The Differences Between NOOB and PRO Weapons (Minecraft 1.13 Datapack)

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hey what's going on guys he's locked up here so I heard you want to know the difference between those noob items and those pro one yay well check out the hot bar below to get a rough idea of what it is going to be showing off today look at this thing proce or absurd probe oh no boo Pro boomerang yeah baby new boomerang and if you can't tell what's in those last two hot slots then you're gonna cut slots I said then you have to watch the video to see what that fourth item is because we're gonna be showing you all the ways you can use these grand new weapons to see if you really are a new or a pro in minecraft and it all involves this special machine that I'm going to show you how you can get in your worlds right now today dad pack is courtesy of Micmac estai creative amazing command block and function related minecraft creations man this world looks awful want to find out what happened to it well States three teams adventurer this is big Block Island the premier Minecraftia theme park after months of research our team of scientists have figured out how to manipulate the molecular structure block to grow them - gargantuan sizes though as a results some interesting side effects have occurred and we need you to help us launch there's tons of work - - and even more to explore some let's get busy big block I'm out now on the minecraft markets alright now that I know y'all are up for the challenge we can show you how to get your hands on these weapons Shh let me tell you a secret there are ways to unleash your inner bro and mine ooh but be careful you might turn into a giant which would be bad so we're gonna need some diamonds in order to make sure we're doing everything right check the blacks chest you mean we gonna steal some stuff yeah people hey what's up if you ever in a social situation that you don't know how to handle the easiest thing to do is just punch the person most close to you and they don't even mean proximity like punch someone that's really you hold dear in your life you mom yeah I'm just kidding don't do anything and look we got another star close the chest to your games probably gonna crash huh what do you mean whoa whoa what is this whoa could it be I've heard stories of this it's the ancient diamond spheres true in fun and things it only shows itself to the most bravest if it touched a bunch of diamonds well advancement made that alright we got the diamonds now what throw the nether star onto this workbench okay sign I suppose I'll follow what you say blindly and behold whoa what has happened yeah it disappeared yo strangest thing in the world actually this looks new hold on this is the new verse Pro machine whoa look at it in all its glory this is the machine that separates the boys from the men the girls from the women the new like me to use it throw a diamond down it and then place an item inside it will either become a pro item or a new bottom you can take a sword a bow a stick or analyte shrah try sword and then pick up the item again hello madam I do I got a sword right on here but first let's cut this inventory I have a feeling we're not gonna need all of these diamonds it's nice to have diamonds you know diamonds are forever that's at least what the sales company says to me but one stack should do throw on the diamond and the new band pro machine has been activated simply give it your sword and woo wow look at that whoa what is that stupid little thing that must be the noob sword I'm a pro I told you this though I guess we'll take it it's for you who Hey huh what what Oh everything you work it's changing what the heck is going on huh the first thing to cover is the sword yeah I was trying to cover the sword and then we got moved somewhere someone's messing with me not you take it easy man try to at least get one noob sword and one pro sword this chest has a lot of diamonds and swords inside okay you don't mind if I do then there's the nether star we can go ahead and make ourselves another awesome machine mm-hmm I got a couple of in swords let's see what we can get our hands on something new same story give it a dime and then use a sword on it and behold it becomes its most potential of potentials yeah like that thing you're out sick we just struck gold baby check it out Pro sword Wow plus 20 attack damage holy moly and it's literally huge you know this looks look sick but we still do need to get ourselves a dinky little noob sword so I'll try this game come on give me something weak sobs come on SOI boy stay I don't wanna pro so it give me what I am asking for which is a nice new sword it's a 50-50 chance by the way we decide to add this machine to your world yeah look at this ugly it looks like pickle yes look at them in all their glory Pro sword noobs attack of rating on it yo and can we just stop and appreciate real quick yeah yay ok so what do they do let's find out now they have both swords head into the dungeon oh yeah time for some case you scenarios maybe let's start with the noob sword well really what the heck my suppose to do with this thing the sword does well not a lot of damage in fact try hitting that zombie over there oh what's up dude hey you mind if I kill you huh hi what the heck it hit me hey relax oh jeez oh it's doing more damage to me than I think it's doing it the zombie wears day of my life can we just stop it I think I saw like blood come out of me it was really bad I mean I it really is oh my gosh are we gonna die trying to kill this zombie zombie zombie how much help do you have are we using this gross yet there we go whoa that look nice okay hold on a second what's in this next ouch that must be where the expression double-edged sword comes inside you're so funny by the way heads are it's a prison threw together this map big shots at the hands oh they link in the description as well now let's try the pro sword this one is much better oh so does 20 and tire damage does enough to kill a zombie in one hit but it also has a special ability kill the golden first hey man look I don't want to have to do this I I mean I'm just listening to the side you know anytime you see a sign you know I saw the side yes I opened up my eyes I saw the side oh wow oh wow oh poor gold now normally golems have like a hundred arts so the fact we took what out in five hits is pretty wild like I said you saw it has a special ability when you right-click next to a bunch of mobs they get thrown in the air what's up football team it looks like you're like part of the Halloween status football team alright let's right-click it let's see what it does huh nice well where'd they go whoa wait geez who Wow No nice hold on a second can we just yo hey boys boys boys can we do a 360 no-scope real quick BAM we literally and look yo that's funny it's literally raining skeletons unis with any mob by the way it's not just these little helmet clad warriors and here's the cool part about it if you time it right look you already BAM you can keep juggling them in the air BAM now obviously results may vary and I'm missing my to the skeletons every time I do this but I gotta say that was awesome Wow one lone survivor you know what I'll spare you hey don't lose I country I was talkin you know what now it's done meanwhile you can you can live because you are behaving yourself all right moving on time to try the bow who's head on up and follow the path that's right we got noob and pro bows as well they're both unique and that they have a straight-line projectile arrows and don't even require arrows in the inventory to work let's get rid of this mess yeah we'll keep the noob and the pro sword though we got the same story nether star throw it on top mmm hit it with that diamond game give it what it was hey big old bang and just like that you got a 50/50 between a new bow and the pro bow and it's loose or tiny as a regular boat right here's a new bow ridiculous let's try that again give it a diamond mm-hmm give it a bow mm-hmm and let's get a pro bow this time guys can you help me out with the Pro Bowl please another new bow Yoho third time's a charm that's what they say they say that don't they come on fourth times a charm that's what they say yes finally gosh that's the worst day of my life check out this thing huh Pro bow uh-huh new bro bro I called it new bro yo bro this new bro is awful little tiny boy huge look at ya let's show these things off when you got both most comfortable but don't shoot them until I say so it could be bad and what do you know sign nothing the tunnel has some dangerous foes that behind you didn't have to take a man-eating whoa hey relax can we just hey I wanna fight I fire fire off why there we go ridiculous you know how long I had to hold down that thing for look at this it take ten billion years and not only that but the new bow is so slow the arrows out of the ridiculous Yoda just take out two skeletons at once not that noob to be honest you know I could I could get behind this it's like a little tiny it's like a tiny golden gun or something you know from the James Bond guide just to got three wow I've been had whoa yo coming in with it this is what I'm talking about baby three yeah oh man if the new bow is this good I cannot wait to see this bro bow hold on a second yeah get out of my way got a little crazy in there yes so crazy I don't think they even threw one punch at me and bless that bow shoot super slow and with little power we need to use the pro bow to make our lives easier track him okay bro bow what's y'all bow huh BAM whoa whoa it's just what the heck can it it literally clears it breaks the blocks whoa hi do you want that was literally ridiculous that was the coolest thing like look I can literally travel further faster than this arrow that's the new bow for you meanwhile Pro bow status over here coming in quick nice I think the new bear actually took out the geez noob Aaron's got a trail of destruction behind it to be perfectly Hobbs with you yeah okay okay play this game can I get hit by it wouldn't that be funny nah I guess the new buzz and not to noob they won't attack their owner anyways look into the end of this tunnel oh my gosh you think the broke the by gosh the boat broke one of the sides okay that bows a lot of fun it's time to move on the next two item types had never seen before in Minecraft come again what could that be about got me there was a third sign but who knows what it says now interesting has somebody with sticks and nether stars okay okay okay okay okay okay well let's make our machine give it a diamond throw on a stick and I guess we'll see what happens huh hello it's me Oh a boomerang yeah new boomerang no I want a good boomerang give him a stick let's make it happen I want to see a pro boomerang right now yeah yo with the students epic a pro boomerang new boomerang yo there should be boomerangs in Minecraft wouldn't you agree like this would be such a cool thing to add actually I'll tell you what we recently just did a video called the creepers code that shows off boomerangs and minecraft as well you click the I in the corner to give that one a nice little watch for now though let's see what these boomerangs are made of when you've got bold noob and pro variants let's continue yes don't mind if I do continue okay these items are super interesting you can throw them and they move back in an arc too let's start with the new meringue try to hit a blog with it it will break and it never comes back to you suit you exact spot the good luck even worse it doesn't affect mobs at all so I throw this throw throw what what the heck that's ridiculous let me throw oh oh really right by the big old thing a creeper huh all right let's go ahead and get it attack attack yeah whoa nice oh yeah stuck in the water worst day of my life hey easy does it please can we not don't look at me I don't want any No alright let's throw it from a high up in the air so we can see exactly what it does huh look at that yo look at that it still didn't let's just forget that ever happened we got a pro boomerang this one's much nicer it works as an awesome weapon and doubles and as an amazing mining tool yeah it looks ok you taking some damage my weight mining tool hold on stand on the glowstone look at the red block and throw interesting summon creepers use these to test out the boomerangs abilities honestly I spent literally 30 minutes playing with this because it's so flippin fun so go for it you are a sign how did you spend 30 minutes doing anything but existing place diamonds I like diamonds more than creepers hello whoa look at this yo this is crazy looking so we stand on the glowstone we look over at the red block and so okay let me oh my gosh did it just hit every single one of what hold on can we just oh my gosh whoa dude dude best day of my life I'm not gonna mine for diamonds with anything but this boomerang anymore you guys gotta add this to your world that was sick hold on with creepers - Oh II Hey no wow they they're friendly I guess they don't want to attack me let's see what it does huh okay wow wow wow wow and look it literally gave me all of the gunpowder I didn't have to move I'd have to move at all can we just can we just stop and appreciate can we just uh but appreciate I'm telling you I need this in my life seriously one more time for good measure look at that we got it all hand delivered to us gunpowder worries oh god I'm gonna go get my other boomerang and miss him and just like that we're onto our last item the noob and pro Electra's soo prefer to play around with it's hard use as a noob and much easier as a pro well such is life huh if you're new but something you probably suck at everything else you do in life no beds I'm just saying guys there's winners and losers and not everyone's gonna be a winner Oh enjoy your mind cat videos kids alright let's go ahead and move on we need to give this thing and a light rub Ellie go forth do you think check it out what y'all think we're gonna get the new one or the pro one let me know in the comments it is too late ooh hello y'all we got that pro on first a pro plane you know I sell propane and propane accessories that wood doesn't sound like him at all okay anyways reference much okay let's see if we can get ourselves a new one as well woah we did it so then you get a paper airplane we got a new play look it's adorable it literally just look like a paper airplane these are two different options you can get by sacrificing Elijah in the new bro machine let's see what it's all about planes how crazy is that oh it's super crazy as you can see the new players a paper airplane you can use the inventory slots to control the trajectory I set up a challenge for you click this to go to it ok ok ok what's the joke your goal get the new plane through the glowstone hoops get as many as you can they don't have to be an order when satisfied go back to the path you'll hold on I think I need a lot more planes for this but let's see how it works first look at my hotbar down there right let's activate this one so depending on where your hotbar is placed that is what makes it turn left or turn right you see look it's turning left we scroll the right side now it's turning right quickly turn left again fantastic it will slowly lose altitude because you know it's a paper plane and again if you hold your middle hotbar slot it'll just fly straight yo that thing goes forever hold on a second can we get a quick look Oh way it goes it's just gonna keep on going now here's the other thing that's important to know if you happen to hit anything with your paper plane it will in fact break oh whoa I mean it's got a you know it's got a hit can we can we just uh are you gonna can we no boy I wanted to get something scroll to the right make it do a stay and the tree wow this is really difficult to control he was not kidding ok let's uh let's just throw it straight instead BAM okay paper plane bet you see broke hilarious let's try and get it through these things dude that is very difficult I don't know about this to be honest can we just get it through yeah Oh try again yeah all I had to do was not touch anything you're the thought now can we see if we can get it down on that bottom one ok let's get a nice left turn real quick like mm-hm and then slowly to the right come on come on come on oh yeah that's uh well it stopped listening to me now what I'll say is I think y'all get the point uh-huh can we please get in there get in there we're going back main path now I got a pro plane when you right-click it you gain control of it whoa and it will fly in the direction you're looking whoa right-click the grenade item to drop grenades and when you stop flying press sneak what hold on we are a plane we're literally plane amazing and I can drop grenades can we just oh yeah oh yeah dude this is epic okay this is epic epic gamer style wherever you look that's where you go oh my gosh and can we spam yo we can kind of spam the grenades oh I brought me back worst day and so to wrap up here's the village that we spawned in use your new items to destroy it okay although I'm a throw this boomerang what happens when it does it break he breaks the plugs - hey let me fix everything oh yes yes yes yes I'm going to break all the crops oh my god oh my god I literally love it oh I literally love it can we kill Juiz kill yo hey what up villagers y'all suck yeah yeah oh this is so good we're gonna go on the plane mode [Music] yeah yeah bomb the wheat fields make them stop this is what you get for having terrible trades mm-hmm no survivors no food especially the children they must go in fact where is one hey what's up dude yeah you got those trades yeah I don't think so get up on there I am well you survived that hey that's impressive oh wait this is the noob one died Lou this innocent villager in his house unaware look everyone at this point it's important for me to tell you I am NOT a psychopath okay I'm a normal human boy and like what you're seeing here is anyways ladies gentlemen this has been new items and pro items with the noob pro machine swords bows boomerangs planes you wanna check out the download to play with this yourself it's in the description today's video like it since my maca Stein who's also linked below who makes awesome video content as well and a special thank you so much to head enjoyed who will never make me peoples happen by the way also linked in the description below if you enjoyed today's video drop a like on and thanks for subscribing hitting that bear let me know what other data packs and fun command related things you want to see us cover on the channel with that we leave you have a good one baby we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 3,758,610
Rating: 4.8042479 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, learn, how to, noob, vs, pro, noob vs pro, sword, diamond, minecraft weapons, pro sword, noob sword, bow, minecraft bow, boomerang, minecraft boomerang, op minecraft, showcase, commands, minecraft commands, modded minecraft, custom command, minecraft noob vs pro, mod, logdotzip
Id: 9PKgRaycRHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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