Solo survival (NO FOOD, NO WATER, NO SHELTER) on a deserted island, With a knife and hand line

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what's going on legends welcome to the channel on field day and today I am super excited so what we're doing I've just been dropped off on this tropical island in Indonesia have no water no food I've got a hand line and a Leatherman I'll show ya so pretty much this is all I've got today pain line with a little jig on it no idea that's gonna go Leatherman t-shirt any phone just in case stuff gets really hectic I watch the game plan I'm just gonna walk as far as I can that way and on the way I'm just gonna pick up rubbish there's so much rubbish that's been washed up on this island so I'm going to try to pick up rubbish anything that can help me out today that big chunk of rope in there that's massive right here oh that's like nylon that could come in handy maybe it's like the ripe office spear gonna hang off a reel of a spear gun that could be good it's not much it'll do this island has the most remote feeling to it it's actually so sick this is what I love doing the most is this kind of thing getting lost no cars no traffic no people just to see what check that out I'm gonna keep that little souvenir love it No full-on crazy crab party what is going on here this guy's like stuck on his back and they're trying to help him I know I know they're all scared well at least if there's no food I know I can eat crazy crabs later on just joking no why is that what I think it is pop oh my god we're done I found bloody Wilson where have you been my ha ha I'm not lonely anymore come on buddy mmm rock bike thanks to hips for the company but I just can't carry around any more art I see you here you can watch the surf oh you have a good day Wilson coconut trees all right I'm making my way into the bush it looks like it's super dense but I'm just going to get in there cuz I'm sorry first you know I'll be any flak been walking that coast for three hours and to tell you the truth it's not a lot of rubbish on that beach which is a good thing but for me in this situation it's not a lot I picked up an empty drink bottle I'm gonna use that later I hope I can fill it up with coconut juice coconut water alright halfway through this mangroves sort of stuff and it is hectic because ah there are so many mosquitoes in yeah it's so muggy in here as well but I'm just coming to the end of this mangrove II [ __ ] and on that side some open ground alright look at those coconut everywhere the only problem is I suck at climbing coconut trees and they're pretty high so this is the next challenge to get ourselves some coconuts down whoa he's gonna be hella fun this is so hectic these mozzies I've relentless dude look at this there's so many mosquitoes I've kind of found a little track I don't know if it's an animal track or there are actually people that live here but and these coconut trees are still so hard he's [ __ ] fine like a low-lying coconut tree that'll be dream right now they're all that a lot and that's really our Mayan common a tree look at slippery it is know why so I gotta get out of here these noises are insane all right my back I don't know if you can see my back he's covered in both my arms oh I gotta get out of here Isis hectic can't find any like coconut trees I'm so thirsty as well but I can't handle this mozzie these ones you're just so freakin bad I've gone back out for the coast it's super windy now and there's no mods easier thank God sona's gonna keep punting that way and see what we can save it a drink so bad yeah he's like a bag of flour on now no I know it's busted you [ __ ] find a working lighter that would be my dream look this is lighters everywhere I can just find one that works I bother hey guys usually I'd be picking up this rubbish taking as much home as I can but right now coconuts this one is really old oh well I wasn't actually buddy recording was I dude anyway what I was saying is I've also got this little packet of hooks and two of these sinkers because you're not gonna get fish without hooks so I taken the top off this coconut and it's gonna be about that bigger it's gonna be tiny yes Oh oh what a mission that was coconut like this should have like that really big the stick making side so let's have a look oh look at that that's water I am so thirsty oh my god my math no longer taste like a bag of flour that's in sign wow that is so rewarding alright let's crack it open and see if we can get this made out yes oh my god everything I've ever asked for so good all right now that I've had like a cup full of water I need to go fishing but there is no way I'm throwing a handle on off there that is hectic No why in the world so what I'm going to do I'm going to walk up to those palm trees there if I can't get any more water out of a coconut I'm gonna head back that way because the swell was nowhere near as big that way that it is here because he is massive oh right I'm pretty bloody stoked because I got coconut mate and about a cup full of water so I will keep me going until I get a fish I reckon I made a decision to head back into the mozzie forest because there's not many palm there's not many coconuts washed up on the beach alright this is such a mission I can't climb coconut Traci [ __ ] they're just up there it's what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna launch this thing out there hopefully they fall down but they're pretty green which means possible they're gonna be stuck whoosh I know that was the worst throw what was that oh here we go around - yeah well that was the direct hit here we go again oh yeah I was a direct hit I just isn't gonna work going back to the coast yeah this that he's gonna be my coconut grabber because I am struggling ah yeah I said I was gonna turn around like an hour ago and I keep walking up this island I don't even know why I gotta find a Lloyd coconut lying tree once you do that get this out there and just stab at it until I can get a coconut down oh yeah my have found the tray look at this thing it's like my stick will definitely rage that doesn't see let's try hmm Oh fools ah yes that that's soldier back - eyes full of water huh all right right ooh get some more porno mm-hmm oh yeah oh yeah boy that's three coconuts they are lasted so many coconuts now whoosh aah whoo that feels good for coconut that's plenty oh my god all right I'm gonna fill up that bottle that I picked up off the beach a couple of hours ago whoo hey my tits no easy mission opening coconuts right there there they're done so we're gonna need a funnel that is perfect [Music] Oh [Music] that's it full bottle of coconut water that's gonna get me through for sure and I still have nearly a whole coconut drink this stuff that's super dry and right now around here everything's wet so I'm going to take oh yes see that's wet as hell this is dry I'm just gonna take a bit of this just in case I need to start a fire because that should go up really good all right guys after a really really really long walk I'm back on the side there is absolutely no swell oh there's a little bit there kind of laps up on the rocks but it's nowhere near as bad as that other side so I'm gonna put that handle on into action first we're gonna back out that little jig and just see if we can get anything anything to eat if not I don't know yeah this is actually still really sketchy a big wave just came in like broke over this rock so I've got to be pretty careful but it looks fishy got the handle and got the jig 15 gram yes why all right about 15 carts in and it's got a snag I knew this would happen my only jig I've got had that jig didn't last long I think I had like 12 or 15 cars and a literary team just got to stuck on the rocks and these rocks I raised the shot now what I'm gonna do I have a handle on I've got sinkers I've got hooks and I made yesterday like I made this little imitation baked fish thing with a KitKat wrapper this is our plan B these are like little baby hooks and that is actually Kit Kat wrapper so Kit Kat wrapper and I tied it on with the thread of my shirt yesterday that's like an old jetty it's like a jetty or something oh my god imagine if there's a little Sun Sun lady with it were wrong cooking super spicy Bay grain whoo that'll be joy look at it let's get there Naiya to the jetty coming there's actually a jetty here oh no where's that we're wrong where's the lady cooking the migraine oh no I'm a grain for me but there is a jetty look at this the KitKat wrapper actually worked look at that Oh what is that dude yeah there's gotta be a bigger fish out there than that thing are you kidding me look at the size of it that's all I'm catching I'm gonna starve to death haha alright alright it's looking at beautiful that ease back on eight back so cute no Isis hard work well I didn't think it was going to be so hard to capture fish getting heaps of fish like this big if this was a real survival situation I'd be keeping them fish but I'm not dying so I let them go I'm gonna go try to catch something bigger but super hard getting the quite the suntan going on here that anyway keep pushing on it's getting pretty late in the day now so I would love to get something to eat a little bigger than those fish were getting it's just started bucketing down with rain so I'm taking refuge under this little rock cliffs thing and I'm gonna wait for this rain to pass so so stoked that I picked up that wood before I picked up that little bit of kindling that dry fluffy stuff and a couple of sticks and a dry coconut and the coconut husk is super dry so I should be able to get a fire going even though it's raining which I'm pretty stoked I did that no I'm just gonna sit here for the rain to pass yeah boy the rains have stopped so I'm just going to start walking around in these little rock pools and just try to find anything to eat that is the plan that is what we want that's perfect that's called a turban shell well otherwise otherwise known as cat's eye because that that thing there they use for jewelry and you can actually ate these these actually don't taste too bad there's another one so these things yes that's food that is lunch right there I'll show you what you this is actually they make jewelry out of this part here so we'll show you that later that's perfect there's another one Oh roll now it's another one that's enough that's four days little suckers there's a code periwinkle shells or periwinkles I actually don't taste too bad look at that that's definitely a little meal there that's for turbine shows now and a couple of periwinkles that's gonna be entree that's gonna be our main course I'm pretty happy with what I've gone a couple of turbine shows or cap saw a couple of periwinkles that's gonna be laughs that's gonna be like a light lunch so I'm just gonna set up here this looks pretty delicious pretty much what we got today oh that's seen better days that's so sandy handle on busted that today dumbass all right oh there's the rope we found that's all the coconut water I've got left oh Jesus here's me phone I hope that's still going so here's the wood that we've got oh yeah there's my souvenir so we're gonna get a fire going with what we've got here that super dry is coconuts oh yeah that's pretty dry should be able to get a fire going I think so we're just gonna try to start a fire by friction so get this stick which is nice and dry here gonna get that smooth and as round as possible we've got our really fine stuff thicker stuff which is super dry put that on the bottom we've got a bit of wood with a hole and a little hole in the back whack it in there take the charcoal off this coconut get it in there yeah you just start spinning and after a while it's gonna get super hot jus that friction and hopefully we got a flame just to take a while my hands are so close whoa hi there I'm not gonna lie that was by far the hardest fire I've ever had to start and it's still struggling whoo oh my god we got there in the end all right just gotta wait for these coals to get down whack on our snails and um hopefully we can get some lunch in our belly because I'm starving oh my eyes are so sore Wow whoo we got a fire let's grab your snail sit him on there like that oh yeah so I mean snails are cooking away that's what you want to say then like boiling like that that's perfect so they're slowly cooking I'm happy we've done it whoo lunch is served for entree we have periwinkle every from that all this and you just ate that pot mm-hmm that's good so that's what the periwinkle looks like after it's been taken out of the shell and then you just got to take off this hard bit and now for the main course please big boys all right so that's the shell that I was telling you about before if you spend a lot of time down the beach and see these around they make jewelry out of them cat's eye but this is the part you ate ready oh no I left half in there but this is the part we want so he's cut this bit off because that's super chewy we'll get rid of that take out the guts part and that's what you're left with super white chewy delicious piece of meat mutters hmm and tell you about that it's bloody good I actually do like that Nadia comes another one look at that that's lunch that's bloody beautiful so good hi guys thank you so much for watching I had an absolute seek day I was super fun my fader saw I got blisters arriving my fate but that was such a good day and I guess what saying the next one you legends look at that night boo stalker at its finest sandy I actually do like these so good
Channel: Field Days
Views: 5,317,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival challenge, survival videos, field days, bushcraft, fishing, ybs, camping hacks, cooking on fire outside, catch and cook, catch and cook fish, no food, no water, no shelter, survival on an island, survival skills food, survival guide, primitive survival, island, stranded, remote, knife, handline fishing
Id: vM5ePOQcw-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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