Proverbs 31 Woman

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hey everyone caroline roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in this video we're gonna be talking about how to become a proverbs 31 woman so if you're interested in watching more then definitely stay tuned [Music] so I want to hop into this video by going to proverbs 31 verse 30 and it says charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised I will love this scripture within the whole chapter of Proverbs 31 I feel like it is a pinnacle scripture that truly sums up the essence of the proverbs 31 woman and that is a woman who fears the Lord throughout this video I'm gonna share different characteristics of a proverbs 31 woman but they all flow out of a woman who fears and reverences the Lord when I speak about fear I'm not talking about like afraid of the dark or afraid of the boogey monster I'm talking about a fear where you are so in awe of God who reverence him you reverence his word you are obedient to him and at the core of it so much fruit is birthed out of fearing the Lord so a proverbs 31 woman is a woman who fears the Lord and she is to be praised as it says here in this scripture so let's go deeper into this passage of Scripture proverbs 31 and let's talk about the different characteristics that you can find that a proverbs 31 woman has which is birthed out of her fear and admiration of the Lord the first characteristic is if you fear the Lord you will obey him and do what he tells you to do the proverbs 31 woman was obedient to God's Word God's Word says to love to be a giver to take care of the poor in the needy she was a good carer for her May and her servant girls we know that from the proverbs 31 scripture she was obedient to God's Word and she reverenced him because she honored her husband he was not ashamed of her but she built him up meaning she submitted to him she was not an aggie wife saying oh why didn't you do this why didn't you do that why didn't you pick up your socks off the floor he was proud to be around his wife and she feared the Lord she honored her husband as she was honoring God she honored the relationships that God put in her life she was a crafty woman she would sew different garments of clothing she had businesses she had a real estate she was doing so much and could it be that she was led by God as a way to honor him and be a good steward over what he has placed in her hands the proverbs 31 was obedient she reverenced and she feared God the second characteristic of a proverbs 31 woman which we kind of touched right but she was a woman who flowed out of love she was a woman who flowed out of love she treated people right she loved her children she loved her husband she always lended her hand she was a giver not a taker she was the head and not the tail she gave to the needy so she was a lover of God's people she was a lover of God's work so she was not only obedient but she was a lover of people and the third characteristics of a proverbs 31 woman was she was a good steward she was a good steward over everything that God had given her a lot of times in our lives we find it hard to steward the things that God has given us we find it hard to be faithful but the proverbs 31 woman is a faithful woman she took care of her kids she made sure that they you know always had the right clothes in every season she took care of her home Bob gave her seed he gave her finances and she steward it it by multiplying her finances and investing in real estate she was a good steward over everything that God had placed in her hands so she could be trusted with more the proverbs 31 was a good steward over everything that she was entrusted with she didn't make excuses she didn't complain I'm sure she had hard days but what is listed here in the Bible is that overall she is she is remembered because she feared the Lord she is remembered because she was a good steward over the things that God placed into her possession God could trust her with children that could trust her with a family God could trust her with a business guy could trust her with a home some of us are desiring a home but God says can you be a good steward over the apartment can you be a good steward over where you are now can you keep it clean can you be faithful some of us want a new car but the old car you know got repossessed the old car was taken away and we didn't take care of it you know we just let it be dirty and just threw anything around we weren't a good steward over it are you a good steward over what God has placed in your possession over everything that God has placed in your life maybe you're desiring that for God to give you a specific career he sent you to school he sent you to university but you're partying your life away instead of studying instead of getting in the books instead of passing your tests you're not being a good steward over that opportunity but the proverbs 31 woman is a good steward over what God places in her hand she's a good steward over every situation she comes into she knows that she is gonna come out on top she knows that she is gonna serve as unto the Lord the fourth characteristic about her is she knows who she is she knew she was God's daughter she knew that she was made in his images the Bible says and she represented him and carried his nature whatever she went she knew she was royalty she didn't walk around you know all frumpy she dressed with the finest linens with the finest clothing because she knew that she is a daughter of the king and she knew that she is a reflection of her father so she has some style she has some class she didn't just get out the door any type of way because she knows who she is when you know who you are and who's you are your life everything about you begins to reflect that not just on the outside as it says in this verse charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting not just on the outside but on the inside she carried the very nature of God wherever she went people could feel God's presence wherever she went people could feel God's love through and by her life this is the proverbs 31 women characteristic number 5 of a proverbs 31 woman is that she was wise strategic and she was a planner she was very wise and it says in the Bible that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom so that's where she got her wisdom from was from fearing the Lord she was a planner when winter came she made sure that her family they had the right blankets that they were prepared they weren't gonna be in the cold freezing she planned things in advance and this goes back to her being a faithful steward are you prepared daughter are you in position daughter you are a proverbs 31 woman where has God called you to be what has God called you to do are you being strategic strategy comes with the wisdom of the Lord strategy comes with obeying the Lord being where he tells you to be in doing what he tells you to do do you have an eye the future do you have a vision do you have a mission in mind the proverbs 31 woman wasn't just focusing on how she could make it by today she trusted in the Lord today has enough cares of its own don't worry about today don't worry about what you're gonna dress in don't worry about what you're gonna eat God says the lilies of the valley he even closed the lilies of the valley the birds of the air have food to eat so what more would he do for you the Lord cares for you he's taking care of you you don't have to worry you don't have to stress out about today about tomorrow but are you in position for the future are you in position for what's to come are you prepared for the next breakthrough that God is trying to do in your life these are the five characteristics of a proverbs 31 woman and now that we've gone over these characteristics I want to now read the chapter of Proverbs 31 so that as I'm reading this these characteristics will be brought to mind and you'll be able to see how these characteristics play out in the life of proverbs 31 women proverbs 31 we're gonna be reading verses 10 through 31 a wife of noble character who can find she is worth far more than rubies her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value she brings him good not harm all the days of her life she selects wool and flax and works with eager hands she is like the merchant ships bringing her food from afar she gets up while it is still night and she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants she considers a field and buys it out of her earnings she plants a vineyard she sets about her work vigorously her arms are strong for her tasks she sees that trading is profitable and her lamp does not go out at night in her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers she opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy when it snows she has no fear for her household for all of them are clothed in scarlet she makes coverings for her bed she is clothed in fine linen and purple her husband is respected at the city gate where he takes his seat among the elders of the land she makes linen garments and sells them and supplies the merchants with sashes she is clothed with strength and dignity she can laugh at the days to come she speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue she watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness her children arise and call her blessed her husband also as he praises her many women do noble things but you surpass them all charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised honor her for all her hands have done and let her works bring her praise at the city gate a proverbs 31 woman is a woman that fears the Lord a woman that worships him reverences him and obeys him don't worry about the other characteristics the characteristics are fruit of having a relationship with Jesus and obeying and fearing him so start right there daughters start right there proverbs 31 woman for God has graced you to become everything that he has called you to be and he will complete the work which he began in you so I hope that you found this video helpful if you did leave it a thumbs up and if it's your first time on my channel don't forget to subscribe until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 110,873
Rating: 4.9582248 out of 5
Keywords: proverbs 31 woman, proverbs 31 woman bible study, how to become a proverbs 31 woman, proverbs 31, virtuous woman, virtuous wife, proverbs 31 woman spoken word, proverbs 31 ministries, proverbs 31 woman juanita bynum, Kytia L'amour, what is a proverbs 31 woman, proverbs 31 woman sermon, proverbs 31 10-31, proverbs 31 10-31 sermon, proverbs 31 wife, woman of God
Id: Dk1JcnwERj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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