MOUNTAIN Crawdad & Trout Fishing! EPIC Catch & Cook!!!

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oh that's a fish 100k baby we did it oh my goodness what is that hey welcome to another episode guys i'm way up in the mountains as you can see we're we're in the middle of the clouds right now we're heading to some beautiful beautiful lakes and uh we're gonna do some fishing together some camping just have a little fun there's just wildflowers everywhere i'm in the middle of a giant scree field as you guys can see in the winter time this is where there's big avalanche fields i've been so excited to take you guys up here on some mountain adventures just because this is like literally one of the most beautiful places in the world so i can't wait to get up there the only water i brought with me is what i've got on my my chest right here uh but that's okay we gotta filter and iodine tablets and then for food we're gonna try and catch fish we got worms we got lures we got the bullet lure baby we got a that'll be a challenge here we got on this trip catch one on the bullet lure but man look at this look at this several people spotted a mountain lion with two cubs so we're gonna have to watch out just a little bit be aware of it and um you know make some noise we made it to the lake baby look at this beautiful gem behind me here i oh there's a fly oh there's some flies on the lens i kind of kind of i don't know if you guys can see it but right right right there that little point right there i kind of want to go out there and make just a couple little test casts just a little you know just some little ones uh maybe throw a bullet lure out there oh wow oh my goodness hello magical flower in the woods nice to meet you there we go this looks like a good fishing rock right the water's super clear it's probably about six feet deep 10 feet out so that's already there could be trout right in front of me now this fly uh fishing kit right here i actually have my spinning pole and my fly pole in there so oh there's the little little reel look at two reels fit in two poles we're definitely gonna do some fly fishing too but uh since i'm not as proficient at that yet uh we're gonna start with the spinning setup the rod here is an okuma salilo ultra light it's a five foot two piece making it small enough to where i can fit it into small little pole cases like that and then the reel is a kastking summer 500. uh these little kastking reels are really really good i'm not sponsored by anyone i kind of want to keep it that way because that way i can just tell you guys what i like and what works for me we're going to start things off right we're going to start with a bullet lure that's right it's going to happen on the bullet lure baby fly went into my eye if you're still brand new to the channel then yeah these little guys i make these myself i actually did a video on how i make these i just think they look cool you know i need to be a sexy lure all right here we go improved clinch knot we got 20-pound uh braided mainline down to a little swivel down to a four pound leader that's probably about two feet long and then i've got the bullet lure on there baby so while i was setting up a trout did just surface literally right over there where i'm pointing so i'm gonna start making some casts over into that little it's almost like a bay the fog is actually clearing up a little bit here check this out it's where you guys are sitting on the camera right there then you can actually see the other end of the lake and we're going to cast right over where that fish was oh yeah right up against the shallow so we're going to start reeling right away don't want to get stuck on anything oh oh we had to follow follow follow follow follow 100 100 good-sized trout probably about that big followed it man was i too slow too fast not sure either way we're gonna give him a second chance come on baby i'm gonna go through really slow now we'll try going through fast come on let's give them something to chase math so close all right guys this is we're going to set up camp the fishes aren't biting so i figured i would just use this time to set up the tent real quick get camp set up make sure that everything is just ready to roll for tonight and then we'll keep fishing and get us our dinner which i'm like i i really could use some dinner right now guys i'm i'm kind of hungry check it out she is all set up not too shabby all right this here is my mattress for the night but this thing here like literally blows up in like less than 10 blows i think let's try it out one [Music] was that seven blows and this thing is already inflated i like a firm mattress so i think what i'm just gonna do here while we set up the rest of camp is i'm just gonna cast out this bobber rod and we're fishing how are we gonna like spend the rest of the evening how are we gonna catch a fish guys found just a little bit of trash at the campsite looks like someone's old uh like a tent bag tie or something so we'll pack it up it's remember guys if you guys are in the woods just pack out more than you brought in and then you did good for dinner what we're going to have is lemon pepper tuna with crackers that's the the fine kitchen of the us military providing these beautiful beautiful crackers right here oh yeah not that bad when you're really hungry actually it's kind of satisfying all of the fine young men and women in the military deserve better crackers than what's in those little mre bags a little bit out on the cracker just to make it more exciting and now we're talking it's all it needed so i've just got the worm dangling down there and i thought we would lure over some crawdads and sure enough there is a crawdad munching on it down there oh we got him we got us a crawdad guys it might be dark the fish might not be biting but fishing ain't over boys and girls so i've never eaten crawdad before guys oh he got him in the net got him with the net yes this is this is a game changer oh he got me got him oh we got him oh my goodness he is scary big really big there you go there you go look at that monster oh my goodness what is that oh my goodness it's a giant version of those big salamander things what the heck is this thing it's giant it's like a foot long he's really big and he keeps trying to get to my crawdads all right so i moved my crawdads but guess who's back mr weirdo creeper dude down there wants to eat my crud ads unbelievable [Laughter] it seems he keeps snapping at my crawdads okay it's become painfully obvious that our new friend needs a meal badly so we are going to provide him one i wonder if we can like hand feed him is he gonna take it oh he took it oh he took it we just hand fed this weird creature you are so more than welcome buddy you are like welcome at my campsite anytime well our buddy down there definitely has an appetite for our crawdads so that's just so cool i mean what a freaking weird mystery creature those things are so elusive i've never really seen those in real life i've only read about them in books and like seen them online like pictures of them but seeing that in real life that's just crazy i didn't know we had those things here i pet them so badly but i just i we shouldn't that's such a special creature sorry bud these are mine look at that haul a lot of crawdads i'm zipped up in my sleeping bag now i'm gonna get a little bit of sleep because we got a lot more fishing to do tomorrow so i'll see you guys in the morning well slept well last night i was good it was a little cold so i had to throw in a couple extra layers and um ready to make some coffee and get up and catch something oh man our big goofy looking friend from last night is gone so i guess they're nocturnal they don't hang out in the daytime that was so cool [Music] and here we have some quaker apple cinnamon oatmeal very exciting ladies and gentlemen breakfast is served [Music] never lick your plates if you do don't get caught by your parents [Music] come here little buddy hey come here guys look at this we have a little friend hey do you want to come here and say hi come here and say hi hey there how's it going [Music] he thinks i have food come here he's beautiful these little guys i think they're called camp robbers there we go our bobber pole is ready to go now we're going to do a little fly fishing too double our chances of getting something so here's the fly that we're using it's kind of a black pattern midsize fly and it's actually tied by one of you guys steve thank you so much dude for tie me up those flies still waiting to catch a big old trout on them but we'll make it happen man starting to get a little better at the whole casting thing so thank all you guys for giving me all the advice on how i can improve i'm sure there's still plenty of room for improvement but we're getting there all right so we haven't caught anything yet here so we're gonna head down to a new lake there's one about a mile and a quarter away from here either way let's go ahead and wrap it up here because we got to catch something look at that crazy rock jeez and literally there's like a freaking cave in here that's probably where the the bears and the cougars are [Music] so it says toilet this way let's find out what a toilet in the mountains looks like very curious about this mountain toilet holy cow it has a view though i will set down my fishing pole out of respect for this toilet [Music] laughs look at this beautiful beautiful lake i saw a fish jump over there so that's where we're going oh man look at how beautiful this is jeez all right little bullet lure you and me let's do this put some human scent on there there you go majestic first cast that's so cool there's a bunch of little islands out here in this lake it is so beautiful now this one unfortunately is not very heavy so i can't cast it very far so i've got to hope that there's a trout literally within like a 30-foot casting distance oh that's a fish though that's a fish oh when he came off he came off that's okay he was tiny he was only like this big come on little baby where's your big brother should have sent your big brother first and shame on you big brother for sending your little little brother out it's not very nice wow a little bit of a breeze up here huh we got on is uh just the bullet lure here see i saw one fish surface already so that's a really really good sign first cast in this beautiful beautiful lake here oh we had a bite oh we had a bite a trout slammed the bullet lure guys oh that's a fish that's a fish on baby oh is he still there oh he's still there he's still there little guy little guy all right we're gonna we're gonna boat flip this guy come on baby all right jeez look at that finally it only took us about two days to catch this goliath of a rainbow trout he's actually really pretty oh he was triple hooked hooked all the way there's no way he was getting away yeah he's a little tiny rainbow uh now i hate doing this i'm usually not a baby eater but we're gonna eat this guy we're gonna eat him i'm just hungry man like i i just need some food check it out though on the bullet lure baby on the bullet lure so he took it on a bit of a quicker retrieve so he they seem to not like it too slow um calm down little dude calm down don't worry we're it's almost over there we go he's a it's a bonker and a d hooker at the same time that's that's crazy how did all three of those hooks pop out hey look at that guys no longer using the uh the pliers is my bonker instead i made us a nice little bamboo a bamboo bonker so uh so that's pretty cool so and i've got also a uh an eight inch measurement on there so that we could measure trout in creeks and uh rivers because that's the minimum size in a lot of places here in washington but in most lakes including this one there's no minimum size so we're all good but just for shits and giggles he's about eight and a half inches so he'd be a keeper no matter what there you go little guy thank you so much for biting dude man that's like honestly so thankful to finally catch something it's always hard when you're out here and you're fishing for days trying to catch food and it's just it's not working especially when you see some fish but uh man it finally finally happened not on the bobber though this time that's crazy on the bullet lure it's been a while since we got one on the bullet lure all right so that trout seemed to uh like a quicker retrieve so that's what we're going to do this time too just going to let it sink a little bit and then retrieve nice and quick and what i like to do is just give it little little jerks too it just gives it the the um presentation a little more action oh that's a fish that's a fish always really really small oh man he's tiny trying to save you dude i'm trying to save you all right let's see how he does in the net there oh there he goes there he goes nothing like pierced his gills or anything so i i felt good about releasing him he was really small not two fish that that's okay we won't be greedy we won't be greedy at all i'm pretty feeling really good about that so let's go ahead get back to camp and cook these babies up with those crawdads all right we're back at camp it's time to cook up our catch now we've got a big old bag of crawdads look at some of those monsters that we have here that's a good looking crawdad i have to say this is this is a nice one oh whoa he's flicking around but we are going to make this crawfish boil a little more interesting for that we're going to cut off just a little really just a little tiny bit of butter then we've just got one yellow onion we got a little bit of green onion here don't need a whole lot and most importantly a bag of danish sea salt we're not going to put in the whole bag just a little bit it's a fresh bag though oh yeah we're gonna be pretty generous with this we're gonna hex up them like that all right just a little brown on the bottom there that's perfect not burnt now we're just going to scoop up some water all right we're going to close that we're going to want to make sure this is at like a rolling boil all right time to find some volunteers ooh that was a bad idea bad idea a lot of crawdads okay bad idea about it oh jesus no no no oh no no no that was a really close call bad idea never dump out your crawdads ever now this may seem inhumane to put them in alive but this is actually the quickest way to dispatch them so here we go buddy there he is and he's done already he's already done turning red wow that color change happened fast hey this guy's trying to escape in the pot with you it just it instantly takes them out so i've never actually tried crawdads in my life so i'm super super excited right now this is like a special moment all right time to clean our fish not a giant just poking right by the butthole and scoot it all the way forward make sure that you rinse it right away with a trout like this with a little one just take that head right off pull on that look at that all the guts come out right with it set it out for the crawdads and that in the back there that's the kidney i'm just gonna score that and then you just push it out with your your fingernail boom and here you go a nice clean trout got a little mushroom here we got some more onion then what we'll just do is use up the rest of this green onion here mushrooms and onions just have a super magical combination going on i don't know what it is but something there's magic going on in there right now now we're going to add a little bit more of that danish sea salt voila here we go baby [Music] oh my goodness oh he's happy in there i don't know what it is guys but trout never gets old oh man come on baby not right there that's how you know a trout is done when literally the meat just falls right off the bones all right we haven't forgotten about the green onions yet these guys are going in now there's a little more delicate i didn't want to overcook those guys it's probably gonna be a little buttery hopefully no hot butter gets on me all right now we got the old uh cheese trick up our sleeve who spilled a little there and then we put on the tortilla one thing i've been like really curious to try here too is this broth that we've got oh man that's such a good soup that itself would be a freaking meal that that's so good so this is what we're gonna throw all of our trout mushrooms and caramelized onion into you know i was gonna throw some sauce on there but honestly like i don't think that we need any sauce for this all right there's no turning around now here we go so many things happening in my mouth right now the caramelized onions just punching me in the face the mushroom has like a an earthy undertone trout very subtle very subtle there's a cheese i found the green onion let's get this big old big daddy uh let's go ahead and try a claw this is just like a big crab claw honestly look at how much meat is in there wow that's solid oh i dropped the other claw i hate it when that happens you twist the tails off man it's too bad like let me know in the comments like what do you do with the heads can you like eat these or do you just kind of boil them i heard some people suck on them should i suck yeah i don't know i don't know if i need to do that again man those claws have more meat in them than the tail i mean that's the tail right there claws had more also 100k baby we did it thanks to all of you guys thank you so much for all your love support your kind comments um we we made it i never would have believed that we would actually be 100 000 subscribers this is like becoming my full-time job now i'm like living this weird surreal dream that i didn't think could exist so thank you is all i can say to celebrate a hundred thousand i thought i would just come out here to a beautiful place like this where we can experience some new things together like me eating crawdads for the first time and fishing these lakes for the first time it's what life's all about guys just having great experiences and thank you so much for watching all the way from beginning to end it's the biggest compliment you guys can give me that being said we will see you guys next week for the next fishing adventure till then you all know it fish on baby oh there's another crawdad in here cool
Channel: NW Fishing Secrets
Views: 934,999
Rating: 4.8867617 out of 5
Keywords: trout fishing, crawdad fishing, crayfish fishing, crawfish fishing, crawdad catch & cook, crawfish catch & cook, crayfish catch & cook, trout catch & cook, trout, crawdads, mountain trout fishing, mountain trout catch & cook, alpine trout fishing, nw fishing secrets, nwfs, northwest fishing secrets, washington fishing, how to catch trout, how to catch crawdads, fishing, mountain fishing, catch & cook, catch clean cook, trout catch clean cook, crawfish boil, fishing videos
Id: KfJJB4zWgsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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