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hey everyone Carolina Roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in today's video I'm gonna be sharing five ways to study the Bible so if you're interested in watching more then definitely stay tuned [Music] there are different things that I do so that I can memorize my Bible verses and memorize Scripture one of my favorite things to do is to write my Bible verses on index cards so on the front of the index card I write the verse and then I kind of write like the topic or the theme of that verse so that when I'm ready to take out the verse I take it with me along my day and I look at it and I try to remember what this verse is about and the word fear is like my little hint to know what this verse is about and I try to memorize the verse and repeat it to myself and if you forget the verse when you're trying to remember it then you flip it over and then you're able to see what you wrote and then you can recite it and try to memorize it again so there's no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment but he who fears has not been made perfect in love first John 4:18 so I love to write out my Bible verses on these index cards you can buy them at Walmart the dollar store and literally they have some of them with lines on them if you want to write them out in lines mine don't have lines on them but I love these these scripture Bible verses so right now the Lord has me studying fear especially with everything going on in the world right now you know the media and the coronavirus and all this stuff I'm really trying to keep my mind focused on the fact that you know we are called to walk in love we are called to walk in faith and boldness and definitely not to fear anything so I'm gonna be carrying you know these index cards with me within the next week so that I can just study and meditate on these verses and another memorization technique that I like to do is I like to write down my scriptures repetitively in my notebook okay so right here I wrote down first John 14 the verse that I already went over it with you guys there is no fear in love and I just wrote it over and over and over and I got this idea because when I was in like grade school I don't know if you guys remember but I used to have to write my name over and over and over or they would give us like certain sentences or certain spelling words that we had to write over and over and over for memorization so I just brought that same technique that I learned in grade school to my Bible study and then here I took my second verse which is second Timothy 1:7 for God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind and I just wrote it over and over and over and the reason why this helps is that when you are writing it down it helps you to memorize it because you're writing it word for word letter for letter so it kind of slows the mind down and really helps you to process the verse and really take in and meditate on the verse that you are studying so that is one of the ways in which I study the Bible I use different memorization techniques to help me to meditate and memorize scripture number two another thing that I love to do in order to study the Bible is I love to go in context I love to go in context and study the history of the book of the Bible that I'm reading or study you know who was the author what was the context what were the customs what was the history in this day because if you read the Bible from like your own perspective if you read the Bible from you know our current century then you're not really getting the full scope of the experience from which those words were written so I love to like this is my old Bible it is like tore up but I love this Bible so much I'm still like using it I have a new Bible this is my new Bible on this my old Bible but I still use it because it has like a lot of resources that I love and I love that before every chapter they give you like a history breakdown so right here it says author and date and I'm in the Esther it gives you a little synopsis of the book of Esther right here if you can see so although we do not know who wrote the book of Esther from internal evidence it is possible to make some inferences about the author so they tell you that the author was likely you know Persian lived in Persia and because they have a lot of knowledge of Persian customs and it gives you a lot of information on the background the time around when this happened it says that King Xerxes had already died and it talks about internal evidence also suggests that the festival of Purim had been observed so I like to underline like points like Persian customs festival of Purim excerpts seized and I like to google it or do further research after I read like this paragraph chunk of history giving me a background on this book of the Bible then I will underline what stood out to me and go even deeper and do more research for my study but it tells you you know the author who the audience is and then the date the time so 400 460 BC before Christ and it gives you literally all of this information right there so I love that so so it's important to know the history in the background of the book of the Bible that you're reading so that you're able to read it in context so that is the second way that I study the Bible so the third way that I like to study the Bible is that I like to look for the original definitions of certain words because sometimes the definitions of words that we have today is not how it was meant when it was first written so I love to use Strong's biblical concordance it's one of the most popular concordances but basically what a concordance does is that it gives you definitions of words from the Bible from the Old and New Testament so the Old Testament was written in the key brew language and then it was translated into English one of the you know most popular versions of the original versions of the translation is known as the Kings James Version so a lot of people you know like to use that Bible version the King James Version for the Old Testament it was written in Hebrew right and then the New Testament is written in Greek and the way that you can remember that the New Testament you know was written in Greek is remember the Old Testament is the Old Covenant the New Testament is the New Covenant where Jesus where God now adopts us into his family as Gentiles so the Old Testament it was like the promise for the Jews but now in the New Testament it's Jews Gentiles all of us can now have access to the kingdom of God and the Gentiles are the Greeks those who agree those who are outside of Jewish custom those who are outside of the original church so that is why the New Testament is written in the Greek and when you go to the concordance if you're looking up words from the Old Testament they'll give you the Hebrew translation in the Hebrew definition of that word so there is an app that I use on my phone and I love using this Bible app it's Strong's Concordance app and I'm here it's open to the verse that I was studying first John chapter 4 verse 18 if you drop down and you go to Bible it'll tell you all the chapters of the Bible so let's go to first John chapter 4 verse 18 and you can see the verse that we were going over and since we're in the New Testament it shows you the reference for the word in Greek so there is so is is g-20 seven six in the Greek and if you click on it if you click on gee 276 in the Greek that word means st the transliteration for that word is st so you can find a word that stands out to you aware that is interesting to you that you want to go deeper into for your study so here cast if G 906 it says casteth the transliteration is ballo definition a primary verb to throw various applications more or less violent or intense to arise cast out dung lay live pour put send strike throw down to thrust and if you reread the verse now with this understanding of what it means to cast is what it means to cast something down there is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear perfect love lays down fear Perth perfect love lies down fear and whirring anxiety at God's feet and what happens when you lay something down now you're able to stomp over that thing now you're able to walk over that thing now you're able to crush the head of the serpent that is the authority that God has given us in the body of Christ we crush the heads of serpents we cast down fear we walk over fear into the destiny that God has for us another word that stood out to me when I looked up the concordance definition is the word perfect but he that feareth is not made perfect in love and the word perfect g5o 48 in the Greek the transliteration is T Li I who and the definition is from to complete that is literally accomplished or figuratively consummate in character consecrate finish fulfill to make perfect so when I go back to read this verse and I have the understanding of what it means to cast down to lay something down lay down that fear destroy that fear overcome that fear so that I can complete so that God can complete the work that he's doing in me if we're not able to lay down these fears if we're not able to step over these fears lay them down to the ground so that we can step into our purpose a lot of times fear blocks you it paralyzes you from moving into the things that God has for you so now when we read this verse it says there is no fear in love but perfect love cast out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect is not made complete is not made fulfilled is not made whole in love and that's just an example of how I use biblical concordance to get deeper into the definitions of the Greek and the Hebrew words there transliterations and what the original intent for that text was another way that I like to study the Bible is I like to do topical studies or I like to make sure that I reference multiple verses for example that's why I'm studying multiple verses on fear because a lot of times if you just take one verse and run with it you may not fully grasp the exact message that God wants you to come out of that verse so it's very good to compare verses to other verses in the Bible to make sure that everything is in line that you're getting a consistent message and not twisting it you know to fit your own agenda or to fit your own interpretation so I love that in this Bible in the back of it there is a topical index and under each topic you have a list of verses and reference scriptures that you can go to that cover those topics and you can compare those verses and see you know what is the overarching message and what are some different things that you can find in each verse that tie the message in together so this is my index two topics and they have a lot of names you can study different characters in the Bible like you have Aaron Abigail you know everybody and it tells you like who she is she's the stepsister of David David and here are some verses that prove that she was married to Jeff and here's a verse that proves that so you can learn so much but about Abigail by just looking back here in this topical index and studying all these verses do you want to study abortion right here it shows you different scriptures you know relating to abortion and it's just pages upon pages of different topics and I just love this Bible so much like alcohol should Christians use alcohol and right here it has so many different verses where God is talking about alcohol and you can find your answers by doing topical studies and references referencing all these different verses ancestry like all these different types of topics that you can think of animals like anxiety like what does God have to say about all these different topics the Antichrist so I love always you know going to Bibles that have a topical index that is one way that I love to study the Bible it depends on what I'm struggling with at the time or what I'm being challenged or what I want to work on so what are you dealing with in your current life are you dealing with anxiety you know are you comparing are you dealing with comparison are you struggling with trusting God to provide for you there are so many words about God's provision there's so many verses that you can study are you struggling with finances there are tons of scriptures about how to deal with money how to handle money and finances in the Bible so topical studies are really one of my favorite ways to study the Bible now the fifth way that I like to study the Bible is I like to compare different versions so the same way that I want to look at different verses that are covering the same topic or the same theme is the same way that when I come across the first I want to reference different versions of the Bible in order to see how it lines up and to see what differences there are now as I've mentioned before one of the most original versions of the Bible that has been translated you know to English is the King James Version so that's a very popular one I've also heard of the Geneva Bible but one of the Bibles that I currently use is the New Living Translation and if you want to know about you know different versions of the Bible the pros and the cons and all that good stuff I am going to be doing a video soon comparing different versions the bible and sharing my opinion so definitely be on the lookout for that and put on the notification spell so that you can be notified whenever i post a new video but i want you to just start off with something that you can read and understand it's very important that you get a Bible that you can truly understand and one of the things that helps me with comparing different versions of the Bible when I am studying is that I may not understand you know the verse that I'm reading but when I look at the other different Bible versions then I'm able to compare and really understand it and see it broken down in a different way and also I like to look it you know what is the most consistent message across the board so one of my favorite websites to use in order to do this is Bible hub comm and if you're studying a certain verse then they will show you all the different Bible translations for that verse so right here on my phone I'm I was studying 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 and you can see that it shows it in the NIV the NLT you know if you scroll down they have new King James Version King James Version so you can literally read through here and breathe the different versions and compare and really get the overall message that is being conveyed through this verse so that is another way that I like to study the Bible so I hope that you enjoyed this video if you did leave it a thumbs up let me know in the comment section how you like to study the Bible and if you guys are not following me on Instagram definitely don't forget to follow me on there so that we can connect throughout the week I love to give encouraging posts and connect with my subscribers on there so I love you guys so much and I'll see you in the next youtube video until next time bye you [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
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Keywords: how I study my bible, bible study, how to bible study, how to study my bible, how to study your bible, in-depth bible study how to, how to in-depth study the bible, How to Study The Bible Demo, howt to study the bible, demo of studying the bible, how to read the bible, how to do a bible study, how to remember the bible, girl bible study, christian bible study, tips to study your bible, how to understand your bible, memorize scripture, scripture memorization, memorize, bible
Id: CK1D7F4LknQ
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Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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