The National Debt: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
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Channel: LastWeekTonight
Views: 4,260,001
Rating: 4.7699475 out of 5
Id: yq_E3HquRJY
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Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I do not like that man Ted Cruz
I do not like his far right views
I do not like him in these reeds
I do not like him when he feeds
I do not like him by a wall
I do not like this shit at all
I do not like him as Santa’s elf
That man Ted Cruz can fuck himself.
Its so amazing to see conservatives twist, leap, and bend in order to justify tax cuts for the rich and spending on the military while also calling poor people wanting food scammers and thieves.
Normally being that wrong and having an odd sense of self entitlement is a trait left to toddlers.
John didn't even mention that other countries owe debt to the US also. China owes the US almost $1t. Almost every country owes debt to other countries.
Hell yeah, this was incredibly well done and long overdue. The problem isn’t the existence of debts or deficits—which have been occurring for decades—the problem is where that investment goes. Under Republicans that is almost always war, corporate welfare, and tax cuts for the wealthy. It’s time we start focusing more on building up the working class and improving the quality of life for all. Let’s consider things like improved infrastructure, education, Medicare for all, UBI, a federal jobs guarantee, there are so many opportunities to make life better for everyone. Even Democrats in power haven’t been thinking bold enough about this since the 70’s.
I will say I wished that he would’ve gone a bit more into MMT instead of just mentioning it in passing near the end as an “extreme” perspective and moving on. I read Stephanie Kelton’s book The Deficit Myth which was an introduction to that school of thought and it made a hell of a lot of sense to me and tied together a lot of the points John made throughout the video. I’d recommend that to anyone wanting to delve into this topic a bit more. I think NPR’s Planet Money podcast also did an episode about it which serves as a good introduction.
Someone is going to wonder why a novelty Nicolas Cage pillow is getting thousands of order today.
Link to the Nicolas Cage pillow.
The author of Austerity: The History of Bad Idea is worth listening to on this topic.
Mirror for Canadians who can't watch it?
Is there a mirror for us Canadians?