5 Days Fishing & Camping in Swamp - Catch & Cook Frogs, Gar, Crabs, Catfish & Buffalo.

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[Music] jacob sorry buddy you're not going come on [Music] all right guys you ready to drive 16 hours to louisiana yes oh it's gonna be a long trip [Music] me well it took about 17 hours of driving but we're here morgan city louisiana and it is a hot humid drizzly day and very soon my friend's going to meet us right here at the dock and we're going to go into the bayou and we're going to spend five days hunting frogs fishing camping eating good food it's going to be amazing all right this is stafford with cajun experience we went with these guys about what two years ago three years three years ago he's going to take us out to our houseboat deep into the bayou and we're going to have a great time guys we're heading out to the house but we're just going to take a little look-see at a crab pot okay you got that we got it all right it's going to be heavy now see what we got let's see what we got oh that's a nice blue crab that's actually for this area that's a medium sized crab oh that's that's a very nice medium no we gotta leave the crab in we're gonna come back get him cheese he'll bring his friends drop it yep toss it all right all right oh i just got stuck in the face that's my money maker i can't be swell it up as long as i can charge it each day i should be fine oh yellow kai i guess she got it she knows how to do all this okay but when i see it these guys here at cajun experience have an awesome setup check this out we got these two houseboats anchored up here in this eating area in between and check out the guest boat here we've got this nice area here got a full bathroom little living area kitchen okay another bathroom got a whole bunch of bunk beds ac this is awesome me and the boys are gonna be living like kings this week me and tommy came here three years ago and stayed one night just had the time of our lives and i've been chomping at the bit to get back here ever since so now we're bringing nathan we're going to be here for four whole nights uh it's just gonna be awesome what do you got there this is the bottom jaw of 156 pound alligator gore look at the monster teeth on that it's like little teeth upon big teeth more teeth yes i would like to catch one of those yeah we definitely go after some garf this is just a eight or five pounder it's a baby right that's your souvenir man amy how was that tommy is that pretty cool oh tommy look at this what'd you find daddy big bertha look at her yeah she is a beauty it's a little rainy you got some lightning coming in we're just gonna take it easy maybe eat some dinner and uh when it clears up we're gonna venture out oh this is this is so nice i think uh i think dinner is going to be very nice this is the cajun dinner of champions here we've got fried alligator and we got seafood stew on rice and there's also some white beans around but i ate them all so any rate this is delicious what'd you eat dirty or nice did you like it yes it tasted it's the delicious nice i ever ate i'm going to show you some dance moves oh yeah yeah you're brave dancing now you got the music and the music's in you well i got a belly full of cajun food and the sun is setting we're going to let it get properly dark and me and the boys are gonna be doing some frogging it's gonna get your frogging lights on are you guys super excited to go frogging yeah we're just cruising around the bayou here with these headlamps and you start seeing all these eyes all the little spiders and creepy crawlies their eyes shine in the dark when you're wearing these headlamps and we're looking for a set of big whitish bluish lies that belong to a bullfrog oh yeah yeah he is yeah he's right there come up here get up on the front look at him he's just sitting right on the log okay what we're gonna do and come in oh daddy i just saw baby flog it was this tiny oh you saw a baby frog now i don't know if you people at home can see this but there's these little blue specks all over in the swamps those are spider eyes those are big old swamp spiders staring back at us and it's hard to tell the difference between giant spider eyes and frog eyes see look there's there's the spiders running on top of the water oh look at this spider this spider jumping on the water oh there's an alligator over there oh yeah look at that gargoyle yeah look right there in the middle everywhere oh there's one right there i wanted to move murphy because all that rain tommy this is all you buddy right here look at look at our lights go get him you got him you go oh [Music] little forward one foot [Music] got him i finally got it okay there we go we got one in the basket [Music] oh get him nathan get him watch him until you get him oh he is a big boy grab him oh wow that's cool oh he's a soccer team oh he's he's staying naughty where he's ain't potty no you get that make that noise high five nathan let's see let's see if we can see the difference so he's a bullfrog right see the leopard print oh yeah okay okay and he this little guy's a yellow throat see how it's yellow right there a little yellow right here the bigger ones you can tell a lot about he's white right yeah grab them i got him i got it got him you got him whoa he spotted it and caught it joey look at that you got that all by yourself that's awesome buddy look at that toe pincher right there a toe pincher here check it out oh i got him oh he's got he's crawling underneath it look at that oh you got him go ahead and put that in there lean way over and go quick with both hands [Music] nathan you having fun no because the frog's got away as long as you don't give up you're going to catch something you know what i'm never giving never giving up okay here nate nathan you got to practice okay you ready get him come on you can get him get him you'll get him oh wait we got to get him come on get him come on boy turn your lightness off oh you got a one-handed put them in the basket put them in the basket can i get a high five too got him pull it in pull it down [Music] you want to practice on a big one here go get it he's a big boy [Music] hey that's his ninja swipe good i'll put him in the basket right behind you knock it out go get him oh your ninja swiped him he found him and grabbed him all by herself good one nate oh there we go yeah oh he's a pretty decent sized one get him oh get him you got him got him buddy got him look at that that's a great one tom you got him oh look look at that there's a pile of frogs big spider coming towards us oh oh that's on my camera it's on my camera nathan you having a good time good well guys i don't even know what time it is but it is late and we've got about 20 frogs in our cage we've put hands on another 20 more and uh we've just had a bulb all right tommy wants to keep this one as a pet he's only he's missing one leg he's a [Music] pirate go to sleep we got a lot of things to catch tomorrow oh tommy's been awake for about five minutes and his pet frog has already escaped from the jar and hid under the oven dad he got extra what oh my goodness ethan you asked me ken that's not true nathan hey check this out see he caught a snapping turtle that had eggs in her when they ate the snapping turtle they put the eggs in here and they're going to hatch them yep then we're going to charm loose oh did miss cavalier give you something nice yeah it's a buffalo oh yeah you can actually bring that one home and mama won't complain the one i call it be one with the frog the frog is with me yeah pretty cool do you know is that your frog from yesterday no it might be that is a hefty amount of frogs that's heavy nathan look she's got she's got a pet jar oh you boys i mean he's the smallest one in the cage and he looks massive i got a belly full of sausage and biscuits and me and stafford we're gonna run the boat out um just do a few errands check on a few things and uh we'll bring the cast net along just in case something uh catches our eye we'll get some more bait we'll be right back don't catch all my crawfish now he's the leader he's all business we're gonna get ourselves a little bit of bait and i'm going to see if i'm any good with this cast net here got three of these little baby mullet i'm swimming right there you go look nice catch there look at this all right that's the garbage right there that bigger one oh yeah that's about as tall as you want but yeah i threw one on clean out the boat they're everywhere well there we go guys just caught my first buffalo with the trip you got a oh you got a few things see look i caught a large mouth now it's a five pounder look at that uh got some decent gizzard shad yeah yeah got ourselves a nice bucket of bait hi you guys having the best trip ever yeah oh my goodness last time we came here it was a little earlier in the year and we did a lot of crawfishing and these are the crawfish traps these things are awesome and they're really easy to make all right this is a crawfish bait right here it's lunchtime and we got a cage full of frogs so it's time to cook up some frog legs oh you're getting the big bertha yeah i like big benzy big yeah here's a frog stomach let's see what's in there that looks like a crawfish to me doesn't it that's what it is favorite food oh that is a pile of frog legs and it is this really soft meat right here man now we're gonna cook these things up oh my goodness we've got a frog leg feast here tell me what do you think of frog legs good frog legs really do taste like chicken but it's softer than chicken and it's i think it's better than chicken it's really good stuff i don't think you'll ever find anyone bad mouth and frog legs whoa we're getting the full caging experience here we gotta we're gonna soak you up there you go buddy tell us how to stop using my fish baits to take baths away okay thomas this is his catfish bait so yeah this is what they used to catch catfish in the hoop nets it's ivory soap yeah food is full of water we had thunder we had lightning crazy rain and about 15 minutes later we got blue skies look at that it helps you hook the bait better with the hook we always get rid of the bottom half like so this would be crappy and this will be for trot lines right outlines jug lines stuff like that all right got jug lines here i don't get to go these are alligator guard jug lines oh yeah we got to make some new ones all right guys we've got a belly full of frog we're going to go out and do a little gar fishing and maybe catch some carp as well so we're busting out the fishing gear let's see what happens we're juggling for catfish got that pool noodle with the weight and a little bit of hook and some bait and we'll come back a couple hours see if we don't have a catfish are you still having fun yeah awesome the storm's eased up just a little bit we're gonna try to go around it and find a better place to go do some fishing looks a little bit clearer out there [Music] you got something to protect you from the rain there all right oh that's a big one there you go this is like cajun sia over here [Music] all right guys we're gonna be jug lining for gar here big alligator guard so we got a whole mullet pull the baiter out put the fish on the line and you don't have an anchor on these no angle so so the ropes are long enough to touch the bottom right hey tom and hey do you know what these are for giant gar they get over 100 pounds here bigger than me and tommy put together there you go perfect yeah drop it perfect okay check that nate chuck it throw it hard quick good job okay nathan there you go [Music] oh those are called silver carp or big head carbs some people call them asian carb but they're not really carb at all they're more related to a minnow but they taste like crappie they're really good you're bringing all your lily pads yummy of course you are well it feels good to be in some dry clothes and we are looking forward to dinner oh my goodness look at that and these are golden balls balls all right here's buddha balls booty balls booty balls some frogs no you didn't say it right not even close all right we got some boude balls and uh we got some frog legs and some toast and we got some beans and potatoes the way you make these boutique balls is basically you stew up a pork butt you take some green peppers yellow peppers red peppers onions celery you stew it up really good you take the moisture off of it add some rice mix it all up then bread it deep fry it toast potatoes life jackets coming off this dance party got serious oh for dessert we got homemade ice cream this is what we call aggressive churn this is how louisiana men make ice cream there with the power drill thank you well we're dry well fed and the boys are enjoying some ice cream so we're gonna go out and try to catch a gar maybe some carp we're gonna check the jug lines we've got rod and reels we even got spears here and we're going to try to do as much as we can before the weather chases us off because we have a small bit of clear on the doppler and a whole lot more of that rain is coming our way all right we're going to hit our catfish jugs first check those out yeah that one ain't doing much i grabbed this right no you just you don't never have to touch the fish you see it coming right off there you go little chum there right yep well we got that one channel cat and tomorrow we'll check it again with the boys it's not pouring buckets it's not blowing a gale we're gonna see what happens this chum has been sitting for a day or so and it's gotten a little bit more like play-doh there we go we're going to blast out some rigs for alligator gar out this direction well we've got four carp rods bombed out that direction to where we've been chumming it's got a bonk right there on that one little ticket attack that's about oh yeah yeah yeah something's on there there we go look at look at his belly buddy crushed sweet corn in his mouth that one there will become feelings [Music] off of memory right so remember what it's about you got it all right we're throwing out a couple more alligator guard jugs and uh before we head back to that lake where we saw those asian carp we're gonna see if we can't spear spear some of those yeah we got a real fish poker right there it's pinned to the bottom so let's let's see if there's a fish on it check this guy out y'all look at that that's a nice clean shot grab that and see what how much force it takes to pop him off there that's stuck pretty good pretty good all right we got one all right i nicked him but i missed him oh there the guard right there oh nope he spotted guard right right ahead he's holding really steady oh steady you gonna you hear that no way take this guy out look at that yeah it holds it right yeah it holds it all right just speared my second car in the search for a carp continues oh missed oh wait oh dang it oh dang it oh oh what about put myself in the water going after that gizzard chad riding around earlier yeah oh hold up oh i nosed him oh oh there's the gar right right through the center oh dang it [Music] whoa big head carve come up and hit my spear oh i heard him i heard him hold oh look at the thick body on that guy oh hey that's a baby around here yeah i think we're having buffalo ribs so this right here is a smallmouth buffalo it's a native fish here it's related to a sucker it's not actually a carp though they eat the same thing carps do and they act a lot like carp but the way you tell they're not carp beside the fact that they're kind of silver instead of gold as you look right over here they've got no whiskers a carp has kind of these fu manchu whiskers this guy's got nothing a little the bottom looks kind of heart-shaped just like a sucker because he's a he's a member of the sucker family and he looks a lot like a quillback sucker or a carp sucker but uh awesome fish i actually might go home and smoke some gar but look at these gar oh man this has been so much fun but it is crazy late it's like 1am and i think our plan was to get up at 6 to go garfish god oh yeah but i think we better get home i think we better head back to bed now guys i cannot describe how much fun i'm having on this trip i i've absolutely dreamt of coming back here so i wanted to do a little gift for for stafford for showing us such a good time so i'm giving him two of my spears here this is the one i hand forged last year and the one i made this year and i'm going to leave them here with them and if you guys want to come and spear some fish i want to make sure stafford has some spears so you guys could do this too but it is 1am i got to go to bed i'll see you guys in the morning staying up until like 2 a.m last night is kicking my butt but it's 8 a.m and the boys are up and they're well rested so that's good mommy you got to eat something other than bacon okay eat that i'll eat the sandwich with butter well we're done with breakfast and we need to go check some jug lines and uh it's rainy so uh we better get geared up geared up noodle trap that's for punching your dad in the crotch [Music] you you high-fived him oh that's a big one look look he's up in a tree you get him tom oh this is all you man there we go [Music] i think i think you're wet congratulations mate yeah you got him first channel catfish of the day tommy this guy right here a blue catfish tail here's a big one this is a good one yeah stanford see this guy over here is commercial catfisherman we're gonna go over and say hi how y'all doing these hoop nets are like those little play place tunnels you go in and you never come out you know whoa you got a lot of them both of the alligator guard jugs in his leg have disappeared so we're just cruising around looking for him that's what happened come on oh he twitched a little bit let's see what happens to the bait look comes up the line yeah see any skills on that you're right all the skills on the side come off every time hello easy easy watch it be careful i don't don't lean over the side just drink it right that's that's you whoa that's a baby that's a little one that's not even that's a baby that's a 15 pounder not a baby girl call the baby guard if you put your hand anywhere right here and he moves it will cut you oh you just gotta rub your hand on the outside and he will cut you yeah yeah his teeth are so sharp see these are these little parasites see oh it is garlic on oh yeah there we go you call it garlic that's why i'm calling him now i just made it up look at that they look like a little tiny skate tommy said he's super jealous that you've got to catch that alligator guard i'm super i'm jealous [Music] all right guys we got a big mess of catfish in that alligator gar we're gonna clean them up and that's to make some good food i'm going to take the shell off the back right all right step one you have to get in between the scales i think this is how it's done there you go one half where are you going there you go it's not bad for a little fish you guys scream and that's going to keep that meat from breaking down like the same way beaufin does so the meat is always trying to break down now yeah yeah i see they haven't been dead long gar a lot like bowfin their meat breaks down as soon as the fish dies so you want to clean and play it right away and what he did is he scrapes the meat with his blade to get kind of the enzymes and the bad meat off and then you don't wash it off okay you put it in the bag and freeze it dry and that seems to help prevent the enzymes from breaking the meat down too quickly a little higher more than one way to skin a cat right we're gonna fill in one side huh like that see then we're gonna cut it off cleaned up gonna scrape the tail and we're gonna flip him over we're gonna put a couple of slits in him and he's ready to fry you could eat everything but the bone we used to do this as kids this is this would be money to go to local factory and skin fish right and today i'd probably lose buddy but those young guys pretty good go put those catfish in the crab pot and we're gonna catch some blue crab too guys all right we're gonna clean and cook up that buffalo we caught last night i'm using the word we very very loosely [Music] yeah look at that that is good looking there you go there's one bone in here right in the middle see it there you go you fry it just like that yeah pull the bone up nice we're gonna eat some lunch and we've got ourselves pasta layer and fried garfish balls hey eat your pasta laya you come eat your pazzalaya and we have gar balls this is like garden nuggets oh what what do you think of that you like that spicy it's spicy i can stand it you can stand it nathan you like nathan like that ice cream don't mind me i saw him filling up this big tub full of water and i wonder if he's doing a crawfish boil you don't use the bayou water because you don't want everything turning brown right it is wet and rainy it has just been on and off so it's just gonna be me and staff are gonna go out and we're gonna catch some blue crabs [Music] give it a little slack gotta hit bottom holy mackerel these are jumbo crabs [Music] holy mackerel those are jumbo crabs look at the size of this guy that guy could sit on my dinner plate and pick up the glass with one claw and the knife and fork with the other cloth look at that i've caught blue crabs in virginia delaware maryland florida and those are the biggest blue crabs i've ever seen [Music] [Music] this is awesome oh i don't think i've ever had so much fun throwing a net this is absolutely insane check this out do we have enough bait i think we're good buddy i think we're good i think we got your bait situation taken care of for the year look at the size of these [Music] i got big crawfish crap and gar for the next six months how about crabs we did pretty well for crabs by my opinion i gotta scoot my way to the front here pleasure to meet you randy all right catching them is the easy part now i gotta get them all frozen and taxes away hey where where would you uh it's stafford there's a scale on your boat right right there where my light is there's a little slimy spot there you know how to dirty a boat i know how to mess a boat up so quick the type of fish that you got enough bait we do have enough bait we have a bait well after a long day of throwing a cast net we've got deep fried garfish patties baked catfish white beans corn rice i am gonna sleep like a log tonight you just fed you just fed your frog corn here take your frog we need to get some sleep i'm exhausted i'll see you guys in the morning look at this what a beautiful way to wake up in the morning right here in the bayou i'm really sad today is our last full day tomorrow morning we head back where's tommy ah there he is hey nathan all right guys let's go get some breakfast oh [Music] tonight me and the boys are doing a survival camp out we are going to go and hike into the swamp with all the leeches and alligators and cottonmouths we're gonna camp out in the swamp tonight so i've got a really quick pack up some stuff into my backpack and uh it's gonna be fun all right stafford's busting out the burner we're gonna do a crab boil yesterday that looks like some sort of nightmare with all the little feet sticking out we were going to eat the crabs last night but we got so distracted by the mullet we didn't have time so we're going to use one jaw one one whole jar yeah let it boil for 10 minutes shut it off let it sit for about 15 and we'll take them out i can feel the heat coming off this oh man a little bit look at this plate of crabs oh look at that beauty oh man i can't believe you caught him he looked so fast he was so fast well guys we got a nice belly full of crab now i mean the boys can do a little survival camping staff is going to drop us off on the bayou and uh we'll see what happens here nathan grab the spears i'll go get it oh here no tom show me your frogs oh my goodness we got a we got a tree frog and a big old chameleon yeah yeah take your life because uh yeah why'd you leave it yeah exactly and you guys probably want your spears right yeah you get hungry don't eat your boys now see ya see you tomorrow oh boys look at this is a banana spider a banana spider oh those are the creepiest spiders and there's so many of them oh you want to see if he'll attack the stick what do you think is this swampy enough for us all right follow me you got your spears yeah okay oh yeah we can see your alligator yeah it gets it's it gets deep over here alligator is that right yeah you just swim underneath it you guys follow yeah land hoe all right guys we found ourselves a little bit of high land and uh there's some trees here that we can start using to build camp here it comes [Music] oh man the rain has brought the bugs out but i've got the boys out of the rain and under the tarp now i need to worry about food and man i just i i need something to cook on and a way to cook out of the rain and out of the mud i'm out here working on this shelter and stafford comes up in his boat and says i got something you need to see holy mackerel is not a buffalo that is a massive grass carp it's pretty fishy oh my goodness look at this grass carp i see it the biggest one of those i've ever caught is 36. that one's pretty close to it that one thing when that one's over i think it was over there i think it's over that was cool catch one of those on a rod and reel man yeah all right there we go got it done so we are gonna make fried frog jambalaya and i have a bag of four live yellow throat frogs that mean the boys caught last night with their bare hands four frog legs in a pot all right we're gonna put some cajun seasoning on these uh these frog legs the seasoning's making the frogs twitch and jump is that creepy now we're gonna fry up a bunch of vegetables all right now we've got this cajun spicy jambalaya mix here just take it nice and careful you don't want to fall off let's see tommy you in here yeah up here nate you in here yeah i'm right here all right guys let's see if we can get to sleep right before i fell asleep i was in my skivvies and i flipped my hammock fell into the mud and i tore a hole in the mosquito netting and i had to jump out in my underwear and fix the mosquito netting fix the platform fix the hammock re-rig everything and the bugs ate me alive because i only had bug repellent on my arms and legs and so i've got dozens and dozens of bites where the sun don't shine i have been itching and itching and itching all night long arms and my back are just like bumpy look at that he's biting me through my shirt oh man they're just thick good morning tom nathan good morning yeah we're live we're live but we're about five pounds lighter from all the blood we donated i i've got i've got itches in places that shouldn't be scratched all right guys we're out of here bye mosquitos man i am so covered in bug bites oh my arm oh look at that holy crap that's a lot of bug bites feels good to be clean and then fresh clothes it's our last day here and we're going to be leaving in a few hours and i'm sad to go this has just been awesome this is our second trip with cajun experience and it's not going to be our last every time you book with these guys it's an exclusive experience there's no mixing parties you get the entire houseboat to yourself it's just an amazingly affordable and unique experience highly recommend you guys check these guys out before they figure out their undercharging people and raise their prices this is a great deal oh man guys we gotta come back with grandpa don't we yeah we're gonna see if we can catch another giant dummy this one's got a fish he is moseying we're heading back to the car and we're just checking a few jugs and sure enough there's something big on this jug here pull them up let's see what tom got you're not lying all right tommy smile jeez that's awesome is that as big as nations there's a little bigger i think did you hear that we gotta get going to the car and there's no room in the boat so we'll leave them there and come back and release them later guys was that a fun trip yeah man we just had a ball we hope you guys enjoyed this video as much as we enjoyed making it and don't forget to click subscribe to the outdoor boys youtube channel we put out new videos every saturday morning if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor boys youtube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every saturday morning and hit that bell button you'll get notifications thanks for watching
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 6,188,297
Rating: 4.7011228 out of 5
Keywords: bayou, swamp, fishing, hunting, trapping, camping, catch and cook, catch clean cook, catch clean cook frogs, catch clean cook gar, catch clean cook crabs, catch clean cook catfish, catch and cook frogs, catch and cook alligator gar, alligator gar, jug lining, fishing for catfish, fishign for gar, fishing for alligator gar, gar, frogs, bull frogs, catfish, blue crabs, buffalo, catch and cook buffalo, catch and cook catfish, catch clean cook camp, catch catch cook, jug lining gar
Id: J-sMBdJyclo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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