"Twin-Stick Rimworld Continues", Rimworld Console Edition #2

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today we are continuing our look at rimworld console edition uh we're gonna try to up the difficulty of the game and maybe get into some fights i'd like to finish off my base i'm just gonna zoom on over there really quick because we're about to be raided i spent a little bit of time just sprucing things up in the interim see what i did there enter rim because it's it's a pun anyway um another day on the rim anyway we've got a fridge uh we've got our prison cells we've got some storage it's a little bit crude and rudimentary but everything is more or less laid out like i wanted to there's still a few things we need like a kill box over here um this is kind of a multi-function room which needs to be made specialized maybe as an infirmary and an armory or something uh this is like our crafting workshop uh again we're here on twitch so we've got everybody kind of backseating me again today so hopefully if we notice anything about the console edition that uh uh we're trying to give feedback on that'd be nice uh i advan i imagine if you watch this in the future some of these issues might be cleared up but um so far i think they did a really good job on the console edition i am maintaining that opinion and my speed with the controls has fortunately improved since the last time i was kind of muddling through last time but i wanted to muddle through um try to get into more combat and just break the game a bit today if we can i maintain that i want to try to find as many things that are awkward or missing as i can but so far i've had a pretty hard time finding things that are awkward or missing um again i played about an hour i'm way faster with the controls and i did chat a little bit with my contact from devil11 and he said that the team was there watching the last stream and like writing down notes so that's a really good sign um i'm gonna try to just point out some things i have feedback on right away but i did see a patch like shortly after i did the stream so i i do believe that uh they're doing a really good job and everybody i um heard from in the comments that yeah like all the other ports they've done or they've played from double 11 they really enjoyed them um i guess my quick feedback is i've noticed in the clothing assignment tab since the last time there has been added in uh tainted a not tainted clothing policy so this is awesome but i'm also getting maybe it's because of the way that i'm forcing clothing right now i'm gonna just clear all the forced i don't know if it was working out if it's like a work in progress but it's at least good to see that that's there i'm gonna unforbid this tainted flak jacket which they've been trying to wear but i'm like no it's tainted um so that's clothing policies the other thing is just custom scenarios it would be nice to see a little bit more assign medicine tab to just be able to quickly do it i don't i can't figure out what the band-aid means or if that's supposed to be part of it but um i haven't figured out how to get that to work on that screen so i have to individually go to every pawns information which is a little bit annoying to me um not so bad but yeah just a thought other little quality of life things like being able to double click to select all similar structures here is also missing but you can do it with items so that's good uh just that snap 2 colonists would also be nice because so far i can select them but you know doing much more than that is not really possible and the one thing that i also found was a little hard to find was this one might slip past you as if you have a home area and you can invert it just fine and everything like that but i was selecting and i was trying to figure out how to clear out the home area uh but it's actually labels that as undo so you have to hold down square with undo which just seemed kind of like strange verbage for that uh but that's the only thing that i'm really noticing that's different the positive that i'll say i started on the negative is that i entered the same kind of flow state in my mind playing rimworld as i normally do playing the pc version so that's the overall sign of this is a very good port um and all the minutiae that i thought would be tedious like prioritizing things or even cleaning an area like that uh it does open up a quick sub menu it's very satisfying and fun to work in the minutia rather than tedious and boring okay we are being rated now um i am ready for the raid and let's do this so see how quickly i could just draft and move everybody into position i'm liking that a lot um are you oh these guys have a bolt action rifle and an auto pistol but they're it seems they're taking the long way around and are they headed for the insects for some reason i'll have to okay for some reason they're heading straight for the insect uh wow okay that's exactly the same ai as i would get on pc uh honestly no iron no sarcasm or irony right there that is just really funny they must have sensed that there was a hostile presence there so they just went straight into the cave what an amazing idea this is like when someone wanted to start a party in there just the other day you know what just stay home guys though i would like their weapons nah i'm gonna undraft them classic rimworld i was hoping that they would at least shoot the bugs and make it easier for us to fight them because i would like to take those out but right now they're just sort of acting like raider repellent go home anyway i'm going to turn back on notifications uh now for a second we just got a bunch of gift subs from uh dracoman thank you very much for those five gift subs trackman appreciate that truly too kind to me um thank you if you're getting a gift sub please be sure to say thanks anyway now that i've cleared out a lot of the housekeeping i think the only thing i wanted to add on is just i got a lot of comments about people saying no mods like what is this uh i probably there's probably not much convincing people who just leave comments of i hate this but uh again i just kind of maintained that it's an apples and oranges type of thing like um like why why compare pc rimworld the console obviously you're getting a different experience but you know it's probably falling on deaf ears so i'm just wanted to posit that out there um anyway yeah uh i mean for me you know obviously i've played it so many times that i'm just like yeah obviously i'm going with mods so i would go with pc just play the pc version then simple as that um it's another option it's not forcing you to do it um camera movement has also been a little bit disorienting to viewers which is why i'm i mean i'm going to keep moving the camera but obviously on pc you can just leave the camera in a stationary zone are you dead or are you just cloud watching cloud watching okay good to confirm that uh and i also did kind of fly the idea of pc option controllers by double 11 but it sounds like that's a lutean decision so hey i mean if lootion decides to just make it an alternate play mode if i have no idea what would go into that that's very wishful thinking of me but i just wanted to throw like one crazy community idea because a lot of people are liking the controller movement um but yeah i believe that's it if you were a loved one that's been diagnosed with paralytic fortunately we haven't anybody with paralytic abhasia in this colony yet uh some console games support mods i believe that there was one statement of like we're looking into how the game could potentially be customized a bit more so i'd obviously i'm not anyone who has any i know nothing of the internal development of room world i just i just get game and i play game you know but um yeah uh if they add that in would be kind of cool i think i'm going to add this in as a prisoner table tell you what like a table for eating at a smelly smell that smells smelly let's also reinstall these at the door entrance roses are red violets are blue here it has been a year that i've been subbed to you stuck the landing hey ella's one thank you very much for the sun thank you for the poem first and foremost constipated oh wait no compensated fighting uh okay are they coming us caravan is being hunted near tim uh i don't want to do too much travel with only three colonists i'd rather wait until we get another colonist i would take them if they if people come and try to fight us i will fight them but if they uh do the other thing i won't do that i'm gonna go ahead and try to make some bedrooms today finish off the base and just like advance in technology so let's go ahead and i mean now that the whole place is very clean i'm going to go ahead and change the work to i believe sheckly is the one who has the time so i will have him priority down on these two as you can see all the menus i'm now just much better at navigating so there shouldn't be too much hold up today yeah sorry if i ignored anything in comments for a little while i'm uh that was just giving my spiel but if i missed anything feel free to ask again i wasn't intentionally trying to ignore it probably a couple of them i was intentionally trying to ignore if someone was asking something very personal about a humiliating skeleton in my closet or something like that be a shame if someone were to do that this guy has uranium in his bedroom now all i can think of is uranium fever you know remember that was that fallout 4 and the other thing i've done i know that these bedrooms are really awkwardly shaped i'm just tired of having boxy bedrooms and i'm also trying to build them into a mountainside so like keep that in mind oxi bacon thank you very much for the prime how are the console controls i think the console controls are as good as they could possibly be um yeah i don't want to go too much into the controls anymore unless if at this point i'm gonna get only into if things feel awkward at any time and i don't mean that in a bad way i mean that in just that they're so good that i don't want to belabor like saying that again because i was re-watching the stream and i was just like these controls are so good for the entire last one like every three seconds because i was amazed because i tried to make sure that i was like uh um i'm just trying to make everything nicer right now i was truly amazed though the last time and i was trying to make sure that i was muddling through the game like i'm very wary of doing blind playthroughs of things but i felt like that that merited one because it was like uh it was something that needed to be seen being muddled through the the uh the rimworld you know console edition because if i were muddling through learning it i think that would make it less sellable not really less sellable but like more of an honest review you know what i mean like i wanted to make sure that i had my own complete opinion or that i was at least forming my opinion on it at that time it was all those opinions were my own no i did receive a key to it so take that with you know a grain of salt but i am saying it right here review these nets all these nuts i was going into aldi the other day and i was trying to pick out the nuts you guys ever shop at aldi and all i was thinking is i'd better get some of all these nuts ah triple g thank you very much for the 300 bits yeah you know i mean i i called it 10 out of 10 on the thing too to be fair um you know i'm being a little bit facetious there i i really do think that the pc version is 10 out of 10. as far as it could have been done i think they did a 10 out of 10 job but i mean if we're talking about like what is a 10 out of 10 game i'm thinking like tony hawk you know tony hawk was probably a 10 out of 10 game nothing else has so far come close at all to tony hawk he's so cool with his bird name gets me every time let's add in a couple of bids so that people can sleep like normal humans and no one will question what's going on in this colony now i'm going to go ahead and change the excuse me all the single beds to double beds because i want my colonists to just simply move in with one another in case if they ever get a roomy um but uh i'm gonna change all of these to prisoner beds in time so let's go ahead and well i guess we'll wait until those double beds are finished i'm also notably building these out of wood because that's actually more comfortable if you build beds out of like stone they may look nicer but they're going to be more uncomfortable also seems that we're running low on power um i don't love that i think it's due to the extremely cold refrigerator temperature i was thinking that two how many we have two solar panels would be enough for this ultimately i'm going to kind of shield these things in because i'm just wary of explosions leading to one another into some horrible spiral so i'm trying to preemptively well prevent fire spread uh and we also can't really rely on geothermal power this time around it might be due to the lack of batteries though let's go ahead and make another bat battery i don't know i'm saying it like a sheep so they're all trying to get out uh every oh some other people shop at aldi in the comments okay there we go now my friends were just telling me about this last night they were like you should come with us to aldi i think i might buy some nuts there i was really controlling myself from uh saying the jokes from saying that joke i go to trader joe's though i was told that there was some sort of like schism between trader joe's and aldi or i have no idea is that even or like that maybe the founders set it up right i'm just very fond of the word schism it could be that all right let's also go ahead and just do a little bit more planting as well um you can make that joke when you go into all the uh that one was that one was an original no that one was i'm the only person who's ever made of course not there we go hang on a second whoa they are very efficient i i'll also say this i picked out very good colonists for this and all the other reviews that i was hearing about were from people who had no idea how to play rimworld so they were like i died five times in my first playthrough and i was like well that's nice you know noob i i had this like mlg gamer moment it was a little sad but it was like it was kind of necessary because you know i'm great at this we got psychoid here psychoid would be very profitable but i'm wondering if i'm going to be ready for that yet it is a bit much work but you know i wanted to get a really crazy good-looking base cycloid would be good and also corn would be good as well we're just gonna have to be very careful with this out here let's do a lot of this i i like to separate out my plants more but that won't be possible today interact uh let's grow this zone expand those and i think that all the other zone expansion i know i said that thing about the home zone but i think that the other zone expansion tools are very nicely like done potato plant we don't really need it hay grass not i don't love animals in this game smoke leaf slows them down too much i think i'm gonna do a little bit of hops right here what is this cycloid okay so i have more cycloid than hops and then um let's do one last strip yeah you know i was surprised the ui is kind of hit or miss some people love it and some people are saying no i hate it but then one person made the comment that um just looking over what people thought because i was genuinely curious who was watching the video um and one person said it kind of makes sense if you're on a tv why it's so big because you're probably sitting farther away from the tv so that does kind of make sense uh i'll do corn there and i think i'm gonna shrink my rice zone a little bit to whoops cancel that um select this zone let's shrink this zone and change it to corn because corn is like slightly higher risk because it takes longer but it can be a really high yield too so like high risk high reward but in time that should start to pay off uh we also got a transport pod crush uh we got a guy named fugly this is this was like an og rim world name he's very far off though i bet i do have them carrying around one medicine each so maybe they can save him strip him what is he wearing again we may actually need to strip him to be fair how is his health death in six hours we might have to do some emergency medical technician okay this is one of those situations where i said i wanted to wait for is some kind of like game breaking type of thing he's only 27. uh what are his other qualities is this guy worth saving he could be a good researcher yeah uh does he have other characteristic traits of a researcher that would be desirable he was a civil servant and a story writer but what are his traits uh why do i forget where to see the traits where does it say his traits very neurotic night out oh absolutely not no um are we affiliated with him in any way social okay good let him die oh wait no that's relationships uh yeah let's take his clothes too wait but he's a space refugee so it's completely fine to just take his stuff and leave him to die hate to see you go hate to see you go somebody get him you know somebody get him is somebody going out to take his stuff now i guess nobody's assigned to medical well that's pretty much fine squirrel self-tamed immediate police look it's coming to live with us i don't want it i don't want it uh release well we could just slaughter it and it's a free meal all right i'll take that instead all right it sounded like the squirrel died immediately did anyone hear the squirrel would i recommend console version look if you're really into mods on the pc i would recommend you to stay with the pc version but if you want to play room world from your couch or if you own only a console i would recommend it i'm surprised at how much i liked it though i'll say this liked it more than i expected can you use a mouse and keyboard with the console edition good question because there are those mouse and keyboard packs that they sell right uh the other thing is that i read that it was for ps5 and xbox series x as well i had been playing it on xbox one and ps4 um or actually just ps4 but i knew that it was for that too but um i imagine there's no plans right off the bat just like my common sense in me says but that would be kind of cool if it were added in just because there are those people but at that point like if you've bought the keyboard and mouse for sure for your console just buy a pc man you know that's kind of my anyway that's how my way of thinking goes but i am a snoot to a certain extent all right let's go ahead and start to actually specialize out these other areas i think um we've got blue fur over here we have so many different textiles in this area just look at them all um i think i'm going to reinstall this just one square south of there we take all of this and we build a copy i got a masterwork wooden shelf the last time i was like uh the most useless thing to get a copy of let's do more of these i'm a little slightly wary of wood on the shelves but i also don't really want to make them out of anything actually you know what we could cancel these i don't i'm just wary of everything going up in a massive blaze of wooden sadness so let's go ahead and do there it is it's kind of interesting how you have different items stick to different like material types i'm very much liking the way that things don't like snap on or toggle on or toggle off on the console it feels very natural and it doesn't feel like i'm having to navigate the same menus multiple times um yeah snoot um storage important let's turn off everything except we want i believe textiles are under manufactured just textiles here right important allow fresh a lot bet uh oh i i always get frustrated why they automatically put the weapons on these things first world problems whoops not all manufactured oh don't get too ahead of yourself there there we go i mean is it really worth it to maybe this room is a bit much i don't want them to be here all day smoothing can be an extremely time-consuming task i mean when i get down to smooth for a day or two with some of my friends you know we could be there all week smoothing my friend invited me over to his house needs some help smoothing out these walls rob can you play that game stray on the channel just buy a ps5 or do a dramatic reading of some of the worst reviewed games on steam that sounds kind of funny can you do kahoot on ps5 imagining like a it's not like a classroom game some kid brings in his ps5 everybody else is on a chromebook ready guys do it for my team he starts like a speed running kahoot that would be a good idea i'm pretty sure that would be a very good idea let's go do storage raw resources manufactured let's just keep it with the textiles there's going to be a lot of them here there's going to be many many dead squirrels what other items do we need to take or keep track of i do think that we'll keep this as an armory i won't you want well two things one you want to keep it away from your prisoners two you want to keep it near the front lines but you want to also keep it kind of secured from being behind the front lines because that could be dangerous let's be honest um yeah i think the research room will start to move out too and let's also actually do another research research order again really loving this new research screen do we have multi-analyzer research not available the other thing i'm starting to notice i'm just going to voice all these complaints is i can't seem to see all the prerequisites all the time like what is preventing me from getting the oh i just answered my own question didn't i oh i need a high-tech research bench okay there it is so i need i had this show does that work for everything on that screen because i could not find that earlier yep it does okay wow way to just totally answer my own question it's almost as if i uh uh scripted that for the stream would be funny if i were doing that in the background right now wouldn't it uh no not really that funny wood how i need you tp cobra thank you very much for coming out your kind kind words hope you hope the streams and videos help you enjoy whatever you came to them for more all right i watched the yoggs cast when i was about 16. uh strangely i couldn't enjoy playing minecraft as much as watching that there are strange things in life like that like how you enjoy watching someone else do something more oh here was my other thing was the tattered apparel policy i couldn't set like a certain percentage i imagine that might be in a plan like with the other update but just a thought just a thought i also wanted that to get out to the devs if they ever see this um all right so let's see what we can do about this tattered apparel bs um yeah i don't actually that is i'll be honest right here that is slightly game breaking for me because it causes so much more micro management in just one little menu option that i didn't see in the game so uh that will be my one thing that is annoying me um i will say that because now it says not tainted so that's good uh but i i still need certain percentages see i can't seem to change the percentage of clothing allowed here so that is honestly it's it's pretty game breaking what i'm gonna have to do here is figure out who has the tattered apparel and just manually reassign it to them which is horrible for large colonies so yep that's the one game breaking feature that is not there that i have discovered unless unless if it's just there and i'm not seeing it but yeah that's gonna be my one thing i say there i said it okay you are very social aren't you sir maybe you could get a nice pair of pants from salinas tattered apparel sounds like a designer brand yeah they're just stuck wearing all of this designer clothing that they don't want to be in let's go ahead and sell some of these other items too there we go auto pistol cloth worn tribal ware it'd be nice if i could slightly faster navigate around this menu but also too maybe i'm just slow information hmm or maybe if that text like scroll well now i'm just starting to request random things and they should pay me a million dollars to play it you know no and everyone should deliver uh doordash to my door whenever i boot up the game that would be that would be a necessary feature they're not only a good feature but also a necessary one so i decree so i decree wouldn't that be wouldn't it be interesting if that were my personality or anyone's [Music] and uh porcelette thank you very much for the subs all right so let's go ahead and start to actually construct the rec room i do believe it's in a decent enough state at this point in time for us to uh use it let's go ahead and make everything out of marble because marvel is nice we will probably get rid of the old stuff in there i'm not going to make it very f i could make it fine ooh am i going to make it fine it does require 20 though let's just start with the normie tile marble tile anyone remember that uh saturn in it live sketch with more marble columns you should get some marble columns for your home look at all these fine marble columns who lives here the pope [Laughter] uh all right who is naked basically everyone is naked and you know at least they've removed those pesky clothes those pesky clothes now what are you who are you wearing who are you wearing let's find out about these people is anyone wearing anything tainted yeah so they're all on the not tainted clothing policy but they so then that i'm assuming that that just has yet to be added in drop that cloth duke uh at least we get rid of the tattered apparel and let's just forbid that clothing and we'll have to manually burn it all for now um everything else appears to be ship shape unhappy nudity so now all that we really need is just um 58 degrees so they could be wearing dusters don't they have clothing that is an option to wear though yeah this is a completely normal shirt that you could wear are they somehow hang on a moment i object to this we are electing nudity right now sir who are you wearing it's like you know how they'll do that uh all right let's figure out what this option is showing headgear headgear common [Music] um i wonder if this clothing policy is just wait a minute no we're not on taint not tainted yet ah ha oh then perhaps perhaps some i'm gonna leave it on not tainted in case if there's a feature that i'm just not seeing but yeah bowler hat okay yes wear the shirts as long as they're not tainted uh yeah leave it at that all right i mean i'm fine with just like everybody being nude that's pretty much okay good they're putting on the clothes again there there go the pants and the shirt and the jacket and the other items and let's just leave the crappy clothing around here if i can figure this out with at least the stockpile let's go ahead and try that determined to micromanage my way too glory as soon as possible i am putting the tainted clothing over here so that's good [Music] interact um storage storage let's go with that ah how now brown cow how now brown cow okay so we can designate an area for just doo-doo clothing you know i'm not even gonna try to get them to trade it because i can't seem to set this policy so let's just say anything to zero uh zero to let's say 51 set priority so i can set it in there and let's just do apparel any apparel that's like not in perfect quality i know that this is not optimal rim world play but screw it and i should be able to yep you could do this tainted apparel and clean apparel good enough for me actually we have the other area for the tainted apparel good should put the armory inside the rec room in case we have an infestation that we could save yeah well i mean if you want to see where the infestation is most likely to happen my money's on the prisoner cells or like this tiny spot right here the fridge i've pretty much prevented it from happening but yeah as long as it's not in the bedrooms and here we just barely avoided that yep all right at this point in time i think i'm going to take these in fact we could make these out of marble let's try to give them the best possible beds we have an excellent bed right here that's amazing but also we're more kind of limited by the amount of space there let's also mine out this uranium [Music] i'm gonna do a little bit here a little bit of work let's go ahead and take all of this and we're going to make this into a i believe it's under manufactured even though they're not really they could be manufactured components this will be our component storage this is going to be our kind of overall workshop bills we have dusters i guess they just haven't gotten on to this task yet hmm [Music] other stuff to do oh yes i also did say and let me do this right now because i said i would change the story difficult there's the story difficulty to blood and dust that's what i'm used to playing on and i i now genuinely feel constipate confident enough to play it on that so let's reinstall this over yonder me thinks this spot and then me thinks this spot as well we have that nice wooden chest table honestly like a nicely finished wood chest table seems okay we've got a mad muffalo already how is that not deemed an emergency i think that's very extreme hmm any specific goals in this play through trying to spot things i like slash don't like about the console version oh this muffalo is rather close you go over there and you go over there that should give us enough room for this buffalo it's gone mad adam's in there safely in there here we go here we go take him down take him down that's four hits that's five six oh my gosh that thing was very difficult to take down hunt hunted i say okay let's try to do some manual firing right here attack it [Music] i say gentlemen attack it [Music] wait a minute we had q order there i don't want them to hit each other but yeah hit it can i at least get them to melee it that is a little bit difficult yeah interact okay here we go fire at the muffalo there it is so it's just another sub menu that i didn't see okay i didn't notice that you hit him and you shoot him while he's on the ground as she yeah put her to sleep all right good job took out that misery took out the misery all right so we've got other medicine here um [Music] i guess neutral amine is more of a thing for the workshop as well so let's make one more table and just dedicate that to neutral i mean um i will not allow that and i will have only neutral amine here chem fuel possibly we'll make another table for chem fuel though the chem fuel is a little bit more volatile because you want to put it somewhere where it's very isolated and there's no danger of an explosion uh we wouldn't want to have that happen now would we and let's also go ahead and take this away you've noticed maybe a little bit that it's kind of stuttered occasionally here or there i believe that's just due to like normal rimworld does that too somebody had also mentioned that they thought that rimworld had required a ton of pc processing power but i've read enough comments to and i don't really know about the inner workings of computers but i do believe it should work just as well on console as it does in computer except for like real game breaking if you're making colonies with hundreds and hundreds of colonists well now i'm starting to get new ideas um yeah that would be kind of interesting so let's shrink this i just want this to be uranium we're bound to not have tons of uranium at any given moment uh storage prevent all or prevent all there we go and let's go with is another raw resources uranium yep there we go uranium and for that matter plastiel probably even do jade and gold silver because we've all got the steel all right i'd say that we have all of our main resources stockpiled away now and then i think that i'm going to start to make this a low priority area kind of like how i like to phase out my old generic storage to the other stuff we haven't really done any air conditioning yet it's a mod called compressed raids where it turns big raids into smaller raids with better stats that sounds interesting because there are some ridiculously large raids oh yes and i also do believe that i said i do believe that i said that i would change or i would make a copy of that and then let's go ahead and see what a keyboard ninja i am except for with a controller which isn't a keyboard i don't know why i said that now uh moments later but like it's very easy to play this the one thing is it might be nice if the scroll speed were a little bit higher but now maybe i'm turning into one of those 360 noscope kids pretty easy to get precision so i'll take slightly less speed for the good precision that's nice but i could see how that could be kind of disorienting how i have to keep going like this anytime that i want to you know at least for uh avad and that i i think as i was saying before that is the main reason why i will likely not end up doing this uh for a main series unless if i get some wacky idea out of nowhere in which case i'll do it on the main channel all right we want to keep that daylily somewhere it's going to keep everybody nice and happy nice and happy somewhere else and we should also probably at this point just build a do we have a high-tech research bench we do and we are empowered by this fact yes right there and let's put in that cushy cloth chair everybody likes one of these things ah don't you just want to sit on that yeah that's nice okay new research area i'm using it to conduct research let's also go ahead and just um let's deconstruct this i don't need a passive cooler anymore i think we're beyond that and we'll put in the heater over yonder we also one thing i forgot about was bedroom cross bedroom ventilation why is this here of all places yeah clothing policies are going to be a bit of a nightmare here i i suppose uh shame that that happened oh well probably that will all be deprecated by the time we're like three videos away from this [Music] could fall asleep researching now he needs an upright back to his chair a nice upright back of a hard wood you know to help him with his studying i'm gonna go ahead and since i have so much slate just i'm gonna do this um because i am smart and i fear explosions they happened to at the worst of times it was the best of times it was the worst of times there was an explosion you know what i mean like you feel me chat i'm just i'm like that's so raven you know i'm just seeing into the future and i'm trying to prevent what could go wrong i'm just like that so raven did i spook you it's been so long hey mr mick how you doing happy to see you my friend in a long time no chat how's it going thanks for the sub my guy 15 months jesus god bless you god bless you hmm can we get can we talk about tynan again i i was thinking about uh like how my the inner imaginations of i of my mind and how i imagine him to be you know it's not a game it's a story simulator i i would really like him to have this behavior i don't know if tynan is anything like this at all but i i hope he's like that wait a second why are you out with the rat oh no oh bullocks wait there's two of them i brought up an insult that's not even wait a second this is this is ass this is purest ass oh jesus wait a second this isn't how blood and dust is supposed to end oh jesus christ yeah that's an overall rim world balance issue you kidding me maybe i should give him a club or a knife is that gonna be more precision there are three mad rats that are coming after me these two are gonna die this one's healthy all right it definitely is a story simulator now just for that just for that i'm gonna reinstall this over here i'm gonna have a colonist die due to mad rats well at least we'll get to see emergency tending how soon is he going to die death in seven hours this i object to rimworld all right you know what i'm going to fire at this one and then i'm grabbing my knife and i'm going inside if he objects to violence too could he just not for like two minutes these are just rats sandstone club wooden club marble club clubs have no quality i believe right but we do have this plastial knife which is probably better oh he can't even equip it at all well you know adam i'm going to use you for the milch the meat and the meat milk meat shield that you are meant to be okay take a couple of pot shots and then if they don't work out i'm gonna bring you back inside it worked there were four wait a second this guy is he's an eagle hang on a second adam uh all right i'm gonna undraft adam way to go shaklee okay he just earned his royal title is adam dead no he's not dead just gave up rescue him this is why we need to get the that infirmary started asap uh oh no not yet i spoke too soon i spoke too soon yes he's slightly injured it's fine uh okay then you rescue him ten shield without medicine oh so he's gonna attend him fantastic fantastic uh the select undraft can i have him set to self tend i actually have not had to do this yet all right here's where we're gonna try to break the game again see if we could do anything change tab uh i did find this somewhere else didn't i it's not really in the place where i would expect it to be oh i haven't had to do a self tend yet yeah maybe that's another thing i mean it doesn't have to but it would be useful for him to do it right now settings self tend oh it is on okay i take that back it is on it exists hmm oh you asked about the controls because you see more colony sims and rts games going to council yeah that's uh that's why i brought up halo wars at the beginning i thought halo wars worked out like that very nicely save him somebody saved this man come on come on come on come on come on get him in that bed get him in that bed rub him until he's healthy again death in six hours are you a decent doctor though i mean if i assigned you to the medical you probably are yep all right five i'll take it and he's got the double passion this is why we can't have nice things i will allow them to take those rat corpses surprisingly they don't seem to have um oh what is it the thing that's basically rabies i can't remember the name of it does anybody remember what that thing is called where the animal turns red when it dies and it's like rotten it's not rabies in room world it's something else yeah scaria thank you um [Music] all right let's triple time are you okay he is treated i believe oh no he's still bleeding well i'd still triple time it anyway you are getting better death in 23 hours nope you're gonna be fine but he's probably gonna need he's probably gonna get infected oh my god they scratched everything possible and he already had a bad bat i didn't notice that he had a bad back shield has a bad back his sherman is fully healed wait a minute how did you heal are you like captain america or something with your regi or wolverine with your regenerative abilities who is this man he'll be fine you get better at healing are we gonna go the human leather route uh you know honestly that would have been i had done so many of those colonies but it has been a long time and they are very overpowered colonies we could do them and it probably would have been a very good test of the game's like uh adaptation because as far as i'm concerned rimworld was meant to be played that way very much in that way let's go ahead and clean this room i should have done that before with the tending hmm are we getting the deconstructing but they are starting to fall a little bit behind on tasks so gonna give them some time to catch up here and you know i'm also gonna go ahead and just take that work off because if we don't get that work done i think it's more interesting to have it visually laying out nicely and you know what in fact we could just totally deconstruct this do that don't ever take it over here cancel that now we have look everyone we have a free chair free promotional chair all you have to do is fill out this survey and answer 26 questions said they well you're going to tell you at the beginning of the survey that'll take you only 10 minutes but uh uh well so much for that so much for that let's get this rec room going as well i think yeah let's get a dining fine dining and breathing going up here i think we'll have some fine dining and breathing right over there that's nice good actually let's reinstall this over here no prisoners get food here let's get a let's get a ma a marble table as well same reason i'm not sure if this transfers on to seating but can you not build stone seating as well now i'm gonna do a gamer move too guys i'm gonna build two by four tables because they can actually sit across from each other at these things how was i supposed to distinguish the one by two table from the two by four table i meant of course emma to do the two by four or the one by two table rather well regardless regardless we're going to do that just that let's get like six chairs in case of future humans uh and what else we're building that over there doing this okay we're starting to catch up we're starting to catch up ketchup i love ketchup food question do the controls feel good yeah to folks coming into chat i'll just reiterate that the controls feel excellent this port has been done very well i'm also on a i'm also somebody who like i said before has extreme rsi from editing and like just a lot of computer work i ended up buying a more ergonomic mouse and it hasn't been as much of an issue lately but uh yeah it feels good to play on a controller okay question about ketchup though um when you you have to refrigerate the ketchup or does it just go in the cupboard like i've been having this crisis i don't know what to do [Music] you guys frigid but then why at the grocery store do they not yes there we go right answer there was a right answer to this question fridge after opening before then you can it's totally optional to leave it in the cupboard i don't know why it doesn't really make sense to me but yeah ah yes because it's sealed fair fair enough fair enough chat all right let's go ahead and start building that infirmary i am infirm and i require someone named mary take me to the infirmary that's a pun okay we got a raid by uh iselle's terrorists hang on a second we aren't paused jump too they look like bad folks this person is styling their hair like the devil very subversive okay um i don't like having to fight when we're already injured and now i'm getting to the point where i would like some sort of softening to occur before they arrive at my base so is it time to get a kill box going if you do a kill box wrong you give the enemy cover so i am a little bit wary of that yeah don't worry that's just ketchup on his body that's not blood this game's uh what is rimworld rated does it even have a rating we are actually in for a for a bad time here hang on a second blood and dust might not have been the right move could lose my entire colony here let's go ahead and see what people are good at stats you are a decent shot and you unfortunately have a bolt-action rifle but it's mostly just passion that you have you are a very good fighter i don't like that okay we got to be afraid of this guy bramble or her what about you ooh you are very good but you are uh you are a fantastic shot actually this is somebody to be very afraid of is that a good quality it's a poor quality machine pistol so i'm not as worried i just want to see what we're dealing with here and you are terrible with everything but you are a fast walker so that's not good uh uh starting to regret this non-violent colonist okay adam you know what you're gonna do you're going to try to prevent yourself from ever being kidnapped and completely losing the colony adam are you a constructor let's go find out uh work adam you well you are a constructor now actually he was one to begin with i should have done a little bit more for security i admit let's do some wood traps just because they're a little bit faster um normally i would have time to do these things on the outside but let's put them into places where we will just not frequent i'm thinking that this area has been like a good line of defense and i want to keep it out of their way so let's put one there one there and one there and i'm just going to go ahead and prioritize adam on this prioritize working on that can i do a double and a triple oh baby a triple all right let's see shackley okay this is a this is a combat that i'm not ready for what ergonomic mouse did i get it's the logitech mx master 3. it is a very comfortable scroll wheel i recommend it i used to use like an mmo mouse i think i was using a logitech cheap pro it's a fantastic mouse until i started getting the doubleclick issue oh wait a second nope you know let me think this through just a little bit more carefully adam you're building the traps i would much rather excuse me soften these guys up before they get here um you know what we're gonna do is leave this door open i'm gonna get super micro managey here okay so we're leaving that door open and i also you know in fact i want to leave this door open as well is that already happening it does appear to be already happening so i want to soften them i want to especially get rid of this melee guy because bramble officer is very very powerful looks like adam should have at least one of these if not two of the spike traps ready by the time they get in here uh wait a minute you dropped your weapon oh that's not good where is your weapon i forgot to find my weapon mod no oh it's right behind you okay you have time to get it equip that should have time to still get in the maximum number of shots i know this is a boring way to do remoral combat but this is the way it's done without getting yourself killed which is why i do it this way actually you are still slightly slow aren't you oh no what is your speed you're at only 51 of the moving speed what are you at man these were two quick successive fights and these guys are gonna start to take some battle scars too all right why don't you get there just keep you in the like optimal position you're finally armed i want to have this guy retreating behind doorways though as they come so let's have you there i'm going to move sheckly there so he hopefully can't be a victim of friendly fire and then adam's just going to be building spike traps in the background so these guys are going to try to stall get a couple of pot shots in okay that's one tag good and he's shooting them from over there all right uh he is gonna kind of be in his line of fire for a couple of seconds actually does he have one shot lined up too late now let's run run back for it and go there get in another shot because they're probably going to come in through that room ah darn okay they went around um where's adam adam's like la la la la la should have done that okay uh at least adam will be taking the hits while they're doing the fighting there we go okay honestly them setting this thing on fire is not that bad i would rather they just stall stupidly if they can take out this really good melee fighter that would be a huge dub take him down take him down yes oh okay that was a very important kill um all right you're at least in a flak jacket clapton ah nice he is in cover though that was the one person i was really afraid of though all right let's get you in this doorway let's get you over here and you just stay there and keep constructing ah darn you just got tagged what was that uh hopefully nothing bad uh you got his right lung crushed by a bolt action rifle that's not great ah you should have been in this doorway i don't know why i did that okay adam keep constructing he's kind of there for a worst-case scenario type of thing i don't want these guys to take down all the solar panels good they're kind of distracted by adam i don't care if adam gets kind of injured because he's not really very useful in combat ah this guy's got too much cover ah they're totally setting fire to our fields no i should have done more traps in front of the base why are you still shooting the corpse of that man uh attack him instead sounds like they're fleeing okay everybody's undrafted is anybody in immediate danger i admit that was not my best fight but whatever you aren't any good are you you are decent with medical and plants actually you're not that bad fast i don't really like sickly awful immune system no i hate that yeah otherwise everything else is great so that was kind of unfortunate all right are you in any immediate danger well we did it uh um a fight that i was totally unprepared for death in 20 hours that's okay 22 hours that's okay the fire is more urgent i think i'm just gonna cue some like um i'm gonna leave these over here because they're not really in the way they shouldn't path over them this is fine uh but yeah we we are going to want to make some stone traps for the next time uh yeah let's do this um slate marble is more of a decorative stone so let's do some slate traps we'll put them like here because they're bound to get rushed over in this section do you like that and i think that and that and that then we'll do one here one here one here and one here okay that's pretty good because they can move those around and all you really need is a big group of them that you can just kind of move around it's it's okay to have spike traps in your base i really should have done these like three wide hallways but i don't want to waste too much space either uh okay we got rain coming in as well i think we just speed up time here good okay prioritize the f all right i'm not going to micromanage it [Music] ah he's on fire you dingus don't go on fire oh that was bad oh wait a second how hot is it it's 480 how did it get that hot that fast really from one door okay all right everybody out uh yeah that was one stupid thing leading into another it was okay adam you're fine you put out the fire uh just everybody put it out and get out of that room everybody out of the super hot room no more of this i admit that was stupid of me but i didn't expect it to get that hot that fast yeah we accidentally made the incinerator [Music] okay what have we had do we have anything that we're and we're about to break as well uh i think you should move into the excellent bed personally but that's just my opinion who is the most badly injured death in 17 hours [Music] settings self 10 let's just set everybody to self 10 because they're all kind of screwed up right now and i i don't want to micromanage it okay uh interact self-tend uh interact self-tend and where is adam where is adam oh he's up there okay deselect undraft already tending to adam okay good they survived they survived but i do find that blood and dust can be very much like this it's it's as if i wish there were a difficulty between strive to survive and blood to blood and dust because it often just feels like it's a lot of blood but i blood and dust is fine though i think it's a worthy challenge hmm hey holes holes hacker chip thank you very much for the sub and el jabbas and tasty baby thank you very much hmm other than this i think my workshop is set up pretty well i maybe should have done maybe i'll do defenses before i do workshops in the future just because i feel as though that was a bit of a waste oh good you took the excellent bed you excellent man you amazing amazing man yes good job well done well done bravo's here bravo and gladly this is no longer their rec room whoa whoa what was that another zit jump two that's fine it's just the entire kitchen [Music] unfortunately adam is still like up and at him oh it doesn't get this hot this fast when the oven goes on fire i wholeheartedly object to that adam are you are not hot are you in you can honestly like being in 475 degree 511 degrees i take it back for all it's only a couple of seconds yeah you're fine stop complaining you're just being basically cooked for a couple minutes get out of there don't tend yourself in there man all right now this is just annoying common sense stuff get out of there man you're in the airlocked room that is literally an oven right now okay undraft undraft spend some time outside my guy spend some time outside like that was kind of a slap in the face after that if i get horrible luck maybe i'll go back to strive to survive only because then i find it tends to be everybody sleeping in bed and not really getting anything done in fact i'm doing that right now because i i'm calling bs on those storyteller events three rats followed by two raids and then a like an explode like a critical explosion is a bit annoying okay now you need to be rescued i need to be rescued rescue him save him it's so funny when a pawn gets downed in this game and they're just sideways and helpless but no infections you know that much is good and we have plenty of good medicine in case if we need it uh okay there goes the smoke leaf yep at least we have those to get us through this i'd rather have that than them getting a mood break in fact sheckly uh sheckly did you just get one you know what checkly better go take one of those smoke leaf joints i believe adam just got one so he's fine he just had another one stressed stressed man uh right when i didn't have the bedrooms ready either is he in the darkness as well oh no he's fine well meant for these to be prisoner uh bedrooms so let's go ahead and make this for prisoners and i'm actually gonna do it with this one as well paid heatwave uh no thanks i'm actually totally not insulated to temperature right now so that's not a very good idea uh let's also just delete this good and yeah they're fine you know what let's just take prioritization off of these rooms too take care of your own colonists before you take care of your prisoners you know what i mean i mean maybe that's not like you know geneva but at the same time like this isn't geneva this is just rimworld let's make sure that these things didn't get disconnected either uh no they do appear to be connected they do appear to be connected i guess we're just starting to use up more and more electricity come what yes come wife let us defend the rich unfortunately don't have any rich people in this colony so who will we defend you know these are the these are the questions nobody's asking [Music] i still miss when raiders could be driven crazy by corpses like if they had to come through a corpse room or something like that though i guess that was a bit too much of an overpowered strategy in this game that it led to some questioning because i remember like old rimworld posts the one that i hope that they undo is the muffalope of the ability to milk and sheer muffalo because that was that was like i was so perfect it was the only useful animal other than cows cows are actually quite good i would normally take this but right now i can't because of people just being covered in doo doo all right let's see if they have any permanent physical injuries this is something that is like kind of hidden from a lot of people when they play the game is that they aren't now what is this bad back causing for you moving minus 30 ah gosh that really is kind of messing with him otherwise he's a fantastic columnist though i don't remember when he had that i feel like we didn't start off with him with that and what about you you're at i said you're fine pigs have joined okay dinner has joined dinner has entered the chat uh yeah yep this menu is very very well done i'll say that there have been a couple of menus i've had gripes with uh the animals one perfect mathematically chickens give the most meat nutritionaries really so chickens are better huh i think we had tried to raise turkeys and that didn't work out yeah chickens and cows are the two animals that are worth domesticating except for like you know home defense i suppose in which case uh it's already got a sleeping spot too i don't really want to but i should i should take their lives i should i owe it to myself corpse walls yeah like what if they just got a little shiver run up their spine from seeing this you know should also probably do a rotten animal stockpile zone just because otherwise they get tons of crap like this um architect zone dumping zone yeah we'll do a rotten animals unless is that already this storage no this is for rotten apparel it's for run this for human corpses this for god i'm like it sounds so messed up what i say in any other context corpses animal corpses we gotta expand this menu just rotten animal corpses all and no fresh just rotten there we go priority preferred there we go i do think that they get assigned some type of like urgent parameter if it says important i'm not quite sure how that works but it always just seems to me as if they are working faster on things like that okay i suppose that the only other thing we could really do here would be like a hospital bed and since they are starting to spend more time out here let's go ahead and just quickly build another wall around these corpses this is going to be my kind of like we could get uh there are arguments for and against this we could do a whole ah what do they call them cremate crematorium we could do like a crematorium for corpses but this is faster if you have a lot of them you have to go through is just throw molotovs at it okay good we're on to this so now we at least have some line of defense in case if you know steph really hits the fan oh this is interesting we're getting somehow both of these in here how is this working wait this is the important zone i didn't know that we could put these two types of corpses together what a marvelous discovery wow think of the advances that will be made in human technology thank god thank god yeah we just want to prevent them from seeing those corpses as much as we can oh and then we also want to set this as a no roof zone roofless zone there we go hmm use my kitchen as it's hot enough is it still nope it's only 69 degrees in the kitchen just the way i like it honestly that's a bit cool though what is your ideal temperature uh eclipse we should probably rely on something other than only the sun too like the geothermal generator we might be able to work into a kill box but that's gonna give enemies a lot of cover and we'll have to be like darn it we need to rebuild it all the time that could be problematic build a copy of this over here they need a lot of light to research in their comfy cushy chairs and are we growing cotton we are in fact not growing cotton shame on me why didn't i see that and we're at 85 percent grown with the hill root i suppose let's wait for a little bit longer here and let's also allow did we have more steel appear here oh or is this a cave-in in which case let's go ahead and do a column which i believe is under structures yes indeed it is slate columns [Music] how about like right there that's good and then we'll do interact store uh storage and we also want to have manufactured oh we do have herbal medicine here okay good so that's fine we just don't have any of it in our inventories good we've taken out the pigs who were bad um [Music] let's go ahead and check on soil fertility yeah just as i suspected it is very bad i want to have some cotton because it's useful as you go on but i'm not really super urgent with it but it does take forever to grow it so i want it to be on fertile soil uh in like two minutes we'll do it rescuing the devlin hmm oh no this is shields lover she's a 69 year old policewoman how was that randomly generated 69 year old policewoman this is no joke older women that he's loving are armed guard okay i might have to spring for this hang on a moment hmm paid heat wave no royal ascent rescuing devlin jump to jump to prisoner camp let's find out who is this 69 year old policewoman i want to but i'm not going to i want you know i want to save her but i won't i won't trophy earned the ieee nikola tesla award i would open up my playstation menus but i'm afraid of two things one that i'll somehow dox myself i tried to prevent that um but two uh and more importantly i think that uh i think that it might crash the entire stream if i open up the playstation menus so i'm not going to do it uh on account of those two reasons i guess we'll leave that animal spot there just in case if we find ourselves with it you know what no screw these animals okay me thinks weapons we don't want raiders to just come in and take our weapons so let's put the weapon stockpile zone somewhere very far in the back um i think we'll probably end up putting it we could like refrigerate the weapons or freeze them only because i don't want certain things to get to them but what i would like to do would be this let's do a double wooden doorway and then let's do architect and we'll just do pure zone right here and we'll do stockpile this is how you do we like kind of whittle away one item from each area until we have all the weapons in here and now we have less and less stuff in this area see what i'm doing um hmm so that'll take care of all the weapons bolt action rifle i guess the only things that we still have left are medicines medicines i would like to have them in one main stockpile room so i'm going to go ahead and put you know let's put it medicine in here as well wood and medicine it's kind of a strange combo of things but okay yeah where will we put the ketchup i mean we'll have to refrigerate the ketchup after opening it i believe that there is a mod that has ketchup into the game right but glitter world medicine and regular medicine in here but then we'll put an important spot for medicine in here as well so let's say uh is there anything left in here it's the only other thing is like uh other types of drugs like the wake up uh what is happening ah disease plague who who could have a plague ah no no okay well here's where i'm gonna break out the good stuff uh best quality medicine and who else has the plague i just want them to get better from this really fast oh joyous day oh wise amphibian supreme i can finally put down my mentos i recall this now how you said that you were going to subsist only on mentos hey mike night taco hold out thank you very much for the 500 bits and yeah don't please don't actually go on a hunger strike of eating only mint mentos between when i am streaming that is disturbing you yeah we'll add ketchup into your diet why don't that's there's an idea at the very least have some ketchup of course i'm being facetious um [Music] so funny no thank you very much ver uh i bought room world hey you checked out rimworld i wonder if there's anybody in chat tr is anybody like just trying out rimworld for the first time on console kind of curious if that's a thing and let's also to i'm going to go ahead and just start to deconstruct these other conduits architect uh unfortunately we can't get to this spot can we it's a little annoying how you can't get into the corner walls like i sort of can but i i will just leave it as it is if it ain't broke don't fix it all right we have the spike traps i wanted the spike traps i deserved all right now we're harvesting those hops are we we're at 98 percent grown on the hill road too so i'm gonna go ahead and just uh shrink down this zone a little bit not like completely because after one or so harvests of heel root hopefully you won't need too much of it so let's go ahead and do cotton uh whoops not stockpile zone frozone i'm finding it surprisingly easy to look at how different and weird all of my grow zones are but like this is the type of thing that i thought would be hard to do on console and it is absolutely not in fact it's the opposite it's very satisfying still and i've been thinking like i've been thinking when i play rimworld is it 35 or 40 what is the normal price of rimworld on steam it's one of those things that i forget because i remember that i did pay a full price for it when it when i first got it but um what is it like i mean i think i've got 600 hours in it if you divide the dollar cost by that's how i would try to figure if a game had like a good value before like how many hours divided by the number of dollars that i played it's it's a very good ratio is all i'll say ooh free uranium i'll take that it's good all right is this by that this is sort of by the bugs but oh well so be it i'll take some bugs all right i i feel defended though in case if anything else sneaks up on us are we actually addressing this plague as well um bad back oh whoops you're not the one i'm worried about where are the ones i'm worried about here are you guys you have the plague okay give me information on your plague uh you're at immunity 44 oh wow 10 quality 44 plague minor 33 if the 10 or if the immunity is higher than the i mean really if it's going up at a higher rate but yeah i kind of have to micromanage this here okay looks like we've all got decent tens i know i've said everybody to self-tend but i think that's fine just less like movement they still get the experience too um would i like to choose what biome your crash-landed randy random colony starts in first off i would probably not play with randy but good luck how about boreal i was like boreal but i i couldn't find a nice boreal biome i wanted to do here are you new to the game if so then i would do permanent summer just because it's a little bit easier i opted for seasons in here yeah boreal is quite nice i don't know i just like the look of the terrain in it all right how are we doing gentlemen now this is another reason that i prefer not to play on too hard of difficulty or if it is i'll stop it just because people randomly get plagues and they're doing nothing for months on end so it just gets kind of boring but what are you doing let's kind of micromanage this guy a bit playing chess alone sewing an area okay at least we're getting this stuff done he's super duper fast and how is our food situation do we have we definitely have the meats like we could turn into this entire place into an arby's [Music] i don't think we will for now anyway let me start to architect out a little bit more of this place while we have some time food binge on shaklee oh wait he's one of the guys with the plague oh no i should have just given a smoke leaf joint how is your immunity or are we going to have to punch him down sometimes i will do this he's got 87 immunity to okay so there's like no contest it's actually fine for him to just go on a food binge right now i'm just not gonna interrupt him you're doing fine you know are you assigned to constructing i don't want to mess with everything let's just let them be stupid for a little while these weapons should be gone the building i'm just gonna make one stockpile zone for everything that's very low priority so i can see what there is left uh and i will put it how about like here between the workshop and some of the other stuff so let's do this yeah we'll just call this area and also too this gives them some places to kind of dive in and out of um i always seem to get drop potted in on so i'm sorry this music is seemingly grating right now i always seem to get drop potted in on so it's good to just keep a couple areas of your base where you can like jump in and out of like an old west movie i i think rimworld is inspired by old west movies in a way too so that's not totally off right all right so now we're going to make this low so this is just kind of like a one size fits all sort of area and let's just delete this entire stockpile zone now okay we've just taken our reliance off of that ah doesn't that feel nice feels nice to me anyway how do i have shelves uh on with cloth on them or for tailoring i changed the stockpile setting zones for these things so i go to storage manufactured textiles i just turn it off of automatic um uh which macaulay always good to catch and double a stream thanks for coming out happy peeking thank you very much for the sup hmm these things have places to which they are going okay ideally we'll make this room a little bit better suited 300 hours you still will keep learning stuff for 300 after 300 hours i swear to god like it seems like you just keep getting better at it but i think i've mastered the base game now um roof tell me of the roofs nice we have a good amount of uh this is regular roof here actually well fortunately we don't have any over overhead mountain let's go ahead and do this i'm gonna make a lot of room because it's gonna be my infirmary the infirmary is a room where it's very important to just prevent people from going crazy in it nice to get to watching live yeah happy to uh happy i i don't know i i enjoy the interaction on it i always kind of worry that these vods will feel unwatchable if it's like too much interaction i suppose which is why i don't make it like as i'm not really a just chatting sort of streamer like i don't know streaming i was never naturally very good at streaming i suppose that is to say i never my father never hugged me you know that's part of the reason like squidward just like squidward but um i don't know i've just kind of enjoyed it more over the last couple of years i'm trying to go with this yeah it's weird to me that i started liking something that i wasn't good at to begin with you know what i mean people yes people do have fathers in fact uh a major break risk on whom on whom jump to okay that is a nice way to jump to why are you stressed probably because of all the dead bodies you're seeing unsightly environments left in the heat is a hideous environment and yeah observed observe writing this is the reason why we're trying to do what we're doing right now and i'm actually going to add in a second let's add in the animal carbs because i didn't know that you could do this uh fresh corpses well we also want that one to be animal corpses too so let's just keep them separate why is there jade over here i did something wrong just take everything out of that stockpile zone i instantly regret all of that i don't know why they did that your father never hugged squidward uh we how long are we going to stay in this territory i i do like this territory yeah bob ross was right sorry that i'm just not going to give any context to that bob ross was right all right let's go ahead and make this room nice and we'll also get some art sculpting ready uh there's not really that much back and forth in preparing the art but we could put it right about here let's go into production and really none of my colonists are very good artists either so this is a bit ahead of the curve for me to do this don't believe it really makes a difference what material you make this out of but we don't want the entire room to burn either uh we can't make it out of slate okay i'll go with wood i don't really want a uranium table that seems like it could have some after effects um you know they don't really have a source of stone chunks now either okay we are being raided again what do you have pump shotgun okay so pump shotgun this is really the main dangerous one alcohol addiction they just sent over an alcoholic with a shotgun to my base um you're not good at this though see like i feel as though i wish that these raids were slightly tougher but you're actually quite good in melee you are someone to fear and you are also quite good in melee needs character what else do you have stats you are creepy breathing underground or acetic and you are hey bro okay we have a this guy is very much lilly 16 year old brawler he's like an angry 16 year old girl oh one of he just totally went in i love that ah we don't need to be afraid i'm just gonna stand somebody outside of there um yeah okay why don't you just stand over here i love i love using insects against other people stand both of you there actually just draft everybody in case i don't want anything stupid to happen what is going on in here okay i want to see that but i should probably be more concerned with my actual colonists right now okay they've decided to take what they can and leave uh isn't that nice isn't it so nice of them to do that ah this one's in poor quality this one's in normal quality hey stovetop thank you very much for coming out you know this should be interesting oh no they took some of my uranium oh bastards come back with my uranium i knew i shouldn't have left that uranium there it's fine oh i got another trophy hey hell yeah wait a second are you still in that cave nope didn't make it out of the cave and left some booze so far these bugs have broken all even several times it's kind of funny oh we are still alive i don't think you were very useful but yeah they didn't take the j if you had to choose between uranium and jade do i want to use this for my nuclear experimentation underground or creepy the creepy breathing is annoying and the underground is annoying as well you do have intellectuals so you could spend a lot of time at a research table and come out but the one reason why i don't like undergrounders because look he's a good combatant but what he's gonna need to stay underground during a fight because they always get mood breaks at the least convenient of moments so i'm gonna again i'm gonna be really picky and say no all right here's where we can start doing the medical beds administer the medicine i think we got the art table in there good uh let's give that a bill had a bill um i'm a fan of the large sculpture good bang for the buck let's make like eight of them and we could just use them all around the base sort of but just you know we have time uh wooden sculptures are not so bad i think the only material that we don't want it to be made of is steel so let's just make sure it's not using that stone blocks urani not uranium probably yeah wooden is okay in stone waterstone allowed skill it's fine they got to grind on this anyway 2x times ingredient radius unlimited work to make 500. yeah that's fine so what have we done so far we did try scaling things up to blood and dust i don't know if i'm perfectly ready for it yet maybe i'll wait a little bit more until i've got like my base under control everything perfectly set up just because it started killing my colonists immediately uh advanced technology we haven't really got but we did get the area in where they can research it so that's good news i guess i will prioritize orders on that again let's go ahead and allow it uh what did we want to do okay so now we could get a multi-analyzer because we've got the advanced research bench as well so that's okay keep undergrounder out of general fights use exclusively for infestations you know if i had like two more colonists who could fight i would do it right now but i don't want to start getting really specialized people like that only because it's gonna come back and bite me in the butt uh forest gump style yeah let's go with this i'm just trying to since i don't have to replace everything mod i just don't want to cave in nor do i want to take down the whole roof so i'll just do it this way okay build another copy let's just build that here because i don't think we're ever going to get the fire spread i mean wouldn't that be a funny happenstance if it um if the fire were to spread from over there let's open up this area a bit too there we go you can start to combine those corpses as well and i think they'll be taking that silver from there good so this is just kind of a various crap area i guess we should have the cycloid leaves in here as well though it's always good to keep some soy psychoid leaves in the workshop god try sending cycloid leaves five times fast where's plant matter psycho ed leaves can go in here as well transport prod crash from a guy named table what is this like a boy named sue johnny cash paralytic of asia okay is this the type of guy we could learn more about otherwise i don't really want to sign up for paralytic of asia he ate without a table does it say how long it will be usually it's like six months and then they send you worse events oh wait there it is can we learn about table okay here we go table hello table oh table is quite good right off the bat misogynist and teetotaler i don't like teeth or that much or is it tito taylor t taylor i can never say it right because nobody says that they just say i'm i'm in hey you know incapabilities plant work okay that doesn't really matter the really the double crafting is fantastic you can always take one or two of these and we don't have any women we could always get rid of him if we decide to have other women in the colony how long is this paralytic abeysia going to last 31 days i'm actually gonna take this guy i'll take him normally i wouldn't but i feel a little bit like we haven't progressed that much so let's have table he also has a very funny name we could be the pirates who don't do anything like veggietales style transport pod wait another one sheckly's ex-lover well if she's turns out to be better than screw table ex-lover maybe they'll get back together like in friends with ross and rachel she is quite good in general miss and i could take the one misogynist because we have mostly you know i'm not saying that this is how we should behave i'm saying that this is how well we're gonna have to make it work neurotic and wimp though i don't think i'm gonna be able to do that no yeah let's leave her there so sorry i don't think he'll be upset if it's his ex-lover right does he are we eventually going to turn into one of those colonies where everyone's wearing a cowboy hat made of human leather i i mean i've already been there i've done that so many times before i just feel like it's it makes me cringe when i when i do it you know other people can do their colonies you're just discovering rimworld go ahead give it a try and then and then stop this seems like a decent size for an infirmary i've never walked into an infirmary and had precisely those thoughts but now is the time that i'm having them all right um table we've already taken care of table get rid of tate or stop telling me about table lucky chance of a quick recovery possibly okay and the mad muffalo is still far off away enough for us to not be completely afraid of him you get ready and go over here i just want to make sure that these two are combat ready whoa that muffalo is moving at light speed uh maybe we can run him into a trap shackly you go over there we really shouldn't go here we really shouldn't lose this fight oh he might ninja his way through the traps no he is how could he do that dang it ah crap wait a minute ah i didn't mean to do that i meant to pause this is bad he was already hurt pretty bad okay i'm just going to have you stand back there mad muffalo is not really that funny run run run just run i know there's not much hope for him he's still completely okay now he has been injured he got down he got downed okay this is amateur hour now come on just please run him into two of these traps unless he dodges around them like the matrix okay he's fine oops there we go undraft pick him up rescue him all right all right good job good job everybody where is table wasn't somebody going out to get table oh did we lose table is he dead now where is he oh we needed to accept him darn wait a minute did i lose table because of that oh wait no there he is where is he this is the issue where like it's hard to find the snap too um there is a snap to somewhere in this menu oh there he is okay he's in our infirmary which isn't really an infirmary yet but it's at least something clean the dirt and make the infirmary an infirmary you ought to be ashamed of yourselves okay so let me turn back on the music there we go i had a track that i didn't have such a good relationship with is he at least being hey it doesn't really matter he's going to be very low maintenance for a while in fact you know it doesn't really even matter if we clean around him because he can't even walk i would be happy if he got up and started breaking things because really he's not gonna i mean like it's not nice to have put a man who's essentially paralyzed for 30 days um in terrible surroundings but he can't do anything in vengeance which that's what rimworld is mostly about is the vengeance of several men without arms and legs or at least that's how they're being animated it's a piece of performance art rimworld really that's all it ever was ah unless if it were tor solo of course in which case he could pick the lock and probably escape very fast yeah but there's always those exceptions always those exceptions yeah you know i think that would be a very nice thing if they just added double clicking on a portrait to center on the colonist that would make it so much easier um that's one thing i've been waiting for or that's my requested feature all these seem like fairly easy things to add into the game though so i don't imagine it will be hard for that to happen yes just resting in this blood and gravel room don't mind me eventually we'll want to smooth that out and stuff like that and i feel as though do we have any more room under mountain yes we do have room under the mountain uh here it comes again with under the mountain i'm not lending my colonists to you so sorry all right there we go we just want to max out that storage space okay who has tattered apparel now table has tattered apparel completely fine to do that but if we strip him he'll just be nude and he needs to put on the clothing of his own accord he can't have someone else put on his pants that wouldn't be appropriate there must be a mod for that there must be a mod for that did you just say remember the game are you playing that game where any time that you remember that you're playing the game you lose the game and so then your friends just walk up to you and be like i lost the game because i always remember did you ever have this is kind of like a stupid sort of funny it gets old very fast though did anyone else ever play that game before if you have no idea what i'm talking about then you just okay i just made you all lose the game good job uh i haven't heard about that in years here we go actually let's just leave that up until we get this other stuff done triple time triple time man everyone's coming out really upset so sorry about that so sorry about that yeah it's been 10 years i'd been winning the game for 10 years until you told me about it [Music] all right other things we want to do is like keep we're going to make the infirmary be a very nice place and we're being raided by the this is actually a decent pace for this ah tribals i love fighting tribals though they may just walk themselves into the traps all right nobody's about to explode so let's just put you both out there and are you armed you are not armed in fact grab your weapon before we go is this one in good condition some of the things like mousing over items too i feel like they could edit oh no actually you can i instantly take that back i just found where it was on the screen shaklee has been standing strong for the whole time though man he's good [Music] you're about to arm yourself and let's pause i'm finding that it's very convenient and easy to pause and unpause fast which i find is something i have to do a lot of in this game so yeah 10 out of 10 there am i going to use adam as a meat shield here who am i and also are any of these guys incredibly talented in melee nope i don't even really need to see the brawler i don't feel like that's gonna make a difference nope and you don't have a bow do you oh the other guy also seems to have gone for the yes he did that's like whittling away a little bit off of each of these raids that's very nice you should run into the spike trap in theory you just dodged this why okay stand immediately in the middle of these things i don't trust what the hell what the hell what the actual hell come on dude these things are supposed to be invisible to you he's still resisting how how could this happen no ah that was so stupid all right he will get her robot hand he just lost his pinky and middle finger on his right hand i know i mean really not like you could still do it with the other three fingers you could still fire a weapon you could still sort of grip it but that is gonna kind of mess up his manipulation i don't think that's gonna mess with his shooting too much because that's more a sight thing but like really he just dodged past six traps because of subtle ai pathing he didn't even lose either of his fingers i mean there were at least two there must have been i do feel kind of bad now shackly he's the royal well i mean you know what you're gonna get a nice robot hand that's what we're gonna do for you after your trip to the doctor we're gonna go you're gonna get some candy and a nice robot hand you'd love it darn it you know i should really double layer these things in areas where i think that they'll come through like definitely for sure but that guy just dodged past them whatever whatever his eight more it's fine that's you know good attitude that's the kind of attitude we need around here for this game yeah maybe he'll be like eight fingers mcgraw or something like that you know or some tough sounding name like that i'm eight fingers mcgraw bet you can't guess how many fingers i got all right um i just like deconstructing this way i know there's something fun about playing a strategy game with the controller again it really brings me back to being i think when i was 16 i played a crapload of halo wars halo wars was very fun i i know that the controls were very weird and wonky but for porting an rts to the consoles it actually did quite well yes we're having an eight fingers party there we go good job good job okay uh i don't want to interrupt this party but he already seems to have done it to himself okay good yep you deserve that eight fingers mcgraw i think i will clean with you though clean the dirt before we have the party party's over oh crap how did the party i don't think that the party can be bad did they get lousy party mood debuff does that exist even does that exist needs attended party positive okay we can't get like bad party kind of garbage going on at the very least we have that whose bed is this okay so this is adam's room at this point i'm just going to build in walls i don't care for that much uranium you know if we need the extra uranium we'll open back up his bedroom and we'll get it out later i can't see i just can't see myself having use for this much uranium though there's only so much uranium that you need in your life i'm thinking let's put this in another part of the infirmary only because we always need tons of light in the informer infirmary build a copy of this over here and do that bad yeah bad party out whatever it is the one thing i was sad about to not have ideology i i'm gonna go ahead and just say straight up i'm not a huge ideology user i think it sometimes add things adds things that make the game harder if you play it right then it can be a lot of fun and i certainly enjoyed it for a change of pace um but i do like the quests and the events on it i think ideology added on a lot of really nice quests and i i just stuff like that um and if you'd like it you know don't let me change your mind um i just like the bass game so much that i i feel like it's just kind of more mods i preferred mods to the dlc to be honest but there are also some quality of life things like the animals that it added or was that just in the room world 1.3 release i can't remember in which case when are we gonna get a rimworld 2.0 can you imagine if they made this game run a little bit better too like if they came back made a rimworld 2 and then gave it like the level of coding that factorio has that would be sick i could have thousand men colonies i would really want to do that i would totally go back to do that in a heartbeat because remember how badly optimized the thousand-person colony eventually unfortunately became although i may be able to go back and do it um because they optimized the game slightly more yes hauling the muffler and i can hardly see the pawn underneath it uh moments like that just give me great satisfaction the rumor is that multiplayer is the next deal i don't i have no i know nothing of it i i like how they will surprise us like a week before the new dlc or whatever is the new thing like before ideology i believe it was one week which is kind of good because you don't want to let hype kill it you know hype can be hype can be a very bad thing i'll say that too much of it muffalo wool bowler hat tainted has rotted away in storage that's actually our goal so that was good we have another bowler-hatted gentleman there good nice bowler hat man still removed roof area there okay liking this hmm you are stressed are you fed though are you fed they are feeding him that's really all they need to do it doesn't matter if he's upset because he can't i mean this would sound wrong in other contexts but yeah that's basically that's basically our story for right now it doesn't matter because he can't take vengeance upon us yeah and that's the way it's going to be all right now i want you to actually clean who is the one that shackley yeah he's the one i want him to haul and clean before he does the other stuff we have reached a time in the base when everything is covered in blood and if i don't make some changes now there will be a lot more blood soon i can guarantee you that but strangely we haven't really kept pace with our um with our meals we haven't starved certainly and you know the kitchen is fairly whoops clean i insist that the kitchen be clean anyway but i need to observe them for a little while okay good checkly is starting to do a lot of hauling now this is how you can tell that ponds are ready for the next thing is when they start doing hauling and then you'll see the repairing and then you'll see the cleaning and then you see the and then you know that once they're at cleaning your colony is all but ready for the next phase of development actually is this room even going to be necessary i challenge you chap tell me what this room would be used for if i were to make this back into a room for something i have my infirmary right here do i just expand the infirmary and make it bigger i mean i could make it into some sort of other type of armory but i kind of prefer having that farther back into the base if i could describe rimworld in three words what would they be one of them would be chaotic another one would be system and another one would be tynan chaotic tynan system [Music] pay to lose kill zone room i could do that uh we could do some sort of like backup room or or mind you what could happen is that we have like some sort of spike trap hallway i was originally thinking of just doing like a large no-man's land out here but that could work like a kill room i haven't done one of those in a while i'm trying to think of why i objected to those and it wasn't on like humanitarian grounds it was just because it wasn't working for me trying to remember what it was let's test it out and see how it does yep i'm up for it all right let's have the kill room uh you know what it was is because sometimes there are enemies who just kind of need to be taken out from a distance like people who explode you know not popular that people should make themselves explode when they die but it happens occasionally there are crazy people out there so that was my that was my fear so what i'm thinking is let's prevent people from coming in this way because a lot of people were hacking the system is how i would describe it and let's also to get rid of this door and we'll just have a an infirmary door over here or we could make this out of something other than wood potentially but the point is that maybe we funnel them into some sort of hallway right here where they go like noom and then they go and then this is a something that's happening okay now we're starting to get an idea an idea i have an idea whoops i didn't mean to fill in that space cancel that all right so now if we move this over here i need you lower i know the volume is already low but sometimes it gets loud hmm we have reached an impasse two four six no i didn't do it right oh well that's fine [Music] reinstall that there okay reinstall that there okay at least this is some form you need all kinds of sketchy forms of defense here whoops uh install that do it like there eventually i'll get this to work but at least we have some area where we kind of hide in then we can run back into the infirmary and close the door behind us let's just set that to always be held closed for now from now on um at least we shoot them and then enemies kind of run down here and then yeah i think you see where i'm going with this build copy there and let's get some light on in here as well for some reason i can't remember why i don't like to have roofs on top of these things like there are just certain things that give me pet peeves now and i'm like i don't remember why i'm not gonna allow this in my colony but i'm not going to because something horrible will happen i'm not sure infirmary right next to the kill box is a great idea so i'll try to move the beds deeper into the infirmary doesn't that sound like a smart idea hey bitter bitter please bitter bitter bubbles thank you very much the sims with guns yeah i guess now that i've done so much sims content i can uh we can call it like it is there's a lot of people who like the sims who like room world 2 to be fair ah here we go ah hang in a second hey whisperfire how you doing good to see you good to see you so they run through their phoenix but have you checked out console room world it's a banger it seems like oh wait a gift i didn't even realize that we had visitors ah pretty silver that's very nice of them we didn't even do anything she's just sure she is sure she is all right uh honestly the slate looks kind of cool you know slade isn't really oh we're over the spike trap didn't realize i would have a moment where he was over that thing yeah columnist will always prioritize not standing right on top of a spike trap oh you know what i'm realizing we're missing too now is the hammer icon like where you can set colonists to rebuild things automatically in the base i don't see that but it seems like a pretty quick menu option that they would be able to add in if they decide to see that unless if it's just somewhere i haven't actively looked for it though maybe i'm missing it and it is somewhere because there are a couple of other features like that that i've missed this guy is miserable [Laughter] hmm two bad console players i think i well they'll have like 90 of the base game 95 but yeah i was pleased when i did read from some people who were actually like yep i've been avoiding getting a pc just because and it was for reasons that i hadn't really accounted for like space in a household you know i don't know everybody's life situations but well uh rimworld is not like the most popular game ever made it's certainly not unpopular but it's like slightly more obscure i guess it attracts people to it anyway okay um let's get the hops out of here as well storage um [Music] i believe that's under raw resources plant matter yep hops too and the smoke leaf leaves actually yeah we could put those into the uh fridge too though i don't believe that we're planting any smoke leaf this is nice to see though that we're getting a good amount of like beer uh raw materials and other stuff like that uh how are we doing with the rice i just don't see any rice in there like they don't have any extra food are they really just this close to breaking even in which case let's go ahead and just put down a large grow zone of corn maybe like in this strip over here like this looks like a nice clear spot to put some down okay i think i'm gonna do that as just corn only because corn is low maintenance and even if it takes a long long time to grow at least that's something to look forward to for the future no i don't want it to be slightly in the not fertile zone that will really give me pet peeves there was a mod that let you uh turn soil into fertile soil i can't remember what it was was that fertile fields by rainbow rainbow but the one that didn't have all of the like harvesting of the fertilization something like that maybe it was a vanilla expanded mod was that an oscar pataki move a sick oscar pataki move that guy is talented actually i've chatted with him since he did the vanilla faction expanded pirates or it was when he did that he's doing another game called cursed crew i really want to check that out when that comes out ah yes and i didn't even mention steam deck but a lot of people brought up like five head move i'm just gonna play it on the steam deck which yeah i mean they did they did make rimroll compatible is it fully compatible yet i don't even own a steam deck nor do i really have any plans on getting one but i don't know why i'm smoothing this i'm just looking for stuff to do let's just let them catch up good he's consolidating and we are starting to get a slight surplus of corn here i'm liking that how's it farm plots hey i are awesome thanks very much have i had a chance to try out rimworld clone clan floke is it directly a clone or are they did they say that i was inspired who knows like i know going medieval said yeah like we're directly inspired in a lot of ways which i think is okay quest failed oh yeah well we planned on failing that one i was worried about this guy all right how many more days of paralytic abasia do you have how many more days of paralytic wait 30 days oh are we not treating him with medicine or has it literally been only one it can't have been only one day hang on a second we need to check his settings self 10 no moving unrestricted hang in a second why is he what the heck is he not recovering from paralytic of asia or is it just me i mean it's certainly been that many days right ooh [Music] or is it just showing me the total time somehow i got a second information i need some information can be cured only with 10 glitter world medicine operation yeah but at the same time paralytic of asia should still show a countdown on how many days are remaining in it so he's being fed actually you know what i'm starting to think is yeah technically it doesn't even need tending with herbal medicine i was just surprised at a good didn't it seem like more days had passed or is it just me we're on the 10th of jugis right now so remind me to check that back by the 12th and if that number is not below 30 then we may have spotted something weird as either a display thing i mean it did go down from 31 to 30 but didn't it just seem like more yes it's the counter but he had like 31 days like 20 minutes ago maybe time is just going by so slowly time is going by very slowly [Laughter] uh was it madonna i went through a madonna phase a while back where i'd that is pretty good ah wait a minute i'm telling that this is someone's going to die like this somebody's definitely going to die if i continue if i keep this up uh let's build a couple more of these yeah only just so that nobody does the thing that they're going to do here i'm gonna need to do that as well actually yep i don't need this door well too bad they're already halfway through it i just want to minimize the chances that a pawn steps on a spike trap and then kills themselves because i've had it happen before i've had every possible mistake that you can have happen in this oh was it 40 days from the beginning maybe we are in luck still 30 days hey kenny omalta thanks very much for the sub yeah it could be the counterbugging too it could be a ui thing it's possible so many chosen pinkies you've lost i do feel bad about that good we've got some parkas coming up some dusters nice that's what we need but are you everyone's wearing a parka clearly we need hang on a second i gotta get these switch these bills order can i reorder the bills as well um oh actually that's another feature yeah usually uh let me just make sure uh yeah i don't know how to switch around the order of these bills okay that's a that's a fair thing i mean i can pause them so that's nice but normally in rimworld you can suspend a bill um which i guess is basically pausing here um but yeah i don't seem to be able to reorder these i could just redo the whole thing which wouldn't be so hard but if you have a lot of bills click the right stick yeah let me give that a try hmm bills ah aha yep i stand corrected thank you for saying that yep okay so there we go i just fixed my own mistake that in fact did exist all right i'm glad good i'm glad i i think they added in most of the features they'll just add in the duster at the top case if you didn't see you know obviously the num the bill on the top is gonna be the first one completed so that that is in fact in the game i take that back all right we're back down to 29 days maybe i'm just impatient yeah all right well his 29 days of paralytic of asia fortunately that's not sending too much more to our colony because i believe that the number of colonists desired is between three and eight and my god look at how clean it looks now jump two okay we're being rated by hatler again this guy has oh that is a what is that again is that a deployable shield yep uh i think that's just a one-man shield stats melee pretty bad pretty bad at everything all right not worried about this person this person is rather good pyromaniac not really a desirable colonist in any way um i would like to get a prisoner if i can body modder iron wilt okay body modder is actually good because you can get body modder but it's hard to come back from body purist no raids we did get a raid scent was it just very quiet let me turn up the music slightly again i think we were there hmm this is good raid music volatile uh these two can die but this guy might be useful are you good at anything sort of good doctor and uh researcher we can always kind of use more of those things riptide and conical sphere thank you very much for the subs so i'm thinking that how do you lay a guy down without killing him in this i think we could just where is adam adam is in his room he's in adam's room or adam's song maybe he's playing adam's song let's just see what they do on their own who is shooting guns he's the one who likes all her remember nirvana our pretty songs and he likes to sing a lot these guys are just oh you have an auto smg maybe they'll finally take out the bugs for me wow well done ah darn you darn you the heck this is so hecking awesome uh very cool hang on a second it's under your gear dude ooh normal quality heavy smg i'll be taking that from you the mega spider is running away the very hungry caterpillar these guys are going to work for me i like that at least it has common sense but i think that it fled its nest in its baby i do want to keep shield out here though although shield is shield didn't lose anything though in the last fight i'm gonna keep shield out because i wanna shoot this guy and i want that heavy smg man they're just going after all of the wildlife it seems like even more than in the pc version but i'm just attributing that to bizarre rim world ai which is quite fun oh they've angered a mega sloth okay maybe we should get ready to like come up for the for the win no they took out the colonists that i wanted darn all right let's see if we can get some pot shots off on this lady because i would still like her weapon the pump shotgun is pretty horrible quality right i mean if we can get that we aren't able to uh love heavy smg for low skill shooters and master work smg yeah masterwork smgs are fantastic it's one of the best items in the game like that or pump shotguns pump shotguns are sick you just totally end a bunch of pawns in like 30 seconds ah this is my other thing too about uh not being able to see range are we shooting at them ah good got em to deploy the shield pack in the wrong spot let's see if we can just run away because i don't really wanna fight them i don't want shield to get injured but i want to bring them back to my base ah that worked out even better than expected yeah the range here is key but i also want to make sure that he has cover because there's you can micromanage as much as you want but bizarre things do still happen in this game uh good they're going for the cover but there's really nowhere to take cover around here okay i don't want them to bum rush this cover um the worst thing to have happen would be that i take out rini the barkeep and then nelson flees and i'm not able to do anything so let's just run inside because it looks like they're just gonna run straight into my traps yup ah got it got it okay great i don't really care about the other pawn hatler has so far sent us a lot of good people um who is this one gonna go to who's the better shot really is what it ultimately comes down to uh you know what you take it you lost your two fingers you deserve a cool weapon all right uh that at least does give us some range because i think range is the best thing we've got here moongu 42 thank you very much for the prime yeah melee weapons a lot of people think uh yeah actually uranium is a good point uranium mace or is there a better uh weapon with better armor penetration now i used to go by uranium mace but then they start adding all these other weapons into the game okay let's start to add in a bill because i want to do this this part of my whole production chain um not the drug lab it's the smelter here we go so i like to have tainted smeltable clothing go into these things but i don't like to give it too much room it's good if you want to handle large raids and just recycle steel off of them i think i'll put it here i don't want so much explosion danger here either and these things consume a lot of power so it's usually worth turning them off um good wow this is a pretty well-run colony but i mean have i at least proven to you that i can create a very well-run colony off the console version i thought it would be a pain in the neck to run like a large colony like this but so far it is not he who smelt it dealt it yeah the trap placement is good yeah the revolver the revolver is better i mean the revolver is fantastic at close range but ideally we just don't even get them at close range at all because of the traps we've done what can still happen is that people drop pod in on our base for which actually it's a pretty reasonable threat to start thinking about now uh i may be forced to do this with wood the sharp animals what is that it's called the sharp animals theopis theophus nickpus recently lost a scouting party the three men had to wants to draw the beast toward you to be killed to uphold his honor uh okay so we do have oh we could get an elbow blade or a masterwork revolver ooh or some hyperweave honestly the masterwork revolver is not that bad um just very hard to get and that could be fantastic at close range like we were just speaking of and an elbow blade is quite badass and it's only three man hunting arctic wolves what could go wrong here all right what do you want reward one revolver reward two elbow what does the elbow blade do again let me just go double check elbow blade or do you want hyperweave let me know in chat in the meantime i really don't use the elbow blade there's also all the risk of surgery we have with installing an elbow blade hmm beauty minus four work it doesn't actually show the combat stats of this and max hit points 50 but it can't be bad yeah that could be bad i mean that could be good if people get close to us because there is quite a lot there all right take your votes this one is the most valuable hyperweave is rare and then a masterwork revolver is pretty good but at the same time i don't know it would be in replacement of something else uh hyperweave hang on a second what is happening here oh more visitors all right nobody want nobody wants hyperweave right you know what normally i would do it this this way but i want to be fun and get an elbow blade i'm doing it the sharp animals here we come give me the elbow blade there we go all right so we're going to have three men hunting wolves be it like attracted in here but they're probably just going to die to our traps anyway so why even bother elbow blade they call me the blade the elbow blade now we have a place to stand i think the only thing we can really do is just make more traps oh yeah that was what i was saying before was the whole thing with getting drop potted it on so they could just drop pod anywhere in our base usually it'll be somewhere in the hallways and we have to kind of deek them out so hey ambiguous love your content i'm gonna do this i was wondering if you will ever be doing any sort of long-form content gerald williams series or torsolo in the future ah as much as i liked doing those i would have to be in a mode to do them hey thank you very very much for the prime dated cylinder like some people have asked if i will like why can't you do it more philosophically or i don't know it it seems that i've reached the channel size where no matter what i do there will be descent from what i do which i actually think is a sign of okay here we go the man hunting arctic wolves i can't jump to them oh glitter world medicine that's good maybe i would bring it back as like a twitch thing if i were ever i'll just say that yeah no no real plans to as of right now i liked doing them um if the situation arose like if there were a big i don't know something if something were released like as new content for a game then it might bring back something like that but so far no plans there kind of was a return of tor solo that was the tour squad but the video just didn't really get as much like promotion because i kind of went really hard on that the tour squad i don't know if you ever watched the tour squad but the reason why i don't do those things also too just from like a uh like a what could i be doing well it always kind of hurts if you start up a project and it doesn't really it doesn't do as well as you want or it doesn't really get to the reception that you would want it to and then you're kind of stuck doing it for an entire month which is why i largely stick to shorter form stuff now um that's one reason another reason is if i just you know i want to be able to move around projects once per week usually by the time i'm done with one week of making something that i'm tired of it um and i want to move on to a new project but that's some reasons yeah i mean that's why you know i'll circle back to stuff over time though too [Music] we need to kill these things otherwise they will come it gets the ones that it kills get up and kill shaklee yes he has the smg okay so we want we get some smg action right here here we go good job shaklee get out there and my god how can you so is it selecting the interact consume arctic wolf well that wasn't what i had in mind that's yeah there sometimes there's a couple of options on screen where you can do oh wait no it was dead okay let's just fire out never mind i take that back see how it opens up that nice little menu there i do like that all right look who just got an elbow blade oh and they delivered it to just the right spot the elbow blade delivery spot thank you let's get an actual thing here um the gameboy sims videos basically everything that i've done since last year with like a segment has done pretty well um but i mean i always find and that sounds kind of shallow but i i'd be lying if i told you i didn't think about it um but ultimately i mean what kind of spurs change in videos is when it comes from within like when i really genuinely want to play something like a couple months ago i played simcity 4 and i didn't think that would be as interesting to as many people as it was but it was great because i love those old simulation games and um i don't know i couldn't be happier with that so that's generally what i do now i'm more just thinking about it is it something that i want that i genuinely want to do and to kind of put that into perspective my email inbox is surprisingly full of sponsor requests nowadays but there's a lot of stuff that i just don't really look at because i just think and like good offers too but i'm also just like uh i don't really think i want to spend a week of my time on this you know so um i'm blessed i'm blessed by you guys and i'm i'm grateful for you guys for that um but yeah that's uh that's the way the cookie crumbles unfortunately i can't be in ten places at once but that's partly why i've done the vibe channels so that i can do more stuff and there's so many other fantastic content creators out there who do long-form stuff that's really good and really detailed like i'd point to my friend um mr sam streamer who does so many like really interesting rimworld player uh playthroughs and i've always said that if i had to stick to one game over uh over a long period of time or just pick one game on the channel to play forever i would be rimworld and i think sam does a really good job on that stuff so i would i would recommend him to you guys if you uh if you're looking for anything like that in fact he has quite a lot of playthroughs like that because he used to do more crusader kings but i think he's mostly just kind of gone hard into rimworld although he has his second and third channels so ah no not the flu [Music] you have the flu and well actually this is not such a bad happenstance for you okay we have spotted what appears to be a either a ui bug or an actual functional bug as everybody's seeing this it was the third it was the 10th of jugus when we had 30 days but now we're looking back and it's only 29 days i'm pretty sure like 15 days have passed on this guy but i think he's uh i think that he's oh wait no no no do not use the glitter world medicine on him do not use the glitter world medicine on him in fact let him die he will die put that medicine away you know i've started suddenly started talking like the king and i don't mean elvis that's kind of badass that he got the nickname the king i'd like people to call me the king uh no actually that would get very weird very fast maybe like as a novelty for five minutes and then after that all right thank you that'll be enough that'll be enough i wonder if that means that prince is elvis's son in any way like in some for someone to mod this control scheme to the steam deck now these are some bizarre thoughts we've entered some interesting territory here folks uh if they did this on the steam deck you know i have no experience of it whatsoever i don't know how you would record video on a steam deck though can you stream from a steam deck then it would be a stream deck oh god oh that was funny wasn't it try to remember what else we were trying to do in here slate traps wooden spike traps let's also designate a few more of these trees and no i can't sew any trees yet because i just haven't done that i just haven't done it now the trees we're having to go further and further to get like extreme deforestation the colony um was that a dad joke i guess it was like an elvis prince dad joke sure yeah sure fair enough what quality did we get on this good good good good we're gonna try to get rid of all the bad quality chairs all right we're we have some good constructor definitely good oh there's no recreation out here wait a minute they lost their uh they lost their horseshoe pin so let's go give them some sort of recreation okay um i will do [Music] let's do marvel because why not why not right uh and we'll do that like out here somewhere where they won't hate the surroundings completely i'm going to do one out there and i am going to do an indoor one too it's good to have the options i feel next to the plant now we want to start to get rid of some of these decorative plants and things like that and we can also oh we can also do a poker table or is it a well we can afford the poker table right now so i'll do that we have the necessary cotton so i will definitely have that as an option do that there and then we'll do [Music] let's do some more chairs i'm just going to stick with wooden chairs for now um rotate rotate oops rotate rotate rotate rotate we probably don't need that many chairs i'm just starting to realize we don't have this many people in the colony it's not like we're going to play poker with you can never really have guests over unless if you have hospitality of course but well neither here nor there i guess i could have made that out of uh second guessing myself too much all right um do we have any other sculptures ready no unfortunately well we just need to give them some time time of course [Music] hmm this is not oh but we do need bills so cue order kappa oh uh hey the king oh thank you hey pedro what's up pedro was the uh the guy who got me the uh the key to the game hey thank you very much for coming out pedro i listed a little bit of feedback for the uh for the dev team too just throughout the video mostly at the beginning just for like a couple of features that i can't find so i just wanted to get that through to you guys um but overall like i've now gotten totally clear with the controls and everything is doing uh everything is kind of going great guns there were even a couple of features like moving around bills which i figured out how to do so i don't know if i'm just missing them but i wanted to just relay that to you um because i think you guys did a fantastic job but i i keep repeating myself here um but yeah just i'd admon or not the redwood yeah i i would like to shower the team with with a lot of praise this is a very good port um wait a second advil mode here we are is it this who ingredient radius limited who any worker ingredients choose awful to legendary um i believe actually there is one i'm missing here like if the clothing is tainted um and we've been experimenting with the tainted clothing policy so that we have seen a little bit of but yeah i just wanted to kind of put that out there um yeah because it would be nice if i could like get rid of tainted clothing um or smelt it like there should be one other option here but i think that unless if i'm missing it and if it's somewhere else i see in which case thank you but thank you very much for the 608 as well god bless [Music] no we don't have time tiny we have pedro from unless if tynan is secretly lurking which is always like a fantasy of mine as well but we have pedro from devil 11 who's also on the dev team but thank you very much for coming out i also just have to say that i got a lot faster with the controls since the last time like i purposefully began when i was muddling through because i wanted to see if i would muddle through at the start and i am no longer muddling through and i am entering like the same flow state of mind that i desire when i play rimworld so this state of mind is desirable and i am i am completely serene right now i just wanted to put that front and center front and center um now will this paralytic of asia be recovered from by you actually it is slightly lowering i'm not sure if the paralytic of beijing now it has gone down either that or he's just stuck in some sort of like forever land of paralytic of asia uh have we been tending to his fl oh this is because we told it yeah just let him rough it see if he gets better uh okay i will give him like some basic medical care herbal medicine or worse but i'm not going to start oh no that's one of the worst possible things that we could have have an update sure the things you make yeah no i saw the other up i mentioned all of it at the beginning of the vods so i i feel bad repeating myself here but yeah it'll all be back at the beginning of the body don't worry i i did some justice release to the wild we don't want this we don't want this boom rat let this pass over me oh and you know what else we can do ah grenades oh wait no that wasn't grenades well let's just take these anyway 99 bottles of beer there we go and the insect jelly which will make them happier normal 59 uh rifle thing we could uninstall this glow pad i don't know why we would but i'm gonna go ahead and do um zone now where is the forbidden zone colony i believe it was under a sign did we tell them to stay in area one um schedule uh no it wasn't a schedule either where is it i rarely have had to use this one areas area one no not home gosh where is it now i forget i haven't done this at all this is embarrassing now very embarrassing for me it would be a shame if i were this embarrassed for much longer on the stream work it had to be now where was it i totally said it the last time table his name is table drug policy social drugs darn it i don't remember oh now i remember this was one of the ones where i had to navigate into the individual colonists menus yes that was another thing just like the individual but again i have already said it um so i will no longer belabor saying the same things multiple times here we go area one that's it unrestricted now that we have killed the bugs uh i can move in peace again movement you may move wherever you wish move here or there there we go and i did learn to change the home zone so that was good home zone self-tend no you know what just so i don't forget about this because everyone else is set to it good good man hunting pack of of what labrador retrievers i knew they would be around at some point to collect the taxes right uh not a great time what are we going to do hall some pemmican back i imagine that labrador retrievers are faster than a man without two of his fingers he has only eight of those fingers left to walk on so let's bring him back in good and you're there oh no i don't want time going that fast there should be like a stupid control in this game because it happens um okay uh retreat to the safety from laboratory retrievers section of the base see now we can retreat back to a better spot and look the laboratory retrievers just they just go to sleep that's all they're doing right now they just went to sleep oh they do have scarier right you are drafted stand there i like the uh i do like the combat mini menus though these have been really nice how you can just quickly go into here that's been a really that was a very good touch on the ui i wanted amnesia vod i've never played amnesia on the channel you can cure scare you can cure scary i thought it was unrecoverable well my mistake you will handle it and you will like it release the boom rat except this is i am beginning to realize a heart good he's carrying him away to be free in the wild again that he's like looney tunes yeah something like that i thought that was like time out you know loony bin like why would there be a bin in which you know you would go in in case if you were looney unless we're talking about of course like uh like psychological hospitals in the uh what was it the early wasn't that like a whole movement after that factory burned down something like that uh i'm just so filled with references from social studies now all right i got a little off topic there um these rooms how are you liking your room now may i take your hat sir decent bedroom okay ah you know what they need is something like a dresser something like a dresser oh and we also need to flick this thing off let's um i wonder if i have the option on that yes i do designate power toggle yep okay turn that off it just consumes it consumes three blue medicine to kira scaria wow i'd better get a bunch of like uh disgusting horrible putrid animals to cure i would uh probably be much better off all right make them better off man i can't even make words anymore how long have we been streaming we've been streaming for three hours this is what i find is that whenever rimworld does a very good update i can play it again for hours on end because that was it's one of those games where i just like lose track of time you know i lose all sense of time time and space man let's put this over here and if it's a good i i mean is that like the mlg move to get new bedrooms made i figure if we're going to get somebody we might as well have a bedroom ready for them like a hotel trying to figure out which way this is rotating is there any way just by room okay i think i got it now i am doing these out of stone i believe i could have done those end tables out of stone but i did an excellent excellent this is what's good about having a great constructor is that you get such fantastic quality on everything pretty sure that's one of the main things we need so dresser end table um we will go into the beauty tab here go to the beauty tab 8 25 look at that 25 that's a very high number i bet you can't name any numbers higher than 25 or at least take you a few minutes to think of which numbers went beyond that hey is the stream i watch when i need extra words in my ass uh that's probably because i'm too verbose somehow made use of my english degree no one else in my family had done it before me i was the first man to ever make make use of that it's like oh god why did we do this family hmm spike trap interact you know i think i'm going to remove this one we don't need that figure it 24 yes most people can name numbers only up to 24. there is a number beyond 24 though or what was it the meaning of life is 42 of course of course it is what else would it have been i think i did go through a phase okay also too the reason why i've cued like 20 spike trap builds is because i want them to just slowly start to uh like bring these in they're just gonna need to get to the end of this construction though [Music] this is like the kind of forlorn song in the track oh adam i love it when you construct anything i thought he was a woman so i was hoping that we would get some like colony romance going or something like that i've never done like a full rim world colony where you just try to play on people's relationships because it never goes so well somebody always loses a toe and then i mean we had that happen where one guy like took out another guy's eyeballs and it was oh it was it was horrible it was like a hannibal lecter moment wait a minute animatry died oh did i accidentally cue the destruction i believe i did that oh well all right well we'll have a nice catharsis from that anyway yeah you shouldn't destroy uh anime trees in the game i think i might just tell them to put clubs out in the open so that they can deteriorate because i can't think of any club that would really be worth taking up space out here so let's go ahead and do that architecture it's not really architecture but it sort of is uh let's put them way out in no man's land i mean who really cares if raiders arm themselves with clubs because they're worthless at this point in the game at this point in the game uh forbid all let's make it like important even critical priority on clubs i guess we have to do this we have to take all of those and let's just say all clubs belong here a lot of people like the rimworld i i liked it about the first five to 50 times i heard it and now i'm a little tired of it but that happens with anything except nintendo strangely i don't know what secret sauce they were using in nintendo but those soundtracks will never get old to me vengeful hunter named john's is crashing at a transport pod nearby i imagine i'll get great nostalgia when i hear them in a few years okay since our other colonist is worthless are you any good first off can okay he's gonna die in eight hours he's not really missing anything that's good uh does he have any other weird qualities he is a very good fighter all right that's useful quick sleeper chemical interest optimist that's actually great he's not capable of dumb labor though i don't love that um does he have some other job that he could do you kind of gotta have one thing he's in mind-shattering pain it's part of your interview process he could be our researcher and he could be a minor as well there is some more we've done most of the mining unfortunately but yeah we could use this guy for a researcher okay looks like we've got our first uh actual not be asleep for 10 hours colonist uh can we get him back in time i think so adam seems to be very stable as a human wait a second i would rather imprison him he's from athens uh no he just seems to be a free agent i mean this isn't the nfl but yeah he's he's a free agent noob there he goes hey cozy matt happy to hear the content helped you in some way i i don't know how but uh i i hope it helped you enjoy whatever it is you're looking for from it hey thank you very much thanks for coming out god bless you hope you're not going through whatever troubles it is or you're or you're getting over him in some way yeah i i feel that i used to watch some youtube videos when i was feeling kind of down now i never feel down because i'm always watching myself if only i were telling the truth oh i haven't had to have a prisoner now somebody had mentioned well let's just see it for ourselves uh we want to recruit um prison break interval he's his resistance is at 15 what does that mean only like 15 of the time he's just like ah and just pushes at us yeah i changed my mind i need to get out of here you know something like that you know why i was never very good at yelling at the camera i just whenever i yell it sounds cringe maybe i've gotten better at that i hope i have john vengeful is no longer inc why is his title vengeful that is a little unnerving hang on a second we need somebody go and clean this area up seems strange to hire a prisoner to do your research for you okay we got to smooth these surfaces this cell is not perfectly like beautiful as much as it could be so i just want to make sure that we do him justice and let's also move this standing lamp i had neglected to see this but i don't like it getting in the middle of the room but also too this is somewhat necessary okay and let's also move this out we'll just give him the marble this is a very nice set of like digs for a prisoner do that and then here we go adam oh there we go he's right on it baby right on it attaboy attaboy and a boy hey let's see how do you feel how do you feel ratty apparel so the other thing we would like to do would be to give prisoners some decent clothing but again i think i'm not going to micromanage that too much simply because the clothing apparel micro management seems like it's something i'm going to be waiting a couple patches to do perfectly well um table is still in tattered apparel but that's for a different reason yeah i don't have a compressor on the mic i should really do something like that like none of my live stream audio is uh processed through uh like i'm using pretty sketchy live stream audio and i have for years it doesn't really come out too much in the recordings i could try to bump it up in fact i should probably do that because i could i've just never really noticed that it made the quality worse and i also had years when i was working on youtube stuff where i was just like all i was thinking about was audio quality and i didn't really pay attention to like editing or just if i liked the stuff i was making i don't know so um yeah i haven't really thought about it but it's it's a big way to spend a lot of money because audio equipment is very expensive fortunately when you do find what you like then you never really have to think about it again yeah i'm going through a short sm7b this is like the mic that everybody uses but yeah i would swear by this thing this is a fantastic mic i have uh i think it's called like a d b s 68 x or something like that but then they made that what is the other preamp that every streamer uses now like the go xlr ah those things they look i've never used one but they look really good and i would like to try one one day it can also kind of make it sound like you have the voice of god too but like it may be too much i don't know if i'm prepared for that they look very nice though so not you know not throwing any not to throw any shade on them and all these animals keep self-taming so bizarre so what i'm trying to do now is just get rid of all of the dirt because they do tend to track dirt onto pathways and the more i can get rid of areas that are dirty that i don't want dirt to be there the better that was difficult to say all of that but yeah i mean also too just leaving anything is dirt that i don't care if it gets dirty because you don't want to dirt can't get dirty so sometimes you're just best off leaving it as dirt that sounded like just ridiculous i'm never gonna say any of that again um what else could we do well we do need more slate so we could go deeper into the fridge i don't like to have people mining in here for too long so i'm gonna do these in little chunks uh little bits they'll just kind of bite off one at a time and also too i suppose that we could just take some chunks from off the rest of the map if there's just slate lying around like there's a little patch of slate all those dirt is considered dirty as far as a bunch of oh because you had been doing dirt floor kitchens well you sir are on another level audio has always been fantastic it's really clear i in the videos it's i do a lot of processing which is pretty much all you're getting in with like the amps but well thank you anyway i don't know i've noticed that it's been okay i i think it's just because the shore is a very good mic it's not distracting is what i'm trying to say because there are people who have audio that's like i am god you know this is like okay thank you for speaking to us but it's just like why did you it's almost distracting because the audio is too good or sometimes there are people who are i think they consider them audio files where they just have like so much good audio that it it does kind of it does kind of distract from the viewing experience but yeah also too no one really likes the sound of their own voice to be fair that's also partly because it's being like reverberated through your own skull and you're hearing it much richer because you're hearing it it's a hard thing to describe and i don't fully understand it myself but it's the reason why whenever you listen to a recording of your own voice you're like ah that doesn't sound like what i think i sound like so it tends to do that i don't know just something i find very interesting i got super into audio and i almost studied music when i was in uh school i just always found it very interesting i got into like music production and stuff like that super interesting still and i mean if you kind of compare it with video editing there there's a lot in common all right brief tangent brief tangent but i think now we're done with that are you gonna go mine in that room i'm almost scared to send them into this room in fact i think i'm just gonna cancel this because i don't have we don't have that many corpses and i don't want to ruin someone's day ooh and a bulk goods trader okay i'm going to slaughter this dough uh no i didn't get the bulk kids trader okay are these guys able to get in yes the chickens have followed up using the door in a civil manner [Music] shackly darn it hang on a second trade snake the bulk goods trader uh we have roosters but we don't have ah this is kind of crazy let's try this this could be interesting are you guys thinking what i'm thinking when you see these animals um do you see what i'm seeing hey remote w and uh tan melon thank you very much for the prime [Music] i have an idea i have an idea i have an idea uh what do we have 862 let's get both of these roosters and let's get all of the unfertilized chicken eggs and see if we can raise a farm of chickens just in the hope that they will like fertilize the eggs we will put them somewhere how do you raise the chicken eggs um and what else we could sell some of this stuff we don't really need and we actually want to keep our wealth slightly down because it may be too high right now let's sell them the insect jelly because i don't really have much easter i know it makes them slightly happier but it is very valuable as a commodity oh a male needs to fertilize and eat a female before it gets lit i mean as in real life come on guys i know about how chickens uh do it but that doesn't work damn it i really wanted my chicken farm well let's also see if he has any other stuff too ah the cloth i'll definitely take [Music] wait a minute i bet you you're right but then why have unfertil i guess then they just that's like other ova that they just lay uh i have so many questions could i also uh you know what maybe i'll just get the roosters anyway just in case if we manage to get a chicken like i will buy both of them and i'm gonna just in case of the off chance this is not biologically accurate let's get like 15x guys i want to use uh fictional chicken uh reproductive traits in order to get this done the elbow blade i have hopes for i want the weight i don't really want the wake up because it can create addictions ambrosia is good i'll leave it actually ambrose is okay um what else blue fur i do want some of this stuff but dog leather isn't very useful like if we had panther a fur that's very good for heat um pig skin i don't think is particularly useful for anything is there a way to fast to do this no i think we have to scroll for each of these that could be useful if they added in a number entry if or maybe i'm just not seeing it bird skin i don't believe is really that useful plain leather i would just like cloth because it's useful in construction and why not have one single chicken i mean come on could have been useful i've always wanted a farm i've never got my rimworld farm i deserve it i deserve it labrador retriever meat only because it's labrador retriever meat but it's taking so long to sell this okay this is something that could be changed slightly on the ui or is there like one button that says times 50 even something as simple as that could uh that could work the boomelope meet kind of weirds me out so i'm gonna sell some of that as well all right we'll do like 44 of that just keep it up to an even hundred and then what else do they have they have thrumbo fur that's kind of cool but they don't have that much of it um cloth parka let's just see if they have anything interesting they don't unfortunately have any construction materials which they sometimes do but it seems as this time is a no and then the last thing i'm just gonna take is all of i will buy all of their cloth l one wait a minute l1 for fast modif oh wait a minute that's good oh i wish i had seen that before thank you for seeing that uh or i could have even just done max thank you ah that's perfect see it was on the top and not the bottom so i wasn't seeing it that was very embarrassing okay we can give them a gift as well i didn't even realize that you could do that i will then let's just sell them all the oh it reset everything damn it all right well now that we know that we can do that let's just sell all of the boom below me now i can do this fast sell them you sell them all my race i don't need my race i can do without it i've got plenty of other crap uh sell them sell them the dog leather sell them the pig skin okay this is much better yep i take everything back that i just said some of this we did kind of need to discover on the stream see we have some panther fur very useful very useful skin i don't know i'm just doing random stuff now ten give me like ten eggs give me that rooster give me that rooster just in case i may very well slaughter these things though 81 that's good enough for me except good purchasing boys right now let's see if there's any female chickens on the map [Music] i'm like raising my eyebrows in real life dog yeah we got rid of the dog load that was a little odd wildlife do we have any chickens any lady chickens around any lady chicken nope that's unfortunate uh okay let's just prevent them from let's use fictional biology in order to get through the rest of this hmm simple meal mood storage ingredients chews right we will have none of actually we don't even want meat in these i don't know why i had that we will have uh animal products here we go i had no unfertilized eggs just on the off chance that somehow the roosters see the regular eggs and get excited and at the very least i can also kind of get a pen ready for these things i guess i'll put them like around here and this gives me an excuse to grow some hay grass i believe they eat hay grass right or they can what do chickens eat in real life they just kind of peck at the ground don't they eat like uh cows i don't know what they eat like seed stuff like that right i've never had a chicken hey grass basically yeah basically just anything i don't know sometimes people do have pet chickens like i lived in a city a while back and there i had a co-worker who raised his own chickens and he would bring eggs to work fascinating guy very cool pretty good eggs too okay um egg laying will raise hollers will take the eggs and leave the boxes full let's see what happens if they do this i'm gonna build two of these maybe like one for fertilized one for fertile unfertilized uh let's do a fence gate let's do a pen marker and let's do an animal flap i just think the word flap is funny as a noun or a verb actually this base is surprisingly organized liking it this kind of takes away from some of the areas i would have used for tree sewing but interact let's find out if they do anything with this where have the eggs gone oh no they're eating them uh whoopsie daisy whoops a daisy raw food vegetarian nope none of that [Music] tell me that they're not using them for the [Music] i i think that this is all fictional but i'm preparing it for when we actually have chickens in the future just keep that in mind i'm not this stupid but i mean maybe i am uh but also too i've i've encountered a few things in this game that you know aren't perfectly scientifically accurate farming uh what is this for do i need to do anything with these things farming okay so then this is chickens how do we uh i haven't interacted with this screen at all allow animals okay all those autocut plants plant cut plants now um let's just see if there's a way to quickly yep okay so the roping will occur the roping of the chickens good good good and we can just give them some area to graze on i mean normally i would do this in another area but it's like whatever in fact let's just expand this out a little bit more just so they have more area to graze on we don't want to give them all the corn but hey i mean if they could just eat whatever is in there that's fine by me in fact i should have done this all the way out to there let's just rebuild it all ah why did i do this this way oh yeah because they had that activity over there okay never mind take it all back hatler again i like getting raided by hatler it's always a good show whenever they come hmm stomp the scientist it's unfortunate we don't have that other guy but maybe this will be like our penultimate fight current issue with using pen markers they've killed the oldest animals which do i think i'll get back to project zomboid in the future at some point taking kind of a break from it for now cleaning hauling health hmm pessimist character um pump shotgun okay so you aren't really that good at this so i'm not too worried about you but the pump shotgun is scary to me because it can just like take people out in a second volatile uh careful okay this is maybe worth looking at but still the careful shooter just means he's gonna get one decent shot in but then that's it hard worker and kind this guy is good oh i want this guy in my base vance recruiter okay if we can recruit vance isn't that our second advance that we've encountered too and how close are you to recruitment before we 13.2 percent i guess we just haven't had as much time it has so many new developments in here all right so they're going to wait around before they attack that's rather a lot of them how new are our defenses okay we are really not very prepared for this i'm just going to have you uh reinstall this over here um you know what cancel this for right now reinstall this over here leave that one there reinstall this one what is wrong with that spot is there something else blocking that that i can't see reinstall this here all right now we're gonna have to do some manual prioritization go go go whoops didn't mean to do three-time speed okay actually let's get the whole team on this one construction skill oh wait a minute now you can totally just move it though a little bit hang on a second oh he's already doing it and you are cooking a simple meal let's have you do this okay good just get in at least three of those spike traps we don't have to kill all of these raiders we just have to do enough that they start to run away reserved by sheckley these are all new ones we were trying to build okay i think that's all we can do really wait a minute reinstall this there good enough okay and it sounds like they have been aggroed now anna and banana thank you very much for this up also to might night taco hola from before thank you for the 500 bits all right the chickens must wait and i will also just let's recruit everybody because i do want to get in some pot shots here uh you go there oh ah okay they're gonna be very close here we'll have to go inside before they get very close in fact you just stand out there let's just do one man are they gonna have like a standoff though if they get into pump shotgun rain range i'm uh i'm running away okay i'm running i'm running oh why at this moment would a boomelope pass out right there there is no comeuppance from this hang on a second i have an idea actually there may be one way of redemption oh jesus why would you have to pass out there you are you thinking what i'm thinking you better be thinking what i'm thinking i think we're gonna have to stand these guys out in the fields you stand back there actually you stand there no you know what stay right where you are stay right where you are you go over there okay now we're now we're cooking with fire okay we're gonna need to time this right we're gonna need to time this right uh only when i'm ready only when i'm ready actually cancel that action wait did somebody find another way around no nobody did you get out of here you leave nope there we're fine okay well i'm just gonna shoot it anyway uh yeah attack that whoops you are undrafted you are undrafted okay a little bit micromanagey right there but it's fine and all this stuff is stoned so i could just shoot that thing anyway good harmless phew see that was another example of like a very micro managey filled attack that i had to manage i mean most of them are to be fair but um yeah you know i think that the console version handled it pretty well ah yes tear down this wall mr adam [Music] deconstruct there it is cool now the chickens have space to graze room to grow room to grow or either that or just they'll die one of the other one or the other is anybody still alive from that nah they all died on the spot oh we got a normal pump shotgun out of that honestly not that bad a weapon and a normal bolt action rifle and those also go into our stores now the bows are beginning to seem somewhat redundant okay let's add them into the pile and also probably steel knives would be uh will be unnecessary to keep out i just don't even want to bother with selling these things they're so worthless uh let's see ranged weapons a short bow is it a short bow or is it just a bobo short bow there we go yeah those are pretty useless all right all right good and then let's also add in an order we could smelt these down um as far as the knives yeah we could do that let's add in a bill add bill to smelt weapon but let's do only um ingredients all not persona weapons not ranged weapons but only not even most of these just knives uh i'm not sure can i change material i don't really need knives that much anyway they're just not that good but i don't want them to be like smelting plastial knives are they even able to i'm not sure honestly all right could be like a little i check on that but maybe i'm misspeaking all right how is our colony doing now i guess i i said i would give like a little bit of a base tour hey we'll do a little bit of that and then we'll put a bookmark in i've actually been streaming for a very long time now i think we got started about three hours ago so not really out of place here the colony is not perfect in its current state but it's certainly farther along than it was before um we have a prisoner and we're well on our way to having four if not five colonists after this guy gets out of bed i think we are having to wait longer for him though for yeah i mean it's been like should i just release this guy i don't know what's going on here whether it's some sort of like ui port thing or what but i believe it's been over 30 days and it still says that it's only 27 days i may just banish him can it banish him since he can't walk either that or we just have him in bed no but not only does he have paralytic abasia but there seems to be some kind of bug on him where he's just like he has paralytic abasia for four times longer or something like that i don't really know what's going on unless if somebody else can see it yeah we might just have to like euthanize him because there's no other way of getting rid of him either that or we could use him like all right i know what i'm gonna do when we get the next raid but that will have to start off the next video because i need to just like leave him there as an offering to future people otherwise we just have some guy bedridden with uh uh or you know he does have some nice organs that's a good point be a shame if something were to happen to them um you don't think i'm being of course i'm being facetious anyway um but where are we otherwise though i mean i like our colony we have a decent rec room the only thing is we just we need more bodies here birthday that's an emergency for some reason no adam got asthma due to aging oh no and he's gonna try to use glitter world medicine before i'm hang on a second i must have not switched this the last time yeah this is when they got the plague all right here we go nope none of that herbal medicine or worse there we go okay good that's fine you can use irritable medicine we have a surplus of most things peg legs and arms we could do that peg legs in arms and we're also getting kind of low on slate but this guy's gonna be a miner so he could be very useful for that all right i'm gonna designate like a lot more of the fridge to be mined out a bit let's just make sure we're recruiting him yeah we're not getting enough time to work on these people hang on a second i just want to make sure that they've got decent work wardening wardening okay let's give shields let's allow him to warden as well because that's an important important task just when you when you've got it in front of you the mad hair is over there prepare for the hair oh from over there okay you are useless come on man it's just a hair use your bolt action rifle there we go i don't know why i did that that was actually very risky he's fine he's fine um yeah i don't know i think that there's a couple more defenses and things like that but i'm at the point where i feel like that the colony has come sufficiently farther than it was at the beginning you know we have fully laid out bedrooms we have a fully set up research room now we're getting some type of art and stuff like that going on so the colony will be further more uh beautiful and prevent mood breaks because people aren't in really a perfect mood right now um and we do still have some events that leads them to insanity at times
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 53,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld console edition gameplay, rimworld gameplay, rimworld console edition, lets play rimworld, rimworld ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, rimworld game, rimworld ps4, rimworld ps5, rimworld xbox, rimworld xbox one, rimworld playstation, rimworld xbox series x, ambiguousamphibian rimworld, rimworld console edition tips, rimworld console, rimworld console edition review, rimworld console edition guide, rimworld 2022, rimworld ep 2
Id: j52yMg5u4JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 10sec (12070 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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