly felt relaxed and confident that things were gonna work out a week later I started a new job for a construction company that was owned by a good friend of mine as I was getting ready I heard the front door swing open and walked into the living room to see lunare and her friend David sliding in a large box what you got there I asked through a strained grunt she replied I bought a freezer to store some of the animals I'm planning on using in my taxidermy work I hope that's alright I was obviously hesitant at first as there was no mention of this happening in the first place but I eventually accepted and returned to my room to continue getting ready for work I came home at around 9 p.m. after having a couple of beers with friends and noticed that the freezer was nestled snugly in the lower part of the pantry a low hum could be heard reverberating off of the inner walls I was curious to see what was inside but didn't want to intrude on luminaires business so I went into my room and changed into more comfortable clothing after changing I came back out into the kitchen and started making a sandwich I opened the fridge and grabbed what I needed as I turned around I stubbed my toe on the edge of the island countertop and let out a long exasperated grunt through my frustration I slammed the fridge door shut and checked my toe to see if there was any bleeding as I raised my head back up it was greeted by a shadowy figure lunare was standing in the doorway leading to her room the darkness behind her almost seemed to envelop her is everything okay she said in a deadpan tone [ __ ] yeah I'm sorry I just slammed my toe into the corner of the countertop as I was making a sandwich I hope I didn't wake you it's fine she said and the same deflated tone as before she then turned around and walked back into the darkness of her room I could tell that she was pissed so I quietly made my sandwich and retreated back to my room as well only hearing the low hum from the freezer as I closed my door I had the next day off so I was able to sleep in a little longer than usual when I finally emerged from my room I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast as I opened the refrigerator I noticed that the light wasn't turning on and there was a lack of cold air escaping from inside I turned around and flip the light switch to confirm my suspicions sure enough the power was out damnit I muttered under my breath I walked over to the luminaires room and knocked on her door to tell her about the power outage if she didn't already know but there was no answer I then remembered that she had classes that day and probably wasn't home I walked back to the kitchen and past the pantry as I did I slipped on the floor but was able to catch myself in the countertop whatta I ain't really exclaimed as I looked down at the floor trying to figure out what had slipped on it was blood and it started to leak from the corner of the freezer and pool onto the floor I quickly tried to open the freezer to find out the cause of the viscous liquid but then I noticed that it had a padlock attached to it I don't remember seeing that before I ran out to my car and grab my toolbox from the backseat I approached the freezer and set my tools down in the nearby countertop I then pulled out a small pair of bolt cutters and snapped through the metal the padlock it fell to the ground with a large thud I creaked open the top of the freezer and was greeted with a putrid stench that permeated my nostrils I quickly pinched my nose and walked away gagging in response I guess I should have realized that was gonna happen I muttered to myself in between gags after gaining my composure I grabbed some gloves from under the sink and started taking inventory I could see a couple of dead birds and plastic bags wedged into the corners of the freezer I took each bag out and set them in the trash can nearby that's when I noticed that the blood was coming from the corner of the larger black bag I don't know why but I decided to open the top of the bag and peer inside I was greeted by large milky white eyes a swollen black tongue surrounded by cracked and bloated lips and the matted hair of a human head I swiftly dropped the bag and fell backwards onto the floor my breathing had ceased to exist and I grabbed the trashcan next to me and expelled my disgust into it I then ran out the door got into my car and called the police as I sat in the interrogation room with a blanket over my shoulders I couldn't help but think about the face I'd seen look so familiar that's when it finally hit me I pulled out my phone and looked at the nares profile picture he was her old roommate the one she said was moving to California when the detective entered the room she started the questioning process asking me if I started noticing any weird behavioral occurrences around the apartment yeah I stub my toe the other day and she creepily stood in the doorway it seemed like she was pissed but for some reason I had a strange feeling like she was concerned about something that's when I connected the dots she didn't come out to the kitchen because she heard me stub my toe she came out into the kitchen because she thought I slammed the freezer instead of the fridge the cold sweats started to form on my forehead as my surroundings became blurred I could hear a low whine slowly starting to cover up the words of concern from the detective as my vision started to clear I could see another officer into the room and whisper something into her ear as he handed her a piece of paper do you have somewhere you could stay at she asked I mean I was planning on staying with my parents they live about thirty minutes outside of town ok she paused listen I don't want to worry you but we found this picture inside of your apartment she slipped the piece of paper across the table and I immediately felt like someone kicked me in the chest the head of moon airs other roommates sat on the chair in the background scrawled on the wall and blood-red left my roommates all of them does this ever happen to you you find out about an awesome show so you grab your snacks click on the video and then then you need Nord VPN if you haven't heard of Nord VPN you must be pretty new on YouTube 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Channel: undefined
Views: 2,399,622
Rating: 4.9487886 out of 5
Keywords: Llama Arts, Horror Animation, Creepypasta, Creepy Animation, Animated Story
Id: LxS791Hf1Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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