What if Every Minecraft Drop was RANDOM? (Randomizer Survival #1)

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so fellow youtuber and minecraft expert sethbling wrote a script that randomizes every single drop in Minecraft what does that mean exactly well it means that this grass block is almost certainly not going to drop a grass block instead we got a lapis lazuli block how about this dirt block with that we got brown concrete powder now what happens if we were to break that as you can see it goes on and on and on and so in today's video we're gonna be exploring this loot table randomizer however my friends it's not going to just be blocks that we're going to need to worry about today oh my gosh that's a lot for timings we're also gonna have to worry about specific types of entities whether it's zombies chickens villagers or even creepers oh boy and we're gonna try and accomplish three things with this randomizer one we're gonna want to try and build a house with lovely things inside such as potted plants seriously all of them give that - I'd like to build some sort of redstone contraption that's gonna allow us to more effectively do our final thing number three take on the ender dragon oh yeah baby and I gotta say this is possibly the best oak wood loot I've ever had in my life it looks like it's from the pillager outpost because right off the bat we've got food we've got carrots we've got crossbows we've even got some iron before today's episode ends you'll see us finish our first house somehow managed to throw together a working beacon and we'll discover the ultimate mystery loot drop now I have no idea how long it's going to take me to do all of those things I just mentioned so you're gonna want to subscribe so you can see further episodes when they come out and if you want to check out this project for yourself courtesy of sethbling the link is also in the description now I've either got bad luck or sheeps don't drop anything let's get our grounds and figure out what drops what that we can already currently get so now we've got potted plant and potted plant with a dandy line so that doesn't drop anything and that drops terracotta okay how about just a plain flour what do you drop ooh you drop brown concrete powder and that drops a - paper okay now whenever we break an oak log we get pillage your outpost loot which sometimes has dark oak logs so what does a dark oak log drop us this gets us okay another potted plant but with a different flower this time and that gets us nothing but how about if we turn the dark oak logs into planks what do we get from these planks I wonder if any bets I have no idea alrighty then right now we can't mine things like stone we haven't yet made ourselves a crafting table thankfully we've got enough wood to go ahead and do that but the moment we place this thing down who knows what its gonna drop in fact we can make another I'm just curious to see what are we gonna get for a crafting table a banner and how about for the banner alright we're gonna need to figure out what's gonna drop us cobblestone so that we've got it are you serious grass doesn't drop anything in this version get real we might be in a lot of trouble and dirt doesn't drop much of anything well I mean these blocks might drop something let's just go ahead and make ourselves at least some kind of initial pickaxe so that we can start mining away all right with any luck let's see we get walls walls how about the Terracotta what do we get from the Terracotta okay well this is from the wood we get rose and this is from the dirt oh we get a dispenser of all things Oh furnace well that's good we're gonna want to hold on to that alright how about these guys from the wall we get nothing okay and from this we get a trapdoor and so trap doors give us a trapdoor and what is this trapdoor give us concrete man I could literally oh a beacon sure why not I can do this forever this is gonna take a while I think we'll get lucky by mining away at all of this I'm actually going to make an iron axe because it looks like oak trees are gonna be our best friend for the survival I mean look at all the stuff we're getting right now this is fantastic we're getting like iron from every single one of these logs like look at this Hall amazing I wonder when I get from stream come on now we get carpet all right we're looking ready for war now check out the inventory we got a whole mess of supplies iron wood some new items for our eventual house and I made a very interesting discovery sale ago see those little porkers get ready for this a pig will eventually drop a nice smooth red stone slab which leads us to one of the more interesting drops we could possibly get already it's right after this conduit here which might be useful for later welcome into the world Oh Walmart welcome into the world the end dragon head yeah yeah so I want to scout out a nice place for us to put our house down but I also want to see if we can catch I don't know anything worthwhile in the distance you know what I'm talking about there might be more to explore an ocean I've started taking notes and making sure I remember what drops what so that we're always ready to take on you know any challenge really cold leads to nothing we're gonna need to figure out what drops obsidian so that we can eventually make it to the nether ooh books okay sure so we can take on the ender dragon and it'd be nice to figure out what drops diamond right now I know if we break dirt we'll eventually get a furnace yellow wool will also lead us to wood trip wire gets us a blast furnace string gets us redstone repeaters that'll be useful for later on in the episodes and if we turn all this wheat into a hail of Bay or bale of hay help me smash that up we actually get our hands on a wither skull so we could eventually take on the wither if we want what do you drop ooh interesting what do you drop it's like an adventure every single time and this drops kelp blue yeah we can't really do anything with that what are you oh like we should make just an I'm gonna make an episode where we try and get certain items okay I'm curious where this drops ooh that drops backpacks yo we just got so much extra weight wait what happens if I'd mine this and what happens to the items inside Oh oh my gosh they're just deleted I forgot we can't actually put this down and and do anything with it because if we do it's it's all gone well okay what a squid strop get at it baby come on back he's running really fast he dropped cocoa beans whoa look there's a campfire what where do those spawn are those from the new villages how about berry bushes y'all what's with all the plants drop potted plants whoa what did I just break did y'all see that what did I just what wait why did how come how come one time it drop potted om rolls oh sweet deal the campfire led to a village curious to see what village chest so I guess for the house we're just going to keep breaking berry bushes so that we can get all those fancy stone blocks and then we have wood and then we can make our house bring on the loop baby I won't sit off ooh that is gonna be super useful so we get lamps from spruce leaves and when we break the lamp we get emeralds when money grows on trees huh all right I found the perfect spot to put my house we're in a nice sunflower in fact what they they drop so sad wait that means we can summon in the wither right now but we're not going to I went ahead and farmed all those berry bushes and we have so much stone alongside all our dark oak to build a house with it's a village right here so what I figured we'd do is set our house down right here it's gonna be fantastic all right so here's the area I cleared out for the house it's gonna be all right here in this little spot we got the village right there and now huh I'm gonna get me some ammo so I'm gonna work on the front area this is gonna be the entranceway right here that's gonna be our door and so I figure I'll update you guys once I have like the frame down of what I want this all to look like okay frame good time now to clear out the floor and place some stone down I like out every single time we break dirt we get like extra bility bucks maybe this should be what the floor is made out of huh all right we came up a little bit short on the floor we can always dig up more dirt but I kind of like how the floor looks in here Oh for God wolves I want one we need bones in order to do that and we get bones from spruce fences which we would need to find that village again for anyways houses coming together somewhat alright we're gonna make ourselves a stonecutter it's gonna make everything way easier when it can I not make a stonecutter no I forgot my stone blocks all right so we're only missing a few more things torches and we need more wood I know I have a whole stack left but to be honest I don't want to use all my wood I might need wood and this is pretty reliable wood I mean there's oak trees around but still also the house is terribly ugly right now that's not the point whoa scary sound did y'all love the timing on that I'm gonna just completely destroy this village to see if we can also figure out how to get cobblestone to get cobblestone would be awesome like let's just do it live say goodbye to this house carpet come on they can't ever give me anything good what do you have let's see string great that drops not obsidian torches drops tears of course they do okay I'll give me something worthwhile what's a white bed drop it drops backpacks I can't use farmland drops feathers it's so weird so many things drop nothing like many things like this and yeah but the potatoes drop nothing the carrots drop nothing composters they don't drop anything either unless it's just a chance that we don't get it sometimes but it seems like it's been pretty consistent these guys might actually have decent traits for us because I have a lot of infinite emeralds basically it's so weird to think any of these might drop that ultimate diamond loot that we saw at the start of the video like I have to break everything to know what I'm missing ooh I just found something very important I just found the recipe for coal Oh No but I don't remember the block I started with are you serious quartz as lead to coal whatever I mined it from like I got from here I got from the village so I think it was this I think it's Oh Clank I think it's Oh Clank s-- is it Oh Clank because then we have died are I okay and then we get the banners from those right right right right right okay I think this is the track yes and then of course stairs and then look oh I'm so happy you know that means we got coal everywhere so this blocking game is currently useless I wonder if it gives me something useful when I get out of the way I'm mining your block you can't stop me see the lobby just drop nothing we lookin at ya ass right oak logs giving me like bottles of enchanting and enchanted books all the time by the way that's gonna help us so much in the future oh wow and look at that you can actually break glass and it drops oh it drops coal too and emeralds oh wait a second oh my gosh I think we just at the jackpot guys glass panes I think I think glass panes are treasure loot let me see let me see treasure loot I can't tell it might be fishing loot I don't know cuz we fished up some emeralds a second look at all the coal wow it took so long to do all the mining for the oak wood to get coal now we could just break glass now we just need to figure out what gives sand I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure wheat crops gifts and because if we have wheat crops then we can just start growing them and then breaking them for sand and then we're wheat crops yeah look at this sand okay this is actually a major discovery now we can one add windows to our house but two you can it's an infinite supply it's an infinite source it will event like we can continue to do it because I don't know if you saw when we broke the glass panes we got seeds back from it oh yeah baby cook it all and now we got the coal to do it - okay so look check it out glass panes we just got 16 glass panes now I want to confirm what rest like what is this like it has to be sunken ships right isn't that because we just got a barrel from it oh and we just got water too I mean I think we could already done that but that's nice I guess oh this is a fishermen's loot table that's what it is okay that makes sense cool right out back we're gonna make a nice little farm for our glass a glass farm okay we know that spruce fences give us bones so then we can get bone meal from those so now we just need to figure out what gives us spruce wood I think I ran into it earlier I just I don't remember what it is I'll have to keep track if you see it during the video like it hook please leave a comment and tell me where yeah baby yeah we have light finally now there's only a couple more things I want to do before the house is complete I saw swamp over here we're gonna stack up some iron so that we can get ourselves an anvil and starting chant ooh hey what are you job I'm sorry to kill you but I don't really care about you letting drop is it Oh jump sticks I kill the horse for sticks ooh but look at that dark oak these puppies drop oh wait what did I just break oh the blue flower those drop dark oak okay lily pads drop so many that it's interesting there's there's a weird drop for some reason it's always a furnace and a type of colored wool I don't get it I don't like it either something just broke I just whoa oh is it the leaves a bunch of puffer fish I wonder what those are from look there's like puffer fish all over the place I don't get it is it the leaves decay is it the vines it's the vines the vines drop puffer fish all righty hey something something gave us bone meal what what dropped the bone meal and in fact I don't even think I've seen with this block drop I see blocks like this I think useless but then I forget this might be the block yeah useless yo this one's my new favorite though I want to find I want to go find a jungle ah great just in time on my way back from the swamp you got anything for me no well what do you drop baby maybe era answered all my nah nothin okay well what do you drop oh you got I got a lead from thing and that drops pink wonder okay useless we'll buy you pink wonder part of me wants to see what a block of iron drops part of me thinks I'm crazy for even considering wasting it you know what we're gonna do ladies gonna make an anvil and now we can we want spikes a solid one lots of undead Lee's around ooh and we could throw a knock-back on there too and we essentially have infinite levels because of all the bottles of enchanting we get it looks like it's mostly offensive enchantments that we get though I haven't seen any like protection or anything but hey at least we got a dope sword now oh no look there's a fire protection right here we may be able to get it after all and what happens if I use shears on leaves I don't do anything now the trees outside my house ugly cool major grind just completed we got iron doors now as well so I'm gonna place this puppy down and then I guess put a button right here and thank you very much we need one more button we got plenty of ability to do that and then check this out we get one extra door as well to see what this baby drops what you got for me please be something what dude what is this is this dungeon loot no way did it just drop more iron for me I don't remember if I had that before hold on a second if it's dungeon loot we might get more iron from just breaking it hold on a second let me okay well that's most of our iron right there dude if I got a dump I'm a dump my inventory oh and it got us bones dude okay so y'all ready check it out I'm gonna mine three in a row oh my gosh what is this is it um it can't be just is it dungeon look I think it's dungeon loot we got one of the enchanted golden apples okay let's see what Wow give real sharpness 3 and we get iron back not much but we got some horse armor we got a saddle we got nametags there's horses nearby gunpowder this is epic oh and we just got redstone that'll be for the redstone contraption later because we know how to get repeaters that's with string I ran out of smooth stone for my roof so we need more berries but I wanted to see if I nice oh and there's a wolf right there look at this hey know what this means and we still got the stuff for breaking this plant without the berry I get that wolf was up up you love me right [Laughter] I got name tags and then wait if I can cut the berries yes yes we just got the ultimate jackpot sweet berries iron doors and oak planks first of all your new name is Jones second of all you have a yellow collar third your favorite color cyan and you love sleeping by the smokers and the furnaces because they keep you warm at night right so get out of the corner yeah look he loves it look he went right over to it see he loves the smoker Gavin to push you off the top of this very tall block and you're gonna love your new spot now we got bone meal we can really start making the backyard area very pretty bone meal gives us plenty of other types of things for us to actually I mean look it's just it's just lovely and I've already been growing plants back here we've got a nice sweet berry bush it's all coming together I'm actually very surprised to be honest with you I I wasn't expecting this to be as fun as it has been just the whole randomness of a tight the whole randomness of it all is like super cool and then she already checked this out final thing to try I do not know if it works with emerald blocks but emerald blocks is the only major block we have so with any luck this beacon will work otherwise we have to leave the beacon here and replace it with different blocks later so let me see we got to power it with an emerald right oh it works do you works it works I'm so happy we do the problem the bacon in the first episode of all things I wait if beacons are that easy to get we can load up our area with beacons oh this is a great idea but anyways check it out look at this this is the randomizer house these three bales of hay are gonna be for when we fight the wither eventually and it honestly guys I'm really liking the series so if you want to see more drop a like that's where we end today's episode we'll see you for episode 2
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,825,138
Rating: 4.924437 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, randomizer, randomiser, minecraft random, random loot table, survival, secret minecraft, minecraft 1.14, update, minecraft update, new, new minecraft, new minecraft update, secret, village and pillage, minecraft secret, logdotzip, no swearing, minecraft logdotzip, no cursing, ender dragon, 1.15, blocks, features, random minecraft, random loot, loot, loot drops, challenge, datapack, sethbling, random, minecraft survival
Id: 130QueqURlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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