BG3 Honor Mode Playthrough 100% as The Good Guy - ACT 1 Start

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okay we are back so let's just lower some stuff let's use no good race and blam okay okay it looks nice okay okay yo yo yo yo hello y King okay we just uh crashed and I guess we crashed because of my like I guess of my CPU I guess with my CPU I can record but streaming for some reason is a lot more harder so for some reason we starting again and I will do it a lot more faster this time so first room here we got basically two chests let's loot them up right now while we're making adjustments to our skills and basically on the ship we just want one stuff we just only want to get a lot of items that we can sell later that's it that's basically it I'm trying to multitask right now turning on chat okay chat is turned on so I love what my graphic settings is not looking bad at all and I guess we just need to save a little bit more often let's just save a little bit more often so I'm not dropping again okay I want to have a word excited yeah we'll see I want to make like 100% really nice good play through like a little bit of guide here and there you know what to go where to go and we got critical success I guess we need this I get oh no no opportunity you could the strange creature more thank you thank you thank you I missed no we don't need to okay I want to be a friend with him why he's running [Music] away so I already like made really bad decision we need to this brain in the fight this brain will help us fight a lot in your head okay let's be a little bit more gentle in dialogs yeah I mean it's not like I guess it's impossible to beat like 100% of bal's game but uh main idea is to kind of try to make uh like almost every quest in like every area you know so here we will get answers to how you can deal with everything nicely that's like main idea so let's get all loot so previous walk through before drop was a lot better but that's honor mod so we get what we get we're basically playing like this so we're looking all boders here speed potion as always hello hello nice to see you all here so let's get drop a like button on this stuff on this stream it will help it ATT a out before it's too late and let's continue our journey super fast so yeah I guess my main weakness was like it was too high graphics and my CPU just crashed on loading screen so before some actions I will try to save a little bit again uh you don't want to press any buttons it's easier to just kill these guys I'll strike you down like that and that's a more like more lucky place than previous one in previous one we was missing everything so what kind of build I will going to do basically all builds uh is actually in description and but I will tell you I will tell you because nothing will happen right now we basically just looting everything in tutorial area and because us you must be run away because us run away he is now hostile to us and we fighting versus two brains that's actually okay that's that's okay I mean we will let's go that's how B gate three works so basically you lose some like kind of easy diece roll and then you will be without your friend all the the game if we manag to be friends with this brain we would meet him later in the game and we can be friends and summon him that's totally like nonoss right now because we just kill him that's awful no no no you don't need to read this uh this is just some tips uh and I will make like guide video quick guide video as quick as possible I hope it will be less than 20 minutes I hope so basically what I'm going for a main class for play through for good play through is Paladin wance Paladin with Critical Strike like Focus so we're going sorc Adin basically I will go for like maybe five Paladin levels and eight sorc levels for more spell slots that's basically it so let's save Shadow heart cons H we just need to use this dice roll we succeed nice con yeah that will be for our Paladin so then to make it a lot more like reliable and good party we need some cleric of course I guess like cleric is most important part of every party if you want really balanced and interesting party and don't want to chase a lot of battles cleric is a must especially in hard mod so Shadow heart will be our cleric but uh main sub class will be of course is light the main cleric because we will have this Waring flare and we will get nice protection basically so here we just need to kill everyone again we need every bit of experience points we can get over here let's G safe just so if we crash for some reason I can recovering game from this moment I am so instead of going for one target I'm splitting targets right now and basically full cleric it will be one level of fighter to keep concentration get this SW uh I don't think it's possible in tactician I mean it's honor mod it's almost not possible to get this sword they kind of balanced this fight in last P so you can get this word if you playing uh knowledge cleric and you succeed drop weapon if you succeed drop weapon that's definitely a nice possibility to do so but here there's actually almost no chance so he got like 2 Hp we better use pomal strike he's he's kind of D um but in exactly in I forgot to equip crossbows but it's okay exactly in this fight right now there's one problem uh Commander Jal will always kill M flare first like 90% of the time oh my goodness I totally forgot this Shadow heart got command I thought like only knowledge theine C got this action my path be true so yeah if you want this sword you definitely want to use action we can we can try we can try we can try guys we we can try so so we can D enemies this bonus action yeah let's use bonus action to inflict more damage then we use Divine sense and he will be stuned for one turn this will can standun him for two turns what was we gri doing so we possibly can destroy him there's a really nice possibility to actually destroy him I want to use guid and B yeah come on we're doing [Music] it Fury I mean there's kind of a lot of ways to kill him we can use bombs we can use noo tank we can try this okay okay so I played this kind of you know like 10 times and every time Commander J destroyed this uh like M flare in few turns but I mean 40% chance of guiding B guiding bulk and help LEL this will be like 25% chance to hit let's go okay it's Miss it's Miss I will Ascend we activating next room and right now right now we will run away this SP is great but there's some nice weapons later on too start missing his Canon yeah yeah yeah it's like it's like base It's So based feel my way Come a Little Closer okay okay this two Campion coming being alive is better than SW yeah especially in honor mode because we can't load right now and again if we if someone far characters die right now they will die forever so when characters die on the ship they basically not spawning they will be corpses so they will be corpses guys so let's go let's go through these guys to this imps oh my I want to kill this imps because uh imps will give me experience points they will just give me experience points so let's jump let's jump if I if I'm not failed this brain and he would be in our party right now maybe with brain we could even get this Commander jul down like in most games uh This Man Flare can't stun him but this game he stunned him and we almost killed him so right now we got kind of little dilemma so we can we can use Firebolt on him but he has 48 HP only Critical Strike will reduce him your time has come for reasonable amount so let's just attack this I am de yeah he missing so that's okay can you use Wizards in honor mod yeah yeah yeah definitely you can use basically everything oh my we're starting to miss a lot okay okay your turn now so uh another my party members would be Carlock and I'm not sure it could be Force I guess will it will be easier for party to develop like good relationship okay okay that's actually great we finished I want to kill this imp right now that's just perfect so much for peace just for safety reasons I'm saving right now in case I Crush again just for safety reason and I guess I need just a little bit more time before skipping dialogs also a quick question how much having us and shovel and zombie husband as spma companions helps with turn action economy a lot of basically no difference I would say it helps um a little bit in the late game they will be like one shoted anyway with like any enemy and it will depend more on an on an AI so if for some reason enemy will decide to you know use Firebolt on shovel a fire Fireball yeah like level three spell on shovel maybe in that case it can be very very beneficial but at most time I'm not like planning to use them at all so my part party will look like this again it will be padin it will be CL and then we're going for monk Taver monk again it's like most safe choice in my opinion and it will be Carlock so it will be Carlock we will make her with your engine basically starting out so here we got Shadow heart we can wake here say hello and continue our way we can be friends and best stuff to do right now if you done everything correctly you will get this level too so we will level up because there's High chance we can encounter some enemies and basically die if we are level one shovel is good for surprising yeah yeah yeah no I mean like they got some usage they not uh 100% needed so let's see what we can get over here some like some stuff we can get but most importantly you want to keep crossbows on everyone so we got Shields we got nice armor and let's take this head on us I don't like how he looks in this head actually so time rer Monk and of course we need some spellcaster and I got uh reason why we don't want two spellcasters so two spell casters is actually awful because I tested last fight and in the last fight there like some kind of you know aliens like brain aliens so this aliens is actually mimicking your party and when you get a lot of spellcasters there will be double sorcerer aliens and they use counter spell counter spell is just awful so you can't use any spells in the last fight that's why we don't want to use a lot of cters and basically there will be a lot of counter spell right now in the last acts so we want three kind of Fighters that was why last person will be someone cool like sorcerer and that's it so we leveling up and we continue our way to the goblin Camp there way how you want to fight let's first all level up so we're going for great weapon fighting or defense it's your choice great weapon fighting will help us with double weapons so we got some spells so nice spells for padin that we will use maybe some smites that's basically they eat so we not using any other stuff by the way we got common H too yeah yeah so in the end it's like crazy stuff so for cleric again it's as always uh just uh guiding bolt inflict wounds so range Mill spell bless where good on like this difficulty when you bless your party they will attack more often and hitting attack is a lot more beneficial than losing attack and basically that's it we can use protection from evil and good it acts kind of same as uh like blast but it don't have any restrictions best defense is offense for two hand weapons yeah yeah yeah so here here we got these two little brains light on my feet and there's to the easy path actually easy fight but let's have a look when I started to record in this run first time when I wanted to do this video I lost to this brains so they just CR cred two times with spells that's why we will play a little bit sneaky right now because there's like different situations I don't understand how it works but there's like two situations one situation where we got only two brains but sometimes there's three most of the times there's three so basically coming behind them and we want to attack from sneak position inflicted one okay so there's three brains they surprised because they surprised it's easy to go and finish brains my my opinion of course Focus down first and then do something so we got like three turn this guy don't have return because we attacked from the [Music] cow uh no it's good is kind of questionable you know what is good yeah like good is always being good is always depends on situation and that's why you have SES for p because for example like do you want to kill a goblin yeah on my and Goblin says he got like no crimes on his hands he's just basic Goblin who only like prepares food and he prepares food for example for Army of goblins that's destroying Villages so is it good to destroy single like guy who making food it can uh save a lot of villages because goblins don't know how to like prepare food other goblins don't know that's why you got o and based on o you do your like stuff so your o can say you like you need to investigate before you kill someone so you can kind of do bad stuff but if you think it's nice that's okay it's not 100% necessary and if you break your o you can reclaim it for 1K gold so that's totally fine uh there's like two options how you can play this part uh we can go always into every part first and we can hit another level actually we can hit another level or we can go instantly into the fight so it's up to you always how we can do it right now because we're playing on the stream I guess we will play normally and we will fight in in fights basically but if you want to do it safe uh never fight just walk the PA without fighting and that's it you can get level four without fights so here in the left we see asterion another party member the again we can just press one a lot of times and he will become our friend so although well yes so hello aaran is another party member again um I asked before we crashed our first stream uh I skip dialogs yeah I mean like most of you I guess understand dialogs what's happening and it's basically more guideline for good play through so this loc location 150 275 you come here you see nature check nice and where is ston he's here quick St the B yeah Bor is like insane dude when you got this talk with animals he's like so funny and if we succeed this check we got this rock we can move it and we got two potions of speed purpose map we can read this stuff so this will Mark location for later in the game yeah yeah Bor is kind of like this strange ox or how it's called Shadow heart will you jump please can't AF to stay oh my God what so let's level up aarion or aarion yeah my step so main PL for this part of the game basically is to go to level five uh with single class we're not multiclassing before level five it's not too smart so to do so we need to go down here no no no no no we don't need to go down we need to go up and there will be M flare we can have discussion with this mind flare or we can be the nice guy that's name of our character and just do it like that that thing's bad bound to be dangerous even if stuff like that can break your o sometime so better talk if you're playing Paladin deadin over there yeah yeah I I wish they fix uh jumping too I mean it it worked pretty nicely in early game so now now now the moment of of Truth guys we are meeting Gail and for my play through for my party I don't need Gail again if you're playing good you playing main character Shadow heart will Carlock if you're playing B you playing main character like aarion LEL maybe will maybe you can go for marara if you like completely B approach the sigil on the so we don't need Gail magic glits here we got awesome check strength check we got plus three but we can we almost failed this you will get one more attempt if you fail completely he will never arrive in this game and we will miss Gail forever so no need to apologize my friend I was yes assum go seem most no doubt I find myself we're like using Paladin voice lines most of the time and that's it we got Gail in the party so with Gail minara and by the way I never played with minara so dark Ur play through will be very fun for me so after after what's with his okay what was his like head this lighting okay it's like this graphic settings I guess so let's use magic Missile and long Strider best spells so for Wizard right now again we will play basic evocation wizard then we will respect it level five before level five it doesn't matter what you play actually I mean I saw some spoilers for M let's to it like that but I never used her I always killed her when I played and uh when I played dark K I played it uh speedrun version so I just speedrun game in few hours and that's it so here we got interesting stuff here we got two Tiff Lings and LEL we better use short rest and check out that we're okay because we can talk nicely nicely with the stiff Lings but there's always an option that we possibly will be engaged in a fight so when you in a fight you want magic Missile on Mage you want clone Rider before fight M armor always not bad idea sleep sometime nice in the game and Thunder Wave I hope I can pronounce it nicely right now not chander wave as I used to be as I used to say so long Strider before fight always yeah I saw how to like uh recruit minara nicely but uh when I play I'm trying to play like a roleplay game so I mean I'm going into Goblin Camp she wants to kill Gro you know what I do with this Hammer you know I just strike this hammer in your head that's basically what I do I try to role play so zoru was right the things and if it your skull so this guy will never you know try to knock your unconscious her lips don't move yet you hear her Force yeah you can knock her out with no M you just need to press pass so she asked me to kill tiffs we are Paladin we will try to like talk our way we will try to talk our way out I hope I can save this game and not crash okay oh okay please save okay we're done I don't need to save too much on this mode so don't worry I'll get them words flow to her out we can't trust her her kin nearly got us killed when they attacked let's use Paladin oh no oh no de let's no kill them so she asks to kill them we need to use our persuasion that's why we need persuasion proficiency as I told you in the start of the game and we want to let this tiing alive so that's kind of tiing quest and if you want to keep every te life you need to succeed this check D enough and basically they will free her up you've but one chance join me or die okay so she wants to attack Tiff Lings if we attack the Tiff Lings we will [Music] basically we will basically fail tiing Quest but that's okay we can do it what we do chat honor mode do something this quick save I mean it's kind of do nothing it's using only one quick save anyway we attack tiing Sol what you want I don't in my party anyway I hate your voice Lines by the way [Music] too so it's your decision sorry Las where with sings coward okay that's kind of like six versus one sadly uh we want to attack with Shadow heart first you want to come closer when someone close aarion will use sneak attack with with the bow so she got high defense we can try to knock her out at first I miss this if you're planning to kill her actually get her gear on the ship so she will get no defense right now because right now we got only one chance to kind of kill her we can use sleep but we don't we won't use sleep right now we will use magic Missile just for 100% chance to like L attacks and that's really strong stuff for this honor mod just being able to L attack because a lot of times you will be left with someone with one Health and that's it basically okay are you all right so should we use this I think so instead of our Vengeance armor he looks like Angry woman actually big Angry woman for some reason and you can have Vengeance armor looking nice okay as you say so instead of going forward to unlock wizard we better go to Druid Gro right now so we going upwards oh my my decisions actually you know I failed kind of everything I failed everything right now so there will be no LEL quest line there will be no ass quest line what we fail more in this 100% play through and that's honor mod guys that's honor mode you fail one time you can't load basically that's it you can't load I will save before Cuts scenes because most of the time I'm kind of like out at Cuts scenes but I guess we're fine right now I like to start this fight always from this position open the bloody gate nobody gets in zev's order what's going on so basically you let Goblin they trying to go into GR then goblins came kill Canon and we're fighting versus goblins with Will provoke the blade and suffer it sting kill companion and yeah it it would be actually nice idea but for best builds we want to have mon Carlock that's like must to have okay we're still missing shots I guess we need to use uh like hi action so we will have Advantage always and uh most [Music] importantly most importantly the companions can eat tpes and tpes makes stuff a lot more manageable in a lot of ways so I want to make better builds for this place R because one failed like dice roll and we basically done one failed for dice roll and we done so we don't have a lot of I mean we should have can chps yeah yeah so let's have the SK trips nice just position a little bit closer to the fight so de PCY is important for a lot of fights and in last act we want to fly with every companion and that's why we want to make a really good power party with Shadow heart with Carlock and will they will synergize I mean that's bald's gate just missing they will synergize and they all will be with nice like relationship with us with every decision we make so they like good decisions that's why Shadow heart is important too she's kind of mied character you see how like um allian Studios make Shadow heart really mixed character so you can play Bad and she's like totally okay with being bad you can play good and she's totally okay with being good she will even change color of her hair later on in the game so we can use uh Inquisitor might and miss this attack as always as always so we are hiding right now or not we're not hiding so we need to go here we got problem with low ground but we got Advantage so oh bious three I want to do Mara in evil play sure I want to evil marara in my party I will go for like a dark o assassin and by the way I haven't saw almost anyone on YouTube playing Dark o assassin as it should be basically there's some builds like you get this cloak and then basically you're fine [Music] this whoa Dennis Paris yeah yeah yeah you completely right if you start in honor mod uh it's beatable but there's option when you end in honor mode to continue playing so I guess you need to beat the game at least one time for like 100% chance to at least try Conor remote I play that broken padin fun stuff yeah I mean when you playing Dark it's only broken Paladin that is possible I saw like who's who will play good darkush I guess it's like far FPS want to finish honor mod and then go good dark it will be interesting too I will like watch his stream okay we're starting to win fight when this good music starting out so can we get an angle to [Music] attack nicely done okay swiftly now and now we're kind of finishing these [Music] goblins fun like fun part over here if you're not fighting this fight and goblins win they will always lose they don't have a lot of like top up attacks and zor will just finish them with uh crossbow so I tested a few times and not fighting this fight just standing behind Z will finish them but they will kill like everyone will this guys okay he used some grease over [Music] here let's jump from gree and let's shoot Arrow that's why you need long range weapons all right can we jump without losing HP or here only and now he don't have any action okay grease is broken most powerful stuff in the [Music] game let's light them up so we will go on the long Quest really soon and we need to finish guys with at least some HP left so this guy got one HP we finish him it fights is SC kind a easy State forward with only one idea in mind just try to finish targets so they not fight because even one Health on any Target will leave us with guy who can Critical Strike and Destroy anyone and guys one more question for the first stream like my potato is not messing around on the screen so this spot the king in the right corner do you see everything nicely I mean is he [Music] okay okay so let me check reactions sneak attack yeah where is range sneak attack is this only melee let me check so right now we should use sneak attack on this bu beer but we missed okay they get pretty high Health right now so let's Bree them a little [Music] bit sneak range is under mil it's not under Millie it's uh like missing for some reason maybe it's like combined right now you don't need to pick two times I don't know if we continue missing like that we probably will die in act one so he should trigger sneak attack but he missing again potato doesn't look much nice I can make him like smaller but I guess he's fun let's just use spells and finish him open so first big fight is finished where is the very nice music coming on and right now basically we picking everything from these guys make sure not to pick up anything if one of good guys dies because uh you can't do it or it will be like seing stuff you know you don't need to steal anything been a long day oh yeah yeah yeah it's like icon on the boat right but don't touch me sneak attack should trigger I mean in reactions there should be sneak attack range too so you don't need to press and sneak attack always it should trigger automatically let's break our party okay okay so here what we want to do basically in Emerald Grove okay Emerald Grove this first big city what's here and when we come into Emerald Grove you'll be at half experience points and we can exit this place without fighting at level three at level three basically it's kind of the same as Smite so we can use Smite as reaction you just go here press okay and now it's every every time it will use Smite if you got check mark here but if you press ask here it will ask do you want to Smite there are children we was running you led them straight to us and you let them take the Druid unbelievable so we will use a lot of Paladin voice lines hello I me you again dialog choices show some respect will I it please you the humans are so with Palin choices you will always be kind of nicely and persuasion again one of the best choices in skills persuasion is just insane so let's use guidance can be uped atast if I'm not mistaken exactly gree cannot be up casted we will check when we get to Next Level if I'm not mistaken it's not so we can instantly speak forgive that with basically for your help out there I'm the nice guy will only strengthen their resolve so we can tell a little bit we explain him we need a Healer damn ritual there and we ask how to stop ritual really you'll find so that's kind of nice idea we can get everything over here we can get everything over here but don't try to get stuff from boxes on the top that's tiing stuff and you will steal it you will understand that you're stealing stuff when this like chest is red so here's our first Trader we will use him a lot because he's close to entrance if you just some bits and so what's he selling and you don't want to basically sell anything to him good stuff that this Trader have is wrink of flinging so this ring will add damage to our throw damage but we're not playing any throw builds right now any barbarian builds I would take this for barbarian but I will buy just Supply packs so Supply packs is really important in early game in my opinion at least Supply packs uh so sift tools trap disarm tools it's nice good stuff uh here is actually so there's kind of no stuff that we need exactly we got a lot of like potions and other stuff so we don't need to talk with him too much if you trying to make uh achievement for Save old Tiff links you need to talk with every tiing here I'll not can we all just take a moment please what's the point of going for use them these people no uh this can no slots in my builds for M ring basically so we won't steal this stuff yeah we we just ignore this ring on this but I will do it on next walk through so as always you can use persuation you can use Paladin just like I was saying that's why playing paladin on the nice play through is nice so you don't need to use checks you just basically go talk and that's it and here we can take talk with for example this guy with wheel he's teaching little tis to fight just have to buy enough time to run come on well so we can talk with him a little bit he understands that he's our friend too her name is she's out there now he's trying to kill carock trying to hunt car she'll leave behind nothing but when time comes go to my camp and that's it basically so will in our party right now okay so here we can have some stuff you can't enter this house right now you can go here from other way but actually this Quest is kind of I don't know I did this k w few times there's no good rewards over here so what we got here here is our first meeting with uh this lady onel it's best to fill your belly we can take bowl of soup basically it will give us little bit of supplies we can trade with her I guess youve had your sh she don't have trade option my favorite music by the way so onto etel ah it isn't the talk of the camp it's a r aunti will search out I've Lo and po Gore I'm here to trade and onal is the single person who got this alexir of Hill giant strength insane in my opinion insane stuff what we do here what we do here look so we will talk with hero we will initiate a trade need anything any lotions or and we go to berter and instead of trading these bow for six gold which is kind of nothing basically that's like zero stuff we dropping all balls to her we donating items and it will increase our discount basically so we don't need this items too much you know in the beginning of the game and we we can't get a lot of value from this basically value of this items is just 100 gold and we can you donate a lot more items and a little bit more items you know and right now this becoming a lot cheaper so we want to take all potions and lotions from from here basically let's send this stuff to camp we need to give her like few stuff a little bit more and now we got nice discount on this giant strength stuff so now we're starting to actually trying to negotiate with her so we're dropping all these items here 148 gold let's get like two potions maybe and one one of this I mean not four please just one and we need to give like four gold so that's how you get a lot of potions ear on and we not talking with her now because if you talk with her more she will leave this place and we want her to stay here so we can come here every like few rests and basically do this stuff again Damon my selection is pretty slim he got nice weapons we don't need them right now we will buy them later in the second act mostly so right now nothing special here but we want to do same stuff with him later on so later in the game we want to be in nice relationship because we will buy a lot of stuff from him so why not to donate him a little bit here we got some little discussion me I ain't exactly what do you want anyway we've go but gold ain't any use if you're too cold all I've got the and we can talk with this tlinks over here too again this will make a story line with them you will meet them a lot in this game if you will save them later what about you big plans for when you get to the city and we will go to Alon Tower as always so after this discussion we going into this stone door and this will complete this our basically circle of the bottom part of Druid Grove or maybe top part actually and by the way it's stream yeah guys hello everyone in case you here please don't crash I guess I need to save a little bit after pre loading oh my goodness okay nice perfect animation please just save it so here we got Zer and we don't need to talk with him right now I guess because we just talked with him on the top playe game do something okay we started have you spoken to corga not yet of but okay yeah so we need to go to kaga or kaga I don't know sir and on the way to kaga we will find a lot of starting Quest in this Zone basically all quests will start in this area almost all quests all quest lines good while after this you okay I swear that here we got Donny we don't need him right now and when you want to open any type of chest you can use your Hammer basically this guy is not liking it so we can just take this chest with us and open it later here we found matis whoa hey Traer basically take this ring it's call we taking ring we calling I've got from real cheap too interested heads or tails and basically we're giving him ring we're failing perception check so we're being robbed basically and here we go again Supply packs Supply packs is important stuff in game right now we don't have gold for it not enough not enough gold right now so we don't need anything from matis you suddenly feel but we sued perception check against your back and turn so we can use Athletics to grab her but we will be nice and she will just run away that's totally fine please last so let's go to kaga let my she's TR is becoming mad becoming be we're going down here come you get back no a moment what you so we be nice and Z telling us we can go in so let me organize this stuff so here we find Vol a few questions if you please he will ask us a lot of stuff we can ask and answer anything basically last question then you'll be quite the SC okay I'm just preparing to head to their camp and he will run away to their Camp later on to the goblin Camp prepare so we can trade with wam good day my friend and W got this rink Whispering promise you actually want this rink a lot especially for one of my builds especially in early game so that's kind of nice item that's kind of not good item let's just barter some stuff for this ring so there like 49 let's give him all gold and let's try to get this ring in our hands all of accuracy we need to get some gold we need to get some gold oh let's just give him this chest let's almost it like sift tools almost almost it I'm just trying to barter it we don't give like big supplies but two apples will do the job maybe some fish vo come on take the fish okay so we got this ring basically uh when you heal a creature it gains one4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for two turns and combining this rink with you already know it uh devotees maze later in the game it's basically bless every turn so we're getting bless every turn and this crazy stuff so here without potion of speaking with animals we can't move this bear so we don't care too much it's not time we don't care too much and we're basically going in and we'll talk with kaga I'm sorry I'm sorry have you lost your S release her she stole the idol ofv she must pay the price so kaga trying to kill Arabella with a snake please this is madness this is madness it would be fun line if she would say like this is spart destroy I mean I guess it's not possible in games actually fun fact you can't harm kids in this game and I think it's good because it would be really disappointment so we acting like a paladin she eats wrath and keeps judge here so as Paladin we can use persuasion in a lot of ways to use our judgment in situations and that's really nice stuff when you play in Paladin very well my in return we've taken back our Relic so what sh will say well Paladin what say you and of course we letting here gok we're saving tlinks so bin is a judge isn't here is as you can see kaga is not really best person you did well to speak up for the girl that snake is fickle well seen well spotted we've let a snake replace our leader master so KAG is not real leader we will look for Carson I would give anything to how you w't mist and I read in PCH notes that rewards for finding housing is a lot better right now something I we will see quite positive you can trust me on that tiring business why don't we take a little break H allow ourselves a few moments of rest we've been ever since the way the way in short I've you see I have this what com to is this just that is why I Turn to You there'll be danger involved great and basically he asks to eat our artifacts we can check out this chest take for gold so again gold in early game is a little bit hard to get sometime we talk with n see you I'm so basically we're waiting he she was it you needed healing bird you found her but I you seem healthy enough a t we need and then we come into like healing room she heal people over here so in this room we see how something in that healer she is as you can see this guy got healed already crawled his we don't want to be like him it's why he joined so we need to tell her truth basically and she won't let's see what we can do put the stick in US basically so we need to find how do you pick up the Paris a v of wyvern poison swear to me I hope we will poon should all be changing should not yet whatever he found there so we need to go and find H that's basically it that's basically it that's all we need to do over here right now in Emerald Gro keep it that way there is one thing that we can do here but that would be like terrible mistake it would be like super terrible mistake bit in case things start so we want to talk with kaga one time go on say it you think I a v no matter I took back the idol of svan and you and we're talking with her about zerri and then she ask to talk with Zer again so we're back into Zer again in few like seconds that's totally fine so like I would say biggest mistake you can make here is to go in without rest on the beach so in in Emerald Grove there's a beach basically little beach and I will save this stuff for later so we dropping it to Camp everything we're not using right now we sending to camp so I don't need these potions and there's part where you can go to beach so this road is super dangerous there will be nice Quest later on but if we fight here with level three characters there's high possibility we will die so we will talk with Al we'll stay silent and listen ask right we will try to help her I can't my thinking wait words of mine will turn and thank you wait and basically we hear nice song here sorry don't worry she was there was so much it was i' forgot the Weeping and basically that's it still if you talk with her more politely not like me you will get loot in a reward but right now we don't care we're getting out of this Village almost out we can go like over here pass perception check and there will be secret chest over there but it's like 100% walk through but but we're not going to look for every secret chest in most of the chests there basically nothing nothing cool so one more place where we want to go in this Village basically this door like again shaby door here we will have nice conversation about goblins future this def want to kill her she didn't K shoot before you lose your nerve and if you ever we can decide her face keep out of it so now we can save her or we can watch what happens basically we don't need this Goblin but she will help us go into Goblin Camp without any additional checks so this a nice idea to save her we will use persuation of course as always and after successful check you care if a goblin lives it's all right AR we can talk with this Goblin they're going to burn this pretty place so it's up to you we safe or not but she sounds very useful get me out of here and I'll tell you where to find and basically we will help her get out an establishment like leads into the under in any case Gail nothing interesting here so we can get away we don't want to save here right now because when we will save her it will provoke little fights we don't need any like additional fight right now before we hit at least level like three at least level three are you it's a little bit dangerous right now especially on hunor mod and we don't need to forget to talk with zaver and basically that's it for talking part of the game and we can go into like more action part part of the game so Zer what's up bro I hope if so we can risk violence here or face it for certain on the road quite so can you delay ritual influence I can't manage that but they lead and basically he asks to kill kaga right now we can't do it because it will break our OES we should seek Vengeance we Vengeance Paladin get but I guess it's fine it's like 100 % fine so next part where we want to go right now is last point of interest in this location basically we want to go to the left everyone who plays dark urch I guess know this location they just know this location for this lovely squirrel we don't care about the squirrel for now we want to go to the top of the mountain and get our first infernal coin so here is Hob Goblin he tries to basically let's have a little fun kill assassinate this lady so is sik ATT attack triggering yes yes yes you see sneak attack triggering on Range attacks too so you don't need any additional action he's surprised on my way we can use our spells he's pretty big let's use Ray Frost so he will be a little bit slow down use jump she's fearful she will try run away now sneak attack will trigger any time time because we got a light nearby little bit of fire balls and that's it I'll go this way I'm ready got a long road ahead so we taking his gear and he got nice gear so this like Morning Star is actually fine and got this ability to chest trauma for two turns basically and he will have disadvantage on sing throws and fewer actions so that's nice maze I should speak let's talk with nadir but you let me guess your devil mistress sent you to get her s I'm to be chased all over Paladin Soul we're getting this Soul coin just for free basically we don't need to complete any checks that's why playing Paladin most of the time really beneficial for your run especially if you're going for good walk through so let me go let me okay I don't have shovel no shovel for me there the squirrel we don't have speak with animals so let's run away from here and I forgot to pick showel I just forgot to pick Shel basically we're done with this location and that's what we get after finishing this location basically almost level three short rest just a brief rest bike let's get shovel shovel is always over here somewhere over here yeah to the right here we go so we're taking shovel it doesn't matter who got shovel you can use it with every party member and right now we got to options option one option one we going forward option two we're going backward and unlocking Wizards so I would say best uh way to go right now is to actually go into wizard unlocking Wizard and then going full road with SAA from Goblin camp but there's one problem with saza too so when you're going I'll take that to save saza she will prompt uh like Mina's dialogue that you want to go to Goblin to Emerald Gro and SAA will tell where is Emerald Gro so if you going really good place through you want to lose SAA later on in the game I will show you how to do it that's our first meeting with rapael so well I am let's save B for it so so I'm nice guy we should come come let's go let's go Rafel and Rafel we're not talking with demons bro middle of somewhere for your weapon let's go let's go it might just be call it am I a friend potentially an adversary let's just put our weapon up I could fix it all like that and as Palin we serve an O not a devil and when [Music] hope so bin is nice this little location where we can get some cool stuff like oil barrel for example we can use it blood follows me everywhere I hope he will stop what he's doing let's take it with us so on skeleton we got silver pendant with guidance and if you're playing without Paladin without cleric that's like best place where we can get this stuff and good omelet so this location should be cleared with Aion at the back of the crevice lies a bag in because he got a little bit of nature we can use guidance coin from he not understanding anything we're not using inspiration for this he got animal handling little bit of animal handling or he got roog slide of hand as you can see as a r it's just super easy to use slight of hand spiders to get spider stash so now we got pouch with spider egg and that's cool because now we can throw it basically need to find a way it will spawn a little spiders it will help us in some fights and now we can definitely go backwards I want to change my classes already I want to like become good classes but it will cost 100 gold I guess we don't have gold for changing classes at the moment so next part of our adventure is actually little fight with guys over here instead of going with all party members we will live my face protects me like Shadow heart step softly aerion nice and easy and gaale over here they will be hidden as our main character we'll go and try to jump from this spot not to damage ourself and we will talk with them we will try to talk ourself out of this situation let's call it like this you bow twice but we don't right now we don't know who a but right now we understand it's like that's ours basically we will try to use intimidation very important stuff now we can use guidance as ourself without cleric nearby we used intimidation well come on nobody's and this fight is basically won but we enter in turn based mode right now and destroying this lady just like exit so there's like easy way to go through this fight easy way is to use this rope what now and basically so aan can you be hidden please wits and Blades always sharp no time to waste okay nice St is hidden so uh that's easy way but we can use hard way and basically attack from different sides right now we use hide action and hide behind the wall while Shadow heart and Gail going from this side so because they tried to run away perfectly we basically can go in and attack from really nice and secret position this guy right now in a it and we got advantage on attack so he dazed and now we're going to use Gale of course so Gail can use rare Frost why we want to kill this lady first in my opinion because she can use sleep action and sleep action is awful when someone just sleeps so now we got Shadow heart we can just try to maybe shove this person a little bit Creator Destroyer we can try to shove with Gail but better just hide a little bit okay he's trying to attack Gale opportunity attack who that was hard hit so we're using Smite we're using Smite right now for nice damage for nice damage we could use Inquisitor might for a little bit more damage but we will use bonus action to drink potion right now you know a little bit of potions is always nice with aan we using sneak attack from the range with sneak attack it's easy kills basically it's always hiding again so attack hide so you can attack with advantage next [Music] turn so this guy will be dead in one second and we coming nearby of this angry person we use topple so we can run away can't slow down and now Justice time to kill Justice time let's go break them okay I in Tangled yeah so I can't attack right now or can I oh how awful am I what was that bro the last board is set so now we just ignite this bro with fire and they're done a lot of loot in one place best be on my way and now we're level three basically so as level three we can equip some stuff medium armor not too good so aeran can use double dagger double dagger can give him like nice damage boost everyone should have range damage like bow or other stuff Mages is not important so we don't need a lot of Scrolls or barrels and basically that's a nice time to go for the rest in my opinion but before going to the rest we will try to go inside this secret Temple let's go what what's in there you give a book everything all right out there so we use performance with Charisma with guidance and we failed we failed we can roll again but this not a big deal so now enemies inside will be ready and we can't go inside basically softer than a whisper to go inside right now we got two options first option is to go from this side but there will be a very hard check to go through this part what's that like incredibly hard check to go from this side if you fail that's actually very funny because when you play normally you can reload this you can reload like pass the check but right now we need to think what to do so how to get inside oh you yeah yeah yeah you can lock pick it so we can use asterian we can try to lock pick let's crack it open we can use guidance and it's 20 difficulty class we just lost Thief tools basically one one thft tools we can try it one more time but I will show you another road so if you don't have Rogue maybe you don't have Aion for some reason maybe you already killed him for some reason again you can go inside from this side I guess yeah yeah yeah let's go here we need wizards in our party so just shoot this rope but before going before going inside let's use long Crest my rule of T is to always have around 300 supplies so we get like five long rests in case we need it what's up for discussion let's talk with everyone it's the Stars I mean will he know how to bring the worm under I'm not easily impressed the smile on his pretty lips is a Touch Too composed a delicious thought B the right Mo I'm sorry I'll oh my God I guess my nice guy he will be with a St on this play through tle runs it should be like little bit I don't know the word for this show no signs of turning what you want to romance Carlock in this play through and you will face Aion so we can go to bed I guess let's use camp supply let's use actually like this stuff and Aon trying to move somewhere so everyone arrested let's leave camp and continue our journey and now we are in the dunk Crypt so we will lose a little bit of Health when we jump in most of the time but first of all we need to level up so Badin everything is fine Shadow heart Shadow heart got level two spells and there's awesome spells over here like warding Bond like hold person so there's some nice spells but stuff that we can actually use in a fight is hold person stuff that we can use outside of the fight is enhance ability it will help us uh just to unlock chests disarm drops right now there's no need of this spell so what we want to have from Gail actually we want to have scorching Ray best like damaging SP spell from level two and enhance sleep no no no no no Feer fall right now Feer fall so exploration stuff right now we in Exploration phase basically andan gets his subass of course he will be safe just a little bit more powerful so right now with Gil basically what we can do we can use FEA fall instead of other stuff we cast it on our party and now we can freely jump so they not really panicking a [Music] lot okay he's running inside nice nice nice that's what we need can you feel death's cold grip so we got hamstring as a Stan that's not too cool actually should I do and we need to think a little bit smartly about this fight I mean we can we can try to aim at this Barrel I guess from this position or even with hamstring because we got Double Dash we can use Aion to move here entry position this a little bit I I need one more Dash a little bit of reposition now we need to go backwards I guess and we can light up it as a ston so it's a barrel guys one shot one kill crazy now we can chill we can use some like spells or whatever but we can just just use maze I mean right now we're completely fine in this fight I guess we can shove him as bonus action I like this like bar blow so he's raging he's raging and what we got here so we can maybe what is our heat chance so why I like this type of Paladin uh he can use Channel o charges on enemies with high armor class when you like not like not going to hit him and this will give you basically advantage on every attack for 10 turns it's uh no concentration spell so we can use Smite as reaction and that's very cool for Paladin so as wizard the standing close by we will use just magic Missile to finish these guys oh bro what's happened what's the plan so I guess we just need to use spells we can use bonus action to revive him but right now we don't need to revive Gail he's kind of fine at the moment this is good so as a Stan we can do two two things one thing is basically we can go melee on them or we can still continue doing our sneak attacks from the room I guess we go from the room and as you can see we can attack her we can use sneak action and basically try to attack with Advantage from sneak position sneak again and that's it so he trying to kill our Paladin sorry bro no Smite for you this time we're fine okay Gail Gail sorry bro he's dead what's happening oh it's necrosis from Gil okay okayy Shadow heart prone please don't tell me I will just die right now so we got like three attacks with a stum death Clos okay this kind of will be stupidest end of t M run if Shadow heart will die in necrosis of Gail that's why he won't get rid of Gail from the party oh let's use bonus action to heal a little bit I'm not sure I'm not sure okay that was like well nice idea I am a magical projection of Gale of what's happening this manifestation you may rest ass I trust I've made myself clear I have upon my deceased person a magical item that can accomplish my return but such is the value and Rarity that it is protect I will now step one is to retrieve from my person a pouch next you must unthread the purple seam that seals it in a counterclockwise fashion do not inside the pouch you will find a folded letter and a tiny flute unfold the letter and note the markings in the top and bottom corners starting from the bottom right play the notes Inc correct upon completion of the tune a magma method will appear which will pose the this is pronounce words will now appear on the Letter's surface effectively turning the letter into a scroll of true Resurrection so it is our lives depend on it now repeat my instructions back to me please okay case this will be an easy exercise step one um counterclockwise purple seam you donkey the purple seam indeed you then have access to the letter and the flute continue wrong I'm a quite right you start at the bottom right oh my God come on you're just guessing now listen to your pay and best of luck can we okay can we like please please please guys I'll take exit exit this stuff exit this stuff exit necrosis let's use can I use Scroll of Rey himing for a wizard in need okay my hands are still cold so that handshake will have to wait but in the meantime oh that only I apologize if that sounds thankless it's just that some secrets that's if it does so everything is fine we're getting the loot and if you manage to like make this check upon entering this refectory just this stomp basically it would be far far more easier fight because normally we enter from this room on the left and there's kind of nothing here traps you know a little bit of sausages so sometimes there's even salami so we can use it for salami build but most importantly Supply pack so we can rest after clearing this room and as you can see that's why we're going here at level three so if you go in here mode at level two there's a real possibility to actually being destroyed I almost died is obv that happens but okay we will try to play smarter later so let's take the tools better not be cursed open door here basically nothing too cool but we need to complete perception check over here and press button basically lever lever so we're using this lever it's unlocking this door we can smash it with our morning star and let's go in let's go in so we are in D Crypt basically wasn't built for the finally we in the D Crypt so first all we enter in these doors it's easy to enter they are opened by the way and we need to succeed some perception checks there's a lot of perception checks a lot of drops in here and we found all of them so we're going in with asteron right now there's actually two ways how you can complete this first way is to use Wes and basically drop them on W this will prevent them from spreading danger of stuff basically so there's like one way how you can complete this for gold some arrows it's locked there's a button here and button if I'm not mistaken will unlock this door we can disarm [Laughter] sarcophagus oh it will be it will be hard let's use inspiration let's use inspiration one time oh my God ah okay when you fail you enter in turn base mode we still can disarm it we need to disarm it anyway then we can get key and cool stop from here we can press this button in case we need it so button definitely doing something maybe it's opening this door maybe but we enter with Rog just to leave this place safely because when we exit turn based mode there will be a lot of problems in here if you're not pressing this button but button will turn off everything despite everything what a run actually what a run so with this with this key we're actually opening and right now we got uh like questionable stuff we can use Watchers guide instead of Morning Star because when you miss targets the next attack will be with Advantage with two strike and that's nice weapon it's doing basically 1 the6 plus three in one hand but Morning Star is just a lot more powerful anything of use so here we got little fight with skeletons what we want to do here I guess we can use second rest we will use Wizards later so just position like your on my way guys in best positions Shadow heart near near this bro and he's like strong and we want to steal everything from skeletons so if you steal items from skeletons they will have no weapons in hands and it will be really fun stuff to do basically to do this fight so we can start with Gail here aan is fine over here we take some item from this bro it's not over then through okay we incumbered yeah let's just drop this let's just drop these to like Shadow heart and we pressing the button it will wake up the skeletons so skeletons is strong but there 100% hit chance we destroy them with magic Missile everything we can time to press ahead go on this bro and just like main target in here because he got highest health pool additionally they vulnerable to blood jining damage and our morning star is blood jining damage so he got no weapons he trying to throw stones at us and you just exit silence we just exit silence and now we can use turn Undead oh we don't have turn unde right now yeah like cleric you should have turn Undead okay whatever whatever so we cast protection from evil and good we not casting protection from evil and good we just use rant damage to inflict crazy damage blind it come on this bad and now we have aarion here now they see me so we he come this way from sneaky position and attack with Advantage destroys his blindness use Dash to come closer equ weapons now one more magic Missile and this skeleton magic Missile is insane and now we got Advantage let's just use cool attacks let's use smites we don't care too much that's why you always equip daggers when you're going nearby so you can use this opportunity attack step by step let's save some spell slots ah okay is ever easy they didn't want to surrender their valubles and that's where we get wizzard basically a lot of effort to hide one sophus very nice amulet so we can speak with the de it can be throughout the game when you don't have cleric basically so nice stuff to have and here is our friend wi thou so we will so basically now we're going out of this Crypt and we just can teleport to Emerald Grove so nothing to do in this part of the map so that's how you finish this part of the M basically almost we still got Harpy fight we don't want to fight them right now so do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over but now we going to Goblin camp that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer I always thought that uh this door is kind of loading you know there's like secret loading in game when it kind of stuck and then it loads up and then you enter but it's not the case here because especially here this door is opened manually I played one time where guy who's closing this door was killed by me of course basically I wasn't able to enter this Emerald Grove it was closed forever so now I'm making super cool move we're going for long quest to meet Wizard and we're going to get some potions and lotions so gaale is cool and fun but oh not praying but but but but but not quite good night we want to how can I help get Gail out of the party I question the wisdom of that decision but I'll be Gail is a problem when he dies everyone nearby dies the blade of front is at your calling that's we better use will in his place but I like to use wizard sorcerer in a party so for now it will be warlock but just for now while we not hear any a lot of gold we I shall be here in my Camp there are many correct nice nice I like my roles this this run there is a Great Divine energy indeed but the S okay for a mere pittance of most willingly so we got carlings should thou or any of thy compatriots perish basically that's it so what's happening right now we're going to rest can we rest with this supplies no so we're going double camp supplies basically and we're going to Goblin camp but before we need to get some potions and lotions so how we can do it first of all to make better Karma with someone like Damon thanks my selection is pretty slim it's a lot easier to do with characters like Z so you want to drop all items that we probably will sell to wheel that's what I'm doing right now still alive so that's so let me just sort them by type maybe we will use some dye maybe we'll use some key some something like that and that's everything we don't need right now just right now so we add them to will now will will talk with Damon looking for steel I have well we're going to trade and basically we're trying to make large barter with him a lot of armor and good stuff let easier to do at the earlier levels basically so ear you do it the H 200 gold we doing barter and we almost at full discount because we will trade with Damon a lot so we will do it a lot basically we got some stuff my dagg and now we dropping we just give him the spear I guess and he will be fine you're an idiot looking for Ste let's go I have well something close I guess spear is just too much I better drop these items and he will buy spear for 91 gold right now yeah that's more enough but right now he's buying for more gold most of the time almost for full like price so we're selling everything to him basically we're getting some gold we got how much gold we have actually right now 364 gold so spells spell Scrolls is not needed oh oh oh give me back the SEC give me back the SEC grease bottle is insane so Arrow who needs this arrows never mind basically spell Scrolls cost pretty nice bunch of money but not needed most of the time we will get the Spells anyway and poisons I don't like poisons so we got 500 gold right now and basically with will we come into ATI etel she's still here because we're not talking with her we're only trading and as you can see will got bad reputation with her that's why it's important to talk with character with nice reputation so we got nice reputation with main character and now we got discount 40% so everything is a lot cheaper 195 for all three elixir of heill giant strength 195 so we bind all of them I want potion of invisibility I never used this stuff that's like very good stuff for monk actually insane insane stuff for monk one attack rolls to unarmed attacks so this like early game uh stuff for monk I'm not even like I'm not sure if it was in the game before so we bought like potions that we need we can use potion of Greater healing Maybe maybe be but now we're just leveling up wheel one time and that's the trick so you level up your character he will be warlock with hex with uh organizing and repelling blust and instead of going to level three we will talk with onel one more time hello and look look what's here any or potions where is my oh yeah there it is so it's resetting shop basically and now we can get more elixir of heill giant strength and every time you level up it's basically happening more and more and more and more so we gather some gold and we do this stuff and this Elixir is is very important for early mid game we need like 10 of them for our T Brer monk so we can have large amount of so what we want to have let's go for whole person and let's go for pck I'm not sure what we want actually let's go for blade like whatever I will just use on this we will respect this character very soon time to press ahead so that's nice trick to just get a lot of heal giant strength and I just sending it to cam I'll give it a shot this is ridiculous and now some sneaky stuff where sneaky stuff let me a of so we need to get here out careful sometimes you can break it but Lo picking is a little bit faster considering we got guidance a lot of proficiency in it you're going to be sing so instead of talking with Paladin we can talk and open door with someone like aan it won't break our ALS I met your friend ready to go and we ask her to follow us and we will keep your safe watch the Shadows so basically I met your friend ready to go a so basically SAA will come after us and we need to go over here that's curious and we getting into this secret location that's how you're basically going better make my outside of this Emerald Grove unnoticed if this so there's button that we need to press and this like Guardian statue will try to blow us up basically so what we want to do we want to break our party a little bit Shadow hard please move a little bit and we want to enter turn based combat that' be funny somewhere over here something to cry about before it locks up on us so that's a great way to do it we use Double Dash sneak up into this room of beer bear and then I just press this button this will turn off this bear I can use one more Dash and I'm not fighting right now because we want to break this combat basically and here we see some goblins they trying to kill pindal basically so I guess main part over here will be to come close as close as possible before initiating fight gr got to be full of magic and we can go from turn base combat all the RS so here's what water barrels you can use them to like get rid of this grease everywhere mud but I will just use jump and I will try to attack from this position did some bleeding art show up what are you doing you and I and now we initiated fight we are L to BAS Al do any action but this totally fine and they used water so there's no matter right now and here we go here we go so I want to use SAA in the fight and they will try to kill her and that's what we actually want to do we don't need SAA later in this game so we will use her as like body Shield yeah yeah yeah we want her to be killed in this fight is all that matters so we don't need to kill these goblins too fast and I totally forgot about other party members and S kill there that's what we want to do so never use fire spells or you will just die over here and just use your basic magic so here we get we can throw this bro it's Works companion who is work I don't know oh no I should have attacked yes here so here we go into hiding mode oh my God my my chat just stopped hi everyone does this backpack exp oh my God I miss so much chat so what's going on here for some reason my chat stopped uh like updating on mobile so hey everyone yeah now we can lock pick and here we got nature snare very nice very nice like stuffing very good stuff okay there was like some like internet problems I'm fixing it instantly basic will ever believe this so yeah hi [Music] everyone and it's where I want to go now keep your dist darling I guess we're going here in turn base mode shouldn't have wished to live I guess we're doing it like that watch your back please a just jump because here you want to use Double Dash and dash to this button basically if we do it without this mode you can die here you can definitely die here so mhing Bon taking some stuff and now we are fine I guess uh this key can open chest on the top but we just lock pick him what to do so let's go out yeah that's crit build of course it's a crit Paladin build will be in the end and I'm trying to get best items on the way so close part right now is every time we using potion as Paladin we getting blast effect I can use it right now look and we got Blast for two turns insane stuff that's already really nice like bu so let's go to Goblin Camp people up ahead let's go to Goblin Camp something's wrong you're true you a strange symbol glows marked on their flesh and something within you stirs so what's happened with your friend locks eyes with you a familiar squirming CHS in your head we'll try to block him out he's your do you have orders for us we were reporting to Edwin we will try to what ask them fight Beast basically let's get everything from this friend go to waste and let's welcome tple influence right now right now we can't use this but I mean it's okay let's forget it the less I think about that thing swimming about my skull the happier I'll be might be useful have wondered what people when they okay let's go in guys let's go in and T this old bear this is it go inside so all bear cave all bear Nest actually yeah all bears live in nests instead of going after these guys we will go over here looks like a shrine to saluna over there so there's like nothing cool in this chest if you want to get this chest you want to go here complete perception check and get this sprayer basically to this chest and you will open it but Shadow heart don't like this so to please Shadow heart we won't open this chest right now we can use potion of animal piing that's what we just picked up and Pi with all bear it's a no matter how we speak with this pet it will be either fight now or fight a little bit later you can go but these guys should attack as soon as possible at least I think they should do it or we need to just tell them to attack we can break our party we can go backwards if they not doing anything or some reason Let's go ask them to attack right now yeah we need to force them to attack I need a quick word where is your sister how did you get so close to it what if we're making it Angry I'm holding so will you attack oh we need to like attack with them I guess so we will attack from two different boss like one will be over here and this will initiate a fight basically at least it was fight initiating position before in this patch I guess it's not so we can put aan on the top he will like do attacks from the top will can do attacks from the top Two Step it's a lot better to we need to kill this old bear without killing all bear cup Shadow heart can come like over here and let's basically use potion and with bless let's attack all [Music] be let's use tenasity so with advantage we can like use height action let use this sneak attack oh my God what's happening there was [Music] no I like hunor mode okay we will we will throw spiders basically it's action it's action no we we not like dropping spiders we [Music] using like strength hex and we will try to destroy this Beast nice nice nice we pushed here away oh my they they know how to fly my plan my he's fallen my plan is is just being teared apart okay what we do now what we do now we need to use guid and bolt level two I guess what we can do let's uh heal Aon you've been in better shape I mean we we need to survive no cop please go away on my way I want this Old be to start attacking my like new new friends Bri Bri is not inside she's running away what's happening what are you doing Bros should I run from this fight I'm not sure I'm not sure okay I guess let's start with throwing some spiders on him so big so let's move okay so we got some spiders some spiders we can use Dash a little bit we can possibly like hide somewhere somewhere like here maybe cop won't attack us so it will provoke opportunity attack yeah yeah so it's either like 42% or 55 topple I go for I will go for m m ELD blast M ELD blast if we hit she will fall six in damage cop please just go away is there any good stuff here no oh my goodness what's happening it's like incredibly weird and and hard fight I'm not using healing wart right now I will use it to resurrect my like teammates and Bri just locked for some reason and she's outside she should be inside and she's telling me she's coming but she's not she's not coming at all okay should we focus this female old beer with Paladin for example should we go with Paladin over here I guess it's like I I got more chances over here so right now we didn't have bonus action and we need need to use concussive smash right now we need to use concussive smash to D this bro nice he D he's frightened he missing that's perfect ready or not and aaran will help with this female old bear St will help with female old bear my God this fight going so hard so 88% chance that's totally nice again we're sneaking up okay will no opportunity attack for her and now it's 65% chance to hit eight damage not great let's use flourish let's use flourish so she's of balance isn't of balance not provoking opportunity attacks no disadvantage and strength checks okay what she's doing I hope nothing special so will died she's rejoining with her family and now it's spider turn basically so spiders now with Advantage can attack and they doing pretty nice damage actually so they can provoke opportunity attack ready to burn reaction basically let's use bonus action to take will up I and I don't want to use any spell slots right now so what's his high chance let's shoot with arrow but arrow is less damage a little bit less damage a little bit less damage let's do it why they doing zero damage they should do like one from one to seven damage basically she get some like resistance yeah to basically everything we should attack this male I guess from this position yeah yeah she is at least like he is at least attack and right now we're going to use uh basically W enmity no no no we're not using it right now we better use viant tox I mean I'm not sure we can survive this fight [Applause] basically time to move she got resistance basically to every damage type let's have a little fun and we'll just woke up no so he using this turn without doing anything 18 damage and now opportunity attack with Smite with VN Toxin and she's dead nice that's insane so with little spiders we're going in all bear male they starting to do damage at least right now provoking opportunity attack from little cup and the bra is already done so should I use guiding bolt right now I guess no because there's slight chance that we will need Resurrection I mean there should be some place where we can jump with spider okay and this spider for some reason will stay on the bottom time to push my luck again so SPID is doing a nice job and they can exit this fight basically I should use potion of all enmity right now I will use W enmity CU we can get up later let's use Smite okay Miss nice that's what we need that's what we need a little bit of luck nice critical heat so now he becoming like raged and got protection from every type of basic attack but how basic can we cast Charisma yes we can now spiders will do one damage let's end this and now we can use guiding bolt for example but again we're not using guiding bolt so sa flame is pretty nice chance okay we're doing some damage and we can use Layon hands charge to heal 12 health for us with action so we're getting this blast effect and that's why we picking orc to get access to this healing stuff so we just woke up and we can attack next turn n it's very nice that we're playing Rogue aaran so we can use disengage to disengage a little bit we can use hide to attack with Advantage inflict nice amount of damage this is my time and sadly for whe he got no chance here so spiders I mean cop you already did opportunity attack if not mistaken okay not enough movement to up and what we doing with Shadow heart we shouldn't be on low [Music] ground spiders spiders need to come close enough so they will do opportunity attack basically what a hard fight actually on tactician I mean on honor mod I guess in tactician it's a lot easier with haste so again we can use one to8 or we can use jumping action to try and finish this old bear with normal attack there's not enough space for all bear so let's heal ourself and hope we will not die let's get this Bliss opportunity attacks yeah okay so will T King and we doing this toxin so now what we get here we got aan who can disengage don't for some reason he can't use bonus action height I guess he used it already now he can do it again for some reason oh my so close so basically with spiders instead of doing damage I will provoke opportunity attack he's not provoking for some reason let's try to St this bro let's pick up Will and now let's check out so will he there's no opportunity attack for some reason stay idle and he will opportunity to attack on me we got bless we got Advantage so two damage is done Shadow heart please okay for some reason so be doesn't like will we need to go out of sight we need to hide and shoot hide again for a new approach cop wants to attack spiders and that's what we want to do basically go out provoke opportunity attack but right now we're not doing this 55% chance Please Die Al be die already 3 HP spider I trust you it's hard to attack for some reason I mean like on my feet okay okay looks from you to his dead that was crazy fight just guys it was crazy fight will end his suffering we'll let the creature live you watch and that's it basically so let's help will that or we've just prolonged it misery get up and here we get some supplies we get some weapons C eating big old be and is done so we get get some items too headless skeleton get pretty nice medium armor if you figh in Vis and deaths but when you fight in B Beast it's beasts it's bad armor so here we got some camp supplies and all bear egg we can use it in later quests or we can eat it these are supposed to be worth a fortune so let's go up and gather all stuff that is on top over here there should be like chest no there's no chest over here and that's it all bear cave oh my Conor modal bear cave is pretty like trickest part crazy crazy crazy seems simple enough I mean on tactician we can do this part in like as iight me as much but this fight a lot more trickier let's use sh rest nice that we got spiders with us let's have a look I have something here we got B strange it looks healthy Stone the pig's Dead come on we'll never fix these brain and every piece of carrying you find okay p is fine the board see Bri what's up we lost he's with Edwin now right he's with the absolute iose what would you have of me now sir yeah go safely oh she's run away I thought we can like talk with her more closely so right now we got like two options we can go into Goblin vage but let's go I this site instead I learned a lesson after all we can like find some loot over here but mostly nothing interesting I them to fight not to hate mostly but here we'll have scratch we want to to talk with him of course keep moving stranger we ask what happened try to use our perception to find his name with bonus from guidance n i could call success no just success etched into the leather you know my name still you should go my friend is injured of course he will and then we'll return home we were unless you know the creatures he describes NS no I won't leave him if it comes so basically nicely talked with him and while we can go upside and enter Village over here we instead will be going in this direction what am I to do so guys will you jump please try this will you jump will am I needed have a lot on my mind and well and here always room for more we find key key wonder what it opens and of course Carlock breathe deep and move one horn well I'll be God's damned the bloody right a great heat Wars so we need to speak nicely with her then you're lost the blood evident I can another Vis her ra you served her that's enough to Dam will catches his breath you don't know what you're saying you're asking me to trust a devil [ __ ] you really are no so she's not a devil and we are friends carlac and nice guy little you already liked it and we're going to find paladins she could I'll catch up with she'll catch up with us in a camp we got her backpack I guess it's hers and now we can go into this Paladin area actually you've been witnessed to a pantomine I'm sorry to say and I've I one night soon when we make you're not I'm not sure can we fight versus paladins right now I'm not sure if it's actually possible because there's a little bit of stuff here and there on this hunor mod let's get all this little Gass what's here actually oh there's like nice pass to this fight so we got this wayo everywhere but before we continue to this way point I want to go to other location so here we can go to paladins just right now just right now we can do it instead we just collect everything from NS NS got this null ears and this no hyena ears they will be used to make speed potions speed potions are very good in early game later not best not best option because later in the game you know you don't want to stuck after few turns the city is but for first for second fact careful having ability to use this potions is really nice out in this Wilderness so we're taking null ear and here is a lot of camp supplies how much we got right now 380 380 is enough and instead of going forward for this battles it can be actually hard it could be really hard we going down we need to go down here and we can do it from this place where we basically entered so we skip this h a fight right now I want to be level four before like major fights so by skipping this fight we can exit right over here let trck what's over here Blood Stone not bad we can sell it and here where we can find a lot of potatoes and sa tools most of the time potatoes I like potatoes I'm spot the king basically so yeah potatoes You See Spot never lies so we're basically skiing this fight me get a little bit of camp supplies I hope you don't mind if I don't ask to see it and going into the burning house what's inside before going to burning house I like to go over here to activate this teleport of course smoke something's burning seems like a good moment to talk he of the unsleeping eye let's not interrupt here heal our blades and temper our heart he should never have been here in the first place and please just leave me be okay so instead of going with all party Insight I will go with one character I guess there's slight chance of dying inside so let's use strength Push the door with this nice kick basically yeah and we can go inside we don't need to talk let's go inside let's go we hear you stay where you are don't have time fight down there's some water barrels we can throw them into fire I guess and disable a lot of fire we don't care too much so here is like two quests at the same time first one over here we just break this door and we should be fine yeah we're like fine come so inside nothing interesting there could be like some gold not too much not too much so we need ging a lot and this one should be open with a bow a crossbow councelor Floric are you all right well okay I will back to this dialogue a little bit later it will take some time because we need this time or I will die from blow here's a blow now we can go in now we can go in there's potato porridge should I help him or should I take potato porish basically so we using strength fire with guidance H get this thing off me oh bro sorry I failed let's use one roll one roll of inspiration you're luck it today you're like it today my friend smoke so go after me basically my friend let's break why I can't attack this because I used action so now we're using Morning Star to break it as soon as possible and now we can escape everyone okay now we're fine you should have stayed I if I just kept my mouth shut she said I'd never please so there like simple mini side quest with this guy and he will give us little bit of like a reward later scort gaunlet report on no yes will so here weend that Floric tells us they told they picked Will's father without trust us to see it through counselor so we will try to rescue him of course remember so far the that's our mission and now we need to pick uh our reward so Sparky points not bad jel shooter very good bow but spell sparkler is the best so spell sparker instantly goes to our magic Caster will he will be our magic Caster later on got a long road ahead and we will just respect him later not just a grand Jew you such a rift all the more reason to find him I wanted you to know the blade I'm all for it so what we can do here more we can basically take a lot of loot from this guys and get a lot of gold by doing so oh no no no no no no communal we don't need to loot flaming fist so be polite over here please so draw Raiders it's like nice place just to get a lot of cool armor light armor very nice light armor so you can check how it looks on asterion for example very nice light armor there's like some little secret stuff over here we can go inside there's not too much if we are out of camp supplies we can go on kitchen there will be like ton of camp supplies sages and other of stuff some reason we can lose this guy here we got key so this key can be used I guess over here no no no that's where we can find guilded chest with a ring and this ring we need to give it back and here we got shabor but we will come here later we don't need to talk with this guy Monsters Everywhere kill let's talk with this no I was ready to run you through they took the shiny one I made him stop screaming he okay so now everything fine over here everything fine over here what we got right now basically we got half of level four let's jump not lucky jump everyone stuck of what's Happening do I have water no no water okay I saw some water barrel here let's let's pick it up and let's toss it over here so we got some water and everyone is Sav so this guy can have his ring and we got some experience points if everyone's stuck just teleport nearby so will with a Y why will with the why why I like this dialogue why that's right that's nice line me okay so here we get some dragons and we not go here because if we will fail some checks we will be in the very hard fight versus ganis hold what I'm going to I doubt a fight nobody I Go My Own Way interesting interesting character one of the characters that you actually depressing you can talk with them more later now basically it's time to go to Goblin Camp there's Paladin fight but we're not ready for fighting with versus paladins of t tiar or how we call him so null fight on ryen road is too early to we better go back to Goblin Village maybe even after rest maybe even we need to rest a little bit that might be worth a look so let's get see Mt over here how we will enter the village I guess we will go from the back side oh let's go from the like middle side it doesn't matter too much we're actually from the back right now already so just to make sure that we are fine let's use l CR and let's respect will is the dragon going to eat you the city is like destroyed yeah Hell Fire Dragon won't eat me but get will know good God damn it anyone but her call me maora so this is M deal I've taken and she got deal with Will Clause G section n carlac meets the criteria pet the point will birds in the F and will becoming a veros demon something like that done a promise broken get now I'll be all right so let's talk with scarl she will be very been a long time since pleased with Will's attitude let's talk with real he's like fine too just not zel's victims but I promise you every it it was and now we want to change Wheels col keep right now a word if I may I shall be here in my Camp as the so will is our wizard for now later he will be super cool wizard but for now he will be our Wizard and now we get like good grip so wrench wrench Millie we don't need minor illusion too much but actually maybe we will need it maybe so here we're getting magic mile we getting long Strider more exploration stuff burning hands and one of this two so this is like more stable more stable for now but on honor mod there's a lot of high HP enemies so we can't use sleep too much dasas hyra sluter is just better spell in my opinion so we can unlock two spells now we can use something like we can use grease maybe maybe we will get some spell slots for it and Thunder Wave but again there's not too much of spell slots and I forgot to switch to my like points but they're kind of okay they kind of okay could be better but it's fine so hold person missed a step just to being safe or and maybe disable enemies and did I forgot to change my subass so we're abjuration wizard yeah this it's okay like I mean whatever right now we need only magic Missile most of the time magic Missile Sometimes some exploration stuff and start of the day stuff start of the day is long Strider on wall party basically so now we got a wizard finally we finally got a wizard and better use buring him so let's rest nice live camp and going to Goblin camp or are we actually over here so L St cost no spell slots and that's where com in handy this spell spker it will activate and do additional damage with our magic Missile that's like coolest part so let's open let's sneak up he's sleeping anyway I do miss the gate though the El Tav Sunset over gray Harbor we will leave Aion over here no no no we will leave we will over here and we will sneak up with everyone else breathe deep and move so by going this road we're basically sneaking up upon goblins and they will be very Sur surprised you sniff it where you ain't ought be as the symbol glows power but here we will use just our elited wisdom just in case little bit of guidance something so we're getting fre experience by the way by doing so let's take heav key so the don't get you have the ability nothing useful here and we're free to go but right now we need to change our character instead of going in with the already taking character we better go with other hers to use our elited powers because this guy I will ask why we are sneaking up did I play Hello Goblin if you no no no he's okay right now and that's very very good chest that chest we want to break it some reason it's hard to break it I guess Morning Star not doing blood Jing damage or what's happening never at D moment so I got some torches maybe let's get this over with so torches always breaking chests very useful stuff very useful stuff and here we got potion of mind reading it's useful sometime most importantly haste Helm and haste Helm is very good so what is Hast Helm basically we get in momentum and we can travel larger distances so let's use aan for this dialect little dialect basically goblins having some fun and you hope you what's it bloody look like we're teaching this and we need to use it makes me laugh our elited power power courses through here on him Authority so again we using eled power he run away goblins apologies that's it re experience basically so now we need to save this gnome we're going be behind and basically by saving him there's some stuff on the top of the leather but we don't care too much about it there's like Goblin schemer bow spear if you for some reason don't have any items it can be useful but most of the time no so we need to break we need to break and if you break it will stop things we can freeze this dude cut me loose free him he's not looking cool or scary but he's very famous well no get on with it whatever you are you saved me now you'll extort me that's how this works yes nothing and we not need any work from him we'll will approve this take my pack if you can find it ignorant I'm inan I found but I on that note and he will go to bal's gate so maybe we will meet him later maybe we will meet him later and he told us that there is Puck over here so we should find it right now I guess on the top there will be a puck okay let me check out Quest lock I totally forgot how to do it so a height completed and let's go we got here so where is this SP who knows by the way there should be something like rescue find n song Arabella refuges I mean there should be this PK should be somewhere here if I'm not mistaken like or in that sheep I mean I already took it oh yeah it's wooden hatch over here Shadow heart's attention is fixed on a damaged old yeah not below me we we should keep moving thank you thank you yeah so yeah here we get here a chest with Speedy light feed so when we basically dashing we get in a lot more charges right now I will equip it on my Paladin but there's another person who will Dash a lot more it's our Rog monk let's maybe instantly give him these boots so he got like more movement speed and that's it basically this Village is kind of done there's two more stuff we can do here two more options two more quests kind of big quests but I'm not in the mood to do it right now so first one will be to go to this house but we will do it later this like light quest line and to the house on other side later and to this Trolls but with trolls we need to succeed some checks if we lose checks we will fight withus 76 HP trolls that's not what we want right now and we don't want to go to the bottom side of the village because we will face on to etel there and we want her to stay in the camp for now so right now she's still in the emerald Grove and that's where we want here to be so we're not going to the left we're going right to the goblin Camp basically here we can again complete some checks look as the symbol glows poweres so we're using elited wisdom one more time and that's basically why I'm changing characters every character can use this only one time we got a true coming through I I'm sure the IRS will make sure and that's basically how we level up if I'm not mistaken no it was like a little bit of bug yeah yeah but I kind of plant my build so I don't need to kill them I possibly will take uh the item and maybe I will summon them maybe maybe because I already fought in the fight versus old beer and I was like okay it's easy fight they not even trying to attack me because when I played on tactician they just try this old beer mother attacked me from the start basically she's just oh bro you come into my Nest I will kill you that's it not exactly this time I came close to her it's important I she's not trying to attack me I just okay at any cost old bear mother now you die I attack her and there's old bear father who spawned and that's crazy that's crazy we almost died in the first big fight was like seei boss not my usual Quarry nor my usual Ally so true I didn't think you'd react so talk to me later we've got more pressing matters to see a power three Shadow you still do not know what it even is so we live artifact to Shadow Heart by way she's looking nice in this armor and let's go let's go inside sounds like they've captured themselves a sure so let's talk with wall he's over here and he will be prison very soon imprisoned so basically you just tell him I don't know this language he's like using some potato vegetable accent too look and he is in the cage here we got some Trader gr the trader name g idiot you look spend it and if you haven't bought from wall ring that I bought already this ring will be here so so we can buy something like camp supplies I mean from time to time it's useful stuff but we don't need them right now big potions can be useful let's get them and there's nice item returning Pike so when you throw it it will get back to you very nice for throw builds basically anything else is not too important over here so we can get moving basically what's the quest over here house and Goblin Camp yeah here we got Crusher and Crusher really interesting guy he is one of the reason why we want to actually destroy Goblin campes through you he will try to do some stuff we will use wisdom elited power and he's okay got a ring he got a really cool ring and we want this ring later on this ring gives you 3 m movement speed that's almost like half of the dash most of the time and right now we just used all elited powers so we will go on Long quest to get a little bit of more elited Powers so we can get the elited powers back basically everyone not feeling good but that's okay I came just in time that's first night where you see trans narrator to visitor yes and on good walk through on like we're making good walk through right now and I don't worry you will not become a mind flayer not while I'm around I'll protect you Shield yeah uh I kind of like PL all built we don't need a lot of items from first part of the game we Haven I actually planed to speed around this part but fight's becoming a lot harder than in like normal mod harder than on tactician even so it's I have to go not just crazy harder but you know feeling that we can lose fight and lose game is really nice feeling intriguing at least so we live in Camp but mostly my plan is to just get a lot of money a lot of supplies and weu building mostly in Act too we're going for Paladin Tavern brawler monk light domain keric and evocation Wizard or sorcer I'm not sure evocation wizard is a lot better just because we can Fireball on our lives to save them but you know sorcerer is nice too so we're starting out with long Strider as always let's do it and now we can continue our journey over here no too fat Dr is fat yeah t BR monk is fun I actually enjoy normal monk too just normal monk Dix monk it's doing less damage than T brawler but very fun but T brawler got like really crazy start distribution with uh like hex hair and other stuff with potions with uh stuff that you can steal from House of Pain so we want uh to earn this old beer basically don't hang we need to win chicken chasing Reon sound easy it so we dropp in 30 coins and we hope that we got potion of animals picking there's no potions of animal speaking right now so before going into this area is better to use potion of animal speaking look maybe he got it in selling I don't see this potion I don't see potion here okay we will try to do it without potion I mean we can do it without potion too and I guess even if we lose here we can get a cup later so basically idea is to go to make cup go over here so to do it basically we enter in turn based mode and we try and to block his path so he can't run in the middle your we end in turns and we need to finish our turn like inside so he he's kind of scared of us keep going let's exit turn best mode cop Run please go away yes my go wake up and we need to go here and cop will be cop go away okay we want Chicken Chaser this how you do it without any like cheat and all stuff come here so we kind of w over here I have something to ask well look and now we want to win this the symbol glows power courses through you so now we can use elated wisdom for 100% chance to basically steal this cup your mind just that's it cup is ours he will run over here but he will appear in the camp later that's basically it in the G during the it was Bloody fantastic what's now now we can go inside basically so everything here is done we can go inside again with switching characters to use this awesome ability to use eled powers to go inside and as you can see we getting level four almost power one more power go inside something oh beg pardon you must be a to join the other troop it's so Weir kind of your soul right now so Luna let's do what we have to do then get out of here good those thieves almost got and here we in Goblin Camp so right now we won't actually do this Goblin camp V idry I want to finish this part on level four level four and maybe change builds we will start tomorrow stream with changing builds so here we got this uh Ro [ __ ] very nice Trader we need to complete perception history history check Zim so zenim she's zent Trader h we no judgement no right and wrong and we got no problems with them there's a lot of cool stuff here so potion of animal speaking always nice potion of invisibility very good and useful stuff and other stuff that we can use actually so we don't need any more safe tools to the stuff so uh there some nice like great ax is doing like from six to 20 damage and and it's strong hacks it's strong hacks very strong hacks but we not want it right now so another good stuff you can get bow of awareness that gives bonus to initiative if you don't have any other stuff right now it's pretty nice so we can sell any stuff that we don't need and we will check out how much money we got here so let's keep throwables and basically saell everything else grease bottle can be used okay what is this uh mying we don't need it FEA fall we got G but let's keep it for now so we got like 700 gold and that's actually very nice very nice very nice bow having plus one to initiative is nice stuff so we buy it we buy it and right now we got plus one to initiative we will attack faster in turns that's really nice stuff to to do pleasure and now over when we bought everything we don't need to do anything right now but later we want to go into this room and get the smoke powder barrels so there's a lot of them here basically what we want to do in Goblin Camp just kill all goblins but we're not ready to do it right now we need to like seek out what's happening and what's happening here actually some like dark stuff going on here is rituals again we will come here later right now we just closing doors because if something will go not quite as plant we don't want these guys to react so this location again nothing happening here just little small talk with baral we better just go instantly to this location and there's a lot of stuff we can do on this side of the goblin Camp so we need like 200 experience to Next Level what we can do here there's a lot of stuff so first of all we can do a little bit of quest with this bro he's like scary dude greetings you recogn ah are you also here to assist I was and we can not all allow him to inflict a little bit of pain to us exactly but trying forgive me but that look in your eyes something terrible so please let me as the M my work can grant peace and serenity oh both simply face the so we need to to face the wall basically he will attack us yes this will do nicely two damage not a big deal pain you suffer will cleanse you do not fight it and we will use Constitution we will try to keep the pain do not keep quiet dear one let me hear you he want he want to hear us basically so now it's six damage do not keep quiet dear child embrace it and we can use performance right now oh my goodness okay your that's very very funny dude and he will Attack One More Time almost there dear one and right now we need to make one more BR I didn't like intimidation on him because when I'm rolling intimidation he's trying to kill us basically he's hitting with critical strikes or whatever happening so that's it so one more hit I guess Sweet Child while I enjoy so we need to survive for your reaction was to gain L's favor every single strike must be nevertheless thank you and if you're lucky you will get blessing I picked wrong dialogue options I guess I picked wrong dialect options we need to back for Mercy basically and don't do skill checks please say the mark glows but you feel nothing in response your lied Powers so our lied Powers is beyond reach who got lied Powers I guess Shadow heart got some powers can he in can she interrupt no she can't interrupt this dialog so uh we need to use uh deceptions deception basically we he will live that weird while he's living we can use Aon something up yeah it good we can turn down the lights forget about it'll be more and basically try to lock pick this stuff and save this bro I should be able to make it toson so he tell us that hson is be the The Grove to the East and now we can go to the house in place basically crash go help him so we might learn yeah so this guy gives uh like little buff that we can use okay let's talk with Grio don't go bother him my pigeon e what's it to you nah as the symbol glows and we use eled wisdom again over here something the and now pigeon is ours and it's not pigeon of course it's w we want to save wall here and later in the game because he will get give us nice buff for the last fight I guarantee the story of your D so every St every decision we're making right now is important to have nice fight in the late game so get yourself safety but I dare say the experiment has proven most fruitful too I'll be happy to share and we ask him to go to our camp very important stuff to we want to be friends with him and he will give us a nice buff nice buff that will stay with us for all game and will be most useful in the last act so will for some reason is level four already we just the forest but we need to go inside this door basically here we will find hen I guess we will use short rest just to regain Health points and here is most important stuff to pick right position for this fight because wrong position will just ruin all fight so these kids is awful basically and they will ask for a reinforcement that's why I'm picking whe I'm leveling him up he's level four after all why not to level him up so we can use additional canri maybe I use bone Shield wow against Undead later on for our spells we can use something like flaming sphere it's useful and chromatic orb most of the time again we use only magic Missile for now and let's just increase Constitution and intelligence or Constitution will add plus 4 HP dexterity will add one Armor class Armor class is far more important so sharp as ever this fight is really important not to mess up no time to rest this guy is really strong we want to play spalon over here a long way to go still so cleric will be here too I guess it's nice idea a rogue rogue will be on the top possibly attacking this guy from behind and now wheel so we'll we'll get oil barrel of course and again my main idea is to actually drop all bar oil barrel over here and now they trying to just mess up with a bear again my we both we we will tell them stop and we will attack the Goblins of course we are with the bear because possibly he is hen we're not sure right now so is he sneaking up yeah staran is still sneaking up this is my time so main like and important stuff over here is to kill kids this little guys they can like mess up everything so that's why I will use aerion oh my this boots is bad for aan yeah it's medium armor okay we will blow will up but this will make this large explosion so now we can use Shadow heart that won't work this gu is in the cages so is totally fine Warrior Peak dashing okay ston got two extra attacks we can use off hand dagger for some extra damage and one will have ability to call reinforcement but there's only one HP left that's why magic Missile is very cool on these levels basically we can use one miss so to just finish unwanted Target and that's it very cool so now let's do it let's use Divine Smite who what's he's doing he's throwing grease Cave Bear coming he's trying to dash out of something else G oh he want to open he want to open these dogs let's jump out success and we can finish him with gu and bolt I guess no we can't so right now with a St and we just use three attacks and miss two of them Fleet of and that's why we need magic Missile again level two magic Missile we just finished this guy so he not opening cages and look at the damage look at the damage that's why we need this spells sper basically spell sper it's hard to pronounce it's insane insane stuff while he's line on the difficult terrain let's attack him let's not use Smite right now so he's dead he saved and cell will be opened very soon nice Aion nice you can land a hit on the way I guess nice idea is to just sneak let's not use all spell slots oh no no no okay that's fine that's fine so just damage from this stuff is insane you can see we doing like seven fire damage one lightning damage and additional one eight lighting damage that's coming from bonus from the stuff Smite will finish him off so we use the Smite we jump out got to move now let's wait they will use their action to open the cage and now it's easy we just attack from The High Ground and sneak up again two steps at a time one more dock coming out time for some bloody work let's you smite W multi attack nice damage so much misses right now so much misses we need to respect actually we need to respect characters basically and it will be nice on the Victor's path so let's use electricity Shing grasp te okay arcan wart saving us and with Advantage asterion no sometimes the only way attacking with wizard what I'm doing tenacity always nice to at least do some damage and oh come on nothing will stand in my way on my way and that's our friend H sh misses this yeah either way I owe I guess this here like o of missing so we're glad that we can help H how is this possible so we escaped a little sheep must be where these if you want to find a cure you must we need to go to mon we need to help him the ones holding these parasites together remove them can deal with goblins by our we will ask him to wait here and let's again wi very nice boots so when we using Dash we're gaining R for two turns so that's the Boost we can use for Paladin and like let me filter it by type there a boost for Rog basically it's not medium armor or whatever so always collect this stuff from animals very nice potions can be done from animals what's in here elixir of bloodlust basically and elixir of bloodlust is an insane POS late game it's a lot weaker in honor mod because in honor mod you won't get extra attacks a lot of extra attacks basically you want get them but still blood lust potion is insane for the late game because you won't be stunned for like few turns so what here we got water barrel fire wine barrel fire wine is nice we can use it but not now right not right now we can open the door or we can basically take the keys from These Guys these guys should have keys yeah so there's very nice Shield by the way Goblin Shield is pretty funny looking here we get Beast Master chain so we can be friend with animals in case you want to bef friend with boar or whoever you will find and prison key so suspicious meat is always kind of stuff you can pick but I guess you understand why it's suspicious so we don't want to eat this stuff so now we got access to this room we can loot a little bit over here and basically there's nothing too cool we can communicate with like that elf decaying legs protrude from the hole a failed Escape it seems so basically he couldn't escape from this braon coll pull the body out we can go through this hole but we don't need it right now and basically do we have gold for respecting all har yeah we got 400 gold so I will do respects no I want do respects at level four or will I do and basically right now we need to kill everyone in Goblin camp but before we doing this stuff we going back [Music] to Emerald Grove once again once again we're going to Emerald Grove so we want to sell stuff that we don't need basically everything from here so we are need to worse Keys should be like on key chains this stuff can be it can be here more powder Satchel very strong stuff very strong stuff oh nice looking armor it's so so Girish armor so we sell every type of Arrow I don't like to use them it's not fun we basically add to where everything we don't need and right now we need to sell everything and basically we can end this part so what we do next next part we need to go and hunt paladins at level four after paladins we go to blighted Village basically and do everything over here to the bottom side of blighted Village it's the bottom side of BL Village we will find a lot of cool stuff a lot of cool stuff actually most importantly we will find secret letters that will make us more powerful like a lot more powerful and we will deal with G then and we basically will make full build over here when we finish this part of the map and then we're going to the goblin Camp so for now we're basically selling everything need anything else at our Traders and best idea to sell to Damon because Damon is insane so tomorrow I will come at the same time you most or even ear and we will beat who act one we will go to act to so we will finish everything and we will start from here so here right now our most important like task is to sell everything we got right now everything we don't need and basically get more potions get more potions and lotions from our friend lady like lady EST TR so we got 800 gold and we need to cap on potions with onel yeah on hello P so again going to trade any lotion or potions getting three elixir of heal giant strength she always got this Elixir and after we got them we can get potion of animals picking she done have it it right now again same trick Level Up character level up character we will go for great weapon Master on our Paladin and don't level up everyone else touch me and I'll bite your fingers off and right now shess hello pet need anything any so we can buy even more heals giant strength potions and I guess we got enough we got enough to beat every boss in basically this act tomorrow N B love come yeah I will stream daily right now basically until we finish a good walk through then I will take some rest and we will try to finish dark Ur walk through so add to no no no to where to Camp I am not just like that so everyone thank you for watching today that's nice how many people actually on my first stream so let's use short rest let's save the game basically we can use fast safe and see you tomorrow I hope you will come and enjoy second part of this stuff so we almost we basically found hon I guess I will put car on tomorrow's preview and we continue our 100% walk through so see you guys yeah good night it's like hot night over here thank you for coming and goodbye spot the king going to s sleep like that yeah I'm going down like that so I almost going to sleep
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 36,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, bg3 honor mode, bg3 honor mode build, honor mode bg3, bg3 honor mode playthrough, bg3 honor mode haste, bg3 best honor mode build, bg3 honor mode level 4, bg3 honor mode lets play, best karlach build bg3 honor mode, bg3 new honor mode, bg3 honor mode tips, emerald grove bg3 walkthrough, dank crypt bg3 walkthrough, blighted village bg3 walkthrough, goblin camp bg3 walkthrough, how to get owlbear cub in bg3, find halsin bg3, how to get owlbear cub bg3
Id: qdb2d1T6Bi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 17sec (13637 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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