21 Creepy True Stories Animated (Compilation Of 2019)

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Hey everyone these are otter animated stories from  2019 so I hope you enjoy watching them Olivia and   her fiance threw a dinner party one time to  celebrate his mom completing chemo she hired   a caterer and they were expecting 25 friends and  family the caterer said he'd bring everything 75   percent done but he needed to finish off some  dishes in their kitchen she told him that was   fine as long as he finished by 5:00 he arrived  as scheduled at 12 p.m. but the moment he entered   the house Olivia noticed that he had a disgusting  smell that made her uneasy because he was going to   be preparing food for sick prior and young kids  she just made sure he washed his hands and then   left him to his own devices whirring she was just  being presumptuous the entire time he kept asking   her about the seasoning of the food and telling  her to taste it she said you're the chef so I   trust you you don't have to keep asking me fast  forward he was still there at 5:45 the guests   were arriving so after two gentle reminders she  flat-out told him she needed him completely out by   6:00 no matter what he apologized and said they're  having a delay because Olivia's oven wouldn't stay   up to temperature she never had a problem with her  oven before but figured he's the professional so   maybe it was a subtle problem he gets his bags and  packs everything up but suddenly heads towards her   bedroom olivia is completely taken aback and  says excuse me where are you going and he says   to change she tells him she's not comfortable with  him going in her room and there's a restroom to do   that but he insisted it will only take a second  and goes in and shuts and locks the door Olivia   couldn't even get a word out before he went in  and felt helpless at this point her fiance had   come back home so she explained the situation to  him confused as to what was going on he pounds on   the door telling the caterer to come out the man  opens the door wearing a t-shirt and jeans her   fiance said you shouldn't be in there you need  to leave the caterer responded and said excuse   me but this is not your house is not up to you two  side yes actually it is my fiancee lives here with   me suddenly the caterer goes nuts he turns to her  and screams you lied to me Olivia had no clue what   he was talking about he starts yelling about how  she led him on and blurting nonsense calling her   disgusting names he then goes in the kitchen and  starts throwing the food out of the refrigerator   and onto the floor without hesitating the fiancee  and his two brothers forced him to leave the house   immediately thankfully the party then went on  as planned but Olivia insisted they just ordered   pizza and they're all out of food he made after  partying they went out late drinking with his   brothers and got home at around 3:30 a.m. and  passed out in their room and then at around 5   a.m. Olivia was woken up to the sound of the door  opening Olivia wakes up her fiancee and whispers   I think someone just came into the house he said  probably my brother left his wallet or something   Olivia figured she's being paranoid wednesdaya  loud crash came from outside the room he told   her to lock herself in the closet and call 9-1-1  while he went out and looked around as she was   pulling out her phone they hear Olivia hello and  she realizes that insane caterer she went outside   and saw a man shirtless and clearly on something  he lunges towards Olivia and her fiance stops him   while she called the police he tells him the  cops have been caught and it would be in his   best interest for him to get off the property the  caterer says I have to make sure Olivia is okay   her fiance stayed between them while she climbed  out the window he even thought of taking the gun   out of the safe the caterer began this morning  kitchen and when the cops finally came in they   see that he has a knife on him he didn't obey  police his orders to drop his weapon so they   chase him as he's being led out in handcuffs he's  shouting out how he and Olivia are in love the   police asked to do an inventory of the house and  see if anything's missing or damaged besides what   they witnessed him do they went around but saw  nothing but then Olivia remembered that he was   in her room she quickly checked and that all her  panties were gone they were so freaked out in the   aftermath that they replaced all kitchenware and  they had a cleaning crew do a deep clean on the   whole house Olivia was so glad that she decided  not to serve the food to the guests especially   her fiance's fragile mother the caterers sent  a letter from prison and thankfully her husband   intercepted because she was still recovering from  the whole thing they gave it to the police who   helped issue a new contact order he was sent to  three years in prison and thankfully Olivia and   her family never saw him again a week before Kim's  tenth birthday she walked to the corner store with   a $5 bill and picked up a jar of ragu for her  mom on her way home a man she never seen before   began talking hi he said cheerfully my name is  dr. Ramsey I'm a pediatrician do you know what   a pediatrician is Kim walked along silently not  replying and fervently hoping he would take that   as a sign he should leave her alone I was just on  my way to get some lollipops for the candy jar in   my office what's your name thankfully they were  nearing her house so she ran forward and went   inside Kim didn't know it then but that was the  beginning of a very long and very scary ordeal   it didn't take long after that for dr. Ramsey to  begin showing up he would drive by nearly every   day smiling and waving Kim told her mom who said  maybe it was on his way home from work but then   the floor phone calls began Kim's dad asked about  the day dr. Ramsay followed her home and if she   talked to him he said she wasn't in trouble but  that she needed to tell him the truth Kim told   him no and he asked if she was sure or she could  be forgetting something she said no again and he   frowned then asked then how does he know your name  Kim didn't know it turns out that was not all he   knew he knew her sister's name as well neither  Kim nor her sister were allowed to answer the   phone and he called several times a day then one  night one of Kim's brothers told them that he was   telling their parents that he was going to hurt  her and later her sister things got complicated   after that Kim's dad called the police but as  this was before there were any stalking laws   there was not a lot they could do they told the  parents to call back if he tried anything Kim's   dad then called a friend of his who happened  to be a cop for the next month her dad's friend   escorted her to and from school she couldn't go  outside alone anymore then one afternoon all the   siblings and their mom were in the kitchen when  all of a sudden one of the brothers saw a glimpse   of someone in the garage dr. Ramsay came bolting  out of it and the brother chased after him they   ran all the way to Cherokee Park where he lost him  in the trees Kim's parents called the police again   but nothing came out of it the only information  they had was a description and a name that was   almost certainly fake a couple weeks later the  family woke up to something horrific happened to   their German Shepherd the cop said there was no  evidence it was him and ruled it accidental but   none of them believed that his phone calls became  more informative in the meantime that night that   dad put in some carpenter nails in the bottom of  the French doors until he got a new lock ordered   her parents had to go to a company event for  her dad's work and the older brother was at a   skating event so only the three younger ones were  home suddenly the top with the French doors swung   inward and in the few milliseconds before the  nails in the bottom caused them to snap back   Kim could see his silhouette mr. shrapp down to  the brother's room to look someone was standing   at the back door walking holy what do you want she  said is this the Mersey residence I have a pizza   for delivery she scoffed at him declaring she was  not stupid as she was calling the cops before they   knew it she left a short while later her brother  returned home Kim told him what happened and he   walked around the yard watching for him by now the  family had pretty much giving up calling the cops   because it never helped as the younger brother was  in the kitchen he had this sensation that he was   being watched he stepped closer then closer again  until he was right up to the door there on the   other side the window was dr. Ramsay smiling back  at him he turned to yell for his older brother   but when he looked back again he was gone they  went out again to look for him but didn't see   him anywhere a week later Kim was at school and  the kids were outside on the playground during   recess she was swinging upside-down when she  saw that familiar blue car cruising by moving   slowly there he was smiling and waving he called  her name and Kim ran to the teacher and told her   the school had been told all about him and the  teacher took her inside right away and called   Kim's mom that same day her mom had gotten a call  from the school office asking her to verify that   Kim's dad was picking her up as he called to say  that he was on his way he wasn't not long after   that Kim woke up one night thirsty she went down  to the kitchen for a drink and they're sitting   alone in the dark was her dad on the table was  a gun he was tired of being afraid every time   he left for work that something would happen to  his kids while he was gone Kim sat with him for   a time watching before he sent her back to bed  then as suddenly as it began he was over he had   vanished from their lives the phone calls the  drive-by and creepy ways everything for a long   time during and after that dr. Ramsey incident  she would have a recurring nightmare where she   would wake up to find him standing over her  as she slept it took a long time before Kim   felt like a kid again she still wonders if the  wait had ended for her dad when he was waiting   in the dark to the kitchen that one night Kim  doesn't know and she's not sure that she wants to when I was nine I usually got home from school  about an hour before my mom got home from work   I live super close so she figured it was fine  I did the usual thing which was to make sure I   locked the front door and double-check that the  back door leading to the patio was also locked   I played this much PlayStation as possible in  my room before my mom came home and made me do   homework but on this particular day while playing  I heard this noise coming from outside my window   it was kind of like the sound of a cat but my  cat had been missing for over three months hope   struck and I thought maybe he finally came back I  ran downstairs to check but to my surprise there   was a guy standing on my patio it was a tall man  with black hair covering half of his eyes I could   hear him making high-pitched sounds almost like a  cat meowing a brown liquid was running down from   his mouth and I could see him spinning out my dad  stopped cigarettes he was actually eating from the   ashtray I screamed so loud that the man must have  heard it he didn't react he just kept on eating   from the ashtray I ran upstairs to my room and  called my mom who didn't call it the cops laying   in my bed under my sheets shivering with fear the  next thing I remember is the police arriving on   the road by my yard I heard him talking to the  guy the high-pitched sound was more frequent   and louder I decided to look through the window  feeling safe now that the cops were there the   man suddenly charged the female police officer  with full force and he knocked her out cold the   male officer then immediately paints a guy in  handcuffed him one of my neighbors made me come   down and she took care of me until my mom came  back home the police took the creepy guy with   them in the car and left the male officer came  back later that night and said that with me and my   mom to talk he explained that the guy on my patio  was actually diagnosed supposed to bear autism he   had escaped the facility where mentally challenged  people lived located around five kilometers from   where my house was he explained that the guy had  actually been living in my house five years ago   but he had been forced to move when his mom his  only caretaker died the poor guy probably thought   he would find his mom in this house he missed  the routines and he missed living there with   this mom the police had to move him from the house  that time five years ago this was the reason he   reacted the way he did when the police came that  a still frightened I told the police officer that   he needed to make sure that this would never  happen again and he promised it wouldn't after   a few sleepless nights my life got back to normal  the years went by and the guy didn't come back at   this time my mom and dad had moved out I bought  the house from them and I'm still living here   till this day I was enjoying my morning coffee  on the patio when I see this random guy stopping   on the road by my fence he just stands there  looking at me I look at him and give him a nod   and then I hear high-pitched noises his hair and  turned gray but the high-pitched sounds made me   realize my heart started racing and I instantly  remembered the reason why he was back I realized   that he must have managed to escape again sixteen  years later and he was back to look for his mom I   decided to carefully ask him if he wanted to come  down to the patio he instantly jumped a fence and   I started thinking about me all like he did to  that police officer but he did it he looked at   me and smiled we went inside and his face lit up  with pure joy he was home it reminded him of the   life he had with this mom all of a sudden he sat  down on my couch turned on the TV and switched   directly to the cartoons I just wanted to enjoy  the moment so I didn't say anything to him but I   realized I had to call the facility to let them  know the caretakers arrived ten minutes later   after a lot of convincing he got back up and they  went back to the facility two days later I caught   them again and we made a deal his name is Tom and  I now consider Tom my friend every Sunday from   the day he returned tom and his caretakers  visit me to watch cartoons they say is the   highlight of this week for several years I was  very afraid of the guy on my patio eating from   the ashtray but now my thoughts are Tom let's  meet every Sunday to watch cartoons together when I was about six years old my mom started  taking my sister and I to dr. Daniels dental   office the dental center was located inside a  giant yellow mansion that also doubled as his   house when my sister and I got caught in my mom  followed us into the office until she was told   by dr. Daniels that parents weren't allowed  to be with their children as it taught kids   independence - which my mom complied - growing  up I had bad anxiety and selective mutism so the   moment we all separated I cried because I was  so scared dr. Daniels did not like the crying   so he grabbed me and put his hands over my mouth  and nose and shook me and told me to stop crying   and scaring the other kids his hygienist Judy  came over and told me if I continue to cry she   would spank me all I wanted was my mom next to me  but I knew that if I wanted to get out I just had   to act like I was not terrified after the first  appointment my sister and I told my mom that we   were scared of the dentist but she just took it as  me being an anxious child so we continued to see   him each visit was just as terrifying every time  we went to the dentist dr. Daniels or the tooth   man as he called himself always had us have heavy  dental procedures done we have sealants done on   several baby teeth and plenty of teeth removed  some with his fingers with no regards to pain   at all he would leave us there with a retractor  on for about 45 minutes or so before he came to   work on our teeth sometimes he would eat his lunch  while we sat there with our mouths open probably   one of the worst pains I've ever felt in my life  there was one time in the third grade I was in   so much pain waiting I couldn't take it i sat up  on the chair and tried to scream and cry as loud   as I could dr. Daniels came rushing over angry and  he screamed at me for being a big baby and scaring   the other kids I was so sad and myself because I  hadn't cried in so long he then took me back to my   dental chair and then pinned me down to the seat  in a straitjacket he put my retractors back on and   said that I would have to wait longer because  I caused such a scene afterwards my mouth will   become so swollen and filled with rashes it hurt  to talk for days he would often tell my mother I   was a difficult patient if I so much as wince that  is torture when I was in seventh grade I started   getting braces so I went to see an orthodontist  we stopped seeing dr. Dan and I had a new dentist   who was actually nice I never known that getting  your teeth cleaned didn't have to feel like going   through a salt trap I think my mom took us out a  doctor dance practice when the orthodontist looked   at our dental records and saw a lot of unnecessary  procedures being done on our mouths not long ago   I was having a conversation with a friend about  our childhood fears and instantly my mind went   to the tooth man curious I googled him and to my  happiness the practice was shut down also left   under his name was a Yelp page that was still  up the page was filled with numerous one-star   reviews from former patients that were once the  Buse as kids in his office their experiences   were so closing some identical as to what I went  through a lot of the procedures dr. Dan did were   just the scam for him to collect money off our  parents insurance and now that I think about it   he was probably so adamant of us not crying and  screaming for help because he didn't want parents   to hear and come and see what was going on it's  hard not to blame your parents in the situation   but the truth is this man was a swift abuser for  every bruise and swell have dental explanations   that would make my parents feel stupid for asking  I don't blame my mom for not believing us and   eventually she did come around to any parents  watching this if you're ever told to not go in   with your child to an appointment something's  definitely not right fifteen years ago Emma had   the misfortune of meeting Dave she was new to  riding the bus to school and didn't happen to   know anyone so she sat by herself she could feel  someone was watching her from behind so she turned   a couple times to look and that's when she saw  Dave he had brown curly hair and turned away every   time she caught him staring he told Emily she  had nice hair and he liked her t-shirt he asked   right off the bat if she would be his girlfriend  Emma said absolutely not she didn't even know him   and his creepy staring made her uncomfortable well  Emma had pointed him out to a few people in school   and everyone she talked to said he was the nicest  person they'd ever met and just a bit of an odd   duck next thing she knows Dave had joined her  photography class and after-school programs she   saw him around every corner and in every hallway  of the school he started popping up to try and hug   Emma and tickle her when she found out he was  telling people he was her boyfriend Emma knew   she needed to put her foot down he kept asking  for hugs and she refused and that's when things   took a turn suddenly anonymous notes were popping  up in Emma's Locker most of the notes said always   and nothing else some had longer declarations  of love the simplicity of the message gave her   chills and it had to be Dave her suspicions were  confirmed when pictures of herself began showing   up along with the notes the pictures were all  taken from a slight distance and she finally   got scared one Sunday afternoon as Emma was  watching TV in her bed she heard Dave's voice   next to the bedroom window he said he watched  her walk home one day to see where she lived   and wanted to stop by for a it he said he knew  she wouldn't let him in so he figured he just   stopped by the window to talk he quickly left  but now it got serious and adults needed to be   involved Emma's mom thought she was exaggerating  she acknowledged the notes and pictures as weird   but nothing other than a serious infatuation so  Emma went to mr. K who also had Dave as a student   and noticed some of his obsessive behavior  and didn't doubt her story for a moment he   spoke to Dave's guidance counselor and they both  sat down with him telling him that he was making   Emma uncomfortable and to stop this anger Dave  he stormed up to her in the lobby of the school   with the glass rows in his hand and threw it as a  wall behind her he screamed in Emma's face about   how she had broken his heart just like the  Rose mr. Kay had to break up the situation   and a few days later he dropped out of school  and Emma went eight years without seeing Dave Emma was craving some mac and cheese one day  and hit up a popular spot in town to grab some   to go she looked behind the counter in there's  Dave and I had no idea he was working there and   debated leaving for a moment middle school was so  long ago and she hadn't heard from him since that   day in the lobby surely this guy cannot still have  this obsession with Emma it was a huge relief when   another register opened and a young woman took  her order she wondered if he was even mortified   and didn't want to interact well Dave seemed  to take Emma's visit as a sign that she was   ready to love him Emma got a friend request from  him that night and immediately deleted it a few   nights later she's getting home and walking  on the street when she sees that someone is   standing on the side of her she gets into the  house quickly locks everything and watches and   then she sees him his curly brown hair Emma called  the police and reported this but of course there   wasn't much they could do there was no proof and  he had an approached her or tried to get in they   did agree to keep someone on Lookout in the area  and she had police patrolling more than usual the   following nights but eventually the police patrol  died down and that's when the late-night knockin   began she could hear it softly on windows and  occasionally on the backdoor but never dare to   answer or get close enough to look it wasn't  every night maybe two or three nights a week   the police never seemed to be close enough in  the area when it happened so they couldn't catch   him a couple weeks after the knocking began Emma  received an envelope wedged into the screen door   full of creepy candid pictures from middle school  and another note that said always she had enough   and wanted to have some official record of what  was happening and that's when Emma saw the word   always armed into her car's back bumper Emma  lost it and in her rage she took a picture of   the police station sign and the report being filed  and sent them over to Dave over Facebook and she   told him to leave her alone that the police were  involved and things will only get worse if he   continues and to her surprise he simply responded  you're right and just like that he disappeared was   the mac and cheese worth it definitely not and  ever since that day Emma never saw Dave again back when Sarah was 17 she worked at a small local  bakery there were less than 15 employees spread   across all the night and day shifts so they only  had a few people working during the day one of   these people was Dave the delivery driver from the  first time they met Dave immediately gave Sarah   in off vibe he was in his mid-50s and way too  friendly to a teenage girl but the boss told her   that yes he could be annoying but no one worked  harder than he did so just ignore his antics Sarah   then recalled that when she signed the paperwork  they never asked her to submit a background check   and in hindsight that should have been red  flag number two over the course of the year   or so that she worked with Dave Sarah tried very  hard to ignore him he was rarely outright creepy   but he was always just a bit too friendly he was  thick around long after his shift was over to talk   to her and another pastry chef he always wanted  to lick the bowl after she finished making rice   krispie treats he would always stand in front of  the racks or equipments or ingredients just enough   that sometimes her hand would brush him while  reaching for something Dave always stood just a   little too close Dave was constantly asking Sarah  about her life what she liked what he did for fun   if she had a boyfriend almost daily he would  tell her how a nice girl like her should have a   boyfriend how maybe a boyfriend would be good for  her Sarah let this slide because sometimes other   people can say things that were meant differently  in their time but then it was the concert invites   every other week he had tickets to one concert  or another once he figured out Sarah's favorite   genre of music it was almost exclusively tickets  to bands she desperately wanted to see but she   also knew that she should not go anywhere with him  then her birthday came he bought her a t-shirt and   it was two sizes too small he told her to try it  on after work and text him a photo and proceeded   to give Sarah his phone number he didn't ask for  her number she said no he asked the other pastry   chef for her number but she had heard back and  refused as well he also brought two tickets from   another band that Sarah have been wanting to see  VIP section 21 plus only he said he could get her   in she just had to go with him and him alone  discontinued for a while Sarah brought it up   to one of her bosses but they laughed it off as Oh  classic Dave when he wanted a hug on his birthday   and hugged her without consent there's day for  you offering to get her booze or pot Oh Dave   you scamp when he pulled up his shirt and showed  his abdominal scar from a snowboarding accident   well that's just Dave no respect for boundaries  but he was a good worker Sarah even considered   having one of her big strong male friends come  in under the guise of being her boyfriend just   to placate Dave she was repulsed by him but he  hadn't really done anything to classify himself   as a predator besides asking for her number he  had never tried to straight-up harass her and   besides the odd hugger to that she was too shy and  afraid to refuse he hadn't gotten super physical   then one day Dave was gone his name disappeared  from the employee roster Sarah's boss asked to   see her in the office she informed her that  Dave was no longer employed at their business   Dave happened fired he was fired because dave  was a convicted sex offender there's one count   kidnapping a minor from the mid-90s and another  count that she they are never background checked   in and when they contacted a friend in the police  department they found out that Dave had been lying   on lots of paperwork hiding the fact that he was  a convicted felon and not notifying anyone when   he moved once they brought this information to the  police department's attention they had a few more   charges to add they found out because apparently  he had been stalking and harassing one of the   clients he delivered to after his termination  Dave showed up to work one day he had a weapon   with him but Sarah never found out what he had  they told him to leave or the police would be   called and he ended up leaving in handcuffs Sarah  was extremely relieved that she wasn't there that   day it's been a while since she worked at the  bakery but sometimes she still thinks about how   badly things could have gotten has she gone to  even one of those concerts with him Evan had just   turned 21 so he and his friend decided to go to  a bar one night and was approached by a cute girl   named Candace he didn't know she was just trying  to get free drinks by flirting so he told her that   they didn't have much money however Candace was  the one who offered and she kept buying more and   more Kevin started getting confused as to who she  liked more between him and David and why she was   being so generous a little later they both carried  David out the bar she kept telling him to go home   with her but he was so out of it he could barely  answer Kevin told her that he couldn't let him   go anywhere as he didn't want David to wake up in  a random house without a car and not remembering   what happened Candace kept pushing it saying that  she would take care of him but Kevin told her that   the only way David was going anywhere was if he  tagged along immediately she started flirting   with Kevin and offered to get his friend a taxi  and said they could drive to her place alone at   this point Kevin had a few drinks and was pretty  buzzed so he agreed they got David a taxi to go   home and the two walked to Candace's car and it is  happening so quickly and he started feeling uneasy   they got in the car and she drove the street when  she asked if he wanted to stop at the store and   get some more to drink Kevin wanted to be able  to carry himself throughout the rest of the night   so he declined he did find Candace attractive  and he didn't want to seem lame so he told her   to get a pint some apple juice to chase it she  went in the store and came out with a lot more   than just a pint Kevin assumed that she wanted to  drink as well but throughout the car ride Candice   kept telling him to drink more and more he somehow  managed to drink all the juice so he pretended to   drink the bottle by spitting the liquor in the  apple juice container he then tossed the apple   juice out the window before she could see it  and just drank a little more from the remaining   bottle kevin was able to make her believe he was  actually drunk but in reality he was simply buzzed   they drove up to her house and he pretended to  trip and stumble so she helped him walk inside   the front door was unlocked but she made sure it  was locked when they got in Kevin thought that was   strange but he didn't think too much of it so he  told her that he had to use the bathroom he walked   inside and looked at himself in the mirror he just  felt strange there was definitely something off he   turned on the sink to make noise and made himself  puke up the liquor he drank kevin flushed I want   you to sink and start drinking the tap water to  sober up he just didn't want to be drunk but still   wanted to hook up with Candace Kevin turned us in  golf when he suddenly heard her talking to someone   outside his junk as hell he could barely stand up  you do it who was she talking to and do what Kevin   walked out the bathroom and the moment he stepped  into the living room he saw Candace walking into   another room that's strange had very bright red  hair he didn't see her face or anything uh hey   where you going she walked back into the dark  living room and up to Kevin and said let's go   in my room he looked at her bright red hair and  into her eyes they were different her face was   different it was another girl with the same hair  and that's when Kevin realized it was another girl   with the same wig on it was a wig the entire time  Kevin's heart felt like it stopped but he tried   to look like he had no idea it was a different  girl Kevin kind of smiled and told her that he   just needed to use the bathroom one more time  and told her he was sorry he was so drunk she   said it's fine just hurry up in there Kevin went  into the bathroom and locked a door he heard her   whispering something to someone again this time  thinking that he heard a male voice whispered   back something sketchy was going on and he had  to get out of the house Kevin open the bathroom   window and jump straight out of it and went I  ever had in his life now looking back he kept   running down the main road until he saw CBS and  stood straight at the front of the store in front   of the camera Kevin then called a taxi and went  home try thinking about what happened that night   she kept buying him and his friend drinks and even  paid for David's French taxi cab and most of all   why does she wear a wig that she gave to another  girl to wear who was she talking to and what was   in that room that they tried to lure him into  Jane had been in Korea for the semester as part   of her major in university she wanted to have  some sort of romantic experience in Korea and   her friend recommended her to use a dating app to  meet English speaking Koreans that way she could   meet someone and experience the dating culture  about three weeks later she met a guy named Tim   on the app he eagerly wanted to meet for a date  and he seemed nice but she should have asked more   questions and he didn't give many details about  himself Tim was a guy a bit older than her and   claimed he was a college student Jane assumed he  had done his military time and returned to school   she wanted to come to her place originally to pick  her up but Jane lived in an all-woman's dorm and   didn't want him to know exactly where she lived  since they were still strangers so instead she   insisted they meet at the main town center near  the subway Tim really didn't like this idea which   looking back was a red flag but she insisted  the night of the day Jane waited in the hour   for this guy why was he so late she thought Tim  weirdly claimed that he just wanted to make her   wait she thought he was kidding and messaged him  a laughing emoji assuming he was just lost when   he finally arrived he was much smaller than she  thought but a man's height was never something she   cared much about he was also quite thin maybe Jane  let her guard down because she didn't see him as   physically threatening right off the bat he was  way too touchy and breathe creepily and heavily   Jane was so off put with this demeanor and felt  all about the situation then the first thing he   said to her was you're not as white as I thought  you were Jane thought this was a translation error   but as English was near-perfect so she asked him  for clarification and he said I thought you would   be more white are you pure European now she was  officially weirded out why does he care in the   first place anyway why does her skin color matter  to this guy he kept talking about how he wished   the color of her eyes were darker but then she  brushed it off as him being nervous and trying   to start a conversation when they arrived at the  tea place she tried to order a basic raspberry tea   but he stopped her and told Jane that she had to  have this special one he really insisted she only   ordered that type of drink she was weirded out  by it but went along after he asked that they   could look around Jane's school it was dark but  the schools well lit so she agreed and the whole   time they walked around he would randomly stop  and grab her for long hugs he kept grabbing and   breathing hard into her neck it was so awkward  and she stopped him he also wouldn't tell any   personal details about himself he even said at  one point I'm a mysterious man and he also said   something like you look so much like my favorite  movie character and Jane asked who but he said she   would have to figure it out on her own finally  he said I want to go to a dark area he somehow   knew there was a wooded area behind Jane's campus  Jane said no and that she wanted to stay near the   main campus in town but he kept pushing finally  he grabbed her arm and said I can't let anyone   see Jane ripped her arm away and began to go  back to the main road and he followed he was   pleading with Jane to stay she told him she would  message him and lying obviously saying anything   to get him to leave suddenly he leans towards  Jane and she thinks he's going to kiss her but   it was so much worse instead she felt pain in her  face it took her a second to realize that he was   by eating your face he leaned his head sideways  and bid on James Mills and chic as hard as he   could she screamed and pushed him away from  her his face looks so freaky and she barely   had time to react in words instead Jane ran up to  the sidewalk until she saw a convenience store on   the right she ran to the back of the store and  bent down freaked out the owner started to yell   at her but she couldn't explain the situation  she just begged him in English to let her stay   after waiting for some time she realized that  Tim didn't end up following her Jane peered   outside the store and didn't see him and she  immediately texted her friend to take her back   to the dorm on the way back Jane messaged him  again and basically told him to stay away from   her and something along the lines of calling the  police if he continued to stalk her and then she   blocked him she was so thankful that she never let  him pick her up at the dorm Jane also called her   mom and told her everything that happened when  suddenly she said wait what did he ask you she   didn't put some details together and realized  that all these weird things had to do with the   Fifty Shades of Grey books the eye color the way  he dressed and a tee he made her drink and the   random lines he said it all matches his little  fantasy it was so creepy but that was the last   time that Jane ever saw Tim again on a happier  note this bad experience didn't stop Jane she   eventually met someone else in Korea and they  ended up falling in love they even did the whole   long-distance thing and now she's living in Korea  studying and working it's been years since this   whole strange encounter but if she ever runs into  him again Tim you're gonna get your ass kicked this past Monday Susan and their co-workers  returned to the hotel from a day of working   out in the field Rebecca and Susan stood outside  their rooms she opened hers and saw someone in the   bathroom hello nobody answered her first instinct  was that it was a cleaning lady in there and then   she saw her bag and her clothes in the woman's  hand what are you doing with my stuff she said   the lady kept mumbling about how her keister  worked and that's how she got in Susan was in   shock and the woman was obviously very flustered  having been caught mid robbery she dropped the   bags and fumbled around with her purse and the  white plastic bag by this time Rebecca was behind   her watching all the insanity and fold the woman  was scrambling and walking towards the door and   Susan said what's in the bag no no it's just my  things it's just my things I'll show you Susan   looked and didn't see anything of hers inside  so she let her leave she went into her room and   it's been ransacked all of her electronics were  still there then she went into the bathroom and   saw her underwear her bikini and clothes shoved  into her own bags randomly even the passport was   shoved in there then Susan looked in the drawers  and saw that she got into her medication she ran   out the door to go find her she went down to the  laundry room and out to the sides of the hotel   and didn't see her anywhere Susan realized that  she was never going to find her so she and her   co-worker went to the lobby to tell them what  happened and then called the police they went   back up to the room to wait and notice that there  was a metal bat near the bed but there's also a   flashlight on the end the police got there and  took their statements and looked around the room   as well one thing Susan noticed was that there  were bits of drywall in the sink and she pointed   it out to the cops but none of them really where  it came from they started looking at the door to   see if she pried her way in somehow but there was  nothing he just kind of went with the idea that   she had a spare key or something even though the  hotel front desk was adamant that there's no way   that could be the officer that came caught  for another because they thought the woman   might still be in the vicinity but after Susan  and her co-workers statements were taken there   was nothing else they could really do so they left  Susan sat down to finally make some calls to tell   people and as she's on the phone she's thinking  about the drywall in the sink and it still didn't   make any sense to her she goes into the bathroom  and looks at the drywall in the mirror close to   it and then it hit her she got Rebecca to help  pull at this mirror on the wall and it turns out   it was attached on the top there was a hole there  just big enough for a desperate junkie to squeeze   through she asked if she could call the cops again  to let them know what they just found and her boss   said that there was still two cop cars in the  parking lot they both went back up looked at   the hole and found a pillow blankets cigarettes  clothes and toothbrushes inside this woman had   been living in the wall behind her mirror for god  knows how long she had access to Susan's room at   all times and the crawlspace was just big enough  for her to squeeze through they took pictures of   the scene and everyone was mind blown that this  was actually real unsurprisingly Susan a Rebecca   packed up and left immediately the hole in the  walls were from a renovation and the hotel had   improperly patched them so they just covered  it up with mirrors she could have been hanging   out in people's rooms while they were gone Susan  never went back to that hotel but every time she   travels and stays at another you can bet the first  thing she checks are the walls and the mirrors Morgan was heading to this weekly improv show  but his friend whom he usually went with was   out of town so he posted an open invite on a  university Facebook group Morgan got exactly   one response from this random girl Alice she  came to the show and they headed off big time   cue the coffee meetups the Netflix binges they  started dating life was pretty good for a while   then came the first messages this man Morgan had  never met named Eric was sending angry Facebook DM   C telling why Morgan's not a good boyfriend and  that he's hurting Alice and how he just doesn't   understand her like Eric does Morgan was a bit  annoyed but mostly confused she talked to Alice   about it but she just hand waved it away he's a  jerk she said I don't hang out with him anymore   it wasn't the most satisfying explanation but  aggressively jealous guys aren't exactly an   anomaly so Morgan just blocked him and thought  that was the end of it a few months passed by   Alice had planned to study abroad so when Morgan  came back to school she was already halfway across   the world it was only a few months he thought no  big deal but over those next few months Morgan   would become Facebook acquainted with a myriad  of strange individuals there was Leah she sent   an array of messages justifying Eric's anger  reiterating that Morgan's relationship was   unhealthy and toxic and that Alice and Eric have  much better history she also included a blurry   photo of a girl sitting on top and making out with  a skinny guy both of their faces were obscured but   Leah swore it was Alice and Eric from some time  during the summer there was Nick his facebook pic   was a guy on a skateboard in front of a sunset  he readily admitted that he had feelings for   Alice but make clear that neither he nor Eric  had any right to be upset about her not being   with them he said that Leah and Eric were liars  and he tried to set them straight relative to   the others he named Sam I okay but he lets slip  a few really bitter sounding messages tell was   Hannah she showed up after Morgan blocked Leah  she claimed to be a childhood friend of Alice   there was Chris he would send one cryptic message  every once in a blue moon he never replied to any   of Morgan's messages there was mark he apologized  for the actions of the others he tried to fill   Morgan in on the group's dynamics and history in  the physical absence of Alice he offered to meet   him to talk they set up a time and place but  he never showed up and Morgan never heard from   him again there was Sarah there was David there  were so many this was all spread over a period   of time Morgan usually blocked or stopped hearing  from one person before hearing from another being   while Alice is extremely difficult to get a hold  of even when she responds she's really dismissive   of the whole subject I don't know what to do she  said and then Morgan gets an accusation one day   Alice sends him the question who's Mary Morgan  tells her the truth he doesn't know who Mary is   she sent screenshots of texts she received from  an unknown number in them the senator wrote that   her name is Mary and that she's in love with  Morgan he told me he loved me Mary wrote he   slept with me and now he has now called me back  he started to get texts from Mary she asked why   he hadn't caught her if he meant what he said she  said she had seen Morgan on campus here there at   this event at this particular time and every  time she would say a location he realized that   he had actually been at that place at that time  was he being stalked Morgan started looking over   his shoulder he didn't know what to do he had no  face and no name to report he calls Allison tells   her he can't do this anymore we can have no clue  what was going on but he knew somehow that they   were all involved and he wanted no part in it  and he cut off all contact with Alice then all   of a sudden everything the messages the texts  they all stopped a friend of Morgan realized   something soon after barely any of Alice's friends  had their faces on Facebook Eric's pick was some   photo of a tumblr blog full of cute nerds the  photo of Chris was an obscure photo of Justin   Bieber the photo of Nick the skateboarder was a  stock photo Hanna's photo was art from a book end   David was apparently a Korean pop singer and they  also noticed something else all of their photos   were created around the same time he met Alice to  this day Morgan doesn't understand it fast for two   years he gets a text from an unknown number the  number looks familiar he thinks to himself and   then she realized it's Alice the text consists  of one word sorry Alice let's not meet again on   one Sunday afternoon Macy and Lily decided to  go hiking in some Hills about an hour away it   wasn't too difficult of a hike so they reached to  talk without any problems after resting for a bit   they decided to head back down they have been  walking for maybe ten minutes and Macy started   complaining and wanted to walk down the side  of the road instead of the rough hiking trail   Lilly conceded but not even after five minutes a  truck pulled up next to them it was red and rusty   the guy driving rolled down the window and greeted  them asking if they needed a ride Macy thought he   looked charming and even cute Lilly was hesitant  but despite her better judgement Macy convinced   her to get in the trunk since it must only be  a ten minute drive down to the car tops the two   girls opened the passengers door to this rusty  old thing and the guy directed them behind a   seat to get into the back they settled in then the  truck started rumbling forwards the back seat was   clean enough but there was a rope on the floor  behind a driver's seat and four boxes of saran   wrap half hanging out from under the passenger's  seat it seemed creepy and weird but Lily didn't   want a freak Macey out so she just kept her mouth  shut after 10 minutes the woods didn't look any   clearer and they hadn't seen another car the whole  time Lily asks how long he thought it would be he   said he was taking a different route down the  hill and had to stop somewhere to get something   first several minutes after they reached the tiny  log cabin there was an old stump where somebody   had been chopping wood and a huge axe was stuck  into the log Lily was definitely on red alert   now the guy turned off the truck and slipped out  of it saying I'll be right back so don't get out   ok they tried to talk to Macey about how she was  incredibly uncomfortable but she mostly dismissed   it she started begging increasingly freaked out  and finally put her foot down demanding Macey   to exit the truck with her the house was around  fifty yards in front of them and they wandered   around looking at it hesitantly all of a sudden  Macey thought if this guy really was decent and   was just trying to give us a ride it would be  super rude to just run off right she actually   started to head back into the truck opening the  front door to climb in behind the driver's seat   Lily was pissed off and started yelling at Macey  telling her to not get in the car but when she   opened the door she annoyed on the driver's  side floor half hidden under the seat there   was a big hatchet it had dried red brown stains  covering the blade and stuck to the floor under   it Lily understandably lost her mind seeing it and  macey started getting hysterical they decided that   leaving was by far the best option at this point  and ran quickly into the trees in panic they went   around in the trees for a little while until Lily  was fairly confident that they were on their way   back down the hill when they finally got down  to the bottom and saw the old wooden fence that   surrounded the original parking area they were  relieved but as they got closer they saw the   truck was parked on the other side of the gravely  makeshift lot just sitting there facing the other   way innocently they couldn't see if anyone was in  it and of course Maisie wanted to run for the car   hesitant this took place when there were no  cellphones and there was no Ranger station   or anyone around the parking lot was big and empty  and open and who knows what would have happened if   they decided to show across it thankfully Lilly  convinced Macy to relax and the two hunker down   against a big tree hidden in the bushes waited  it out for what seemed to be a couple of hours   when dark started to fall she was just planning  their dash to the car when they heard a clunk they   watched as one of the back doors of the car swung  open and the bearded guy slid his way out of the   back seat he got out the car shut the door looking  around the surrounding woods for several moments   and then walked back to his truck several minutes  after watching him drive away they sprinted to   their car as fast as they could jumped in and  peeled out before they had even shut the doors Jill was working for a call center that provided  among other things phone services for a 24 hour   plumbing company so they needed someone on the  line at all times her shift usually ran from 8   p.m. to 6 a.m. and because of budget cuts she  was always the only operator on the floor the   only people in the building at night were herself  and the security guy who came to do its Browne's   around 2:00 a.m. one night Jill got a call hello  you're calling so-and-so my name is Jill how may   I help you the guy on the other side repeated her  name and hung up working the night shift you get   used to a lot of weird stuff so she shrugged  it off and went back to reading her book then   he called again and asked if he was speaking to  Jill she said yes repeated the company name and   asked how she may help he hangs up the third time  around he asks if this is Joe on the phone and   she asks whom she's speaking to he hangs up again  the next time he calls he's breathing hard on the   phone and tells her he wants her to talk to him  and that he's not going to hurt her Jill jot it   down his number and started hanging up whenever  his call popped up this went on for a while when   he realized that she was hanging up every time she  saw that number he began calling from a restricted   number meaning Joe never knew if it was a ledger  call and ended up answering this guy keeps saying   that he's not going to hurt her the one time she  counted Joe hung up on this guy over 200 times   in one night she complained to her boss but she  did nothing instead she laughed the whole thing   off because the guy obviously didn't know where  she was and he was only a voice on the line so   she was perfectly safe Joe started talking to  co-workers and here's when it started getting   really creepy he never called on her days off  indeed at one point she changed shifts with a   co-worker to attend a wedding and he didn't call  that day they told Joe to file a complaint herself   but she wasn't sure if she could since this  wasn't happening on her personal number none   of them could really walk her home since she was  the only operator on the night shift and she got   a little paranoid because obviously this guy knew  her schedule pretty well it had to be someone who   could see her Jill started doing commute with  her cell phone and hand at all times with the   emergency number dialed in she tried carrying  pepper spray and at one point even considered   walking around with a box cutter in her purse  that's how afraid Joe was one day before her   shift started Jill was taking a short break  outside the building before going up and she   sees the security guy come by same fellow who  usually did the night shift she didn't really   know him never spoke much to him and only greeted  each other when they would come down to the floor   he asked for a light so she gave him her lighter  and he told Jill that he'd been fired and he was   going home and he went on to tell her that he  always got the impression that she was afraid   of him since she was never friendly or welcoming  then he told Jill that he was never going to hurt   her and just walked away she was frozen and lost  every drop of blood she had in her Joe went inside   to tell her boss the whole thing and discovered  that the guy got fired for disturbing and creeping   on other women and other floors going as far as  trying to corner someone in one of the elevators   the complaints piled up and he lost his job most  of the time his ship smashed hers so he would see   her come in at 8:00 p.m. and she left before he  did Joe asked her boss for that phone number again   to come forward on the sky and ask the security  company if that was his number but she told Jill   that she threw it away when Jill told her the  whole story the exact words that her boss said   was that she found it cute then she asked Jill  she was sure it was him because a voice on the   phone is different and maybe you got it wrong  quality assurance told them that every call was   recorded so Jill demanded recordings and that's  when she found out again because of budget cuts   and whatnot the night shift was never recorded  so she had no evidence good thing was once the   guy was fired the calls stopped and Jill decided  not to work there for much longer after that Jen   and her husband Dan were at the supermarket when  their baby was being especially fussy he took her   for a 10-minute Drive to calm her down and came  back into the parking lot waiting for Jenn to   finish shopping for groceries dan was taking  a business call and sat down absent-mindedly   rocking the baby when a woman approached them  it's not uncommon for people to ask to play   with their baby she's got big rosy cheeks soft  wisps of gold hair and the most adorable girly   toothless grin but her nap schedule is paramount  so he was preparing to tell the woman she actually   couldn't play with the baby right then she walked  over brimming with confidence and before Dan could   even finish his sentence she picked up the carrier  and started walking off dan was in shock and said   excuse me put her down she started walking away  more briskly Dan tried to grapple the carrier   out of her hands resulting in two restraining her  arms this woman yells help he's trying to take my   baby kidnapping one one help kicking him in the  shin and pulling a pink bottle of pepper spray   out of her handbag unsurprisingly no one in the  parking lot was clocking the earlier interaction   and assumed he was really a kidnapper immediately  a man knocked Dan to the ground and was holding   him down telling him that the police was being  called he was telling everyone in the parking   lot it's his daughter but no one was listening I  have pictures of the baby on my phone this however   didn't translate well because everyone interpreted  as him having stalking photos of the baby it was   at this point that another man kicked Dan as hard  as he could in the ribs at this time Jen came out   of the store and she thought he was being robbed  by these people she was yelling for security   panicking and when she saw that her baby was being  held by a woman she was relieved Jen thought maybe   her daughter was moved out of harm's way whilst  her husband was being robbed he couldn't find a   security guard outside the store and so she ran up  to the people holding her husband down waving her   wallet pleading together Ethan you want just just  leave us alone the man said lady we need to wait   for the police to deal with him Jim was confused  as to why muggers have called the police what do   you mean what are you talking about and made out  someone saying he tried to abduct that woman's   kid her husband would never hurt a child she kept  trying to understand what the man was saying and   suddenly it all clicked she looked around for the  woman who had her baby and she was halfway across   the parking lot Jim went ballistic and sprinted  across right to her all she could think to do   was to grab the woman by her hair and squeeze her  throat with her other arm she yanked her hair as   hard as she could and that was enough to make her  drop the carrier she was so scared and surprised   she threw herself on top and when she looked  up the woman left not one person tried to stop   her and within the next couple minutes police  had arrived there were still several bystanders   who explained it as her husband trying to kidnap  the baby the police's first questions when asking   for her description weren't investigative there  were questions thinly-veiled tried to convince   Jen not to pursue charges still placing blame  on her husband do your husband and the baby   looked a similar is there a chance she thought  he was abducting the baby and she was trying   to intervene could your husband have been doing  something inappropriate or violent to the baby   that would make her feel compelled to extricate  the baby from the situation does she seem groggy   or confused could she have mistaken either of  them for her own family members they spent more   time verifying that the baby was actually  Jen's instead of focusing on the kidnapper   her husband had caught his brother at that point  who works in an office with a lot of lawyers and   connected with one ASA and they gave him the  prices advise to get every officer's name and   badge number to request copies of the store's  security tapes right away and to escalate the   complaint higher up the chain that these officers  were in taking them seriously finally Jen and Dan   had enough reason to believe they were being  taken seriously and they went home dan was   seething with rage and grappling with a feeling  of helplessness from how little he was able to   do and has two cracked ribs from when the man  kicked him there were still people who stuck   around to talk to the police who were giving the  husband dirty looks and one man even implored   the police to involve CPS to verify that it was  really their baby so to the parking-lot kidnapper   and the parking lot skeptics they better  hope that Jen and Dan never sees them again when Lucy turned 13 she moved with her father to  Japan from Colombia due to his job they arrived   to shizuka Prefecture and rented a small house  to live in her dad the research work at one of   the universities while Lucy attended a school as  Shizuka closest to their home during the first   week her dad was able to drive Lucy to school and  also to pick her up after things were going fine   she started to make new friends her Japanese  was improving and overall had a great time   but then Lucy's dad started to work more hours  and in order to spend the weekends with her he   decided to change his routine meaning he wouldn't  be able to drive her or pick her up from school   anymore Lucy had no problem being on her own and  she reassured him that everything was going to   be okay the first two weeks walking alone was  perfectly fine until the Tuesday of the third   week lucy was on her usual route to school and  then a man around his 30s approached her with a   kind smile on his face he greeted her in English  and started to say things such as it's a nice day   I should have brought my dog and I remember I  used to take this way to school Lucy tried to   be polite since it was common to have people  from the area approaching her and her dad for   small talk and since Japanese people are so kind  and polite she did the same as well she told this   man that she really needed to hurry for school  he looked at her quite disappointed but smiled   again and said oh sure you must be a really good  student always on time I hope to see you again   she saw him again this time he told her that he  actually had seen Lucy and her dad since they   arrived and how he noticed that her dad was no  longer driving her to school he then handed her   a plastic bag full of candies and cook after that  he finally let her go in the bag there were also   notes that said have a nice day at school you  are smart you are pretty the following day Lucy   decided to confront him before he offered one of  his gifts she stopped him and told him he made her   uncomfortable and to stop being around her and  all of a sudden he snapped and the man started   yelling at Lucy saying she's ungrateful that she  was mistaking their friendship he pretended to   be hurt and Lucy fell for it I should have told  my father before Lucy said I should have told   him everything initially she felt embarrassed  and wanted to resolve the problem by herself one day her class had a school trip to the okie  Cohutta forest the trip was going well they were   walking near the area of the forest and the  surroundings and were divided by groups of   ten with one teacher at the head it was going  to be a long walk so everyone was told to go   to the restroom beforehand each of the students  were wearing identification and when they came   back Lucy suddenly realized that she lost hers and  thought to run back to the restroom to check and   see if she dropped it just before her teacher  would notice and scold her for losing it after   checking the restroom and now finding her ID she  decided to give up and get back to her group but   then the guy appeared and he greeted Lucy and then  asked what are you doing here feeling shocked and   freaked out to see him Lucy told him that she was  in a school trip and that she needed to hurry up   and get back to find her group but before she  could get away from him he said don't you need   your ID Lucy froze she looked back at him and  he smiled then said I found it on the ground   I recognized your pretty face so I put it in my  car let's go get it before you get in trouble at   this point Lucy was terrified he started to look  more sinister and she couldn't say anything seeing   she wasn't responding the man grabbed her arm and  began to pull her Lucy snapped and freed from his   grip and started to run away he followed behind  running fast while calling out Lucy Chan Lucy Chen   what are you doing come back here she continued  running she didn't realize that she entered the   forest and was now without direction after writing  for who knows how long she no longer heard the   man's voice her whole body felt heavy and Lucy  couldn't catch her breath she looked around and   everything seemed the same there was silence  she continued walking for a while until she   came across attending camp Lucy felt relief when  she saw a man come out she proceeded to tell him   everything that happened he seemed confused and a  bit scared of her but after seeing Lucy crying he   changed his expression to a more warming one he  listened to everything quietly until she finished   they both agreed to call the cops and alert the  authorities of the place thankfully he knew the   way back to the entrance of the forest and two  of the forest keepers were walking there his name   is Yuki and Yuki told them in Japanese everything  that Lucy had told him the forest keepers brought   them to an information area where they called the  police and told them to wait there they also sent   other force keepers to look for the classmates and  alert them about the guy meanwhile Yuki tried to   comfort Lucy telling her what he was doing in the  woods he said that is young brother passed away   five years ago and since then he's been going to  the forest on his brothers birthday to honor him   when the police arrived she told the officer  everything that happened while another group   of police officers searched the area they finally  found the guy in the forest they arrested him and   searched his car for evidence and found tape rope  and a knife she thanked Yuki for saving her life   and shortly after the trip ended and the school  called her father he immediately rushed to the   school but he didn't scold Lucy that day he just  hugged her and she cried on his shoulder Harry's   best friend Mari is an Instagram influencer not  big time but big enough to get free stuff and has   gotten to sponsor trips one day a boutique hotel  from Miami contacted her via Instagram DMS and   offered her an all-expenses-paid trip to Miami for  Memorial weekend in exchange for her to be in a   hotel and take pics and do a couple of stories she  was told she could bring a female friend with her   if she wanted to and everything would be covered  for this was her first time doing this so at the   time she wasn't really sure of how it worked the  company sent her a contract for her to sign and it   said she'd be responsible for paying for a plane  ticket to Miami and that she would be reimbursed   for it later this was to prevent a no-show meaning  the influencer gets the ticket purchased by the   hotel and the influencer never shows up so it  seemed reasonable she invited Harry instead of   a female friend because she was nervous about  the whole thing and they figured it wouldn't be   a big deal worst case scenario they don't pay  for Harry's plane ticket but they can cover it   for themselves mari then signed the contract and  everything was set to go on the day of the trip   they arrived to Miami safely Carrie and Mari  were supposed to be picked up by the hotel at   the airport they walked around the terminal and  when marisol a guy holding a sign with her last   name and the paper has the hotel logo they were  greeted and then escorted to a black SUV here is   where it gets weird as soon as they got into the  car they noticed that the driver is visibly upset   Harry and Marv he thought he was talking to the  guy who walked them over but he was talking to   Mari she had a very thick accent and was wearing  dark shades he was telling Mari that she was not   allowed to bring her boyfriend and that she said  it was two girls two girls Hotel told me two girls   know one guy one girl two girls he was demanding  to see where the other girl was they were   speechless and confused the guy who walked them to  the car looked annoyed he got into the passenger   seat and started to fight with the driver in  Portuguese then he turns to them and asks where   the other girl is that wine feeling very upset by  now tells them that there is no other girl now she   is Mari and Harry is just a friend coming with her  on a trip the guy in the driver's seat gets out   tosses their luggage out of the car and says this  is some [ __ ] he gets in the car and immediately   they take off that was it Harry and Mari were  in complete shock she immediately emails Melisa   the PR person they have been in contact with this  entire time to tell her what happened no response   they decided to take a cab and show up to the  hotel and when they finally got there everything   made sense the hotel have been rebranded and had  a completely different name owner and staff harry   showtime the hotel's Instagram profile and indeed  that was the hotel it used to be but not the new   one this hotel never contacted them they never  did anything whoever was in charge of the old   IG account of the old hotel did or whoever got  ahold of it did and mind you this was a somewhat   big hotel account with over 10,000 followers it  was real but upon further inspection Harry and   Mari realized that the pictures were really old  and so were two posts Mari felt like an idiot   and couldn't believe that they actually got into  this situation they caught the police met up with   the detective but nothing ever came out of it they  investigated who was running the account before or   who had access to it however none of the people  who used to run the account had anything to do   with it nothing ever came out of this when Rey was  11 years old her parents had to go to an emergency   trip to her grandparents house but she at school  and basketball practice in the mornings so she   couldn't go their house alarm was broken so raised  dad told her where his hidden pistol was and made   sure she knew to call 9-1-1 if something were to  occur and to immediately call him after raised   dad had always been somewhat paranoid but their  house was in a suburban area that wasn't known   to have crime so she didn't think too much of it  her parents left after work on Friday everything   was fine all night and all day Saturday raised  bed time was usually around 11 p.m. but because   she had the whole house to herself she stayed up  until around 2:00 a.m. before she got tired and   finally went to bed it had only been an hour or  so since falling asleep when suddenly he heard   a random loud pop from outside her room the sound  was from the front door Rey didn't think too much   of it at first because on Wednesday nights there  were times when the door would be pushed just   slightly and it would make that Sam but there was  no wind even still she wasn't very worried there   was again followed by a bunch of quiet clicking  noises race started getting annoyed thinking   that it was the neighborhood stoner kids just  messing around in the middle of the night which   they were known for doing so so she got out of  bed and went outside the room her bedroom door   has a loud pop to it when opened louder than  the front door and it can be heard throughout   the entire house suddenly the clinking noise is  stopped but Rey still felt the need to check it   out there were high shrubs outside her bedroom  window so she couldn't really see outside very   well she went out to the living room and peered  through the blinds and showed up when she noticed   the hooded figure peek over from the side of the  entrance someone was trying to pick the lock and   break into her house raised mine was racing he  had to have noticed the blinds move but maybe   he ran off Rey held her breath for a moment and  stayed completely still not even a minute later   that clinking returned but more furiously this  psycho was still trying to break in in her panic   state she didn't think about calling the police or  her dad a sudden rage came over Rey and she just   wanted to get rid of this guy she grabbed a can  of hair spray in her bathroom and because of Rey's   love for candles Rey had a lighter in her room as  well she raced back to the door and in one swift   motion unlocked it yanking it open and lit that  burglar up while screaming at the top of her lungs   she couldn't see the guy well in the darkness  and past the flame when Rey heard a loud scream   of anguish it didn't take long for the neighbors  to hear her and turn on their porch lights which   is when she suddenly collected herself and let go  of the lighter switch but when she opened her eyes   there was no one there the guy quickly ran out  of there and raised neighbors had come outside   in the light panic and called the police parents  were also called and she explained to them and the   police what had happened but unfortunately because  it was so dark she couldn't identify him Ray's mom   was freaking out about it but her dad said he  was proud and told her to get some sleep after   everything but that was impossible she stayed  up the entire night thinking about it the next   day ray got a call from her parents saying that  the officers had caught the guy patrol car had   noticed someone smoking in a nearby park under  the playground and the officers approached the   suspect assuming it was one of the stoner kids  they expected him to run but to their surprise   he approached them and was begging for help they  saw that his entire arm was burnt to a crisp and   when they searched this backpack they found enough  evidence to arrest the guy and thankfully he never   returned in the late 1960s my great uncle John was  travelling by train from his village to another to   visit family he had to change trains at one point  and was dropped off at what amounted to a platform   and a hut in the middle of nowhere there was no  one at the station and other than a dirt road   that led off into the surrounding woods there was  nothing there he waited for some time but no train   came it was winter and getting colder and darker  and just about the time he started worrying about   a place to stay and some food to eat an old woman  appeared out of the Twilight she asked if he was   waiting for a train and when he said he was she  said it wouldn't be a long until the following   day she asked if he needed a bed for the night  and offered him a meal and a room at her house   he was glad to accept her offer and stay out of  the cold he took his suitcase and they set off   together down the dark road into the forest it was  more than an hour away by the time they arrived at   the woman's small two-story house John was tired  and hungry they went inside and the woman led some   oil lamps and warmed some borscht for them John  finished his soup and asked where he would be   sleeping she led him up to the stairs to a tiny  room with a window that contained a single bed   and nothing else he thanked her they said good  night and she closed the door then she locked   it leaving him in the dark somewhat creeped out  by this John caught to her but she didn't answer   and he heard nothing else figuring he would deal  with it in the morning and that she had probably   done it by mistake John said his suitcase down  and laid on the bed before he could fall asleep   though he felt the urge to pee and got out of bed  hoping to find a chamber pot or something he could   pee in he got into his hands and knees and began  to feel under the bed in the darkness thinking   that's where the pot would be if there was one  John went right to the window to see if he could   exit the room that way it was nailed shut he knew  that if he remained in the room he was probably a   dead man but if he broke the window and tried to  get out of the way there was a good chance that   the old woman would hear him and come into the  room before he could get away so he did the only   thing he could do he pulled the body from under  the bed heaved it onto the mattress and covered   it with a blanket then he got under the bed and  waited sure enough about an hour later he heard   footsteps coming slowly up the stairs and then  toward the room the lock clicked and the knob   turned slowly in the gloom John saw someone  moving toward the bed then he heard several   sickening floods the person had bashed a body on  the bed with a large crowbar which then dropped   onto the floor right in front of John there was  silence then the person went out the room and the   door was shut again John moved from under the bed  and took the crowbar and was able to slowly pry   the window open when the window was up he threw  his suitcase out and drove through himself not   caring what was below him only worried about what  was behind he landed without too much injury and   began to run into a field behind a house was tore  some light in the far distance it turned out to   be a highway with some military and transport  trucks on it and luckily John was able to get   a ride to another village where he could catch a  train he didn't bother reporting what had happened   to the authorities since at that time in the USSR  there was a distinct chance he would have been the   one who got into trouble he just thank God he had  escaped and decided that the next time he traveled   to visit relatives he would take another way my  brother's girlfriend Amanda was looking for her   first apartment when she decided to move out of  her parents house she and my brother didn't want   to move in together since they had only dated  for a few months so Amanda opted to search for   a roommate online browsing Craigslist she found an  ad titled roommate wanted females only the sort of   thing was common since the area she was looking in  was mostly young professionals the listing was for   a room in a house that was quite cheap compared to  the many places listed doll keepin listed herself   as a 23 year old student that wasn't comfortable  with living with any males the other roommate   would have their own room and attached bathroom  so far Amanda was into this place however the   listing only had a single photo from outside the  property Amanda sent an email wanting to meet the   occupant and tour the house within 30 minutes  she receives an email back with all the details   and time to stop by the girl worked late hours  and one in Amanda to stop by at 8:00 p.m. when   Amanda arrives there's a handwritten note on the  front door saying door broken use backdoor walking   around the house it looks nice but slightly  unkempt tall grass weeds dusty windows etc when   she knocks on the back door an older man opens it  at first a man thinks she has the wrong house but   the man reassures her and says the occupant was  out and he was the landlord the occupant asked him   to meet Amanda since she was working late alarms  start going off Martin and red alert yet first the   guy was clearly in his 40s unshaven and looked  like he lived in his car also only the kitchen   light was on as they walked around the house  amanda noticed one huge red flag no furniture   nothing the landlord was polite about answering  questions but seemed irritable to keeping lights   on for too long rushing her around and only  letting her look at rooms for a few moments there   was a single room that the landlord wouldn't open  telling her that it was the occupants room and he   didn't want to invade her privacy as they walked  down the hallway she notices the front door has   a plank nailed across it broken for sure and then  discreetly was starting to ding so she decides to   wrap up the house tour and leave but tries to be  polite he perks up and states that he forgot to   show her the basement it's recently furnished and  would be a great recreation room so he opens it   the basement is pitch black he smiles motions down  the stairs and says ladies first what happens next   is nothing more than a stroke of luck Amanda gets  a text just as some random person parks in front   of the house thinking on her feet she pretends  it's a phone call and answers her phone hey ya   are you here I'll come out from around back and  let you in it's great you have to see it with a   motion of confidence she excuses herself around  the landlord and walks out the back door the   guy just looked at her and he was confused once  outside she quickly sprinted to her car and sped   out of there when Amanda got home she told her  mother and my brother everything cops were called   they took her statement and went to investigate  the Craigslist post had been removed the house   had been foreclosed over six months earlier and  the property had been abandoned when the police   investigated they found the clothes room the  landlord didn't want her to look in was where   the man have been staying there was a pile of Oh  dirty blankets rotten food and empty gallon jugs   everywhere the more creepy thing was he a plaster  grip the pages from provocative magazines on all   the walls in the room and a scariest part of  this was the basement the man had tied a piece   of fishing twine at about shin level across the  stairs about halfway down the basement was empty   except another old pile of blankets a broom handle  wrapped in leather belts and a small box with a   few rows of assorted tapes needless to say Amanda  never ended up moving in and she hopes she never   meets that man ever again while five years ago  I lived downtown in a major city in the US I've   always been a night person so I would often find  myself bored after my roommate went to sleep to   pass the time I used to go for long walks and  spent the time thinking the park as it was most   nights was completely empty I turned down a short  side street in order to loop back to my apartment   when I first noticed him at the far end of the  street on my side was the silhouette of a man   dancing it was a strange dance similar to a waltz  deciding he was probably drunk I stepped as close   as I could to the road to give him the majority  of the sidewalk to pass me by it was very tall   and lanky and wearing an old suit he danced closer  until I could make out his face his eyes were open   and wild head tilted back looking off at the  sky his mouth was formed in a painfully wide   cartoon of a smile I decided to cross the street  before he could get any closer as I reached the   other side I glanced my tracks he had stopped  dancing and was standing with one foot in the   street perfectly parallel to me he was facing me  but still looking skyward smiles still wide on   his lips I was completely and utterly unnerved  by this I started walking again he didn't move   the street and sidewalk ahead were completely  empty still unnerved I looked back to where   he had been standing to find him gone for the  briefest of moments I felt relieved until I had   crossed the street and was now slightly crouched  down I couldn't tell for sure due to the distance   and the shadows he was facing me I was so shocked  that I stood there for some time staring at it and   then he started moving towards me again he took  giant exaggerated tiptoes steps as if he were a   cartoon character sneaking up on someone I like  to say at this point I ran away or pulled out my   pepper spray or my cell phone or anything at all  but I didn't I just stood there completely frozen   as the smiling man crept towards me still smiling  still looking at the sky when I finally found my   voice I blurted out the first thing that came to  mind what I meant to say was hey what do you want what what do you regardless of whether or not  humans can smell fear they can certainly hear   it I heard it in my own voice and that only made  me more afraid but he didn't react to it at all   he just stood there smiling and then I don't like  forever he turned around very slowly and started   dance walking away just like that not wanting to  turn back to him again I just watched him go until   he was enough away to almost be out of sight and  then I realized something he wasn't moving away   anymore nor was he dancing I watched in horror as  the distant shape of him grew larger and larger   and this time he was running straight towards me  I ran until I was off the side road and back into   a better Latrobe of sparse traffic looking behind  me then he was nowhere to be found the rest of the   way home I kept glancing over my shoulder always  expecting to see his terrifying smile but he was   never there I lived in that city for six more  months after that night and I never went out for   another walk there was something about his face  that always haunted me he didn't look drunk he   didn't look high he looked completely and utterly  insane and that's a very very scary thing to see   it was the weekend on Saturday evening Kayla's  parents had to go to England for a meeting so   they told her to stay home by herself but before  they left they installed a good security system in   the house at around 5:30 p.m. the next day she  received an email from her dad saying that he   had transferred money to the bank and won a Kaila  to withdraw it she sighed in frustration but had   to go to the ATM before it got dark because it  could be dangerous she started off walking the   usual 5-minute distance and arrived at the ATM  she noticed the man leaning on the light post   to the right of it she was facing down and was  completely shirtless with long black trousers on   Kayla was confused and many questions were  running in her head why is he looking down   and why is he shirtless on a cold November's  evening she quickly withdrew to cash and got   out immediately Kayla turned around to see if the  man was still standing there but he was gone she   sighed in relief thinking that he had already  left she turned her head and suddenly the man   was standing in front of her Kayla nearly screamed  and terror with her heart pounding faster than it   ever has and he was staring at her with soulless  cold eyes and a creepy smile on his face she dared   not to open her mouth to ask what was wrong with  him instead Kayla took that opportunity to run as   fast as she could and pass him by she ran a good  distance away and glanced over her shoulder to see   if he was following her but for some reason he  didn't move from that spot in less than three   minutes she reached her house Kayla then checked  her security cameras to see if that man followed   her home and luckily he didn't feeling paranoid  she decided to sleep on the couch that night near   the recording TV the next morning Kayla woke up  early to go for a run at a nearby park she was   walking into the deeper area of the park where  there were no people ahead of her but then she   noticed that somebody was following her she just  thought it might be a regular person walking in   the park so she plugged in her earphones turned  on the music and continued running a few seconds   later she felt the ground vibrate with heavy  steps of a man then suddenly the man wrapped   his arms around Kayla's waist Kayla screamed that  he remained silent and let go of his left arm from   her waist and covered her mouth she bit his hand  until his skin broke and blood he was screaming   and agonizing pain but was not so foolish to free  her from his locked right arm she immediately   turned around to face him and that's when she saw  that it was the same guy from yesterday at the ATM   he lowered his face closer to Kayla and said I've  never seen such a beautiful girl like you from my   whole neighborhood Kayla was so freaked out in  panic trying to resist but the guy wouldn't let   go of her by some miracle two security guards  approached him from behind and knocked him down   to his feet handcuffed him and took him to the  police Kayla asked the security guards how they   knew she was in danger he said that the security  team fix hidden cameras on trees and light poles   for visitors safety three days ago after there  were reports that young teenage girls go missing   in this park Kayla thanked a security guard  after saving her life and he told her not to   travel places anymore without an adult after 15  minutes the police arrived at the scene and they   asked Kayla for details and how it all started  Kayla then called her dad and told him about   the incident the police gave her a ride home and  said they will give her an update on the situation   she thanked them for the help and left two days  passed Kayla got a call from the police and they   said that they collected all the information and  details about the man fled from his country and   admitted to many felonies and he sent back to  receive his punishments and the death sentence it was 6:40 a.m. on a school day and I was on the  stop waiting for my bus to arrive I've always been   a cautious person and I constantly looked  around as I turned to my left I see a man I   was kind of creeped out because of how tall he  was and I couldn't see his face however it was   probably just another guy waiting for the bus  so I shrugged it off I looked again and he was   standing still this confused me as I didn't know  which way he was staring then I looked one more   time and the man is sprinting full speed towards  me he stopped right in front of me and said oh I   thought I was late for this bus no you're not I  said calmly and got to take a look at his face   he looked like he was around his 40s brown hair  messy beard torn up clothes we waited to stop   for another ten minutes and the bus was finally  arriving I stuck my arm out just to make sure the   bus driver could see me as soon as I walked up I  felt the man grab my shoulder and pulled me back   very hard I instantly started to panic as both of  us are now hidden in the darkness of the bus stop   what are you doing I said in the scared voice it  was still dark out and the bus driver obviously   didn't see me with the headlights on and the  rain pouring it was at that moment I realized   I was in a dark street with a creepy man putting  his hands on me probably making a horrifying face   slowly I looked behind my shoulder and the last  thing I remembered was hitting me in the head   and knocking me out unconscious I saw the man  sleeping in a bed to my right the adrenaline   was rushing through me and all I could think about  was how I could escape I've had some training in   MMA so I didn't feel to unconfident if I needed to  fight for my life since the guy was still asleep   I was planning on elbow him repeatedly in the  head while he was still sleeping and then find   a way out I knew this will work if I could do it  correctly so I propped up and walked to his bed   I got my arm ready and instantly he turns his  head and sees me above him I tried to hit him   as hard as I could however with the fear at that  moment I missed again I started swinging as hard   and as fast as possible but to my surprise the man  didn't block any of my fists at all he just laid   there smiling as his head got pounded honestly  it freaked me out even more that he wasn't doing   anything but finally his face gave in his nose  started to bleed and the cut began to emerge on   his face I started to slow down as I ran out of  stamina his eyes closed and the smile began to   fade instead of taking a step back I decided to  keep going and kept swinging as hard as I could   I was sure the man was out cold the man's  eyes are open and he smiled and stood up I   saw a window to my left and without hesitation  I quickly ran and jumped out of it I landed on   top of a bin his apartment was only two storeys  high so it didn't hurt too much it turns out it   wasn't long after he kidnapped me as it was still  dark I ran away and luckily I got back to my home   safely when I got home I realized there was still  blood over my hand I felt my head and there was   blood from when he hit me as well as I rang my  doorbell I heard my dad's footsteps by heavy   footsteps to my left the man followed me and was  suddenly there coming towards me my dad opened   the door and I ran straight inside the house and  unlocked it immediately I explained everything   to him my dad being the guy he is waiting to  open this is clenched with me following as we   went outside and look around the man reappeared  I went towards him with brass knuckles on but   my father stopped me and muttered and I looked  at the man's hand to see a knife and he starts   to slice the air he gets closer and continues to  swing the knife maniacally but manages to barely   slice my cheek my dad grabs him by the arm and  beats him senseless we didn't caught the police   and the man was locked up ever since that day  I've become an even more cautious of a person   it took me a while to get over the fear of that  day and that's why I no longer ride on the bus
Channel: Steven D
Views: 3,113,570
Rating: 4.8890953 out of 5
Keywords: animation, animated story, story time, creepy stories, creepy, crazy stalker, true stories, animation channel, compilation
Id: Lp1-atuVYTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 41sec (5921 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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