Winter Camping in Underground Bunker - Digging a Primitive Survival Stealth Shelter by Hand

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so today we're gonna build a fort using a pickaxe a shovel and an axe and we're gonna sleep in it let's see what happens it's gonna be fun [Music] oh man well my back is screaming but thanks to Tommy here we got a lot done we're gonna call it for today and pick this up tomorrow well it's another day and I think Tommy gave me strep throat I feel like crap but we're gonna have fun anyway [Music] come look at this Hillary Knicks take [Music] these all black double yellow ring around his neck but raised buckets last night and it is cold and rainy today we're to keep pecking at this [Music] oh yeah well the rain turned into snow be sloshed ten years of practicing law and five years of editing YouTube videos has not prepared me physically for this challenge this entire hole is pretty much just fractured rock with a little bit of mud around it it's slow hard going but we're getting it done there's a big drop [Music] I'm about three to four feet underground I'm taking the pickaxe and tearing these rocks apart and I'm finding these little salamanders in between the cracks of the rocks I don't even know how they're getting down here oh I think my my wall is about to fail here well I've been banging on this rock forever and I finally popped it free but I'm kind of like the dog that caught the car I'm not quite sure how to get out of the hole well it's July and I have now been working on this hole on and off for about seven months it's been a little while since I touched it last but one of the nice things about it is we just don't really have any collapses so you can see there you know nothing's caved in so that gives me a good a good warm fuzzy that maybe this won't kill us in our sleep [Music] can we start doing the roof yeah I think we should start doing the roof yay we're gonna need a lot of strong timber for the roof so I'm gonna salvage some of the wood from my primitive smoker [Music] yeah this is in our fireplace well I'm putting the chimney through its paces just to see if any of the rocks explode or get any cave-in or anything like that just kind of want to bake it a little bit and it is putting out a ton of heat because basically what I've made is the Dakota fire hole that you can sleep in our gig of you gathering sticks okay make a pile make a pile of sticks right there okay yeah just lay right there there you go do you see any sticks where that's good oh here's some more sticks I got forgot I left a bunch of rocks out here so I'm taking them out and then check this out he won't bite you oh look at that he totally climbed out of the chimney lots of earthworms Daniel you've been finding big ones like this there's another another big old earthworm well we know where we're coming from fishing bait [Music] [Music] well it took many many loads of leaves but we got it pretty well covered let's go inside and see how much light is shining through I've got to go through and plug all of these holes yeah can you put leaves on the fort yeah yep any leaves you find throw them right on there sticks logs anything all right there we go I've been picking at this for over a year now and I think we're ready for our first test run me and the boys are gonna camp in this thing and see how it does it's supposed to get around freezing tonight one of the things I'm most curious about on this test run is how the fireplace works I did a test fire in it and it seemed to work okay but if you build a fire for hours an hour to an hours there's a chance that you might catch something on fire today is really wet it's been raining and snowing all week long it's cold humidity's hi so this is a good time to test it out and see and of course we're gonna have some water and fire extinguishers handy just in case but if we're gonna camp in this thing I got to get a good pile of wood ready to go for tonight and get all the stuff for the boys and we're cooked down here start camping well we got plenty of wood but I gotta find somewhere to store it because I need to sleep there so I'm gonna try stacking the wood up here along the shelf and we'll see if that works there we go got a nice pile of fuel up in here that should be enough to last us tonight and I got some smaller stuff and we just need to get some tinder and we're ready to go all right guys kiss your mama goodbye if we don't survive it'll be your last chance that's the case we succumb to the elements make sure you hunger don't succumb to the elements come home what do you think the shelters is cool hey we're playing for at night that's right to start the fire I'm gonna use my push this down all right you ready for some amazing grilled cheese sandwiches good-looking bread look at that oh that is good hey you want to try that it's really hot you hold it you you warm there bud tomahawk chops [Music] [Music] that look good that's wheezy like that guys did you have a great dinner good well I think I need to put away all this cooking stuff and get my bed out are you swinging all right guys we're all ready for bed you're gonna get snuggled in in a second got a massive pile of wood around the hearth here so I can just reach out of my sleeping bag and stoke the fire without having to get out of the bag you guys excited yeah you warm good I have no idea what time it is but that's a big pile of wood laughter that's pretty good just had to stand up and restock boys are sleeping great and it's pretty warm in here yes here's something well guys this warm I just rip off my hoodie this this fires keeping this place pretty warm do you guys want french toast you like that chocolate milk got some pork belly here Nate you having fun watching Saturday morning shows and eating pork belly in bed yeah guys you having a good time it's a few things that would improve and put a door on it and there's some holes that I would fill up a little bit but worked out pretty well if you liked this video make sure to click like leave a comment on our Facebook page since YouTube's disabled comments so we can't we can't do that but anyway if you like what you see click subscribe we put out new videos every Saturday morning thanks for watching bye nailed it if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor Boise B channel where we have hundreds of videos like this don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning and hit that belt button you'll get notifications thanks for watching
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 25,619,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, survival, shelter, survival shelter, stealth camping, stealth shelter, bunker, underground bunker, winter camping, winter camping in bunker, winter camping stealth shelter, winter stealth camping, building a bunker, building a bunker by hand, primitive survival, primitive survival camping, winter survival, Digging a Primitive Survival Stealth Shelter by Hand, Winter Camping in Underground Bunker, camping with kids, family camping, extreme camping, cold weather camping
Id: _h9OdSiW52U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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