Walmart CHEAP vs EXPENSIVE SURVIVAL Budget CHALLENGE!!! (No Food. No Water)

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how's it going folks welcome back to another absent today we're doing a video that i've wanted to do for quite some time now and we finally got blessed with some nice weather it's not 14 trillion degrees out here it is bright though i forgot the olmondos definitely should have got the armando's out here but it's just pool jet and i why is it cloudy and sunny at the same time i like your hat right i like your hat i like this one oh your shirt am i wearing my shirt and my hat are all available link down below google ending this promo code for 15 off all beefcake merch now available but as you guys can see we are at the classic walmart probably gonna kick you gonna get kicked out if we do well today's gonna be a box because today's video is going to be a survival challenge and we're going to do a cheap versus expensive challenge meaning one of us either pulled under myself is gonna have fifty dollars and the other person is gonna have five hundred dollars to go spend at walmart to complete the survival challenge so in order to survive out in this world you need four things and four things only believe it or not you need food you need water you need fire because that's your heat source you need that survive and you need shelter so four things basically what you're gonna do is you're gonna take the 50 go in there and buy you can't buy food that's the only rule there's two rules no food and no water cannot buy any food or any water with your money no matter what you have but you have to get all the tools that we're going to take back to my house in order to complete the challenge of getting food water shelter and fire so with that being said we're going to uh we're going to spin the wheel here whoever this lands on gets the 500 oh yeah dollars okay oh god please be me oh rip oh crap i will oh rip no come on keep going keep going keep going you guys no oh i should have said it the other way around dang it i almost went with whoever gets the cheap you get you get 50 you get 500 bucks now good luck oh man i'm i'm bummed i thought for sure i was going to get like oh that's going to be easy peasy well i'm you get it you guys gotta sit back and watch me be on the struggle bus today because i got 50 bucks and i have to be able to start fire cook a meal drink water and build a shelter worthy of surviving it so with that being said we'll see you guys inside all right so i am going first folks but look at this guy this is a camping tool set 28 12 piece comes with everything you're going to need you're going to have a little machete which you can cut trees down and hack stuff down with it you actually come with a flashlight firestarter carabiners little axe and paracord which is pretty much everything that you're gonna need and batteries pretty much everything you're gonna need to survive for 28 dollars so right there that means i've got what 12. and 57 cents while math is tough 12 dollars 57 cents left you're missing a knife oh you you're short a knife also you're kidding me who steals a knife you got to be kidding me am i allowed to buy that and then replace that yeah is that fair is that cheating no no i mean who steals and i didn't even realize i was like why is there a weird empty space right there so okay so it's supposed to come with this right here so what we're gonna do is we're gonna add this knife here in for a total of 28.43 and then i'm looking at like what do i build now this has to be like legit the rattle shelter it can't just be sticks leaned up against the train call today they have these emergency blankets for only 2.74 cents which these guys are 52 inches by 82 inches long so they're actually pretty darn big so i'm gonna do is i'm actually gonna buy let's do four so that's four let's do five i'm thinking i'm gonna build a tent out of these and then give me one to lay on so what is five times two dollars and seventy four cents thirteen dollars minus something so i like nine dollars minus your 22. yeah eight dollars okay so we have eight we have eight dollars you need to get water eight dollars see they have live straws but they're 17 freaking dollars we can't afford that so what you're gonna do is you're going to get one of these guys i'll try boiling water in this so minus four ish dollars right thirteen bucks eight dollars so let's just have four dollars left okay all right so i've got everything for shelter water i'm going to oh food food we gotta get food so food i'm gonna try to catch my own food meaning we need hooks i think that's gonna be the best bet it's going after some little bluegills um these are only a dollar so i like that oh yeah them little them little gill getters so a dollar so i've got what three dollars left huh yeah there was some three dollars and you think you think a spool of line i mean they're only two bucks and then out of a dollar left or do i buy a jar of bait that would be smart you think you think a jar of bait would be smart like uh something or do they have live night crawlers here because i feel like that's not i mean granted you could find night crawlers in nature but me and finding nightcrawlers doesn't really work that well oh 370. oh 2.74 what did i have i had three dollars left you have three dollars left yeah i think that's it big red worms big red worms now i know some of you guys were thinking why would you spend your last three dollars on something you go find in nature this is going to guarantee me a fish catch and you might be wondering well what are you going to use for lime you guys are going to stay tuned i'm going to use paracord but you guys will see how i designed that later so anyways that's pretty much it that was 50 bucks gone now it's up to pool jack we got a little pool jet here okay i'm ready he's got 500 bucks to bull with which is insane for a survival challenge because i feel like you but you can't buy food water that's the thing he's still going to have to catch something and cook it in order to survive and the water situation so what do you what are you thinking so you're you're going out surviving i gotta have a place to stay you gotta you're telling me you don't like the emergency uh blanket idea that i've got you know i like having multiple rooms in my house oh really i'm feeling the old 10 person modified dome tent oh 10 person 200 look i even have a screen porch i only have a screen porch at my apartment but you've got one i got one in my tent so you're buying a ten person tent well i have five emergency blankets i am so mad that i lost this this challenge i didn't lose the challenge but i lost this because he gets to have way more fun than me all right so you've got the tent i don't know what i'll be able to put this together that's i was gonna say it may take it may take a little bit of practice to put that thing together so you've got a tent that's neat what else do you need for sleeping arrangements since that's kind of in the section that we're in right now so you've got 200 bucks oh i'm oh no i'm playing cheap there's only one oh oh save the five dollars as if you don't have an extra freaking 300 more dollars come on what do you what are you doing i mean you got to have something to sleep on top of so i'm thinking the old air mattress why did i lose this challenge why so you're getting an air mattress a lot of options on air so that way you'll be comfy okay what are you feeling what i'm thinking 17 oh yeah really feel full 10 inch tall full oh yeah really oh yeah okay so that's all right so now you that adds 18 dollars at 18 to your total there all right so we're at 213. somebody need the old battery pump yeah or do we want to do the manual pump whatever i mean it will save you a dollar what's the what's a dollar worth to you when you have 500 of it batteries are not included though so we gotta get something out of it or a couple actually like an extra five bucks for that basically okay so add just add 50 in there because that'll include your batteries okay so you're at 228 okay so do you need a sleeping bag do you need pillows do you need a blankie like what what makes you happy sleeping at night so i think i'm gonna go with the old sleeping bag okay oh you're you're balling on a budget there buddy yeah well that's a ten dollar one you sure you sure you want the ten dollar one oh of course okay i mean i guess you do have an air mattress so how bad could it really be that'll provide you warmth comfort you'll be good to go it's pretty like light materials so you'll be good you don't be sweating so you've got everything for for bedding i'm at 2 38. so you've got a place to sleep for 200 you realize what kind of hotel you could get for that a pretty good a pretty nice you could get a pretty nice hotel so then what's next up on your list so you've got your shelter you still need fire water and food yes well here's fire okay fire torch you're getting a whole blowtorch oh yeah whole blow torch because because we need 500 why not get a whole blowtorch you've got 13 okay all right we're at 251 okay and then probably just the little guy right i've never actually used one of those for the torch i've always used the blue bottles yeah which i don't really know that's a different chemical okay so that's a total of four plus thirteen seventeen dollars 250 255 you got fire so you've got shelter you got fire you need food and water that's your next step well water easy peasy yeah why you really got it why i got the short end of the stick on this guy so it's 17 okay so what you're doing you're still 272. still was like 230 dollars this is what are you going to buy at this point i feel like you can't even spend this amount of money at walmart so you've got water so how are you going to prepare your food you still don't get food you have to catch or kill your food yes so what are you thinking for that i'm thinking the old pan you just want a pan yeah okay you want a 12-inch or you want a 10-inch which one i mean how big of a meal you think you're gonna be preparing here bud probably the smaller one you're probably the little smallest cast iron ten to a half for seven dollars okay so you've got cast iron so your what okay what are you going to be planning on getting so my goal is going to be bluegill just i'm going to stick it on a stick and and cook it what are you just aiming for frogs the easiest everything this kid has going on for him is the easy so in order to cook a frog in there and make it taste good you're going to need oil flour either milk or egg that's pretty much it you don't really need seasoning technically if you don't need if you don't need it which we have all this stuff at home so let's say your oil flour just add five bucks i feel like that's probably pretty close and we can just get it at home because the idea is you're you don't have to spend all the money here it's what you could buy here but if it's something i already have in my house and there's no reason to spend extra money i'm not here to spend extra money on it so you're good for everything cooking now do you want utensils do you you don't even have a knife yet you don't have a knife how are you gonna how you gonna clean this frog you gotta you need something well let me show you we're gonna go for this guy what fifteen dollar flat this is like what i use actually like a decent fillet knife sometimes like exactly fifteen dollars we'll use it again some point do you think so sure why not okay so then what else do you need to prepare your meal to skin to skin your frogs with or do they have actual they might have that right now they might they have a fish scale no not quite not quite the same that's okay that'll work what you've got there right in your hand there pal that'll that'll probably get the job done so you've got a way to clean your frogs now so that's 15 plus four 19 dollars 303 okay so you've got 200 nope 197 left so you're ready to clean the frog but how exactly are you going to catch this guy what do you think we got lots of options walmart's obviously got everything stocked up here so i mean technically we already have this combo true we did we we made a video i don't know a couple weeks ago or so where we bought a black max and used it so why aren't you allowed to do that yeah yeah that's fine already i already said if we if there's something here but we already have at home you don't need a rebuy again this is my money so i'm not trying to spend it if i don't need to so we do have a black max combo which is this guy right there which is 60 bucks we're at 263 now 363. yes i know how to reading stuff so then you're going to need line still so okay so they've got right here that's that's you're going to want break so add 13 ish for some braid which we already have and then you're going to need a top water frog right one of these six bucks for one of these guys which again we already have at home so we need to buy again okay so you still have a hundred and you got it eighteen dollars 118 left you have the most comfortable place to sleep you have fire you have a way to drink water and you have a way to catch food so what else do you need i say break out the old 22. you want to buy a gun how much do you think that is we i mean we can see what kind of pew pews they have here all right so i just went over to the pew pew counter looked the cheapest there's a youth 22 was 129 which how much do you have left uh we have one and we're 18. total we're at 382. so you have 118. see your 11 short but since i'm a nice guy i think i i have the same ppu that they had well it's not the youth but it's the same same style same everything same price i have one at my house and it's technically used so if you were to go get it it'd be about right i mean basically he's over ten dollars but you could put half of your stuff back if you really wanted to so i'm gonna be nice and he's going to get access to a 22 rifle to then shoot bullfrogs if for some reason his rotten reel system doesn't work so your adventure sounds a lot more fun than mine if i don't get food you i say if you don't get food i'm dead that's for sure all i know is i'm dead if he can't get food so with that being said our cart is absolutely jam-packed all sorts of things to go on a survival adventure i get 50 bucks he gets 500 bucks and we've got our items time to get to surviving you guys stay tuned all right folks we made it back to the house we are now down at the pond and we brought the old doggos with us they're running around you know they're scaring our frogs and freaking bluegills right now i guarantee it huh hi milly what are you doing lucy don't scare all the fish out you just yet we still gotta cat oh milly's on freaking dragonfly duty all right well i guess i'll see you later then anyway we made down the pond we are ready to get started as you can see the sun is about down yonder so we're trying to hopefully get it done as quickly as possible but given that there's only two of us and we're both in this video um it's going to take just a little bit longer to get it figured out because i got to film pool jet doing pool jet things and then pool just got to film me doing me things so it's not like you can you can't do them both at once we're going to do one and then the other so what we're going to do to make it a little bit more interesting is complete each task of fire water food and shelter each like back to back so you're going to see me build a shelter then pool jet and then you're going to see me get food and then pull to get food you guys can see kind of compare what happens when you got a bunch of money to try to get a task done versus a little amount of money we're gonna see who i mean there's not really like a challenge there's not like how quick you can do it's just you guys get to just watch me suffer while pool jet you get it easy i'm good so um first thing you gotta do no matter what i've watched a lot of bear grylls is not actually food and water it is shelter that is number one you have to have shelter because you're not going to die in a day if you don't have food and water it's going to suck but you're not going to die so with that being said let's get to bill in the shelter starting off with old pool jet oh yeah you guys are going to get the uh kill ten percent the 10 person i'm going to help him just so we can obviously uh get through this a little bit faster but we've got a ten person ten set up i've never set up a ten percent ten didn't know ten person tens existed i don't know why you can't just buy two tents why do you need one ten for ten people i don't know but enjoy the time lapse [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at that tent this somebody literally could live in your sunroom right here let alone the actual tent itself go ahead and get give it a little look in there climb it in there we need a little perspective here so this is like without the rain flight i mean it's not well it's kind of cloudy i don't think it's supposed to rain or anything this is look at that look at this oh my gosh i can stand completely up in here look at this guy yeah literally you're standing up six foot like you got like a foot above your head so stand seven feet tall you can melee what do you think bud look how big this is you wanna go stay in there buddy you probably wanna stay with me do you where's your sister at where'd she go lucy come here lucy i see you up there bailey what do you think bud there's so much room for activities in there isn't there lucy's pre-active but i think she's hunting i don't know what she's hunting she probably know she's hunting but look at this oh got a little window this is crazy yeah you got windows here you got windows there yeah like you've got all sorts of gadgets and gizmos to keep you occupied throughout the night oh wow look at that look at this hey how are you doing oh this is you know we should do i just actually i don't want to say it i want to spoil it just came up with a video idea it'll be between you and me for now i think i know what you're gonna what are you what are you thinking take a guess yes how'd you know being pulled yet on the same page you guys it was bleeped for you guys that's great huh we pulled our own telepathy mode right now because elsa and i was like i know what we got to do out of this thing i mean it's not anything crazy but that's just that's funny that's funny well there you have it old pool jet's got us 10 man him and millie and lucy you wanna go see what it's all about come here lucy come on buddy you wanna see what it's all about buddy what are you doing puppy hey get inside you wanna go inside come on lucy you got it milly go in there go get him go get him millie look at that oh and now they're bowling what up you guys like it lucy you like it you guys went out all right they're already they already left see the dogs can literally sleep here and you guys can sleep in there how about that how about that all right old pool dread he's getting he's getting her figured out here oh rip oh you got it okay oh i see you guys that's that's pretty cool that missed it right like that thing can blow something up how does that feel leave that on this feels great it's hotter than heck out here it's pretty loud it's pretty loud all right blow it up buddy let's see it oh god yeah oh she's getting it she's getting it [Applause] how's it looking i'm scared to unplug it you got it you just have to oh oh did it stop i think that's a stopper inside how about give it the old give it the old uh lay on it see what it looks like get the test it's a little hot out for this is it you got it now you got it oh yeah comfy oh this is nice yeah you look good look how like look how small he looks over there you can literally put like three more over here and you've got your sleeping bag which you're not gonna need probably but you got it anyway so congrats because it's hot wow this is so hot it's so hot but tonight it's supposed to be like 65 so i mean you might want a little bit of a blankie maybe not but you look good you look good look at that so your shelter is complete you got your shelter sleeping bag if it does rain you can put your rain fly in so like technically it's considered like a full-blown shelter so old pool jets shelter is complete i don't think mine's gonna look anything like this i better get started all right so i'm gonna start off with i gotta do this quick unboxing here even though i got i got jipped a freaking knife out of this thing because somebody at walmart decided hey they needed this knife and couldn't pay the eight dollars that it cost hey whatever whatever you got going on in your life if you need an eight dollar knife then i guess you need an eight dollar knife but if i could you know what i need i need a knife to open my knife is actually what i need right now maybe that's what he was getting it for he stole a knife so he could unbox a different knife probably not okay we're good all right so i'm unboxing this nice we got an extra fire star that's neat and some point today a little knife ooh she's pretty sharp so we're gonna use this knife to unbox these other tools because i'm gonna use these guys i'm gonna use these to build my fort for shelter oh god yeah i probably own at least seven of these throughout all the survival champ videos that i've done on this channel whoosh why not get another one okay paracord big factor pretty much i'm gonna need a knife paracord and this machete and i think i can construct a decent survival shelter oh i'll take this apple what's that axe good for you this this could probably chop a tree down better than that axe what's that axe good for i mean i'll break it out and we'll try it i guess i feel like i could chop a tree down with this machete oh really i could have made it all cause i'm smart i can just rip this whole thing up she's pretty damn good all right made it up to the tree we got emergency blankets paracord some machetes or something come on milly help me out we gotta oh i actually should not cut that one that's a good branch we don't need that one cut so here's my plan there's kind of this little tuck back area milly found it and i'm gonna cut these lower branches out well that's a nice tree right there too you might be able to utilize hang on what's this side look like this side look better i feel like that's a better hole what do you think oh actually it kind of is a lot less cutting make a little door i'm gonna trim off some limbs and then drape basically the emergency blankets and try to like fashion them with some paracord so i'm gonna test this little axe thing out though oh what right through it shoo i i did not expect that one bit and then you can take your machete clear your path start whacking some of these tree branches out come in here i'm just going to clean up some of these branches looks pretty good it's like a back little cubby area this grass machete is not that sharp you can't really cut it down so just rip it out flatten her out oh god yeah you like this would you sleep in here pool jet sure you like this better than your spot you want to trade lucy hi bud lucy you're going to sleep with me you're a little bit smaller to cuddle with than millie oh you have about i don't know if those are ticks but you got about four trillion of them on you hey you wanna watch out i gotta finish building my fort honestly there's really not that much to do do you think if i like webbed all right so we got this paracord out the idea got branches on each side of me millie they're looking for mice right now lucy found a mouse and was just freaking out all right so the idea is going to be hey come on she found another mouse i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to tie a knot so bear grylls to do this once no he didn't do this he would have came up with something better pull that tight all right and then run another one over here and then another way where you don't have to ever cut your paracord either is you tie this now as you take it and go over and around pull it tight and then do it again like that then you don't have to cut your paracord and that way when you want to undo it you got a full str thing of paracord just like that see pull it tight maybe do one more really what are you tweaking out for buddy all right so pull it tight tie it up just like that all right so now take your emergency blanket all right let's take this oh god this is fancy why did i buy five of these things yeah i don't think this thing is neat probably go too wide if you really wanted to bailey hey what are you doing in there get out you're gonna wreck it boys i think we might have done it we might have just done it with one blanket tell me this isn't the greatest survival shelter you ever did see millie what do you think does this count as a shelter i mean i got a roof over my head lucy's in here with me i'm trying to count for something i think i'm gonna i'm gonna tighten this little this area up though we gotta get this you gotta get this sitting a little bit higher so boom boom like the freaking holiday inn son i think this is good so we've got other emergency blankets we honestly don't need to set these up these could be used as side guards you could put two more here you could put one down to lay on so you're not sitting on the ground but the reality is this is a shelter and if you take the cost of paracore which is two bucks and you take a cost of these things which was two dollars i think wasn't like 290 or something like that yeah it was almost three so this is a like less than a five dollar shelter four dollar shelter so i didn't i wasted money on these i'm sure i could find another use maybe not i mean i guess i could always make it a little bit better it's i mean it's better for freezing temperatures and stuff like that so either way shelter complete folks now on to the next task all right folks well my shelter it's killing it over there and then you got you gotta pull jets but uh puja is now on food duty which you're going with the top water frog for a frog so this is the combo that was available at walmart refactor the price it was like 40 bucks plus a frog plus some line already ready to rock and roll uh now he could catch a bass on it and do that lucy what's the water temp there bud but ideally you're gonna try to go for a bullfrog so now we need to be on bullfrog lookout duty which millie and lucy took it upon themselves to uh walk the edges of the pond and probably scare everything in sight so wish us luck oh god you got big bull frog coming at you he's curious he's thinking about it he's keeping his distance oh oh oh oh wait wait no wait he's thinking about it you could probably pop him with the old puppy that you bought if you want you think so give her give her one more cast if not just smoke him with the old pew going right to him oh yeah he's going right to him oh oh get it set i got him there oh he came off no no no rip you got him you got oh you got him you got him you got him oh jimothy milly i was trying to the reason why i was walking up is i was trying to keep the dogs away because they kept running around getting all tangled oh do not let him go oh god oh god timothy jimmy get a million that's exactly why i was staying far away so i was standing back there trying to keep the dogs away pool jet was making a parallel cast he's like i think i got one coming so i was trying to casually walk up without making these dogs follow me you know they're good for some things but bullfrog hunting hey aunt well you got him you got old jimothy on there lucy's very excited lucy that's dinner for pool jet so he's got his food taken care of for the night i gotta rig up my contraption hopefully catch a bluegill you guys stay tuned all right so pool jet he's got dinner that guy he's chilling for now now it's my turn to try to catch dinner now i didn't buy any fishing line even though i probably could have figured out how to do it but what you may or may not know is look at all those little baby strands that paracord's made out of so what you can do is you can take this little sleeve off and one of these strands is i mean probably equivalent like 90-pound braid but for fishing it'll work as fishing on so go ahead and strip it down you ever need like string that's not as strong as paracord like it's not necessary for really strong you could always take this down and make your paracord go a lot further because this is like 10 strands or eight strands of the same length so whatever this was 500 feet or something you've got like eight or ten of them so basically just gonna work on stripping these guys down this should i think one of them will honestly work for probably what i need because i don't have a reel obviously you don't need a ton of line my plan is to tie a hook onto it throw the worms that i bought those little red wigglers and i might get a stick that way i can kind of like do like a fly fishing motion in a sense and basically try to uh try to catch myself a little bluegill i'm not sure if it'll go well pool jet he didn't seem to have too much trouble getting that that bullfrog you did spend like 150 was 120 bucks how much was the gun 110 120 which you didn't need so you could have bought a lot of other things but you you made you wanted extra security so you were able to get it done with the rod and reel i'm hopefully going to get it done with some paracord and a little worm boom look at all this line look at all that that is if you tied all that together i bet shoot i don't know probably 100 yards or so i mean that's a lot of line so we're gonna get one strand tied up get the hook on and get to dang really oh that's way too much work hey i got my fishing pole that's gonna be the old dangler sticker right there boys this bark's actually gonna make good kindling too make sure to hang on to this all right so now the question is how long i think i got this i'll make a fly rod all right that's the old dangle stick 3000 i think is what they call that let's get a worm on it oh god that's got to catch one come on big chunkis oh oh we got one we got oh he's just a baby though hey it worked he's just a guppy though i don't think you can there's not much meat to this guy huh you do sushi we'll throw them in the the boat that's got water and it has like a little level and try to catch a bigger one this is like a last resort if i gotta eat this guy then i'm gonna be pretty hungry maybe yep he took my worm all right here's what we're gonna do boots are going up fresh worms going on and i'm going out into the deep oh yeah working i could just stand on this point i'm an idiot got him oh what the heck where's all the freaking bacons at we're in the dang nursery over here boys good thing i like sushi timothy gotcha boom oh yeah that guy that last guy was a little bit bigger there's dinner boys hey i didn't say i was gonna eat a lot i just got something well folks now it's time to start a fire we've got food shelter we need fire and then water so we did do a little bit of cheating here we got these little fire logs because it has been raining cats and dogs for the last couple days as you can tell it rained a dog right there she's she's just hanging out i don't know what she's doing she's taking a nap but it rained like crazy there's no chance whatsoever there's any dry wood around here i have um some of the paracord cardboard paper and stuff like that from basically all the unwrapping and stuff so i'm gonna try that but then you got all the pool jet that's got uh got the old torch you give her a hack buddy let me see how this works i mean i think that's enough i think it'll keep it going i don't know this might not work like there's really no dry wood around here that's kind of the problem so if you can't get yours with a blowtorch i am absolutely screwed there's no chance it's not looking good for you buddy how's this thing work i don't i'm kind of confused now because if yours isn't working then mine's definitely not working kind of waiting to see i don't know it has yet to start on fire yet yeah that's the best pool jack can come up with a blowtorch does not make me feel good he got a little bit of cardboard a little bit of grass but those logs don't burn like traditional logs i don't really know what they're good for this right here is part of this nope is part of the dangle dinghy i think but this thing's just been laying out which is this is wood and then i've got some cardboard here i don't really know what the plan is here all i know is i'm just getting smoked out i found a couple extra pieces of wood though right here that we're laying around so i think i'm just going to kind of i'm going to make a base some cardboard take some of this out i don't expect a whole lot like this thing is literally soaking wet but i don't know if i've genuinely started a fire with a flint with like no extra help of any kind start with this throw some string down you've got this which i believe is a magnesium strip this stuff these papers started on fire i think i've got confidence hang on that's probably a knife sharpener because your magnesium is on this i don't know you want help get that get that cardboard oh god no why is this paper not burn i had a flame oh god okay all right that might be my first ever fire start with a flint keep feeding it before it goes out i'm gonna get some more grass there we go let's go baby i mean i started a fire i just eat sushi drink pond water i completed all the steps no i don't think he'd be quite as hot if he didn't sit next to fire look at the fire it's getting now boys we're good working doing that fire worked me worked me up a thirst i worked up a thirst or something you got a life straw and my plan was to take this guy in boil water the problem is i don't think this is uh metal said it wasn't even good for dishwasher so probably not i at this point i don't have the energy i don't think our fires are good enough to boil and then cook so we're just gonna go down the pond and drink a nice cup full of uh healthy algae filled pond water and then pulled up he's got a life straw so he won't die well oh yeah yeah get you all get it all dirty there for you just it's supposed to filter it no you got it you got it lucy's gonna help you out oh god tastes like water it's not bad no really i mean i don't know if it filtered anything out yeah well you'll probably die you'll be all right that's okay all right thanks millie for making this muddy um you want me to get you a scoop out here yeah i got it ooh ew did your not taste like ass that tasted terrible yep i'll die of dehydration that tastes like [ __ ] all right so i cut this tree down here i'm gonna make a well i'm gonna attempt to make let's see how long we're dealing with that's pretty close we're gonna make a little roast rack here you want to do is stick one of these on one side of the fire there you go okay oh yeah a little rotisserie action bony apple feet son it'll cook what do you call that that's the old doohickey oh god i'm getting murked over here all right jimothy your turn so originally pool jet bought stuff to fry got the pan the flour oil is our fires are not i mean mine's getting there but it takes a long time to fry um and basically he's a big fan of frog sushi as well so yeah it's big sushi guy it's just easier to just do what i did at this point so he's gonna go ahead and clean this frog up you guys already kind of know how to do this cut the you guys get there we'll show you the finished product boom i don't know what you call that but frog leg on a stick my guy so you're going old roast the old marshmallow a uh strap huh is that the deal there so you're just gonna sit here and let her dangle well mine look about done hey we're not eating sushi folks oh god yeah that's your filet mignon a little crispy golden crispy or something like that well i'm gonna attempt to uh fillet some meat off these guys oh this ain't gonna work oh snap oh boys i might have figured it out hang on how's this for you so skin's peeling right off actually well i think this is edible this might be edible look at that right there well i'm gonna go in for a little bite here that was a scale hang on let me get some meat here right there facebook goes out pond water there's no piece right it does fall right off the bone though i mean it's really not that bad really you want to bite you want fish it's hot it's hot you probably won't like it i mean it's not too bad hey that's working on better not that it'll keep you alive maybe like 50 of those a day you won't die how's yours looking over here junior i think we're about done really that was about the least appetizing thing i've ever seen in my life look at the meat it looks i mean it looks cooked try the nuts try the little nugget on there that's kind of your that's your go-to spot oh it's probably pretty hot yeah it's pretty hot yeah oh yeah we're not to let this go let it cool off for a little bit all right was it done i mean billy what do you think you think it's done buddy yeah by the guth oh god no it's not done really it's not you want to give it a try no i'm alright i trust your judgment yeah no what do you think millie not about it i don't think oh she don't like it either so that wasn't that was raw raw frog raw i mean it probably there was zero flavor oh yeah yeah it just was it tasted was it chewy like super cool it was mush really well that's not good no yeah but you wouldn't die no i mean you could eat it i'm sure but i mean i wouldn't personally well folks there you have it that is the millie hey wait no no no she look at her she's eating these this is gross you want to sit you got sick no you didn't set so you don't get it well folks hope you guys enjoyed today's episode of cheap versus expensive survival challenge both of us completed the mission in like like two hours or so it wasn't too bad built a shelter built a shelter started a fire started a fire drank water and ate food ish the water was better than the food see honestly i'd rather have my bluegill than the water my bluegill is not that bad honestly like if you guys are really in a survival situation throw throw the whole thing on the freaking fire and just peel the skin back and munch it didn't have a bad taste it just didn't have a lot of flavor to it but it really wasn't that bad but if you guys enjoyed today's episode let me know in the comment section down below do you want to see more cheap versus expensive survival videos baby cheap versus expensive camping video cheever's expensive literally anything any type of 1v1 cheap versus expensive type of thing um where somebody gets a really big budget somebody gets a small budget and goes out and does a challenge if you guys like these videos let me know in the comments if you don't remember if you guys want any beefcake merch links down below go check it out we got hats we got t-shirts hoodies bunch of other stuff and if there's other products that you guys want to see that we don't have let me know in the comment section down below but promo code flair gets you 15 off your entire purchase at which is where you can find your beefcake link down below hope you guys enjoyed today thanks for watching and peace [Music] you
Channel: FLAIR
Views: 3,518,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic, crazy, insane, googan squad, bass, bass fishing, fishing, andrew flair, flair, afo, fishing with flair, outdoors, vlog, vlogging, travel, googan baits, farming, homestead, backyard pond, backyard farm, catch and cook, camping, walmart, catch clean cook
Id: tqsYysC1fto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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