4 Real-Life "Cabin in the Woods" Horror Stories

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[Music] number one I was having a drunken heart-to-heart with my dad the other night and we were sharing some stories from the past he told me an experience he had back in the late 1980s in which he described as the luckiest escape of his life and after hearing the story I am inclined to agree he was about 25 years old and going through a rough patch in his life him and my future mum had just broken up and they would later get back together but that's a different story anyway he needed to get away for a while as such he decided to rent out a cabin for the weekend just him the birdsong and a few Bay's he booked one in this really remote wooded area he goes and collects the keys from the cabins owner a really nice guy in his 30s friendly helpful no trouble whatsoever he gives him a quick tour of all the rooms asks if there's anything more he can do and then leaves my dad to it my dad spends his first day there relaxing and recharging enjoying the beautiful scenery and trying to take his mind off his crummy situation on that first evening there he heads out on a long walk through the nearby woods he wants to clear his head outside before the Sun sets he gets a little bit lost however by the time he gets back to the cabin it's already dark he enters the cabin and immediately something strikes him as weird the curtains at the back of the cabin were drawn closed strange he didn't remember closing them before he went out on the walk then again his head was all over the place that weekend hello he calls out no response shaking it off as a mistaken memory he walks into the bedroom to go to sleep again something seems off inside it wasn't the curtains again there weren't any windows in the bedroom area he says there was just a strange atmosphere in the room he felt tense and ill-at-ease something in the back of his mind in his subconscious told him that there was a threat nearby he grabbed his car keys and jacket walked out the front door got into his car and drove to a hotel for whatever reason he refused to stay in their Canon at the end of the weekend he returns to the cabin at around 4 p.m. to drop the keys back to the owner to his surprise the owners already there along with several police officers they're all astonished to see my dad you see the cabins owner had come by a little earlier than he and my dad had agreed to collect the keys obviously my dad wasn't there so the owner had to look around the cabin to check that everything was alright on the couch in the living room there was a large muddy shovel and that was a little weird he thought then he entered the bedroom inside he found several polaroid pictures laid out neatly on the bed and they were of my dad taken at various points throughout the day one of him drinking a beer outside one of him looking out the window one was even of the cabin owner handing him the keys they had all been taken from within the tree liner on the back of the last picture someone had left a handwritten message so close realising that someone had been stalking my dad from the very beginning of his trip and that my dad was now missing the owner immediately called the police when they arrived they scoured the woods in search of my dad not too deep n they found a freshly dug hole four foot deep seven foot in length my dad arrived an hour later the brains a funny thing sometimes the subconscious takes an information that we aren't fully aware of perhaps something else was slightly out of place in the bedroom and we're just different to how we left it whatever the case the warning signals went off and he listened if this story has taught me anything it's taught always to listen to my gut instinct probably saved my dad's life that night number two this didn't just happen to me but my friends may see Eric and Dorian - while we were all out on a trip in Northwest Montana Macy's parents had a cottage out by Flathead Lake one weekend we all decided to head over there and do a spot of fishing in this digital age it's very easy to lose touch with nature personally I was starting to feel like a caged animal that summer trapped indoors with no reason to go outside oh no reason other than my crappy part-time job I guess we all just wanted to reconnect with the great outdoors they say that when you're around old friends you act the same age that you were when you met them that was definitely true for us we were a bunch of 19 year olds goofing around like we'd just hit puberty some things never change we get to the cabin you know it's absolutely beautiful a serene little log cabin far out in the middle of nowhere it was nice to get away from the bustle of our town I mean the cabin still had internet and everything so it's not like we were totally living off the grid but for us this was going to be a taste of what it felt like to be a real outdoorsman we all unpair can get to fishing as planned not many bites that day sadly dorium wandered off by himself looking for a better fishing spot when he finally came back a while later he seemed a little agitated he told us that while out fishing always away he heard what he thought was a rustling in the treeline to his right a little concerned about what it might be he kept an eye on the area most of his attention was still focused on his rod in the water when he heard what he thought was a bell ringing from the same spot in the trees he swore that he saw a figure watching him from the bushes not that he could make out many features he was still a fair distance away but it looked like he was wearing a hoodie and crouching that's when he grabbed his gear and hightailed it back to us this put us all on edge the closest cabin to ours was far far away we weren't expecting to see another soul this whole weekend still it was probably nothing we called it a day and headed back to the cabin early we ate dinner and joked around until sunset we all kept occasionally glancing out the window none of us said what we were looking for but it was obvious that durian story had made us all a little paranoid being the dumb kids we were at Harper we decided to stick around for the night when you are deep in nature the nights of particularly dark no light pollution looking out the window was like looking into the abyss unless you pressed your face right up to the glass then you could just about make out the outlines of the trees that surrounded us to us the slight fear we were all feeling was kind of fun you know when you're with your buddies and you get spooked by something but for whatever reason you all kind of stick around and try to spook each other as well well it was kind of like that if any of us were by ourselves would have been freaking out but since we were all together it was a sort of mini rush eventually it starts getting late and we hit the hay we're all sleeping in separate areas of the cabin I'm in the living space on the couch I'm exhausted from the long day and the sound of the wind outside is sending me off to sleep I'm almost out cold when I hear the distinct sound of a bell ringing it was coming from just outside the front of the cabin it sounds off once and then again and again sometimes quick and loud sometimes slow when faint I'm sitting upright in a heartbeat and I don't have to call for my friends they're all congregating in the living space now keeping their voices low it's the guy from the bushes dorium whispered to us all he's outside the cabin pressing my eyes close to the window I could see that he wasn't wrong out in front of the cabin facing us was a figure in a goddamn rocking chair he was sitting stiff rocking back and forth in the breeze we have no idea how to react after a while of watching him fare Macie the bravest of the group opens up the window and shouts to the guy to go away that his prank wasn't funny the guy in the chair doesn't react and it just sits there rocking gently the sound of the bell ringing out we grab a few knives and cautiously walk out the front door of the cabin staying in a tight group I was just following Maci at this point to be honest hoping that he knew what he was doing get out of here Maci shouts yes we slowly get closer to the guy again he doesn't react and for good reason the guy in the chair isn't alive it's an old dead man we panic Eric made a break for the tree line before coming to his senses and running back to the cabin with the rest of us we locked the door and made sure all of the windows were sealed tight then we called the authorities it took what felt like a lifetime for them to finally find us and they were just as weirded out by the dead old man as we were examining him in greater detail and they said that whoever he was he had been dead for a long time and they could tell from the decomposition he was most likely disinterred from his grave namely some sicko had dug this poor guy up and put him in that damn rocking chair whoever had done this had also tied a small Bell around the man's neck which rang out as the chair rocked back and forth a very light set of footprints could be made out in the dirt leading up to the chair from the tree line the authorities couldn't find a set leading back there so God knows what direction the perpetrator walked off in to our knowledge the investigation never came to anything whoever was watching dorium from the woods that day remains at large why they dug up the old man and used him to terrorize us I have no idea number three while I was growing up my family would visit the same lake every year for a week every summer we'd stay in the same cabin every time as we got older we would visit a large rock we called the cliffs and jump off it the rock was only 15 feet tall at its highest point but the water was really really deep when we got older we'd jump in and try to touch the bottom but we never could when my brother and I were in our teens we took kayaks out to the cliffs to jump off on our own we jumped off several times and when we got too cold we'd take a break on the top of the cliffs to warm up in the Sun as we were sitting there we noticed a white shape in the water floating towards the surface it was a letter H eventually yet sank back down into the water and we lost sight of it before we could look away or say anything another shape was floating upwards it was the letter e eventually yet to sank below but it was soon followed by two more letters L and P we didn't jump in after that we stood up and left without saying a word we never mentioned it to anyone and I forgot it even happened after a while several years ago I was working as a camp counselor and I told this as a ghost story I had forgotten about it and I texted my brother to see if I hadn't just made it up completely I asked him if you remembered the time we went to the jumping cliffs alone and saw something in the water he replied yes that he did remember I asked him what it was and his reply was letters they spelled help number [ __ ] we're spending a long weekend with my family in this log cabin nobody else around for miles and it was late afternoon and I decided to go for a walk by myself through the woods about 10 minutes in something starts to feel a little off I realized that it's because of the sound or more specifically and the lack of it the woods have become dead silent no bird chirps rustling Zoar general nature noises at all just pure unnatural silence anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors will tell you that a quiet forest is a dangerous forest I hear someone approaching from in front of me when he comes into view and I see that it's a lone man in his 50s as we come to pass each other I get a closer look at him he's got thinning gray hair deep wrinkles across his forehead piercing gray eyes sickly patchy skin the reason I'm mentioning the details of his face yes to highlight that this wasn't a mask he's got this big smile plastered on his face and his eyes are so wide they look like they're bulging out of his skull this expression is frozen on his face as we get closer to one another his head turns so that he can keep his unblinking eyes fixed on me a little creeped out and I give him a polite nod he gives me nothing in return just that wide-eyed toothy smile yes we finally crossed by each other his head is turned to the side his vision still fixed on me he continued past him but I'm on guard for obvious reasons what the hell was this guy doing out in these woods so far from civilization there wasn't a house besides our cabin for miles I glanced over my shoulder to check that he's not following me the blood drains from my face when I see him he's still walking away from me but his head is facing me like it's on backwards an impossible angle that messed-up expression still on his face I'm overcome by this sinking feeling and I sprint off deeper into the woods I want to put as much distance between me and him as possible when I feel safe enough I slow down and slap myself back into reality the birds are chirping like normal again whoever that man was he was walking in the direction of our cabin but none of my family members caught sight of him if this was some sort of prank then I have no idea how he managed to get that effect it was too real nor can I think why he'd be out in those woods all by himself where he'd most likely encounter no one I still get nervous when I pass by strangers in the woods and I always turned to check that they're not keeping an eye on me after I've passed them hi guys are lazy here and thank you very much for listening so cabin in the woods stories have a fun little idea I thought some sort of paranormal some not some kind of ambiguous I don't know I know you don't all like paranormal stuff but it's fun for me from time to time to do a few of them mix things up a little bit keep it a little fresh but yeah I hope you enjoyed all the stories and if you did be sure to smash that like button or I'll smash you and I'll be coming back with a new video very very soon until then guys you all stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark you
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 669,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, real horror stories, scariest video ever, on youtube, new, best, most, long video, asmr, true, real, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepypasta, lets not meet, reddit, 4chan, 2chan, top 5, top 10, nightmare, lazy masquerade, maskarade, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, cabin in the woods, horror movies, scary 2017 movies, scary videos, disturbing, unsolved, solved, mysteries, mysterious, audiobook, british accent, learn english, Halloween, unexplained
Id: T6nTuRoqr2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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