5 Reasons Why God is Making You Wait

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hey everyone Caroline Roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in this video I'm going to be sharing 5 reasons why God could be having the weight in this season so if you're interested in watching more of this video then definitely stay tuned [Music] so I'm making this video because a lot of people ask me why does God have be waiting why is God not coming through when is it gonna be my time and I just want to share five quick reasons why we could possibly be having leeway in this season the first reason is that you may not be ready or prepared for the next season that God has for you or for the thing that you are ready waiting for a lot of times when we walk into a season prematurely we end up messing it up or we end up you know not even being able to carry out that season or go through it because we didn't win sand the proper preparation for it God wants you to be successful in the next place that he takes you whether your next season is marriage whether it's a new job whether it's going to get a new degree whether it's starting an organization starting a new business whatever it is that you're waiting for and you don't feel like God is giving you the green light I encourage you to wait on his timing because he may just be preparing you and it just may not be time and you want to make sure that when you walk into that season that you are in the place you've been prepared by God so that if attacks come your way you are already properly established and prepared for whatever it is that God has called you to do another reason why God may have you wait is because it's not time it's not time for that yet and I love the Bible I love that in please - jesus said if God makes everything beautiful in its time and there's a time for everything so maybe it's not your time to start a business maybe it's not your time to get married right now that doesn't mean it's not going to happen but it's not your time and you want God's timing because his timing is the best timing and he has your life mapped out and planned out so trust him if he says it's not time then that's just why he has you waiting because it's not the right season for that you may want to go to the pool really bad but if you are in Canada and it's winter no money no matter how bad you want to go to the pool as a kid your mom take you to the pool in Canada in the winter because it's not the right season for that it's not time for that they're gonna have you wait until the summer they're gonna have you wait until it's the right time because they don't want you to get sick they don't want you to catch pneumonia they don't want you to catch a cold so there's a time and there's a season for everything you don't go to the beach in the winter you don't go sledding in the summer because there's a time for everything and trust that in that God is protecting you and he's preserving you for the best time for whatever it is that he's called you to so the third reason why you may feel like you're waiting and you're waiting longer than you expected is God maybe rerouting you okay think of life as like a road and you're navigating along this road of life God knows what's ahead he's like your GPS he tells you which way to go and sometimes I know when I'm in the car and I'm listening to my GPS they'll say there's an accident ahead there's a delay ahead you know there's there's different roadblocks ahead so sometimes it may take you longer than you expect to get to your destination what if there was a delay what if there's a roadblock and God is just rerouting you so sometimes it could just be that God is rerouting you and while you're rerouting maybe it added a few minutes a few months a few years to your end destination and sometimes the rerouting is our fault sometimes it's not even God's fault that we're being rerouted there are times in life where you know we're setback we may face different attacks in life but a lot of times we may make decisions out of disobedience and because we weren't obedient to what God said the last step God said we need to reroute and go another way so he can get to us to our destination I know when I'm driving sometimes I won't listen to the GPS and I'll be like I know where I'm going this is where I need to go and I'm wrong and then I'll follow my own ID instead of following but the GPS is telling me to do and I go the wrong way and then I say rerouting rerouting to get me back on track to go the right way so God maybe we're outing you but he still has a plan for you I feel like some of you feel like you've been rerouted some you feel like maybe you have you're a single mother maybe you feel like you had a child out of wedlock maybe you made certain decisions in your life and you feel like this is not what I had plans I had my life planned out I was gonna go to college you know get married get a house you had your own specific plan but life rerouted you but that is saying my plans for you aren't gone just because you took a different route I'm still gonna get you where I want to get you as long as you keep following me keep listening to my voice keep spending time with me and keep being obedient step-by-step number four the number four reason that you may feel like you're waiting is because God may be protecting you this kind of goes off of the point that we just said with him rerouting you but that may be protecting you okay maybe there's a storm ahead that you don't know about maybe there is an accident ahead maybe there is something that he is protecting you from God protects us from so many things I think every day that we don't even know about or even recognize I just thank you Lord right now for everything you've protected me from that I don't even know that you protected me from like I know when I'm traveling to get on a plane sometimes my plane is delayed because there's a storm in the sky and it's to protect us from being caught in the storm guidance sometimes he doesn't want you to be caught in the rain he doesn't want you to be caught in the storm so there it creates a delay and he has you waiting he has you waiting in your life am I ever gonna get to my destination honey just wait until the storm passes trust that God is protecting you because if you go into that storm even though God is telling you to wait you may not make it out alive so trust God and be obedient where he has you because he is protecting you don't run into the storm don't run into that situation don't run back to that relationship don't run to that place don't run into the storm trust that guy is going to get you to your final destination but you have to wait on his perfect timing number five okay the fifth reason that God may have you waiting is he's preparing something better he's preparing something for you today in church my pastor said something that was so amazing you know that Jesus he he left 2000 years ago and he said he's preparing a place for us in heaven and my pastors that also said that it only took God you know six days to create the earth and on the seventh day he rested so if it only took God six days to create the earth and look how beautiful the earth is look at all the mountains look at the oceans look at the beaches look how beautiful look at the animals it only took God six days to create that but he's been preparing heaven for thousands of years this means that God is having us wait because he is preparing a better place for us and it's taking more time because it's he's doing something he's preparing something for us and a lot of you you're looking at you're thinking of your past you're thinking of your past relationships you're thinking of your old job you're thinking of the past place where you are comfortable and you want to settle for that you get complacent you say this relationship is good enough you know he's kind of nice to me he kind of believes in God ikana goes to church let me settle for this one instead of waiting on God God's best god has a best in store for you God has better in store for you what are you willing to wait as he prepares gifts I'm someone I'm a foodie guys I love to eat when I go to I rather go to a restaurant and sitting away thirty minutes if I'm going to get a really nice warm meal then go through the McDonald's driveway and get a quick one-minute fix that online is gonna have me feeling you know crazy my stomach turning all day I'm willing to wait the extra time it takes to get the value out of what I'm waiting for I'm willing to wait for the preparation to take its place some of us are not patient we're in this microwave society we're like I want it done quick and I want it done now and we're not willing to wait if you're not willing to wait then you're gonna have to end up with getting not the best you're gonna have to end up with less saying but that's not God's plan for you God wants you to have more he wants to give you life and that more abundantly but are you wait are you willing to wait he's preparing that husband are you willing to wait he's preparing that wife are you willing to wait and he's preparing that job are you willing to wait at least preparing that new place are you willing to wait as he's preparing that contract are you willing to wait and he's preparing that house for you there's still contracts that need to be taking place there's still conversations that need to be had but you have to wait and you have to trust in God's perfect timing so I hope that you found this video helpful of the five different things that could be happening that is causing you to wait on God but the end of it all his word will come to pass his word will not return unto Him his boy if he's promised something to you it will come to pass it will happen and with that being said just thank you so much for watching this video I want to make a quick announcement about he told me 2019 tickets are selling guides tickets are selling out so if you haven't purchased your ticket yet see he told me 2019 it's happening this October in Tampa Florida if you were someone who's waiting on a promise from God if you were someone who waiting on a word from God and you need clarity you need direction you want to hear God's voice clearly you want to be faithful in waiting this is the place to be at he told me 2019 I'm gonna be there to pray for you I'm gonna bring a word we're gonna have amazing worship so I hope to see you there click the link in my description box says sign up until then I'll see you next time guys bye [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 68,329
Rating: 4.9705076 out of 5
Keywords: Why God makes you Wait, wait, why god, When God is silent, what does the bible say about waiting, waiting sermon, waiting Christian, waiting bible verses, waiting Scripture, waiting dating Christian, waiting for a spouse, waiting for God, waiting for a Christian spouse, waiting for a Christian husband, waiting for a Christian wife, why is God making you wait, why wont God answer my prayer, why wont God answer your prayer, waiting on God, Jesus, Christian youtuber
Id: hMjraK7FzPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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