Solo Survival -I NEARLY LOST MY FINGER- making a survival fish trap. MUD CRAB ATTACK

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[Music] oh [Music] what i want to do [Music] what's going on doggies and welcome back to another video all right so we're walking through the mangrove system it's low tide and i'm trying to collect any material that i can to build a survival fishing trap so this trap today is it's an epic trap i've caught fish on it before and the way that it works it's under tension so we'll build the trap a little bit later on but pretty much the trap that we're gonna make will catch or hook the fish while you're away getting water or while you're away building a shelter so i'm gonna go through this mangrove system i'm gonna try to pick up anything i can use rope fishing line pieces of bamboo like this which is perfect so this rope connected to this old fishing net is ideal this is exactly what we need and there's probably enough of it if we can tie it all together so what i'm going to do is take this rope with us and we've nearly got all the materials we need yeah that's pretty good that's probably enough so this is a good little creek you can see lots of little fish i think they're mullet on the surface there there's plenty of small fish in so what i reckon we'll do we'll head to the coast it's going to be windy we'll head to the coast and we'll punch up until we find the next little creek and i reckon that's the creek we'll try to build this trap in because i know it's really muddy here this is like sloppy jalopy mud so we'll head up to the next creek hopefully it's a bit sandier and we can uh try to get this fishing trap together have a go at this would ya this is pretty sick no why how sick is this it's a full-on caveman look at this that's sick it's got there it's not a bad place to hide from the wind but uh i'm getting distracted again all right we're on our way to the ocean there she is big beautiful blue boy well i wasn't joking when i said it was windy it's bloody windy there is no way the noodle rod stand a chance out there no way in the world i'm just going to punch up the coast here we're just going to keep walking and walking until we find the next creek and hopefully there we can um set up this fish truck look at this this is mud crab country if i've ever seen it come on this no one's on so this is a perfect bank to set up this trap on except this wind so this wind is just pushing straight down the mouth of this outlet straight down the creek there and while we're gonna what we're building today it has no sinker or no weight on it it's just an unweighted piece of bait which is going to float out there so uh yeah i'll keep pushing up and we'll try to find a nice little secluded part and that's where we're going to build it hopefully we can find a little creek somewhere it's just too strong here all right so we've found a perfect little creek here this is perfect the only thing that's wrong with this one is it's got a lot of running water and it's running pretty quickly and i'm gonna get attacked by a dog it's okay mate hey buddy it's okay these dogs are psycho man oh god there's even more there's like three or four now full packing on me this little section would be perfect right now but that wind is that's a good 25 to 30 knots maybe pushing even a little bit more like that's proper windy so what i'm going to do we'll go back to that first spot where i found this bamboo i think that was the best direction the wind was semi behind us there so i'll go back past these deadly dogs if i can make it past the dogs and not get bitten we'll keep punching on even if i do get bitten we'll keep punching on have a look at this that is so lucky i've got no idea what kind of fish that is but that's we're going to use that for bait now i was originally going to dig up some worms and see if we could use worms for bait but that fish that's now our it's a good thing that we started walking back this way all right let's get into this so pretty much all you need a short piece of bamboo you can use any wood it doesn't matter this little bit of string that we found from that fishing net before and then this baby this big nice long piece of bamboo and we don't need this get off we don't need this stuff so we'll put that in the bin later alright so what we're going to do is cut this piece of bamboo in exactly in half all right that worked out pretty good so we've got two pieces of wood pretty much the same length so on each of these pieces of wood you're going to want to make a hole i don't know about this far down you're going to want to make a hole that nearly punches through but doesn't go all the way all right so the idea of the hole is you want this piece of bamboo to sit in there nicely because that's going to get pushed against that like that so how that is now that is perfect the hole hasn't gone through but it's just a perfect little seat there that's good i gotta put my shirt on i'm getting roasted it's so hot but all right so we've got both our holes and our stick now the way that it works is like this one goes in here one goes in here separating the two sticks apart under pressure it's got to be under pressure so we'll take a section of that rope that we found before i'll just loosely tie this off okay that's perfect so this can be slack this is fine if this is slack for now all right so this is where it starts getting technical we've got a stick we've got a little notch on the end that's where the fishing line will get connected to but for now what we're going to do put the stick in between the rope you've made and start winding it up it's important that this doesn't hit the top and this doesn't hit the ground all right here we go so now this stick is under a lot of pressure okay so we're 80 done use a stick like this like a y shaped stick because once you load this fishtrap this is gonna be over here and once it releases boom it's gonna catch there and stop you from unwinding all of this pressure so there's a lot of pressure under this stick right now so something like this that's what our other stick is going to eventually latch onto and it's going to catch on there is the key ingredient this little sucker so you need to make two small little engravings here and here so this is what you're gonna tie the line onto and this hook just here is what's going to hook on to this so that's going to make that's going to be pulling against each other completely under pressure so you've got to make sure that's a good fit there all right there's a piece of fishing line that i found before it's about i don't know 80 pound fishing line probably a bit heavy for what we need but it's all i could find so we're just gonna tie this 80 pound fishing line onto this little key that we've made and you don't want it to slip so you want it to be nice and tight cut off this ugly little tag end just because it looks ugly there we go so that's your first step all right so this is what the loaded trap looks like this is rear this is under a lot of pressure here this is a hair trigger coming down to this stick which is stuck in the ground and this v here is just stopping it from this from unwinding the whole way when the fish bites so the way that it works this notch here is connected to the small piece of fishing line which is going to be running out to the hook so once the fish pulls on that doesn't have to push hard and then that's going to flick back with the bait on it's going to pull the hook and hopefully hook the fish in the mouth all right so there we have it that is the fish trap now the amount of pressure that i've got on this thing here is probably going to rip the fish's mouth off its body but um i've got to reset it up over there next to the water i've done this up here just so i can show you guys so we'll set up the trap slap on a little bit of bait whack it out there and see how we go this is what the trap looks like when it's been pulled apart just sticks and fishing line and this is really tangled up but what i'm going to do i'm going to go to that second creek we enter this morning because um just as i was pulling this down a whole group of people come down here and they've started fishing and it's like they're screaming and yelling and they're having a great time which is cool but i need peace i need quiet and we want this trap to work so i'm gonna go over to the other one and we're gonna see if anyone's there because randomly people have just come down and started fishing the locals so that's cool man we're gonna set up our trap in the other area all right i'm going way up the creek here we're gonna go set this trap way up here it's really muddy it's sticky slippery and epic boy this stuff here is the slipperiest so this morning we were up there i've walked along here across that muddy patch and look at this guys this spot here is going to be the spot it is perfect for what we need little creek running up there the main creek here perfect here we're out of the wind the wind's behind us so i can easily set the trap up here the wind's pushing that way this is perfect all right enough talking let's set up this trap bang that bit of fish out and uh oh well hopefully we'll get something all right the final touches are happening so we need this latch to be like a hair trigger like literally if a fish just comes up and as much as puts its lips on the bait you want it to set off so you gotta we've got to sort of take take time here doing this but i don't have the fishing line actually connected to this yet we're going to do that in a second i'm just testing it see if it'll work all right i'm putting fishing line on so the best way that i found this works especially when you leave it and you don't tend to it is using about three to four meters of fishing line so the way that it works it'll be about two meters out with about another two meters of slack so the fish will pick it up if it's if it's not tight in its mouth it'll have time to swallow that bait and that's what you really want because the hook will be down its throat by the time this thing activates and that's going to get stuck if you sort of hook it in the lip or you hook it in its mouth somewhere it has a chance to shake the hook out because obviously you'll be away getting water making shelter whatever you want to do so we'll give this so that's about four and a half meters of line there and all we're gonna do now is tie it onto this key that we've made and we're ready to send out that bit of fish for bait and we are set so that little bit of fishing line it's going out there and it's just sitting out there with that bit of fish on it on the end so now it is just a pure waiting game i'm gonna um sit up there on the bank and just sit back and watch i'll leave this camera recording this and hopefully if a fish bites it we can get it snapping so i don't know how long this is gonna take i've got a couple of batteries so i can city to sunset yeah all right i'm going to put this camera here film this thing and um fingers crossed we get a snap all right guys quick update it's been out for what's this 40 nearly 40 minutes and we've still got slack line and i'm getting absolutely smashed by bugs but um we're stay persistent maybe another 10 minutes i'll check that bit of bait but uh so far it's been bloody quiet wait i just heard the things snap what the [ __ ] is going on what the hell holy [ __ ] yo we've got a crab that's not a crab oh there's a freaking crab my oil i just seen it just pop up there oh my god you are joking me you have got to be joking oh my god doggies that this wasn't supposed to happen coming no no no oh my god look at this he's tangled up in the line all right let me get this guy to show and i'll um holy [ __ ] we've got a crab i'm going to get this guy up on the bank i'm going to put this camera down and we'll uh have a look at him oh no way oh man i've just been bitten by a [ __ ] mud crab ah i don't know what to do ah [ __ ] man look at that dude oh oh my god that is the worst pain i've ever experienced in my life look at this oh i'm shaking man all right so the trap works the trap works an absolute dream oh my finger's so muted that is the first time i've been bitten by a mud crab and um i'm going to tell you something right now that's not fun man oh then i thought i was literally gonna lose my finger the pressure that thing just had on my finger oh look at the dent in my finger oh i've heard stories i've heard rumors of people getting bitten and i'm always like you have got to be so dumb to get bitten by a mud crab i've handled so many mud crabs before and complacency just got me like that is a small mud crab man if that thing was a big one like we get back in oz i probably would say goodbye to this finger or at least crack or fracture something ah dude all right i'll show you the crab i can't believe we actually just got a crab on that trap it is not supposed to catch crabs so our trap our trap works an absolute dream it didn't catch a fish what we were going for but if this was a survival situation and we were out here trying to catch fish and i've got that crab just there in which i didn't even know you got crabs in these rivers which i'm blown away by you would be pretty bloody happy to eat that thing if you were stuck out in the bush that is insane three puncture holes in my finger oh that's so gnarly dude all right so there's the crab unfortunately when it bit me i had to rip its claws off i had no other i had no other option but to rip both its claws off they are insanely strong man i had one of these claws on like this my finger was in the middle and i had one claw there and there like this and i got a hole here here here and here and my fingers just like completely numb right now never before have i been bitten by a bloody mud crab all right i'll let this guy go so this is actually that's a female crab you can tell by this big i'm so scared every time it moves it doesn't even have claws anymore so you can tell it's a female from this round piece under here the males have a big triangle there even though she bit me i'm gonna let her go i'll keep these claws for a little bit of a taste when i get home because they're good for nothing now they're just gonna rot in the water but we'll let this crab go even though she bit me i'm still a mad lover for my crabs let's let her go how's this mud this is why they're called mud crabs look at this [ __ ] all right go back to where you came from beautiful i'm sorry about your claws look at that off she goes i cannot believe i just got bitten by a mud crab how stupid can i be that's so gnarly man all right guys i'm gonna walk out of here like me and my fat finger are gonna walk out of here i'm done for the day that's finished me thank you for watching if you want to see me get bitten by more mud crabs make sure you smash that subscribe button and i guess i'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching doggies and much love never have i ever experienced pain like that before i can't even bend it look at that
Channel: Field Days
Views: 816,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo survival I NEARLY LOST MY FINGER making a survival fish trap. MUD CRAB ATTACK, solo survival, survival skills, survival skills anywhere, survival videos, solo survival on island, survival challenge, survival challenge fishing, survival challenge with nothing, catch and cook survival, mudcrab, mud crabbing, catch and cook survival fishing, catch and cook survival videos, mudcrab attack, survival skills cooking, fishing survival videos catch and cook
Id: wlvOcORgUjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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