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the following story took place in Norway in 2015 if the wording seems a bit off it's because the story has been translated I was called in for a night shift on Saturday at the gas station that I used to work at I'm 19 years old and a guy I'm pretty short like 5/6 but I weigh around 190 pounds because my lifestyle almost only aims for both powerlifting and bodybuilding depending on which time of the year it is I got really mad that I got that shift because I need a good night's sleep but whatever I needed money anyway I shaved my head clean like I do every second day while keeping my full beard impact three decent meals for the shift I went to work at 11:00 p.m. and the shift was gonna last until 8 a.m. whilst being alone until 6 a.m. I don't mind working alone some people get paranoid and everything but I myself had the kind of facial features and build that most people would not bother to mess with even though I'm a very very nice person it doesn't really look like I am I had some customers while working of course a lot of drunk people since it's Saturday and in Norway people tend to grab a burger or a hot dog at the gas station before heading home others just there to fill up on gas but later at around 4 a.m. when it started to get more and more quiet I saw a stressed-out woman a few steps away from the door outside I couldn't exactly tell what she looked like from behind the cashier desk but I could tell that she was stressed out standing with her arms crossed together while turning her head to the sides and turning around every now and then I was considering to go out and ask if she needs any help but I brushed it off and was thinking she was probably just waiting for someone but then she looked inside and began to walk towards the entrance she came inside breathing in between normal and heavy and she sat down I greeted her with a smile and I could tell immediately that she was a drug abuser and that she was really stressed out she was dressed with normal-looking clothes and looked like she was in her 20s she kindly responded with hey with an obvious fake smile where you could tell that this person is sad behind the mask that they're putting on she then came to the desk asking if she could borrow my phone to call her boyfriend she said that there were people following her and that they wanted her hurt or dead the following conversation goes on like this are they looking for you like like right now yes please let me borrow your phone sure thing but wouldn't it be better if I called the cops for you no please I just all I needs to borrow your phone for a quick call long story short I told her to go sit down on a specific corner of the station where there was no glass wall so that people wouldn't be able to see her she called her boyfriend two or three times but nobody responded she kindly asked me if she can log into Facebook with my phone to see if maybe she could contact him there I was kind of unsure about this but I am by natural reasons very humble maybe a little too much another thing was that I was standing right behind her so there was no unacceptable things that she could do without me seeing it so I said alright you can log into your Facebook I told her to use the Google Chrome App to go on Facebook and not the Facebook app itself since I hate spending time logging in and out of my account on my phone call me a lazy bastard whatever she logged in and long story short no response on there either she thanked me a lot for the help and was about to walk out I asked her if she was sure about me calling the cops or not but she was 100% positive about me not doing it which was weird I thought okay well be safe I told her later on into my shift I turned my phone on only to find out that she forgot to log out from her Facebook on the google chrome app out of curiosity I checked the messages which I believe every other person would probably consider doing the most recent conversation was obviously her boyfriend I thought but there was nothing about come and pick me up or even the slightest thing that made me believe that this was her boyfriend I checked the others below every [ __ ] conversation I checked which was about 6 or 7 of them was either about drugs or money coke heroin codeine you name it as humble as I am I just felt bad for her and I logged out without judging two days later I'm at the gym doing some deadlifts when I get a call from a number that is not registered in my contacts I picked up hello Alain speaking hello who are you Who am I you called me and I've already said my name who are you you called me two days ago in the middle of the night no I didn't and then I remembered about the girl calling her boyfriend at the gas station two days ago oh wait I remember I don't know her name but I assume you have a girlfriend then I went on to explain the situation you may think how the hell didn't I know her name when I had her Facebook logged into my chrome app but I simply didn't bother to remember it he then responded that he didn't have a girlfriend surprisingly this didn't shock me at all I could tell that she was full of [ __ ] when I saw the messages with my own eyes but I pretended like this was something that came to me as a surprise oh really well that's what she told me and I tried to help her out after that which I've already explained to you what do you know what do you mean what do I know has she told you anything if so I need to know right now I was really starting to get pissed off first of all I was being mixed into some [ __ ] for no reason now second getting interrupted during my workouts makes me want to rip off someone's head she hasn't told me anything and I'm really busy at the moment please don't call me again because none of this is actually my business it is your business you helped her you piece of [ __ ] before I hung up I told him to [ __ ] off otherwise I would take this case to a level that he would regret I mean obviously I would never kill him or anything I just tried to come up with some dumb [ __ ] to scare him I got a bit frustrated too why the actual [ __ ] would that girl call a psycho who obviously didn't like her it was clear that he was mad because he thought I somehow helped her which I still don't understand what he meant by that so onto the rest of the story my neighborhood is quiet and my town is small so it's not hard for anybody to find anyone it's as simple as pasting someone's phone number in his civic website and their address will most likely show up and eventually I happen to get a little visit as I said the neighborhood is very quiet after midnight and while being in dead watching some bodybuilding videos for entertainment I started to hear someone driving towards my area hmm well that's not normal at this time but it happens eventually I heard a car park right outside my property behind my garden which goes a little bit uphill filled with stones and flowers so I couldn't see the car from that point on but I heard someone opening the car door and locking it what the [ __ ] was going on I opened my window quietly just to be able to hear a little bit more I could hear the man walk up the little uphill part of my garden which made some sounds because of the stones I won't lie I was scared as [ __ ] I couldn't see him either because everything behind my garden is blocked from my point of view by tall cements for the garage the garden up hill leads to the balcony where a big glass wall is and that's where my little sister's room is I went to the exit of my door and quietly walked out I walked to the cement stairs at the side of my property which leads me to the exact same spot as him I could hear footsteps and I quietly walked up the cement stairs then I caught a glimpse of the guy probably the guy I was speaking on the phone with keep in mind I still don't know what the hell he wants from me and why the [ __ ] that junkie woman called him in the first place at the gas station I know nothing my adrenaline was high but got almost to its peak when he was right outside my little sister's glass wall I was scared but also really pissed off no way he's going in there or trying it all at the top of this cement stairs I walked quick but silent until I saw that he could hear someone walk behind him just a few feet away then I ran as fast as I could and pushed him with all my anger leading him to get smashed into the wall beside my sister's glass wall before I proceeded to get over him and hold my palm over the side of his face pushing it down while asking what the [ __ ] he wants my little sister woke up screaming which also woke my mother up she ran out and asked what the hell was going on why my dad isn't home is another story but anyways my family's facial expression was filled up with fear and I told my mom to call the cops the man said nothing just laying still with his left hand wrapped around my right wrist because of the pressure I was holding his face down with he was literally resting for a few seconds before starting to resist like a horse again but he ran out of energy fast I would ease my palm off of his face so that he could get his head up a little bit only to smash it down again with anger both he and I were breathing heavily I stopped asking questions and my mother was on the phone with the police always reacting with fear when the man started to resist again but I told her it was under control it didn't take long before the cops showed up and arrested the guy I told them the whole story about both the girl and the guy they were both just regular [ __ ] drug addicts and had both been in prison previously for it I was scared as [ __ ] and still to this day don't know why I had to be involved in this maybe he was just a paranoid psychopath my lesson to you never let some creepy stranger borrow your personal phone for situations like this if it sounds dangerous simply call the police to help them and if they don't want you to then just leave it if you're at work like I was use the work phone my girlfriend and I had driven down a dirt road an old dirt road that ran beside a lake on one side with mountains on the other we were looking for unexplored territory to hike in the dirt road became a trail and eventually will swallowed up entirely by the forest once the path became impassable by the car we got out and hiked for quite some time and began making our way back to the car as the Sun was going down it was a challenge getting the cars turned around but I finally managed and we were off it was slow going as it was a crappy road and getting dark fast suddenly we came to a fork in the path that hadn't been visible coming the other way neither of us had any idea of whether to go right or left so I just picked randomly hoping that both would end up taking us back to the main road as we rounded a small curve in the road our headlights fell upon a man dragging a large hockey duffle bag off the trail into the woods as soon as the lights hit him he just froze completely driving past him felt like an eternity because we couldn't have been going more than 5 miles an hour due to the crappy roads my girlfriend and I didn't say a word to each other until we were well past this guy at which point we were like what the hell was that and in a road just ended just like will be it stopped the first time the forest had swallowed up this part of the road we were going to have to turn around and drive by the man into the human-sized duffel bag again I told my girlfriend to buckle up and hold on tight because at the first sign of trouble I was done in it we came to the spot where the man was and he was nowhere to be seen we eventually made it for the right path and got the hell out of there the weirdest thing about it was there wasn't a vehicle anywhere near this guy 50 miles in either direction we would have seen it if there had been we traveled as far as possible both ways and it just wasn't a place to pull off on the road how the hell did he get there where was he going but what was in the bag [Music] [Music] [Music] this story is from a female's point of view when I was in college I worked in an Applebee's to make ends meet I worked there from freshman year to senior year so I had some regular customers I had one that tipped me the most and his name is Larry anyways one day while at work I received a friend request on facebook from a guy that was really attractive I checked this page out before I accepted it in the same legit and he was in my city as soon as I accepted it he messaged me and said hey thanks for accepting my request that was usually cold for creep when someone does that but he was cute I said no problem and we continued to converse eventually after a few days chatting we decided to go on a date I decided to meet at Chili's on a Friday at 6 p.m. because I don't know this guy and maybe he's crazy I arrived at the restaurant before him and I messaged him to let him know that our table was under my name and he said ok after about 20 minutes I messaged him back but he didn't reply until 20 minutes later telling me that he wasn't gonna make it I was pissed but I ordered and ate my food I left and I drove home when I got to my apartment I walked up the stairs to get to my apartment and I hear something behind me I get to my door turn to my left and I see a man standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at me I look closer and I see that it's Laird my customer at work our frantically asked him what is he doing here and he told me it's okay I always make sure you make it home safe then he said sorry I couldn't make it to the date I said what I tried unlocking my door but I dropped my keys and he started running up the stairs yelling it's not what you think I grabbed the keys unlocked the door and ran inside closing my door behind me he started banging on my door and telling me he was my best customer and he deserved me I called the cops and they called him outside in my car just sitting there calmly after that I deleted all of my social media and dating apps then I quit my job at Applebee's ever since that experience I'm very paranoid of people's intentions and now always carry a pistol [Music] this story happens to me on the Deep Web the Deep Web is basically the hidden Internet that contains dark content such as drugs pedophiles hidden in and torture none of that really interests me the only reason why I was on the Deep Web was to look for government secrets and stuff like that after looking for links that had to do with that type of stuff I eventually got bored and decided to find other things on the Deep Web I had a VPN on so favore came across something illegal I wouldn't get caught I then came across a link that led me to his site it was called the devil's chamber it gave a description of the web site basically it was a snuff film aka torture and murder films there was a black video box with a play button I was very curious and clicked on the play button a black screen popped up with a timer and a live chat box with people waiting for something the timer said three minutes to Showtime I got curious and typed in the chat what everyone was waiting for they all said a murder livestream I didn't like this and I put my cursor over the X but as soon as I was gonna click out text appeared on the black screen that said It's Showtime I watched and waited to see what was going to happen just then a screen appeared with a woman tied to a chair in a dimly lit room with a door then someone with a mask appeared on screen as well the person in the mask stared at the camera and said it's time for painting he then opened the door and closed it behind him a few seconds later he came out with a dog tied to a chain a dog was barking like Chris went away the aggressive way the pitbull lunged up a woman attacked me for a while children's to tear off she's screaming in pain as the dog was biting their heart a few minutes later she stopped screaming and she was dead the person and the mass then walked out of the room with the dog leaving the woman whose flesh was literally torn apart I closed out immediately and deleted the tor browser I will never and I repeat never go back on the Deep Web again [Music] I had three really good friends in the name of Kevin Ryan II Tommy every summer our parents take us on a vacation we always stay in remote cabin in the forests of Minnesota the cabin was located on the large island in the middle of Lake vermilion eventually when we were old enough our parents let us go to the tavern in Rome for the first time when we got there we parked the car on the gravel road beside the lake then we had to take a boat across the lake about half a mile to reach the cabin there were a few other cabins on island but they were all at least half a mile away the cabin was quite small and only had a kitchen a bathroom in two bedrooms at night it was pitch black there were no streetlights for miles and the only light came from the moon there were no curtains on the windows so when you were sleeping at night you could see the moon shining down on the trees in the lake outside on the third night of our trip we set up a camp fire by the edge of the lake the moon was full and the pale white glow was shimmering across the lake we were gazing up at the stars when all of a sudden we heard a splashing sound as if something was moving about in the water Brian severly stood up and pointed saying what the hell is dead we all looked in the direction he was pointing peering into the darkness after a while I couldn't make out he was pointing it I'll never forget the feeling of Terror that came over me the hair on the back of my neck stood up and goosebumps appeared on my arms I was paralyzed in fear out in the middle of the lake no it was just floating there on the surface of the water staring directly at us she had pale white skin and long black hair her hair was matted to her face the rest of her was submerged not even there we tried to tell ourselves that it was just a loom they are black and white birds that hunt at night diving deep into the water it didn't look like a name but that's what we try to convince ourselves and worse we do some more wood on the fire and try to forget about it but it still gave me the creeps about an hour later I had to go to the toilet so I walk around to the edge of the dock impedance of the lake looking out over the moonlit Lake I noticed the thing was still there but now it was much closer it still looked like the woman's head and it still sing to me standing right at me its face was still extremely dependent as if it hadn't been out of the Sun for years and I could easily make out some facial features the eyes and the nose a feeling of incredible unease came over me as I realized it couldn't be alone there was no way alone to just tread water for that long there were no ripples around it even it wasn't moving at all it was just standing there stiff as a board submerged in the water I immediately zipped up my pants and ran back up to the dock toward my friends were sitting around the countdown I told them what I'd seen but none of them dared to go down to the dock to take a closer look we tried to tell ourselves it was just a log or a tree branch just floating out in the water I could tell everyone else felt uneasy - none of us really believe that we went back into the cab you gonna shut the door locking it behind us it was very late in we just needed sleep none of us mention a thing in the lake we were all trying to avoid talking about it honestly there were no curtains on the windows and I was getting ready for bed I couldn't help but taking one last look peering out of the window I could see the light clearly illuminated by the full moon but the thing wasn't there anymore it had completely vanished I let out a sigh of relief thinking there was a log that just floated away where else is st. below the surface or perhaps it had been alone it finally flown away it was very hot that night in we had to sleep with the windows open my friend Tommy and I slept in one bedroom and my two other friends slept another we left our bedroom doors open I was finding it hard to sleep very very hard it was the middle of the summer and there wasn't even a slight breeze the heat was stifling as I lay there I thought I could hear someone walking around outside the cabin I kept my eyes tightly shut to tried to tell myself it was just my imagination it sounded like someone was bare wet feet pacing back and forth I was truly the fear but I felt so weak I couldn't move the footsteps they sounded like they were walking up the steps to the cabin door I wanted to shout out to my friends but I was frozen in terror then the footsteps turned around and sounded like they were running down the steps and toward the lake after a while the footsteps faded away I reached over and shook my friend Tommy he was already awakened he claimed he had heard the footsteps as well just then I was startled to see why he was running into our room when he stepped into the moonlight I could see his face and expression when it was very very disturbed he told us we need to leave I asked why what did you hear he said let's just go he insisted must get to the boat and it's time to go he wouldn't answer he just ran back into a room we followed him and found Kevin sitting on his bed already packing up his things Brian was running around frantically grabbing his stuff and his stuffing into a bag what's wrong Adam and Ryan that's the hell is wrong with you tell us he just stopped in his tracks and stared there was a hunted look in his eyes I would never forget what he said he told us he was turning over and in bed to get more comfortable when he suddenly saw at the top right corner [Music] as soon as I said it either the face vanished he said all he saw was long black hair hanging down the window ghostly white skin and one large eyes staring at him when he said that it chilled us to the bone we realized that if the face was in the top right corner of the window that meant the thing had to be dim they're 8 feet tall or else floating in mid-air I felt like I was going to be sick let's just go Ryan said in a very serious tone let's just go now we all agreed and packed our stuff as quickly as we could we grabbed our bags and ran out of the cabin locking the door behind us as we scrambled on the front steps I glanced to the side and I saw footprints bare wet footprints in the dirt all around the cabin we ran down to the boat and through our stuffing we untied the boat from the dock in the sped off I looked back over my shoulder and stared at the island but I didn't see anything moving however I had the strangest feeling that someone or something was watching us when we finally reached the other side of the lake we tied up the boat stuffed our backpacks in the car and drove off we had been driving for about 10 minutes when out of the blue Ryan suddenly broke down sobbing he kept saying over and over what was it guys what was it what do we see on the way we called our parents to tell them what happened Ryan was freaking out and we didn't know what to do they totally just get home safely and quickly my friend's dad went up to the cabin a few days later and said he saw nothing out of the ordinary however he did mention that there were a bear wet footprints all around the cabin which he thought was odd whatever Ryan saw in the window really hit him hard after his break down he had trouble sleeping and ended up having to go into therapy they gave him some pills to calm him down and allow him to get decent night's sleep as time went on he recovered it ended up being fine but to this day he still can't sleep unless the curtains on his window are completely shut to this this happened to me in 1970s to be exact it was November 23rd 1971 I was 20 years old at the time and was really down on my luck I was living in Portland but I'm from Seattle and I'll be going home very soon I had lost my job and was about to be evicted from my apartment because I couldn't pay the rent I will be fine back home to stay with my parents until I could find a new job or somehow get the money for my apartment which would be very unlikely I had one night left in my apartment before leaving I didn't felt like staying home so I decided to go for a walk and have a drink in a bar on my way to the bar I stopped at a convenience store and purchased a lottery ticket I walked down the street and entered a nearby bar where I ordered myself a beer not long after that a man came inside and said next to me ordered a drink we got to talking about life and just general conversation when he mentioned he was going to a fight - the next day - Seattle I laugh an accent wait flight 305 he laughed and said yeah that's the one he asked me why I was heading there I told him I had money troubles and coincidentally he said the same thing he seemed like a nice guy we talked for about another hour before he decided to call it a night unfortunately I never called his name I was about to leave the bar myself shortly after that when I heard over the TV that the lottery numbers would be announced I decided to stay in check if I had one why not and would you believe it I won $15,000 of course I was beyond belief was shocked and of course I want to need to go back home because I had money now the next day I saw something on the news that a flight had been hijacked and the plane was being held at ransom it was the same flight I was going to be with and I couldn't believe it but the sketch of the guy they described he took the flight hostage was the exact same man I had been talking to in the bar he used the name DB Cooper if you didn't know he threatened to explode the plane with a bomb unless he got $200,000 what she did then jumped out of the plane with the money in parachute and was never seen again I didn't know why but I never said anything to anyone even if I could it's not like I knew his real name it was such a scary coincidence that the only thing that stopped me was the reason why I was in a predicament anyway I needed money and then I got some it's strange how everything works out in life when I was 17 I didn't have a driver's license most of the time I walked or hitchhike there was just one night there weren't that many cars on the road and it was very cold and this man pulled over when the guy put over our took a good look at the guy and figured I could take him if he tried anything he was on the slender side and had a strange firmness about him even though he looked healthy enough I got into the car after we agreed on the destination we exchanged names and I warm my fingers up in front of the heating vent he spoke quietly asking a few questions along the lines of it was a local and how did I like living there he said he only been here for a few months but found it beautiful and hoped he could find happiness there that comment struck me as a little odd but I brushed it off it began the snow in the road quickly got slippery so he slowed and he kept his eyes straight out the windshield driving silently I was ok with that as small talk was never my forte about ten minutes later I noticed the car near the intersection we were approaching seem to be sliding so I said watch out he immediately hit the gas shooting through the intersection and burst out with don't ever scream at me needless to say I was taken aback I said look this is close enough just pull over here and I can get there he didn't seem to hear me so I said Richard did you hear me I said you can pull over here and let me out but no response he just stared straight ahead driving faster now than he did when it started snowing to say I was scared doesn't seem to cover the death of the fear that began to rise in me I didn't know if I should stay quiet or speak but I was damn sure not going to yell after his outburst after about a mile he began to mumble under his breath I couldn't quite make out what he was saying but I assumed he was speaking to me so I said what did you say I couldn't hear you he began to speak quietly and rapidly saying things like you're always yelling at me I've told you time and time again do not yell at me I don't appreciate it no you know listen you don't listen now he's just sitting there looking at him I was at a complete loss I didn't know what to say in response or if I should say anything at all I contemplated just jumping out of the car but nixed that idea when I realized that door lock was missing there was just a Silver Line hole where should have been I started to cry and debate with myself about causing an accident by grabbing the wheel and hoping for the best when he suddenly looked at me for the first time since I had gotten in the car he blinked several times rapidly then slowed the car pulling into a gas station I waited to see if he unlocked the doors not wanting to say anything to set him off again after a minute or two he quietly said I think I better let you out of here and he hit the button - the door locks and he opened the door I wasn't about to hesitate so I jumped out of the cars if I were on fire I was about to turn walk into the gas station when he called my name he looked so damn sad and I hesitated he apologized said he was sorry if he had frightened me that he never would have harmed me and he asked if I'd be able to get home ok I said I would and close the door he began to pull out of the gas station but stopped suddenly he just set there for a couple of moments his head down I froze wondering what the hell was up and was about to run into the gas station but he opened his window and yelled at me waving something in his hand my hats I left it on his seat I slowly approached the side of his car and he handed it to me apologizing again I didn't know what else to say so I just said thanks I watched as he drove off making sure he was out of sight before moving on so he wouldn't know which direction I was heading as I walked I wouldn't to put my hat back on and a piece of paper fell out of it folded into a paper was a hundred dollar bill the paper said I'm sorry please take a cab and don't hitchhike anymore tonight I didn't in fact it was the last time ever hitchhike in my life will never ever do that again one evening when I was in my junior year of high school my mom and dad went out leaving me home alone I had a lot of homework to do so I spent the whole evening sitting at a desk in my bedroom my parents left the house around 6:00 p.m. when I was doing my homework I put on my headphones and I listen to loud music there was a big storm that night and my desk was facing the window so I could see the rain and the lightning outside my parents got back around 11:00 p.m. when I saw their car drive up I took off the headphones as soon as my mom opened the front door and came inside I heard her shout out my name what on earth happened in here she demanded in an angry voice confused I ran downstairs my mom was standing in the hallway with a furious look in her face she pointed at the floor and yelled was this you I looked down and I saw that the carpet was covered in the muddy footprints I have no idea how those got there I said I spent a whole night at my desk doing my homework I watched the look on her face change from anger to confusion and then to fear we both realized at the same time that someone else must have been in the house we followed the trail of footprints trying to make sense of the whole situation they started at the back door which we usually left unlocked then we noticed something else the footprints started at the back door but there was no trail of footprints leaving through the back door all of a sudden we hear something loud a pounding noise that echoes throughout the house then the sound of the front door being wrenched open and slam shut again we all ran into the garage and lock the door behind us my mom took out her cell phone and called the police she told him to come quickly as she shouted that someone's in our house after what seemed like hours a patrol car arrived with two police officers a male and a female one officers stay with us in the garage while his partner went through the house searching room by room when she came back the female officer told us that there was no one in the house and it was safe to go back in as we were all breathing a high sigh relief she asked whose bedroom was upstairs on the left my parents looked at me it's mine I told the officer she asked us to follow her as we walked through the house we could see the trail of muddy footprints leading from the back door through the living room through the hallway up the stairs into my parents bedroom then toward my room they stopped at my doorway the female officer pointed at my door which had been open the whole night scrawled on it in black marker was the following 8:47 I see you 8:53 you forgot the lock the back door 8:59 you seemed focused 924 turn around 947 look at me 1015 look at me 1037 look at me 10:49 look at me for more than two hours someone had been standing in my doorway watching me to this day I still shudder to think what would have happened if I had just turned around this story happened about three years ago when I was 16 I had my first boyfriend Ben who just so happened to be my next-door neighbor for the first few months of dating we were going fine up until I had dinner at Ben's house one evening his dad Graham gave me the creeps from the first moment I ever met him he was creepy to me he shook my hand tightly and had a big grin on his face with his big bulging eyes at the dinner I swear Graham never took his eyes off of me at all every now and then I will glance over to see if he was still staring at me and of course he was from denno and I spent more time around Ben's house we will watch movies in his room play video games or just study homework whenever I was at Ben's house his dad would always be lingering around but he would always burst into the bedroom without knocking asking things like how's everything or I thought I heard you calling me basically an excuse to come in it's like he wanted to catch us doing something if you know what I mean and whenever I would go to the bathroom of course he would try and come in even though the door was locked he would knock and say oh I didn't realize someone was in the bathroom this creepy stuff went on for a while maybe about two months but there was just one incident that really scared me being asked if I can go to the basement and grab a couple of pops I went down there and looked around in the fridge to see what drinks they had then I heard the door closed it was the basement door and then his dad came walking down the steps he asked me what I was doing down there and I told him I was just grabbing some pop for myself and then I smiled and walked past them and headed up the stairs I tried to open the basement door but it was locked his dad locked it behind him I turned around and said uh sir could you help The Doors stuck he didn't reply I went back downstairs and I saw his dad with his top off rolling a can of sprite on his body saying it's a hot day isn't it I was extremely uncomfortable and I asked once more because you opened the door because it seems to be stuck I didn't say lock because I didn't want him to know I was uncomfortable I could hear him really close breathing in through his nose as soon as I got the key I spared walked up the stairs to open the basement door I just left at that point and I went home and cried in my bedroom I never told anyone this story and I broke up with Ben shortly after this incident we lived there for two more years after that until we moved away every now and then I will see his dad in this garden or something and he would always give me that same creepy smile like he did in the basement my name is Chris and this story happened to me last year when I was traveling with my dad across the United States we were traveling in our RV were visiting Nevada and of course we had to go and check out area 51 by the time we got there it was pretty late in quite dark out so we thought we would just park the RV sleep and check it out in the morning that night I think around 1:00 a.m. my dad was asleep and I was playing some games on my iPad and when I heard some footsteps outside our RV I said one of my earplugs out so I could listen better and it sounded like someone was slowly pacing I took a subtle peek through our blinds it was pitch black but you can kind of see something moving I woke my dad I'm telling him someone is out there he took a look out the window and then told me to get a flashlight I asked him you're not going out there are you in a concerned voice of course but my dad said we have to see what it is nervously we both went outside we shine our light towards the figure it looked to be a man with his back toward us my dad spoke out hello no answer or even any movement my dad spoke again hello can you hear me as we slowly got closer you could see the man was wearing some kind of gown like a hospital down there patients where the man was still unresponsive we got close enough to tap him on the shoulder and the man slowly turned around he looked kind of pale as like a ghost and his eyes were black like they weren't even human he stared right at us and my dad stepped back in shock then we heard a noise it was more footsteps my dad shined his light in a direction and what was right in front of us were more men men impatient gowns black eyes looking right at us me and my dad ran back into the RV and drove as fast as we could away from the area 51 we spent the rest of the night in a motel we found we never went back to area 51 after that a few years ago when I was in college I would take our jobs to pay my half of the rent one day in particular I was babysitting a set of twin boys that were three years old the mother told me she hired me because she would only hire men due to her crazy ex-husband I was confused when she told me that so I asked why she showed me a picture of him he said not to answer the door for him don't let him in and to not let him see the kids I just said okay I thought she was being dramatic but I went along with it after she left the kids seemed harmless so I told my girlfriend to come over after that there was a knock at the door I figured it was hurt so I opened the door it was the ex-husband this guy looked a lot scarier in real life than he did in the pictures he towered over me with tattoos everywhere including his neck a bald head and gold teeth he asked to see his kids I didn't know what to do so I just told him hold on and I closed the door I really didn't know what to do so I called the woman and she didn't answer it so I texted her still nothing eventually he started knocking on the door some more but I will talk to the door letting him know that I can't let him in nor could I let the children out to see him due to the mother's requests he didn't like that too much I stopped talking then the knocking stopped and the man said okay but it was an okay that sounded like he was going to get me back for not letting him in I look outside and I see that he pulled off I didn't call the police because he left so my girlfriend texted me and it says she'll be there in two minutes then a few minutes go by if she isn't there yet then I see one of the twins looking out the window and he says there's daddy I look out the window and I saw the most disturbing thing you can think of the man was on top of my girlfriend stabbing her repeatedly in the side of her head with a screwdriver her body was shaking but she wasn't making any noise and there was blood everywhere all over her head face ground in that man I wanted to burst out of that door to help her but I couldn't bring myself to do it so I called the police the man just stood there staring at the house he never tried to escape just waited for the police as if he were crazy the twins mother and the cops showed up at the same time and she was hysterical going between Spanish and English while crying I felt numb guilty and ashamed that I called my girlfriend over and she was killed and I was a coward that stayed in the house to this day I still feel the guilt when I was 10 years old I stayed at home by myself for the first time while my parents went out for a date I was really into horror movies so my imagination ran wild so I had every light woman in the house I was scared honestly but not so much due to their lights my parents told me they would be back by 10:00 so I wasn't really worried I had food blockbuster movies to watch and my favorite game manhunt on my ps2 by the way this was 2004 it started to get dark outside when all of a sudden a storm hit and the lights went out as soon as it happened I ran into our living room near the front of the house with my flashlight I was definitely afraid now I decided to get under the covers on the couch I tried to fall asleep but I was so afraid I couldn't I don't know why but I peeked out from under the covers and I swear I saw the silhouette of a man in the corner of the room I jump back under my covers breathing heavily then all I heard was slow methodical footsteps they were coming toward me then I heard whispering alone with the footsteps my heart was pumping out of my chest at this point then the sound stopped I just laid there frozen no sound so I got up and ran out of the house because it felt like someone touched my arm and I know I heard someone yelled the work go I pretty much ran out of the house with the blanket over my head and I ran to my neighbor's house I told them what happened and they called the cops from their cell phones my parents arrived a little later than they expected due to bad traffic I seemed angry about what happened the police say but there was no evidence of a break-in I still to this day remember that feeling of fear but I really don't know if it were my imagination or not [Music] about a year ago in my final semester in college I worked at a department store in the mall I didn't have a car yet so I asked for the day's shifts because it was a two-hour bus ride back home so basically if I had a closing shift I get done at 11:00 but not get home until around 1:00 a.m. but sometimes I'd be given a closing shift much to my annoyance since I had a class at 6:00 a.m. and my mother worries about me because who wants their kid on public transportation at night my managers being the jerks that they were gave me a week of closing shifts knowing my situation I was pissed but whatever so one night I had just finished my shift and I got on the bus I sat in the middle of the bus it was minding my own business with my earbuds in I usually did that because I didn't like people talking to me so I made it look like I was listening to music and I occupy myself by playing a crossword puzzle on my phone about five seats behind me I hear these guys speaking Spanish now my mother is Dominican but people never know that I am so while I understand a fair bit of Spanish I don't speak it so I heard them talking but I don't pay any attention because it's rude to eavesdrop all until they say that kid in front of us didn't my ears perk up I keep my earbuds in so that they think I can't hear them and I continue to listen what they're saying is horrific to paraphrase it they knew my stop because they've been watching me for this week and the point is simply they were planning on snatching me I heard them say that I'd disappear like the others I was about 20 minutes away from home so I knew I had to act quickly since I knew they could see me there were five seats behind me but like a cross if that makes sense I pretended to play on my phone oblivious while I was actually texting my mom then all of a sudden one of the guys moved three seats ahead of me and the other one moved about three seats behind me and were the last ones on the bus i text my mom can you please meet me at the bus stop five minutes ago by no answer we're getting closer to my stop so I decided to call her cell no answer I'll call the house phone and she finally answers at this point it's about 12:30 a.m. so she was asleep I try to talk as calmly as I can this was our conversation hey mom did you get my text no what's up oh I sent you a picture of these jeans I'm gonna order online when I get home I really need your opinion so I really need you really need you to look since the sale ends at 1:00 a.m. she gets the hint that I need her to look at her cell phone so I say goodbye and I hope for the best I tied my adidas very tight we get to my stop and I see my mom's car I stand up then the man in front of me stands up then the guy behind me stands up I snatched my stuff and I sprint to the door and I got off the bus with both men behind me both yelling at each other to grab me I didn't even lucky honey my mom sees the whole thing and jumps out of the car I yelled at her to get back in the car because they couldn't catch me a hard-ass I jump in the car and I tell my mom just go I looking at rearview and I see the guy staring at the car the next morning I called my job and I tell him that I quit no more public transportation for me thanks to my mom for teaching me Spanish and thanks to my mom for getting the hint it was about 3:00 in the morning and I was on my way to my job at my local McDonald's to open with one of my favorite managers there with me she told me to text her when I got there so that she could let me inside once I pulled in I noticed a man standing outside of his car in the farthest corner of the parking lot he was shooting me this sort of menacing stare let me point out that it's completely pouring outside I was really confused as to why this guy wasn't just sitting in his car I then parked and texted my manager to let me inside seconds later I noticed her at the door opening it for me upon walking up to her I say my usual good morning I was stopped mid-sentence by her rushing me inside and saying did you see that guy outside I told her yes and she proceeded to help me refill sauces napkins and things like that my manager then told me that she's going to check the security tapes just to make sure that everything during the period that the restaurant was closed was ok minutes later my manager called me into her office for whatever reason she told me to look at the screen and it showed that the same man was standing outside the time was 1247 she then fast forwarded the tape to reveal that the man had been standing outside the entire time up until now and at this point it's about 3:50 a.m. I ran to the front lobby and I noticed him still standing over by his car I figured or was hoping that he was probably just on something and he was waiting for us to open so that maybe he could get breakfast I resumed filling sauces again and making sure everything was in working order until I was abruptly interrupted by banging at the front door I walked over and noticed a figure right outside the front door it was the man I yelled that we were closed and that he would have to come back later that didn't seem to faze him as he continued to bang on the door I walked away figuring that he was just being an [ __ ] when suddenly I heard a loud crash I ran to the lobby to see the glass door broken in the man beginning to step inside I yelled for my manager and told her that we needed to leave through the back door and we did just that we booked it to our cars and both called the cops they arrived in about 15 minutes and came outside the restaurant with a dirty looking man in cuffs they said he was hiding in the back janitor's closet with a large knife in his hand so that's my story and also the reason I'm never working early mornings again first Halloween living my own house away from my parents I live in a small corner house with a basement but no upstairs house my parents paid half for it was 11 o'clock at night I was sitting in the living room watching scary Halloween movies when I found myself getting up to answer and knock at the door but then I stopped and thought who could be at the door at 11:00 p.m. surely there were no more trick-or-treaters out I had a pretty good feeling it was a late night Halloween ding dong ditcher so I gave it a seconds then I shot a glance to the porch through the window they were gone already yep dingdong [ __ ] i sat back down not thinking twice about it and again knocking at the front door get lost I yelled I was not in the mood for punky kids they ignored my demands and started pounding now not just knocking I was pissed now I leapt up and swung the door open no one was there once again I slipped on my shoes and headed outside to begin searching the bushes for the kids but there was nobody in sight not in the bushes not behind my car not across the street I was done answering I didn't want to feed into their fun anymore so I went back inside double locked the door and went to my bedroom also walking that door just to feel safer I guess even over the TV I could still hear the stupid kids pounding on my front door repeatedly I was so close to calling the cops to get them away but that would undoubtedly lead to my house being egged or keep heed the pounding continued for an uncomfortably long time more than half an hour I thought these kids must be filming something for YouTube and were desperate for a reaction but it wasn't gonna give it to them at some point I dozed off with the TV on only to wake up to the knocking again I looked at the clock it was 2:00 in the [ __ ] morning how could those kids still be at it I thought I turned the TV off and sat up with my ears open for a few moments my heart completely stopped as I realized the knocking was not at my front door but rather at my bedroom door I jumped out of bed looking around my room like a madman for something to use as a weapon they knew I was awake now they were trying the doorknob trying to bust down the door these weren't any kids by some miracle I came up with an idea it was a long shot but it was all I could think of I turned on the receiver to my speaker system plugged in my iphone brought up the YouTube app typed in 45 gunshot sound effect turned on the volume and pressed play the sound of a gunshot echoed out of the speakers it sounded real enough I paused the video after the first shot and yelled that was a warning shot leave now or I won't hesitate to shoot you in the head and it worked I heard two pairs of footsteps stomping over my wood floors and out the front door I gave it a moment before opening my bedroom door and peeking outside they were gone but the front door was left wide open I quickly shut it called the police and that's where my story ended to add a bit of backstory I was an active-duty marine a year prior to this story happening Grenadier trained to take lives and deploy to other countries to fight sad to say that I never got the opportunity to deploy but if I wasn't trained as a Marine I honestly think I wouldn't be here telling this story now onto this story this story took place last year on a cool summer night here in Arizona I just got off from work and took a coworker home from a late-night dinner after the shift I passed by a gas station after I dropped her off I was working two jobs at the time so it was already late around 2:00 a.m. I knew an energy drink would help me wake up tomorrow morning for my next job so I was slowly pulling into this empty gas station I noticed no other cars anywhere that's when something caught my eye as I was pulling up in front of the entrance there was a shadowy figure that suddenly pulled up along one of the walls of the gas station and kept creeping along the walls getting closer as I pulled up there was some sort of a shadowy figure that suddenly pulled up along one of the walls of the gas station it crept along the walls getting closer as I pulled up and turned off my car but at the time I couldn't care less because I was tired and I figured he was just a drunk and about to ask for change or something like that I saw the outline of his face as he pulled away from the shadows he opened his mouth to say something but before he could say anything I cut him off and said hey uh I'll be right back sir he just kind of stood there and stared at me as I walked into the gas station I wasn't even thinking about him cuz I was tired and just wanted to go home I swooped up my favorite energy drink and walked up to the cashier I paid for my drink in a matter of a minute as the cashier wasn't really in any mode to make any small talk I pushed the entrance door open and I noticed that the man was no longer there I was looking around for the man as I approached my car to only see him coming from the dark corner again but something seemed off about him this time I didn't care to stick around to see what was off about him and went to open my car door then I heard rapid footsteps approach from behind me I turned around as fast as possible to make eye contact with him he was just staring at me less than an arm's reach away every option suddenly ran through my head screaming at me to just get in the damn car and slam the door but he was already too close for me to try anything without him trying to do something so I wanted to try and create a peaceful conversation as a desperate attempt to try to get this creep away from me I said oh hey it's it's you again is there something I can do for you his whisper had a scratchy tone to it as he said got any change I was actually thrilled I was happy because I could just give this creep some money as a peaceful resolution I said sure do hold on I'll dig it out for you by the time I grabbed a fistful of change as I leaned into my car I heard the passenger door behind me open and then I felt a handful of my hair get pulled into my driver's seat my hair got yanked back really hard as he whispered you [ __ ] scream or yell and I'll [ __ ] kill you then I felt a knife slowly glide over my throat he then whispered understand I carefully nodded up and down he then replied now we're going to New Mexico don't do anything stupid or I'll cover your car's interior with your blood at the time I was thinking [ __ ] that this can't be [ __ ] real so I had to think and relax that's one thing my commanding officer said in the core the key to victory is a clear conscience and a cool head so I asked him okay how we doing this you're just gonna give me directions I then felt his grip on my hair loosened good smart kid I hate when they begged me to let them go now use your GPS or whatever his knife was still gently pressed up against 70% or so of my throat so I told him I was slowly going to reach into my glove department for my GPS then I asked him where in New Mexico we were going he laughed and told me to just shut up and drive why was he laughing now this guy was a complete psycho I was there driving and praying in my head for a chance to open where I would be able to fight back I could tell that his knife was starting to get loose around my neck for every five minutes or so that I drove the knife at the start of this Drive was at about 70% but now was at around 50% I had to make a right at the intersection finally I saw an opportunity I saw this Ford Ranger pickup truck coming down the road I was supposed to join on in my head I asked myself do you really want to die a coward then as I saw the Ford Ranger approached at a rapid rate I pressed all the way down on the gas pedal then BOOM all I remember from all the commotion is the guy leaning back as I slid my hand under his wrist of the hand I was carrying the knife and pinned it against the steering wheel of my car I can hear the horn blaring attracting more attention he let go of the knife and ran out of the car as the intersection made itself known to me again as my surroundings were no longer blurry I wanted to run after him but the driver of the Ford Ranger grabbed me and said hey what the hell happened do you have insurance I was trying to push through the guy to catch that [ __ ] coward but the only words that escaped my mouth were don't let him get away that's all I was yelling as I saw the dark silhouette of the man disappearing into the darkness I told the police everything when they arrived I did everything you're supposed to but nothing really ever came of it and they didn't see anyone matching my description of the man I now carry my gun on me and a few knives so I will never be the victim of something like this again [Music] years ago when I was in second grade I'm 22 now my parents one morning finally felt confident and allowing me to stay home from school by myself then stay home without a babysitter until they came home that morning my father gave me a house key showed me the emergency numbers in the yellow book and gave me instructions on what to do as stupid things happen like the house catching on fire after school that day I came home but the key and the door and walked into my house I felt free and I felt privileged that I was finally a big boy and then I could now be on my own at home needless to say I kind of got caught up in the moment and ate tons of ice cream while watching terminator on VHS since my parents would never let us watch anything other than pg-13 around 5:00 that day I heard the doorbell ring my dad told me to never answer the door by myself even if they were home I walked to our family room where I could get a good view of who was out there maybe my dad was just getting a package or something he did always enjoy ordering things online I saw a middle-aged man standing in a dark blue jacket that I've never seen before he rang the doorbell again and I expected him to leave after no one answered after a third ring I saw him walk down the steps and I assumed he was leaving I went back to watching terminator when I noticed something outside my kitchen window the man was in our backyard for some odd reason I felt scared for my life since some stranger was on my property I ran under the kitchen table and grabbed the cordless phone from the counter and proceeded to call my dad's work number my dad answered and I exclaimed how a strange man was in the backyard and was now proceeding to try and open the sliding door my dad told me to stay where I wasn't to call the neighbors he would call 9-1-1 I told my dad I loved him and he said he would call me immediately after he called 9-1-1 before I could call my neighbor the man was able to somehow open our family room window I feared for my life then ran to the bathroom and locked the door and called our neighbors after 30 seconds I hear my neighbor running through our house shouting my name to see if I was okay she said that she's unknown in the house and we stayed in the bathroom until the police arrived the police conducted their investigation and told us that they found some fingerprints that matched a recently released convict who was previously in jail for breaking into homes after that day my parents did not leave me alone without a babysitter until I went to high school back in 2008 Cloverfield was one of the biggest movies of the year and I desperately wanted to see it most of my friends had already gone to see it which upset me given that I didn't want to be seen going to the movie theatre alone however I didn't have work or school on Thursdays so on Wednesday night I figured I could get away with going alone to one of the small theaters nearby with a screening of the film at 9:30 since I knew it would be quiet well I showed up bought a ticket and immediately realized the entire building was dead I entered the theatre and much to my surprise there was not a single person in there there were two large sections of seats in the theater i sat in the bottom row of the upper section which was seated just behind a tiny wall during the quiet parts of the movie which were very few I kept thinking that I was hearing something coming from behind me it was almost like I was hearing a voice is someone there nothing I felt like the sounds were just getting louder and closer but I kept turning around and didn't see anyone I felt like I was losing my mind eventually the sound became so loud that it was evident it was a crazed whispering I was about to nope the [ __ ] out of there but when I got up and took one last look behind me a figure popped up quickly from behind the seats just to rose up for me arms flat to their sides and just facing me like a stiff statue I ran like there was no tomorrow back to the lobby where I saw nobody not a single employee I kept running to the car took a few seconds to catch my breath once inside and drove back home I tried calling the theater that same night I never got anyone to answer I didn't bother the next day and I just tried to let it go it still freaks me out beyond imagination to this day I hike very frequently and was on a trail and about eight miles from the nearest gravel road it was just me and my dog just to note I've hiked these trails frequently and have only seen other people during mushroom hunting season and only near where the parking patches are and this was in January so it was freezing cold and there were no mushrooms I'd been going at it for almost two hours when I stumbled upon a pile of bones large bones bigger than human maybe a cow maybe Buffalo maybe horse they were completely clean and Sun bleached no flesh no fur I find deer remains all the time they always have fur on their legs this means someone or something cleaned them or their old bones the scary part is that there were neatly arranged into a pyramid shape all leaning on each other like a teepee I was just on this trail the week before and there had been no bones there had also not been a giant dead animal and there wouldn't have been any rotting happening because it was 20 Fahrenheit I stared at them for a while then turned around and spotted more peculiarities the tree behind me had several bones strung up and hung in the tree by the trail marks they swayed in the wind and kind of clung to gently like morbid wind chimes so this means that had to have been somebody and not some weird raccoons or something I start to panic because does this mean that somebody's watching me am I being warned or stalked I always go on a select few trails and this is one of my most frequented and never have I seen someone else out this far the hairs on my neck stand up because I'm sure I'm in the crosshairs of some serial killer who's been stalking me I walk with my headphones in he could have followed me for weeks and I wouldn't have known my dog freezes and points towards a different large tree ten yards away the hair of her scruff raises and she starts to growl and creep toward the tree I'm panicking I have nothing other than my hiking stick my dog barks once she's 40 pounds by the way she's not an attack dog and she starts sprinting towards the tree I instinctively crouched down she reaches the tree and a turkey takes off from the other side gobbling as it flies away I can still feel my pulse in my eyes as I watch it fly away ice I pet my dog and check to make sure I didn't [ __ ] myself I snap a few pictures of the weird bones and make my way back I still hike through there and the bones are still there untouched no way am i touching them no idea where they came from probably some weird old coot trying to scare people it definitely worked on me when I was just a little boy I had an imaginary friend well at least I thought he was an imaginary friend today I'm not so sure I will see him from time to time around my house he was a man and he lurked in the shadows he was completely black from head to toe and his skin was charred and pockmarked like a burnt match I couldn't make out his face or any other features all I could see were his red eyes he had the most terrifying red eyes I've ever seen and even now when I think of them it gives me the chills he appeared at a random and without any warning I would be playing with my toys and all of a sudden he would be there he never made a sound he never said a word he never did anything except stand there staring at me and smiling then he would vanish as quietly as as suddenly as he had come as time went by I got accustomed to his presence it got to the point where he would just appear and I would just glance at him then go back to playing with my toys I could always feel his eyes as he was just standing ever so close and ever so far away at the same time my family knew about him but they never saw him themselves my mother and father thought it was cute that I had an imaginary friend but when I described him to them they got a little creeped out my sister was the only one who believed me she is the only one who believed he was real and she said it scared her one time I had just finished going to the bathroom and I started washing my hands I was standing on a little stool so I could reach the sink all of a sudden I saw the man out of the corner of my eye he was walking up the stairs I called my sister and told her the man was here she came running over but just when I was about to point out the man he walked backwards down the stairs until he was out of sight when she left he came creeping back up the stairs I gave up trying to show him the people because he clearly did not want to be seen eventually my parents moved out the house I remember seeing the man with the red eyes watching us as we were moving in the van pulled away he didn't follow us and I didn't see him again after that I dismissed him as a figment of my childish imagination years passed and I forgot about him then one night when I was 16 years old I was walking upstairs to my bedroom it was after midnight as I was walking down the hallway something emerged from one of the other bedrooms it stepped out into the light and I realized to my horror that it was the man with red eyes I stopped in my tracks and I froze my heart was in my throat he just stood there staring at me the red eyes burned bright and he flashed me a malicious smile then still staring at me he slowly walked across the hallway into my bedroom if this was a movie perhaps I would have chased him down and forced him to tell me who or what he was perhaps it would have ended me fighting to the death but this wasn't a movie it was real life and I did neither of those things I simply turned around ran back down the stairs and fled from my house I said on a curb outside shivering and shaking until dawn arrived I haven't seen him again since then my friend was visiting family in the States they lived in a rural community in Maine and one morning she woke up before everyone else and decided to go for a run after around 30 minutes she turned back and started noticing a van following a few blocks behind her she thought it was strange so she started turning down a few streets with the van following every move she started sprinting and the van sped up - she ran to the first house she could find and started banging on the door no one so she hopped the fence and started banging on the back door and the door in the house barking at her but she jumped into the empty pool in the backyard and hid while darling 9-1-1 she could hear that the van had parked in front of the house and a man started calling out to her offering her a ride home the dog in the house Walt was now barking like crazy about a minute Polly showed up and took her back to her family's place she gave a report and they identified the van from a nearby HVAC business he had been stolen earlier that day and the same man was arrested in the next County at a gas station I've never been a person to think that skinwalkers are real until one week ago last week I went camping with my mom and we were in Strawberry Arizona we were going to be camping for the weekend starting Friday night - Sunday afternoon we arrived at about 6 o'clock and it was already dark my mom started a small fire we got working on putting up our tents we got that done about 30 minutes later we had our dinner some s'mores and went to bed I woke up at 10:00 as I needed to go pee so I got on the flashlight and went out to pee a few moments later I started walking back to my tent and I heard something scratching on what I assumed was what I stopped and I looked around there was nothing there I jogged back to my tent and got in within a few moments after I got into my tent I heard the scratching again it was closer now way closer after a minute or two it went away I fell asleep 15 minutes later I was awoken to a loud screech it sounded like it was within 20 feet of us I didn't dare go out there with whatever that thing I was still half asleep and I turned on my flashlight in the tent and pointed it to the walls of the tent big mistake it was attracted to my light and walked to it I saw its silhouette come into view it was a large figure everything about it seemed human at first then I noticed the fingers they had what looked like to be claws instead the height of it was larger than any person I had ever seen its legs were not human-like either they looked like they belonged to a goat it started scratching on my tent making holes in it I saw a part of the Tawfik year its legs were as I described before goat like I was paralysed the things scratched my leg while trying to get into my tent and I kicked it to my surprise it didn't scratch me again whenever I did that then the creatures started to shrink this is the best way I can describe it and it was what appeared to be a wolf and it got on its back legs and ran I [ __ ] you not it ran on its back legs I got a first aid kit out of my bag and wrapped my leg the cut wasn't too deep but it was bleeding pretty good I got out of my tent and went into my mom's tent she was awakened as frightened as I was within 15 minutes everything was in the car and we got out of there it was probably three in the morning whenever this happened and we got home at about 5:00 in the morning let's just say I'm not going camping again for a while a little backstory first this happened about four years ago at the time I was around eight months pregnant and so it was very noticeable it was mid-december and I was doing a little Christmas shopping at the mall at around 9 p.m. I finished up my shopping and headed out of the mall towards my truck there's a road that goes around the mall and the parking is on the other side of this road therefore you have to cross the road to get to the parking area as I'm leaving the store I happen to notice a man standing in the middle of the road he looked in my direction and made eye contact I looked away and kept going at this time there are two men who walk straight past him and walk into the mall he never looks at them or says anything to them he just keeps his eyes on me I noticed that he started to walk in my direction but I just keep on strolling towards my vehicle then I hear excuse me can you help me being southern has its downfalls and one of those is having it ingrained in you to be polite I simply just asked him what do you need he looked around for a moment and said could you help me start my car I think my battery is dead now why maybe southern but I'm not that polite nor am i stupid please remember that I am very much pregnant and alone in a dark parking lot if he was really having car trouble is it likely that he would have asked a pregnant woman to help rather than those two men who walk straight past him doubtful at this point I know it's time to go so I just say sorry I can't help and I keep on walking a little faster this time I still see him out of the corner of my eye following me I have my keys out and I'm ready to go as soon as I get to my truck he's still coming you really aren't gonna help me I just need a jump again I say no sorry I finally get to the truck unlock it and jump in he's practically running towards me now I locked the doors and I tried to get the key into the ignition but I was shaking so much at that very moment that the damn key would not fit in he gets to the truck and hits my window saying I just need your help for a minute now I'm starting to get angry and I yell no get the hell away from me he grabs the door handle and tries to open my door and screams just open it here is where I lost my cool and made a split-second decision I have my concealed carry license because there have been other reasons I need a protection that I won't go into here however I did have my 38 special in my console that I do know how to use when he tried to open my door my only thought was to protect my unborn child and and ran I know I should have gotten the hell out of Dodge right then and there but in that moment I couldn't all I could do was just sit there in shock I was terrified of not only what he might have done to me had I not sent something was off but also that I had just threatened to kill someone not a situation I ever want to be in again however should it happen I still have that 38 and it's loaded and ready to go [Music] I used to work at Domino's and I would often run into weird or freaky people while delivering this is one of those experiences I came to this weird worn out house in horrible condition the grass was tall and it had a bunch of trash scattered throughout it it also had a couple of windows that were boarded up he looked completely abandoned but the lights were on through some of the windows was a bit scared to go in so I knocked on the door and an old bald man with a moustache and glasses opened in as he did a putrid odor that smelled like something had died there hit me and he began staring at me very intensely he said lo in a very monotone way I said hi as happily as I could act as I handed him the pizzas he said thank you for the beats lows he ordered four pies and I kind of Concerned me because it didn't sound like there was a party I just replied with your very welcome with a fake smile I avoided eye contact because I was very scared by this point that's when I heard a couple of screams from another room it sounded like children I asked who was that and he just answered with a straight face what are you talking about I heard nothing I knew I heard something but I just decided to ignore it I gave him the pizzas and he gave me the money and all of a sudden he just started touching my hair he said her so soft and long and thick it's just a vine this scared me and I pushed his hand off of me and ran back towards my car and drove away I knew I should have called the cops but what if those kids were just his grandkids and they were playing and those screams were playful maybe he just got pizza for them really don't know but I know something was off about him I've been told I'm a great judge of character I hope those kids were okay I honestly just don't want to know what happened [Music] in my early days after graduating college I didn't have a lot of money so I had to rent an apartment with someone else who had never met before he'd become my roommate and his name was Randall at first he seemed easy enough to get along with he didn't talk too much but he had a heavy Spanish accent the room I'd be getting was already furnished and that was one of the appealing factors to this apartment it had a twin sized bed tucked in the corner a nice-sized dresser a closet and a TV stand in another corner of the room there were a bunch of stuffed animals sitting on the dresser though which I found a bit odd most notably a big teddy bear facing the bed when I asked Randall about the stuffed animals he gave a really loud laugh and said his room had the same thing he recommended I leave them be as to show respect to the landlord I didn't really talk to Randall much that first day other than that I spend most of my time unpacking my clothes and supplies and setting up my TV when I was laying in the bed watching TV that night I thought I heard something it was a very brief noise but it was definitely audible and it sounded like some kind of small electronic component I chalked it up to being a house noise and continued my show the next day Randall wasn't home all day I didn't know if or where he worked but I just assumed he was at work that night when I was in my room watching TV I heard the front door open and Randall walk through the hall to his room before shutting the door a little later I was getting changed into my pajamas when I heard the same sound from the night before this time without the TV noise in the background so I heard him much clearer it was definitely some kind of electronic device but I didn't know what or where it still didn't seem like a big deal so I got into my bed and started reading my current book at the time then went to sleep the next day and I saw Randall when I came home after work and he asked me what book I was reading at first I didn't get the question but then he said he was talking about the book that I was reading in my room I looked at him in silence of confusion I asked him how he knew I was reading a book and he said in his heavy Spanish accent that he had to go into my room just to take something out that he left in there and that's when he noticed the book I asked you nicely not to go into my room anymore unfortunately there wasn't a lock on the door so I couldn't stop him when I wasn't home that night when I grabbed my book from under my bed I stopped and wondered how would he see my book if I had it under my bed thinking about this now creeped me out and I was in no mood to read anymore I looked around the room as I thought to myself then I noticed that big teddy bear on the dresser again now it was angled so perfectly to face me in the bed and I had a thought scary thought I stood up and walked over to the bear grabbed it and looked closely into its eyes I felt my heart skip a beat when I realized there was a camera in one of the eye holes I threw the thing into the corner of the room and went to Randall's door and tried opening it his door apparently had a lock because it wouldn't open but I knew he was in there I pounded on the door screaming his name but he wouldn't answer I saw the light sneaking in through the bottom of the door go dark as I assumed he turned off the light I went back to my room and called the landlord I explained everything and told him I'm leaving right now and I had a valid reason to void the contracts I packed a little amount of things I brought into my car and left that same night never looking back the landlord surprisingly never even came to me to collect the money for those few days I was there ever since that night I have a phobia of stuffed bears like I always have to turn them away so that they're not facing me this was about six months ago in the summer southern hemisphere here I tend to order a fair bit of pizza since hunger is a thing and pizza is pretty much my only option for delivery since I don't drive now I'm the kind of girl who doesn't wear pants if I don't have to know the weather is about 25 degrees no pants for me I have one pair of shorts that I love to wear but only around the house so obviously I put those on as I'm expecting a pizza delivery and can't exactly open the door panel aside or accept the pizza and begin eating my dinner by the television not too long into my meal I get a message on my phone I've deleted the messages of course but in the first message the sender calls me by name which is strange as I prefer my nickname and asks if I'm home alone often with a winky face okay way creepy who is this person between me asking who on earth they are and how they got my number probably a mistake on my part they begin to describe exactly what I was wearing and I get a horrible sinking feeling this person has my number my name and how I'm dressed I realized that the only way they could know this is if they were the guy who delivered my pizza as I had to use my name and number to order and if that's the case this person knows where I live - I put the number into Google and check the first few results they're a local and have actually seen this person around and one of the buys swapped cell pages on Facebook realizing they were in my town was the worst part and they were literally in a good position to stop harass or continue to be creepy as how I ended up drawing all the blinds crawling into bed and pretty much making myself into a blanket burrito staying as still as I could for a few hours and was genuinely scared out of my wits thankfully I've yet to hear from this person again after threatening police action a month ago my girlfriend and I got engaged we moved into a new apartment and began living together it was the first time neither of us had shared an apartment so it was a new experience for the both of us we were deeply in love I knew she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and I thought she felt the same about me everything went well until two weeks ago when I noticed that my girlfriend was acting very strange she had became so attached to me that it felt like she couldn't stand being away from me for more than a moment one evening she said to me darling when you're not at home I still feel you're near me I didn't attach much importance to these words I thought she was just being affectionate however a few days later she told me something else whenever you're at work she said I often hear your voice as if you were calling my name this begins to happen more and more as the days went by and I started to get a little worried about her one day when I arrived home from work I found her sitting silently at the kitchen table staring blankly at the wall with a glazed look in her eyes I grabbed a chair sat down beside her and asked her what was the matter I think there's something wrong with me she said why would you think that I asked I saw you today she said you walked from the kitchen into the bedroom and then you stood back to me staring out the window but I was at work all day I said I know she replied with the side that's when I really began to worry I suspected that my girlfriend was losing her mind and starting to have hallucinations over the next few days she kept telling me that she saw me in the apartment when I was at work she could even describe exactly what I was wearing my girlfriend was also acting more and more strange she was getting more and more quiet and she was terrified of being left alone sometimes she would just sit there silently staring at me last night my girlfriend was very tired and decided to go to bed early I held her hand and sat on the edge of the bed as she was falling asleep just before she nodded off she said you're not here honey I'm right here I replied don't worry everything is fine no you're not here she said you're in the kitchen just then I heard a dull noise coming from the kitchen it sounded like a chair scraping across the linoleum then I heard the sound of footsteps walking down the hallway fear gripped my heart and I didn't know what to do all of a sudden the handle on the bedroom door begins to turn and the door slowly began to open maybe it's just a draft I thought as my eyes grew wide with fear but it wasn't a draft the door swung open and I saw a man standing there in the doorway it was me it's difficult to describe exactly what I saw it was me but at the same time it wasn't me It was as if I was staring at myself in a mirror but the other me had cold lifeless eyes the other me looked at me for a moment and then turned and left shutting the door behind him it took me a moment to recover from the shock and then I sprang off the bed and ran after him the hallway was empty I checked the kitchen than the bathroom but he was nowhere to be found the other me simply vanished it was terrifying and then as I stood in the hallway trying to figure out what had just happened trying to calm myself down and convince myself that it was just a hallucination I heard a faint voice coming from the kitchen he wasn't my voice who was the voice of my girlfriend we are here to stay she said forever I realized that my girlfriend wasn't in the kitchen she was lying in the bedroom exactly where I had just left her seconds before I was so frightened I started trembling like a leaf I ran into the bedroom grabbed my girlfriend and dragged her with me out the front door we left in my apartment and that very moment and spent the night in my parents house tomorrow we will go back to pick up our things I still can't understand what had happened in that apartment but neither of us can bear to spend another night in there hopefully when we pick our things up all be well and no one will be there [Music] this happened quite a few years ago when I was in college my friends and I were living on the ground floor of our apartment and my room was in front of the building and outside my window was the front garden my boyfriend and I had literally just got done playing video games I was tired so I put my hand on the pillow and glanced to my right which is where the window was there was a gap between the curtain in the window and I was met with a pair of eyes watching me we both had the instinct to look away and quickly look back at this point I shouted to my ex that there was someone watching us from outside he jumped and opened the window and shouted things at that person he could see the grass with the stirrup soles someone had been there and by the looks had been more than once from further inspection the next morning we found out that yet jumped a small hedge and exited through my neighbor's garden we never found out who that man was [Music] it was Christmas and I was a freshman in high school my family has been split up for some time so normally we trade off Christmas Day and Christmas Eve each year in this year I had come home early from my grandparents Christmas party while everyone else was at my uncle's celebrating another party when I was dropped off my cousin's offered to stay with me for a few hours but I declined I thought I could watch some of my new DVDs and get some alone time in this house which is a rarity I had noticed an unfamiliar car parked on the street but didn't think anything of it considering it was Christmas Eve probably a neighbor's relative or something I hadn't been home for more than 15 minutes when there was a knock at the door I unlocked the door and opened it only a crack to see a man standing there dark hair glasses slightly overweight and dressed casually he didn't look like much of a threat but my stomach dropped he asked I was wondering about the car outside is it for sale I told him I don't think so is there someone here I can talk to about it I said quite stupidly no you can come back another time and I shut the door and turn the lock as fast as I could he reached for the door handle immediately I heard astray the profanities and a pounding stopped terrified I was crawling on the floor to the phone hoping he wouldn't be able to see me through one of the windows then I heard the noises our house has an open garage door and it led through to the laundry room where the door lock was broken and no one had bothered to fix it just then I heard a man yell and I saw the man through the window went to his car and drive off my uncle had gotten him just in time and he scared him away who knows what would have happened if he hadn't made it home in time sadly we didn't get the plate number and nothing ever came of it but I'll never be home alone again on the holidays I generally try to keep my cases private but I'm willing to share just this one because it's so noteworthy I was working a case for this woman a few years back she was an absolutely gorgeous lady youthful cylinder dark eyes and hair a real catch yet despite all of that she thought that her husband was cheating on her behind her back I asked her what aroused her suspicions had she found lipstick on one of his shirt collars and the smell of another woman's fragrance on his clothes she said that she had no physical evidence she just said that her husband had started acting a little off coming home an hour or two later than usual seeming a little colder and more distant she figured he had taken a lover well the wife had plans to stay at her parents place that weekend so what we decided to do was the layered trap to find out for sure when her husband was at work she let me into their house to place a few nanny cams and audio collecting devices around the joint in my country that's all aboveboard and legal makes the job a lot easier than in some other places now let me tell you their house was an absolute palace and it turns out that the rich one in the relationship was her gorgeous and rich I remember thinking that her husband must be an absolute [ __ ] if he was cheating on a broad like this all the cameras were in place and the woman leaves for her parents place while I monitor the footage from my van outside a couple of hours pass and sure enough in walks the woman's husband this unremarkable sales type a real suit if a guy like this was cheating on a girl like that he must be a real idiot and at that hour or two go by aside just watch this guy lazing around the house surveillance can be the worst sure enough though someone eventually comes to the door busted I think to myself but it's not a woman it's another man okay now things were starting to make sense but it's not what you think this wasn't a lover's rendezvous this was a business transaction as I listened into the conversation it starts to become apparent what's going on the guy at the door was a hitman and the suit wanted his wife dead presumably so he could inherit her huge fortune while his wife was away this bozo were showing the would-be killer the layout of the house to make his job easier and that was that buyer to make it look like a home invasion gone wrong the husband was going to conveniently be away from home on the night it happened had this woman not come to me when she did she had have had days literally days left to live needless to say I contacted the police immediately of course the two of them denied everything but I had all the evidence needed to ensure their go down for conspiracy to commit murder that's two life sentences right there and one life saved so there you have it those two [ __ ] are rotting in a cell somewhere the woman got more for her money than she could have ever imagined and when people asked what the most interesting case I ever worked was and I get to tell this story and feel like a bit of a hero I was on an equestrian team throughout middle school with about nine other girls my coach's name was Deborah and one of the most awesome things about Deborah was that she'd always take our teams on reward trips or events trips included outings such as movies waterpark dates or just barn sleepovers this particular trip was a trail ride overnight we were as static as trail overnights were only a summer thing and it was one of the first ones of the year basically a trail overnight was a weekend that we would go on a three-day long trail ride we pack a bag or two meet up on Friday morning at the stable load up our horses and bags into the three trailers and be on our way that was exactly how it happened this particular trip everything went exactly as it should have and we set off to a trail near the Sleeping Bear Dunes as I live in rural Michigan things gone odd a few hours into the trip we had all left at about 7:00 in the morning so that left us with plenty of daylight to do fun stuff after we got settled into the campsite Deb had us all saddle up to go along the lakeshore trail once everyone was in the saddle we set off on a narrow single-file only trail that went through some woods and eventually would lead us to an overlook at the beach I was completely in my zone my horse Aries was not it was like he and a few other horses were sensing something that nobody else did but we chalked it up to being in a new place that we had never camp before being that Aries was a Mustang I thought maybe his wild instincts were kicking in after a few years of being domesticated as well at about 7 o'clock that evening while Deb in the stable hand Carla cooked up hot dogs and the rest of us had to come back from swimming I decided to take Aries out for a quick try and a loop around the campsite in hopes to calm him down I grabbed my helmet and mounted up not bothering to grab reins or saddle up and just hide the lead rope to the other side of his halter the ride went how I expected it to with Aries acting up although this time his behavior was different he didn't just seem agitated he seemed distressed like something was really scaring him I looked around and couldn't see a thing no deer and no bears no other horseback riders or mountain bikers or anything I decided to go down a little trail that would wind back up at the campsite after about 5 minutes rather than just going in a loop this is where it hit the fan we had been going for about two minutes on this little trail when I started feeling funny like we were being watched I turned around and nobody was there at one point of the trail we came across a big boulder and this was where ares stopped completely no amount of nudging or encouragement budged him he absolutely refused to go any further I slid off his back and tried pulling him to no avail that's when I noticed where his eyes were focused he wasn't looking at me but over my shoulder slowly I turned around in Sods Hall dark figure about 50 yards away maybe less standing ahead of us on the trail not moving even though I'm sure he heard us I didn't know what to do was he a hiker it was obviously a man but he had no pack no bike nothing he was holding something in his hand though a walking stick maybe I didn't want to bother him or go near him as his presence had given me the creeps I whispered to Ares that we were going back and slowly climbed on as soon as I was situated and I looked back at the man though my heart dropped the figure had turned towards us watching I could tell because I could faintly make out the zipper of his jacket there was no doubt he had seen and heard us so there was no point in trying to be subtle I offered a wave trying to signal I was out of there and wouldn't be a bother Ares was more than happy to oblige when I looked back again my heart dropped even further and I froze the figure was getting larger the man was chasing us running at full speed I saw what was in his hand to machete it couldn't be but it sure looked like some kind of weapon I said Ares his name loudly in fear and he do what I wanted he kicked into overdrive as the man had caught up to about 10 yards away from us Mustangs are fast in Ares was no exception that made hanging on without a saddle a bit difficult but I somehow knew that if I fell my life was over and Just My Luck I did fall Ares had put some distance between us and the man to where I could no longer hear or see him but it didn't take long for the machete guide to come within hearing range the man came up over the hill of the trail and spotted me immediately I knew I was doomed the man started towards being before I could bolt I heard the thundering sound of hoofs speeding in my direction the man although I couldn't see his face beneath the hood of his jacket I could tell he was looking behind me I turned to and had to dive out of the way Aires was speeding towards the man in like a freight train I couldn't believe what I saw before the guy could dive out of the way ere he struck him with full force and trampled him making the guy yell out in pain he lay there limply more than likely a bone or two was broken Aires was big for a Mustang and being hid run over by any horse isn't going to leave you without injury Aires disappeared over the hill for a second then came back and ran the man over a second time he stopped long enough for me to scramble onto his back and we sped to the campsite I told Deb and the rest of the group that we needed to call the police and get the hell out of there as soon as I told Deb she had us pack her stuff up and get in the trailer and trucks while she called the police they didn't take too long to arrive as there were usually some scouting around the area we were in I told them everything that had happened and that the man may still be laying where we had left him because Aires had trampled him pretty badly we didn't stick around long enough to find out but we learned that the guy I had encountered had previously been arrested for assault with intent to kill how he had gotten into the woods I'll never have any clue I do know that I owe my life to my horse as I wouldn't be here to tell this story had I not been with him people say horses are dumb animals but I think Mustangs are different I think if Aires had not been wild before he wouldn't have been able to recognize the threat anyway that's my story if there are any fellow riders out there or even just hikers or mountain bikers whatever you might do on the trail I recommend you don't go do it alone one time I went to the bar with one of my friends I had just turned 21 so I haven't been to many bars up to that point my friend was drinking on the way to the bar so he was already pretty drunk when we got there when I sat at the bar a cute girl came and talked to me and my friend she said her name was Candace and I noticed she had a really really bright red hair I assume she dyed it I mean it was pretty but unnatural anyways the girl was flirting with me and my friend she could tell my friend was already very drunk to be honest I he played along like I was drunk already too since it seemed to be working for my friend I didn't know if she was just trying to get free drinks so I told her we didn't have much money she then offered to buy us drinks she kept buying his drinks and I started to get confused as to who she liked between me and my friend my friend went to the bathroom before he came back he was kicked out by the bouncers he was way too drunk Candace and I went outside with him she kept telling him to go home with her he was so out of it he could barely answer her I told her he was too drunk and that I couldn't let him go anywhere I didn't want him to wake up hungover in some random house with no car and no idea what happened Candace kept pushing it saying that she would take good care of him but I told her no because I had to stay with him I was more sober than him and he was my responsibility I told her the only way he was going anywhere was if I tagged along I assumed she thought I was jealous or cock-blocking but my friend could barely stand and lost interest in Candace already at that point she immediately started flirting with me and offered to get my friend a taxi to drive home and said we could go to her place alone at this point I had a few drinks and I was already buzzed so I agreed we took my friend of the taxi and walked to her car I slightly stumbled on the way to her car wow you're pretty drunk then she said smiling as she held onto my arm yeah I said I don't know why but I just felt slightly shy and anxious everything was just happening too easy for me so I felt uneasy we got in her car and we drove down the street wanna stop the liquor store and get somewhere to drink I'll buy it so don't worry about paying she offered I didn't want to drink any more than I already did I mean I was already buzzed and wanted to be able to carry myself throughout the rest of night sometimes I made myself look stupid when I'm drunk so I didn't want to ruin anything with Candice more than I already did earlier with telling her my friend was too drunk I told her I was already drunk enough but she insisted I didn't want to seem lame so I told her to give me a pint of liquor with some apple juice to chase it she went into the store and came out with a lot more than just a pint I assumed she wanted to drink more also and that's why she got a 5th instead of a pint on the car ride we passed the bottle back and forth but she took tiny sips I tried to take tiny sips but she kept passing me the bottle and telling me to drink I somehow managed to drink all of my apple juice and I pretend to drink the bottle by spitting the liquor into the apple juice bottle I tossed the apple juice bottle full of liquor out the window before she even sign I didn't want her to know that I was acting drunker than I was I mean she actually believed I was sloppy drunk when I was simply bust I took a couple more sips of liquor and then finished the bottle throughout the car ride I called her the wrong name a couple of times to get a reaction out of her she didn't react to it she just kept letting me call her Carla without correcting me for some reason I thought maybe she lied to me about her name initially we drove up to her house and I pretended to trip and stumble into her front door she helped me walk inside by holding me up she opened her front door which was unlocked and we walked into her house she closed her front door and then she locked it I thought that was strange but assume she didn't want anyone walking in on us I told her that I had to use the bathroom I walked into her bathroom locked the door and looked in the mirror I just felt strange I felt like something was off I felt myself becoming more drunk from finishing the bottle earlier I turned on the sink to make noise and made myself puke up the liquor I drank I flushed went to the sink and started drinking a tap water out of my hands to sober up I just didn't want to be drunk but I still wanted to hook up with Candice so I pretended to be drunk I turned off the sink and I could hear her talking to someone he's drunk as hell he can barely stand up you do it who was she talking to and do what I walked it in the bathroom and into the living room the moment I stepped into the living room I saw her walking into another room all I could see was the back of her head that strange very bright red hair go into another room I didn't see her face or anything I just saw her kind of walk fast into the room the living room was pretty dark hey where are you going I slurred like I was drunk she walked back into the dark living room enough to me let's go in my room she said I looked at her bright red hair and then into her eyes they were different her her whole face was different it was another girl with the same hair and that's what I realized it was another girl with the same wig on it was a wig the whole time she changed it with the girl from earlier for whatever reason my heart felt like it stopped but I tried to look like I had no idea it was a different girl I kind of smiled at her and told her I needed to use the bathroom one more time and told her sorry I was so drunk she said it's fine just hurry up and there I went into the bathroom and locked the door I heard her whisper something to someone again this time I think I heard a male voice whisper back I honestly didn't concentrate on listening to exactly what she said but something sketchy was going on and I had to get out of that house I opened the bathroom window and jump straight out of it and ran faster than I ever have in my entire life I didn't look behind myself or anything I just branch straight through the backyard jumped the fence ran through someone else's backyard hit a road and ran towards the main road I kept running down the main road until I saw a star CBS I ran into the CBS and stood straight at the front of the store in front of the camera I called the taxi and went home I try to think of what happened that night what was she or they planning that night why did she tell me a fake name why was she trying to get my friend and I so drunk I thought maybe a robbery but she kept spending money on us she kept buying his drinks and even paid for my friend's taxi cab and mostly why did she wear a wig that she gave to another girl to wear who was she talking to what did it mean and what was in that room they tried to lure me into the next day after this incident I went back to the house with a couple of friends to see just what was going on nobody was there no cars no people nothing just an empty house I ended up finding out that the house was a summer rental and whoever those people were they broke into that house and used it for only that night and never came back anyways that's my story you
Channel: Mort
Views: 2,548,348
Rating: 4.834929 out of 5
Keywords: horror stories, creepy stories, scary animated stories, animation horror, scary animation, cartoon horror, creepy animation, true reddit horror stories, reddit scary stories, reddit stories animated, compilation, compilation of 2019, horror stories 2020, 1 hour of horror animations, horror animations, vector animated horror, llama arts, wansee, mcdonald's horror story, kfc horror story
Id: nIgr-brNb5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 46sec (7426 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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