3 DAYS solo survival (NO FOOD, NO WATER, NO SHELTER) on an island with only a POCKET KNIFE.. EP 29

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oh no man what's going on doggies and welcome to a three-day solo survival challenge this is legit i've got no food no water no shelter for the next three days all i've got in my bag here is a pocket knife and a handful of batteries so this is all we've got for the next three days absolutely nothing in that bag pocket knife very simple basic knife and in this bag it's just full of batteries for the camera that's pretty much all we've got we've got eight batteries and a pocket knife so that's all we've got for the next three days so i'm just going to walk along this tideline pick up as much stuff that will come in handy over the next three days old lighters bits of string whatever we can find and then i'm going to start building a shelter probably just up here where it's a little bit higher just in case that tide comes up really high overnight i've already found myself an odd pair of thongs there's no shortage of thongs there's one there there's one there there's well there's thongs absolutely washed up everywhere here you can probably make a mattress out of the thongs there's another one another one so so so all right so i'm halfway through building our house for the next three days and i'll give you guys a look this is the outside of the big bad girl inside it's actually quite spacious but down there my feet will go up this end my head will go it's pretty tall actually i can easily sit there during the heat of the day so i'm not building it in the shade there in here it's full of mosquitoes and bugs so i thought if i bring it out of the out off of that pandanus palm a little bit i can have it here at night there might be a bit of a breeze keep the mosquitoes off me and um that's the that's the idea anyway and i'm not going to elevate myself off the ground i'm going to sleep on the sand it's not cold i'm not too worried about snakes or bugs here so i'm literally just going to sleep straight on the sand use my bag as a pillow i'll keep working on this for a little bit and i'm going to go for a walk see if we can find something to drink or some water because i'm getting bloody thirsty now we've also found this magic piece of bamboo washed up we don't want the bamboo but what we want we want this blue string super strong what i'm going to do with this string i'm going to bind every single one of these onto the actual frame itself so it's super strong if it gets windy at night it's going to be strong it's going to stay there and we've already got our first injury for the day sliced my finger open with a knife anyway so i'm going to tie all these together and then we'll start putting a face on this [Music] all right so i've just finished the last pie downs on the shelter and it's looking pretty good it is sturdy as sturdy can be like there is no wind going to move this no matter how windy it gets all right so this is a chair that tire that i found up the coast there that's a chair so we're gonna sit on there and inside our shelter it's looking pretty good it's like look how sturdy this is man i am shaking the [ __ ] out of that and it's not moving so it's pretty good there's a lot of room in here that's where we'll be sleeping for the next couple of nights look at it it's like a big cocoon if it rains probably gonna give get a little bit wet but if it rains that's a good thing because we can catch water tonight so this is my little camping chair here's our hut i'm gonna start a fire here maybe tonight maybe tomorrow i don't know we'll see how we go finding water but um this is us pretty happy with it so we'll punch up the coast we're gonna see if we can find something to drink we've just done a big walk along this whole tideline no luck really lots of old coconuts but they're not going to be good for us there's so many shoes i think that's going to be an upgrade let's have a oh yeah look at that all right we'll upgrade to that see if we can upgrade the left but there's lots of lots of stuff in here that's useful like this is perfect for firewood there's lighters there's another old coconut there there's many lighters like this but i don't have the flints inside i need that flint there's another shitty old coconut here oh this one's not so old but i mean it's yeah we can take this one actually so the problem with this coconut this is this is an old coconut like it's been off the tree for so long it's going to have that thick meat which i mean i'll smash that thick meat but for drinking there's not much there's not a lot in there but i mean that's the first one we found so far that's got a little bit in it the rest up there are dry and cracked and [ __ ] so all right so we've got another coconut down here so what i'm noticing is obviously the tide line's really high up against here and there's a lot of good stuff that's wedged in the rocks it's wedged in the little cracks like so many shoes so many lighters there's bottles i can use there's fishing line not so much fishing line but like really thin rope there's a lot of useful stuff here but i'm gonna get this coconut out of the coconut down there so there's another coconut it's um it's probably not even a mouthful of water in this one either but right now i'll take whatever i can find slowly getting it open i don't know if you guys can see that but that's probably two mouthfuls of liquid inside there oh wow that's that is really rewarding the only thing that i can't do is waste it like i just did then here's that coconut meat that's probably what we're gonna be having for dinner just like that it's gone all right we got there in the end that took a lot longer than the first one that was a mission but we got our second one i didn't break it so this is gonna come home this is gonna come back to our little bungalow thing that we made and this is gonna be our backup drink i can tell right now that i'm gonna drink that second coconut tonight like that first one did nothing it didn't even my mouth's super dry i thought i upgraded my shoe but i actually downgraded because the end of this here fills up with sand and there's nowhere for it to go so i'm on the hunt for another shoe and uh things are good all right we've just found a massive upgrade it's for the wrong foot but look at this you are joking and an upgrade for this one look at this thing missing the toe hole but now i've got sandals man i'm going to be walking out of here with a brand new pair of bloody knifes at the end of this mission these are actually really comfortable and if you're wondering why i'm like so frothed on finding shoes it's because i've done this sort of stuff before and i didn't wear shoes and i cut my feet and by the last day i had infected dirty like i was in the salt water coming out getting reef cuts and trust me you want to protect your feet when you're doing some sort of a mission like this i could barely walk my way out of where i was so the first thing i always do is i try to find a pair of shoes i've eaten half of this coconut on the walk back that is absolutely bloody delicious also that's the first thing i've eaten all day so tastes really good i'll drink this one as soon as i wake up and then tomorrow we really really have to find some water i'm not too fussed about food like i can eat all of that and then this is obviously going to be the same so i think we've got plenty of plenty of coconut made we've got small crabs on the rocks over there i'm gonna use my dry bag as a pillow and i'm i'm gonna sleep hopefully i can have a good night's sleep tomorrow is gonna be a big day we really need to find water so um yeah i'm gonna try to get some shut eye and i'll see you guys in the morning yo good morning i had a very interesting sleep so last night there's these winds that would just come in and it would just sort of like circulate sand around and i was just getting sandblasted my ears are full of sand like i have sand of sand everywhere but apart from that i had a pretty good had a solid sleep few mosquitoes and there was one cow last night which came into our camp super strange this big cow had at like 2 30 in the morning poked its head in had a look at what i was doing and then just kept walking up the beach so strange it scared the [ __ ] out of me i'm gonna dig into this coconut super thirsty and we'll start our day look at this for breakfast it's made a little hole in the top there because i don't i want to drink half of this coconut now and then we'll try to save some for later today just in case we don't find anything else to drink so here we go this is going to be good man oh ah that's really good just gonna go splash my face in the ocean wake up a little bit but look at this are you joking we've got a whole entire beast to ourselves what a way to wake up man it's gonna go wet my face and then uh we're going bush today we're gonna go there hopefully we can find something to drink something to eat i'd love to have something to eat except for coconut mate that's beautiful why see this this is that cow these are cow tracks look and they go str straight up to where i'm sleeping very curious cow there's so many bottles rubbish plastic cups pieces of plastic all in the back of this pandanus palm so i'm just going to go through and try to gather whatever we can that's going to help us out because there's a lot of rubbish in here that's sort of useful like here there's a styrofoam box like oh it's got a hole in it but there's an old box plastic here this could probably come in handy for something that plastic i'll just go scavenge through all this all right up the coast there before we head in the bush hey look at this there's wild dogs there hey upgrade a bottle we can use later plastic bag maybe we can use that so much junk in here it's actually really sad how much plastic is in this bush here i'm not even gonna waste my time i'm gonna take advantage of this sun take advantage of that plastic that we found what i'm gonna do i'm gonna try to do is make a solar still so i'm gonna dig a hole here hopefully we can contain the moisture in the in the hole and that'll generate some water for today as soon as i started these clouds just started rolling over and for this to work we need direct sunlight so hopefully i'm still going to make it so while we're out there hunting this can be gathering water we're gonna go get foliage from the trees and we fill this hole completely up with the green leaves as that sun is beaming down on this during the day it's gonna start to condensate it's gonna start to sweat it rises it hits the plastic then it drips down to the rock and it's going to catch in a cup which is underneath that rock but what is the most interesting thing check this out already without any leaves in there that's condensation right there so that there is already drinking i could lick this thing and we could have a little bit of a wet mouth you know but that's very interesting look at that that's a ready condensation all right so this is the section of the bottle [Music] chuck a clean rock in the bottom of the bottle and we're going to place him in there and i'm not too sure exactly what this leaf is but you can see that a lot of bugs have been eating at this leaf so that gives me the indication that that's not toxic so we've got that we've got our bottle our rock inside that'll just keep it stable so now we'll flick our plastic over and we'll let that thing start sweating up all right so we've pretty much come to a point where i'm happy to leave it now so i had to use a thong here a thong over there i'll tell you what these bloody thongs they come in handy just because the plastic wasn't big enough so that's stopped that's made of seal that thong made a seal so that's completely airtight now that is all right now getting hot sweaty juicy you can see that it's actually working already so that stone now that's the lowest point the water should run across to that stone and then drip into our cup while we're away looking for water in the bush that thing there is just gonna slowly drip drip so this whole shrub here is edible it's called goat's foot or what's the other name for it morning glory so these flowers here that's actually an edible flower i can eat as many of these as i want and we're going to be all good so i'm going to collect a couple of these flowers we'll eat these flowers you can also eat these leaves if you boil these leaves in water they're edible and so is the root from this plant so it's good to know this is here we can come back maybe boil up the roots boil up the leaves definitely there's a food source there plenty and plenty of pandanus palm here so we can get the seeds out of the pandanus palm fruit we'll eat that later maybe but um water is still looking pretty scarce my senses are so alive right now if i see a lizard anything i'm catching it we're gonna cook it on the fire and this is actually pretty interesting this stuff here i don't know if you guys can see this sap here super sticky look at this that would be really handy around the camp so this tree is a little bit of a walk away but not too far but this you could this will eventually dry rock hard like this is here so you can patch water bottles you can do a lot of stuff with that it's flammable really good stuff right now it's in a perfect stage of um patching anything really good palm tree has been absolutely hammered by a people or i don't know it doesn't look well but there is an old coconut there and there's a broken one over there this one doesn't look very good this is really old ah this is getting this is actually starting to become really hard to get anything to drink so i just opened up that coconut and just like i thought inside it's rotten it stinks there's water in there but so this is what it looks like there's liquid in there but if you can see this it's all black it stinks man it smells like i don't know it smells like vinegar slash some sort of an alcohol i'm not gonna drink that that's probably gonna make me sick you can see here that it's all rotting away all this is just wet and it's rotting there's bugs in it ah so there's a lot of animal tracks here that i've been following for probably 45 minutes now hopefully it'll lead me to water but they sort of just they're sort of just going in circles that's obviously a big cow [ __ ] there so these cows have to be drinking something we just gotta find where they're going okay so we've come back to camp i've still got a mouthful in that coconut there that's gonna be like heaven but what i'm really excited about is this i don't know if you guys can see with this like this glare right now but look at this water it's running this one here is running there's one running flat out there is water dripping into that bottle this is crazy oh that makes me feel a lot better we're slowly trapping fresh water and in here still got our coconut there's a mouthful of water in here so i'm just gonna hang in the shade for a bit drink this so that right there is the last water i have that is it it's gonna taste bloody good i haven't drank any water since this morning when i woke up so that's definitely gonna get me through i have a lot of hope now that i know that the solar still is working i don't think we're going to get much water out of it but it'll be enough to survive another day another night this is going to taste bloody beautiful ah ah so i have done a massive walk it is barren around here like this is just super hot super dry black dirt there's no water inside like this i've walked up along the cliffs seeing if there's water coming down the cliffs nothing so we're just gonna keep walking and uh yeah that's all we can do right now giving up is not an option ah i am absolutely melting out here so i just got back from a hell of a walk we've got a couple of things that are going to help us out so originally i was going to make a bow drill what i want to do i want to start a fire and we'll go try to catch a couple of crabs because i am beyond hungry like i'm starving right now so i was going to use this and then i found this to make the bow drill then we upgraded to this perfect stick for a bow drill it's like made for it right so that was a plan to make a bow drill but then i found this and this has got me froffin we found a glass bottle the good thing about this bottle is it is so clean like this thing is this thing's primo this is how i'm going to start a fire doing this with a bow drill isn't a lot of effort but starting a fire with a bottle like this is going to be so much easier so we've got our bottle and we found this coconut husk really dry coconut husk what else do we get and the fishing lures obviously i'm not going to be able to use these because the swells crazy and these hooks are rusty as hell but it's going to be a good addition to our little home hey look at that so all right so this is how i want to start the fire this is the dried tinder from the coconut husk this is the bottle we found all we're going to do is use this round corner of the bottle here use it as a magnifying glass find the point where it's at its sharpest and we'll just hold it there for as long as possible usually it takes about two to three minutes in this hot weather like we've got now to start this to start this smoking and once it smokes we'll transfer to this coconut and then we'll transfer to the fire that i've already got prepped that is what i'm talking about you are joking look at this dude that's ridiculous it is so hot right now all right so we've got all right so here's our little amber that's perfect all right so we're going to transfer it over to this come ah on on come on come on okay now this is the critical part you want that i want that coal to be come on all right let's take it to the fire uh come on oh she's smokey boom look at this yes so that took two minutes and 18 seconds to start the fire using a glass bottle it's a very very good way easy way and effortless way to start a fire but it needs to be hot and your tinder needs to be dry if you guys like that kind of thing i'll leave a link at the end of this video to another video i made where i go in depth on how to start fire with bottles like this bottles of water plastic bags batteries all that stuff so i'll leave that link at the end of the video but for now i'm going to get this thing to a big roaring fire we'll leave it we'll go try to find something to eat so we've actually got an arrangement of foods like i'm pretty lucky i've got choices what i want to eat up here all on that ridge there is cactus along there's cactus unfortunately that cactus isn't flowering now so it doesn't have that beautiful fruit but what we can do we can actually eat the leaf on the cactus or we can come and frolic on these rocks and these snails are actually really nice to eat and there's no shortage of them there are snails everywhere yeah oh no man oh we can still get it oh yes i've got it yeah yeah yeah yeah yes look at that that's gonna go good that's beautiful have a go at this we've got about i don't know 25 20 snails a big crab so going to be eating good except right now i've got i have got a throbbing headache man because i'm not drinking water my head is just like it's nearly unbearable it feels like i've got a baboon playing drums in my head ah killing me okay push it on all right so while we're here we might as well grab a bloody cactus leaf i'll um i'll make a pair of tongs or something out of this and we'll grab the cactus leaf as well do that's our um that's gonna be our dinner as well it's really hard to find the um the young fresh ones because i'm up on a rock here and this is just all really old stuff but she'll still be all right we'll go take all the prickles off put her on the fire that'll go beautiful with the snails all right we've made it home it's actually starting to look like a house hey we've got our firewood here a little bit of dinner cactus we've got our deck chair our house our fire and our water container or our water catcher and i can actually open it now because the sun's gone so look how much water's stuck on this plastic we'll get it all draining down look at it go oh my god we've got water check this out those leaves have completely changed color and look at this we have a little bit of water in the bottom of that there i am so happy with that that'll save your life look at this man it worked pretty good [Music] oh wow oh look at this things are looking up in this kitchen so i've got about 10 snails in this tiny little can here i can only cook 10 snails at a time because i found a little can down there that's good enough i'm going to burn these spikes off this cactus with the flames of the fire we'll just rest him there now here's that beautiful crab we got so i'm just gonna drop him on the coals i put him to sleep as soon as i caught him so we'll just drop him there this is my first proper meal in two days yesterday all i ate was that coconut inside of that coconut and today i've been chewing on their second coconut so this is gonna taste good i reckon that these snails are just about done i've just gone down to the ocean there got some salt water everything tastes better when it's cooked in salt water look at this crabmeat oh my god that is really good follow it down with a little bit of the cactus leaf tastes like salty cucumber and i was gonna throw these fishing hooks away those lures that i found but they're going to come in perfect for getting these shells getting the meat out of these shells look at that there's our snail these things actually taste really good oh my god there's a little snail meat i'm very happy right now we've got our fresh water while we harvested ourselves crab cactus leaf heaps of snails i can do this forever i think i'm just gonna sit here now enjoy this food watch the sunset and literally go to bed i still have the headache from hell and i think i'm just gonna yeah try to sleep it off i'll finish these snails i've already smashed that crab in a bit more of this leaf and um i think i'll be full so i'll see you guys in the morning and see what tomorrow brings dude there are the most insanely weird sounds coming from the jungle right now it's um i don't even know what the time is right now it's 201 in the morning there are some psycho sounds coming from that jungle oh what the hell is that good morning um i've got the headache from hell we'll get through it but last night was so strange there was these sounds like i've never heard before coming from the jungle like it was like this like and then it would just change this different sound and another different sound it's like an animal i've never heard before i don't know what that was man that was strange not a very good sleep but all right welcome to day three um i think i'm just gonna do the same as yesterday we're just gonna start up that water catchment thing the sun isn't even up yet so i'm gonna holy [ __ ] dude did not put this stock i swear i swear on my life i did not put this song here i have a body full of goosebumps right now i swear to god i didn't put that song there holy [ __ ] dude that's weird all right so i'm definitely not here alone there's other people living somewhere here because whoa that's so strange man maybe those sounds were somebody last night not an animal that is so strange that that song has been put there by somebody it gives me like chills knowing that someone was walking around here last night and i didn't even i didn't even know they were there that is really really strange i can't believe i didn't wake up anyway that's so weird all right so before that sun pops up today i'm gonna go do this walk again walk along the tideline see if anything news washed up so i know i can get food from the rocks down there so that's not such a problem i know that i can make water here as long as there's sun and it's a nice blue sky day today there's a bit of cloud over the back but so i'm starting to get a little bit of a rhythm going i'm gonna set this up again we're only getting like probably even less than a couple of water out of that solar still but that's enough to keep me just that little bit you know to keep me hydrated but it's not hydrated but keep me going so i'm gonna punch up the coast there see what we can find you have got to be joking me look what we found again last time i did a survival challenge we found it as well this is the sister of wilson wilson's sister i'm gonna keep this this would actually be a good pillow well um we'll take that back to camp will keep me entertained there really isn't a lot washed up on the beach this morning it's um a lot of it's funny how there's lots of different shoes there's a lot of different things there's a ball wilson's sister but yeah there's not not really a lot we can use so in true survival form i've just done a piss into a bottle and things come down to it i'll have to drink my own piss so this is it here look at the color of that man that's so rank that is dehydration times 10 right there that is like mud i'm just gonna i'm just gonna leave it there we'll keep walking but it's literally like brown i think i'd have to be seriously dying to drink that we'll keep walking we'll see what else we can find hopefully there's something please that was really really bloody lucky look at this that's a broken bottle it's still super sharp look at that it's like razor sharp and that's my footprint right there if i stood on that i would be in some serious serious serious problems wow that's something i haven't really thought of that is a very very friendly reminder to me to just to wear shoes as much as possible when you're doing this kind of thing like right now i'm not wearing shoes because i was like i'm just gonna go walk along the coast but i was this close to standing on that bit of glass and if i stood on that glass i would hate to see the outcome but on a positive note look at these beautiful shelves man these shells are everywhere epic there you go i gotta remember to wear my shoes that could have ended real bad so we've been walking through this jungle now for quite a while i'm gonna go really really deep inland today just trying to find ideally i'm just really really looking for a coconut just to wet my mouth like that's what it's easy it's simple but at the same time i'm following animal tracks i'm just going to keep walking we're going to keep punching it's now 11 56 so halfway through the third day here and there's no water still so food isn't a problem at all that's easy to get water that's the problem you have got to be joking wait this is no joke there's a chicken man there is a chicken in here somewhere oh my god imagine if we caught a chicken where is it look look look look at this there see look at it i need this chicken oh it's flying ah oh i just saw a monkey man and i hate monkeys they're the most aggressive little creatures i don't like monkeys man but what i've done we've come to the base of this big cliff this is a big cliff that's that big cliff that runs all the way along the coast hoping that there'd be like water running down or water getting pushed out of the face of the cliff but dude this is like really dry everything is just super dry so now it's it's now two o'clock so this isn't good man i'm gonna head back to camp and we'll um we'll go from there all right we've come back home unfortunately today it's super cloudy so that isn't really going to be working today we've got this much water left oh my god i'm going to smash that water uh that is literally all the water we've got gone i have no more water oh we're done we're finished i reckon if i was stuck here for like a month or two months i reckon you'd survive there's plenty of food like food isn't an issue water is the problem but every single day you just walk further and further and further like i'm walking maybe a kilometer and a half that way and sort of this way from this camp so what i'll do i'll just keep traveling and keep walking and keep walking because obviously there's animals here and there is people living somewhere around here so there's going to be a water source somewhere you've just got to find it and that's the hard part so that little cup of water that we can generate each day is probably just enough to keep you pushing pushing to find i don't know to find the water source or before you go absolutely insane in one of the two all right i've just packed up the solar still we've done a little bit of a cleanup i'm going to take as much rubbish as i can out in my bag and i'm just going to hoof it it's a long walk back to where i started three days ago so i'm going to start walking and i'm just going to look for coconuts i'm going to walk in the jungle there so we'll do a little bit of a walk around we'll do one more cleanup and start hunting for coconuts in the bush one last look at our magical little camp before we go into the deep jungle she's been good she definitely did her job i'm gonna leave these fishing lures for the next guy or for the next person whoever's stuck here thank you you've been amazing but now we're going deep into the jungle we're gonna find ourselves some coconuts before i seriously pass out and the hunt for coconuts continues if you guys like this video make sure you smash that subscribe button and i guess i'll see you in the next one doggies much love and thank you for watching oh man i have got the biggest headache right now uh it's literally like it's like disabling me seriously
Channel: Field Days
Views: 2,508,296
Rating: 4.8528624 out of 5
Keywords: 3 days solo survival, survival no food no water no shelter, solo survival - no food no shelter no water, 3 days no food no water no shelter, solo survival on island, solo survival challenge, how to survive, tropical island, self reliance, solo camping cooking, solo survival (no food no water no shelter) on a deserted island with only a pocket knif, survival skills building house, survival videos, solo camping, deserted island, pocket knives, surviving on a island
Id: jz97Oo2f5KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 41sec (2861 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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