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[Music] [Music] this story happened to me on a thursday night when i was home alone in my apartment complex i live with my roommate josh who was usually out with his girlfriend so that gave me the luxury of having the place to myself i was video chatting with three classmates of mine on facebook messenger their names were eric craig and cindy this was my first interaction with them as our professors selected us to be in a group project together throughout the night we brainstormed ideas while getting more acquainted with one another this is when the story gets a bit weird eric spontaneously asked the group chat hey guys wanna see something cool what is it getting an a plus in this project would be cool sure man what's up eric sends the group chat a photo i click the chat icon and see a disturbing image of a woman with her arms and legs missing what the hell ew why are you sending us this dude where the hell did you get that photo i'll tell you but you guys really need to keep this a secret promise me you won't tell anyone um this isn't marketing related but okay i guess uh sure dude please don't tell me you were the sicko who took that pic i didn't i actually got the photo from the dark web dude you go on the dark web what's the dark web supposedly it's this hidden part of the internet where you can buy illegal stuff i personally wasn't that educated about the dark web but i did hear rumors about it growing up i've always acknowledged the existence of these kinds of things growing up but i was still unaware as to what potential atrocities lie within the online world eric then says yeah i just recently started getting into it i found the photo from one of the forums i came across called homemade dolls here's the full size picture he then sends us the exact same photo except this time it had a description box next to it with the title doll number 20. why the hell of all people did i have to be in a group project with this weirdo the details in the description stated inhumane acts that can be performed on the victims before being shipped to their buyers i felt pretty disgusted reading the dialogue but i was still somewhat skeptical about the whole thing it was hard to deny its legitimacy though the authenticity of the image looked too real to be a hoax to be honest this looks photoshopped i don't know it looks pretty real to me dude that's disgusting why do you even go on sites like that well i only go on at occasion midway through eric's sentence a random user joins the video chat uh who's that i don't know i swear to god we better not be getting hacked eric is this one of your stupid friends from the dark web i'm gonna call the cops if it is that's when i decide to move my mouse cursor to exit the video chat why the hell isn't this working come on work god damn it my cursor was resisting to move no matter how many times i clicked or moved my mouse that's when the random user's video turned on it was a guy wearing a pig mask the mask didn't look like some dollar store knockoff it looked like the skinned face of an actual pig he wore it like he was leatherface from the texas chainsaw massacre hey is anybody seeing what i'm seeing eric dude i really hope this isn't a stupid prank it's not dude i don't even know who that is why is there a guy wearing a pig mask on my screen guys what's going on i don't know why but something about that moment i just knew i was looking into the eyes of what true evil looks like that's when my classmates video chat completely froze the only screen functioning was the pigmans it seemed like our computers were being hijacked i couldn't quite comprehend what was going on until i heard the pig man say can you see me say yes if you can hear me say it i reply with yes what what do you want from me in an uncontrollable stutter you know that feeling you get when you're with someone for so long every single day just drags and becomes a routine we just want something new and fresh you know something vibrant and will make me feel alive again i just i just need a new doll what do you say does it sound like a brilliant plan to you i was completely appalled by what was transpiring that's when i hear a muffled female's voice in the background the man then swivels the camera towards the direction of the muffled voice only to reveal a woman with no arms and legs she had duct tape on her mouth and a chain bound around her neck the woman was flailing her severed arms wildly in a desperate attempt to escape a couple seconds later the pigman approaches her while holding an axe the kind of axe lumberjacks used to chop down trees i began to hyperventilate as i knew the inevitable fate this woman was about to endure he then raises the axe up in the air i begin screaming from the top of my lungs leave her alone i'm calling the cops as i took my last glance at the woman i realized that it was the same woman in the photo that eric sent that's when the pig man smashes the axe against the woman's skull repeatedly i practically leap up from my chair and begin to vomit this sadistic display was unbearable what the hell is going on someone tell me i'm dreaming there's there's no way this is real i look back on the screen only to see nothing like the whole thing was just a bad dream or a figment of my imagination what the hell just happened i know i'm not going crazy i immediately messaged my classmates in the group chat saying please tell me you guys saw that did any of you see the pig man we need to report him yeah i briefly saw him but then my video chat ended same here that was weird as hell must have been a hacker thank god my screen went back to normal did you see anything terence i respond as nonchalantly as i can saying yeah basically what you guys saw i think it's best that we just put this behind us and move on from here you know i didn't know if that was the right decision i just i didn't want to further escalate the situation acknowledging the pig man's existence was one thing but going into further detail about afterwards just felt unnecessary this is the part where i wish the story ends it's been a year since the incident i ended up dropping out and taking the semester off due to the mental trauma i endured i now work at a local retail store i was coming home from work one day and i saw an envelope sitting in my mail slot i open it and discover the most horrifying thing that sends shivers down my spine it was a picture of my classmate cindy except she had no legs and no arms the picture was titled doll number 21. [Music] wow
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 1,102,251
Rating: 4.8712535 out of 5
Keywords: scary, animated stories, animated horror stories, scary animated story, scary story, mr nightmare‬, chillingtales‬, creepy story‬, horror‬, ‎horror story‬, creepypasta, halloween, scary stories, terrifying true story, horror movies, llama arts, halloween true stories, halloween stories, true scary story, true scary stories, nightmare, most scary story, haunted, short scary stories, long scary stories, scary cartoons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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