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someone donate this link for him to react instead of other dumb youtube stuff

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/1562hiitsme 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
yo everyone what's going on curry way here and today i have a really awesome video that has been recommended by a lot of you this is going to be 20 minecraft speedrunning tips for anyone of any skill level we're going to be going through beginner tips experience tips and more advanced tips as well so if you are interested in videos like these make sure you leave a like and subscribe only a very small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you could hit that subscribe button that would be amazing we are getting very close to 10 000. we are only around 1k away at the time of recording this video which is absolutely insane if we were able to hit 10k by the new year that would be nuts also one other thing i'm gonna be starting streaming soon so if you are interested in seeing minecraft speedruns for world record attempts actually live make sure you check out my twitch which will be linked in the description below my goal is to hopefully start streaming within a week thank you all so much for watching let's get into the video [Music] so the very first tip that i have is actually a very simple one that i think every single speed runner should use it is subtitle so in your option settings you want to go to options music and sounds and make sure you have show subtitles on now the reason that you do want that is mainly for lava pop so you can hear lava pops a lot easier you can see where they are you can also hear silverfish hisses when you're in the stronghold as well those are probably the two most useful versions of subtitles but you can also you know you might be able to hear blaze crackles you might be able to hear wither skeletons in the nether those could be really useful you can hear piglet if you're stuck in the nether there's a lot of really good uses for subtitles and turning them on i personally feel like is a must-have if you're serious about speedrunning a really big tip for ocean travel is making use of dolphins dolphins are actually faster than boats and i think a lot of new runners aren't as aware of this as more experienced runners but if you have the opportunity and you see a dolphin in the water it's definitely really good to use that instead of a boat you'll be able to go where you want to faster and you can also see here i'm using a little trick where my camera is placed at the right part in the water and that allows me to see a lot of space if you're having a hard time dealing with piglet in the nether don't be afraid to make some gold beads they can be super easy to craft with the amount of gold you can get in another and can be super useful if you're entering a bastion this is a tech that even advanced runners use a lot of runners don't feel comfortable going into a bastion unless they have gold boots and if you're less experienced it can also just help in general navigating the nether it doesn't take too much time and can definitely save you time if you find yourself dying too much there's no doubt that using a shield can be helpful for a beginner speedrunner but sometimes the shield doesn't work how you want and you can still get hit by blazes however through my time playing i've learned a trick that i've used a lot that i haven't seen many other speed runners use and it relies on standing on the block below the fences on blade spawners and for some reason blazes can't hit you i don't know the the science behind it but i have never gotten hit while standing on that i believe the fireballs just get relocated to the fence and the fence can't hit you on fire again i don't know the science but it has worked 100 of the time for me cod strats is probably a term that you've heard a lot before in speed running but i want to talk about how useful it actually is in runs the basic concept is that you grab more hay bales than you need and then use that pay bills to turn to wheat that you trade with a farmer for a wheat trade for three emeralds and then use those three emeralds to get a bucket from a fisherman now this is really really good because what you're doing is if the village has a golem which 99 of the time it's going to you're basically guaranteeing yourself an iron pick which is insanely useful for now runs with bastions but if you're a beginner as well it can just be super helpful to have a pick that's not breaking if you're doing classical strats and just mining the gold in the nether next up we're going to be talking about good averse bad shipwrecks so basically the main thing that you want to remember is that this half of the boat the back side is the good half and the front of the boat this front side is not the good half this is the bad half so the good half why is this the good half um you get all the elite that you need in here you get iron gold etc uh you can get some emeralds too if you need to do villager trading for any reason if you want to do um arrow strats if you're a beginner if you want to do cod strats like we just went over and skip the wheat part you can grab those emeralds if you don't get enough iron and there's a village nearby like there actually is on this seed right here it's a village right there that those emeralds could be useful for you know this loot is not generated the same every time you're going to get random loot and the other part of that makes this a good shipwreck is down here you can get a buried treasure map which we will go over in just a second but this bad side you're not gonna get a lot over here uh sometimes it can be used for food but that is about it the reason that it's still considered a bad side even though you may get useful things in it is that you are not going to get iron or anything here that you could theoretically use to make tools or make a lot of the game easier like you can get food which is nice but you can get food in the nether as well so over here this is what a typical bad shipwreck is going to look like underwater you only have the front side here you can see that there is only one chest and it's not going to have that great of things you can get a lot of food like i said which is nice but you're not getting that iron which you really want and sometimes you can get super unlucky like this one and not even get a treasure map sometimes in these you can get a treasure map which can be very useful but this one you cannot so this is actually a very very bad shipwreck here's another example of a bad shipwreck however this time like i said you can get a chest that is going to spawn a buried treasure map which can be very useful and this front end is the same you're going to get food some armor and not too great things in the sense of making some iron tools you're not going to get iron you can't make a bucket so that's what makes these shipwrecks bad obviously you can follow the very treasure map which we'll again we'll go over in just a second but i want to take a look at what a half of a good shipwreck looks like as well and here is an example of a good half of a shipwreck so as you can see you have this back end part they're pretty easy to tell once you get used to it underwater you can see this one doesn't have that much iron but i did get a diamond which is nice for a diamond shovel um i still did get enough here for at least a bucket of flint and steel and a shield if i'd like which is really nice and then down here you still have the part where you can get a buried treasure map and that is going to allow you to get even more stuff for example in this shipwreck it's very useful because i wasn't able to get enough iron for all the tools that i need so i'd be able to go to this buried treasure and get more of iron some food um maybe gold and be able to make a lot more progress in this run so we might as well talk about buried treasure now that we've discussed shipwrecks and the main thing you want to remember with buried treasure is that it's always going to be on nine nine so if you're in f3 which you'll see in a second i'm going to go to block nine nine and that is super useful sometimes it can be really hard to read the map especially for me i have very large issues reading the map what i've learned that can really help me is that the map is always going to be top north bottom south and then east west on either side i forget which side is what i don't even remember but it can be super useful you can get a lot of things like you see here and continue on your merry little run i know that when i started out speedrunning one of the things that i struggled with the most was finding the end portal room now i can't tell you exactly how to get to the end portal room because that's random but i can tell you how to get to the starter staircase which can be super useful because the end portal is normally pretty close to the starter staircase within five to seven rooms most of the time now how do you do this you may ask you do something called backwards doors so as you can see i'm running through the stronghold and i'm following only the backwards doors and that gets me very quickly to the starter staircase then all that's left to do is navigate the stronghold and hope you go the right way and find the portal room so i'm going to speed this one up for everyone because i think it'll just be better overall but for triangulation you want to throw your first eye when you get out of the nether and then take the angle now the thing that i see a lot of people do this angle is 170.8 by the way and now we're just going to swap over to spectator and go a quite a while with this so you could see my portal was around negative 800 negative 12 right so let's just say this is around 800 blocks away from the origin and the origin is zero zero so strongholds can't spawn unless you're 1400 blocks away from zero zero so sometimes i see a lot of beginners like throw a lot of eyes and if your portal's here there's no reason to throw another eye this angle was about 170 until you get all the way out pretty far away you know remember you're not just adding the coordinates you're not just adding negative 900 and negative 600 you are doing some math i don't i don't do the math but there's some math involved and it's not just adding those coordinates so i probably wouldn't throw another eye until i'm getting to at least um like a thousand a thousand i'm probably throwing my second eye here and i would do it on an angle so what the thing about triangulation is it's kind of in the name but you're triangulating you're creating a triangle right so i'm not creating a very big triangle if i'm just throwing this eye on the same angle that it was so hypothetically if this was a real run i'd probably try and start my angle a bit off more and then throw another eye around here and that would tell me that the stronghold is actually very close this is a very close stronghold um so that's really cool so we can remember where our first line was kind of we have our second eye and if you don't remember where the first line is exactly that's totally okay you know i'm just going to throw this again because i kind of forget where the angle was normally you wouldn't do this in a run but i was talking and not paying attention but this angle is negative 140. so we want to go this way for a bit and you know i'm i'm pretty i've done this a lot of times so i would say the strongholds probably right around here-ish um but i'll throw another eye a bit farther out just to be safe we'll throw one right here and yeah you can see the eye goes backwards so there we have our triangulation i know that the eye is just about here from doing these two throws and if i dug down on 4 4 which is a strat i've talked about in my world record video if i dug down right here you could see that puts me directly in the starter staircase so there you go that's a very very quick tip on triangulation um if this stronghold wasn't super close let's say this stronghold again this is a very close stronghold let's say it was much farther out what i would usually do is continuously throw eyes every about 300 blocks or so 300 to 400 blocks um just to make sure that you don't pass it if you have the blaze powder if you don't have the blaze powder maybe be a bit more conservative on your eye throws um and maybe do about 500 blocks or so just to make sure that your eyes don't break it may take a bit more time but it's better than not finishing the run at all right so that's some quick and easy tips for triangulation the last thing we're going to be going over in the beginner section is one cycling the dragon i'm gonna leave a link to this map in the description down below um it's called emma's epic end practice it is a very very very good map to practice one cycles i'm pretty sure that all the top speed owners use it including myself um you can use a full block a slab or a custom platform which i am currently using and one cycling is super super simple once you get the hang of it but you do have to get the hang of it you have to practice it a lot sometimes it takes people um many many hours to get the one cycle other people it may come a bit faster too but it's something that you definitely want to feel very confident in you don't want to go through a run that's on pb pace and then screw up your one cycle that's not what you want to do at all so just going over it in practice this is using the um the custom platform with obsidian um i always use hitboxes f3b but i'll show that without as well and you want to just press it when the dragon's head is over the top of the bed or the green part is over the top of the bed and normally you can do this in about five beds this should be a five bed dragon if i don't screw up the last one of course i do for a very very mediocre six bed um but that's for me you know it doesn't matter if you do it in nine beds and that's you know that's what you're getting that's what you're getting you know you just want to be able to finish it and not choke it that's what's super important um and like i said practice it more and you'll be able to do it better um this is without f3 um it's a bit harder i definitely recommend doing it with f3 but i'll show it just for practice yeah this is way harder for me not what i'm used to but still got it in six so not too awful but like i said i highly recommend using hitboxes which is f3 and b on your keyboard and we can do one quick full block which is what i'm usually used to and you know you can also do slab as well but if you did want to do full block it's just like this um i hold shift when i do it on full block i highly recommend you do as well if you do it this way and just place them on top of the platform and one cycle the dragon like this when the green is above the bed just like so and that'll conclude the beginning section let's move on to more experienced tips now the first thing we're going to be going over in the experienced tier is something you can do with desert temples so normally when i go into desert temples i usually go in with three or four pieces of wood and that way i can make a wooden pickaxe when i go down there and just go a little bit faster but that really doesn't matter the main point of this is using the tnt to blow up underneath you so you can get the stone so as you can see i'm grabbing the tnt i'm going to place the tnt a full block and the pressure plate and that is going to blow up all four of these chests and i'm just going to be able to get the loot faster i'm also going to be able to get the cobblestone from the stone that you're going to blow up and that is super useful for making your stone pools that's why i always only go in with the woodpeck axe because then i'm able to get all of that stone and i still have 18t to work with which is more than enough in 1.16.1 runs the next thing we're going to be talking about is knowing which houses in villages have beds this is very very important um especially if you're more of a traditional runner and you like doing village strats it can save you a ton of time if you know what houses to go into so for example i have a savannah village here this is completely random and i know exactly what houses have beds without having to go into any of them there's one two three four five six seven eight nine nine houses with beds here actually ten i missed this one too that's actually insane for savannah village but the point is that i know that i don't have to go in half of these houses because they just don't have beds or anything that i need i know this house has chests in it but no many times in this chest i will not get anything that i need i don't need that bread because there's an insane amount of food other than other places in this village and i know that these houses are just completely useless um and i know that like i said a lot of these houses have beds as well this one actually is super interesting because you get beds that are connected and this one also has a chest which actually had a bucket in it um also for savannah villages you want to know which houses have chests so for example we just saw that that one has a chest i know that red houses have a chest and i know that orange ones have a crafting table so if i went here i would see a crafting table those can all be very very useful things for trying to figure out how fast you can do a village and we're going to be talking about village routing in the advanced section but at least knowing what houses have beds can be very very useful now i want to talk about something called lake salts this was originally brought to my attention from speedrunners k4 and fyro i don't think either of them have a set video on it however i've probably talked about their videos or something about them already in this video when i do the voiceovers um their channels will be linked in the description they are incredibly incredibly talented runners and are super smart at the game um so definitely go check out their videos i heard this in fyro stream i believe and basically the concept is if you see a pool of water on the surface there is a chance that a lava lake tried to spawn underneath it which is really really interesting i don't know the exact science behind it i'm not a big minecraft science person that's not my forte i just play the game really fast but for example you can see right here there's a lake and if i went underneath there's a lava lake right here this is um like insane you can see that there's lava pops on the surface it is not always going to be that easy but again there's two lakes right here if i dug down there's lava right here which i would hear if i'm digging in between the middle of these but if i even dug down on the right spot i would dig directly into it which is really good and then you can see over here there's a bunch more lakes and more lava all the way down here which also spawn on top of another water lake so you can see this is not just a thing that like it's not a very random thing it is definitely scientifically proven that this is more likely if you need to dig down for lava i highly recommend doing something like this obviously it's not going to work 100 of the time like if i go over here i may miss that's totally fine you know that's going to happen but you can even see it in action down here in this cave there's a water lake right here lava lake right here lava lake right here so that's the concept it's really cool i wish i knew more about it it's something that i really want to start using and runs when i don't see a lava lake and i have a village and i can just go right down i think it can be extremely useful and i highly recommend people try and use it for super fast nether entries so we're going to go from one sciency thing to another somewhat sciency thing and that is going to be talking about recognizing the types of bastions so if you are not familiar there are four different types of bastions that can spawn in another housing treasure bridge and i'm stables is the one that i'm forgetting and there's a youtuber and streamer named t-wag i will leave his link in the description he has done an insane amount of work with bastian's um phiro has as well who i've talked about his link is in the description as well um definitely go check them out for more in-depth bastion tips this i think it's just very important to kind of know which bastion is what almost right away so i can tell instantly that this is housing um actually this is stables i'm really smart um i was looking at it the wrong way so i can see that there's one rampart here one rampart here one rampart here if there's three ram parts like this it stables every time um that is a very very good indicator i can also tell because this is super flat and again it's very wide stables is extremely wide and then if i was inside i could also tell because of this bottom level right here is also always stables um so i'm not going to go super in-depth in it because t-wag and fyro have done way way better content that i could ever do on bastion so i highly recommend you go check them out like i said their links will be in the description but knowing what types of bastions you get instantly is super important i would say that bastions as a whole like routing bastions and like two minute bastions stuff like that that is very very more advanced in my eyes but i think just knowing the type of bastion and kind of knowing where you might be able to get some gold even if you don't know the full route is definitely a more experienced thing for runners and you want to know what you're dealing with you don't want to be in a situation where you are unprepared in the nether when you have a very good spawn that an advanced runner may love so highly recommend you go check out their content in the description so if you've seen my world record video blind travel is insanely useful it took my really good run to world record pace and it can take an average run to sub 20 pace you can do a lot with blind travel it is risky however i always highly recommend it if you're always playing for pb and it's also just a super fun thing to do and something about blind travel that you need to know is the coordinates that are good to blind travel so we're going to be focusing on the first string of the stronghold because i think that is much more important for the mass of people um i personally really only like doing first tr uh first stronghold blind travel i think doing second ring travel is a bit much i always try and purl back if i'm in a situation where um second ring is possible i'd rather pearl back and do first um so the coordinates that you need to know i use 170 to 330 is the coordinates that i like to be in for blind travel now that's very very wide coordinates and when i say that i'm talking about adding the raw numbers of my x and z so right now i'm at let's say x70 and z260 those coordinates add up to 330 which is kind of in my range but a bit farther than i'd like so if i was blind traveling from this fortress let's say let's say i got all my rods i would probably want to blind travel around here this is a nice spot this is about 270. my real sweet spot i like the 230 to 270 range that's um like my personal comfort zone my blind travel in the world record added up to around 270. this here adds up to around 270. so i have not done this i have absolutely no idea where this is going to take us and let's just see if this blind travel is actually good or not go through and you'll see this will put us at 1700 uh 500 and it put us quite low i'd imagine there's an ocean above us yeah so that's why it put us very low for how high up we were and now i'm going to throw an eye i'm not going to locate the stronghold because again i have absolutely no idea where it is and this is more realistic for if you're doing actual blind travel so you can see it's taking us this way all right so let's see let's open our coordinates so the eye is taking us this way and both our one coordinate is going up our x is going up and our z is going down now what that means is that the stronghold could be anywhere here we are in the stronghold ring right so the stronghold could be anywhere here and it's actually right here wow oh my god um that's that's the power of blind travel um it's not fully open exposed but you could see this is obviously the library um you could tell because of how gigantic and rectangular square it is um if you see something like this and it's more rectangular it's probably the portal room um so that is actually insane that's a really good example of buying travel like i said i did not do this previously and if we wanted to we could talk this is a really good example actually of our tip from earlier where we talked about backwards doors right in the beginner section so if we wanted to use backwards doors here to find our starting staircase and hopefully help us find the portal room we could go back this way uh this is another one and i would imagine this is the starter staircase right here perfect and then from here we could go and try and find the portal room i obviously have no idea where it is i've not done this uh ahead of time but the point is you can use it to your advantage in a lot of different ways and blind travel like i said highly recommended so i just finished recording the blind travel part where we talked about this and i think it's really important to note um make sure you check an entire ocean stronghold make sure that when you see an exposed part over here you do a quick little check in f5 or something and then say oh there's a light source over there maybe i should check it out and boom it's the portal room because that would have saved probably around two minutes on a real run if i was actually paying attention and this is a tip that i actually talked about a little bit in the video that i made talking about my biggest choke of my speedrunning career this is actually very similar um so we saw this we should have just gone a bit further and saw on this the only thing is that obviously there's an ocean monument here so that is very risky if you do not have a milk bucket so be careful would be my advice that is extremely risky i don't think there's much you could have done here anyway um in this situation so probably would have been smart to i would say that the play normally would be to see this see the ocean monument i would probably go here and then try and dig in under through this wall to stay away from the ocean monument as much as possible and then just jump in from back here and you're probably out of range but i i would be very careful you know in a real run you just kind of have to deal with risks like that so interesting little add-on to the uh blind travel part of this video and the last experienced tier tip that i want to give you guys is to look into the hyper modern meta now hyper modern is a term derived from k4 who i've probably talked about a ton already k4 is an extremely smart runner and i'll just talk about the basic premise of hyper modern hyper modern in my eyes is getting to the nether as fast as possible skipping early game things and a really easy way to do this is by using ocean strategies that we've talked about earlier in this video like dolphins like buried treasure like good and bad ships things like that can really really help you i'll link kfor's channel in the description k4 uh and t wag also who i talked about during bastions he did a video talking about underwater magma ravine portals which can be very useful in hyper modern again there's so much that goes into hyper modern that i could not cover it in one of these videos in a very cohesive way and i think it's more important for you to see how it's done by the people who created it and are much much better at it than i currently am so highly recommend you go check them out in the description below let's move on to advanced tier stuff [Music] so now we're going to move on to something that i really like and that is village routing this is something that i really tried to nail down when i was doing sub 10 attempts on the world record seed and i think it's really really useful and something that i want to do more in runs in general i find it really interesting and the basic concept is to do some check boxes in your head for what you need from a village and look at the village while you're running towards it to make sure you do the absolute most optimal route while going there so for example the first thing that i always do when i'm looking for a village let's say i spawned here right let's say spawn all the way over here i'm going to run to it in f5 and i'm going to look for a blacksmith by about here i'm gonna realize that there is not a blacksmith right you know i could see a majority of this village unless there's something behind those trees that i can't see obviously i'm not gonna see that house when i'm down here but i'm gonna think there's no blacksmith okay so what then is the most valuable thing that i need from this village well it would be beds and food right and having a hotel is probably the second most valuable building that you're going to get behind a blacksmith so then my immediate move is i'm going to go to this house right here so i know that i need food too i'm going to see food on the way and the other thing you want to do is you want to take note of where the golem is so i know the golems here right and i know that the first house that i'm going to is here so and in a seed like this let's say i would probably do something more hyper modern where i would go out into the ocean to then look for a way to get into the another like a lava ravine or just an underwater cave like i can lead to lava something like that right so i know my end goal is over there my starting point is here and i need to get here at some point now all of that is good but i also need food so what i'm probably going to do is i'm going to run over here and i'm going to grab this house and get the four beds now i know that doing something like this where i'm already doing hyper modern i'm probably cool with four beds i might grab a fifth on the way so what i would do is i would grab the four beds here i would then use these logs to make my tools so that'd be six stone i'd have my tools then i would be able to grab this hay right here or if i wanted to i could wait and go down here kill the golem grab this hay right here too grab my 14 pieces of hay do the cod bucket tray that we talked about before have an iron pick have a bucket and be on my way into the ocean i wouldn't have to grab a second house because i know i have to come back here and i can grab this second house on the way right so if i'm running this again we're spawning over there i'm running all the way here i'm grabbing this house first then making my tools then going to the golem then going to the ocean and that is that so village rotting is super good instead of you know if you're spawning over here like we started you know some people might just say oh close house here stuff over there that i need and then you're making too long of a trip you're gonna have to go here to here to here to here instead of going boom boom boom you're doing an extra step right so it's not gonna seem like you're saving a lot of time but it actually can save an insane amount of time if you're doing it correctly and it's a village that normally would be hard to traverse blacksmiths can also save a ton of time with this if you get the iron or the iron pickaxe that you need for tools but hotels are also a massive massive time save as well so that's the basic of village routing this is something that i'm definitely going to talk about more in streams and do more in streams um but i wanted to kind of show off this concept i haven't really seen anyone talk about it really in a video how important routing really is in a village and i think it's definitely can be more advanced even though it may seem simple on the service surface so i wanted to include it here on to the next one next we're going to talk about something really interesting called monument strats basically how this works is in a ocean monument you have a chance to get gold blocks in the back of them um i'm using a cow in this demo some people do it without cows if you get very lucky you don't need a cow i'm doing a cow in the demo because it allows me to play a lot more safe this is also a very sloppy version of it because i'm not too comfortable with ocean strats yet since i haven't practiced too much since coming back but the main premises you can find this dark prismarine cube which i just found here and you can place a door as i try to do and get the eight gold blocks inside and basically you have a bastion in your pocket heading to the nether you may think you may be a bit skeptical um i certainly was at first but this can be a real strategy and i got hit by mining fatigue at the end there um but i have a milk bucket from the cow so i'm totally fine even if you don't have a cow with you and you're able to still get the gold blocks it's great because you can just find a cow later on and then use it it can be a very risky strategy but it can also be very very rewarding so definitely use at your own risk i wouldn't advise it to beginning runners but if you're looking for something new to try monument strats can be super interesting so now i want to talk about taking fall damage you might be thinking curry well obviously i know that i don't want to take fall damage that's not good in a run you don't want to take damage well yeah you'd be right you don't want to take fall damage but specifically i'm not talking about like using a boat or something to go down big gaps like this i'm talking about in a situation can you minimize the amount of fall damage that you're going to take everywhere you don't want to take damage especially if you're in a hyper modern run like something like if you had an inventory like mine you only have three cooked fish obviously i know i'm not in survival right now but i'm just trying to make the point currently of you don't have a lot of food you're in a biome like this maybe and you got to get down you don't want to take damage so you need to be able to place blocks where you know you're not going to take damage and that can be really challenging you know you need to have good awareness of when you're gonna take fall damage um it is four blocks on normally if you're jumping off a block it's gonna be three so if i was jumping off this down to here i'd take a harder fall damage if i was on four blocks going down to here i would take half a heart or a heart and that just doesn't sound like a lot but it really does add up so you want to be able to make sure that you know how much you're about to drop and if you're about to drop you want to make sure that you place a block so that you don't take that damage the last two things we're going to talk about is in the end so first thing i want to talk about is a very very simple technique called ender pearling um obviously you know what ender pearline is but in this specific sense if i swap to survival let me eat a piece of bread or two and i want to get super high right we know how in in purchase strats you want to be far away from this tower you want to be far away you want to be high up and it's going to make the dragon perch faster right so instead of water bucketing up normally someone actually left a comment on the original world record video on doing something like this and it's super useful if you get the hang of it basically you end a pro you place a block right underneath you and then you just tower up and it saves you a ton of time and look now i'm over here i still have an ender pearl the dragon is on the other side and getting ready to perch so that can be super super super useful obviously i'm not gonna you know perch and do the one cycle right now but the premises it can make it a lot easier and save a lot of time so i highly recommend if you get comfortable and practice it ender pulling up a tower instead of water bucketing can save you around five to ten seconds and you know in leaderboard talk it can be really big the final thing we're going to be going over is north south perching this is again something that has been done by k4 um also someone named jojo he is extremely smart as well i will leave his channel in the description as well um basically this is quote unquote the fastest way on average to get a perch it is really really good um the basic premise is that the dragon doesn't have to spiral the tower when you perch normally if you're doing east west which is the way that i do in my world record and most runners have done it can take a bit longer because the dragon has to spiral around the tower and that can take upwards of 15 to 20 seconds if you're doing north south and you get really lucky it can bypass that well what i mean is north south will always bypass that but if you get really lucky it can be a crazy fast perch you don't have a lot of time to react um and it can be really hard you don't have that spiral to be like okay the dragon's gonna purge soon you have to be watching really closely and make sure that you catch when the dragon is going to perch because if you miss it that's it the run's dead right um and then you just have to nail the one cycle and once you do that game over thank you all so much for watching this video this has been insane to put together i was not expecting it to be this long of a video i wasn't really expecting it to be longer than 10 or 15 minutes but i do hope you all did enjoy it and learned something let me know with a comment down below if you did get this far in the video and if you did what was your favorite thing that you learned do you want to see more videos like this in the future i thought this was really interesting it was fun to put together and i hope truly hope that at least one person learned one thing and then this video is worth it so thank you all so much for watching remember to leave a like and subscribe and follow my twitch which will be in the description and i promise i know i've been saying this for a while but i promise you twitch streams will be soon and i'm very excited to get back at it i am excited to see you there thank you all so much for watching have a good rest of your day goodbye
Channel: Couriway
Views: 259,508
Rating: 4.9667821 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, World Record, Speedrun, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft World Record, Minecraft Speedrun World Record, Minecraft WR, Minecraft speedrun WR, minecraft wr speedrun, Minecraft Speedrunner, Couriway, Couriway Minecraft, Minecraft 1.16 World Record, Minecraft 1.16 Speedrun, Minecraft 1.16, Minecraft 1.16 World Record Speedrun, Minecraft Tips, Minecraft Speedrun Tips, Minecraft Speedrunning Tips, Minecraft Speedrun Tips and tricks, Minecraft 1.16 Tips and Tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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