3 Insane Obscure Film Genres You Need To Watch - YBOC (Luchadores, Crustacean Sports)

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[Music] guys I'm so excited to let you know that this episode literally the episode that I'm editing right now is being sponsored by Nord VPN which means that if you go to north VPN comm /y boc you can actually get 70% off a three-year deal which means it's only 349 per month and if you type in the code YB OC to check out you get it for free oh hey they're nerds my name is dr. Jordan breeding and insert a joke about my name or my life you're an algae student post oh yeah in high school I was forced to wrestle a girl and it was way less magical than way more sweaty than my dad said it would be poignant anyway you're watching you bragging on crack the show still committed to the doctor thing even as the forth wall crumbles in front of me in the only song cracked with a very loose format today I introduce we've come a long way since the early shiners of classic film which were basically watch me like Shiki this elephant and a train now we have all kinds of stuff from biopics the young adult sci-fi to Liam Neeson you know d'etre this seat taken with so many genres flooding the market it's easy to miss the real crazy stuff but the good news is that unlike you nothing gets by me because I'm an actual doctor and I have a lot of free time in the same way that American Hollywood continually cast rock the Dwayne Johnson Mexico produced a hoard of films starting their own famous wrestlers so yeah I'm talking about Luchadors just throwing down against every conceivable otherworldly threat from aliens do we extremely not say forward vampires to whatever the hell this is the most famous filmic luchador El Santo personally started nearly 50 films that inexplicably required an overweight man in a mask to get in there and save everybody [Music] one such film champions of justice is a sordid tale about an evil doctor who builds a machine that turns regular little people into super strong wrestling little people and to stop this horrifying development obviously they had to get 5 Luchadors together to just get the crap beat out of them by dwarves [Music] in Santo contra el cerebro del mall Santo is brainwashed into an unwilling minion of dr. Campos think Hawkeye and Avengers but you know if he actually bothered to wear masks and to break the curse another luchador pounced on toe in the face and his brain is no longer Malo and then together they go kill a bunch of gangsters this is what's known as the perfect script then any decidedly sexy turn for the genre the movie opera scene 67 capitalizes on James Bond's popularity by recasting the suave British spy as a masked Mexican wrestler and the hero never removes the signature silver mask because quote doing so would shame all other men [Music] oh yeah and there's also Neutron the atomic Superman versus the death robots which you wouldn't think it would it's kind of layers it's just stacked I'm just a man who believes in the triumph of justice and who goes after it in a rather or not the dogs way eventually the Luchadors have conquered all evil in the known galaxy and the genre just kind of petered out and also I guess nobody wanted to watch El Santo versus weakening eyesight in the doctor who says you should probably stop clotheslining people for the sake of this aging heart for decades Uganda was ruled by the vicious Idi Amin do you got in film industry what Hollywood deals with this horrific past directly in their films according to Ugandan director Isaac navona being that Idi Amin killed people we also have to kill people to rub off that bad image that doesn't sound right boo explosions a few years ago what Hollywood gained some internet infamy with the viral hit who killed Captain Alex and it's hilariously low-quality CGI that was just a start and another movie self-proclaimed Ebola hunters try to stomp out Ebola in the developing world by shooting and kicking things to death what what was that called oh that's right no I get I get okay I'm wrong about sulla there's another movie that claims to be the Ugandan Expendables but honestly compared to Stallone's version it's kind of way better the movies are all insane obviously but what's truly refreshing about will call you what is how nobody is under the impression that they're making high art they just want to make action movies arguably the best part is how when these movies are shown in Uganda in theatres they're often presented by a video jockey and this nc talks over the entire movie yelling things like quote now expect the unexpected Belen action is coming I promise you which I'm pretty sure about taglines for the upcoming Snyder cut every showing is basically this live Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode we're in the audience and MCR riffing on a film that was only ever intended to be ripped on it's basically a genre tailor-made for you and your stone friends who love to yell over absurd films in your mom's basement it's perfect and they've got a patreon you should absolutely support because unlike a typical Hollywood production they use his audience money to pay for sexual harassment lawyers money donated to a colleague would cover stuff like an adobe premiere license and forget electricity and besides how many Marvel movies feature a post crucifixion Jesus with a rocket launcher there's an embarrassingly long section of American entertainment history where Native Americans were only ever seen as savage villains also real history eventually movies became more sympathetic but there was this weird period in between where filmmakers realized they'd overwork the natives are evil angle but director still couldn't imagine one like working at a restaurant or shopping at Whole Foods because you know they're always wearing Warpaint and have ornamental headdresses right anyway that confusion birth a new genre called red spoliation now your typical Reds play tation film features white people / train Indians killing white people portraying white people and usually an abused Native American protagonist gets revenge with endless scalping and tomahawking in the goriest most stomach-turning waste possible it's basically inglorious basterds but without all that subtlety for example in mean that quite classic Thunder Warrior trilogy the titular thunder returns home from long absence only to discover that construction workers are tearing up his ancestral burial ground to build an observatory because you know how astronomers are always being so culturally insensitive a construction going on there is illegal in sacrilegious thunder tries to diffuse the situation with words but the construction workers just laugh em off so instead he just breaks into a store walks right past the guns grabs a big-ass crossbow and murders everybody for three straight movies like Rambo you know better hair in scalps a group of archaeology students goes digging around and obviously Indian burial grounds cuz where else would you dig and a student gets possessed by a murder spirit named black cloth but the genres apex rife with the Billy Jack movies which stars a very white Tom Laughlin as a half Native American Vietnam vet Hapkido expert who also happens to be a pacifist you know what I think I'm gonna do then just for the hell of it tell me I'm gonna take this right foot and I'm gonna whop you well okay so apparently Billy Jack is about as much pacifist as he is a Native American this ludicrous genre died out sometime in the 90s when everyone outside of Cleveland Washington DC and Steven Seagal as entourage finally acknowledged yea Native Americans probably aren't all mystical warriors secretly hoping to get revenge on small-town America yeah so a few years ago a guy with hands named guy hands made a real movie called crust about a probably not real shrimp who took up boxing and the whole thing was this insane attempt to create a movie that would intentionally fail so that he could recover the money in a tax upon his tax relief scheme a lot of the producers and the movie did fail but it did also become a sensation in Japan because of course it did [Applause] and as such several spin-off sealife sports films came out like the calamari wrestler and crab goalkeeper which it's probably something that David Beckham would catch on a work trip and they're all kind of Air Bud with a man at a massive crustacean outfit instead of a real dog and it's hard to find a ton of info on this genre because I live these stupid America where nobody dresses up like sea creatures anymore but if you find anything please tell me about it because I must see more for my for my science yeah so somebody wanted to do more research on these sea life sports films the best way to do it would definitely be with a Nord VPN account all I have to do is download the app from the Mac Store install it pick a country of origin connect to one of north VPNs thousands of super fast server spread out all over the globe and voila all the sudden I'm searching Netflix Japan for that real weird stuff I can't get in the States and even better while researching this video I kept noticing different countries have all sorts of extra shows and additional seasons of stuff like Fargo Rick and Morty Atlanta Brooklyn nine-nine my wife and I don't have cable and since we're quarantine were ripping through content at an incredible rate we finally caught up on better call Saul but we were sad to see that season 5 wouldn't be out on Netflix for a full year we actually considered buying it on Amazon like a couple of Neanderthals but with Nord VPN it's right there like look at it I can click it and watch Saul Goodman make a mess of our legal system no this is for so much cheaper than forking over a bunch of money to own a show that I don't have the emotional state or than once and all you got to do is go to Nord VPN complex why BOC to start you're better call Saul tentacle fantasies today [Music] and even better all of this is backed by top cybersecurity firm and they don't track what you do so the technical stuff can be between you and Bob Odenkirk and the squid okay I don't feel great let's just let's bring her home yeah discuss what Michael Jordan would probably look like as a dead guys subtly laid the foundations for Nacho Libre - and have confirmed that I ate way too much sushi earlier so I think that's it make sure to check with Kathy on your way out for some drugs for your tangentially related disease goes here oh crap crap crap crap hey guys Here I am at the Grand Canyon wow it looks just like in the movies the moving pictures please subscribe and then I maybe I'll take you to this place wouldn't that be something
Channel: Cracked
Views: 84,573
Rating: 4.7452712 out of 5
Keywords: your brain on cracked, cracked, insane movie genres, comedy, humor, jordan breeding, yboc, luchador, who killed captain alex, wakaliwood, NordVPN, Sex games, little person, After Hours, Small Beans, wrestling, Uganda, Video Jockey, Sea Creature sports movies, Japan, Anime, Crazy, redsploitation, Native Americans, Billy Jack, Doctor Jordan Breeding, Cracked.com, Cracked series, New Cracked Series
Id: RAF5WWvo85M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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