2019 SLS World Tour: London, UK | MEN'S FINAL | Full Broadcast

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[Applause] [Applause] [Music] welcome to London England where SLS returns for the second time a hub of European culture and center for skateboarders from around the world and today the site of the 2019 SLS World Tour and the start of Olympic qualification and we are inside copper box arena where eight of the world's best skateboarders are on the course warming up for the final of the kick off the first stop of the 2019 SLS world tour thanks for tuning in Paul zitzer alongside Chris Hall and tonight is the official kickoff the first Olympic qualifying event for 2020 in Japan Chris what does this moment mean for skateboarding I think this is huge for skateboarding the fact that the Olympics brings skateboarding to millions of homes of people that you know otherwise don't skateboard it really legitimizes skateboarders are as legitimate athletes and not just skaters and well deserved now let's take a look at what it's going to take for skaters to qualify into the Olympic Games 20 men and 20 women per discipline the Olympic field requirements are as such minimum of one skater per Olympic continental region you see the five regions listed there minimum of one skater per host country which is Japan and a maximum of three skaters per country the qualification period begins right here tonight in London and ends May 30th 2020 how do skaters earn points well top two placements from 2019 and then the top four from next year now tonight it's all about the final we have the eight best skaters in the world on the course hoody is in contention to win here tonight I mean I would be bummed out and not talk about Shane O'Neill Shane is absolutely killing it it's the old Shane O'Neill you know it just really he has the chops we knew it but he didn't have the headspace and right now he's really playing that chess game perfectly and then Nyjah Huston obviously we have to talk about him 2018 world champ I mean he's out there savagely attacking this course as though he sees it like it's a micro machine he's just jumping on everything so easy all right so those are just two of the skaters in the final here is the eight skater final starting with look at the depth of field of international flavor here Japan Soros your eye coming into his first that's the last pot he's killing it yeah and then there's Canada Matt Berger America Louie Lopez Portugal Gustavo Ribeiro and on and on Manny Santiago Shane O'Neill and then your top two Kelvin and Nyjah Huston it's going to be amazing and it is the quiet before the storm finals about to begin the crowd is packed in they've already seen an insane day of skateboarding in the semifinals leading up to this and the women's finals earlier today it's been absolutely incredible so we're about to kick off files but first let's send it down to Andrew cannon who's with Manny Santiago Manny you've been skating really well qualifying in here you are in the finals what is it gonna take to get a victory here today I mean and any finals of Street League you have to put it all on the line because you know that people are gonna try their hardest tricks and when you got people like Kelvin you got people like Naja and you got Shane in the finals it's nonstop nines so you got to just do everything you can you've been in the finals before have you figured this out do you know what you're gonna do exactly or what's your strategy I mean yeah we all do everybody comes with a plan but it's just how you're going to execute it right now yeah I'm skating really well and I'm really happy in my mind I've already imagined winning this like 20 times in the last like hour so I'm just gonna do my best to have a good time and if I win I win but honestly I'm so happy and that means more to me then then trying to like fight to win like I'm I'm just hyped I don't even I can't explain it the best of luck to you Manny back to you guys whoa careful careful on the equipment man best attitude in skateboarding Manny Santiago let's talk about how this contest works with the basics each skater gets two 45-second rungs followed by five best-trick attempts anywhere on the course the top four scores overall count those are the basics [Applause] alright for more on what this course has to offer this is the course preview this SLS World Tour London course is a mirror image of perfection and ideal for tech skaters with quick feet varying size ledges and rails are where the majority of the tricks will go down and skaters known for locking into long drives will have the advantage from their linking together tricks will be the key the center section consists of wedges and a frames that offer varying size gaps to hubbas and flat bars that skaters can hit from just about any direction and then the raised stage section provides an ideal starting zone with extended mellow double kink rails in a long 7 snare with Euro gap options and 2 perfect square rails on each side after days of qualifiers you can already see their waxed up ready to be ripped so the course has something for everybody and now it is time to meet the eight finalists yeah there we go first skater in from Japan he's a two-time damn am japan winner 2017 and 18 he's an amateur there untested on the National circuit Sora sure I but he's a beast yes absolutely is he's been killing it so far - he really has I mean to be here in the final says it all that's winning all right coming out of Canada Matt Berger great return to the finals he's been hurt for three years on and off yeah it's great to see him back in there and he's been doing really really good and he's one of those guys that just has so many tricks that it's actually hard for him to pick from it but man you want more you can always you can always play down good problem to have right now and from Portugal a Tampa AM 2017 winner and he's been battling to make it into SLS ever since and here he is in the final he's been putting down this serious most heavy moves Gustavo Ribeiro and from America then dreamers forever [Applause] great tribute when we Lopez he was a 2017 pick I'm back to Gustavo Rivera sorry we got ahead of ourselves with Louie there Louie Lopez 2017 pick went to went to the World Championship that year hasn't been back at a final since great to see him shredding here and surprising I mean it's not that surprising it's very hard to get into the finals even when you're as good as Louie Lopez but Wow did he just brush it in the semi yeah he did everything completely unexpected you don't know what you're gonna get and then yeah attitude in skateboarding Manny Santiago oh he's been on a tear what a gem seriously I'm so happy he's back and Wow is he doing it is you feel like you're part of it when you're watching Manny live you're in pardon your you're part of his performance best ever finish in SLS third place goes way back to 2013 he's still a contender and then Shane O'Neill I mean he's he's it's all or nothing with Shane and so far this weekend it's been everything absolutely it's like a doctor of skating surgical with this precision and he is out there just crushing it his his mind is in the right spot we were talking strategy earlier and he's got it now 2015 world champ Kelvin Hoffler ever since that 2015 moment he was injured and then it's been seconds and thirds at almost every single event he's hungry for another SLS win Kelvin Hoffler oh and I mean here's the question Chris Nyjah Huston if he makes his tricks can he be beat I mean I think I think yes on any given day all these people could win this contest Nyjah is just continuously showing us that he has more tricks hey surprise I can do everything well he's the world champion 2010 12 14 17 and 18 is that it so that's it the world champion monster making the cut skater love the weekend goes out - sorry sure I putting on the helmet proves he's under the age of 18 helmet required you know new rules when you're over 18 your your brands are your business so sorry I just squeezed into these finals and he's the first one in [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] it wasn't even dude it wasn't even a blizzard quit that what's gonna call that all the way around one day 540 Bigfoot so it's unfortunate Betty then he bailed the next trick a big spin front tail then he goes this what you see is coming out with a vengeance I mean that puts a proper a proper couple points on the board just for that one trick but as we know you do we do have to crank out a launch a good trick because you're gonna Nine's the weapon Lay's and he came out firing helmet work right there no it worked Lucas look at that burial flip backside 360 ollie that's what I mean that's just so much from when a switch crook I mean look so simple in comparison to that first move that was unbelievable [Music] I'm assuming a score is gonna be low just to keep this contest in check at first absolutely and I mean there we're talking to two tricks three one seven hundred if he just does that one trick in the finals oh and the best trick that's a good score Matt Berger he's like we said he's just been looking like the old man merger that got into SLS a few years ago it just makes tricks that's right look how dialed he is he's a bigger guy too you know six foot six one and just really has all that power and he uses it yeah it's like a like a theme party like a character look at that kick foot back tail he's got such technical precision especially with the kickflip backside true and and even though he's the bigger guy he's light on his feet when he needs to be he really is he understands it the Betty's great of Boeing and all thanks visit dancing to 70 left and that's time not have against him Matt Berger a solid first road the big strong guy that show that phone known as it gets the course dick foot back tail right here over rotate it out but that's no problem that's the kickflip back tail and spin us go to this weekend it's it's there when he needs it every time and he can hit Riggs out of the kickflip back to hell eight-point for a new great score Wow that that is a great set up he's stoked see I'll high-five everybody to 8.4 high-fives Louie Lopez Louie has the ability to string tricks together in in a speedy flawless way not not much time to set up for the next one always ready he gets in probably double the amount of tricks as everybody else and keep the speed a just like that [Music] [Applause] you don't know absolutely I mean he just got in a full run worth of trips and and he doesn't he's not a pop out run across the deck drop in guy no he's not he's a keeper speed more trips Pentagon and he stays inbounds grinding the edge of the course more lava I mean that was a great run even without those two he kind of ran out of juice right there at the end that the last trick was to Indy for him but I just didn't get into what's funny though is you need this is a really good run it's gonna score well but you need 8090 it's gonna be a good score 7.6 solid I mean that's cool good start it makes you feel good alright let me give you a breakdown of the pile on on the left of your screen and how it works below the skaters name are the run section and best-trick tabs the top four scores will be shown in white and the drop scores will be shown in gray below that is the leaderboard current skaters name is highlighted in white and after each attempt their name will be in gray until they skate again the leaderboard will update after every single score and then finally on the bottom tab you'll see what score the skater needs for the lead and if they can't take the lead you'll see the highest placing they can get with a score that's the pylon Gustavo Rivera Portugal a trick machine that's what Gustavo Ribeiro is that was in Iraq got hitched you know that unfortunately that does happen I mean with a brand with a brand-new course there's a those concrete that gets chipped away when its brand new butt cracks you know they they're not they're not worn in yet everything's not worn in so he hip-checked the top of that wedge seems to be okay good recovery yeah that was that was unnecessary roughness for hitting a rock and a skatepark and it shouldn't count against it necessarily but it cost them an up time and tricks I think in some ways that's gotta count in his favor to see that happen and then come back and put that run down I mean that was pretty sick come on way to roll through after sticking you know now the other pros are you know checking it out making sure everything's solid out there on the course yeah that was that was a wild 17.9 yeah so he's like it could have been higher but it's okay we're gonna be coming back with more of the first runs here in the final after this welcome back copper box arena London England the 2019 SLS world tour this is the final here this weekend and it has been a wild ride to get here taking a look back at 2018 World Championship in Rio marks uchu blowing mines their surprising us all year 2018 absolutely and Yuto I mean we can't be bigger fans now he didn't have a great showing there and he didn't make the final here but when I'll be back and then Chris Johnson best gap skater ever and then not our aliens right on his heel best French gap skater million Yvan Montero from Brazil had an incredible final just dropping all of his greatest greatest hits and then to the US also keeping his body on the ground he lived Felipe Gustavo had the final of a lifetime that was incredible to watch he was so hyped that kickflip crook I mean we talked about that Bruce Teddy third place for Felipe and then it came down to as it does Kelvin versus Nyjah they were battling for the lead all day long just trading tricks on that that flat bar of doom that was insane that they were both just wiping off tricks it was a real rocky versus Drago multi and no one was even practicing on that thing because it was so scary that's just that's what was really impressive none of that stuff got gots eaten before it went down [Music] but Nyjah was just not to be stopped but whoa hey Calvin still had more to give but nope Nyjah 360 flip lip first dry said he ended on that trick in over a year yeah I mean seriously a flag was on the field for unnecessary roughness right there that was a psycho move nope Calvin's last try to take the lead back nope in there it was Nyjah Huston 2018 world champion again again again and again he's just so stoked like look for really balances it out that one really did feel like his biggest win ever cuz it was so hard cause it was a definitely neck well I could at at each other's necks there's a look at our judges [Music] apparently there's some sort of protest happening let's see what happened okay Gustavo Rivera we saw it screech hitch slam so what did he actually hit in Iraq there it is so to be honest I don't know the rules about a rock on the course and what it what it means is that interference or is that just skateboarding no I think that that's just skateboarding and I think that uh I mean personally I don't Dani Wainwright says peace yeah I think that that's that's just skateboarding you know here I'd always does the P rod sweep at the top of the stairs because he's prepared for that maybe we need a Gustavo sweep okay so we just heard from the judges he's granted a rerun if he wants it so pressure on him now wow that's that's gambling there's no pressure if you want to run you can't that's a good question that's the campaign you either either keep it where you go [ __ ] it I didn't fall and I come on a risk it to get a big score up to you not as a rest and we apologize for any language used in the heat of this intense moment on the course like I talked about the song to the moment kind of like that so Chris what would you do knowing knowing that 7.9 will not be one of the top scorers I would take the run again just why not I mean you want 81 ninth that's how this is gonna win you you see what Kelvin does and what Nyjah does pink does you know what they're capable of I would you know right now that is a great point I was gonna say just let it ride save it for the next one but it's so true a 7.9 might as well be a zero in the final of any SLS event with these other skaters out there I'm exactly sure which is so mind-blowing but it is I mean it is yeah it's it's unfortunate because that run you [Applause] so he's he's listened he's going to give it another go Gustavo Ribeiro from Portugal back in for run number one you know he was probably nervous rolling through that section I was worried that his prey foot would go off because he was thinking like am I gonna hit something until he was halfway up the bank in any big okay I didn't hit it in some ways he may have worked through a bunch of nerves too I just did this well also right after you slam your the post warmed up [Applause] 360 flip lipslide to push that's definitely the sign okay to the judges the crowd is loving it that was great that was cuz I score higher than a seven point nine than if so that's tricky because that that trait whip whip wasn't a grill trick what if they give him another seven point nine it might be an easy out for the judges just call it a wash and move on I mean 8.1 the gamble pays off once again I'm gonna step up and apologize many inappropriate words anyone who may have been fed today Manny Santiago our favorite skater back in on the course with run number one look at them two tricks in he's high-fiving I mean that's how that trick should go for basically everybody that's a hard one like told me that does that and he's probably like eight out of ten yeah which is a better percentage for that trick than anybody else [Music] Wow that was in a run and there's that signature squad grab smile enter from Annie yeah if he ever has a silhouette squat grab way from the audience love it taking another look look at that yeah he's like do you call that varial heel backboard or big heel board I do uh I don't know actually somewhere in between I'll call it whatever you want really just not wait for dinner seven point seven puts Manny on the podium in the first runs so far six five stairs all right Shane O'Neill is in get ready yeah you'll break you sometimes forget how hard the tricks are the shame combo from landing the rail from a big spin front board and then to set up for that just like that it was a very very well orchestrated you know he was talking about hopping upping his line from the semi-final which put back with Switchfoot back tail we talked about it he's like I mean they're they're essentially to me they're about the same they're not any harder than that is mine Bob right no way from board just smooth as can be this is the combo just quick set up the feet and snap the switch frontside bigspin it looks cool because these spins his board one way he lands with his board backwards and then he doesn't switch trick spin sport Lance right fixes it yeah seven point one on that run seven point one Kelvin Hoffler 2015 world champ has not won since has been so close so many times the emergence of you toe and then Nigel the continued dominance of an idea yes sir but Kelvin is he is unstoppable he just goes and puts runs then tricks you gotta beat him he's not gonna give it to you that's right [Music] [Applause] one of my favorite tricks of the contest actually it's a choice God [Music] something for every obstacle [Applause] [Music] much easier just to land on the board than is the bail right and I tell you what when the judges are putting in scores and the crowd is still yelling hey I mean they're not robots that's right it does it factors in you can't help yourself also you know a couple of these tricks that he was putting together in between you you ended off the flat bar and his trucks were like wiggling on the weight of this kick foot back tail trucks were wiggling he was almost scrolling out but he didn't he held on to it pigfoot back tail he has a crazy ability to recover he just snuck that in there like that road is just that's just classic Calvin so his typical run is a 9.1 now that's where we're at in this world that's right and he puts that pressure on Nyjah which we love watching Nyjah under and and to be honest this is when nyjah's at his best put the turn the screws on Nyjah he's gonna he's gonna get mad and he's gonna answer absolutely [Music] okay so that's that's upping the tricks from his semi-final Wow it looks like he's happening a good time just ripping the course that's right he hasn't been out there stressing at all wouldn't you if you had all these tricks and you could just throw back 180 nosegrind down the handrail just for fun you know LeBron but this pressure nobody lives without pressure I think it's just Russia makes diamonds he knows it is that classic naysha under pressure just ripping he was almost like dancing in his rod on his board okay I mean the hype is real so kelvin 9.1 incredible rung what is what is nyjah's run yet how does it compare nine point two nine point three that was a rule I mean that run I don't know if you can get much better look at that he even oh wait out of that his half cab flips are beautiful a lot of pros Believe It or Not cannot half cab flip very well look at that frontside suit you nine Club Nyjah Huston what's the score nine point three you called it Chris [Applause] excellent Wow Anaya that was beautiful this dude's got so many nine Bub's Oh many he's he's in the 50 zone really yeah nine is club he's hundreds and hundreds of points run number two of the finals coming up when we return [Applause] [Music] this is the best ticket in skateboarding the 2019 SLS World Tour London men's final going down right now in earlier today we saw a mind-blowing women's final hour Nishimura and then winner congratulations to Brazil's Pamela Rosa there's a look at the women's final results what an event Congrats dost rally is Haleigh Wilson as well number two in Brazil's Julia Raisa Liao rounding out the podium Leticia Bufoni surprisingly just missing that top three spots tough fought battle all the way around now it's all about men's final next skater back to the top of the order second runs of to source arrived from Japan he came out swinging on his first run but it didn't last see how he how he goes this time [Music] [Applause] that's a strange trick to have as a first but skipped over the front people [Applause] all into that back Smith five seconds left seeing the church bro make a dress you got that he didn't get the first time if he could combine the first and second funds he's in there but look at this it's very delicate I speak just skimming it yeah he actually does that front 180 crook kind of crazy he he's off the rail really far with his body but he wrangled it finishing at the buzzer with the fakie tre he's gonna go to best trick restaura scores in six point seven that's a decent score but as we've said it's almost irrelevant if not Matt Berger on deck coming off at eight point four run which seemed amazing at the time still is but then other things happen that's the thing I mean you you won that run himself doesn't matter what other people did today I feel really good that he did that actually went that Capel back nail that Braille is is pretty low in comparison about all the [Music] time for one or two more we got 270 little slide and the backside big [Music] he's not gonna get the score that he got on the first run not even close but still has those five attempts anywhere and he's got a lot of tricks to give it really does he's gonna need him he's gonna need his best best well that's okay eight skaters in the final out of 30 that came through semis before that there were quarterfinals before that there was a global open this week there there were so many skaters all trying to get here trying to start stacking points towards 2020 we Lopez first run was a 7-6 [Applause] kind of slick on the top surprise me fix that trick Wow beautiful thank you frontside flip and the flow once again I mean that was a kick flip and then ripped a 180 out of it so many tricks already in this run 15 seconds left [Music] you could watch the entire audience to the same motion where they just that goes back because what he did to get to the final was imagine right the semis it was just everything whatever he wanted to do he did absolutely look at how narrow that quarter pipe is he almost he almost frontside flips off of it pulls it back in to a disaster and then straight into that yes like his feet are just he sets up quicker than most people seven point six look at that good run score he's up in first place for now until everybody else starts putting two or three scores on the board Gustavo Ribeiro down in sixth place score of 8.1 on his first run see what he does this time does he go for the same run and just try to nail the landing or does he change anything it's that's tricky because he hasn't gotten to land the whole run so he hasn't gotten the points of having the tre flip flip in there as well as everything else I would wait to personally pull the end of my rod and then if I've landed everything else I might trade book those balls he's so good at that [Applause] make make ish it was almost as though he didn't know whether to knows one or live I think that he caught a little bit of a truck smash in there I I agree it seems impossible to be somewhere in between let's take a look let's take a look at this yep you hit like a low C grind for a second Wow so that run was nearly flawless besides running off the course which that was like doesn't count against you 8.8 Mehta tones coming from the crowd all right we're gonna take a quick break we'll be back with Nyjah Huston and Shane O'Neill when we return [Music] [Applause] welcome back to London England there's a shot of Nyjah Huston sitting on a first run score of 9.3 ice run score the weekend we caught up with Nyjah for his take on skateboarding in the Olympics missing the first like Olympic qualifier and I mean one of the only ones out of the year I'm sure it changes the contest for a lot of people you know especially the the dudes from the new dudes from other countries they want to they want to make it in their represent their country which is tight it's cool seeing new dudes out there and stuff I'm sure you guys know I'm never here not to do my best to win and obviously the first step is just making it to the finals which is never easy all the dudes are out there killing it but after that I mean I'm gonna be out there sending it no matter what Chris what do you think I think he's gonna do excellent I think he's been sending it I think he's just he's just on the top of his game what's impressive about him - is he grew up in this game he was a little kid and he grew and got bigger and so his balance got different he got buff - and that usually throws off your balance man he did not throw him off at all on deck Manny Santiago first run score of seven point seven four run number two no matter what you get trick Weiser many you're going to get more Stoke than anyone there we go run show back 50 you know you and I Paul talked about it but manny has Manny's tricks they're very bizarre such as bat it's not it's not your typical three shove it it's not an impossible but the board doesn't impossible with no foot attached to it it's like pivoting around something varial heel back born how is battlin walk there manis manis moves it's all mani all day oh nice that is the highway that's what makes many of many of the people look at that wing it's not Flik it's fling I mean it's real fast 7.9 so he backs up his first run score and improves on it Manny is in second place for now for now he has two scores on the board though Shane does not this is a second run there are two people that I see who define current are like defy gravity one Shane O'Neill the other Ishod Wair I feel like he just floats around and just decides when he wants to come back down Shayne just rattling off the Trix kind of to get to the big moves whoa it's just going through what he needs that the reps here we go and there it is there you go which flip backside tailslide that handrail in a contest in the run okay Nyjah scored a nine point three in his room how does this run measure up it's not nice as run but he switched up his tricks did a switch shove a heel right there on the fly and then look no good that was perfect [Applause] obviously I'm wrong no I think what I think the point is his run wasn't quite full Nigel level but if then he got there with the hardest trick of the search content is what gets judged yeah he raised it up at the last few seconds Calvin Hoffler sitting on a 9.1 and you can expect that and more no one seems to be more consistent putting down run after run then Calvin that unfortunately is how kick the front noses go most times that's why you don't see that tricking contest that often you can feel it in the arena right now the expectation now is through the roof so a ball even on like the hardest trick ever it's like ah it's a it's a bummer because we're essentially watching an action movie that full cab back lift as I mean perfect he barely bent his knees when he landed he's just waiting like thinking about the next trip 5.9 you know what having a nine under your belt going into your your five best tricks not a bad place to pick all right let's see night to Houston back in run number two definitely packs her front people are back Smith whichever that one for longer that time we're back 180 go [Music] oh it's like a replay perfect replay and then you just got to think what does Nyjah have in store in every single stop he's like surprised I also know how to do this [Applause] what's that the same [Music] so in this case we miss the full cab birth of the big spin flip so it'll probably get like a point of a point off you know and it's a nine still would there be it even more of a deduction though for just the repeat you know we're additionally that hasn't happened right on the judges [Music] Club 9.1 yep Nyjah Huston back in the lead surprise surprise defending world champion Nyjah Huston best trick coming up [Music] [Music] welcome back inside copper box arena for the 2019 SLS World Tour London men's final and it's been incredible so far after two runs surprise surprise Nyjah Huston up on top with an 18 point four followed by Gustavo Rivera after a rough start Shane O'Neill rounded out the top three we're gonna send it down to Andrew cannon whose horse side thanks Paul yeah talk to Gustavo Rivero about exactly what happened he said he hit that rock and then when they came back everyone talked about it hey do you want to take a second run the judges left it up to him he was like I don't know what to do you spoke with Shane and Manny and Manny was like dude you've got this you need to do it so he took the second run got that point three ahead getting him up to an eight point one and it really paid off as he's in second place right now back to you guys thank you Andrew and it really did pay off Gustavo Ribeiro in second place after that crazy start now let's take a look at the basics here's how these events work each skater gets two 45-second runs we've seen them now we move on to the best-trick section five best-trick attempts per skater anywhere on the course and the top four scores overall count from anywhere any section could come to from runs to from best trick one from runs three from best trick could be four best tricks it really helps you out as the skater having all those options you know whichever type of skater you are you can you can you know curate your contest what did you prefer runs best trip oh that's right I don't win run contests as you know I don't I don't do it you talking about Tampa Pro yeah sometimes they get a good front but I don't do runs like what Nyjah and Kelvin just did I don't do runs like that that's who does a Shane run I don't have there's no shame in that game all right story Sharad first of five best-trick attempts [Applause] all if he does it every time he tries it mega launch frontside 180 done a switch crook not a switch crook but all the way around - nose grind which is so hard to hold on to and he does it balanced nobody else is doing this trick look at this all the way nose grind balanced it out that's just wild to not keep turning to not flip off the edge of the ledge he's been dropping that trick in each time it's a nine really monopolizing that trick it's really got cornered that market Matt Berger thank you splits you know we watch these guys throw incredible moves back to back to back to back but that right there Matt Berger almost making it but doing the flip bats now skateboarding actually goes almost all tries end up like that I'm gnarly tricks that's most of the years that we skateboarding yes alright Hoffler in seventh quick the that's huge yeah that's gonna score so well the rails I mean that's a short slide so immediately whip over into a tail and and actually adequately get on both pieces right there that's just that's really really tough also a horrific slam nightclub all day long nines dropping in this final I mean that's deserving if you know if he didn't get into the half gap nose slide right that's a twisted slam now who knows what Louie's gonna bring Wow back Smith bunch of it over the rail onto the deck like four feet out of the top of the rail Manny Santiago coming in in sixth place he's an 8 point 5 to move into the lead [Applause] Shane O'Neill next in in fifth place needs a 7-7 gets it I mean watch watch this he jumps in picked rook nice and slow and then watch how early he pops out of it he starts to compress and get out early so that he has enough room didn't always quit but he popped like a foot off the top of the rail and the board is on his feet way before he lands not a club nine point one Shane O'Neill delivering what we came for a lot of people can now do crooked grind nollie flips but no one does it like that Gustavo Rivera front board fakie bolts landing he needs an eight point seven to move into the lead I mean look at this trick there's so much you have to you have to under flip a tray flip over rotate a tray flip and get that front shoulder tucked backside and you saw he just left his right foot out there so that it would just at the right moment of a bang into his foot stop flipping stop spinning and drop it on the rail a point nine low Rumble see they want the shield how can you not it's true when you get so many of them just spoil Gustavo Ribeiro is in first place for now Nyjah needs a 7.5 to move into the lead and he's going all-in back to the top of the order attempt number 2 Chris I mean what I really love about Nyjah is he is down for the slam he will try to make it and he will he will fall so so hard coming off a 9 so I go for the big spin front tail in the hubba this is the moment that it starts to play with your mind all of the dudes out there who aren't making 9th bubs at the current moment they start they start to get it twisted so you know what he just tried is a trick that he sees not doing practice a trick that he was not sure if it would work so textbook he knew that would work that worked Matt Berger he needs some big scores still well this is going to be one of them he does a really interesting big spin it's a flat big spin it's not a rocketed big spin that would go into a front blunt on its own 8.7 solid score when I do that trick I actually try to hit my tail on the side of the wedge completely vertical he does not know he does a proper big spin and then drops it from one Calvin needs a 1.9 and he doesn't get it he's trying the right stuff though that was the right idea pigfoot front nose grab 180 this is where things can either start to go crazy right or horribly wrong for a lot of skaters because it's it that now you know it's you got to get all mines absolutely so you're gonna try your absolute hardest tricks he knows they I'm looking for some nine clubs I heard they give him out here all right Manny rolling in [Music] you know this is the curse of doing so well in semi you got all those lands under your belt you're like what if they what if I don't do them during finals Heath did all these tricks first going finals just rifle them all [Music] switch big flip front board yeah he's the only dude that's gonna do that in the contest the only guy that has delivered that to this crowd Oh crawling in at the satiric now he put yeah second only to shade O'Neal on his ability to make that trick every try and make it look really easy and he also pops it out like you can see he really does pressurize that left foot you pressurizes it after he's always it's really good nine point zero further pushing that lead pushing the lead surprising Nyjah Huston in sixth place he's a 7 point 2 per second delivering clutch and I should didn't do that in practice he didn't do it in semi-finals that's just right now I think that just changed everything Yeah right there it it waited so long to flip over watch he catches the side rail and still just like I said he tries to pull it risking the slam but getting the reward Wow he's like I'm looking for that shield there tonight club magic houston 9.0 that's so well deserved Nyjah back in second place nicely situated what we need you to do is follow us on Instagram get social at sls go there for the best clips highlights results info anything you want all that next world tour stop Los Angeles California July 27th and 28th and for more info go to Street League calm look at these nine clubs dropping dress that is how you do it that's what you want to do those big tricks the ones that you risk those are the ones that get it and that's what you got to do more of that coming up when we return this is the final [Music] what's up guys my favorite moment of Street League is when you guys all show up and you cheer and you're jumping out of your seats it is completely amazing to have your guys support outside of that my favorite moment is when I got into the nightclub it is one of the hardest things to do and finally I did it and hopefully there is more to come so congratulations to SLS on the tenth year anniversary I'll see you guys in London all right Manny Santiago coming in in six trying to get a sports score [Applause] [Music] you know microphone is that the wrong thing to do look at out well we did it how many points should we get for that because nobody's doing the real heel back fifties like anywhere not just right now and final [Applause] I mean seriously risking it to get into a nine club situation is just so nerve-racking you're really just risking the whole contest Emily have somebody goes one thing left out of that clip Manny gets a nine Club tattoo every time he drops a nine love that want to see that all right nine club is a huge moment in skateboarding let's take a look at t-pod's talking about it the level of skateboarding and Street leagues progressed so much and the 9 Club it wasn't really a thing when it started now it's like alright the 9 Club is some Jack Dee putts lock it in for that back tail [Applause] it ain't every trick you know you have to actually have a specific trick that you know either no one else could do so that no one's ever seen before usually if you do an NB d which me it's never been done that's gonna be in the ninth of the nine clubs that slam dunk that alley-oop shot that three-pointer you know when it happens you know the crowd goes wild the skaters are all stoked everyone's banging their boards against the coping that's a moment to remember [Music] that's a moment to remember and we've seen a lot of them here tonight this is the men's final 2019 SLS world tour of London stop number one of the year the first Olympic qualifying event Soros arrived from Japan coming in in sixth place best trick 1/10 [Applause] a bunch of it right what if it sticks what happen slides out here the tail can stick on the top the wheel sticking besides he was this close it almost all worked that's why they're out there next skater in Matt Berger back in Matt Berger form currently at 5th place needs a 4.3 for second get the report that burger might be injured gonna send it down to Andrew for some info unfortunately Matt Berger went down pretty hard to the rough slam in between I think he was trying to bigger a big flip front feeble or sorry big spin flip hurricane then he went down really hard then his dad he looked like he was laying there for a minute but he's going for it we'll see what he has what a champ Canadian beast that trick has worked well for him this week he's very very precise with it he's super good at kickback tales and all of its variants Kelvin Hoefler fourth place he needs a 3.5 for second he's trying to put his fourth score on the board and from there it's just who knows what's gonna happen yeah he has a huge bag of tricks we have no idea what it's going to try Yuto hasn't ollie he doesn't think it's such a great trick you know what we're seeing a lot in this contest is the back truck getting on for just a second Frank and then it goes in we're seeing a lot during this weekend what does a catback tail get in 2019 Calvin Hoffler waiting on that score I love the skater camaraderie up there 8.0 hey you know what that's that's a pretty good score for it actually it's a good trick but we're seeing some wild in boots have learned a second and that that means he's his strategy is paying off Louie Lopez in did not expect him to try to 270 out I thought he would try to big spin out with that big of a wind-up fake good have known better don't try to predict Louie Lopez true thank you 540 with a tail in between yeah all right Manny Santiago coming in at 7th place [Applause] he's on fire so this is what you seen here you saw him talk about these are his favorite moments that's right he woves when the crowd pumps him up and also how can you not appreciate when you do a trick that well a trick that no one else is gonna do he's stoked nice yeah what a Rico in the house get your tattoo gun out Manny the best nine-point-two there he is he's talking about it love that love that Shane O'Neill he's in fourth sweeping it up keeping the nine comes going switch big flip board look at how precise that toe is Wow that flipped fast it's unbelievable 99.9% of skateboarders will never know what that feels like to be doing 9.3 back on top Shane O'Neill overall score 34 point 8 same score as Gustavo Ribeiro but in first place because he has one higher scoring trick yeah the highest scoring trick with a nine point three in fact Ribeiro coming back so he made the crook nollie flip going for the crook nollie heel staying with what works I wonder what the judges will do they do have to judge the trick but I mean if there still is an element of overall impression you can't do just that you couldn't crooked grind all day long I just you know nollie flip nollie varial flip nollie heel nollie varial heel and keep getting the same scores naysha with the nollie heel foot backside something could be a back flip could be a back tail he hasn't both he has three variations of nines on the board that's it so the next score that drops he's got two more tries it either does it form or it's funny shank set that side body feels like it's gonna be all variations of mine so so I sure I whoa he went for it Smith grind whatever great falls in a route for star so you see this is this is an amateur in the pro setting trying to adapt to skating to what he's surrounded by that's right you know and it's like hey you got to raise it way up and he's been doing that but we've seen it a lot in the final these guys run out of juice but the precision and timing to get hand and to get out that was absolutely phenomenal merger looking for an 8.9 or better to move into third place count good he does this and that was a fast big spin because that rail ends low he doesn't have much time to get that big spin around but we watch that thing he tracked it with his right foot encase it under rotated he was ready to sweep it that reaction rules that's true reporting genuinely psyched to put down [Applause] I mean it's come down it's basically just knives or nothing out there right now isn't that wild yeah Calvin Hoffler needs an eight point eight that's a low score for Calvin that's all he needs to take the lead I'm joking it's a huge score but Calvin's got a million of them oh yeah plays the game [Applause] but the judges like as of late if you do the trick after somebody else it does not it may score a point something below but it does for below he did a little bit more of the vertical technique that you had in mind still very similar both clean 8.7 for Kelvin it puts him in second place [Music] so Kelvin is gonna want to drop an 8 on his next run Louise Lopez back in needs ax needs it needs some scores cat back tail didn't do what he wanted it's still great and I mean that's a lot for to land on your board than it is the bail and a cat back tail is a is an awesome trick but when the judges know what you're really going for and at this stage of the game when you can already did it down the big rail [Music] seeing that many zeros next to Louie is very very bizarre [Music] Louie Lopez Wow in seven Shane O'Neill Calvin and hopper Kelvin Hoefler and Gustavo all tied for first but Shane wins with the tiebreak tricks that was sick shove it he'll flip fan banger one footed five-oh hybrid look at that Wow what was he going for back five-o back five that's why his foot was up high what kind of score does that get at this point I mean they're not gonna score it great and it's not gonna be right right right ain't a great score but it doesn't that the score doesn't matter much at this point that was really cool we got to see it guys that's cool Shane O'Neill current leader he breaks all ties with his high score of 9.3 this was part of it part of his strategy was to get the highest the highest point something in the nine club because he knew that it was all going to be nines so he needed to point something higher just for this moment here - now to take the lead oh because he's tied for first but one of his scores is an 8.1 so anything better than that 8.1 is gonna add to that total score and Shane needs to throw out the 7.1 but so Shane needs to look at those scores and think strategically and go for an eighth or something in that range not a nine point nine that's does it have that though does he have the tricks that arc nines 9.2 takes in a dramatic fashion 35.9 overall score now things just changed big time Nyjah Huston fourth of five tries before we go back to the top of the order from last attempts he needs an eight point six Chris to take the lead is a repeat world champion here's the thing we've seen a dude now he healed backflips but now he'll back tail is Oh sick like such a skater skater booed what would you give that as a score right now 5.1 5.2 waiting for the shield okay waiting on graphics 390 Houston back in the lead with a 36.7 that's what happens when you do tricks that no one else is gonna do hey amateurs don't mess with that dude right there Nyjah Huston he's coming for that trophy when we come back fifth and final best-trick attempts in the final welcome back inside copper box arena for the fifth and final best trick attempt here in the finals at the 2019 SLS World Tour stop number one these are your current standings going into last trick Nyjah Huston on top with a 36.7 overall score followed by Portugal's Gustavo Ribeiro and Australia's Shane O'Neill rounding out the top three lot of skaters going for nine 9's nines and it's going to take a lot for anyone to take down Nyjah at this point next in star Shrive best he can do is place this is this is for the pride of staking your final trick in the SLS final that's a that's a big deal huge [Applause] beautiful thing [Applause] look-look at the tone barely on the boards I'm being bored barely on the ledge to just make this no matter what I'm happy for him that was excellent so waiting on that shield [Music] 9.0 I think that's a fair score yeah crowd wants tens now they're just not content they're like we've seen the nine we did it sometimes it's fun to go Matt Berger best he could do a second place he's gonna finish in six best virgin sort of come back here in London for Matt Berger after years of being injured off and on just looking great it's great it's great to see him back and to see him back the way that he skated before so far we've seen eleven nines Kelvin needs a perfect ten to take the win or the lead it's never happened and it's not gonna happen for Kelvin tonight unless he comes back whip it to that handrail next up [Applause] the best he can do the seventh place [Music] [Applause] there's just so much to that that wedge isn't nearly long enough I don't think either for that trick Manny Santiago up next the best he can do his third [Music] there are 30 skaters left best trick here in the real idols we have Shane O'Neill Gustavo Romero and Nyjah Huston Nyjah is current leader this is interesting Gustavo and Shane both have a chance to take the lead she needs a 9.1 [Music] that felt hardest part about that trip they spent back tail which he probably would have would have big spent help Nyjah Huston will win this stop unless Gustavo Ribeiro can put down a nine point seven more better right now [Applause] does it again the 2019 SLS World Tour London winner Nyjah Huston that was so well deserved I mean the hammer after hammer and he has a victory run woody what do you do do you joke around or do you the Nyjah Huston [Applause] phenomenal what a win Nyjah Huston showing why he is the most dominant skater in SLS history okay multiple times a pipe is real you know like he is so well deserving of any phrase that he gets he just drops it down every single time Wow Nyjah Huston congratulations we'll be back right after this welcome back inside copper box arena London where Nyjah Huston is celebrating another hard-fought win just battling off everyone the onslaught continues it's not getting any easier and it heats rising to the challenge I mean the wildest tricks just all the time just dominating let's send it down to Andrew cannon who's standing by with Nyjah Nyjah you were in sixth place with two attempts left what is it about the pressure that drives you to do what you do oh man I've been thinking about it this is my 10th year man I'm a veteran out here now so I definitely know how to let that pressure heighten you up to to get to get it done and that just goes to show me at Street League format the change is so fast you know I was I was all the way down there but I wasn't stressed and I knew I had the nollie bit Valeo back to Alan made it happen with everything going on this is the highest points right now leading into the Olympics how do you feel that's gonna do for skateboarding I mean I'm pretty sure we can already see it's making it progressed to the crazy level you know we got we got new guys out here like the new Jeff's aura killing it front big swing front tails and saying and I mean we're only gonna see that get get crazy and crazier throughout the years I'm sorry you're trying to keep up man like I said tenth year I'm stoked congratulations as your well deserved yeah well-deserved is an understatement absolutely of the year I mean everybody killed it so so many nines happening today but congratulations Monster Energy highest score tricks Shane O'Neill with a 9.3 switch big flip front board and he did that beautifully and another 9.3 Nyjah Huston now you pat tail look at that just no one does that in Street League no one really does that at all yeah but doing that here on a handrail awesome congratulations - Gustavo Ribeiro as well an amateur coming into the SLS World Tour and putting it down and Soros your eye so many great skaters congratulations to all our skaters in the finals but especially Pam Rosa and Nyjah Huston for taking on the winds so for Cole Canada that pretty head SLS thanks for watching we'll see you next time from LA third chain O'Neil second Gustavo first Nyjah [Music] perfect thank you daddy wanted minimum [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SLS
Views: 1,169,680
Rating: 4.8648973 out of 5
Keywords: sls, street league skateboarding, street league, skateboarding, Nyjah Huston, Gustavo Ribeiro, Shane O'Neill, Kelvin Hoefler, Manny Santiago, Matt Berger, Sora Shirai, Louie Lopez
Id: v1S1jAIAN4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 47sec (5507 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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