20 things Pros NEVER do in Minecraft

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diamond hoes are actually useful if you are making a giant farm

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mixa_Mega 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
so you think your Minecraft pro huh right right well there are a few things you have to make sure you never ever do in Minecraft before you can consider yourself a professional like come on seriously what is this guy doing everyone knows you never dig straight down this is a data pack we made that punishes the player every time they do something a pro wouldn't it's available to log that zip Channel members for download this October 16th and to everyone once this video gets 20,000 likes but without further ado here are 20 things minecraft pros never do and so we should start with an obvious one digging straight down this is the number one rule of Minecraft if you've never heard of this you live under a rock but don't dig underneath that rock because you'll probably die so I see lovely diamond here we're just gonna mine it it's no problem oh except that yeah there's a chance that you have lava right underneath you well in the case of this data bring all that pickaxe in the case of this data pack any time you dig straight down lava will appear underneath you it does not matter if you're in a cave or even if you're somewhere in the overworld you never dig straight down I mean look it says it right on the screen there guys pay attention all right but for now we move on to number 2 flaming diamonds when have you ever happened to cross some diamond ores that were unfortunately placed right above some live well most players would have a bucket of water you know pros at least would have a bucket of water and they turn the lava of City and then they've mined away a pro would never let diamonds fall in the lava and so when you do it with this data pack you die instantly this data pack is going to train you how to be the ultimate pro player because you will literally lose all of your goodies every single time you do something wrong Hank it gets even worse you could just simply have a diamond on you and if you throw out the lava you're gonna die make sure you have a water bucket handy any good pro would and collect your diamonds and safety alright number three a sticky situation getting stuck in cobwebs is now very painful and very non pro bros know how to navigate mine shafts ultimate see those sick moves didn't touch any of the cobwebs yeah I'm good in modest but anyways check it out step in a cobweb now things get a little bit worse mining fatigue slowness six and blindness two for the entire length that you're in the cobwebs now normally this would be fine but imagine getting stuck in a cobweb when there's some dangerous mobs nearby creeper that's your that's your cue any day now I guess he's not coming oh gosh number four digging up yes everyone knows about never digging straight down but you never hear too much about digging straight up either well it poses its own challenges why don't we show you some of those right now I'm trying to get to the surface cuz I finished my mining expedition yeah and then look suffocation no breathing gravel in my face can't think of anything around the breathing anyways you suffocate cuz gravel or sand or anvils or red sand or various other gravely related blocks you can kill you in an instant and with this data pack it literally does it anywhere so check this out I'm gonna start digging up and then instant gravel destroying my life you need to get this through your heads you should also never dig straight up well I mean at least a pro wouldn't do something like that number five never go unprepared what a lovely portal here hey through the nether portal you go except oh gosh well that's where the other creeper one I guess all you need to know is that you're taking constant weather three if you come to the nether unprepared allow me to try that again if you head through a portal to the nether with no armor on you instantly get withered right away pros would never go to the nether unprepared so look the moment you put on some armor you stop getting withered you can no longer go to the nether without armor on or at least without a piece of armor on because the moment you don't wanna cheese and I'm to be honest a little bit nervous I like three and a half hearts and we're in the middle of the nether I'd still say I'm unprepared I don't have any okay well not ask questions alright let's get back to the main world for now so we can show you the next one hopefully this portal still works out yeah perfect seems to be we've worked in our favor I like it number six the diamond ho use it go on what's that supposed to be all right so a diamond he'll allow me to explain to you why not even pros use diamond hoes first of all let me show you what it does in this data pack Oh awesome so you might be a little bit confused why does the best Hoenn game that pros would certainly have if they were gonna have a hoe at all blow you up well it gets deeper little Billy listen in there are basically two lines of thought here you're either pro player and you've evolved past simple vegetables for your food knees in which case you probably have animal farms set up to get you things like steak pork chops etc or you maybe have some sort of farming system devised that will slowly cause all of your carrots to plant out for them you've got a dispenser you've got a hopper system it's all hooked up in length so that you don't have to hoe away at anything anymore you don't need that hoe no mo seriously I say it all the time but it is fun to blow up seriously just get that hoe out number seven pros never kill their furry friends I mean you're a pro why would you do that man's best friend there's like a saying you know now look at what happens when you try to look you die pretty much I mean look at this wither six notches six hunger sticks and we got bad luck that's probably just cuz we killed the cat specifically but either way don't kill your pets come on Tyler I spawned in too many pit wolves and they've gotta go they're robbing me dry of all my bones we should thought of that before you bred them all like a wild person like a wild animal I guess so the point is pros don't kill their pets they're used to aid you in battle in things number eight pros would never eat their food raw I mean sue she's nice but you should probably still cook it it's safe for heavy I've heard horror stories about puffer fish and look these guys are giving me the eye because they want me to cook the food you're fair enough if you're eating raw food in-game well you're gonna have serious problems I'm gonna set most of this to cook away in the smoker do I wait my call stop eyeing me I'm not gonna share my food with you look what happens we eat a raw pork chop everything that works and you get all your hunger back from below it's all good now normally even when you eat a raw pork chop everything is hunky-dory nothing goes bad you really only run into issues when you eat raw chicken in game oh now you want to pay Oh interesting well not for sale I'm quite hungry but let me not use chicken as an example look at raw beef when you now eat raw food you have to cook it before you eat it noob and you'll get hit with poison as well as hunger 6 so there's severe penalty for not cooking up your raw food now it doesn't matter if it's a raw fish it doesn't matter if it's Rabi anything raw yeah gotta put it through actually in that case yeah eat all the raw chicken and rabbit you want guys number 9 pros never break glass without their silk touch pickaxe or theirs so touch ax was this your idea thankfully silk touch doesn't discriminate pretty much used silk touch on any tool and you'll be able to get things such as glass back upon mining it that's because you don't get glass back normally if you don't have silk touch and now look at what happens if you try and break glass without your slick touch pickaxe you get hit with some glass charge and you'll have damage that is dealt to you every single time you break these blocks things are not looking good in my hand oh it's so much pain can't you tell silk touch safe no touch you get pain well I guess regular touch really it's bad number 10 pros never eat spider eyes I don't know if you realize this a lot of you didn't cuz I didn't and if I don't it means you don't know anything it's good you can actually eat these disgusting drops spider eye drops and they restore a little bit of hunger when you currently eat them but they also poison you for an extended amount of time so you're trading off hunger which heals you to get some hunger back on some spider eyes the damage you which you'll need your hunger for so it really just makes no sense pros never use these as food and neither should you now look at what happens when you eat a spider not only are you poisoned but you get nausea it's bad it's bad its life you know you still lose a little bit of poison health but for the most part it's like at what cost really and now it's hard to see no one likes that alrighty number Evon don't waste planks similar to don't break glass with your fists or anything that doesn't have silk touch it's a similar story here if you use a silk touch to knock this guy out everything is good in the world everything is right but using your fists or even an axe is gonna lead to bad news namely there's a raid going on above us right now y'all see this if you ever try and break bookshelves that you find in the villagers village well you better be ready for battle because you're gonna start a raid and in this case I'm going to turn off rates so we'll just take care you and you and you have fun dying to the raid yeah fat chance have fun dying to my axe sign that's time to sign we move on for the time being to number 12 we're here on a lovely beach well number 12 is that drowning is a noobish death so get a load of this we're swimming around it's a thing of beauty you'll notice something quite interesting as my breath bubble meter slowly depletes y'all ready it's gonna take you by surprise no really it's bad the moment you run out of bubbles at all you instantly die in pro mode that's because pros never drown they always come prepared with water breathing potions with turtle shell helmets with everything so even if you're headed up and you're just shy of the surface number 13 is kind of a no-brainer eating puffer fish can kill you aka pros would never do such a thing but hey we wanted to put it in there for all you puffer fish fans cuz you can't eat in real life you can just get heavily poisoned didn't it also die when you do that now that dying is funny well I mean sometimes on cartoons anyway I would move on we're hungry boys we're eating puffs look at his face as I'm eating him so sad he's like come on bruh what are you doing don't eat that noob you get hit with nausea hunger 3 weather 2 and poison for this is enough to simmer to real life kill ya hey I'm dead number 14 don't spam your eyes of ender eyes Evander are you whoa y'all hear that sound effect yo creepy I think I'm do with the I anyways you use these guys to locate the end stronghold once you right-click one it'll fly to the sky it'll pull you in the direction you need to go to locate that thing and it sometimes will exist and sometimes it will actually break now considering you don't need to use them constantly the idea here is that you only need a handful move in the direction you need to go and then once you've done that you'll have an idea of where to head for your stronghold however it's a good chance if you're noob you're gonna spam these things so look at what happens when you spam an eye of ender you die right a lot love dying in this dude Hey look I'm all for it dying has been proven to be one of the best ways to teach lessons in Minecraft specifically don't now I'm in creative mode and look what happens when we spam I am the ultimate be me and my cloud of smoke and dreams and things and wings and beans and jeans number 15 and her chest broken with silk touch a lot of people didn't know this I was quite surprised if you didn't know this you need to use a silk touch pickaxe in order to break and ender chest and if you do that you'll get your ender chest back you can store all your nonsense inside and if you don't know what I just do but you can access whatever nonsense is inside from any and your chest you find now normally when you break an inner chest with a regular pig actually get up sitting back but now you get hit with some dragon's breath that managed to get stuck inside the ender chest seriously this is Bad News Bears and if you don't know anything about bears they're dangerous so now just imagine dangerous bears that are also bad news I mean think of it it's terrible look you see guys we need to get rid of the Bears it's just time number six just kidding violet number 16 don't drink poison why would you drink poison if you're a pro player professionals would never do that it's tantamount to giving up in life I mean I guess it's exactly that but now that what happens if you drink boy instead oh gosh you get the crew to come beat you up mean the boys when I go out drinking a poison a interesting way to get additional husks in your world at all time they're like Tyler don't do it don't kill yourself we'll do it for you gosh could you imagine apparently drinking poisons great way to make friends now look not only the professional minecrafter never drink poison why in heck would they ever eat rotten flesh number 17 look what are you go find a carrot already you're really gonna eat this it's gonna cost you more hunger than you get back from it probably and now look you're punished for it eight seconds of poison with your name on because you add the gall to eat a human being that used to be alive at some point like gross you shouldn't even do that in real life I'm pretty sure they actually just put you in jail for it so you should be happy for the poison you could be dead instead instead now you got a half heart so you know just be more aware okay be a little more thoughtful number 18 snagging on to the buffet you don't want to find yourself drinking potions of slowness either there's literally no gain in game I could possibly think of unless your goal is to go slower then if you were to drink a slowness potion you can't do anything better speed potions are better just be pushing number one oh boy not necessarily what I knew was gonna happen my goodness you just get walloped by silverfish all over every single time you drink alone exposures why would you do this Pro you're not a pro I mean I guess you know would be a super Pro thing to do is to collect slowness potions and then use them to spawn in endless silverfish so that you have the ultimate experience farm could be very pro I think we may have found a glitch in the system guys I'm gonna let him kill me now now number 19 is about crops and I know we already discussed that pros don't use hoes but you can find crops spawning in natural in game and so if they're there then of course you would harvest them but you're only gonna harvest ones that are at full growth cycle if you do that nothing that's gonna happen to you if you don't do that well bad things happen to you as well as your crops which is really sad because I wasn't done with those but it's essentially instant I mean look at this look at this talk about the best best ever hold on bruh love it I wish I could plant more than oh boy trying to do as many as I can there we go okay didn't work well whatever just don't do it okay grow your crops and finally the number one aka number 20 thing pros don't do use x-ray devices pathetic y'all make me sick do you really think that's what you should be going around doing in this world hopping in composters and placing pistons above me it's just sad but let's do it uh-huh now you can see the world around you but in Pro Mode you're punished for it log that zip is an extra cheating noob that's so sad guys could we get 5 likes oh okay I didn't die I was trying to die ride his ass for like so that it'd be funny but it didn't work oh wow but I just what happened anyways guys those are 20 things pros never do let me know if you want to see a new version of this video
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 3,005,683
Rating: 4.7852921 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft pro, minecraft pro vs noob, minecraft pro tips, pro minecraft player, minecraft 1.15, 1.15, pro mode, minecraft pro mode, Never Dig Straight down, minecraft data packs, data packs, pro diamond, diamond, minecraft survival, minecraft data pack, survival challenge, minecraft mod, minecraft addon, logdotzip, new update, new minecraft, new minecraft update, minecraft update, new, op minecraft, pro challenge, nether update, 20 things Pros in Minecraft NEVER do
Id: Vuk-X1zM7Bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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