5 Self Love Habits That Changed My Life | Self Love Journey & Affirmations

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hey everyone caroline roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in today's video i'm gonna be sharing five self-love habits that changed my life so if you're interested in watching more then definitely stay tuned hey everyone welcome back to my channel i missed you guys so much i haven't posted a video in like over a week and i took a little break as part of my self-love challenge for the month of november um if any of you guys are on this challenge with me you know the last email i sent out i was talking about how um one of the things that you can do to show self-love to grow in your journey is to just take time out for yourself to take time to breathe to take time to rest and that's exactly what i did this past week for thanksgiving um you know just spending time with family just spending time reflecting preparing for the new year and the new season that god is bringing forth so i'm just so excited that in this video so stay till the end because in this video i'm gonna be announcing our final challenge of this transformation journey so we have been on a nine month transformation journey um november which was when we did the self love challenge that was our eighth month and then december starting tomorrow december 1st we're gonna be on our ninth month guys and at the end of this video i'm gonna be sharing um what our challenge is gonna be for the final month of this transformation journey it has been so amazing it has been so life-changing and for this video i'm gonna be sharing the five habits that i discovered the five habits that i learned that have helped me along my self-love journey so let's hop right into it number one the first habit that i'm going to talk about since i already brushed upon it is taking time out for yourself this is like an important part of self-love i recommend even just maybe taking like one hour a day or setting aside a time every day that you just spend for yourself that you just spend to think on life to just reflect to meditate to pray right that time that you spend with god or it could be you know taking a rest from work i believe that we should rest at least once a week um from work taking a time to go on vacation or to unplug from social media to unplug from you know answering emails taking phone calls it's so important that you take time for yourself and that is such a big part of self-love so that is one of the first habits that i want to recommend that you develop on your self-love journey and that is one of the best things that i was able to do you know i took a break from posting on my youtube channel but now i can come back refreshed i'm excited about the new videos that are coming forth i'm excited to hop right back into it but you know i just needed that space and that break so that god can pour back into me and so that my love tank can be filled up so that i can pour out to others right so i'm just so excited about that so that is the first habit of self-love that i want to share today all right so let's get on to number two so the second habit of self-love that i want to share is investing in yourself you've taken time out for yourself now i want you to create habits of investing into yourself so for example you can invest in a book write a books that you can learn so that you can grow intellectually spiritually you can invest in your education you can invest in your profession your dreams your goals right when is the last time that you took time to just invest in yourself right that you put money aside to really invest in something invest in your future invest in the gifts and talents that god has given you so that is the second habit of self-love that i really want to encourage you to develop along your journey invest in yourself i actually have a free resource for you guys my invest increase and impact guide so if you're interested in growing and investing in yourself then you can download my free guide below in the description box and i pray that it is a blessing to you all right number three so the third habit that i believe we should develop for self-love is investing in our health investing in self-care so this month i was at home but i was working out right i was watching youtube workout videos it can be as simple as drinking your water right so that's something that i need to work on right drinking your water daily um you know just taking care of yourself getting sleep getting the right amount of rest um and then not just your physical health right but taking care of your mental health taking care of you know just all those different areas so that you are healthy holistically and not just healthy in one area your mental health your emotional health your physical health god cares about all those things so investing in your health and caring for yourself is such a big part of self-love and is such an important habit to develop in your life as well so that is my third habit of self-love that i got to really work on this month throughout my journey as well number four so the fourth habit of self-love that i want to share is affirming god's truth over yourself and over your life saying those daily affirmations and speaking them over yourself that is a big thing that we went over um this month and that we learned about and i actually created this free resource for you guys so my self love um scripture and affirmation cards um they're completely free so you guys can download it in the description box below if you want to download these print them out and have these scripture cards on hand but you can literally read these scripture cards and affirmations bring them with you to work to school wherever you're going and just remind yourself and affirm god's truth and his word over your life i'll share some of my favorite ones from this scripture card pack with you guys so i love this one that i have and it's psalm 139 verse 14 and it says i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made your works are wonderful i know that full well and the affirmation for this one is i am fearfully and wonderfully made by god amen i also love this one which is first corinthians 6 verse 20 and it says you were bought at a price therefore honor god with your bodies and this self-love affirmation is i belong to god god bought me at a price and i can honor him with my body i can take care of my body and then this last one that i love it is isaiah 43 verse 4 and it says since you are precious and honored in my sight and because i love you i will give people in exchange for you and nations in exchange for your life this is isaiah 43 verse 4 and this self-love affirmation that i've written to go along with this verse is i am precious and i am worthy of love i am precious yes and i am worthy of love god finds me precious god loves me he finds me valuable right so i know that my self-worth and my value comes from christ and the final habit of self-love that i want to share is when you know your self-worth and when you know your self-value you protect your environment and you protect the relationships that you're in so you make sure that you are in environments where you are valued you are an environment that you are loved in right you're not going to put yourself in toxic environments abusive relationships toxic relationships and you're gonna cut off those things that are not reflecting the value and the worth that you have in christ so one of the biggest things i've had to go through guys is evaluating my environment and evaluating my relationships and really having god show me those who are truly there for me those who truly love me and and see me for um the daughter of christ that i am and then those who don't truly value me for who i am in christ and getting rid of those toxic relationships and pulling myself setting myself free from those toxic environments so that is super important as well guys so those are my five self-love habits that i recommend that everyone should develop and practice along their self-love journey these are just my habits and everything that i learned but i want you guys to share in the comment section what are some of the habits that you learned what are some of the things that you discovered along this self-love journey and this self-love challenge alright so we have come to the end of the video and we are going to share what the challenge is for our final month month 9 in december so for the final month for december we are doing guys the giving challenge the giving challenge i am so excited now you've gone through this journey of self-love right your love tank has been filled up you've allowed god to pour into you you've been pouring into yourself you've been investing in yourself taking care of yourself now it's time to pour out to others we just had thanksgiving right and thanksgiving i just realized how grateful i am for god how grateful you know i am just for how good he is just for health just for simple things then there is no way that i can continue forth in this year i know a lot of us have had a hard 20 20 but there is something to be grateful for so there is no way that i can continue on in this year without showing god thanks without giving back without being a blessing to someone else because god has truly blessed me and i want to invite you guys to take part in this giving challenge i believe that when you give that it stretches your faith that it stretches your capacity to then receive back and i believe that when you give as unto the lord and as god leads you to that god is gonna bless you a hundred fold so i pray that if you wanna join in this giving challenge that you're prayerful about where god wants you to give how he wants you to give and basically for this giving challenge i'm gonna challenge you to give four different times for the four different weeks of december so week one you're gonna give once and then you're gonna give one time every other week okay so these are the four different um times that you want to give so i want you guys to choose one church ministry or non-profit that god places on your heart that you want to give to now we have caroline roberts ministries but you do not have to feel obligated to give to us so if god is leading you to give to your local church body or you know to another ministry or organization then that's completely fine all right so i want you guys to give to a church body ministry or non-profit it doesn't have to be our ministry but give however god leads you to give like i said it could be your local church you can give into the missions field your local food bank a non-profit organization so one of those organized entities so number two another type of person that i want you to give into is to give to someone who does not expect anything in return from you okay so this could be maybe someone who helps you maybe um this is someone who's always willing to serve always willing to support but they don't expect payment you know maybe this is someone who gives you a ride after school it gives you a ride to work but you don't really pay them and they don't expect payment like they're just doing it out of the goodness of their heart so you can give to this person or you can god may lead you to do something a little bit different so you can give to someone who doesn't expect from you because maybe they don't deserve something from you so maybe this is someone who has hurt you in the past maybe this is someone who has offended you who god is leading you to forgive and they wouldn't ever expect you to give them nothing right so god may lead you to give to this type of person um so be open to that and be obedient i'm telling you it's gonna be a blessing to that person and it's gonna be a blessing to you as well so be obedient to god in that i believe he's gonna highlight to you the different places and people he wants you to give in to so give to someone who does not expect anything from you okay the third one is to give to someone in need okay so this could be um a homeless person this could be someone who is struggling maybe a single mother who is struggling to um provide food during this time for her family or a single mother who is trying to give christmas presents to her kids but you know the budget is tight or maybe this could be a college student who's struggling to pay their way through schooling and maybe you know they're about to drop out of school because they can't afford tuition you know whatever god places on your heart he's gonna highlight to you i believe someone who is in need someone who really needs it um that it will be a blessing to so give to someone in need and then the fourth one give to someone who doesn't need anything maybe this is someone who they're a giver they're always giving they're always taking care of everybody else but when you ask them how can i bless you what do you need and they're like no i don't need anything no i'm okay give to those who refuse to receive because they're always giving and maybe they feel super grateful maybe they're just overflowing with thankfulness for what they have and they're just always worried about everyone else but they don't allow anyone to worry about them um give to those people that could be your grandma your mom your great aunt um your uncle you know your pastor people who they often get forgotten because everyone thinks you know they're okay they're fine they don't need anything right give to those people as well even though they're grateful they're thankful we still want to pour into them anyways and if you want to participate but you may be saying god i don't have anything to give i want to pray with you today and stand in agreement that god is going to give you seed so that you can be able to sow into someone else i'm going to pray that god is going to bless you so that you can have an opportunity to be a blessing to someone else we just got our love tank filled up with this self-love challenge you know god's been pouring into us we've been building up ourselves taking care of ourselves pouring into ourselves and now it's time to pour back into others especially you know with this upcoming season you know that we have people are going to be focused on the wrong things people are going to be focused on what can i get right what can i get for christmas you know it's all about me but now i believe it's the time where god is saying you know now is the time to pour out into someone else now is the time to be a blessing to your community and to be a blessing to someone else and that's exactly what we're gonna do so i'm just gonna pray for you guys so heavenly father god i just pray right now for everyone under the sound of my voice lord god everyone who has a desire to be a blessing everyone who has a desire to give lord god i just pray right now lord god that you would place something in their hands bless them with seed bless them to be a blessing bless them to pour into others bless them to be a light heavenly father bless them lord god to be a joy lord god to bring joy lord god to those who are in need in this season lord god those who feel forgotten those who feel overlooked in the name of jesus those with a pure heart lord god those with a humble heart humble intentions like god who don't even expect anything in return lord god i pray lord god that you would bless those lord god or those lord god who maybe feel like they've done wrong or god maybe feel like they don't deserve anything like god but they desire forgiveness they desire um freedom they desire liberty they desire love and care lord god i pray that you would shower your love upon them right now lord god that you would shower your love upon them through this season lord god in this challenge heavenly father help us to be the light of the world help us to spread the love of christ daddy this season lord it's all about you god it's all about you jesus you have given us the greatest gift of jesus christ you have given us the greatest gift of salvation lord we could never repay you for what you have done god but we can give you our thanks lord we can give you our praise god and we can share the truth of the gospel the truth of the good news the truth of this precious gift of eternal life and salvation through jesus christ which you have given to us like god and we can go forth lord as ambassadors for christ being the light of the world lord god and showing this same love that you showed us lord god you sent jesus to die for us while we were yet sinners lord god before we even repented lord god or knew of him he came and died for us lord god he died for our sins lord so i pray lord god that as we go forth in this season lord god that you are on our mind that you are our number one that you are our focus it's not about what we can get or god what we can accomplish toward god but god is all about your will and your plan and how we can give back into you and your purpose and what you're doing on this earth lord so we just thank you for it now daddy we thank you for making a way lord we trust you god i thank you that those who hear you when you speak to them and when you tell them to give them to so they will be obedient in the name of jesus they will not have to question always this god or is this the devil or god they will not think twice but they will be obedient and faithful to do what you have said for them to do in the name of jesus i trust you god i pray that they would trust you god you shall supply all their needs according to your riches in glory heavenly father i thank you lord god that they shall not lack anything in the name of jesus lord god i bless every seed right now every offering lord god we pray over it that will go forth and i stand in agreement right now lord god that it shall return to them a hundredfold lord god i thank you right now heavenly father for the seed that is going forth lord god i pray that you are blessed and i stand in agreement right now with everyone under the sound of my voice lord god i pray for miracles i pray for breakthroughs in the name of jesus lord god i pray for deliverance i pray for healings in the name of jesus lord god in the name of jesus lord god we give back to you by god not because you need us to give back to you lord but we give back to you for you first gave it to us we're just giving back to you what belongs to you in jesus name daddy have your way lord we give your name all the glory honor and praise for it now in jesus name we pray amen amen hallelujah hallelujah so thank you guys so much for watching this video and for going on this transformation journey with me um if you would like to join our transformation journey for the last month in the giving challenge then click the link in my description box below to join i love you guys so much and i'll see you in my next youtube video until next time bye you
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 20,683
Rating: 4.9888964 out of 5
Keywords: self love, self-love, self love habits, how to self love, self care habits, self help, self care, 5 Self Love Habits That Changed My Life, 5 Self-LOVE Habits to Change Your Life, Self-love journey, how to love myself, self-love habits, grow your self-worth, changed my life, change your life, self love journey, healing self love, healing self worth, self worth, my journey to self love, how to begin a self love journey, how to start loving yourself, self love affirmations
Id: Gv0UvOdPiDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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