Mind Flayed | Baldur's Gate 3 | (Blind) Let's Play - Part 01

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what's up everybody and welcome to balers Gate 3 I feel like it's been a very long time coming to put a game like balers Gate 3 on the channel I've never fully played a crpg or a turnbas type game like balers Gate 3 and I've never actually jumped into balers Gate 1 and two so this is a first time playthrough in the balers gate Series so please be mindful no spoilers no callbacks from the other games because eventually I do really want to go back can play the oldies I know they are very old at this point but I hear so many great things about them you can't talk about RPGs or great RPGs without hearing something about Boulder's Gate so I'm really excited to finally jump in to a game like this if you are new to my channel I am a completionist gamer at heart I like to take in every aspect of the game read everything do everything artist combat talk to all the companions joke around have a good time and just generally just take my time and fully immerse myself into the experience one more thing before we head out I am fairly I would say newish to the DND genre I did play DND D way back in the early 2000s and '90s so I think things have changed since then this is like the fifth edition from what I know about this game game specifically so I do know a little bit about the world and the lore of Dungeons and Dragons but when it comes to balers gate well I guess we'll see how that gets kind of poured into the game from just a regular D and experience with that being said I'm super excited so let's just get started settings are good everything else is pretty good the music is already kickass and let's go so so let's see we have Explorer balanced tactician honor and custom what is honor a fraught and deadly campaign awaits limited to a single game file whoa okay we can't do that one no no that's like what a like a hardcore thing one death you die then you go back to that save file or is it just oh well just sing right there there one single sa file it's probably the [ __ ] autosave who tactician a tough campaign embracing strategic combat a balance adventure of challengeing choices and explore a narrative okay we're going to do tactician cuz it sounds like it's around the hardest besides doing this one save craziness so sure let's do that let's [Music] go you [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] whoa okay right to it all right well we have let's see custom elf high elf well we can pick the race of course we got aaran Stan Lazelle Gail Shadow heart will carlac the dark urch this is origin characters and we have a custom interesting well we have a lot of stuff going on here everything okay so let's start off with what are the origin characters aaran after 200 years serving a cruel Master the vampire spawn aarian is finally free free to walk the sun free to chase power and free to take revenge oh okay hold on here play introduction these are the introductions to damn this look at these characters they look so cool there's an introduction to these specific characters we can make a custom or these are I'm guessing it's just pre-made characters or so we can't this dark urge we can edit this but like aarian Lazelle gaale we can't edit them it makes me wonder if these are companions then or just pre-made characters as it is I mean obviously it's a pre-made character starian Rogue Soldier Sage cleric the fiend oh a warlock a barbarian and dark dark hers is a sorcerer okay well I think we should let's play these introductions and see what the hell this is we got all types of other stuff he looks like it's proficient and simple weapons hand crossbows long swords rapers short swords Long bows and short bows staring can do everything it seems oh okay and Gail has spells oh [ __ ] 1 d12c it's just it's like all the same from basic knowledge of D and D but it's probably a little different from the last time I mean I played in the [ __ ] 90s in 2000 so this is going to be interesting we got long wait long rest type stuff okay I get it easy peasy so let's just look at the introductions let's introdu introduce a staran sure we read it already Hello darling don't be shy I promise not to bite until we've been formally introduced my name's aarian and I've spent a century stalking the night hunting for pretty morsels just like you a man called Cazador made me what I am kept me like a pet forced me to do his bidding no more the Tel's influence broke his dominance over me and now I can finally pursue the one thing I've hungered for these long dark years Revenge I'm going back to Boulder's Gate to track kazador down in his lair I'll be the last thing the bastard ever sees [Music] well he said something about a tadpole the tadpole broke his command basically broke something between them and well that tadpole must be what was put in that cut scene was L Zale then this lady right here and she was getting that tadpole put into her eye and then the other one had to be us of course whoa that's pretty [ __ ] crazy Z was raised ready for a life amongst the Stars merciless Conquering the cosmos as a if Yankee Soldier grounded she must deal with the world she doesn't understand and find a way to serve her people in a plane that despises her militant hin simple weapons martial weapons short swords long swords great swords light medium heavy armor and shields Athletics acrobats survival and intimidation this is going to be so in depth is it not okay so she has a star in strength that's her primary ability cuz she's fighter type warrior class aoran got to be like agility or something dexterity okay that makes sense oh this is cool I like it let's look at lazelle's [Music] introduction since I was born in the C old reaches of world space I have known but one purpose to wield a silver sword and ride a red dragon in service of my Regent the githyanki queen vth my first step on this path is to slay a mind flare and bring its head to my Queen there is no flesh I will not carve and no barrier I will not shatter to see it done I am the one who sunders I am the undying Queen's most most unshakable Warrior I am laelle of [Music] cir damn she sounds pretty serious I like it I'm going to repeat myself again these are either companions or they are just characters we can pick but it makes me wonder they are so well done voiced and the way they look and stuff they got a little story so they have to be companions they can't just be somebody they're just like okay so you pick Lazelle and then all the rest of them aren't in the game so Lazelle is like the main this is so intriguing because are you telling me that you can if these are companions you can play as a companion what the hell okay oh if they are companions if not they are just uh they got some really great stories we have Gail Wizarding prowess once earn him the love of mistra the goddess of magic until his ambition LED him to the brink of castrop so this gentleman earned him the love of mistra the goddess of magic what the hell nice well met stranger you find yourself in the presence of the renowned Wizarding Prodigy Gale of water de please no need to be intimidated my virtuosic talents once caught the eye of the goddess of magic herself mistra who named me her Chosen and her lover thanks to a slight miscalculation on my part that relationship eventually soured as did the greatest of my Powers now I'm merely a humble wizard on The Road to Redemption unless I could find the path to something greater it's almost like he's mortal now in a sense he said his power was was more than what it was now so that's you sound really [ __ ] powerful y okay so Gail has Firebolt Mage hand Raya Frost and then a slooh of other spells sleep damn and then he's really proficient in his number one status intelligence makes sense who else do we got Shadow heart Shadow heart willingly undertook a ritual to remove her memories in order to protect the secrets of her fellow sha worshippers loss and pain are sacred to her but her faith is now being tested like never before and shadowart is a cleric so she's more proficient into wisdom Firebolt resistance guidance sacred flame and actions blessing of the trickster okay let's see it my name is shadowart loyal servant of sha goddess of darkness and loss there is little more I can tell you than that my lady Shard tasked me with a mission of such secrecy that I surrendered great SES of my memory in order to safeguard the knowledge of it all I know is that I must bring the artifact I hold to Boulder's Gate and that nothing can stand in my way my goddess is [Music] watching that artifact seems like it's something really important okay nice nice what do we have next we have a gentleman named will will is a warlock proficient High proficient in Charisma eldri Last Blade Ward armor of agius and arms of Adar the Warlock sound like they got some interesting ass spells known as the blade of Frontiers will uses his magic to fell the monsters and Devils menacing the sword Coast in a moment of desperation he accepted an offer of greater power forcing him into an infernal game he is struggling to play in a moment of desperation he accepted an offer of greater power oh wonder if it's something that's going to come back and bite him this music is so beautiful let's just take a moment you hear it what the hell love it 7 years ago I was exiled from balder's gate the city I call home my name is will but the people of the sword Coast call me the blade of Frontiers champion of the meek defender of the innocent the truth isn't quite so simple but they're right about one thing I hunt monsters and I always catch my prey my latest Target is a devil and I'm right on her tail once I'm through with her she'll never escape the fires of the first hell these companions or players or these origin characters their voice actors are so damn good now we have someone called carac whoa hello Madam klac is tling Barbarian she has thermator and rage light armor medium armor and shields nice carlac has escaped 10 years of service in the hells with nothing but her axe on her back and the infernal engine blazing furiously where her heart used to be oh [ __ ] no heart now she has an infernal engine just blazing in her chest shall we listen 10 years ago I was sold to the arch devil zariel she put a Hellfire engine in my chest and made me her priz Soldier but I've escaped now thank you mind flares and I've got a few scores to settle if this engine doesn't burn me to Ash first I'll need people I can trust an infernal mechanic and a serious amount of luck but you know what I'm not worried after 10 years in the hells I can take on anything I've got my chance at freedom and believe me I'm going home nice okay so I really like all them if you had to pick between one of them to play I I just don't know they're all so cool like what who who who the hell we going to pick if we would just pick one now we have someone called the dark urge your appearance and class can be fully customized dark urge is a white dragon born level one sorcerer oh it can be customized though holy these other ones can't be customized but this dark urge can be customized you remember nothing but a path paved with blood unimaginable cruelty Whispers to you from within Can You Escape it would you even want to whoa that sounds pretty [ __ ] serious the dark let's play it I'm guessing this the stuff over here don't matter cuz you can customize it my rancid blood Whispers to me kill kill and kill again my ruined body yearns to reap death in this world and when this foul urge calls it possesses my whole being injured Beyond repair I know nothing besides this I I must resist the dark urge lest it consume my mind I must discover who I was and what happened to me before my twitching knife hand writes a tragedy in plot this sounds serious so if this is something we can pick and it's an origin story it's definitely it has backstory at a imine oh you can play as a dark urge that has a backstory you can play as carlax backstory aaran gaale Shadow heart all of them dark urge the regular origin story it you make the background basically you're making this character it's yours you RP it the way you want etc etc the dark urge sounds really interesting like I'm intrigued to wonder who this person even is then if they don't know their past it seems like okay when it comes to RP at this game or just any DND d games I always like to play chaotic it's either going to be chaotic good neutral or evil it just H the first one's always chaotic so the character that we're going to create is going to be chaotic and which is really cool because the race itself I only knew a few races in this timeline aim itself what got picked was the community voted it in and it was D I'm thinking that we play this dark urge instead of just a regular basic character because this dark urge sounds so freaking cool unless this dark urge is a companion but we can fully customize this so I don't think it is I keep saying this is companion like I don't know I don't I don't know it's just so intriguing we're going to play as the dark urge but we're not oh okay so we can change it good we're not playing as a dragon board we're going to play as the Dr driven to the underd dark most Dr have adopted a ruthless pragmatism while the low sworn Delight in the goddess's evil tenants the seldarine reject her attempt to overthrow the leader of the Elven Pantheon they have Dancing Lights 9 m proficiency with Rapier short swords and hand crossbows 24 M of seeing in the dark hello Fay ancestry they have saving throws against charm and Magic can't be put as sleep oh that sounds so good the elves I like the elves Fay ancestry racial here it's really intriguing so if I just look at it I feel like the half Orcs are really really good and to be fair everyone everyone has their ups I would say with race stuff the underd dark's always been intriguing when it comes to D and D type stuff so looking forward to actually seeing that we had the Los Thorn Dr raised by Los cult in the city of menzo baren these Dr embody the virtues of their corrupt and merciless goddess Lo marks her followers with bright red eyes so those in underdark will learn to fear them on sight wow hello and then we have the seldarine Dr can be found seeking allies from all over fun aiming to settle their conflict with Lo and each other by any means necessary so these Dr races are actually fighting with each other this one these ones sound a bit more evil they're marked with red eyes I think we're going to do this one cuz I don't necessarily want to be even know we're doing this dark urge thing but does dark urge sound so intriguing to me because I feel like the way I want to RP this character chaotic probably around the good neutral type area I want to fight this I want to see if we can fight this whatever kind of urge that we have fight the dark urge it just sounds so damn cool let's do a celandine Dr Celine s probably not we have randomized appearance appearance with randomized appearance we can go as a lady [Music] male bigger lady bigger male let's go as the big mail I'm not playing oh we got to pick a class oh [ __ ] okay barbarians B there's so much whoa okay let's do oh there's so many cool classes my first instinct is see there's like two classes that always jump out at me in games it's either like the Warrior type well well there is Warrior type it's always like a barbarian Berserker type is always like my go-to or a paladin but basic knowledge of D and D back in the day we were able to dual wield classes I wonder if this is going to be a thing in this too because that would be great all right well Barbarian the strong Embraces the wild that hides inside Kon stins rmal physicality and most of all an unired unquenchable rage rage two extra damage with melee and improvised weapons and throwing oh so that's okay so it's going to have their their Niche their big ability carlac had this as well interesting one armor defense while not wearing armor you add your Constitution modifiers to your armor class so not wearing armor on the Barbarian seems to be the way to go I like it you know music and more than a fancy it is power though study and adventure you have mastered song speech and the magic inside The Bard sounds such a cool thing to do no one was a Bard if the other ones are just part of the crew they're not any bars so we already have a barbarian but that's fine it doesn't matter what class anyone plays I'm still going to play what I want to play canri spells actions this is we'll read more of these I'm sure we can read this at any time the canp cuz we're can just dive in probably the cantrips and the Spells are more akin to being neutral to many classes I'd imagine actions let's see what actions is Inspire an ally to add a plus 1d6 bonus to their next attack ability check and ability check or saving throw nice cleric clerics are representatives of the gods they warship wielding potent Divine magic for good or ill cleric has domain spells you gain spells from your domain they're always probably more reading into the subclasses and stuff Druid Druid channel the elemental forces of nature and share a deep kinship with animals Mastery of will shape allows them to transform into beasts from all over the Realms same as the same as the cleric spells they probably have more into the background haunted one holy [ __ ] fighter basic like it Fighters have mastered the art of combat welding weapons with unmatched skill and wearing armor like a Second Skin Second Wind healing ability and then monk Channel your cosmetic Enlightenment by defly dodging and efficiently disassembling your foes through stunning attacks and a whirlwind of Marshall attacks so Fury of blows Fist of Fury type of [ __ ] arm more defense monk weapons death strikes and unarmed strikes paladins fueled by the o oath you swore to uphold Justice and righteousness you are a Beacon of Hope in Dark Times Palin sounds so intriguing in every game I swear we all love paladins let's be honest every game I play there's a paladin I usually really want to do it it's just it's just one of them classes you're a magic Warrior you know you fight against the evil and [ __ ] like that but what if you can be a dark Paladin I've always wanted to do things like that in games you gain the ability to the power contained in your Paladin oath which you can use to fuel certain actions same could be said about a priest what if you be like a dark priest Ranger Rangers are unrivaled scouts and trackers honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favorite pre true strike in Advantage when attack rolls and Beast Hammer find familiar sumon a familiar oh Rogue with stealth skill uncanny reflexes Rogue versatility let them get the upper hand in almost any situation sneak attack and sneak attack range sorcerer Sorcerers are neutral spellcasters drawn on inherent Magic from gift or bloodline spells okay warlocks found by a pack to an all powerful Patron warlocks trade their loyalty for supernatural abilities and unique Magic gri Alis blast and blade Ward Wizards Wizards Master the Arcana by specializing in individual schools of magic combine ancient spells and modern research actions replenish spell slots while out of combat oh that sounds really good okay I really do want to start the game I want to get to making our character cuz we're about 40 minutes into the episode here I have't even went two feet into the game at all well I haven't even been in the game at all I'm thinking that we play see I want to do Paladin but I kind of really want to do Barbarian but the carlac is a barbarian too so maybe we can double rage it out [ __ ] yeah I think I'm think I'm going to play Barbarian basic ass get mad let's smash [ __ ] throw stuff across the world stuff like that yeah selin Dr Dr we got Barbarian backround the haunted one oh that's our specific background can we change this haunted one a wicked moment person or thing that cannot be slain by sword or spell punch your mind and flickers in your peripheral vision you carry it wherever your adventures take you or perhaps it carries you is this because we are the dark urge abilities yeah I think this is because we're the dark urge we could probably get different stuff if we weren't dark urge huh I [Music] think let's [Music] go Constitution it's got 17 here 17 is strength 13 decks wisdom Charisma [ __ ] maybe we should do see cuz at 13 there I feel like I want to get that to 14 somehow some way 14 yeah 17 14 14 10 10 10 let's make him yeah let's do that Let's do let's let's make him a schmuck with intelligence yeah what is this change Athletics animal handling I don't think animal handling kind of fits let's get out of animal hand handling intimidation survival you have anything into persuasion survival nature so we can go on her survival sure what's her survival stay alive in the Wilds track play that actually makes sense perception observe your environment spot hidden details and Medicine nothing in medicine what is this though inherited from background we already have medicine cool that works for me we have skill Athletics medicine perception survival and intimidation damn I wish we could do a point into persuasion we are plus one in Persuasion anyway so we're negatives on a couple things I feel like that's good yeah the stats I let's just go with it I mean strength basic knowledge for warrior type classes I mean it's number one here and number two probably Constitution I'm wondering if we can change any of this at some point in time let's go to edit appearance I feel like that's good good enough let me just look at it one more time let me see what this animal handling is influence animals pet all the dogs okay we're going to pet all the [ __ ] dogs we could let's I feel like survival might come more in handy than petting all the dogs I love to pet all the dogs though oh I don't know though we can't win at all if we don't pet all the dogs let's edit our parents I'm going to edit and I will cut in when we are done all right well here we are here is our character it didn't take me too long they actually have some pretty amazing pretty amazing models in here for these characters and and it's not a great many um you know it's not a great many things that you can pick from which is ultimately good I love the geralt look let's be honest most of us when we see this scar we're going to pick it let's just let's just [ __ ] pick it it's it's like default I really love we got these purple eyes it was flame flame purple eyes I was thinking about making purple just regular purple it looks really good regular purple but these flame demonic like purple eyes look really awesome [ __ ] loving it and we can't give him a beard unfortunately so let's just give him a face tattoo that kind of looks like a beard way and I'm going to be honest there was another setting down here I'm not clicking on it but I already clicked on it let's just say you can well it caught me off guard completely but you can change the size and shape and this things of your dle and the voice let's hope the locals are friendly yep we're going to pick this voice I just it has to it's it's Canon something just woke up down here hate to bring up other games while you're playing another game but that's Hulk from Dragon Age too so I'm just always going to pick it as soon as I hear that voice in any game history let's go forward I feel like I'm good I'm really content with the way he looks so let's go the dark urge can we change that oh we can change it names going to name him Aerostar arar aerosur whatever though I usually like to name character something that I can give him a little nickname like I'm I guess we can call him Ari AR something like that erar I like it it seems unique it seems fitting for just the model itself sure let's proceed you need a guardian choose one what we need a guardian choose one we have to create another character oh wow she looks cute as hell hello t Ling um let's just make another Dr for the guardian okay I'll cut in whenever I make my guardian I made my guardian a Dr obviously this is her I made her a Dr I can make a guy Guardian but I kind of want to make a female Guardian I made her selder and Dr and good luck voice one they don't let us with their the guardian genitals I still can't but like I was dumbfounded just I pressed the button High close and his thing just flopped right the [ __ ] out and I just uh yeah I I really like I like her hair it's just interesting to me I don't know I just wanted this purplish bluish tight don't ask see the eyes like I wanted to do the flame but I feel like it looked a little bit better on the guy I feel like the the white the regular eyes look better on female makeup sure and the hair is really nice I mean this got clipping with the elf ears here but hey I mean it is what it is all right let's start I really want to see what this game's about damn it I've been in this main menu for almost the whole episode let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Applause] oh [Music] oh F what what [Music] now Lazelle seems like she's really important just in every cut scene so far [Music] [Music] [ __ ] hell man so the gith Yankee are going through portals chasing well I can imagine it's got to be something called a mind flare because that's what they Lazelle was saying kill a mind flare is it the [Music] [Music] ship he looks cool oh I like it the blood in your head thrums and pounds that pounding blood obscures who you are an overwhelming loss of memory how you ended up amidst these hellish Flames as just as hidden you have nothing in your skull besides your name and a headache but you are in danger we have a narrator all that is so [ __ ] cool is it because we're the dark urge or is this just a narrator all the time curse whoever did this to you say your name aloud you have a part of yourself take a deep breath shake your head and start a new course whoever did this to you say your name let's take a deep breath Shake our head and start time to get out of here and then you can shed light on the Dark of the matter of [Music] yourself well my head our character does speak I was wondering awesome all right well let's Press Journal let's read what the hell is going on hold on someone oh [ __ ] I'm saying something sorry escape the naid find a way off the naid you've been abducted by mind flares and infected with some kind of parasite we need to find a way out the ship so we that was us getting infected personal class the urge be yourself think dirty thoughts okay sure yep special yes special aren't you shh don't fight it you know what you need to do take up the knife do what you do best easy as breathing you'll feel better after I said I wanted to play like a chaotic maybe neutral or good we might have just hashed that completely playing this dark urge it sounded so interesting it had a little backstory to it you know and I mean I gave my characters kind of RP background I kind of wrot a few up but the thing is I'm just going to flush it out in choices you're going to see it in choices cuz like I don't want to give the character away fully and what you know how I want to play the character I want to just flesh it out and you see it in cut scenes and stuff but might still be stuck inside if we hadn't been attacked I think we automatically have some kind of a background here with the dark Ur time to push ahead time to push ahead let's do it seem pretty easy Point click type stuff like it we have a lot of [ __ ] down here we can pick pick up a chair and throw improvise weapon pick up a chair and throw it this is [ __ ] cool man we got a mind flare over there Nursery this is the pool that thing came from the parasite now writhing behind your eye the narration of this is going to be so [ __ ] awesome is it not investigation investigate the pool we got minus one intelligence oh [ __ ] we made him a dummy well maybe we shouldn't have done that investigate let's investigate the pool some dialogue options are required a skill check a dice roll that must meet or exceed a target number your character skills add a bonus to this role we have minus one to and intelligence we got a roll in 10 and we got a minus one here oh [ __ ] come on 20 18 we Rod good are we [ __ ] it actually takes it away the casing is fragile the slightest touch could cause it to crumble should we touch it [ __ ] it we're the dark urge let's touch it it touch things aaur or three more Stam damn we got [ __ ] up still breathing despite everything yeah I mean we're good now we shouldn't have touched that do not press the red button and then presses the red button [Music] sure herodot green is poison but no more dangerous than a dead good oh that one that put the stuff in our eye is dead [ __ ] you mind flare got it something up there hold on wonder who was inside wonder who was inside made it out Lazelle was in one of these we got a chest here holy water [ __ ] got some holy water Scroll of chromatic orb and 16 gold yes please it's got us going let's look at the map here M your surroundings I get it it's got us going this way little Nook up here could we get up there we're going to explore it all friends we're taking it all in [ __ ] we got to beat up our Health's not regening that's that's good I guess huh can't get over there which is fine is there a way to like maybe jump can we get close to it and perhaps [ __ ] it'll let us leap jump jump up down across your strength affects how far oh we can act we can jump across this [ __ ] thing see you let's jump again this is [ __ ] great well I don't think we can do anything up here un let can we jump down a [ __ ] we hurt ourselves [ __ ] [ __ ] look like another path over this way up here say it perfect Center camera little mouse button I get it easy easy where in the hells are we I don't [ __ ] know sir I don't know where the [ __ ] we are not everyone made it out alive somebody in there damn Onyx what's that Visions project into your mind an aoid hurtling through the plains resplendant with psionic energy I like this lady's voice she's going talk to us the whole time I'm actually loving that we got another chest here some gold 11 Gold let's jump back down see you [ __ ] hell we're about dead as hell man from jumping you can use a rest pod to fully recover your hit points and spell slots if you are hurt the [ __ ] that at look at this damn thing restoration pod I feel better but word of advice don't jump anymore sper it looks like an [ __ ] yep that's a butt oh oh we got two gold thanks Goblin for the contribution heed record images of goblins their habits and histories flash into your [Music] mind did you hear something I never even know one [ __ ] heard something a schematic of a nautiloid flashes into your mind nerves sinuse as much living being as ship LIF at record why is this one lighting up images of goblins their habits and histories flash into your mind you hear this [ __ ] we said oh yeah images of goblins their I'm trying I'm trying to pick it up sorry into your mind it's the same one over and over it's got like it's highlighted like I can possibly pick it up let's see if we can pick it up try again okay we can pick it up walking okay so the highlighted ones another one here A Feeling penetrates your mind an anomaly one like ourselves unconnected from the hall [Music] caution worlds Beyond worlds Flash before your eyes empires of a grand design traversed by ships just like this what the hell what the [ __ ] mind flare horiculture mind flare Horticulture friend a thousand years of humanoid history elves dwarves humans and more flash behind your eyes well thank you for the El tablet I mean it might be some money for that got us going out here what the hell is this voice keep hearing we are here help us doesn't do anything we are here yeah [ __ ] hell there's some my we are trapped under operation friends yes sir help us that [ __ ] ain't got no top of his skull help us are you brain curious brain nothing but brains food for mind flares us my favorite flers eat [Music] brains we punch it main attack let be safe I'm going punch this thing can I we are here oh [ __ ] I hurt myself again re acid run away well we just punched some brains okay well let's uh we are trapped we trapped hold on I'm saving a lot cuz I'm nervous here oh this gentleman thing [Music] kid yes you've come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers in expectation please before they return they return who am I talking to a man or a brain I think you're past the point of saving tell me what to do you sound afraid why the enemy so many [Music] enemies who am I talking to a man or a brain a newborn born new from this husk you know no creature like this one that is more brain than person one that is more brain we failed our okay well we're not Mage type I can imagine so I think you're past the point of saving tell me what to do so our character doesn't speak which is cool because I speak it all anyway I just read it all anyway which is convenient I think you're pass the point is saving friend you're just kind of a talking brain here or just I I don't know maybe we can get to a hat or something remove us from this body from this case free us please sure dexterity and strength should we just free this brain investigate strength break the skull we got A plus three roll for strength so we just break the skull minus one [ __ ] in hell we can't do investigate we can do some dexterity gently PR the brain from the skull we can do that I think we should break this [ __ ] skull it seems to be the best choice here yeah I guess we can let's just okay it let's just break it sure break the skull less three baby just need a 10 something 19 22 easy peasy rolling Masters who needs intelligence the brain lifts from the skull but you notice an opportunity you could [ __ ] the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat your fingers twitch with the desire to rip its tender moist meat to shreds should we kill this brain like it's got to be some kind of abomination from the Mind flares I'd imagine we just casually [ __ ] it there's a brain talking to us let's just pull it out the skull see what can happen nothing bad obviously imagine a brain full of holes a brain like your own spare the creature I you know let's try to resist split splatter look advantage and disant split splatter what the hell let's spare the creature and see what happens any injuries might weaken it let's see what the [ __ ] [Music] happens ain't going to eat us I don't think right we're a bit big that escape the nooid we are free our freedom is ours friend the creature pauses listening something behind your eyes seizes in recog nition we must go to the helm but the helm we are needed we must go to the helm friends at the helm where you're needed what's at the helm I helped you once but that's all I can do I'll go but not with you what should I call you to the the brain tenses as though querying an unseen advisor do you not hear it we will not survive here we are needed to navigate we all needed to leave this realm what should I call you us we are us good name we are us I helped you once but that's all I can do I'll go but not with you attack the brain all right let's go is this brain just going to tag along with us here like a little dog we can pet all the dogs well we could have if we picked the damn ability but we can't we can pet all the brains though obviously in this situation to the hell will we go we are going to the home Whoa man what do you think you're doing this [Music] [ __ ] some allies May temporarily join you you can oh come on man I got to got to be quicker with the tutorial we got brain here we got us no one stopped me yet this gentleman was doing [ __ ] back flips in the chair look at this look at this [ __ ] picture holy hell man this game's going to be crazy as [ __ ] is it not can we talk to us creature reaches into your mind its thoughts rattling against yours something inside you squirms in recognition friend we will go to the helm now yeah that's exactly where I want to go why was I forced onto the ship to know you to love you to give you our gift what to know you to love you something was put in my eye what was it a gift a gift to make you as we are soon you will be so beautiful so powerful is that what's going to pop out of our brain eventually is that whatever the [ __ ] that thing was leech thing parasite whatever the hell it was in our eye I can imagine we will probably have a talking walking brain at one point if we don't figure out what and how to deal with that can you tell me where we are in the realm where we have fled we have fled to a real cerus first of the nine Hells were you escaping a great evil the gith yanki are chasing you though which the ganki seem really important they seem to be on this uh Lazelle in just about almost every cut scene the beginning I want you to stay behind leave let's just go with so he's he it is just psyched up to our we are going to the helm is that we're talking my friend and I we're going to the helm my friend and I the [ __ ] is going on hey man let's [ __ ] go let's whoop some ass can you fight what does he even do oh he's got abilities he can jump and stuff Dash He's Got Claws disengage should wish to live in more interesting times let me read somebody's abilities here because uh we haven't gotten a fight yet available only in combat deals two extra damage with melee and improvise weapons and throwing rage ends early if you don't attack an enemy or take damage each turn you can't cast or concentrate on spells while raging damn that's rough repair let's go let's go over to where it's telling us to go we got us with us hey us come on if the gods are watching me hope the gods are watching you yes I hope so too the controls in this game are pretty easy I was kind of worried point and click but I have played point and click well kind of I guess back in the day really but not fully the RPG termbase type stuff so I'm really intrigued at how this is going to go but as of right now it's just it feels so smooth everything just point and clip just I don't know it's just really well done all right let's go we are going to the home my friend and I going to the home there she is abomination this is your end your head throbs and your skin tingles Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes my head what is this SAR you un withr blacki blesses me this day together we might survive yeah let's let's do this together sure it's like we are connected somehow here did you see that the the link that we got going on here who were you to figure out where we are made you think I was a th real who am I your only chance of survival well excuse me Madam but what made you think I was a th we carry mind Flay parasites unless we escape unless we are cleansed our bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be G mind flares [ __ ] hell we only have a few days before we turn into a mind flare because of she called it mind flare parasite we turning into mind flares there must be something we can do we can do nothing until we escape that must be our Priority First We exterminate the en then we find the helm and take control of the ship as for that thing it will remain tame as long as it believes we are THS it may be of use in the fight to come okay that's our friend us [Music] ATT where about to throw down General tutorial get ready to fight combat happens in rounds and each participant gets a turn to lay waste to each other the game puses around you during combat so you have time to plan your attack oh that's so good I've been wanting to play a turn Bas for so long and here we go friends I'm about to [ __ ] I don't know rage out I guess that's all I can say hey us goes first during your turn you can move take actions and take a bonus action us we have 100% chance to to hit him it's kind of highlighting what us is going to do so us can Dash jump disengage hide or claws let's give him the claws go on you us provokes an attack of opportunity so if we move again can we punch him again no threaten he's threaten still my feet arar's turn what should we do should we just run up and Bash him we have a 95% chance to just [ __ ] hit him hope your soul is in good hands eat that you son of a [ __ ] you [ __ ] one shot him holy hell ending your turn when you're finished click the button in the right corner of the hboard end your turn or space bar yeah that's what I press space bar I don't think I meant to end my turn last time I just pressed the space bar well what is this High fiveing sh try to push the target away your chance is depending on Athletics oh Athletics it's coming in handy for pushing people and are a higher if you're hidden or invisible so we can really really push someone if we just are hidden like in stealth or something dip dip a weapon in a surface to alter the surface or enhance the weapon if you're dual wielding you dip both weapons dip in the surface a weapon into the surface to alter the surface or enhance the weapon oh okay okay Al to the okay like got like fire right there kind of in the picture itself I won't throw a chair at this [ __ ] can we throw this guy at him let's move a little bit closer oh this is so cool lazelle's turn excuse me man but I don't think you're going to be able to get to this guy before he whacks me jump 8 m disengage [Music] Dash you can go to this one what happens if we one turn cover more distance this turn double your movement speed fcking no it oh she can go farther make way with that make way all right Lazelle I didn't mean to be in your way oh we can push him I'm going to shove his ass I'm knocking real the side go eat that you son of a [ __ ] well that was probably a bad idea because now he's farther from me melee [ __ ] okay I just want to see what happens you running farther damn Lazelle got jacked up us whoop [Music] it us just has claws oh look how creepy he looks just scuttling can't even catch my breath arore 95% sir make it happen we're just basic that works for just basic attack you prove surprisingly adequate in battle some allies can to the H join the adventure you can control them the same way as you your own character so we I was right in in the in the tutorial basically that laelle and all the rest of the companions that we or this the people that we were listening to were [ __ ] companions nice okay well let me just go ahead and loot it up laelle before we move any further I want to keep going I don't want to end it right now carry I feel like I haven't got my baronss yet fully because well such a long tutorial character creation potion of speed three turns we gain an extra plus two bonus two Armor class Advantage sh dexterity Sav and throws double your movement speed avoid bomb B sorry a bomb it looked like a bomb throw this alien ball at a Target and possibly pull in nearby objects creatures whoa that's [ __ ] awesome how you doing us is this weapon any good we have a great Axe and this is a one-handed slashing oh so these abilities come from the ash the ash the axe I did not use any of them what do dancing lights do we use it 10 turns dancing lights and madees it beautiful in here look at these lights Lazelle have you ever seen anything like this ma'am can we talk to her not now we must go to the helm okay hard not to ask questions why the hell control over the ship or do you wish to die here yeah we need to go to the helm you're right you're right us wants us to go to the helm as well is there anything going on in here no a chest nothing but brains food for mind flares I suppose yeah they eat off brains that raw what's this see you later L good night Madam [ __ ] right mean take a break if you want where the [ __ ] we going it's got us going this one oh there's another healing pod hold on because something did come up in the journal I believe we met one of the M flers minions and intelligent devour it wants us to go to the helm the ship inspiration got torial inspiration oh it's pretty much just telling us we pretty much read this though tell us what a soldier is they're inspirational stuff oh man this is great there not really any codex is to read huh dialogue well we already heard the dialogue that works I'm sure there is a lot of stuff to read in this game I'm not worried about that take it and love it damn us got healed for 20 7 oh he's got 27 Health won't be able to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late our character talks kind of we got a sword here it's simple robe we can wear a simple robe I like my Barbarian stuff okay let's go it's getting intense the music's picking up the dragons are out there wheeling and dealing on the ship the ship still going we got a potion of healing thank you oh we can let's go medium oh we got another spinker here shall we go through it why not and saveing force I was just about to save like I feel like we have I have to save a lot here it seems G Machinery I can make no sense of it g machinery what does that mean psionic energy radiates from the prisoners but they do not react okay we just press the button on accident sacrifice cultist the man isn't dead but he's totally unresponsive you got one step from Oblivion stuper yourself still wading through your empty skull to think a single unle [Music] thought okay we got something thking here backpack hold on life flickers in his eyes but he seems totally unaware of his surroundings a fleeting image washes over you an unwashed operating table your innards without the head a grows worse so the this dark urge is serious wait is someone in there m flare pod let me out yep someone's in there get me out hold on ma' I'm just going to loot here Bloodstone let's take it Dam it well how to do that pick up open we got a backpack what is this thing let me out oh [ __ ] mysterious liquid we're just fasing in this mysterious liquid okay hold on hold on hold on let's let's [ __ ] save this lady here damn it you get me out of this C we have no time for stragglers it's the one lady what was her name Barbarian GP the pod's lid and pull look for a latch that might open the the construction is too alien nothing looks familiar this ship is crashing do you intend to die for a stranger yeah Dr we got something from Dr you might as well be trapped in Demon webs there's no helping you let's read this you can't see it cuz my fat face is in way the elves of the underdark D have been fighting a mass Civil War since the goddess Lo severed herself from the Elvish Pantheon a betrayal scaring every generation that follow Dr city states struggle with one another for dominance but the true war is between the cultist who serve Loth Lo am I saying it right Lo and those who resist the goddess's corruption damn I feel like the Dr background we picked was really good for Dark Earth that were going at I'm going to try to resist whatever [ __ ] going on with this dark urge or try to do well I don't I don't know Barbarian strength don't give up tear this thing open we can tear it open the strong Embraces the wild that hides inside Kenan SS Primal physicality and most of all an unbred unquenchable rage let me look around though before I done rip the [ __ ] thing try that contration next to the part they did something to it when they sealed me in hurry please sorry just give give me a second let me just got to rescue the ilth captive we encountered a Survivor trapped inside one of the pods aboard the noroid perhaps we can find a way to free her yeah she said the thing next to the console appears dormant hit it look for a switch are completely unrecognizable at first but then you spy an empty socket okay let's sure let's hit it fix it nothing the console remains dormant listen Shadow heart you're pretty you're kind of whatever fits in that socket must power this thing whatever fits in that socket must power this thing let's rip this [ __ ] open be on this thing let's do it don't give up tear this thing open what we get 19 plus three we are rolling hell [Music] yes [ __ ] ripped it open at last thought I was done for you right ma'am oh we read this we forced the pot open using a our brute strength freeing the captive we should speak to her should speak to [Music] her she thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind lurches in her thoughts her gratitude is mixed with weariness because you have a GI with you you keep dangerous company what does it matter dangerous company is what you need in a fight got a problem with Yankee did you feel that just now we were in each other's heads dangerous company is what we need to Fight Fair Point looks like there's plenty of fighting ahead let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way did you feel what I just felt before we were in each other's heads yeah it seems like we're linked to like everyone all right then let's get going I'm aerosur sure I did it must be because of those parasites they put in us but that'll have to wait are we going to help each other or not we're going to help each other ma'am all right then let's get going I'm AR STAR no you're on your own damn yeah let's help Shadow heart one moment there's that orb she was talking about what's that it's nothing trust me enough of this chatter we need to get to the helm now she's right lead on she's serious Lazelle is serious ilth is Captain press J to oh we completed it we learned the survivors aboard the nooid is called Shadow heart she joined us can we talk to her again something the matter besides the obvious that is Shadow heart unusual name same can be said about AAR it's just unusual but let's say pondering my name won't get us off the ship let's Stow the small talk until we're safe shall we Shadow heart though is different because it kind of feels like it's like a title instead of a name any suggestions on how to proceed well jumping overboard is hardly an option so that leaves us with taken control of this ship provided we can figure out how to do that of course I'm right behind you let's get going hey Lazelle you got anything else not now we must go to the helm hard not to ask questions why the helm control over the ship who do you wish to die here yeah we've already asked for that come on lro moving in there was buttons to press over here I pressed the button when I came in should we press more [Music] buttons unleash Arcana successful unleash aggression agression is this a puzzle to help fre these guys annihilate annihilate unleash aggression annihilate unleash we I think we press this one agression machine make them hostile damn it we pressed the wrong goddamn button oh us you're over here sir can you jump is there a way to [Music] jump nice I love it I guess we'll get closer with us no choice but to keep going no choice but to keep going we got okay so we can start pressing some abilities here rage it's only two of them really cleave main hand the main hand basic attack does More Than This cleave honestly prepare short rest we can only use this short rest short rest on lacerate now this other stuff has short rests let's just basic attack his ass see Happ Mur F day for murder damn sir you're a beast Swift and lethal whoop his ass Lazelle I think maybe starting with a Bic attack first might be the best call here on our companion damn you [ __ ] him up ma'am ready Shadow heart she has Firebolt a little bit closer here we use a spell it was what was Shadow heart is she she was a cluttering was she not is that what we we read that let's do firebol wait how do I back out that no way okay Escape was the secret flame let's him with the sacred flame he saved sacred flame he didn't [ __ ] he didn't take any damage from it okay that's fine damn s you done Jack this up get him us wow us almost wrecked him much for peace come here oh sir healing potions you're low on hit points make some potions who's low Shadow heart Damn I done missed him how' you miss him he was right there I Fury I am death I'm Fury she's she missed too he's right there Shadow heart whoop his ass she [ __ ] them up with ma me we got some gold and we got a quill can't give up now nice bronze necklace and free gold how much farther can I go you can go very far well there's another button over here we done [ __ ] did not get them people out unfortunately ah damn it friends well dark mind train in a jar let's just put it in our pocket faint images appear in your mind a brain a GI yanky Warrior and centuries of [Music] Darkness a brain get the warrior oh it's locked we can take them wait what are you doing sir come [Music] here you are beautiful let's go through the hole why not we got a dead thr here okay so it's got us going the other way there's a key gold key an elaborately guided certain items such as how many hosts of these gay infected a lot man [ __ ] is no joke opportunity attacks hold on let me look at something oh [ __ ] how I do that what does that do whoa what is this though I kick him out the party my faith protects me flets will be done all's well it ends not as bad as it could have right he's out theistic a dazed woman is trapped inside the Pod she doesn't notice you very a vicious chair light on my feet I hear something voices I don't hear anything are you losing your mind already why we hear voices the chair it's connected to the noroid systems and it's G wait so wait we need to sit in more things here you going to say something about sit in this one no we got a dead throw slave mind and a chest another brain a bottle we have eldr Rune a strange energy buzzes through this alien object you are sure you've never seen any the light yet part of you recognizes it as a opponent of a bigger machine this might unlock those controls next to the Pod oh [ __ ] so you're telling me that we didn't have to rip the P cage open for shadow heart then or it it unlocks hold on here it unlocks the pods Sig could mean anything could mean anything could mean anything we failed whatever that was I'm surprised we even got any of them cuz we're not even a mage what if Shadow heart touches it perfect perfect perfect perfect never a dull moment who okay place your hand on a console as you place your hand on the Pod you hear something a presence connected to the Pod commanding the person inside to [Music] [Music] change oh kcha changed at the pull of a lever how if we are not purified this may be Our Fate we just killed that woman [ __ ] TR is this to be Our [Music] Fate godam catch a break we just killed that woman camor the newborn mind flare stares at you weak and dazed [Music] camor what is camor can we not [ __ ] bash it open don't bother you're barely dented okay damn it oh man we just killed that woman it's something on the map that was showing damn Friends Action not reaction is there a way to oh [Music] examine so she's a cleric is there a way to there we go character screen I want to see the inventory and such we got inventory Spellbook character select spell book well all we have is Rage and all aale has is second wind Shadow heart oh we can X Out abilities here inflict wounds command command a creature to flee move closer freeze drop to the ground or drop its way weapon whoa protect from evil and good create or destroy water we oh here we go guing bolt let's put some things up here she's got a heal she already has a heal already this is another heal command inflict wounds 3 to 30 damage someone to flee kind of like that it's gives us that CC that we might need but less less of the three creatures they gain a 1 D4 bonus on attack rolls and saving throws Bane three creatures receive minus one D4 penalty to attack rolls well that sounds pretty awesome we're getting a plus so we cuz what bugged me out a little bit is that we were missing so Shadow heart is cleric buffer healer type trickery domain let's do this Bless yeah zel can't do nothing okay does that just let us change it right then and there it sure the [ __ ] does on I go hey shadow of heart that blood no never mind everything over here is good let's open this chest use the golden key we have a black they should all be running I think we need some healing here I want to get to the helm I want to see what's going on before we save this has been a very long episode as a first episode we aren't usually going to have very very long episodes at least an hour but this first episode I feel like I just wanted to get my baronss of what the hell was going on here in this game I feel like I got a good grass but so far I mean for the most part we are nearing the hell once inside do as I say who put you in charge I'll Trust my own judgment kyank ladies ladies ladies let's play nice shall we okay well we're [ __ ] right to that home then fire steep wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second so what happens if there was this dip ability we got jump shove I'm going to push somebody off something one time it really does it enhances our weapon and it stays like that probably huh wow that's cool let's go let's burn them all draw connect the nerves of the transponder we must escape now do it we will deal with the G after we escape okay connect the nerves nerves we will connect them let's we need to get out of here now there our turn Lazelle our turn we need to get out we have 15 turns reach the transponder before nooy crashes [ __ ] we're timed here this isn't good can we Dash oh it's these things again let's not let's not bust them I want to loot there's corpses everywhere there's probably good weapons and such okay let's Dash oh we're going to get a tack on opportunity though you're going to go through fire sir okay hold on that throw sure let's get the sword why not well I will Ascend Lazelle let's see if you can Dash jump no let's not jump let's not jump let's Dash we're going to have to start using abilities here we were just basic attacking the whole time before but let's not oh no I should have did the zil to fight these [ __ ] guys what am I doing [ __ ] damn it damn he done wrecked them all right you us go for the Imp damn us you're such a beast us is our decoy don't give up hey Shadow heart let's do Dash on you as well ma'am oh that's jump okay we'll Dash pretty self-explanatory honestly have to keep going oh we almost got a tack of opportunity let's get I guess a little bit closer sure for shadow heart oh us you're left by yourself sir oh we got more over there took one damage sir this guy aaur I think we should have let's can we rage out oh let's rage out yeah get [ __ ] pissed to keep raging you have to attack an enemy or take damage each round round situational you have unlocked an action as a result of another ability feature or condition it will remain on the side of the hot bar until those conditions expire so we're raging until [ __ ] hell though man we jump Happ we jump really far oh we can Dash again Dash up his ass oh we can't hit him [ __ ] but he says we had to attack how long we got rage for 10 10 turns remaining lethal okay okay okay easy peasy man let's do Lazelle I think you can cover our flanks over here cuz this one's is creeping he's going about to [ __ ] us up damn he's wrecking [Music] him us is a bad ass he's [ __ ] killing everything let's finish this sh Shadow heart okay things and stuff for shadow heart should we bless everyone we could bless everyone command command a creature to flee move closer freeze drop to the ground or drop its weapon could we get him to drop his weapon but I think we should bless first let's bless first does this work no no target oh we had to here was no hold on bless this guy's on our side though let's bless aerosur can we bless this guy we can bless him and then we'll bless not going to bless Shadow heart though blesses it wow that was so cool ma'am I [ __ ] loved it poor us is getting wrecked throw their closes in the sticks let us prepair short rest sacrifice 6 M movement speed to deal an additional three slashing damage with your melee attack repair get some and then how about we bleed his ass with lacerate come on you sucker we have a 50% chance to hit this guy totally missed ah damn it fter awaits I we should go up this guy good night you son of a [ __ ] the basic attack seems to be like really really great let's get Lazelle over here and let's just gang bang his ass literally leave him to me connect trans I don't want to leave him to you I'm going to help let trying to kill his ass critical hit with us look at this [ __ ] he's to concentrate got to concentrate okay I think we should try let's see we look at that weapon that he has it's on fire still ours done let's see if we can get him to drop his weapon or drop to the ground or something command drop command a creature to drop his weapon yes ma'am you have a 55% chance to make him drop his weapon I don't think it's going to work but if he drops his weapon then he's [ __ ] what's he going to do let's drop it drop it like it's hot [ __ ] oh yes he I think yeah he dropped his weapon that's so cool okay let's head over anything useful okay check for anything useful sure definely check it again why not well oh he is so screwed we got every angle in this guy almost besides his his backside kill them for your spine is M this [ __ ] ignore the we must take the transponder ignore we must take the transponder I don't want to ignore him can we pick up this blade why did you go around him to pick it up now you just lost like 75 points sir hold on let me put that bad boy on can I even put it on in combat look at his underwear this [ __ ] underwear okay it off that de I think [ __ ] damn it I took my underwear off in battle and it and it caused us we can't we can't do anything now [ __ ] hell man I was curious let's bleed him sir you are immune to bleeding and all types of attacks aren't you no we didn't rage out anymore because we took our panties off [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it can't let up everyone is doing a bit of missing here yeah well cuss up shot she can do some fire let's do some fire how did that hit your attack was resistant Ty took half damage only took one damage split these open this guy's tanking for us rage ended I want to rage again should we can we rage again well let's just attack we're missing anyway attack him can we jump I want to jump behind him opport [ __ ] hell he almost killed me leaving an enemy in melee range allows you to attack sir I was trying to get behind you you have any more hurry before they strike shall we just hurry before they strike oh [ __ ] we got enemies up here I'm Fury I am death what is this m get thanky Mage hand let's put the Mage hand out wait on his ass and then let's hit him with the Pummel this guy's missing is he unkillable we can't even hit him with anything there's 118 Health left critical Miss do that even happen Miss everyone's missing friends shadow heart I kind of want you up here to guard my back ma'am let's throw a fireball at this one this imp Miss what is this game of Miss we're playing [Music] here okay we're just looting it all up take this [ __ ] will if he dies if this guy dies we are toast ABS what was he looking at the hand somebody's trying to slap my ass that's what he's thinking wait what happened oh hell no we got more people coming in they're probably like him I I think it's time to run let's just Fu [ __ ] run screw it should we throw some lights can we pick up something and throw it improvised weapon [ __ ] threw an imp wrong way though I'm jumping over Shadow heart see you you ma'am oh there's a big ass boore up here AAR you going to get [ __ ] up Sir that can you heal me oh no friends I think we need to moving won't provoke opportunity attacks disengage I think we should roll so you're on your own you and us I'll keep us there to help us help him man Shadow heart having him drop his weapon was huge cuz this probably would been a [Music] corpse are you go us you're you're the only one that's actually doing anything let's throw some fire at the Imp this time 80% chance [ __ ] missed it twice what is this on the Move what is this game a Miss is it because the difficulty is just increasing misses or something like that M hand slap his ass slapped him right in the ass fing one damage that guy's like invulnerable where you going there you go Shadow heart sir how did you turn around and hit Shadow heart Lazelle don't let him ah sucker this guy is this Rocky Bell B in the [ __ ] fine player this is the greatest [ __ ] ever we're missing everything friends but I'm having a [ __ ] blast doing it cleave oh cleave is just a little area I get it okay fine get some or some too sir I'm going run over here and [Music] break these guys are approaching us is screwed oh they going to kill us don't you kill us don't do it damn Madam beast mode where's the respond Des sponder whatever it is escape the no to transponder and if we actually could have hit him more instead of missing we might have been able to kill this guy but I'm I'm fing [ __ ] it the other guys I feel like it's going fast okay Shadow heart I need you to go them friends we done whoop them all up we have free rain here Mage hand we do fly throw shove let's shove them you like that oh we got to get us going to [ __ ] die over here don't you hit us okay can we get the transponder oh we actually got it the Helm's transponder You' made it in [Music] time that's [Music] [Music] it [Music] whoa that that was kind of close there the [ __ ] whole [ __ ] we we had like nine turns left we probably could have kept fighting I wanted to keep fighting but I was kind of scared but I think we all made it out hopefully it's crazy the Mind flare was like on our side died there which is good because I don't think we would have been able to do that without that mine flare we probably would have got destroyed that guy was kind of a beast I can't believe we had we got him just drop his weapon Shadow heart that oh [ __ ] that's such a cool ability we need to keep doing it have have just enemies just dropped their weapons all the time just he was hitting them hard at first and then the punches just didn't do anything to him at all who text are loading in having a hard time of it is that our Guardian no Pur [Music] hair [Music] see you [Music] later did the mind players save us [Music] then look at our Barbarian get up so I love it so much cool classes and we pick the [ __ ] Barbarian it's cool though because expected your memories to return once you were free of the Mind flers ship but your past is still an aching void if you don't find a way to remove the tadpole burrowed in your brain soon your future will be as blank as your past your head Whispers Vengeance you cannot wait to slice your way forth seeking whatever W this tragedy upon you friend aror my friend you have some demons don't you go to your personal chest in the camp during a long rest and find find some of unique DC items okay this has been a very very very long one wait oh look there's Shadow heart good if not over then through they survive too what I'm going to do is I'm going to save here wow this game is so freaking interesting like I said going forward the episodes probably aren't going to be this long maybe sometimes I can imagine but I really wanted to I just didn't want to stop you know I wanted to get my Barons I feel like I got a good grasp with this game for the most part it seems pretty straightforward I know I was kind of basic attacking a lot but I need to figure out the short rest thing see I didn't want to use these abilities if I I kind of didn't have the basic attacks hit for [ __ ] tons and this was like hitting less we raged out but we took our panties off and well what happens though holy [ __ ] so we can probably take okay okay we'll keep our panties on they're nice purple panties let's check out this weapon though everb bur blade 6 to 19 damage or 4 to 15 is our great Axe but it changes it looks like it gives us different abilities here oh friends that's so cool we got that mother effers weapon but anyways what I was saying is all them cool classes the other classes like some classes are like unique that you just don't see in many games like a Bard or something like that and then we pick a a barbarian but barbarians are so The Barbarians are kind of unique too there's not every game has a barbarian and I just I don't know I kind of want to rage out I want to get mad get angry and hit things I feel like it's going to be so much fun as we go like I said I don't know if they'll have dual stuff or even Respec stuff in this game I hope that is because like my basic knowledge of DnD D in the past was I was able to do a dual spec and back then I was able to be I played a barbarian I played it I played a dwarf barbarian when I did it I believe it was a dwarf it was so long ago I might have played a dwarf or was an elf it was one or the other because like fantasy you always want to play something different that's not a human so could have been an elf though anyways I was a barbarian type Paladin and if that's possible to do things like that in this game would love to do it because I'm taking like what I did back in the day in my DND experience bring it into the game it's going to be so awesome that being said I really am enjoying this game I don't find the combat incredibly hard it's so engaging okay let's just rephrase that we die we we ran away so the combat's probably going to get tough what I'm meaning is the combat's probably going to get tough but I feel like I have a good grasp of it it's pretty self-explanatory their turn our turn turn their turn press the abilities some abilities we probably can't use all the time because of this short and long rest they got going on here we'll need to figure out what that is and how to deal with that as we get going but anyways my friends I'm out of here have a good one stay safe see you next time take care
Channel: Bowskii
Views: 32,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate (video game series), video game, rpg, roleplay, gaming, Baldur's Gate, roleplaying, RPG, RP, Larian, let's play, lets play, BG3LP, Baldur's Gate 3 LP, Baldur's Gate Lets Play, Lets Play Baldur's Gate 3, Bowskii, Baldur's Gate trilogy, Baldur'sGate3, BG3, Aristair, Baldurs Gate 3 Lets Play, Tactician, Barbarian, Blind Lets Play, Blind, Baldur's Gate Series, Larian Studios, CRPG, turn based, Drow, First Playthrough, Baldurs Gate, Bard, Seldarine Drow, Dark Urge, GOTY, Bardbarian
Id: 2DX0DydmSrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 6sec (6906 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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