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hail and mous Adventures welcome to the world of balos Gate 3 so it's me the sping and today I will show you best builds to beat honor mode basically it's new game this is difficulty level and based on everything written over here you basically got one safe slot and this is the mod where every decision matters so if you try to for example jump into chasma your character dice and it's game over so we played 1 minute and we already died we need to start everything again every choice matters we can't load the game that's why it's really important to bring good builds to the table to put dices into your favor so I will show you four builds that I will use on my good play through of Hunter MOD that I'm streaming live right now almost daily so you can see it on the channel and we will use this companion Shadow Heart Will and Carlock so that's our party composition and this important too because composition of Shadow Heart Will and Carlock will mostly have good relationship when we doing good decisions and we can Lan them towards using elited powers and uh using elited powers is really important stuff basically when you go into AR three I would say is that fly action is like super important one if every character can fly this will save you a lot of bonus actions and you will have a lot easier time in act three so that's really important stuff and basically every character should have something like lack of the Realms to make critical hit on first attack so you can focus down heavy targets easily or a lot of low targets easy targets so and let's start with my main character Paladin I will explain you how to build this uh characters and then I will explain what gear you need and how to play this party so it will work like magic okay so when you're creating Palin you want to go with o of Vengeance and for exactly my build you want to make this stats so we just dump dexterity and intelligence we got some wisdom to have some protection from wisdom saving throws or just not to have penalty basically and we want to focus mostly on Charisma and strength strength will be 177 Constitution 14 and Charisma 16 that's because you want to get onal hair and other stuff later on so you can max out strength and it will be 22 strength flat without any potions on second level you need to pick fighting style it will be great weapon fighting so we can have a lot of damage about spells they not really too beneficient for our Paladin you can pick any spell you like most of the time nice stuff to have is to actually get different smice basically so so you got different damage types in case you need it against some enemies most of the time this padon will just use normal smites and level three that's why I love Vengeance Paladin so we got wo enmity and basically it uses bonus action and all charge to gain advantage on attack roll against enemy for 10 turns very nice against strong big enemies so you're sure your hit your strong and big attacks level four that's where we're picking Feit and it's kind of little dilemma here we can go for Sentinel Feit but I guess on hunor mod we need great weapon Master just to have more damage right now to kill targets faster so great weapon Master is great fit on level four level five that's where our Vengeance Palin getting Misty step great spell so now you can use bonus action to reposition yourself very good at level five to just chase down fast enemies and like Fast bosses and reposition yourself in a fight and additionally you get extra attack then we get into level six and that's nice level because we get over of protection and basically we add in our Charisma to saving throws of nearby allies and while it's nice to go to level six actually if you want to build build like me We switching to saucer right now so a sorer we got Charisma stat so we can use some spells too most of the time we won't use spells so just pick any spells with different damage types again if you're facing some enemies that is for for example not resistant to necrotic damage you can use necrotic can trips or other krips from other damage types for spells kind of same idea you can pick any spell you like you won't use a lot of spells anyway but just to have second magic Missile in your party maybe it's useful sometime and shield spell as reaction sometime can be useful but we will use a lot of spell slots just to use smice so subclass should be storm sorcery it's only one subclass it can at least do our us some favor and basically we're finishing this build with leling only sorer and it's done only to get a lot of spell slots so picking any spells is kind of up to you we want to use a lot of spells with this build so my recommendation will be just to pick again some different damage types just pick different spells so in some situations you got stuff like ice knife when you need some cold damage for example and cold and piercing of course so for passives go with distance spell sometimes you don't have distance and twin spell is nice too on level eight go for Quicken spell so you can cast spells with bonus action instead of action it can be used sometime but again not too much and in level 9 we get additional Feit so now as additional Feit we're going to two points in strength and this will round up our strength to 22 at this point of the game basically when you're level 9 so that's the build and we will talk about full item gear later let's build our next character and it will be Shadow heart so as Shadow heart until level five if you're respecting your character at Wizards you want to change class to light demain ceric but you can wait until level five anyway and then switch your class so we picking light domain for one single reason it's best supportive cleric in the game that can save your lives and we want to use Waring flare this will impul disadvantage on attacker possibly causing their attack to miss so this will save you a lot of time and make enemies to miss a lot of critical heat even for early game can trips go for like sacred flame guidance and produce flame you can use blade wart it's using useless use it's usable too foric most important start is wisdom so we maxing out it at 16 second start will be Constitution you want to be alive to heal your allies then basically Bally you can have some points in strength to inflict some damage with your maze sometime some points in dexterity so you got a little bit of initiative in fight but clerics don't need a lot of initiative because you want to act last so you can see what's going on on Battlefield and then heal someone or do some other stuff that's why I don't like to go into dexterity too much so basically we can Round Up cleric with something like that or just forget intelligence and get 14 into strength but after to get in your spells from level five and get in level six you want to change your class again and that's where build actually begins so instead of going cleric from level one we're going with same spells with same abilities with same abilities and we picking class fighter with defense class so we get in plus one Armor class why we picking fighter because Fighters get plus two to Constitution checks and keeping your concentration with your Constitution is really important for good cleric that's why we want this constitution as high as possible so again stats will be the same because we're making cleric not fighter and after one level of fighter basically you finishing your build with cleric so it will be like Dem make cleric same spells for early game it will be inflict wounds guiding bolt healing wart and blaz basically that's all spells you need for half of the game so right now I'm leveling this cleric up to level 12 basically and we will get 11 levels in cleric I will explain what spells you want to choose but most importantly what fits to choose so you got like two choices for this cleric you can go into wisdom just ability Improvement wisdom just to have more chances to land your spells that's one of option next option is to go for heavy armor Master this will reduce damage you take in heavy armor and that's one of the reasons why we picking fighter as level one class because fighter will get proficiency with heavy armor so you can be heavily armored cleric and last fit you want to check is warcaster so this will give you advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration so advantage means you roll two dices instead of one and considering you got high chances to succeed in Constitution saving throws with your like fighter level one with high Constitution or caster will just ensures that you never lose your concentration so it's up to you I like to go with wisdom on first levels and then on second fit I like to go for warcaster so level 9 that's where we get second fit warcaster right now it's very nice we get a lot of tough opponents at this point of the game so what spells to choose from what levels basically as fire domain cleric you will gain access to Fireball to burning hands ball of fire scorching gray flame strike and Flame sphere a lot of fire spells you can use them as always you will get the channel Divinity charges and you can use Radiance of T that will inflict two 10 + 12 radiant damage insane amount of damage actually and it's very nice spell Additionally you will get access to Daylight and when you're fighting in some dark areas it's very good and very beneficial to cast this daylight sphere it will light up all area around and it's very useful because a lot of targets got like some advantages in Shadows so you basically destroy all Shadows with daylight also you will get access to Fair fire some other stuff so you can cast it on enemies so you get advantage on attack rolls that's nice so what the Spells we picking as always level one spells guiding bolt range damaging spell with radiant damage inflict wounds same but melee and with necrotic damage so melee damaging spell bless is useful in early game you will use it less later in the game because it's concentration spell so we can totally forget about this healing wart must have so healing wart basically gives you healing with bonus action but most of the time you won't use it as healing you will use it to pick up your teammates from Downing state so when someone of your teammates downed they L on on the floor dying you basically use healing wart and you will make them stand up that's it basically so they not dying eight very important step spell it will just buff your party so another stuff you can use hold person just to hold humanoids and inflict some like critical strikes when they hold it enhance ability very useful when you disabling TR and sometimes in dialogs very useful stuff and bread and butter Spirit Guardians so Spirit Guardians is a spell that got two options and basically you can cast it with necrotic damage or radiant damage you can upcast it they will inflict really nice damage so basically as this type of cleric I will show you game play a little bit later you will use a lot of spirit Guardians just cast it and run around inflict damage and that's it basically that's your bread and butter spell to inflict damage so then nice spells is rifi just be ready to revive your teammates if you're not succeed in healing quart maybe they died already M healing quart for same reason if you need to pick up more than one lii very useful stuff of course there are a lot of curses in honor mode very good stuff animate de can be used you're not NR monster they really weak deaths but uh keeping additional body in your party is really useful so enemies will Target these bodies basically skeletons and zombies instead of you so as level four we got dashboard a very nice spell so your body can basically die one time before dying but not too beneficial for my build and level five we don't have any useful spells for my cleric especially and level six we like to use spinner Ally and heroes Feast basically and I will show you in this video too how you can use this spells basically but later a little bit later so next up we got will so who is Will Will in my my party is Wizard and we can build him as wizard or as sorcer it's up to you who you want to build him as and basically again you start as always up to level five just play Wizard or Sor just Wizard or sorer then on level six you change your class to fighter same idea defense fighter and if you're making sorcer or wizard it doesn't matter you want to have some of dexterity like 14 just to be able to attack first in the fight again as fighter you will wear heavy armor so it's not too beneficial for our armor class and we basically dump strength and we max out our main attribute if we play in sorer it will be Charisma so we going Charisma 16 if you play in Wizard you go in intelligence that's basically it so if you're picking wizard my actually suggestion will be to go for evacuation wizard from level two for level one you picking Firebolt Ray Frost shocken grasp again nice mix of krips or you can go for minor illusion and Shen grasp for example so you got range melee and some utility stuff for spells a lot of people like to use Shield I don't like to use Shield I like magic Missile I like burning hands I like chromatic orb sometime and some exploration stuff like feather fall long Strider and enhanced leap I like to have some support in Exploration so then we're going to level two here we can pick spells we haven't picked before Tous HRA sluter very nice stuff grease really powerful stuff make sure not to forget to change your subass to evacuation wizard on level four when you get access to level two spells nice spells is scorching Ray hold person Misty step knock very nice to open some doors without keys very nice and when you get to your fifs of choice basically you want to improve ability Improvement and just get as high as possible your main attribute again sster will be charisma wizard will be intelligence but there's one more stuff you want to do actually and it will be Elemental Adept so no matter you playing Wizard or sorer you want to focus on one type of spells and get elemental Adept so if you're making like wizard like this so it's evocation wizard we will focus on fire damage for example but as sorer I like to go lighting I like to go lighting damage so fire damage this basically gives uh you ability to ignore resist resistance to any type of damage you choose and we cannot roll critical failure basically we cannot roll one we always rolling higher than one so there's a lot of chance to hit spells when you get level three spells before I would go for haste haste is really nice spell but now haste is a little bit you know nerfed on honor mod so on level three we're going for our Fireball and other fire stops that we like to use if you're going for sorcer with liting damage go for liting bolt of course and strong spells is counter spell counter spell is very nice when you want to block some strong spells from enemies and a lot of bosses for example got crazy spells and another good spell is slow very nice spell so enemies will have hard time to go up to you and you can fire them up from the distance very nice and of course animate de can be used too again for additional body in a party let eight that's where you want to pick again fire spells if you're going for fire there's no lighting spells so you can go for ice storm for example and strong spells here will be conjure minor Elemental so minor Elemental is additional body in your party level 9 that's where you go for Ability Improvement improve your intelligence most of the time but if you play in Charisma sorcerer maybe you got some like concentration spells with lighting you can go for war Caster instead and level 10 that's where you get a lot of cool concentration spells like Cloud kill I really like this spell and conure Elemental so we can use additional bodies and other stuff and basically why we picking wizard with level one fighter because wizard is the only one who can do some like concentration disabling stuff so as wizard you want to find he person spells like you want to use this stuff alone a lot so slow spells basically a lot of concentration spells that uh do some nice damage even level four illusional spell like fantasmal killer is really nice so you're doing 410 damage basically every turn if you keeping your concentration and enemy will have disadvantage on attack rolls very strong stuff level five you want to have hold monster to be able to hold monsters basically and because there's no fire spells our nice spells with concentration is Sil Kinesis so you can like throw some enemies and level 12 our last level of wizard basically we picking chain lighting if we're going for for this sorcer type we can go for great unde if we want additional bodies but I will lean toward Autos resistible dance very nice disabling spell and one protection spell glob glob of invulnerability so this globe will just make you immune to all damage and there's a lot of situations where it will just save you and your party basically when you understand that you will die very soon you just put this globe on the floor and just stand in it and you will survive that's it and last but not least Carlock so this lady this lady will be not other person but monk okay so carlac monk you will respect this character a lot on your journey basically you want to start out with pretty high dexterity pretty high wisdom basically nice Constitution and maybe some strength maybe some strength in case you die in case you die so you get kind of balanced character so really balanced character is the way to go with carlac in my opinion I would go even for like like maybe 16 strength 14 dexterity 14 Constitution 14 wisdom something like that but when you finish this build you want to basically dump strength dump Constitution get dexterity as high as possible and get wisdom as high as possible so you can have really nice and balanced character like that we can achieve this only if we going for full build and getting all items because we will get 23 strength 18 dexterity 23 con 12 in 16 wisdom 14 Charisma that's crazy how good this build is how much stats we get basically so let's level up as this mon we're basically leveling up and at level three we're picking our subass it will be way of the Open Hand monk so it's pretty basic monk with fire of blows action and it's use this bonus action and key points to basically do two unarmed attack when you picking Feit go for toor brawler to Brer is insane Feit and this will add your strength to your like normal hand attacks level five you get additional extra attack very nice stuff and level six is our best level because now at level six uh our unarmed attack counting as magical and they overcoming enemy resistance and Immunity to non-magical damage so basically now we can attack with our hands and enemies if they got resistance and Immunity will be hurt and wounded basically additionally we get this awesome stuff like uh additional damage to our hits it scales with our wisdom and wellness of body is nice stuff too so we can regain hit points and heal ourself so we can go to like level eight monk for additional fits but instead I recommend going to Rogue right now so we MTI class into Rogue we get in slight of hands so we get ability to disable traps and other stuff we're getting second level of Rogue so right now at level eight we can use bonus action to use Dash and other stuff so we not using keep points for this no more and level 9 that's where we getting SE sub class so with the extra bonus action and with SI sub class we basically can do two empowered key strikes very strong stuff and next levels is up to you we can finish with for example Rogue level four and then finish with monk so we get a lot more fits or you can go instantly to monk to get additional key points to get Monk evasion to go Stillness of mind so very nice features too get level eight monk now you're getting Feit at level 11 and there's no useful Feit basically right now so we want to go for a build Improvement and improve our wisdom basically and again there's two ways how to finish this build you going go to nine mons and basically you will get benefit from Advanced unarmored movement you can jump additional 6 M while we not wearing armor but considering we will possibly get Fly action we're not really in big need of this future key resonation punch is really strong stuff if there's a lot of enemies one monk can basically destroy Legions with this or you can go for safe road go for Rog four and go for Ability Improvement and get wi them up to 20 that's it basically build is done so now it's time to talk about gear and what we get here let's start from this big and scary boy so what items we go and why this build works so as our sadin cradin Paladin whatever we want to have serox horn helmet and by the way all items and locations I got in Google Docs it's uh will be in description in pinned comment so you can check all builds over there and we want to have clock of protection for increased Armor class we are front laner we want some heavy armor best heavy armor you can possibly find is it's super late game armor but you can equip any heavy armor you will find Legacy of Masters really easy to get this will give you plus two bonus to attacks and damage rolls with weapons so we got high chances to hit with weapon we got plus 19 basically this means if enemy got 20 AC we need just to roll two at least at least two and we will hit him and a way of shoes so it gives additional Armor class very good items easy to get for weapon we're going for best two-handed weapon we can possibly find in my opinion it will be of course baluran Giant Slayer and that's one of the reasons why we getting strength up to 22 so basically it gives us ability to attack enemies and inflict strength as our damage so if you open damage lock we will see that we basically inflicted 38 damage with one hit and and this wasn't really Critical Strike very nice damage and we could use Divine Smite of course and inflict even more damage that's considering we got great weapon Master only turned on if we turn it off it will be 10 damage less so before this just use any good weapon I got them in this Google docs to and our important bow dead shot even when you're not using bow this will reduce numbers that you need to roll for critical heat combined with serok helmet basically wi will crit when we rolling 18 or more so we got pretty high chance to land Critical Strike very strong strong stuff and when you land crit with this Paladin it's insane so for rings and amulets I go for suen subj duration amet you can get it from surgeon and when you scoring critical hit on humanoid he is paralyzed so there a lot of par humanoids in act three and it's easy to fight versus them killers were hard when you kill creature your next attack rooll will be critical heit so it's kind of synergized well with this stuff basically you kill one creature then you hit humanoid you will paralyze him and you will create a lot on him too with a lot of damage and crush your ring just to get more movement speed he's uh pretty like slowest character in our party so 3 m movement speed is really nice to have basically everything we need from this guy is V enmity again to gain advantage on ATT rolls against enemy for 10 turns and smites that's why you want to have your Paladin with reactions and you want to turn on all smites and ask all smites so basically every time you got ability to create to just attack you will be asked do you want to use Divine Smite and sometime you just use it after you attack not before so how to play this guy again you got this sorer stuff so you got create spell slot and you got create sorcery points basically you want to create a lot of sorcery points from maybe like level five spell slot level four spell slot and get a lot more spell slots from level three that's like most balanced and Powerful Smite you possibly could get so level five spell slot is just not needed but it will give you five sorcery points so we can definitely create those and then we're creating spell slots with our sorcery points and really most basic way is to just create a lot of spell slots from level two just by doing so you will have seven smites of level two when you use all your sorcery points so pretty nice pretty useful stuff seven smites of level two it's really powerful stuff so nothing special but very strong build next up Shadow heart our cleric again you got a lot of fire spells you got a lot of stuff I explained spells earlier but most important stuff in this build actually in our items so this Synergy is insane before late game on second act you want to have blood of L Thunder and basically this Gallows glow ring and coration ring so what this basically do blood of FL Thunder will give this light around this maze around this Maze and this will eliminate targets with this ring when you're dealing damage against eliminated targets they will be inflicted with radiant orb and they will have minus one to attack rolls and that's crazy for each turn remaining and it inflicts minus two so that's like really powerful stuff and against targets that's eliminated with this ring you will inflict additional two points of damage so like nice damage amplification nice combination and before like best gear you want to use something like float hell dusk helmet basically anything that will give you Constitution saving throws and dar devil gloves is nice stuff so you got plus one bonus to spell attack rolls and you can cost your range spells in melee it's very nice when enemies come nearby and you want to cast something like guiding bolt on them for example so then in the late game you just forget these items and you can still use this combination but this better combination for late game because we're building protecting cleric so at level 10 you can get devotes maze uh you just need cleric level 10 basically you can use it with other clerics so just respect your other characters into cleric get to level 10 and cast uh divine intervention and you will get this maze basically with divine intervention it's not very powerful maze based on damage but it's plus three enchantment but most important stuff is healing AA I will explain you just in a second how it works so as for bows you can use something like dark fire short bow to get this resistance to Fire and cold damage very nice stuff and in act three basically you getting any good Shield you can possibly find plus three armor is insane stuff gold Shields is Shield of UND devote Von is walking Fortress as far as sled board and any other Shield you can possibly find basically it doesn't matter too much like find best shield with plus three that's it so just like that we get 25 Armor class L that's insane Armor class actually and what is the main bread and B for this build so we got this rink combination rink of regeneration and uh Whispering promise Whispering promise is rink you can buy from act one you can get it so early but that's so crazy how this works so full build full build will consist of spell Crocs amulet to restore spell slots Helm of Balan just to gain hit points every turn plus one to Armor class and saving throws we can't be stun so basically we are super survival cleric that's it so very powerful helmet VI vious clock you gain eight temporary hit points after casting spells while in melee sometimes we cast spells in melee so it's nice to survive a bit ability again any good heavy armor it doesn't matter too much just any good heavy armor and I like to use disintegrating night wers you can find it early in the game too so you got Misty step basically free Misty step without using any spell slots and Reviving hands very cool stuff so Reviving hands when you healing creature it gaining effect of Blade W so when you heal creature gain an effect of Blade W blade wart gives creatures resistance to blood joing ping and slashing damage to basically all basic damage types but if this if any creature die and you revive them creature gains effect of Dash W so like if someone dies and you use RI they will be summoned with Dash wart already on them dashart is a really strong spell so when you cast it someone dies and they will be revived instantly so you don't need to use any additional spells again you can just heal them or whatever so how you play this cleric in the late game basically first of all you want to use your planner Ali so just use planner Ally I like Genie he got Thunder Wave and he's pretty fat 161 HP after you use this stuff you want to use spell slot restoration from spell Croc amulet to restore spell slot level six and after restoring spell slot level six you can use Heroes Feast so this will give additional Health points to every like nearby party member and we got a lot of more Health just forus in this spell and after cutting the Spells you want to use eight as level five or level four wherever so we got additional health so our party is pretty fat right now really fat really powerful and how my combination worked basically why I like to use devotes maze this maze got healing incense hour so basically as bonus action on first turn of your fight you just use this stuff it will heal one4 healing to all nearby teamat one4 is not much but every time you heal clear creature you giv them blast effect plus one D4 to attack rolls Additionally you give them blade wart effect so from the start of the combat you basically using Spirit Guardians they will roam around you so just upcast Spirit Guardians it's hard to break your concentration on them because we are fighter level one you use this stuff as bonus action and you just go and fly around so as you can see everyone got blade W right now Al it nearby got blast effect and you will gain this every turn so automatically every turn you will he heal everyone for a small amount and you will give give them blade wart and bless just for free for full party that's crazy this just crazy combination and this will make your cleric like really nice supportive person so that's like crazy combination let's go to will again nothing special with will he basically like evocation wizard so what's cool about evocation wizard you can use stuff like Fireball on your team and they won't be punished for that so you just cast fire ball on your allies and they won't be affected they won't get any damage from Fireball that's why evacuation wizard is nice because evocation spells is fire spells most of the time I mean all all the time so nothing special how you play wizard basically you just use best spells mostly fire spells you always using long Strider before fight so your party will get additional movement speed in the battle so just always do it and what you get basically As Weapons as armors and other stuff so as for weapon you can use for and go for bow of awareness it's a Act One bow that will give you plus one to initiative rolls that's it so you will have high chance to start fight first very nice stuff then you can go for near misser instead near Miss will give you magic Missile spell and you can have Hellfire hand crossbow for scorching Ray spell it's level three spells so basically you can cut them for free very nice stuff to not use your spell slots on magic Missile in early game you want to stuff from burning house this will increase damage of magic Missile and that's crazy you will see it in my play through basically so for like other items my basic build will be psychic spark you can buite early on you will get magic Missile spell from it level one but you will shoot additional Dart when you cting magic Missile magic Missile is spell that got 100% hit chance so when you need to kill some enemies that get just one HP you use magic Missile because when you miss your attacks and enemy survives that they can basically kill you in Hunter mode that's crazy so other build is pretty straightforward hot of we plus two bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rolls this just increases chances to hit like some spells so for example our hold monster on misora will be with 64% chance right now but if we lose this plus two from our helmet it's only 49 so basically spell save DC spell attack rolls very important stuff for wizards that's why we're going for clock of again plus one to attack rolls and spell slave DC any heavy armor same reason we want to keep our concentration most of the time you're using like Fireball spells but sometime you use wall of fire and it's really not fun when someone attacks you with basic attack and break wall of fire with this stuff you can basically cast this wall of fire you never will inflict damage to your Li and basically you will have a lot of fun by that so gloves it's up to you you can use plus one to spell out a CS gloves you can use other gloves that you will find so it's up to you and for boots I like boots of Elemental momentum basically whenever you deal any type of damage with spell krip so every time you deal basic basically damage with spell or caner you're gaining momentum and what is momentum momentum is your movement speed so basically you will get 3 m movement speed when you're doing any damage with spell and can so just inflict some damage and you will get momentum in the fight you will travel for longer distances very beneficial for wizards you need to be like more mobile so you not die aight ring so we can't be blinded ring of Mind shielding we can't be Charmed we get protection from charm so just any good ring you can find so for amulet you can switch this amulet in late game when you don't need additional magic Missile bolts and instead you can go for necklace of Elemental augmentation so when one of your krips deal any type of damage basically you add in spell cting modifier to damage deal so our spell cting modifier is four with this amulet you just making for additional damage with any canp and you will use a lot of krips late game because they a lot of Mages and you need to kill them with skin trips before you cut spells because they will use counter Spell on You So Amulet of devote is another very good stuff you can steal it of course if you want to do it it's not really what good guys is doing but it gives you two bonus to spell save DC and last but not least again Carlock so what we got on carlac why she's so strong because we need to steal two items from AR three Amulet of Greater Health you can steal it as as you get the lower City in baldos gate and gaet of heal giant strength basically they give you 23 to Constitution and 23 to strength that's it so they just increase your basic stats boots of inhibited kushiga will give you additional wisdom modified to your unarmed attacks graceful cloths will increase your dexterity by two so your decks will be 18 basically clock of displacement will give you at beginning of the turn cloak that will inflict disadvantage On Target of on anyone who tries to Target you and horns of berserker just add plus two to attack rolls when attacking ques that's already taking damage and because as monk you're doing a lot of damage type basically you got nice attack roll Advantage most of the time so for Rings uh I like ring of protection early game ring just plus one to Armor class and there's no good option for second R in my opinion but I like through loves caress and I like it to combine with High link so high link will cast a Waring Bond on us and we will get resistance to every damage type so why this build Works basically because uh you can use normal attack and of course don't forget to turn on your paive to inflict some type of damage most of the time you will use radiant sometime just psychic damage whatever and basically with basic FL of blows topple for example look at the damage we do doing 52 to 68 damage with one Flurry of Blows you can do it two times with bonus attacks you can do two attacks of normal damage with 26 to 34 damage and that's without Carlock special ability if you insert this Soul coin into Carlock she will do additional fire damage so there will be even more damage so how this party works together though in the real fight it's really easy and straightforward you just go in with three M characters your cleric Paladin and Monk and just basically destroy Towers one by one that's it while wizard standing behind and helping with like some supportive magic most of the time Fireball is best supportive magic so I will use for example this Dash action with Carlock so we can travel large distance to this enemies and because Carlock not wearing any armor so none of these pieces is actually armor it's close all the stuff is just close we got no restrictions so let's go into talk steel watch for example as you can see damage pretty nice but with FL of blow stle we can basically destroy this dude in just few hits and this late game enemies won't be a problem for you and Carlock right now will eat some attack from steel Watcher I guess or he want to go for my party instead as you can see damage is insane additionally cool part that everyone got pretty high AC so it's hard to hit us we're evading all of the attacks most of the time so with Genie you can basically teleport around it's very useful stuff and when you teleport in you can use Thunder Wave just to push targets so they will be a lot closer to your party members and they can finish them later on you see just like that again as well you can just use Fireballs or you can use something like like fire wall for example over here so when you're using firewall it's hard for enemies to go through so you just cut them down basically in in most cases I use like hold monster hold person Fireball actually but uh Cloud kill is very strong concentration spell too strongest part about Cloud kill you keep your concentration but you can reposition the spell every turn but it's not evocation spell so you will damage your all be careful and we going to our cleric finally so cleric starting fight with blate wart on herself because we got this ring cloak combination and as I told you you want to use healing incense houra to just heal your teammates every turn and yourself and inflict this blade wart and other stuff right now I can't use it because I just used it in the camp to show you so instead I will just simulate basically you doing something like that every turn just for free inflicting blast blade War so everyone got protection from a lot of damage types normal damage types and then you just cast your spirit Guardians and basically that's it you coming into midle range and daging all enemies you're not too fearful of opportunity attacks even if you got hit you got high chance to like negotiate this like damage and keep your concentration so as you can see it's really easy and padin most of the time acts last so with power it's easy when you L you got this blast on you and uh basically you got a lot of power so just attack and you most of the time will just destroy Targets in one hit like that let's see what this lady will do versus us so she is critical stri and basically destroyed with 52 damage even without any spell slots and because we're using great weapon Master Al we can use great weapon master attack to attack one one more time so basically in one turn you can kill three targets with one action with this guy and it's nice because he got low dexterity so he most of the time will have low initiative and he will act last in a turn so everyone who is not finished he will finish easily and even large targets can be finished with smites so straight forward easy to play party but very strong very powerful best build to go on tactician and best party in my opinion but even if but even with best builds sometimes you need extra Edge to have your play through a little bit easier and I got 10 tips for hunor mode for you and you can see this video when it's ready on the screen right now
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 63,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MI0SkdePFp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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