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[Music] I will go back to my channel thank you so much for subscribing for sharing my videos for liking my videos just for all the positivity and the support on this channel thank you so much and i truly appreciate that and I appreciate you and if it's the first time welcome to my channel and don't forget to subscribe if you're not subscribers there's so much interesting things that aren't mis channel that you don't wanna miss so today we want to pray a prayer for a future husband maybe you haven't met him maybe you've already met him maybe you're already dating you know whatever season that you're in as long as you're not yet married that this prayer is for you and when we pray these kind of prayers we are sitting in Christ we are sitting with Christ above powers above principalities and both rulers of the darkness of this age so we are praying from a place of victory place of honor a place of already having conquered these powers and these things that maybe are fighting against you so because they are power that may be fighting against your marriage or against your coming together with your future spouse so when you pray pray with understanding and pray with the authority that you have in Christ that you're sitting with him above situations above power above rulers so I just wanted to sort of make that clear so that when you pray your prayers are not just in vain and you're praying the looking down at your situation when you already sit with Christ so you're looking down here on this earth in this present realm you're looking at your situation you're looking at your future spouse and your speaking life into you and we want to pray according to the book of Genesis which is where everything began where the whole marriage began the concept of marriage the foundation of marriage began we want to pray according to that word so if you want to open your Bible so we're gonna pray from Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and we're gonna pray also verse 21 and then we're gonna pray verse 24 so let's just pray we're gonna do a prayer where we are decreeing the Word of God and decree into the life of the speak of the future spa so we're going to speak to his spirit so you're speaking to his spirit because this is spiritual this is not a physical thing or a soulish thing we're doing is that a spiritual so I'm just gonna join my faith to your faith today just repeat after me in faith God Almighty I thank you for putting the breath of life in the nostrils of the husband that you created for me I thank you God Almighty but you've made this man a living being in you you made him a new creature in Christ father I thank you for salvation that you have given my future spouse whom you created only for me in Jesus name and right now I say to you my future husband whom God has ordained for me from the beginning of time futures fast forever that you are today if you don't know Jesus Christ if you don't yet have salvation in Christ and the Spirit of God I pray in the name of Jesus that you begin to draw near to the spirit of God Father in the name of Jesus if my future spouse does not yet know you right now god I pray that by your spirit you begin to draw him near to you right now I supplicate in the name of Jesus the name of 'verily and I say to you future husband hear my voice I speak into the womb of your spirit that you have now been hijacked from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of the lads in the name of Jesus by faith I hijack you for Jesus Christ in Jesus name I decree and declare amen let's go to verse 21 father even as you created Adam you made him to fall into a deep sleep and it's lat thought that you took one of these ribs and you closed up the flesh in its place you made that rib into a woman god I thank you for my future spouse I think you got almighty that you've given him the tools to love me as Christ loves the church I thank you that even as you have given him a deep sleep God I pray that you protect him as he sleeps and prepares for me further protecting from the worlds of Satan the deceptions of fornication the deceptions of pornography the deceptions of violence the deceptions of world acceptance Father even as he prepares for me and as you prepare me for him in this process of coming together I pray that there is no deception Oh God I pray that there is no error Oh God I pray that there's no misconduct Oh God I pray that there is no delay Oh God in this process of my future spells having to be prepared for me and I for him god I thank you for your grace and your power that is upon my future spouse even now God Almighty I thank you for the equipping that you are doing in his life I think that you are preparing him by your spirits to walk it is true calling as your son and also as my husband in Jesus name and right now I speak in the spirit room to my future husband future husband wherever you are today hear my voice the voice of your really who God created specifically for you as you begin to be prepared for me and I for you i decree that you will not be confused I decree that you will not have any doubt I decree that you wait patiently I decreed that you have all the tools that you need to have as a husband who god-ordained you to be I'd agree that the grace of God is upon you I decree that the enveloping power of the Spirit of God is upon you I decree that you will not be delayed by any Jezebel in the name of Jesus I decreed that you have discernment and insight to recognize me and to recognize my voice in the name of Jesus you will never be confused about me in the name of Jesus you'll never have any doubts about me future husband begin to prepare yourself even now if you have not yet prepared if the name of Jesus stand firm chaste as a husband ought to be for his glorious wife this I decree and declare in the name of Jesus and I still see the blood of Jesus amen let's go to first twenty four God Almighty I thank you that you said that a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and that they shall become one flesh thank you God for this decree Lord let every part and blessing of this degree of becoming one flesh be witnessed in my marriage with my future spouse god I pray remove everything that is keeping my future spouse everything that is trying to destroy my future spouse everything that is trying to steal from my future husband to have the ability the strength and the power to leave his father and mother yet to be joined to me Lord by your spirit circumcised every bondage every chain binded by a power spirit of God every imprisonment that is stopping my future husband from joining himself to me his wife in the name of Jesus spiritually emotionally psychologically financially and physically in the name of Jesus God if this ATP that will hinder as from experiencing the full blessing becoming one flesh when we get married father I pray that you begin to operate and bring hailey recovery and wholeness in that area before we become one I want my future husband right now and I put myself in Jesus name and right now I decree and declare in the spirit future husband by the blood of Jesus hear my voice come out from every hindrance every bit every dungeon every hole that is stopping you from physically cleaving from psychologically clearly for financially cleaning to me when I become your wife physically in the name of Jesus I'd agree wholeness upon you i decree healing upon you i decree restoration upon you upon every area of your life that has been damaged and destroyed by Satan to him that you from walking in the fullness from Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 in the name of Jesus when we become one flesh in marriage we will experience the fullness of the blessing of marriage sexually physically spiritually financially psychologically in the name of Jesus begin to come out from every area every wrong relationship if you are in a relationship right now future husband come out of it if you have been serial dating future husband come out of that right now I command it in the name of Jesus amen and amen amen in the name of Jesus father we thank you for these words and we seal them by the blood of Jesus father we thank you that these ones have gone forth to do what we have set for them to do I thank you God for the manifestation that is taking place right now even in this realm oh god I thank you for your spirit and your power in the name of Jesus the name above every name father let there be signs miracles and wonders in the present that has just said this prayer or God let them begin to experience the visions and even dreams of their futures for know god almighty father let these dreams and visions come only from your throne every dream and vision from the pit of hell I commanded right now to subside and I bind it in the name of Jesus and I throw it back into the pit of our nothing shall bring confusion in this person's life in the name of Jesus there is order there is no confusion there is no doubt there is no error in the name of Jesus for the steps of a righteous person are ordained by God in the name of Jesus I decree let the steps of this person be ordained by God as they walk towards their future husband God lead them as you led Eve or Lord I pray in the name of Jesus let it be easy Oh God when they meets father I pray in the name of Jesus let it be instant Oh God even as Adam instantly recognized his rib Oh God let this future husband for this person Oh God recognize them instantly father I pray let every scale be removed Oh God from the eyes of their future husbands for those that have prayed this prayer father I pray in the name of Jesus that name above every name father I thank you for the signs miracles and wonders that I even taking place now I thank you for the healing and the restoration the wholeness that has taken place on God in their lives the lives of their future spouses and themselves in the name of Jesus I thank you Father for that joy that happiness that they will experience in the name of Jesus the name above every name aim and amen amen God loves you so much he loves you more than you can imagine it if you've been praying this prayer and you don't know that the Lord Jesus Christ or maybe you are born again but you have backslidden you you don't have that relationship with it anymore I just want you to rededicate your life today if God is calling you the Spirit of God is calling you and drawing your heart today to draw near to you just submit to him right now submit to his spirit if you're not born again submit to a spirit if he's tugging at your heart just say this pray and give your life to Jesus Christ it is Jesus Christ who perfect your love life it is Jesus Christ who will teach you and make you experience that beauty of a relationship that beauty of a marriage a fulfilling marriage a fulfilling love life it comes from him and he will teach you by his Spirit he will show you the mysteries of his word that you will begin to experience those promises that that come from only here so just say this prayer just repeat after me Lord Jesus I believe that you are the son of God I believe that you died for me I believe that you died for my sins I believe that you rose again after three days and I believe that you are the king of kings and the Lord of Lord I believe in you Jesus Christ and I submit myself to you today Lord Jesus be the Lord of my life be the master of my life be the king of my life and teach me how to live a life consecrated to you by your spirit in Jesus name Amen amen I'm just pray for You Father in the name of Jesus those that have given their lives to those that have given their lives to you O God I pray that you protect them protect them by your spirit lead them to the right church is all God I pray begin to use their lives for your glory of God reveal yourself to them by your spirit or God and even lead them to places where they can be baptized in water and in fire oh God and even now Oh God baptize them with your fire even now father I pray in the name of Jesus the name above every name in jesus name amen and amen if you just given your life to Jesus Christ there's a link in the description box I've put together some tools that you can look at and read just to follow up from now that you're born again God loves you so much and thank you so much for watching this video god bless you and I'll see you next week take care bye grab a copy of my latest book it - beau beauty on Amazon Kindle and iBooks [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 686,643
Rating: 4.9330454 out of 5
Keywords: prayer for future husband, prayer for husband, declarations for future husband, prayer and declarations for future husband., prayer for a husband to be, prayer series, future husband to be, don't know how to pray for your future husband, don't know how to pray for my future husband, how to pray when you dont know what to say, how to pray for future husband, prayers for future spouse, prayers for future husband, prayer for your future husband
Id: 2Hw3ownrlBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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